HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - 03/21/1925 - FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADES ON LAPORTE AVENUE FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF HOWES STREET TO �Q ORDIPiANCE NO. 0 , 1925 BEING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING Thy, GRADES ON LAPORTE AVENUE FROM THE TEST PROPERTY LINE OF 13:)7VES STREET TO THE EAST PROPTRTY LINE OF SHIELDS STRETT, IN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THT CITY COUNCIL OF TH7 CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. The grades for Laporte Avenue from the Wsst property line of Howes Street to the East property line of Shields Street, are hereby fixed and established and declared to be as follows: All elevations are in relation to and referred to City Datum B. M. 104.76 at the intersection of the walks on the corner of College Avenue and Oak Strs�t at the postoffice corner. Beginning at station 10 plus 00 which is the west property line of Howes Strut, north walk 103.77; north curb 103.39; north gutter 1C2.59; centerline 103.38; south gutter 102.96; south curb 103.76; south walk 104.19; at station 14 plus 00 which is the east prop3rty line of Trialdrum Strut, north walk 107.20; centerline 106.E0; south walk 106.76; at station 14 plus 20 which is the east curb line of S+eldrum Stre t, north curb 106.70; north gutter 105.90; south gutter 105.80; south curb 106.60; at station 14 plus 50 which is the centerlins of Meldrum Street, 106.75; at station 14 plus 80 which is the vest curb lire of Meldrum Streit, north curb 106.90; north gutter 106.1C; south gutter 106.00; south curb 106.80; at station 15 plus 00 which is the west property line of ' sldrum Street, north walk 107.20; centerline 1C7.00; south walk 107.00; at station 16 plus 50 which is a break in grade, north walk 1C8.00; north curb 107.90; north gutter 107.10; centerline 106.20; at statior. 17 plus 00 which is a break in grade, south gutter 107.90; south curb 108.70; south walk a 108.90; at station 17 plus 50 which is/break in grade, north walk 109.26; north curb 1C9.00; north gutter 108.20; centerline 109.30; at station 18 plus CO which is a break in grade, south walk 11C.60; at statior, 19 plus 00 which is the east property line of Sherwood Street, north walk 111.60; north curb 111.10; north gutter 110.30; centerline 111.20; south walk 111.70; at station 19 plus 20 which c ' is the east curb line of Sherwoodv/Street, north curb 111.30; north gutter 110.50; south gutter 110.50; south curb F11.30; at station 19 plus 50 which is the -1- cent3rline of Sherwo Street, 111.55; at station 19 z 80 which is the west curb line of Sherwood Street, north curb 111.53; north gutter 1 C.73; south gutter 110.90; south curb 111.70; at station 20 plus 00 which is the we::t property line of Sherwood Street, north walk 111.85; north cur�11.70; north gutter 110.90; cent3rline 111.90; south walk 112.40; at station 22 plus 00 which is a break in grade, north walk 116.00; north curb 115.60; north gutter 114.80; centerline 115.80; south gutter 114.80; south curb 115.50; at station 23 plus 00 which is a break in grade, north curb 118.60; north gutter 117.8Q; south gutter 117.00; south curb 117.90; south walk 117.90; at station 24 plus 00 which is the east property line of Whitcomb Streit, north walk 121.80;north curb 121.70; north gutter 120.90; centerline 121.50; south gutter 119.80; south curb 120.60; south walk 120.75; at station 24 plus 20 which is the east curb line of Whitcomb Str3=t, north curb 122.06; north gutter 121.26; south gutter 120.20; south curb 121.00; at station 24 plus 50 which is the centerline of Vl:itcorrb Street, 122.05; at station 24 plus 65 which is a break in grade, centerline 122.20; at station 24 plus 72 which is the w=_st curb line of `"hiteomb Streit on north side of Lap^rts Avenne, north curb 122.40; north gutter 121.60; at station 24 plus 80 which is the west curb line of Whitcomb Street, south side of Laporte Avenue, south gutter 121.60; south curb 122.40; at station 24 plus 90 ,rich is the wtst property line of [Yhitcomb Street, n:;rth side of Laporte Avenue, north walk 122.90; at station 25 plus 00 which is the west property line of 1!_itcorb Street, south side of Laporte Avanusr, eentirline 122.50; south walk 123.30; at station 28 plus 70 which is the east property line of Loomis Str3>t, north side of Laporte Av3nus, north walk 126.40; centerline 125.80; at station 28 plus 86 which is the east curb line of Loomis Streit, north side of Laperts Avenue, north curb 125.80; north gutter 125.00; at station 29 plus 00 vihich is the east property line of Loomis Str-et, south side of Laporte Avenue, south walk 126.90; at station 29 plus 10, which is the centerline"of Loomis Street, north side of Laporte Av3rne, 126.10; at station 29 plus 20 which is the east curb lint of Loomis Streit, so:ith side of Laporte Avenue, south gutter 125.50; south curb 126.40; at station 29 plus 34 which is the west curb lint of Loomis, north side of Laporte Avenue, north curb 125.90; north gutter 125.10; at station 29 plus 50 which is the wsst property line of Loomis Str et, north side of -2- Laporte Avenue, north walk 126.90; centerline 126.40; at station 29 plus 80 which is the west curb ling of Loomis Street, south side of Laporte Avenue, south gutter 125.80; south curb 126.60; at station 30 plus 00 which is the west property line of Loomis Street, south si3e of Laporte Avenue, centerline 126.70; south walk 127.80; at station 31 plus 50 which is a break in grade, north walk 128.20; at station 32 plus 00 which is a break in grade, soi:th walk 129.90; at station 33 plus 30 va-:ich is the east property line of Grant Street, north side of Laporte Avenue, north walk 130.20; centerline 130.00; at station W plas 46 -chich is the ea t curb line of Grant Street, north side of Laporte Avenue, north curb 130.00; north gutter 129.20; at station 33 plus 70 which is the centerline of Grant Street, north side of Laporte Avenue, 130.25; at station 33 plus 94 :!rhich is the w3st curb line of Grant Street, north side of Laporte Avenue, north curb 130.20; north gutter 129.40; at station 34 plus 00 which is the east property line of Grant Street, south side of Laporte Avenue, south walk 131.20; at station 34 plus 10 which is the west property line of Grant Street, north side of Laporte Avenue, north walk 130.80; centerline 130.50; at station 34 plus 20 which is the east curb line of Grant Street, south side of Laporte Avenue, south gutter 130.00; south curb 130.80; at station 34 plus 50 which is the centerline of Grant Street, south side of Laporte A,,enue, 130.75; at station 34 i,lus 80 which is th- west curb line of Grant Street, south side of Laporte Avenue, south gutter 130.15; south curb 130.95; at station 35 plus 00 which is the west property line of Grant Street, south side of Laporte Avenue, centerline 131.00; south walk 131.50; at station 37 plus 40 which is a break in grade, south gutter 131.45; south curb 132.25; south walk 132.60; at station 37 plus 90 which is sastVprcperty line of Wood Street, north side of Laporte Avenue, north walk 132.00; centerline 132.50; at station 38 plus 10 which is the east curb line of Wood Street, north evrb 132.60; north gutter 131.80; at station 38 plus 40 which is the centerline of Wood Street, 132.80; at station 38 plus 70, which is the west curb line of Wood Street, north curb 133.00; north gutter 132.20; at station 38 plus 90 which is the vest property line of Wood Street, north walk 133.70; center- line 133.10; at st^tion 39 :lus 00 which is the east property line of Washington Street, south vmlk 133.60; at station 39 plus 12 which is the east curb line of Washington Street, south gutter 132.70, south curb 133.50; at station 39 plus -3- 30 which is the center! .e of Wshington Streit, 133.35 t station 39 plus 46 which curb is the west/line of Washington Streit, south gutter 133.00; south curb 133.80; at station 39 plus 60 which is the west property line of mshington Street, cehtirline 133.36; south walk 134.1C; at station 40 plus 00 which is a break in grade, north curb 133.60; north gutter 132.80; south gutter 133.15; south curb 133.95; at station 41 plus 50 which is a break in grade, north curb 135.00; north gutter 134.20; centerline 134.90; south gutter 134.20; south curb 115.00; at station 42 rlus 50 which is the east rroperty line of Park Streit, north walk 135.90; centerline 135.35; south gutter 134.65; south curb 135.45; south walk 135.80; at station 42 plus 64 which is thi east curb line of Park Streit, north curb 135.65; north grater 134.85; at station 42 olus 85 which is the centirline of Park Strut, 135.55; at station 43 plus 06 which is the west curb line of Park Streit, north curb 135.90; north gutter 135.10; at station 43 plus 20 Rd:ich is the west property line of Park Street, north walk 136.40; centirline 135.75; south walk 136.20; at station 44 plus 00 which is a break in grade, south gutter, 135.30; south curb 136.10; at all tion 45 plus 55 which is a break in grade, south walk 137.24; at station 46 plus 51.6 which is the east property line of Mack Street, centerline 137.35, south walk 137.90; at station 46 plus 61.6 which is the east curb line of black Street, so,.th gutter 136.80; so..th curb 137.60; at station 46 plus 76.6 which is the centirline of Mack✓Street, 137.50; at station 46 plus 80 which is the east property line of West Streit, north walk 137.90; at station 46 plus 91.6 which is the west curb line of Mack Streit, south gutter 136.95; south curb 137.75; at station 46 plus 94 which is the east curb line of West Street, north curb 137.65; north gutter 136.85; at station 47 plus 01.6 which is the Rest property line of Mack Street, south walk 118.12; at station 47 plus 15 which is the centerline of west Strut, 137.74; at station 47 plus 36 which is the west curb line of That Streit, north curb 139.00, north gutter 137.20; at station 47 plus 50 which is the Mast property line of Vvlist strsit, north Balk 138.60; centirline 137.90, at station 50 plus 81.3 which is the east property line of Shields Streit, north side of Laporte Avenue, 139.92 is north walk; centarline 139.75; at station 50 plus 93.3 which is the east curb line of Shields Strait, north side of Laporte Avenue, north curb 139.70; north gutter 138.90; at station 51 plus 15.6 which is the east property line of Shields Streit, south side of Laporte Avenue, centerline -4- ;39.95; south gutter 139.25; south valk 140.31; at station 51 plus 28.6 which is the east curb line of Shields 5tn=at, south side of Laporte Avenue, south gutter 139.55; south curb 140.15. S3ctior, 2. All ordinances and marts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repsal3d. Section 3. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the praservation of the public health, ceacs and safety, and this ordinancs shall take effect uwon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of th3 authority contained in Secti:-ns 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Chart3r. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council this 21st day of ;March, A. D. 1925. Commissioner of Sa.7 and F ficio Mayor AiT�ST: City Clark. STATE OF COWF.ADO ) SS. COUNTY OF LARIMR ) I, A.. J. ROS7'%TM9, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of thraa (3) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular ma3ting of the City Council, held on the 21st day of 'March, A. D. 1925, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Fxpresa-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspapar of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordin nce, in accordance with the crovisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and thareafter to-wit: the -2�5 Oday of March, A. D. 1925, said Ordinance No. _9 was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper published in t"ra City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN WITNESS rHPTEOF, I ?-eve hereunto sat my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this o< cJ '�ay of March, A. D. 1925. City Clerk.