HomeMy WebLinkAbout005 - 03/19/1906 - PREVENTION OF FIRES �'YiUGU adW Ur Wlaldall:d. YaU11C aotl�:d la .1CrdLy g.Lvdn t1.4t ti.0 lOL.LUw11ig or"l 44 Ai :C Wa:a introduced, reach and ordered printed, at tthe regular meeting of the ;f -4 City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held February fA;jW A. D. 1006. T. H.Garr ett , City Clerk. Ordinance No.0 of the Series of 1906. An Ordinance for the Prevention of Fires. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, GOLORADO. Section. l, It shall be the duty of the owner of every building witlhia the City of Fort Collins, ana of the agent ilaving the same ili charge, to furnish a close and secure brick or stone asli pit as a re- ceptacle for ashes; and it shall be tlhe duty of such owner and agent , and of every tenant or occupant of airy building within said city to remove the ashes from suc*eceptaele when the same is filler. No ashes ( except at manufactories where ashes are used) shall be kept or de?os- it ed in airy part of the city in al�yt hin g other t tan such stone or brick ash pit , which said ash pit shall at all times be kept securely closed, except when necessary to open the same for putting ashes there in. Aily person failing to comply with, or violating any of the provi- sions of , t.is section snail upon coavletioih thereof be fineu iil aay sum not less tl.an three nor more than one hundred dollars, and the au- ditional sum of five dollars for every twenty-four hours of failure or refusal to supply such ash pit or remove such ashes, after notice so to do from tLe city marshal, chief of tLe fire department or the mayor; provided, however, that no such fine shall exceed the sum of one liun- dred dollars. Section 2. No person shall throw, or permit anyone in nis or her employ to throw or deposit , any ashes in any other place within the city limits than in such ask, pit. AiW person found guilty of vi a rating tiie provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof be fined not less tin three nor more tlan fifty dollars. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to set fire to any rubbish, debris or waste material of any kind, upon any street, alley or lot , within the fire limits Of tress city as the same are es- tablished or may hereafter be establislhed by orainance; and it shall be unlawful for any person to set fire to any such material within forty feet of any building, outside of such fire limits, within the limits of said city. All fires which may be lighted for ti.e burning of any such material outside of said fire limits shall be extinguished or caused to be extinguished by the person lighting the sane, before nine o' clock P.M. on the same day upon which they were lighted. Any perPwho shall violate or fail to comply with the provisions of this sectim shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Section 4. If any person shall be found guilty of violating any Of the provi::iorhs of tllis ordinauce and snail refu:;e or fail to pay the fine and costs assessed against him for such violation, he may be imprssitned uitil suet; fine and costs are paid, but not t*xceed ninety days. The foreroinF, ordinance was introduced and read at a regular U meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Coiorado, on I,.= t644� tjrly U1 r1CUraary, n. 1. iJUU, ai,U WI aLLllll l.dl lal 1"d HlUT't Collins a weekly newaoer of general circula- tion published in said city, oli the 2%st day of February, A. U. i30Fi- and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council at the regular meeting thereof, held on the 19th day of march, A.D. 1906. �Attest- Ida or. City Clerk. ,v p � �e�/tiou - ✓hc `gets« Lin cam, a,ex