HomeMy WebLinkAbout015 - 08/20/1906 - AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 010, 1901, RELATING TO FIRE LIMITS AND BUILDING INSPECTION P9vapvsed ®rdinasnaa, Publ4a riat#ee is hereby g'"ea that this foaloving or4inanrb was Introduced read and ordmd printed at a regUaf Wournio master 07 tits CItY Count it Of tUCfV Of FOVt COUIZU31 0016ftd9, held Jt0 23* I916, / T . 14 Garret:te City Cleric. O rd#n we No,. / �o to Series or I9cr6• AN MINANCE ARMING SECTION I OF OHUNAHOE NQ�*10 OF 2 HE 5MIE3 OF I991t IIdTITLRD * RIUATINb T 0 FM LIMIT 3 M) BUMING I14SPECT ION*. Be it Ordained By T he City Counall or the City of FVn Collins , Coloradow -Seetion i) That Seofton I or Ordinanos No* 11I of to Series of 19019 the same being an Ordinance entitled u Relating to B'ire LIvIts and Building Inspect1cm °, be and the seats is hereby amended so ae to read as follows. section I, Tbat that portion of the City of Fart Collura embr md- wtthin the tbllowing desertbe@ late eMALI hereafter be kmom as the f#re 21mita of the Citt of Fort Collins¢ co=tenmAttg at a point at the centrr of Gherry atrest afire said street Intersects the a rUv of Howes ttreata thence eoutb, to center of Olive street tbMeeeeast along, the center Or 021ve street to � of Vhedbee street, thews n8�i a3lems oenter of e�1=, U for Riverside Avenue„ thence easterZy alb center dt 23veralde Aver to center Colorado and Souft= $yr* traok, thence vesteyly allng center CoUa!rado and SauthM R,y* hack to Wilms street, thence westerly along the Wmter Of W113 6av stet to a prolongation of Of Me center line of WIllaw street voulA Intersect the center line of Mega dvauae to tb* as=er o-f Cherry a'tvvet, thence west al mg 0-a atnter &211s of Che1Zr s eet to the water of Haven street, the plans or bagItnlng, And no bulUdga of any kiiid shy bt erected within sal$ rite lets Wit$aut first obt. plug mission from the CItty 00=0110 eSWept ethers the City Council upon the reoommlw ion of t2W cotnaaIttea upon Tire limits granta special permit: therefor, all buildings shall con3f m tat the following provisions of this ordinaneso The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Fart Collins, C.a~loraflo, an the 25rd. of JulSr A. D. I9O6o and was published Iit heG��ir�,ylCvy� Z,0,e4a-er� a weekly newspaper of general cnrouration published in said City on the 7 day of � A. Do I906. ana was duly vaissO and adopted by said at t4ta regular oe;et3,ng there— or hel--4 on the :�Gtbo, day o8 Atk&zst JI.T U. IgWo r r Attest,