HomeMy WebLinkAbout013 - 10/20/1902 - RELATING TO SEWERS (DISTRICT 14) PROPOSED ORDIl OWE Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced,read and ordered printed at the regular meeting of the Jity Council of the City o ' Zort Wollins,Colo., held September 15th, I902. / City Clerk. Ordinance wo.13 , 1902. Relating to Sewers: A petition having been presented to the City '.;ouhcil for the construction of a surer, Commencing at the main seiner on :Vuntain avenue at a point where the alley line of Elock 71 , would intersect with :.aid cecr, tlence running South in center of alley in EloCk 71- 72- M. to a point II0 feet :,orth from the South line of Kock 73, Being a distance of IbeO feet including the ::treets,and :•i;gned by a majority of the property owners abutting on said pxnggxsyx propo:eo se=Ier, Therefore : Be it ordained by the pity council of the City of tort uollinc,Colo. , Section I. That a sewer be constructed by laying a sewer pipe line, Commencing at the main sewer on Kouutain Avenue at a point where the alley line of clock 71 , would intersect with said sever, thence running South in center of alley in clock 7I , 72, 73, to a point I10 feet North from the south line of block 73, Being a distance of I360 feet, Said sewer wipe to be eight inches in diameter,manholes and tees to be placed along said cower at such points a;: the Committee having, same in charge shall deem necessary. Section 2 That Paid serer shall be known as S ":R:a DIS TIC qo . I4 Section 3. That the cost of co_:atruction of said sewer extension at and upon the street intersections and thn amount which shall have been assessed to the .public general shall be paid for by the City with warrants drawn upon the general fund appropriatio.;.. Section 4. the cost of said 2c •er extension and the exuense incident thereto :gall be a.scea:;cd , except as provided is section three hereof, pro-rata against the lots and blocks nbuttino and opposite to said .:e W in proportion to the frontage of .paid lot:• and blocks abutting upon said se7erextension according to and under the provisions of ordinance no. I2, IF90 relating to sewers and drainp,pas.sed and adopted February !6 , 09I ; and as amended by ordinance Ao, I , 1F93 pn:. sed and adopted ,,larch 20, IP93, and ordinaneeNo, 19, IF84 relatinc to the a sevs, ent and collection of aw2oscmentc and opecial charges,pas ed .sn'S adopted 2cptember I&JFF 4; Provided,that the amount of such a zonament a}call be paid in the first instance by -narrants drawn upona Band .-h.ich is hereby crested to be knownnwy' designated as :;over District No. I4 fund; and All money derived and coil- ectFd from the assessments hereinbefore provided for shall be applied to the naintenanc•e of caiQ Surer Di:•trictso. I4 fund, and to the redemption vW of the warrants drawn upon s9,id fund ,anc i'or other purpose .whatsoever. The foregoing ordinance was introduced ,read and ordered printed at the regular meeting of th �Al y 0o moil of the City. of Fort Colline, Colorado, held on the /d ay of A.I9 'I902,and was ptxbli�hed in the a7`p�' — , on the ���day of �[u— A. D.I902, and wa2 duly pasted and adoptcd boy t .e said City Councilat the regular meeting held on t::evwday of A.D. ,I902-. Attest : o ilayor. �,� ./� ale ]:ast publication in _:c tpyf J. day of [( Syr-� 1902.