HomeMy WebLinkAbout033 - 10/27/1928 - RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1929, AND ENDING DECE J � � 1 ORDINANCE NO. 33, 1928 BEING "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCF, " AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOF THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY lst, 1929, AND ENDIJG DECEMBER 31st, 1929, AND FIXING THE IdILL LEVIES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR BErIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That there be and is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the City of Fort Collins for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1929, and ending December 31, 1929, the sum of Three hundred twenty nine thousand one hundred forty and 90/100 ($329,140.90) Dollars, to be raised by taxation and otherwise, which said sum is hereby divided and anoropriated for the following purposes, to-wit Advertising -------------------------------------- $ 875 00 Building Emergency ------------------------------- 5,817,64 Building Inspection ------------------------------ 2,650.00 Caterpillar Tractor ------------------------------ 11087,50 City Hall Addition ------------------------------- 335,40 City Park Tool House ----------------------------- 727,91 Engineering General Government ------------------- 29000.00 Fire Department --------- ------------------------- 180607.00 General Government ------------------------------- 17,000.00 Grand View Cemetery ------------------------------ 8,693,00 Library ------------------------------------------ 60985,00 Lights ------------------------------------------- l7p600.O0 Municipal Ca_np Grounds --------------------------- 7,473.71 Mun.R.W.College and Mountain Junction ------------ 1,311.51 Mun R.W Deficit ---------------------------------- 10,000,00 Mun R W.Emergency -------------------------------- 305.00 N 751 Lots 1 and 13, Block 4, Washington Place --- 990.48 Parks--City -------------------------------------- 8,872.93 Parks--High School ------------------------------- 601.00 Parks--Lincoln ----------------------------------- 646 00 Parks--Mountain ------------------- -------------- 50.00 Parks--Washington -------------------------------- 626.00 Parks--South College Avenue ---------------------- 741 00 Parks--West Mountain Avenue ---------------------- 1,617.00 Police ---------------------------- --------------- 142503.00 Public Entertainment ------e--------------------- 1,200.00 Public Grounds and Buildings --------------------- 2,680.00 Public Health ------------------------------------ 31600*00 Publicity ---------------------------------------- 600,00 Streets ------------------------------------------ 23,335.00 Zoning ---------------------- -------------------- 1,700.00 $163,231.08 PreLocal Improvements ------------------------------------- 10,000 00 Imn Dist.No 7, W Oak --------------------------- $ 516,81 Imp Dist.No. 8, W Mountain ---------------------- 2,832.18 Imp Dist.No.11, S College ----------------------- 1,257.25 Imp.Dist No.12, Oak ------------------------------ 134.69 -1- Imp Dist.No.14, Howes --------------------------- 1,057.12 Imp.Dist.No.17, Pitkin -------------------------- 569.34 Imp.Dist.No.18, S. College ---------------------- 307.09 Imp Dist.No.19, Whedbee ------------------------- 1,204 04 Imp Dist.No.20, LaPorte ------------------------- 1..034.51 Imp.Dist.No.21, 17 Olive ------------------------ 124.82 In*.Dist.No.23, N College ---------------------- 644.07 Imn.Dist.No.24, W Mountain --------------------- 127.34 Imp.Dist No.25, W Mountain --------------------- 1,070.73 Imp Dist.No.27, Edwards ------------------------- 12171,31 Imp Dist.No.28, Mathews ------------------------- 1,714.39 Imp Dist.No.30, Jackson ------------------------- 384.66 Imp Dist.No.32, E. Mountain --------------------- 335.96 Imp.Dist.No.33, Whedbee ------------------------- 72.90 Imp Dist No.34, Remington and Locust ------------ 77.43 Imp Dist.No.35, Plum and Peterson --------------- 75.33 Imp.Dist.No.36, Remington ----------------------- 77,53 Alley Imp.Dist.No. 7 ---------------------------- 95.71 Sanitary Sewer Dist.No. 46 ---------------------- 117.10 Sanitary Sewer Dist.No. 47 ---------------------- 676.70 Storm Sewer Dist.No. 5 -------------------------- 296 55 Storm Seder Dist No. 6 -------------------------- 97.88 Mun.R.W.Edrvards St Imp.Dist -------------------- 558.33 Mun.R.W.Mountain Ave. Paving -------------------- 43,411,P7 Mun.R.W.East Mountain Ave.Paving ---------------- 933.33 Mun R.W Pitkin St Paving ------------------------ 1,322.50 Mun R.W.Whedbee St.Paving ----------------------- 1,329.16 Mun.R.W.Whedbee St. Imp.No. 2 -------------------- ls063,46 North College Ave Fill ------------------------- 1,333,33 27,024,82 Municipal Railway Bonds ------------------------------------ 5,000.00 Municipal Railway Interest --------------------------------- 3,625.00 Municipal Railway Operating and Maintenance ---------------- 31,315.00 Water Works ------------------------------------- $24,805.00 Water Works Sewer Flushing Maintenance ---------- 2, 500.00 Interest Water Bonds ---------------------------- 539640,00 Refunding Water Bonds --------------------------- 89000.00 882945.00 Grand Total ---------------------------------- $3291,140,90 Section 2. That foi the purpose of providing necessary funds for meeting the appropriations set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance, the following levies be and are hdr eby made upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, the same being the amount necessary, together with estimated miscellaneous receipts, to provide for the payment of the fore- going appropriations and to meet the payment during the fiscal year -2- ending December 31st, 1929, of all properly authorized demands upon the City Treasurer, to-wit Local Improvement Districts ----------------- 2.43 mills Municipal R W Bonds Sinking fund ---------- .45 mills Municipal R W Interest Sinking fund ------- .33 mills General Expense ----------------------------- 11,79 mills being a total of 15.00 mills, which levies shall be certified to the County Assessor, and to the Board of County Commissioners of Larimer County, Colorado, by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor and the City Clerk, as provided by law. Section 3. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all membersof the City Council at a regular meeting held this 27th day of October, A D 1928. C 6mmi es: oneAo_fS__r ty an Ex f f i c o ATTEST or i City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I, A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of three (3) sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 27th day of October, A D 1928, and Was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express. Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter, and thereafter, and on to-wit the L?/ IL?~ day of QC �a be r , 1928, said Ordinance No. 33 was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN WITNESS VJHEPEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this &/ q'_ day of Qc�0 6 e Y , A D. 1928. City C er