HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-106-10/26/1972-ADOPTING A BUDGET OF THE ESTIMATED AMOUNTS REQUIRED TO PAY THE EXPENSES OF CONDUCTING THE BUSINESS O Y (c) Pos>able Increase in Computer Utilization $15 000 (d) P sable Purchase of R elawn Ce etery 9 000 (e) Additional Trainin rograms 3 000 Possible Budget alyst 9 000 i (g) Miscellaneous 5 000 Total $ 60 00 Mot n was made by Co cilman Lo z to approve a items and amount of ntingencies s onded by Counci an Preble dopted by mot n Aye Councilm Carson Lope Preble Peterson and ead Yes None The nex item revie d by City Man er Robert Brunton wa the Capi Improvement as follo Pr vious tota $ 36 635 dditional St et Overlay $ 54 00 Paint outsi youth club 1 0 Enclose rch at Recreation face 200 Adiiti al items Court eattie 8 000 Sp ler and landsca on South' C lege 1 00 w mming Pool 000 New Tota 665 900 $ 665 0 $1 27 535 Motion was mac y Council Peterso o approve the apital Im ovements items conded by Councilm Fead Ayes C ncilmen Ca on Lopez P le Pete on and Fead Na e RESOLUTION 72 106 Replaces #98 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CIFY OF FORT COLLINS ADOPTING A BUDCET OF THE ESTIMATED AhOUNTS REQUIRED TO PAY THE EXPENSES OF CONDUCTING THE BUSINESS OF THt uITY GOVER\VENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 1973 AND FIXING THE MILL LEVY FOR SAID YEAR PURSUANT TO ThE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE V OF THE CITY CHARTER WHEREAS the City Manager has heretofore prior to the first Morday n October 972 submitLed to the Council a proposed budget for the nex ensuing budget year witn an explanatory message pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 Article V of the City Ch rter, and WHEREAS the Ciuncll thereafter within 10 days after the fllinj of slid budget estimates se October 5, 1972, as the date for a public hear ng thereon and cau ed notice of such public hearing to be given by publicat on pursuant to Sec ion 3 Article V of the City Charter, and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed budget was held on October 5 1972 pursuant to said public notice and WHERE S Section 4 Article V of the City Charter provides that the Council shall alopt the budget for the ensuing fiscal year and shall fix the tax levy after said public hearing and before the last day of October of each year THERF ORF, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, tFat the following budge prepared in detail by the said City Manager in compliance witn the prov sions of Section 2 Article V of the City Charter for the fiscal year ending Dk ember 31 1973 be and the sare is hereby adopted as a basis for the annual appropriations ordinanc for 6he fiscal year ending December 11 1973 as foi ows D.'BURSEMENTS BY APPROPRIATION CFI ERAL FUND C ty Council $ 32 GO' 00 C , Ly Manager 53 321 GO Personnel 39 311 00 Finance 188 OoO uO C , Ly Atiorrey 35 7 2 GO Planning and Zoning 69 829 00 lui ,c ,pal Court 3u 25 , OO Insurance and Retirement 3a8 905 00 n`ornation and Research Y 5ec 00 Ceneiai Services e5 532 00 Police 8 2 610 00 Foe 575 o02 00 Health 111,01; 00 tngineering 125 649 GO Building Insoection 122 063 00 Streets and Alieys 224 7o3 00 Bu ldings and Grounds 6o 504 00 Tra, fic and Street Lights 176,297 00 Parks 142 6 8 OO Recreation 154 023 GO , useum $ F o76 00 S� in i,rc Pool 3' j70 00 Reci eation Center 3 ) oa5 00 Forestij ` 534 CO Graroview uemeLeiy £ ) 2,)6 OO Roselaun Cemetery 7 r;8 GO L brary 1( 4 983 00 Transfer to Special AoS�Ssnents Fund 4 9uO G0 Transfer to Fort Collins-Loveland Airport 10 000 00 Transfer to Capital Improvement Revolving Fund of 6,)5 CO 4 072 u07 00 Less Inter Fund Transfers 361 635 GO Total General Fund Expense $ 39710 972 00 Capital Improvement Revolving Fund $ 361,6,35 00 Capital Improvement Fund $ 205 500 Go Special Assessments Fund $ u4 350 GG Trust Fund $ 223 130 00 Less Inter Fund Transfers 45 500 00 Total Trust Fund Expense $ 177 oj9 00 equipment Fund $ 4010653 00 Golf Cou-se Fund $ 140 118 00 4arehouse Fund $ 91 80 GO Less Inter Fund Transfers 91 80, 00 Total Warehouse Fund $ 0 Utility Billing $ 233 i72 00 Less Inter Fund transfers 233 772 00 Total Util ty Billing $ 0 WATtR FUiiD Source or Supplj ` $ 04 uGO 00 Ti eamen 146 7n3 CO Transm ssion and Ois(,ribution 177 517 OG Adr, iistr tlon and Billing 155 652 00 Tran for to Restricted Funds 25 ) 132 GG Wate CaDltal Improvement 1 li 250 GO Wate Bond Payment 2 u 19,- G 22o44cou Less Inter Fund Transfers 2j5 132 00 Tota Water Fund Expense $ 29001 317 00 SEVE FUP D CO1 ,rCLIon $ 131 175 00 Treo nent OVIG 00 Administration and Filling 74 637 00 Ti ai sfei s to Rest> i d Funds 172 So r0 Sever uapital Impros,,oent 4 044 500 00 Sewer Bond Payment 173 730 10 $ 4 776 &7 00 Less Inter Fund Trarsfers 172 805 uO Total Seger Fund Expense S 4 603 252 00 LIG4T Ai D POWER FUND Proauction $ 1,955 943 Ou Transmission ano Distribution 339 .83 00 Adninistration and Billing 387 o45 00 Trarsfers Lo Pest-icaeo Funds 1 000 ISO 0 Lignt ano Power Capital Improvement 1 801 2,4 ou 6 i%4 78 uu Less Irter Fund Trarsfers 1 690 159 Ou Total Ligni. and Power Fund $ 4 4839989 00 Grand Total Experse $172043,325 00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the mill levy rate for toxculon upon all the 6axable property within the corporate limits of the city of Fort Collins tor the T scat year erding December 31 1973 shall be 10 00 Mills % nich levy represents the a ount of taxes Tor City purposes necessary to provide for payment during the ensuiiq budget year of all properly authorized demands against the City Said ` ill Bevy shill be aistributed as follows General Expense 10 00 Mills being a total of 0 00 Mills which levy as so distriouted shall be certified to tre County Asses or ano the Board of County Commissioners of Larimer County, Co,oraoo, uy the 0 rector of Finance as provided by law Be it fur her resolvea rat this resolution rescinds and replaces ne resolution adop ing the budget of the City of Fort Collins for the fiscal year enaing Decenbei 31 1973 pas.,ed in October 5 1972 Passed ana adopted at a regula-^ meeting of the ouncil of the City o Fort Collins held this 26th day of October A D 1972 /s/ Karl E Carson Mayor ATTEST /s/ Verna Lewis City Clerk Motion was made by Councilman Fead seconded by Councilman Lopez that this resolution be adopted Ayes Councilmen Carson Lopez Preble Peterson and Fead Nayes None \h Nil m Bartran expressing the views the Contractor s Associ ion on the National Hom Builders ip oned the Council n ut mo e� back into the w7dinr Inspection Bud'' Discussion timed on the prohlems o an checking deliys in suing building pclmits fees for liccn It wis the conscns of opinion of the Court 1 members hit this was administration lem that must be addr ed shortly in a serie of meetings a h staff and co actors Motto was made by Cou Iman Fead to amend Or ce No 64 1972 s follows I By rha ing the total ap nation from $16 150 425 o $17 043 3 0 Bx change the app opriatio or Finance to 268 060 00 I By changing e apo opriation fo laining 6 Zoning to 1 9 00 4 By changing the propriation for in nce and retirement to 378 905 5 By adding an appro ation for contingent of 60 000 00 6 By changing ap)ropria n for transfer to Capi Improvement revolving fun to 1 027 535 00