HomeMy WebLinkAbout006 - 03/03/1928 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN WHEDBEE, RIVERSIDE, JEFFER Ohi"L :CE im. (p 1928 . BEING AN FlZRGMiTCY ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ASSESSIZAT OF UKE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF I'LPROVE[YiE dTS IN WHEME, RIVERSIDE, JEFFERSON AND LINDEN STREET I11PROVEIZNT DISTRICT NO. 19, OF TIE CITY OF FORT COLLIIdS, COLORADO, AID PROVIDING FOR TIE PAMM:T AND COLLECTIO'_I ZEREOF. BE IT ORDAII ED BY TTTFE CITY COUI]CIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 12, 1927, duly passed and adopted on the 21st day of kay, A. D. 1927, Whedbee, Riverside, Jefferson and Linden Street Improvement District No. 19 was duly created and provisions made in said ordinance for the construction of certain improvements in said district , consisting of grading, paving, curbing and guttering, paving to consist of reinforced concrete paviii„ otherwise known and described as one-course reinforced concrete cement , the same as installed in other paving districts throughou.t the City ; that the said improvements as therein provided have been duly constructed as provided by law and 0.1y accepted ly the City of Fort Collins as therein provided; that thereafter the City Engineer and the Commissioner of corks, on to-wit : the 14th day of January , A. D. 1928 , duly reported to the City Council that the cost of construction of said improvements , including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals , and also including interest , is$102,157.10; that in and by said report the Commissioner of ;forks, pursuant to the report of the City Engineer, duly apportioned upon all the lots or tracts of land in the district improved , in proportion as the frontage of each lot or tract of land is to the total of all the frontage of all the lots or tracts of land so improved, exclusive of public highways, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance so. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance ho. 9, 1926, aad -1- Ordinance No. 12, 1927, creating 7hedbee , Riverside, Jefferson and Linden Street Improvement District No. 19, and which district is hereinafter more aarticularl,r described by lots and blocks , together with the apportionment and rate per front foot , the said findings and report of the Cominissioner of 71orks and the City Engineer being in accordance with the report of the City Engineer in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said district . Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 7a day of January, A. D. 1928 , said retort of the Commissioner of :'forks and City Engineer concerning said proposed assessment for improvements in 7,rkiedbee , Riverside , Jefferson, and Linden Street Improvement District I;o. 19, was by resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 25th day of February, A. D. 1928 , pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by lava; that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of ten (10) days, addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in 71hedbee , Riverside , Jefferson and Linden Street Improvement District Tdo . 19, stating the whole cost of the improvements and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district , and notifying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by them to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty (30) days from the publication of said notice, would be heard and determined by the City Council, at a regular meeting thereof, to be held on the 25th day of February , A. D. 1928 , at the 'hour of eight o ' clock in the forenoon of said day in the Council Chamber in the City ::all in said City ; Viat after said hearing the City Council would take up the matter of the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements; that pursuant to the aut;iority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published -w- said notice in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, the official newspaper of said City of Tort Collins , for a period of ten days, as provided by ord Liance; and that due proof of publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk; and that a complaint and objections had been -«ade to said assessment by certain property oviners within said district . The City Council sitting as a Board of Equalization to hear and determine said complaint and objections did, after due ociisideration, on March third, 1928 deny the complaint and over-ruled all objections so filed and did confirm the apportionment and assessment as theretofore made by the City Engineer , and the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in Fihedbee, Riverside, Jefferson and Linden Street Improvement District No. 1S , was ordered submitted for passage and adoption. Section 3. That the total cost of the improvements in Whedbee , Riverside, Jefferson and Linden Street Improvement District No. 19 , under and by virtue of said Ordinance No. 12 , 1927 , of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and iliterect , ai;,ounts to y102,157.10, which said sum is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said :.Ziedbee , Riverside, Jefferson and Linden Stroet Improve- ment District No . 10 , in accorda;ce with the provisio.is of Ordinance No. 7 , 1S21, relating tb local public improvements , as amended by Ordinance No. 9, IS2G , and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in said 7hedbee, Riverside, Jefferson and Linden Street improvement District No. 19 comprisi.�L the followinb lots and blocks in said district , shall be as follows: -V- Inter- ]Trent- Inter- Curb & Curb & Sep. Sep. Total - -' Front- Sao- ace section Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter District Lot Block Property Owner age Rate tion. Rate Cost Cost Rate Cost NUF Cast Cost FINAL ASSESS"IMT ROLL FOR MIEDBI;E, RIVERSIDE. 7EFFURSON ,'AND LIITDM STRICT I?Q'ItOVEIOM DISTRICT No, 19 10 1 Hector T. Cowan Estate 50 .755 37,76 37,76 12 1 Hector T. Cowan :state 50 .755 37,76 37.76 14 1 Hector T. Cowan 2state 50 .755 37.76 37.76 15 1 Hector T. Cowan state 190 3.016 190 .755 573.07 143,48 716.55 16 1 Rector T. Cowan Estate 190 3.016 240 .755 573.07 181.23 754.30 All that pt. L3 inside the Reservation in IIWjofSao.13,T7TI,R69W of 6th P.M. lying SE of Lin- de Street ]factor T. Cowan Estate 36 3,016 108,58 108.58 A1._ that pt. L3 of NWj8ec.13,T7N,R69W, within the Reservation lyin# P: & W of Linden Street extended, said street being in Fort Collins, and lying S of R of VI of Fort Collins Development Railway Co. Pauline & Robert Paterson 36 3.016 108.58 108,58 NE90 y .of' _ 1939597 2 Pauline & Robert Peterson 90 3.016 271,45 271.45 NE501ofSW1001 of 1 ,3,5 97 ' 2 Lucy 11, Temple 50 3.016 150,81 150,81 SW50;1,39507 2W.F. & Pansy Burlingame 50 30016 150,81 150,81 NE47-kt of 2Yq$612 2 P.A. & Anna Norman 474z, 3.016 47j- ,755 143,27 35,87 179014 SWi ofNE-j of 2 608 2 Carl and t{Olie Legler 47ja 3.016 47J ,755 143,27 35.87 179,14 SWW59of 2 2 E. F. Drees ;state 95 3,016 145 ,755 286.53 109.50 396003 SE30'of SW95. 4 2 L.F. Drees Estate 30 .755 22,65 22,65 NW20•of SW95. 4 2 Henry Trupp 20 .755 15,10 15.10 SE36'of SW951 6 2 Henry Trupr 36 .755 27,19 27,19 NN14tof. SW95+ 6 2 Conrad Asmus 14 .755 10,57 10,57 SW951 -8 2 Conrad Asmus 50 .755 37,76 37,76 1 7 Union Pacific Railway Co. 200 6,03 250 .755 1206,46 188,79 1395,25 2 7 Union Pacific RailvW Co. {200 6,03 2 7 Union Pacific Railway Co. ( 50 8.445 250 ,755 1628.72 188.79 1817.51 5 7 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 .755 37,76 37,76 4 7 Union Pacific Da ilvW Co. 50 8,445 50 .755 422,26 37.76 460.02 Inter- Front- Inter- Curb & Curb €c Sep. Sep, Total Front- sec- age section Gutter Gutter Goiter Gutter District Lot Block Pro�sert� Owner age Rate tion date Cost Cost _ Rate Cost i to Cce t Cost 5 7 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 .755 37.76 37,76 6 Ft Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 0.445 50 .755 422,26 37.76 460,02 7 7 Union Pacific Railway Coo 50 .755 37,76 37.76 8 7 Union Pacific Railmy Co. 50 8,445 50 .755 422.28 57,76 460,02 10 7 Union Pacific Rail Co. 50 6,445 50 .755 422,26 37,76 460.02 12 7 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 8.445 50 .755 422.26 37,76 460.02 14 7 Union Pacific 2allway Co. 50 8.445 50 .755 422.26 37,76 460.02 16 7 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 0,445 50 .755 42L,L6 57.76 460.02 Vacated portion Pint utreet abut- ting on Blocks 6 qV #7 Union Pacific Railway Co. 100 6*445 75 .755 844.52 56,64 001.16 9 8 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 .755 37.76 37,76 10 3 Ur-ion Pacific Railway Co. 50 8,445 50 .755 422,26 37,76 "0.02 1.1 8 Union Pacifi6 Railway Co. 50 .755 37,76 37,76 12 a Union pacific Itail.eay Co. 50 8.445 50 .755 422.26 37.76 460,02 13 8 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 .755 37,76 37.76 14 8 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 8,445 50 .755 422,26 37.76 460.02 15 8 Union Pacific Railway Co. 200 6, 250 .755 1206.46 188.79 1.395.25 16 8 Union Pacific Railway Co. (200 G,032 16 & Union Pacific Railway Co. ( 50 8."5 250 .755 1628,72 188.79 1817051 Vacated portion abutting on Blks. 8 &ag Union Pacific Railway Co. 100 8.445 100 .755 844.52 75.51 920.03 2 8 Union racific Ra Llway Co. 50 8.445 50 .755 422.26 37.70 460.02 4 3 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 0*"Z 50 .755 42G.26 37,76 460.02 6 8 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 8.445 50 .755 422,26 37.76 460.02 8 8 Union Pacific Railway Co. bO 8.44E 50 .755 442.26 b7.76 460,02 16 9 Union Pacific Railway Go. 50 8.445 50 .755 422.26 57.76 460.02 14 9 Union Pacific railway Co. 50 8.445 50 .755 422.26 37,76 460,02 12 9 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 8.445 50 .755 422,26 37,76 460,02 10 9 Union Pacific Railway Cc. 50 8.445 50 .755 422.26 39,76 "0.02 2 9 Union Pacific Railway Coo 50 .755 57.76 37.76 4 9 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 .755 37,76 37.76 6 9 Union Pacific Railway Go. 50 .755 37.76 37.76 8 9 Union Pacific Railway Go. 200 8.445 250 .755 1689,05 186,79 1877,84 5 10 Union Pacific Railway Co. 50 .755 37,76 37,76 6 10 Union -Pacific Railway Co. 50 .755 37.76 37,76 7 10 Union Pacific Ra ilway Go. 50 .755 37,76 37.76 8 10 Union :Pacific Railway Co. 240 6,786 290 .755 1628.72 218,99 .991 237.74 2085,45 All unplatted portion 10 Union Pacifi0 P.ailmay Go. 270 6.7W 270 .755 1.832.31 203,89 .991 267.46 2303.66 Pa 5 Inter- Front- Inter- Curb & Gukb & Sep. Sep Total Front- sec- age section Gutter Gutter Clutter Gutter District 4-Lot Block DMerty oymer ago :lute Lion I-4-to Cost Coat .ate Cost Rate Cee t _ Cost 1 11 Clara M, use 58,44 0.445 '^8.77 .755 476,86 P7.24 573,90 2 31 Clara it, Brose 25 8.445 50 .755 211.14 37.76 248,90 3 11 Clara ;S, Brow 25 8.445 50 .7&9 211,13 37,76 248.89 4 11 Clara M* BrQXa 25 C,.445 50 .755 211,13 37,76 246,89 E14;* 5 L1 Clara IS, Brose 10,9 8.445 25.4 ..755 92.05 19.18 111.23 W10 2 5 1I Autrust C. KlaiVer 6.0 E3.445 17.4 .755 58.28 1 .14 71.42 6 11 :imgust C. Kluver 25 .755 18,87 18.87 7 11 'jary A. Brockman & Pearl L. rergumm 25 .755 18.87 18.87 8 U Mary A. Brockman & Pearl L• Ferguson 25 .755 18.87 18,87 9 U Palter L. Dryer 25 .755 18.87 18.87 10 U Halter L. Dwyer 10,02 .755 7.57 7,57 U 11 Ada A. Danner 37.G9 3,445 37,69 .755 518.30 ra.46 546,76 2i 11 Ada A. Danner 50 3,445 bO .755 422,26 :i7,76 460.02 22 11 Rollin la, AdaMS 50 8.445 196,73 .755 422.26 148,56 570,82 17 11 P.alph H. Sims 8.38 .755 6133 6.33 1 12 'iollin E. Adams 50 8.445 240 . .7b5 422,26 IFA.23 603,49 3 12 :-bllin E. iLdams 50 80445 50 .755 422,26 57,76 460102 S'1?* 5 12 Rollin E. Adams 25 8.445 25 .755 211913 18,87 230.00 NW 1/2 5 12 H. William Schueller 25 8,445 25 .755 211.13 18.87 230,00 NE 90 7• 12 John H, Schauer 50 8.445 50 .755 422,26 u7.76 460.02 9 U :tbe Z, Crocker 50 8,445 50 ,755 422.26 37,76 480,02 11 except portion 500300'in SW car. IN tfiay B. Sahuraman 50 3.445 5C .755 422.26 57,76 =460,02 NE14OT13 12 711a B, Schreuman 50 8,"5 50 .755 422,26 37,76 460,02 NE140115 19", Me B, Schurernn 50 3.4E15 190 .755 422.26 143,48 565,74 SW501 15 1 Melvin S,Knapp & Adelbert J.lihito 50 ,755 37.76 37.76 CK� at NEoor.Lo't 1,Blka 13, thy" 'rly akng Lin&r 4't.28' ,thMrly parallel with Jefferson it. 9019 thErly parallel with Linden Street 26• to Jefferson St, th SErly along Jefferson Street to be- ginning. d`oarad Sitzman 90 8,445 116 .755 700,07 87.60 847.07 Cos.520SWrly frm NScor,Lct 1,Blk 139 on N side '•im.3P-t St. ,th NWr1 parallel with Jet'fe:sc+n. St,901 ,th Nl r�* parallel with Linder! Lt.26r ,th SEr y parallel with Jefferson , t90I ,thSWrly along Linden St 26' to beg. Conrad Sitxmn 26 .755 19,63 19,63 Com,5tswolTiEK:or: Lot1,E1kl3-th NNrlp 90* parullal to Jefferson St. ,th.Mrly parallel to Linden St.27* , thSErly par€.11el wit:: Jefferson St.i10l ,th:'trly along Linden St,S7• to bag. Mary Ovens 27 .75B (4) Inter- Front- Inter- Curb & Curb & Sep, epp. Total want- sec- aee section Gutter ':"stter Gutter Gutter District �Tpt Block Property Owner a Late t1or. Re.t^_ ;o,t Cmt Tate Cost Rate Cost Cost Com.185*9Wrly of'NZoor.I*tl ,31k13,th1 el to Jefferson St,PO* ,thNEparallel with Linden Street , 271 t= perellel with Jefferson 6t.90* ,thSW a]nnE W line Linden Zt.27*to beg. No E. Hardie 27 .9<5 20,3e 20,38 Com.10813W of NFAor.Lot 1,BIk 13,same being on Maids Linden St.th IN parallel with Jefferson St.90* ,thSW parallel with Linden St. ,24*0 ,th BE parallel with Teffersou -490* ,to Linden Street , Xh NE along Mndeu 3t.toBeg. John F. Douelass 24,5 .755 18.50 18,50 Com.os► Fs lino -ot1OD l3, 45*lam from SEcor.Lot 1,1'lk- 13, th NW parallel with Teffersan St.75* ,thMparatlol with Li-den St. ,]AI ,tb-SA parallel itLth Jefferson &t,75* , th S% long W side Linden 'St. 14* to beg, also, 4* oft' NE side of that -tract described as fellowst Com1.70J* SW of NE eor Lot 1 ,T111, 13, on Linden St. , thIM parallel Frith alley 7519th NE parallel with Linden yt.2** ,th BE parallel wit_'t tiloy 75, to Linden 5t. 9 th SW along Un- den St.25J* is tog. ,Also. Com 170**sWof NFcor.Lot 1 Elk 13, on Linden St. , th IM parallel with alloy 9Qr to cross z 11®y, t2 't. parallel vi th Linden St. 21.-1* , th Sm para]lal with alley 90+ to Linden 5t, ,th SW along Liudau St. 211* to A-)g. -Robert 7Warroll 3£.5 .755 2f .33 Cant, at 02 corLot l B1,k 33,th I]Erly along; Linden St„ �•� 19I* , ,thl" Orly parallel to a?. ley 900 , th Vrly parallel to Tinlen Straet ,l9�* , to allay, th SE9rly parallel to alley 90' to bee. ^salvation Army, a corporation 2915 1755 14,7 14,72 BE 5 13 Thoob 6abneidtniller 25 3.445 25 .755 211.13 12,E37 230000 N ,5 13 Agreement to Bell, Chas. No 4-' Pennock to Lester A, Tilton 25 3.445 25 .W55 211 13 18.87 230,00 5E 7 lv E. a. Steele 25 8,445 25 .755 211.13 18,87 230.00 I;W 7 15 Rollin to Adam 25 8.445 25 .755 211.13 16,87 230,00 BE 9 13 $. Adams 25 8.445 25 .755 211,13 18.87 230.00 N7' 9 13 ' 88= 25 8.4#5 25 .755 211.13 18,87 =000 BE 13. 13 c 25 8.445 25 .755 211013 18,87 230000 11 1Z sdelbort J. White 25 G1445 25 .755 211,13 16.87 230,00 13 14 G. ff. by 50 0,445 50 .755 422.28 3r.78 460,02 Com.at aNjWr.'nt 15,Blk th Srly on line between lots 13 & 1!5,th W;Iy at right angles-with il-tat course aforesaid 25* parallel with first said course 80* to Sri, line of 7efforacm St. ,th Erly alone 5 line Jefferson st.251 to beg. G.R.Marphy 25 8,445 25 .755 211.13 18,89 230*00 cost, 4t--1t"1i ear=* a Ib;I JeFfaerlse��-=7, ply 8ww rp l- - tE> pine S . along Pime (5) Inter- Front- Inter- Curb & Curb & Sep, Sep, Total Front& sea- age section Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter District A116'T Alley Total 6t -Block Property owner age Rate tion Rate Cast Cast Rate Cost Rate Cost Coat ;date Coat District Co at Moo Lotl5,Blk 13, th SErly along Gast ne. L't�' S line Jefferson St, ;2509thMrly 801 , parallel to Pine S+t.,th NWrly parallel to Jefferson St.251 , th VErly along Erly line Pine St.80' to beg. John Letford Smith Est, 25 8.445 105 .755 211.13 79.29 290.42 CM.80'S%rly from IMeor. Lot 15 Blk 136 th SErly 50' parallel rd th NVrly lane Lot 15, to a line bet:lots 13 & 15,th sWrly along ; said line 44* , th parallel with Mrly line of said Lot 15, 50' to the SErly line of Pir 3t. 9 th MErly along said 3Erly line of ' Pi. St,44t to beg. Ernest Rossi 44 .755 33,23 53,23 Srly 600 Lot 15,B1k 13. Mrtha Fryermuth 66 .755 49.84 49,84 1N12.4116 14 T.S. & Cora B. Austin 5,23 .755 3.95 3.95 21 14 George P. & Franklin C.avery 173.62 .755 131.10 131.10 .22 14 George P. & 3ranklin C.Avery 25 .755 18.87 18.87 23 14 George P, & Franklin C.dlvery 25 .755 18,87 18.87 24 14 George P, & Franklin C.Avery 25 .755 18.87 18.87 •25 _ - 14 George P. & Franklin C.Avory 25 .755 18,87 1€3,87 26 16 George P. & Franklin C.Avery 44.26 .755 33,42 33.42 19 -151 Sarah R. Brunton 23.5 6.786 79.22 .755 159.48 59.82 .699 16.44 1,027 24.15 250,69 XWST1918 151 Catherine M. Drees 40.5 6,786 40,5 .755 274.85 50.58 .699 28.33 11027 41.60 375.36 SE451 18 151 Minnie Shultz 45 6,786 45 .755 305.38 33.98 .699 31,48 1,027 46.22 417.06 NM 45'17 151 Minnie Shultz 45 6,786 45 .755 305.38 33,98 .699 31.48 1.027 46.22 417.06 SE 78217 151 Chas. D, Persona 46,8 6,788 46.8 .755 317.60 35,54 .699 32.72 1,027 48.07 433.73 151 John U, Roffman n ( 50 6.786 .icy 151 John M, HoM an 145.48 8.295 245.48 .755 1545.99 185.37 .991 193,64 1.027 51.36 1970.36 15 151 John M, Hoffman 50 ..755 37.76 37,76 =?: t14 151 F. W. & H. L. McGuire 37.5 .755 28,32 28,32 I 'e12$*14 151 John Weitzel 12,5 .755 9.44 9.44 S 1 13 151 John Weitzel 25 .755 18,87 18.87 W 13 151 Jane Worthing 25 .755 18,87 18,87 All Block D George Ronmel 23052 8,295 23,52 .755 195,08 17,76 ,991 23028 236,12 N e 4 152 Gerrmn »vangelical Congre- gational Churoh rt,Collins 50 8.295 240 .755 414.72 181,23 .899 34.96 630091 S JL 4. 152 Elizabeth II, Ilefford 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .699 34,96 487,44 N 3 152 George T. Denig 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37,76 .991 49.53 502.01 S 3 152 Jennie Algeo 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37.76 452,48 N 2. 152 H. C. Fischer 50 8,295 50 .755 414.72 37.76 .991 49.53 502.01 S 2 152 Minnie Bales 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37.76 .991 49,53 502,01 N 1 152 Tohn R. White 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 57,76 .699 34.96 487,44 S , 1 152 Virgil fit, Taylor 50 8,295 240 .755 414.72 181.23 .901 49.53 645,48 G Inter- Front- Inter- Curb & Curb ,>, ';ep. `5ep. Total Front- eeo- age section Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter District Lot • raloak t'iOUe"Pty osnior M age i'sttto tion ziate Cost Cost hate Cost hate Cost��Cost N 4 153 R. A. Bradley 50 8.295 240 .755 414.72 181,23 .991 49.53 645,48 S 4 - 153 Amos D. Miller 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37,76 .991 49.53 502,01 N 3. 153 Tacy T'row elter 50 8,295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .991 49.53 502.01 S 3 153 Mark D, & Effie L. tiller 50 8,295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .699 34.96 487.44 N 2 153 'Inn L. Miller 50 8,295 50 .755 414.72 37.76 .991 49.53 502,01 S 2 153 T. Albert Onstead 50 8,295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .991 49.53 502,01 N 1 153 Alice Consigny 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37.76 .991 49.53 502,01 S 1 153 D.L. & C. Della fiery 50 8.295 240 .755 414.72 181.23 .991 49.53 645,48 W 4514 154 Eva Raag 45 .755 33.98 33.98 E451ofI9004 154 H. E. $ohason 45 .755 33,98 33,98 Nf `ofE100*4 154 Alice Rentseh 50 .755 37,76 37.76 Rb..i 4 154 :s orell A. Athorly _state 100 8.295 150 .755 829.44 I13.27 .991 99.05 1041.76 N -X 3 154 E. A. Atherly Estate 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37.76 .991 49.53 502,01 S 3 154 Thorms J. Soden 50 6,295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .991 49.53 502,01 N 2 154 E. M. Jacobson 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37,70 .991 49,53 502,01 . , S 2 1% John W, Walker 50 8.295 50 .735 414,72 37,76 .991 49.53 502.01 N 1 154 Chas. A.& Ella Dinnebeek 50 8,295 50 .755 414,72 37.76 .991 49.53 502.01 S 1 154 bred Brunz 50 8,295 240 .755 414.72 181,23 .991 49.53 645.48 N50+o=40.4 155 B. M. Hogue 50 8.295 190 .755 414.72 143.48 .991 49.53 007.73 N 501 4 155 B.S. & Ida D. Smith 50 .755 37,76 37.76 5501ofEl49.4 155 j'uaanda S. Turner 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 37.76 .991 49.53 502,01 N 3'- 155 A. W. Middleton 50 8.295 50 ,755 414,72 37.76 .991 49.53 502.01 S 3 155 Claude C. Giddings 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 37.76 .991 49.53 502,01 N 2 155 Rasa T. Nightengale 50 8,295 50 .7W 414,72 37.76 .699 34.96 487.44 S 2 155 Moses T. & Tosie King 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37,76 .699 34.90 487.44 9 155 Joseph T. Ver Straten 100 8,295 290 .755 829.44 218.99 .699 69.92 1118.35 nBDBBg STRZ&T IMPROVI::`,3M DISTRICT 19 Inter- Front- Inter- Curb & Curb & oep. Sep. Total Lot Block property Owner ?font- seo- age section Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter District SUN :date tion Rate Cost Cost Rate Coat Rate Cost Cost ]=,of ft 6 156 Cornelia A. 4arfield 50 8.295 180 .755 414.72 135.92 .699 v-4.96 585.60 W60!of N 6 156 D. S. and H. D. Eldridge 60 .755 45.31 45.31 _�___ av Wo"Ww .emu , rely J_V'f013 Wot3C. .u�a N 37. 1 156 Barbare Stitt 37 8.295 37 .755 306.89 27,94 .699 25.87 360.70 N5OtOfSlGOt 1 156 L.;.Roy & .Floyd R. LiggettW 8.295 50 ,755 414.72 37.76 .699 34.96 487.44 6 509 1 156 Harold S. Cutting 50 8.295 240 .755 414.72 181.23 .699 34,96 630.91 ' 7 Inter- 1-1'rn nt- In*sr- Curb & Curb ? Cap, 1104 Total FronW- aft ace seotion Gutter Gutter Gutter Guer District "'Let •Block Property, owner e.&2 Rate tion Rats cost Coat _ Rate Cost Rata Gor>t _-of, 5 10 W. B. Irby Jr. 230 .755 173.68 173,68 6 157 Susie B, Glick, Kenneth Hugh, Oral and Pearl Christensen 50 .755 37,76 37,76 7 157 Nary E, Tebom 50 .755 37176 37.76 8 10 Custatr V.ator 50 .7.55 37,76 57.76 P,68•ofFU5.5 162 Andrew Knodel 68 8.295 7.83 .755 564.02 138,19 .991 67.35 769.56 W320of1:75• 5 162 Fred ., & Aletha ?.'iller 32 .755 ?.4,16 24.14 B 43. 5 162 Lucius Brunton 43 .755 ;S2,47 32,47 S32•oVill515 162 illiam BA Lilly 14, Walker 32 6.295 32 .755 265,42 PA,16 .991 31.69 321,27 N10*ofW1.1516 102 William EA Lill; U. i'alkor 10 6.295 10 .755 82,95 7,55 .991 9.90 100,40 S4"OfN50• of _15• 6 162 Uizabeth H. Me"ord 40 8.295 40 .73.R 351.78 Z0.:1 .991 39.62 401.61 S 50. 6 162 George L3orrison 50 81295 50 .755 414.72 57,76 .699 M.96 407.44 7 162 George "4rrison 100 8.295 100 .75A 829,44 75,51 .699 69,92 974,61 PT b 9 162 ?.enc Hoadlee 50 8,295 50 .755 414,72 1,97,76 .699 34.96 487.44 S 1 8 162 l!1ti ':CArthur 50 8.295 240 ,7W 414,72 le1a23 .991 49.53 e45,48 N 1/2 5 133 Carman 24angelical Luthern Bethlehant Church cS Fort Collins 50 8.295 240 755 414,72 lf" ,93 595.35 S 5' 153 j T.F.Mate L, Simonson 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .991 49.53 502.01 N 6 163 Nellie Harris 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 a7.76 .991 49,53 502,01 ' 3 6 163 Ina B, Bales 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 57,76 .991 49.53 502,01 jN 7 : - 133 Foury T, Diercks Estate 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 57.76 .991 49.53 502.01 ' S 7 163 J. W. Pule 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .991 49.53 502,01 9 153 Mast' PI. Brown ':state 100 6.295 147.5 .755 829,44 111,38 .99l 99.06 1039.88 10 153 Roland R. Hall 47,5 .755 35,87 35,87 11 163 P41and R. Pull 47,5 .755 35.87 55,87 1 133 a- L, Fatts 47.5 .755 35.87 35,87 N 5 154 The ^.eventh Day Adventist Association of Colorado 50 8.295 240 .755 414.72 181.213 .991 49.53 845.43 S 5 164 Unry Elizabeth Villiams 50 8.295 50 .755 414.72 37.75 .001 49.53 502.01 N 6 164 Roy T. Smith 50 8.295 50 .75.5 414.72 37,76 N .699 34.96 487.44 S 6 164 Clarice li. Hayes 50 8.295 50 .755 41.1.72 37,76 .991 49.55 502,03. N 7 154 Henry Potter 50 8,295 50 .755 414.72 37,76 .991 49.53 502.01 S 7- - 164 Cora N bol Miller 50 8.295 50 .753 4111.72 37.76 .991 49.53 502.01 W142. 8 164 Sins ' . '-Arly 100 3,295 242 .755 889.44 7.82.75 .991 99.06 1111125 F 461 8 1" John W, Luce 48 .783 36.25 36,25 W47'•_ 5 - 165 ?'dose Barker 100 8.295 147.5 .755 829.4±4 111,58 .991 99.06 1039.E F47f•ofF795.5 1.65 Charien F. Curs 47,5 .75.5 35.87 35,67 N470ofH95•5 165 P-rra F;. Diirend 47.5 .755 3510" 35.67 n 47J•5 165 John Ghent 47.5 .75 ; 35.67 35,67 . later- Front- Inter- Curb ?- Curbsep, Sep. Total rmnt- Be;- age section Gutter Gutter Gutter butter District At -7uac C :Irop®rty Omer aV ,fate :ion n ate Cost CCO t Rate Coast Rate Cost Cos t N ' 6 165 Charles R, & Lottie E, VanPelt 50 8,295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .991 49,53 502,01 S 6 165 M. f1. Hof-etmn 50 8.295 50 ,755 414.72 37,76 .991 49,53 502,01 N 7 165 klfred Fleiscbman 50 81295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .991 49.53 502,01 S 7 165 George M,Streoker 50 8,295 50 .755 414.72 37.76 .991 49.53 502.01 N 8 166 To-mle 1. FAckett 50 3.295 50 .755 414,72 37.70 .991 49.53 502.01 S * 8 165 Ezra HO FAar Estate 50 8,295 240 .755 414.72 181.23 .991 49.53 645,48 W80` 13 166 .r-nna Nye 50 8,295 130 .755 414.72 98,17 .699 34,96 547,85 W60Iof"UlO`15 166 t%rtin Re Lnholt SO .755 45.30 45.30 E y0113 166 Gertrude kIcCrum 50 .755 37,76 37,76 14 3,56 '.:alter & MArtha Ellyn Cox 50 C.295 50 .755 414.72 37.7E .699 34.96 487.44 '7 166 R, A. F.Uis 50 8.295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .699 34,96 487,44 166 Thrones C, Niobolsor, 50 6.295 50 .755 414.72 37.7E .991 49.53 502.01 17 166 3. B. latson 50 8.295 50 ,755 414,72 37,76 .699 34.96 487,44 18 156 D. B. 11ollar 50 6,296 50 .755 414,72 37.7E 452.48 19 106 Sesse S. Newson 50 81295 50 ,785 414,72 37,76 452.48 20 166 Tboms F. Adan 50 8.295 50 .7M 414.7E 37.76 .901 49.53 502,01 21 166 D. B. Hollar 50 8.295 50 .7W 414.72 37,76 .991 49.53 502,01 22 166 Lorenzo ". Plower 50 C.295 50 .755 414,72 37,76 .699 34,96 487.44 "t23 166 F.orenzo , Flower 8,5 6,295 8,5 .755 70.51 6.42 1699 5,94 82.017 S6OIX 166 ?_'inole M, & :;Tao€; x . ili Ia 60 S.295 60 .755 497.6? 4;;.30 .699 41,95 584.92 K%"24 166 Minoln M, 3, Amos F. Diehl 3,5 8.295 3.5 .735 29.04 2,64 .699 2,45 34.15 19125tof bt*St24 %66 J. r. s,Ipert 65 8,295 190 .735 539.15 14Z,48 .692 45.45 728.06 I665`of S659PA 166 inorgc T. Avery 05 ,755 49.08 49.06 1617 ' ildrf,-d L. i'cIntosh 50 ,755 37.7E 37.76 161 td :Pearl P. Workman 50 .755 37.76 37, 76 A 161 brace V, Black 50 .755 37.76 37.76 ?i M918 16+7 Ottie and Iva R. Reese 1W 755 119.31 119,37. S721 12 161 Fred IIntt croon(Agreemnt of sale to Thomas A'•, Hopkins) 72 .755 54.37 54.37 City of Fort Collins, a Municipal COrpoxztion (1f2 cost of later .ections) 12657,40 Section 4, All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable crithin thirty (30) days from the final passa[-e and publication of this ordinance, without demand , provided that all assessments may at the election of the oven er s of the property to be assessed be paid in twenty (20) equal installments, beginning 1923 , and p^ able annually on said last mentioned date thereafter, ;,,:til the p,11 aric nt thereof has been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually at the rate of four and three-quarters (4-3/40) per cent per annum. Section 5. ailure to pa;f the vr_ole of the assessment within the said period of thirty (30) days shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons interested , whether under disability or ot',-ierwise, to pay in such installments. Section 6. Failure to pay any installment, whether of ,)rincipal or interest, when due , shall cause the w1iole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one (hb) per cent per month , or fraction of a month, until the dayof sale as hereinafter provided , but at any time prior to the day of sale the crvner ray pay, the ar<�ount of all Unpaid installments , with interest at one (hb) per cent per month , or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall t'i.ere- upon be restored to the ri&t to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered. The ovaners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the whole of the wipaid principal ,1ith interest accrued to the maturity of the ne-xt installment of interest or principal. Section 7 . Payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days o the final passage and publication of this ordinance and an allowance of five (5A per cent discount shall -4- r � � i be made on all payments made during such period only. Section S. In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal and interest when due , any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon; at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes . Section 9 . It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Whedbee, -Riverside, Jefferson and Linden Street Improvement District No. 19 in proper form showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed, the total amount of the assessment , the amount of each installment of principal and interest , and the date when each installment will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty, and deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days after the passage of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect thereof. Upon the ex- piration of the thirty (30) days, the City Treasurer shall return to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon , with the date of each payment , and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a permanent local assessment roll in book form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment unpaid, the date to which the same is computed , the amount of each install- ment of principal and interest, together with two (20) per cent additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer , and the date when the same will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City and -5- • di � f jwW by him delivered to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for the collection of the same. Section 10. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assess-ment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and every ewwW month, with separate statements for all such collections for each month, in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section 11. The owner of anIT divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge . Section 12 . In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health , peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under. and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article I1 of the City. Charter. Introduced , read at length and adopted byVt//he unai.imous vote of all the members of t',ie City Council t i:ir 71� day of Y, A. D. 1928. Convnissi. ner of Safe � nd Ex-Uffici L:ayor . ATTEST: City Clerk. STATE OF COLORADO ) } SS. COUNTY OF LARI12M ) I, A. J. ROSENOW, dity Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of twelve (12) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 8°3;i day of A. D. 1928 , and eras duly adopted and. ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official news- paper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter of the City of Fort Collins , and thereafter and on to-wit : lv '� day of arofj the A. D. 1928 ; said Ordinance 110. G. was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily news- paper published in the City of Dort Collins , Colorado. 114 ;11T1-=S `,TiEPMOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed Ac Althe seal of said City this ay of A. D. 1928 . 1 y Clerk,.