HomeMy WebLinkAbout003 - 12/16/1912 - AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 010, 1901 RELATING TO FIRE LIMITS AND BUILDING INSPECTION AS AMENDED BY ORDIN -r ORDINAITOB h'0. S?R1SOF19 AN GP.i)litUk,-": S.j' " T,iG S'°CTSOI7 I OF ORDINANCR NO.10 OF TIE: s 2 S OP 1901 MTITTFD "?Zi' ,ATzi::. 70 r n,", I,Ii>7`iS A.M RU7JJ)ITYG Ii'13Pi°CT7(= AS IdMF ,DT'i) '3Y 0,,i32i3r".TIC 1 Tie, 16 OF 1906i ",NTIT7,' ) "R7T,t1TT G TO 'r nE LIMITS .'.iTD R1C2l,DIiTG 2i+i?RCTI�I'I". B IT 02'Z)g?i^D 3Y T CITY 0i^' 70P.T C OIS,2Iw I, That 3e0ti on one of Ordinance Pto. 10 of tho Series of 1901, as anondod by Ordinance No. lb of the Series of 1906, entitled, "?elating to fire limits and building Inspection. " be and the same is hereby amended so as to .read as fei:Lo170: 3r:CTI Gi; I. That portion of the Cit;r of port Collins onbraced within the sbl7.owine described limits si-ell hereafter be knovrn as the fire limits of the City of Fort Col Uns:- Comraenoi at a point at the center of the intersection of Cherry Street and Mason Street in said City; thence south alone the center of mason Street to the center. of Mountain Avenue; theme west faOng the center of Mountain Avenue to the center of Howes Stroot; thence soutit alonf: tho center of Howes Street to the center of Olive Street; thence Must along the center of Olive Stroot to the center of t?hedbeo Street; thence north along; the center of 77hedtoe Street to the center of Riverside Avenue ; thence easterly alonf; the center of Riverside Avonue to the center of The Colorado and Southern Railway track; thence westerly alonf• the center of The Colorado and Southern Railway track to Willow Street; thence westerly along the center of Willow Street to E. point at ea,dch the prolont,ution of the contor line Of Willow Street intersects the center line of College rvonue ; thence south along the center of Cherry Street; thenoo west along the center line of Cherry Street to the center of :dason Street, the place of beginning. And no building of any kind shall be erected within said fire limits U1.666spermission to construct the sane is obt:�J ned, and the rave is constructed pure nt to the ordinances ow in force in said City, or the ordinances horeafteri to be passeg and adopted by the City Conned of said City relating to lnz ilding and builds ng inspection. Passed and adopted this dayoof 1912, ATTEST:- Cit- Cleric.