HomeMy WebLinkAbout013 - 10/16/1905 - RELATING TO PUBLIC HEALTH 4 proposed Ordinance. Public notice is hereby vriven that the fall nP, rdinance wasintroduced, read and ordered printed, at a ref'ula see inn oj,,kthe City Council of the City of Tort Collins, Colorado, he on the' day of Au=kA.7 A.D. 1,905. OJV✓WCL�� City Clerk. Ordinance No.43, 1905. An Ordinance In Relation to Public Health. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Port Colli,ls, Colorado. 0,4w e�" z4, c a " Section 1. The Mayor and City Council of this Cit ,,shall have and exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of a board of health, as provided by an act of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado, entitled "An Act to preserve the publi,, health, to create local hoards of health, to define the duti#g and poweis of such boards' etc. , approved April 17, 18934 and the City Clerk shall keep a record of the :)roceedin^5 of said 'JN'UYOr and City Councii when acting as suah board of health. Section 2. Said Board. of tieakj all appoint one or more physi- cians, Who shall be the health offic -1 OT this city, and shall hold kip office the pleasure of saidBoard, and said Board shall es- tablish its salary or other compensation,; and sb&44 said Board shall re?xlate alf fees an<i cha.rhes of every person employed by it in the execution of the health laws of this city and the re;?ulstio a of said Board. Section 3. The Board of liealth shall make such reptixlati'ons re- speutinf7 nuisances, sources of health and causes of sickne" witl n tno limits of said city as it shall judge necessary for the public health and safety; and if any person shall violate any such reaila- tioi-r4 he shall u >on conviction be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars. Section 4. The }Jeaiti, Officer si,all be the executive officer of the Board of Health, and it sl"ll be his duty to carry out and enforce all existing laws and ordinances having for their objaet the preserva- tion of life and the prevention of disease, and the abatement and re- movai of nuisances ; he stall attend to receiving returns of deaths and the issuance of burial permits, and the remistration of births and deaths and interments; he snail attetld to complaints 0'f nuisances, and orders relating, thereto, and perform :such other services' as the City Co,xnncil may impose by ordinance, or the Board of Health lawfully re- quire of him. Section 5. The Board of Health shall have and exorcist. a e6, ner- al supervision over the sanitary condition of the city;, and have rawer to take effective means to prevent the introduction into ths, city or spread of any infectious, contagious, aaid daa?erous disease, and for that purpose shall have pavar to stop, detain, and exam,ino every per- son coming from any place infected or believed to be infected with any suck, disease; to cause any person not a resident of the, city infected or believed to be infected with any such disease to be nient to the pest house or other place provided for such persons, upon the certifi- cate of the healtin officer; to cause any resident of the city infected with ally such disease to be removed to the pest house, or some other place, if the health officer shall certify that such removal is neces- vary for tiie preservation of the public health. Nothinw; herein con- tained stall be construed to abrid7e in any rxaxiner the right of every citizen to be attended by his oma physician or to reiraain in his own house wi,ile sick with any disease herein referred to, providedd the public health is not affected or eadaaagered thereby. In case of be- vere vibitatio,-a of anY such di.aeaae, the Boa_3rd of Health shall have power to provide hos;aitals and pebt houses, acid ;Aake proper provision for the suitable care of the sick, and shall have -,mithority to oxer- cise any and all power incident to the preservation of the good health of the city in such cases, to remove from the city or destroy furni- ture, wearing a?narel, or other property infected with any such dis- ease, and to cleanse infected or inwholesome buildings and places. Section 6. When any person infected with any infectious, con- ta,rio'us, or dan;*eroaus disease 4 not beeia removed to the pest house as provided1 herein, tiie Board of Health is iserebyc authorised to guard aTainst the spread of zllcli disease by establishinr, limits, within which no person shall enter except those necessarily in attendance up- on saacti person, or upon the order of the Board, and by adoptin7 auly other means which may to thew seer advisable. It shall be tle further duty of the Board of Health to cause a notice, written or prints:i in lartve letters, to be placed upon or near any house in which any person may be affected or sick witi, a.ay such disease, upon wiiicL shall be written or printed the nacre of such disease, and any person wilfully eoterlair butt, limit at auel, tlAJes contrary to the provisions of this section, or wt,o shall deface, alter, mutilate, destroy or tear down or remove tl,.e iaotsce herein named , without permission from tLe Board of Health, s::zll upon conviction be fined in any stria not exceeding One auadred Doilaaru ; ajid in default of pay.=.ent of such fine, shall be im- prisoned until such. fia is said, but not to exceed ninety days. Section 7. That for the mirpose of r-exaardinvry :.igai st the intro- duction of contarriaus, infectious, or dangrerous diseaseb, it is Hereby uvade the duty of all physicians aixl 'Keepers of hotels or boarding hoses in this city, alttd per;;oias in charge of railroad trains enterinr the city, to report in writing to tLe health officer without delay every case of cholera, smsa,ll-pox, scarlet fever, diptheria, or other contaAaauus, mali+rnant, or unusual disease cominfp,, to their knowlea'oe within the city or vici- nity thereof, and every physician or other person as aforesaid wilful- ly ,neglectin17 to report any such, case, with name and resiaesve, for more than twelve hours after obtaining knowled£,,es of the same, shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollarz noT less than Twenty ➢?*liars; and in default of payraasnt of such fine , such person shall be imprisoned until such fine is paid, lout not to exceed ninety dl;RYs. Sanction S. No person within the corporate limits of this city having haA the small "pox or any other contarrious or infectious cli4eaze shall leave iiio or her room, and no person convalescent , or recently recovered, havinim had such disease, shall ro abroad in said city, without first obtaininr from the health officer a permit in writing for that. purpose; nor staall the nurse or attendant upon any patient, sick of any such disease, leave the pre=.ies where such patient may be, without a permit as aforesaid, either of which may be granted in every case u-pon a certificate from the attending physician of such patient satisfactory to said officer; and it is hereby ,wade the duty of the health officer, before rrrantin^ any such permit, ti,�uire that such pati*at, nurse, or attendant shall put off or destroy ti,e clothin+, worn during ,sickness or attendance as aforesaid, or that the same shall be so di&&ifocted that there can be no "wer of contagion 4. therefrom. It shall be the duty of every person controlling premises occupied by any such patient to thoroufThly cleanse, fumigate, and dis- infect the same. Section 9. Every person bein!, the parent or Fuardian, or having the care, custody, or control of any minor or other individual, shall (to the extent of any weans, power, and authority of said parent, +guardian, or other person, that could be p*perly used or exerted for such purpose) cause and procure such minor or individual to be so promptly, frequently, and effectually vaccinated that such minor or individual shall not take or be liable to take the small-lox. Sectionlo. The permitting or maintaining of stagnant water on any lot or piece of ground within the city limits of this City is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and every owner or occupant of a lot or niece of around within said city is hereby required to drain or fill up said lot or piece of grourA whenever the same is necessary so as to prevent stagnant water or other nuisance accumulating thereon, and it shall be unlawful for any such owner or occupant to penait or maintain any such nuisance. Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any parson or persons to keen any Cattle , hogs, horses, or other animals in any pen, shed, or yard within the city limits from which any deleterious or offensive odor shall be emitted. Section 12. No salted or green hides shall be stored in any warehouse or other building or other ;lace within the city, so that odors arising from said hides shall annoy or disturb t,,e occupants of the houses in the vicinity thereof. Section 16. No distiller, tanner, brewer , butcher, pork or beef packer, soap boiler, tallow Chandler, or any other person whomsodvor, shall cause or suffer any offal, manure, rubbish, filth, still slops, or any refuse animal or vegetable matter, or any foul or nauseous, li- quors to be discharned out of or flow from any, premises owned or occu- pied by him, or to be left in or thrown into,IW Adeposited upon any street , alley, avenue, public square, vacant lot , or other place in said city. Section 14. No person shall permit or suffer any substance of the nature mentioned in the preceding, section, which is liable to be- come putrid, offensive, or injurious to the public health, to remain on any premises owned or occupied by him in this city for a longer period than twenty-four hours at any one time from the first day of April to the first day of November, nor exceedu,g forty-eight hours during any other part of the year. Section 15. No person shall be permitted to carry on any busines or occupation in this city that is dangerous or detrimental to life or health, and every stnch. business or occupation shall be promptly dis- 0013tinued. Section 16. All privy vaults within that portion of the city wherein sanitary sewers may now or hereafter be constructed shall be constructed of brick laid in hydraulic cement, the walls and bottom to consist of two shells or rings of brick work,and all such vaults shall be constructed and cofulections of same with sanitary sewers shall be made, under the direction and supervision of the health officer or such inspector as may be appointed by the board of health for that purpose. Said vaults can only be connected with the sanitary sewers through intervening or receiving basins, and the outlet pipe from all such vaults must not be less than three feet above their bottoms, so as to retain all solid matter and effectually prevent anything but li- quid contents of the vaults from passing into the drainage pipes and receivinP basins. Such vaults shall be located at such places on the Won,... 1tdAasdlI7eh premises as the health officer or such inspector sLal.l designate: it shall be unlawful for any person to locate, construct, or maintain any, privy vault within the limits of any sanitary serer district except in compliance with the provisions of thin: section. Section 17. The owner or oceupanA having charge of any premises used as a dwelling place or for the purpose of housekeeping or lodging within the city limits shall furnish the swn* with a suitable recepta- cle for all kitchen waste, slops and garbarw. Section IS. The permitting of slops and garbage to be deposited in manure heaps and thrown in the alley is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the occupant of any house, block or dwelling within said city is hereby required to out all slops, garbage and kit- chen-waste into a receptacle on the inside of the alley fence or alley line. , Section 19. The owner, agent or person havilnc- charge of any building or tenement used as a dwelling or for t >e purpose of lodging within the city limits shall furnish the same with a suitable privy or water closet for the accorModation of all oecu°pannts of :,uch premises. Section ?.n. All privies outside that portion of the city reached by the sanitary sewers shall be furnisied with a substantial vault, at least emit feet deep, and made tight so: that the contents cannot es- cape therefrom, and sufficiently secured anti inclosed. Section 21. No privy vault in the city of Fort Collins shall be erected or continued within twenty feet of any dwellin?, shop, or wall unless such Vault be constructed and located in accordance wit.'_-: the provisions of Section 16 of this ordinance. Section 22. No person shall use any well upon any preiaizes be- lo,agi:ng to or occupied by him in this city as, a cesspool or a, 4 a place to deposit anything of a foul, nauseous , offensive, or injurious na- ture, and no cesspool shall be constr*idled or nla'lntainec➢ wi'htn fifty feet of any well in said city. Sectionn ?2 . No person shall draw off or allow to run on any ground, street, or alley in this city, the contents, or any part thereof, of any vault , privy , cesspool, stable, pig-pen, or sink; nor shall any owner, tenant, or occupant of any building to which any vault , ;;ink, privy, or %Tess;tool shall appertain or be attacried permit the contents to become nauseous, foul, offensive, or injurious to the public health, and it is hereby rrade the duty of every such person to keen or cause the same to be kept in a good and clean condition. Section 24. If any animal shall die in the poSsessio,n of fly person in this city, it shall be, the c# ty of" such person to ", use the saute to be at once removed without that lights of the city and buried or otherwise disposed of. In case the owner or person havinh charge of any such anir-ial shall neglect or refuse to remove the same within ten hours after its death, the health officer shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of such owner or person having charge of the :;a=e, such expense to recovered by civil action. Mienever the owner or other person havinP charge of any dyad animal cannot be found or ascertained, it shall be the duty of the health officer to cause such animal to be removed and buried at the expense of the city. Section 25. It is hereby made the duty of the Board of Health to sel,.ct and provide suitable dumping Qrounds for the deposit of all scavenner matter , refuse, dirt, .filth, and slops �4f' the city; and said Board may, in its discretion provide for the licensing of public scavengers. or the disposal of aarba.pe matter at public expense when the City Council has made appropriation therefor. --'---Scct-ton-�?6:---7�ty"fsersacr •wlaa.,_- .+ems, eg,,.t.}r$,,,�xibti�ts.. of—this 4 Wl1Mr1Mf doulll,fl till Section 26. Every vault or privy in, upon or belonging to any residence, factory, mill, warehouse, outhouse, store, office or other building, to'-ether with all draAaQe from bath tubs , sinks, or basins therein located, on any lot or lots or land adjoining to or abuttinr, upon or near any street or alley or other place t},rough which there is a public or district sanitary sewer, shall be connected by the owner or owners of such property, or his or their agent or other person hav- ing charge of or receivinr7 the rents thereof, with such public or dis- trict sanitary sewer. Each month' s failure to complywith the provis- ions of this section shall be deemed a separate offense, unless the �sprs or g<,,)� er�ons v}dose duty it is to make the server connections here- ,' '' viueii fot .Iha3l show good cause, satisfa story to the Mayor and tj,,, hys>xeian, +v�� wh�C-the or they should be excused from the per- , orm ace salt;" Cw y. ,§ect*cn 27. Aty person who shall violate or fail to comply with ny , o�F�,.tl,e` prov3sioias of this ordinance, for tivhic}i a penalty is not ther. ise hereiiY ,nrpvidey , r who shall violate a.y of the rules and peditions of t"he Boa�r3/ of Healthy shall upon conviction thereof, be ined in any sup4 npt excped�ng One Hundred Dollars and costs of suit , `'bnd1 f default"Of ,p'aym nt' of such fine wid costs such '� A person may be pktoned unti.h swell, P:pe and costs are paid, but not to exceed nine- d s for each-, offense.,' � ection 2q; All grdinances and parts of ordinances in conflict iFerewith are hej7eb�, repealed. The foregoinf, ordinance was introduced and read at a regularCt ,u�rKe� meetin7 of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, n the Acf'Mday of J.t -e� A.D. 1905, and was published in the Fort Col- lies a weekly newspaper of general circulation publish- ed in said city, on the i7?<day of.�dA� A. D. 1905, and was duly passed and adopted. by said City Council at the regular meeting thereof held on the 161Xday of (([ar��,� A. D. 1905. Attest: - A'latiyor. �it Clerk. i4 I , I