HomeMy WebLinkAbout012 - 03/23/1926 - FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADES FOR VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY (EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) ORDINANCE N0. y, 1926, BEING AN "?URGENCY ORDINANCE FIXING AND 7STABLISHING THE' GRADE'S FOR ELIZATMTH STREET, GARFIELD ST a T, *DWAP.DS STRTTTa MATHETS STRTEIT, VILMOBEE STETTIT, CANYON AVENUE, rTST OLIVE STTFTT, AKIN AVENUE, NORTH rMTCO!M STRP;T, MOT)FOPD AVTNT>c, WORTH GRANT STREET, LAPORTE AVENUE, NORTH LOODIIS STREET, r'APLE STREET, r ST STREET, PARR STPFTTT, EAST MULBX'RRY STREET, CHERRY STREET, Vm-ST MOUNTAIN AVENUE, SCOTT AVENUE, MACK STREET, JACKSON AVENUE, BRYAN AMUE, LYON9 STRTTT, MCKINLEY AYET�TTE, ROOSEVELT AVENUE, FISHBACK AVENUE, TAYNE STREET, GORDON AVENUE, NORTH HOMS STIMT, NORTH WASHINGTON AVENUE, EAST MYRTLE STREET, SOUTH SP27LDS STREET, NORTH MTLDRUM STREET, SH17LDS STREET, SOUTH SHTR"OOD STREET, FAST LAURTL STREET, SOUTH WAS? INGTON AVENUE, SOUTH GRANT STREET, SOUTH !ArLDRUM STR <TT, VI)OD STREET, SYCAMMT STREET, SOUTH LOOMIS STREET, EAST OLIVE' S aaT, NORTH SHIMMOD STRT7T, SOUTH WHITCO°,T STREET. EAST T,IA.GNOLIA STMV, COMAN 3=77T, WIT LAxjT STR7,TT, EAST LAKE STREET, BuWIM STREET, EAST OAS ST1ETT, S,gTH STREET, 9TOVVR STR77T, P ' TRSON STRTTT, ,,,g7GTON'S ,-,TT, PROSPECT STREET, 7EST LAUREL STRT:T, �"T MYRTL^ STRT^T, WT.sT ^IAGNOLIA STRT.FT, rKST Mn7TRRY'STRnT, PLUM,STREET' AND LOCUST STRF+.T, IN 77 CITY OF FORT COLLINS, CPLORADO. x r h w BE IT ORDAINED BY Mr, CITY COTTNCIL OF TH^ CITY OF FORT COLLINS: 1 ` , AM Grades for -:lizabeth street from the east property line College Avenue east to City limits, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the City Datum B. K. 104.76 located at the intersections of the sidewalks corner College and uak, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the east property line College Avenue, north walk 107.38; north curb 107.25; north gutter 106.45; south walk 110.06; south curb 109.19; south gutter l08.25; at station 3 plus 00 the west property line Remington, north walk 109.00; south walk 110.47; at station 3 plus 20 the west curb line Remington, north curb 109.00; north Gutter 108. 20; south curb 109.85; south gutter 109.05; at station 3 plus 80 the east curb line Remington, north curb 109.00; north gutter 108.20; south curb 109.85; south gutter 109.05; at station 4 plus 00 the east property line Remington, north walk 109.00; south walk 110.50; at station 7 plus 00 the west property line Lathews, north walk 108. 20; south walk 108.43; at station 7 plus 20, west curb line '-a.thewB. north curb 107.84; north gutter 107.04; south curb 107.70; south gutter 106.90; at station 7 plus 80 the east curb line Lathews >.treet, north curb 107.70; north Gu ter 106.90 ; south curb 107.70; south gutter 106.90; at station b plus 00 the east property line �Iathev.s :street, north walk 107.70; south walk 108.39; at station 8 plus 50, north walk 107.20; at station 10 plus 50, south walk 105. 20; at station 13 plus 00 the west property line .Peterson north walk 100.66; south walk 103.22; at station 13 plus 20, west curb line Peterson, north curb 100.45; north gutter 99.65; south curb 101.60; south gutter 100.80; at station 13 plus 80 the east curb line Peterson, north curb 100.20; north gutter 99.40; south curb 100.90; south gutter 100.10; at station 14 plus 00 the east property line Peterson, north walk 100.35; south walk 102.00; at station 16 plus 00, north walk 98.25; north curb 98.10; north gutter 97.30; south walk 99.10; south curb 98.65; south gutter 97.85; at station 18 plus 00 the west pro?rerty line .1hedbee, north walk 97.80; south walk 98.40; at stati-)n 18 plus 20 the nest curb line Whedbee, north curb 97.44; north gutter 96.64; southcurb 98.00; south gutter 97.20; at station 18 plus 80 the east curb line Thedbee Street, v north curb 97.55; north gutter #0 96.75; south curb 98.30; south gutter 97.50; at station 19 plus 000 east property line, north walk 97.91; south walk 93.71; at station 23 plus 00, vest Property line Smith Street, north walk 101.40; south walk 101.71; at station 23 plus 20 the west curb line Smith, north curb 101.39; north gutter 100.59; south curb 101.39; south gutter 100.59,' at station 23 plus 80 the east curb line Smith, north curb 101.13, north gutter 100.33; south curb 101.13; south gutter 100.33; at station 24 plus 00. east Property line :}math «treet, north walk 101.49; south walk 101.61; at station 25 plus 00, north curb 102.70; north Mutter 101.90; south Alk 101.90; south curb 101.60; south gutter 101.00; at station 26 plus 35 the City limits on south, south :talk 103.99; south curb 103.69; south gutter 103.09; at station 27 plus 00, north :valk 106.10; north curb 105.80; north gutter 105.00; at sta ion 28 plus 00 the west property line stover, north walk 105.20; at station 28 plus 20 the west curb line Stover, north curb 104.90; north gutter 104.10; at station 28 plus 80 the east curb line Stover, north curb 104.00; north gu+ ter 103«20; at station 29 plus 00. east property line Stover, north walk 104.00; at station 31 plus 00, north walk 101.00; north curb 100.70; north -utter 99.90; at station 34 plus 000 north walk 98.20; north curb 97.90; north gutter 97.10; at station 39 plus 00, city limits, north ;calk 94.50; north curb 94.20; north gutter 93.40. v I 1 'Cti.;f. Grades for Gotrfiel4 ntroet, frost the east ..^roperty line College Avenue to City limit •re entnblisho9 and declared to tx as follows. All elevation being reforred to the City Datum P. 104.76 loeat I at the intersocci. of tr.a slde•aall-s corner College ars3 Gsk $tn. OA the root office corner. fegrinniri" at station 0 'jun 00 the qa:t nrouerty line College Avenue, north walk 116,84; north curb 116.56; north ,utter 115.76; soutF, walk 117.22; south curb 117.04; south utter 116.22; at station 1 plus 60, north walk 216.04; north curb 215.50; north gutter 12.4.70; soath veal% 115.44; south curb 115.00; ecuth gutter 1:t4.20; at Station 3 Plus 00 the wort property 11nu Fea+ington Street , north walk 115.52; south "L JU4,92; at Station 3 -�AuS 20 they pleat curt, line Remington 5troot, north curb 115.10; north gutter 114,30; SoW hrurb 114.60; Ko+ath ;utter 113.60; �t station 3 plue CO the east curb line Far,.ington, north curb 115.10; north gutter 114.30; South curb 1.14,60; south auti<sr 113JO: at strt:icn 4 -lus 00 the east property linty lemingten, north walk 115.38; south walk 3.14.63; at station 7 plus 00 the sent pronerty line hathews. north we?k 111.85; gout.% wak 111.35; At station 7 plus 20 the, most curl, lisps 1'a'thowr , north curb 111.10: north matte • 110.30; south ourl, 110.90; south gutter 117.10; at station 7 plus 6n :he east curb lire :.:4;hers Otreet, north curb 110.9C; north &utter 110.10; aouth curb 110.70; south -Uttar 1.09.90; rtt etption 8 plus 00 the east nrererty li.os idathews, nort`z walk 111.21; ecuth walk 111.00; at atAtion 9 :)lus 500 fnsrth w€:lk 109.41; at station 13 plus 00 the west property line Paterson Streit, north walk 105.86; south walk 105.49; at elation 13 plus 20 the,es aaiet curb line Peterson `;t, north curt, 105.19, n^rth gutter 104.3;; sout!lcurb 104.915, south gatter 104.18; at station 13 plus 86, tbo east curb lire Petprnon Street, north curb 105.00; north gutter 104.20; south curb 104.80; South gutter 104.00; at sistion 14 nlus 00 the or+.st property ling Pataraon St. north Walt 105.40; south Welk 105,20; at station 16 oluoi 00, north walk 104.3.4 north curb 103.9O} north Putter 101.10; south walk 103.?0; r.outh. curb 103,70; South flutter 102.9.0; at str,ticn 18 plus 00 the west pr000rty lire Allhedbee `itreal, north walk 104.50; south v lk 103.5l; at ntettios 18 Plus 20 vest curb lire Whadbee, north curb 103.3! ; north gutter 102.55; so:ath curb 103.15; south gutter 102.35; ec station 18 rlrs 80 the east curb 11.1e thnlbco, north curb 103.56; north gutter 102.76; south cure 103.30; south gutter 102.50; at station 19 plus 00, asct rronorty line e'hedbee Street, north wglk 104.G0; south vak 103.50, at station 23 pl'.,g 00, west nronorty line, Srlith Street, north walk 105.90; south walk 104.50; at Station 23 plus 20 the crest curb line Smith, north curb 104.66; north gutter 103.86; south &urb 104.40; south mutter 103.601 at station 23 plus bO the mast curb line Smith, north curb 104.40; north gutter 103.60; south curb 104.40; south gutter 103.60; at station 24 plun 00 the test property line Su th At:eet, n—rt?, vilk 104.30; south walk 104.32; at .Cation 26 plus 3 Eh= city liults, acrt,4 -x"L: 105,0; rie•mh curb li j.i:4; uortl: guttrr 1U4.24; south valkz 104,91; -4uth curt, 105.041 oouth 1;utter 1t)4.14. Grades for dwards Street fres: the east rroperty line Oollege Avenue to the City Limits, s:•s establisted and de:lared to be as follows. All elevaticna being referred to the City Datum B. L.. 104.76, located at the intersection of the sidewalks at the c-rner of Collsge Avenue and Oak Street, qt the cost office corner. Beginning at Station 0 plus 00 the east property line Collete Avenue, north walk 117.00; north curb 116.70; north gutter 115.90;ocuth walk 117.10; south curb 116.80; south gutter 116.00; at station 3 plus 00 the west property line P,amingtor Street, north walk N# 114.31; south walk 114.11; at station 3 plus 20 the vneot curb line Psalm,ton Stree4 north curb 113.69; north gutter 113.09; south curb 113.89+ south guttex, 113.09; at station 3 plus 80 the east curb line remingtonStreet, north curb 1.13.35; north gu-:ter 112.55; south curb 113.35; south gutter 112.55; at station 4 Plus 00 the east property line :.emington Street, north walk 113.62; south walk U3.65; at station 7 Pius 00 the west property lire hathewe Strect, north walk 111..32; south walk 111.32; at stsiion 7 plus 20 the west curb line L.athews Street, north curb 110.90; north gutter 110.10; south east curb 110.90; south gutter 110.10; at station 7 plus 80 the Jf curb line l athews Street, north durb 11000; port'_. gutter 109.90; south curb 110.90; south gutter 110.10; at station 8 Plus 00 the east property line N.athews Street, north walk 111.04; south walk 111.17; at station 13 plua UU the west property iins Paterson Street, north walk 104.38; south wall 104,51; at station 13 plus 2U the west curb line PetersorL Street, north curb 103.57; north gutter 102.77 ; south curb 103.77; south gutter 102.9'J; at station 13 nlua 80 the east curb line Peterson Street, north curb 103.75; north gutter 102.95; south curb 103.75; soxth gutter 102.95; at station 14 plus 00 the east property line Peterson Street, north walk 103,95; south walk lJ4.Ul; at station 18 plus UO the west property line Whedbee treat north walk 102*54; south walk 102.60; at station 18 plus 20 the west curb line Thedbes St, ne,•th curb 102.20; north gutter 101.40; south curb 102.20; south getter 101.40; at station 18 plus 5,� the cast curb li.ue ''Whodbes Street, north curb 101.0; north gutter 101.14; south cu.-IC 101.94; south gutter 101.14; at x.,ation 19 n]us OU the east property line Whedbee St, ncit'r: wf.lk 102.20; south walk 101.90; at station 23 Pins 00 the west property line Smith St, north walk 131-30; South walk 1UO.10; at etration 23 plus 20 the west curb line smith at. north cures 39.96; north gutter 99.16; south curt 99.96; south gutter 99.16; at station 23 plus 91 :ha east curb line 5vich 0treet, north cu. b 9.96; nurth gutter 99.16; south curb 100.00; south gutter 99.20; at station 24 plus UO the east property line 6uAth utreet, north Val# 100.40; south walk 1M.10; at etaticn 26 plus 20, north walk 1riO.9.5; north curb 100.54; north gutter 99,76; south walk 100.65; south curb 100.60; south gutter 99.80, "�cti.on 4. Grades for "a.thtws Street, from the south curb 1ias Mountain .;v,uue to the north c :rb line ' rmr)ect I.Itroet, ,are ec:t :blidbbd and declared to be ac followo. ^,,11 elevationm beiri;; referred to the City Dat= B.U. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks at corner of College Avenue and Vak Street, at the post office corner. begirning at Station 0 pinup 16, the south curb line of h®untain -ALven *, ''lest curb 92.9$; west gutter 92.18; cast curb 0.3.00; eaet e-p tter 92.20, at station 0 plus 00 the south prn aert7 line Mountain. Avermal vest vralk 93.48; lw'°st ru_vF 93.28; w at gutter 91.48; east mlk 93.20; at 8ta- tion 1 ,.Iuf3 50, nest ?talk 94.00; westt curb 93.70; set gutter 92.90; east walk 93.75; ea.;t aura: 93.55; east gutter 92.75; at ot.:tior. 4- rlua 00 tlie north ;property line tjak Street , vest ,val'k 97.00; ee.ct walk 95.46; 'at uts- tion 4 plus 20 the north -curb Use Oak E3trent, °>est curb 95.65; w oat zt► tter 0,4.85; east curb 95.12; eaet gutter 94.3-1; at station 4 plus 80 the a+nuth curb line Oak `street, vier-.t, curb 95.90; :zest gutter 95.10; coat curb 95.$0; c:u3° -Utter. 94.60; at aatation 5 plue 00 the south prcpertlr line cak surest tiest walk 96.50; west curb 95.8C; rent gutter 95.00; lust valk' 95•()0; east curb 95.27; east V.tter 94.47; at station ? bolus 00, vrest zzaLk 96.40; at station 9 plus 00 the: nortL r.roperty line, Olive _,trect, > ezt • aL`, 97.71; east �malk 96.46; at cta- ticn 9 plus 20 the north curb line olive. '. trect, ,Nest curb 0, .04• west I-u �ter 96. 9 62• east gutter 95.82•�, 14; east curb �. at station 9 plus 80 the south curb lire °dire Street, .pest curb 97.60; "pet gutter 0.6.80; east curb 97.81; east grater 97.01; at etaticn 10 plu9 00 the south property line :)live Strlaet, vast -walk Sr9.10; west curb 9r"•96; weet gutter 97.16; casttivalk 98.35; east curb 97.97; eaTt Cutter 97.17; at station 11 12us 00, west ou.b ve:rt utter 98.10; ;sat curl) 98.70; east nutter 97.90; at Station 1.2 plus 00, wc3t vmlL, 101.50; 11re,st curb 100.91; west gutter 100.11; east *°'alk 100.60; east curt 1G: .50; cast gusLter 9�.70; at station 13 plus 00 the :sect cur* 103.10; west gutter 7.02.30;s -i east ;•elk 103.20; ant curb 102.n0; emr)t gutter 102.10; wt station 14 plus 01-1 t i- -i3rth pron^rty line Ladnol a .3 treet, -r est �- lk 103.60; neat curb 107.20; we3t Gutter 105.40; cast -ra:.lk 107.70; swat curb 107.00; cant gutter 106.20; at ;-try+.ion 14 plus 20 file north curb line -Magnolia Street, west curb 107.34; west gutter 106.54; east curb 1 , r r 10.7.10; East gutter 106.30; at ?Irtic:^. 14. plus 80 the south curb line Lagnoii4 .;treat, «cost zurL 107.96; went t;at.' tr 1Gsa.Fi`v; 4WA earb 103.14 ; carat gutter iC(7.34; at atGaaion 15 jtlaz 00 i4e a:)utia ;sxJ;acsky Baas: gaclia ttxeet, west a 103.v:; West ckrt; l�".30; west utt 0; e;arst walk 109.02; eaAt our't: 103.30; east i;utter 107.50; aa' stUtieza 19 plus 00 tae north property line :.aluerry Street, ceot walk 110.26; east walk 110.66; at sta'Uou l;, pjuo 2`0 the north cu-.b lines -!uaibtw,:y Arae�i -Ot5t Curl 109.56; crest gutter 10U.705 ; wa :t cats 109.66; es"t sutyer 1 6.66* at, station 19 p .r;;o So tYjc couth. Curb line hult>er3:y street, f>m st curb 109.41; wokiL gutter 106.61; east curb 01).56 cstsst 4,45.tar 10f1.j0; at n'"y tittJr. 20 p1uZ 00 Uie south property line Bau: '.aGrry :.-tract, 'vv eat wlik 110.10; Kest curb 109.32; wcSt. ; atte.;;: 106.52• scat ;)k21k '10.08; at station .?2 l.`.ius 040# scant Waa 103.20; east curt; 103.OG; ea&,to - at etatif,ai 24 pluu 0,� rh.c north propel" 11,1a iAyrtle :;4reet, went walk 106.86; west uu.r'b 104.44; , it gutter 105.64; cast '*alk l0-N; eaut ourb 10E..G2; east aut'.43T lu5.30; at station 24 plus 20 the port3a curb 11na yrtle ^treats watt curb 106.31; want zut`er 105.34; uuat ourb 105.0,4; oazt ;tutt;e.r 105�-23; at st-ation 24 clun 80 the south curb 1.1no :4Ttica ::=treat. 'fkez+i Ourb 1J6.14; ¢ ;t ;;ut gar i05.14; east Curb 105.62; oat;t jju:tor 104. 96; at satutien 25 )llaa 00 the soda t�a i3 }airuj l ;Es 2yztle Ml'ltSt♦ `Sf3 t 8t�t1iL 106.54; @eist X,U l0ij.34; at ut:.tior: 3is giur; 5Q. scat calk 107.P.0; Fa. stai;ieraa »�3 plus uO, east walk j.06.50; at utua ion 29 91.us 00s went wall. 10 .70' seat curb 106.'(0; wc:;t gutter 106-20; at zta :-?cr: 2<4 1);.0 50. OwA .:rlk .06.70; cast curb 106.70; 0&0-4 ;La`tGT -i.t��a6.20;; 'jat +; q.3�Siou 31 (,:LuL 37 the nvrtli 'proa`urty line L" aru lMr�V t1 `ooV -,aaR 10°J..z4; Qa N M 1.06.40; at VJativn jl alus )-7 the -aortsa curb iln3 1aa.rel "street, waut curl 106.60; areuu va -Car 10 .53; V . t auto 1Q t•cV; 4$sw 'u pyut `sr 105•1+0 FLt teLti S II 3 plus 1f' t'ric aeuth curb laws faaaxol. �trirats sst curb 106.35; west ;;utter 106.05; ?aBt Cuxb 106.34; eas'4 iutt4:' 1,05.;i4; at u4u'';ioZ 32 plus 37 tact; bouth I7ropc` rl,y lire I.urel "etroctr West 1,ulk 10'1.36; caLt :alk. 106.60; east curb 106.40; aa=:t Lru4"r 105.60, at atatioi< 33 plus 37, east walk 106.10; at atatioll 3J p.4uz 37 -tile aor 3)w,D!?u3'ty li;au t'lua -..recta, pest 'cu2.:z 106.90; east walk 106.40; a-V i3ultion 36 plus 157 tie north 1;Uxb 1-11.w all-uvl .atzect, vrrs curb 1.05.20; west gztta::- 104.44; east curb 104.98; east gutter 104.13; at station 37 plus 17 the south curb line Plum ;street, crest curb 105.30; west utter 104.150; east curb 105.20; east gutter 104.40; at station 37 Plus a7 the south prr.n.erty line ''lum ztreet, .Nest walk 105.59; west curb 105.00; west gutter 104.20; east walk 106.06; east curb 104.=0 ; east Gutter 104.10; at station 36 plus 37, west curb 107.00; west gutter 101.20; east walk 101.50; earA curb 101.20; east gutter 100.40; at station 38 plus 77, west hulk 101.46; at station 39 plus 37 , crest curb 99.70; west gutter 98.90; east walk 99.30; east curb 98.60; east Nutter 98.00; at station 39 plus 67, west xalk 99.90; at station 40 plus 37 the west curb 98.70; west Lcstter 97.90; east walk 97.90; east cur" 97.50; east r-utt•er 96.70. atuta.tion 41 nice 37 the north property line Locust Street , ast walk 99.63; east walk•07.36; at atation 41 nlus 5'7 the north curb line Loonst Street , went curb 98.40; west gutter 97.60; east ourb 97.?0; east gutter 96.40; at station 42 plus 17 the south curb line Locust Street, west curb 98. ?0; west gutter 97.40; east curb 97.00: east tatter 96.20; at station 42 nlus 37 the south property line Locust Areet , west walk 99.24; east walk 97.24; at station 42 alua J15.40, west curb 98.40; :vest gutter 97.60; at station 42 plus >6.25, east curb 97.60 ; east gutter 96.80; at station 43 plus 35.40, west uurb 100.00; west gutter. 99.20; at station 43 plus 36.?5, east walk 100.00; a aut curls 99.60; east gutter 98.80; at station 43 -31us 55.40, '-pest walk 102.44; at station 44 plus '45.4.0, west walls 106.00; west ourb 104.50; went gutter 103.70; at s ation 44 plus 35.50, east walk 104.80; met curb 104.40; east ;,-utter 103.60; at station 44 plus 75.401 west walk 107.30; at station 45 nlus 15.4.0 the north property line Mliza- 'eeth Street, west walk 108. ?0; west curb 107.60; west gistter 106.80; e t station 45 plus 15.50 the north property line slizabeth ,r3treet, east walk 107.70; east curls 107.50; east butter 106.70; at station 45 71us the nort': Turb line ffilizaj�eth Street, pat mirb 107.84; west gutter 107.04; at station 45 Plus 35.50 the north curb line &lizabeth Street , east curb 107.70; east gutter 106.90; at station 0 minus 20 Vie soutle curb line I lizabeth :street, west, curb 107.70#0 went -utter 106.901 east curb 107.70; east ;utter 106.90; at station 0 plus 00 the south nronerty line ,Ulz&7&eth west walk 108.43; west curb 108.10; rest Fitter 107.30; east valk 108.39; east curb 108.20; cast ,utter 107.40; at station 1 plus 030 east walk 112.33, east curb 112.00; east Lotter 13.1.20; at station 1 plus 33, went walk 113.02; west curb 112.00; west gutter 111.20; at station 3 plus 00 Uhe north pro-)erty line Oarl ield Street# weut walk 111#85; east stalk 111.21; at station 3 Plus 2O the nortz curb line Gar'ield Street. west ,urb 111.10; west gutter 110.30; east curb 110.90; east gutter 110.10; at it tion 3 plus 80 the south curb pine Garfield Streets west curb 110.90; west pnstter 110.10; east curb .110#70; east gutter 109.901 at statiou 4 plus 00 the south property line Garfield 'Street, west walk 111.35; east walk 111.00; at station ,5 plus 50# ve6z walk 111.30; west ourb 111.40; -rest ;;utter 110.60; east walk 111.40; east curb 111.20; east gutter 110.40; at station 7 plus 00 the north property lisle "Aiiards •:'treet, west walk 111.32; west curb 110.95; west utter 110.16; east walk 111.02; east aurb 110.76; east gutter 109.96; at station 7 ulus 20 the north ,.urb line Adsaards .street, west curb 110.90; west gutter 110*V; east curb 110.70; east gutter 109.90; at station 7 nlus 80 the south curb line Edwards St. west curt) 110.90; west gutter 110.10; east curb 110.00; east [.;utter 110.10; at station 8 plus 00 the south property lire Ldwards 'Street, west rnik 111.32; west curb 110.96; west gtrrtter 110.16; east '-;al:!- 111.17; east curb 110.96; east E7,xtter 110.16; at station 9 plua 50, west walk 111.60; -);eat curb 111.40; west guttwr 110.60; cast mlk 111.60; east curb 111.40; east {;utter 110.60; at star ion 11 nlu.s 00 the north pronerty line Pitkin Street, west vrawk 111.34; west curb 111.00; west gutter 110.20; east vralk 111.17; cast curb 110.95; east ;-z=tter 110.15; at station ?0 plus 15 the south+. curb line -Iake Street, west curb 113.30; wont gutter 112.50: east curb ll?.10; eacit gutter 112. 1.0; at station 20 plus 35 the south property line lake Street, crest walk 111.70; east walk 313.20; at station 22 Plus .159 west walk 114.70; wsst curb 114.40; nest gutter 113.60; east walk 114.50; eRat curb 114.20; east putter 111.40; at station 23 plus 35, west walk 114.40; went curb 114.10; west gutter 113.30; coast 'Sulk 114.20; east curb 113.90; east gutter 113.10; at sta',ion 25 -alus 48.4 the north pro- pe"'ty line krosnect Street, west '�'Talk 111.10; west curb 112,80; west gutter 112.00; east -Walk 113.24; east curb 112.86; east gutter 112.06; s.t station 25 plus 60.4 the north curb line 1rospect Street , west curb 112.63; west gutter 112.13; east curb 11P.70; eaat ,m tter 112.20. nrrmDer-- r *� mn vtiuneu�nm om��xc+m ' �r, u1tL i�y wz- Grades for sIedbee Street from Riverside Avenue to the north curb line of Prospect Street, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations bein , referred to the Gity Datum B. TA. 104,76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and oak Street , at the post office corner. Beginning at station 2 plus 44.36 the sou+h curb line Hiverside Avenue, west curb 88.30; west „utter 87.50; at station 2 plus 53.4 the south nronerty line Riverside Avenue, west walk 88.60; at station 2 plus 97. the south curb line Riverside Avenue, east curb 88.20; east gutter 87.40; at station 3 plus 41.20 the south property line Riverside Avenue, east walk ~ 88.40; at station 4 plus 00 the north• pronerty line of Oak Street, west walk 88.20; east .calk 88.10; at station 4 plus 20 the north curb line Oak Street, west curb 87.80; west gutter 87.00; east curb 87.80; east ,gutter 87.00;at station 4 plus 80 the south curb line Oak Street, west curb 88.00; west ;utter 87.20; east curb 88.00; east -utter 87.20; at station 5 plus 00 the south property line Oak Street, west w�.lk 88.80; eatit walk 88.10;at station 7 plus 00, west walk 89.00; at station 9 plus 00 the north property line Olive Street, west walk 90.64; east walk 90.20; east curb 89.53; east gutter 88.73; at station 9 plus 20 the north c urb line Olive Street, west curb 89.60; west 7zutter 88.80; east curb 8i9.80; east gutter 89.00; at station 9 plus 80 the south curb line Olive Street , west curb 89.90; west butter 89.10; east curb 90.20; east gutter 89.40; at station 10 plus 00 the south property line Olive Street, west walk 90.71; west curb 89.72; west gutter 88.92; east walk 90.90; east curb 90.04; east ;;utter 89.24; at station 12 plus 00, east walk 90.80; east curb 90.60; east gutter 89.80; at station 14 plus 00 the north property line Magnolia street, west walk 03. 15; east walk 92.62; at station 14 plus 20 the north curb line Magnolia Street , west curb 92.30; west gutter 91.50; east curb 92.30; east mutter 91.50; at sta- tion 14 plus 80 the south curb line Magnolia Street, west curb 92.10; west gutter 91.30; east curb 92.30; east gutter 91.50; at station 15 plus 00 the south property line Magnolia street , west walk 94.10; east walk 93.45; at station 17 plus 50, west walk 93.70; at station 19 plus 00 the north property line Mulberry st_-eet, west walk 94.80; east walk 94.00; 1, 4 � at station 19 plus 20 the north curb line Mulberry street, west curb 94.30; west jut'.:>r 0/3.50; •aa5t cur4 94.00; easat d*or 3.20; at station 19 plus 80 the south trurb line *,nAber°r7 :,.tr-,et, vent curd 94,60; west jotter 93.80; Est curb 94.30; ea:at gutter 93.50; at $tati..)n 20 plug 00 the you+�h *property line t'ulberry Jtrmot, ;rest :sail's 96.90; e:x.at mlIt 94 .80; east curb 94.80; east Latter 94.00; ;at station 22 plus 00, west walk 99.40; rest curb 98.14; west autter 97.34; at ataticn 23 plan 00, went curb 99.55; west cutter 98.75; at station 24 plus 00 the north property line *'yrtle `street, best walk 100.9c; west curb 100.30; ' est gutter 999.50; east ralk 100.50; at station 24 clue 20 the nort2l curb line 'iy=tle ::"treet, went curb 100.35; west gutter 99.55; east curb 100.35; east gattcr 99.55; at station 24 plus 80 •the south curb line '',jrtle "treet, went curb 100.75; west fa '.er 99.95; east curb 101 .18; eaet gutter 'bQ.38; at station 25 ;slur 00 tli.e :south property 14mi 7.7yrtle streeto wet vral'rc 102.0C; east walk 101.36; ,at statinn 31 plus 00 , west curb 99.20; w>st gutter 98.40; at station 31 Plus 37, north property line Laurel atroet, west g llk 99.30; east rr^.1k 99.30; at station 31 plus 57 the north curb line laurel "treet, Trent curb 98.78; west gutter 97.98; east curb 99.06; east gutter 98.26 ; at station 32 plus 17 the south curb lire !Aurel "street, rost curb 98.88; west ,utter 98.08; east curb 99.20; east gutter 98.40; at station 32 plus 37 the south ,property line laurel ^trnet, west vmlk 99.5n; east walk 9r.30; at rtation 34 plas 37, smut wally 97.30; at ata,tion 36 -plus 37 t +.e north pro;^,e:ty line 'Itaaaa Street, rest walla 94.64; east Tvall; 95.00; ea,at curb 94.K0; *ant gutter 93.70; at station 36 ±class 57 the north curb line alum Street. ,rest curb 94.02; went ,gutter 93.22; past curb 94.00; east ;,utter 93.20; at station 37 plus 17 t,"(' south curb line Flue erect, west curb 94.05, went getter 93.25; east curb 93.95; oast Cutter 93.15; at station 37 plus 37 the south property line .'-'turn ,^treet. rest mZ_?4.30; east walk 94.03; at static^ 41 plus 37 the north pronarty lino Loon;st 11rer:t, :mct %,balk 93.30; vast -Valk 93.30; at station 41 ;Munn 57 tb.s north curb line locust ;Araet. vertu curb 9?.95; nest gutter 92.15; east curb 9?..80; ea°.t gutter 92.00; at st.nticn 42 nlus 17 the gout% curb line Locust =3trcet, west curb 93.00; w.-st ,;utter 92.20; east curb 93.10; e ,.st otter 92.30; at Atatvm 42 plus 37 the south property line Tncust otreet , west Tkalk 94.04; eest »a,l'k 93.30; \ ' �bt:se-�xansC-fit. ' r at station 45 plus 11.1 the north property line alizabeth Street, east walk 97.91; at station 45 talus 11.5 t�,e north prope ty line -lizabeth -'t. west vrak 97.80; at station 45 plus 31.1 the north curb line Mlzabeth .t. east curb 97.55; east gutter KV 96.75; at station 45 plus 31.5 the north curb line ylizabeth :street, west curb 97.44; west gutter 96.64; at station 0 minus 20 the south curb line Aiz:abet :tract, west curb 98.00; west gu ter 9$.20; east curb 98.30; east gutter 97.50; at station 0 plus 00 the south property line Elizabeth ;street. vest walk 98.40; west avrb 98.40; went Butte 97.60; east walk 98-70; east curb 98.70; .east gutter 97.90; at station 1 pluz OC the west �+alk 103.70; west curb 103.40; west gutter 102.60#0 east walk 103.85; east curb 103.60; east "gutter 10^.60; at station 2 plus 00 the west walk 104.90; west curb 104.60; crest gutter 103.80; east walk 105.10; east curb 104.80; east gutter 104.00; at station 3 plus 00 the north property line Garfield Street, west walk 104.50; east walk 104.60; at station 3 plus 20 the north curb line Garfield :street, west curb 103.35; west gutter 102.55; east curb 103.56; east gutter 102.76;at station 3 Pius 80 the south curb line Garfield Street, vest curb 103.15; west gutter 102.35; east curb ft 103.30; east gutter 102.50; at station 4 plus 00 the south property line Garfield Street# west walk 103.50; east walk 103.50; at station 7 plus 00 the north property line Awards 6treet, ;nest walk 102.54; east walk 102.20;at station 7 plus 20 the north curb line Edwards utreeto west curb 102.20; west gutter 101.40; east curb 101.94; east gutter 101.14;at station 7 Pius 80 the south curb line Edwards :3taedt, w st curb 102.20; west gutter 101.40; east curb 101.94; east Gutter 101.14; at station 6 plus 00 the south property line 2dwards Street, wept walk 102.60; east walk 101.90; at station 11 plus 00 the north property line aitkin :street, west walk 100.85; west curb 100.44; west gutter 9 .64; eaut walk 100.26#0 east curb 100.19; east'gutter 99.39;at station 12 plus 00 the south property line Pitkin :,treet, west walk 100.1)0. west curb 100.51; west gutter 99.71; east walk 100.29; east curb 100.24, east gutter 99.44;at station 15 plus 00 the north property lino: >uckeye ,:.street, west walk 102.40; east walk 102.00;at station 15 plus 20 the north curb line Buckeye -jtreeto west curb 102.03; west gutter 101.23; east curb 101.70; east gutter 100.90; at natation 15 plus 80 the south curb line -t)uokeye St. west curb 102.20; Brest gutter 101.40; east curb 101.90; east gutter 101.10; 1 � 1 ' -r- �uca.-vcc—var2c o �iur.:c cr at station 16 plus 00 the south property line Buckeye Street, west walk 102.50; east calk 102.210; at station 19 plus 35 the north property line A-ake Street, wact walk 104.50; east aaalk 103.850; at station 19 plus 55 the north curb line Lake Street, west curb 104.00; west gutter 103.20; oast curb 103.60; eaot gutter 102.80; at station 20 plus 15 the south curb line Lake Street, Crest curb 104.30; west -utter east curb 103.90; east gutter 103.10; at station. 20 plus 35 the mouth property line Lake Street, west walk 104.60; east Yu3.k 104.10; at c,tation 25 plus 48.4 the north property line =roupect utreet, went sulk 106.30; west curb 105.90; west gutter 105.10; east walk 105.70; east: stab 105.50; east .i,,-uttcr 104.70; at station 25 plus 60.4 the north curb line 4rospect :3treet, west curb 105.94; Brest gutter 105.44; east curb 105.54; east gutter 105.04. %'to S3ction S. Grades for Canyon Avenue from the property corner at IIo:Tes :.treat to the curb coper at '.hitcomb Street, are established and declared to be as follwys. All elevati,na being referr-d to the City Datun 3.11. 104.76 10- cated at the intersection of the sidewalks cornar of College Avenue and Qak Street, at the post office corner. Bea;innning at station 0 plus 00 the property corner Canyon and Hoaxes Streets, walk 117.80; curb 117.50; gutter 116.70; at station 0 plus 00 Vas property cor^or Canyon and +Iak "treets, walk 118.40; curb 118.08, Titter 117.28; at station 1 plus 00 the northwest side, sulk 119.80; at station 2 plus 00, nortHaest side, walls 120.40; at staticii 4 plus 65.70 the property corner canyon and Olive )treat, e_ist, walk 117.10; at atation 4 plus 65.70 the property corner, t'eldrv-n and 'canyon, north malk 119.72; at station plus 13.98 the curb corner Cany n and Olive Streets, east, curb 118.79; gutter 117.99; at stati n5 plus 13.98 curb corner Canyon and Yeldrum Streets , north, curb 119.40; gutter 118.60; at station 6 Plzo 58.72, curb corner 9anyon and Clive streets, :vent, curb 117.81; gutter 117.01; at station 6 plus 58.73 curb corner Cany>n and iieldrur Itreat, South, curb 117.58; gutter 116.78; at station 7 Plus 07.11 property corner Canyon and ulive 3treeto, crest , walk 118.32; at station 7 plus 07.11 property corner Canyon and ?aeldrun Streets, south, :yolk 117.70; at station 11 plus 72.79; the property corner Canyon and i�.agnolia c'triets, east, iralk 116.72; curb 116.29; gutter 115.49; at station 11 plus 72.79 property corner Canyon and ahornood, Horth, walk 1116.85; curb 116.52; gutter 115.72; at station 12 plus 21.07 curb corner Canyon and j`:agnnlia "treets, east, curb 116.73; ,utter 115.93; at station 12 nlus 21.07 curb corner Canyon and yaerrnod Streetso north, curb 116.72; gutter 12.5.92; at station 13 plun 65.93, curb corner Canyon and "aagnolia 'treets , wont, curb 117.16; gutter 116.36; a, rotation 13 plus 65.93 curb corner Canyon and Cherwood `:°treets, south, curb 116.90; gutter 3.16.10; at station 14 plus 14.21 property corner Can- yon and UaZnolia Striate, rest , nalk 117.90; curb 117.90; gutter 117.10; at station 14 )!us 14.21 property•eo~ner Canyon and -.her,vood =:treets, south rzalk 115.25; curl) 117.60; ;;utter 116.80; P.I. station 16 plus 54.21, north- Teat side, walk 121.10; at station 16 plus 70 southeast side, walk 121.00; at station 18 plus 79.90 property corner Canyon and Mulberry Streets, r walk 122.32; at station 18 plus 79.90 property corner Canyon Avenue and .hitcomb Street , 1221.20; at station 19 plus 28.18 curb corner Carryon and Mulberry Streets, curb 122.40; gutter 1^1.60; at station 19 Plus 28.18 curb corner canyon &A 'Rhitcomb :streets , curb 122.10; gutter 121.30. ij 1 j Section 7. �---- Grades for Best Olive Street from,. the Test property line College Avenue to the east curb line Jackson Avenue, are established and de- clared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the City Datum B. Y. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner of College Avenue and Oak :street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the west property line College Ave. north walk 110.25; north curb 110.05; north gutter 109.10; south walk 111.37; south curb 110.90; south gutter 109.92; at station 4 plus 00 the east property line mason Street, north walk 112.10; north curb 111.87; north gutter 110.91; south walk 112.50; south curb 112.05; south gutter 110.92;at station 5 plus 00 the crest property line Aason Street, north walk 113.10; north curb 112.86; north gutter 111.37; south walk 113.30; south curb 112.50; south gutter 111.36; at station 8 plus 50, south walk 116.60; at station 9 plus 00 the east property line Howes Street, north walk 116.50; north curb 115.96; north gutter 115.16; south walk 116.90; south curb 116.69; south gutter 115.69; at station 10 plus 00 the west property line Aowes .street, north walk 116.40; north curb 116.00; north gutter 115.20; south walk 117.00; south curb 116.77; south gutter 115.97; at station 13 plus 29.3 the northeast ;property corner Uanyon Avenue, north walk 119.10; at station 13 plus 77.6 the northeast curb corner Canyon Avenue, north curb 118.79; north ,utter 117.99; at station 14 plus 00 the AAM east property line Yeldruu Street, south walk 118.10; at station 14 plus 20 the east curb line Keldrum Street, south curb 117.80; south gutter 117.00; at otatior. 14 plus 80 the rest: curb line Ueldrum Street, north curb 118.30; north gutter 117.50; at station 15 plus 00 the west property line Reldrum •Street, north walk 119.00; at station 15 plus 22.4 the southwest curb corner C__nYDn Avenue, south curb 117.81; south gutter 117.01; at station lj plus 70,7 the west property Corner Canyon Avenue, south walk 13.8.32; at station 17 plus 00, north curb 117.75; north gutter 116.95; south curb 117.36; south gutter 116.56; at station 19 plus 00 the east property line 3herwoodUtreet, north walk 120.00; south walk 118.60; at station 19 plus 20 the east curb line Gherxood Street, north curb 118.60; north gutter 117.80; south curb 118.50; south gutter 117.70; at station I f l 19 plus 80 the wrest curb line Sherwood Street, north curb 118.85; north gutter 118.05; south curb 118.44; south gutter 117.64; at station 20 plus 00 the west property line 3herwood :street, north walk 120.20; soutL walk 118.50; at station 22 plus 00, north curb 117.55; north gutter 116.75; south walk 118.00; south curb 117.85; south gutter 117.05; at station 24 plus 00 the east property line Mitcomb :Street, north walk 118.80; south walk 118.70; at station 24 plus 00 the east curb line 1zi comes wtreet, north curb 113.10; north gutter 117.30; south curb 118.40; south gutter 117.60; at station 24 plus 80 the west curb line .hitcamb Street, north curb 118.30; south curb 111.40; north gutter 117.50; south „utter 117.60; at station 25 plus 00 the west property lino Mitcaub Street, north walk 119.00; south walk 119.16; at station 26 plus 90, south ,calk 120.20; at station 29 plus 00 the east property line Loomis Streot, north walk 122.15; south walk 122.30; at station 29 plus 20 the east curb line Loomis Street, north curb 121.74; .forth ;,utter 120.94; south curb 121.80; south gutter 121.00; at etation 29 plus 80 the crest curb line Loomis Gtreet, north curb 121.84; north gutter 121.04; south curb 122.20; south gutter 121.40; at station 30 plus 00 the wrest property line Loomis Street, north walk 122.20; south walk 123.40; at station 34 plus 00 the east property line Grant Otreet , north walk 128.27; south null 128.15; at station 34 plus 20 the east curb line Grant Street, north curb 128.05; north gutter 127.25; south curb 127.85; south gutter 127.05; at station 34 plus A the west curb line Grant `wtreet, north curb 128.31; north gutter 127.51; south curb 128.55; south gutter 127.55; at station 35 plus 00 the rest property lire Grant Street, north walk 128.53; south valk 228.75; south curb 128.60; south gutter 127.80; at station 37 Plus 50, north walk 132.211; at station 39 Plus 00 the east property line , ashirgtcn Avenue, north walk 113.80; north curb 133.38; north gutter 132.58; south malk 133.80; south gutter 132.60; at station 39 Plus 12 the east curb line ;Yushington Avenue, north curb 133.34; north gutter 132.64; south curb 133.55; south gutter 133.05; at station 0 minus 12 the weet curb line Shielde Street, north curb 141.80; north gutter 141.10; south curb 141.32; south gutter 140.82; at station 0 plus 00 the west property line :Shields :Street, AAkAi# north .,ally 1.42.27; north curb 141.88; north gutter 141.18; south walk 142.20; south curb 141.78; south gutter 141.08; at station 4 pius 00 the east property line of Scott Avenue, north v.alk 146.60; north gutter 145.76; southialk 146.40; at sta- tion 4 plus 12 the east curb line :;cott Avenue, north curb 146.60; north Gutter 146. 10; south curb 146.30; south gutter 145.60; at station 4 plus 48 the west curb line Scott Avenue, north curb 146.80; north gutter 146.10; south gutter 146.10; south curb 146.80; at station 4 plus 60 the west pro- perty line wcott .Avenue, north walk 147.20; south walk 147.20; at sta- tion 8 plus 60 the east property line Jackson Avenue, north walk 151.40; north gutter 150.45; south walk 151.90; south gutter 150.68; at station 6 plus 80 the east curb line °ackson Avenue, north curb 151.36; north mutter 150.56; south curb 151.60; south gutter 150.80; . 'Cnil�i9. V-S SI Z3 .. l ..f ✓ lli .J Grades for Akin Avenue from the west curb line Washington Avenue to t:ie east curb line `.holds Street, are established and declared to be as follows : All elevations being referred to the City Datum B. 11. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner of College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning, at station 39 plus 48 the :.est curb line ;aahington Ave. north curb 132.76; north gutter 132.06; south curb 132.91; south gutter 132.21; at station 39 plus 60 the west property line Washington Avenue, north walk 133.14; south walk 133.20; at station 40 plus 60, north walk 134.80; north curb 134.50; north gutter 133.80; south walk 134.80; south curb 134.70; south gutter 134.00; at station 43 plus 02.4 the east pro- perty line Gordon Avenue, south walk 138.10; south gutter 137.05; at sta- tion 43 plus 14.4 the east curb line Gordon Avenue, south curb 137.90; south gutter 137.40; at station 43 plus 50.4 the y:est curb Gordon Avenue, south curb 137.85; south gutter 137.35; at station 43 plus 60 the north walk 138.10; north curb 138.00; north Sutter 137.30; at station 43 plus 62.4 the west property line Gordon Avenue, south walk 138-36; south curb 138.10; at station 45 plus 27.3 the east property line 'Sack street, north walk 139.16; at station 45 nlus 39.3 the east curb line %Lack Street, north curb 139.20; north gutter 138.50; at station 45 plus 75.3 the west curb line Mack Street, north curb 139.44; north Gutter 138.54; at station 45 plus 87.3 the west property line 'wok Street, north .Palk 139.43; at sta- tion 47 plus 02.4 the east pro-perty line aayne Avenue, south walk 140.60; south gutter 139.70; at station 47 plus 14.4 the east curb line Bayne Ave. south curb 140.45; south gutter 139.95; at station 47 plus 50.4 the south curb line "fayne Avenue, south curb 140.40; south gutter 139.90; at station 47 plus 62.4 the west property line aayne Avenue, south walk 140.65; south curb 140.65; at station 50 ;plus 20.3 the east property line : :ilelds street, north walk 142.40; at station 51 plug 20.4 the east property line Shields Street, south walk 142.40; at station 51 plus 32.3 the east curb line Shields Street, north curb 142.24; north gutter 141.54; at station 51 plus 32.4 the east curb line shields Street, south curb 142.24; south gutter 141.54. 1 r >cticn s. Grades for ?forth r,ihitcomb jtrect, 11 om the north property line "oun- tain Avenue to 300 feet north of Sycamore .,treat, are established and de- clared to be as follows. All elevatir>rs being referred to the city datauh 13- li. 104.76 located at the intersection f the sidewalks corner College and Oak Street, at the post office corner. .-aginning at station 0 plus 00, the north property line mountain venue, west nalk 125.10; west curb 124.80; Nett gutter 1?4.00; east walk 224.71; east verb 124.15; east ,gutter 123.35; at station 1 plus 00, east walk 123.48; at station 5 plus 75, south property line Ir Porte Avenue, Nest walk 123.30; east walk 120.75; east curb 121.10; east ;natter 120.?0; at station 5 plus 95, south curb line is Porte Avenue, west curb 122.40; test gutter 121.60 ; east curb 121.00; east gutter 120.20, at station 6 lint plus 55, north eurbnLF Porte Avenue -ast curb 122.40; west matter 121.60; aaxt curb 112.06; east gutter 1?1.26; at station 6 plus 75, north property line La Porte Avenue, west walk 122.90; ### east walk 121.800 east curb 121.89; east gutter 12.1.00; at station 7 plus 25, east ,.mlk 121.20; at station 8 plus 40, west :calk 119.40; west curb 118.60; west gutter 117.80; east walk 118.95t east curb 118.60; east gutter 117.80; at station 8 plus 90, east walk 118.10; east curb 117.80; east gutter 117.00; at station 10 plus 00, west walk 116.60; west curb 116.00; west gutter 115.20; east walk 1.16.40; east curb 116.00; east gutter 11.5. 20; at station 11 plus 00, west immlk 114.70; west curb 114.10; west putter 113.30; east walk 114.50; east curb 114.10 ; east „utter 113. 30; at station 12 plus 40, south property ljne ftnle Street, east vialk 112.20; at station 12 pluc 10, south property line ' aple, west walk 112.60; at station 12 plus 60 , east curb 111.77; east gutter 110.97; at station 12 plus 66, south curb line ' e.ple, west curb 112.1.0; west gutter 111.30; at station 13 plus 14, north curb liJae iTanle Street, west curb 112.00; west platter 111.30; at staticn 13 alua 20, north curb line -maple Street, east curb 111.77; east gutter 110.97; at station 13 Plus 30, north pro^erty line Maple Street. west walk 112.40; west curb 112.20; west gutter 111.40; at station 13 talus 40, north property line W=aple Street, east walk 112.10; at station 17 plus 40, south property line cherry, east vaalk 113.90; at station 17 plus 50, south property line Cherry, rest walk 114.29; west curb 113.90; west gutter 1.13.10; at station 17 plus 60, south curb lime Cherry, east curb 113.75; east gutter 112.95; at station 17 plus 66, south curb line Cherry, west curb 113.v6; west gutter 113.16; at station 13 plus 14, north curb cherry, west curb 114.06; west gutter 113.36; at station 18 plus 20, north curb line C:terry, east curb 1 .4.03; east r,utter 113.23; at station 16 ;)lus 30, north property line merry, west walk 11.4.30; wept curb 114.28; at uteation 13 plus 40, north property line Clierry, east walk 114.50; at station 20 plus 00, weet walk 115.90; west curb 115.57; went gutter 114.T7; east m1k 115.60; east curb 115.27; east gutter 114.47; at station 20 :)Ius 50, west walk 116.10; went curb 115.77; ,lost uts.et 114. 97; east walk 115. 30; east curb 115.47; east Futter 114.67; at station 21 pluo uO, wes: aralk 115.90; west cure 115.57; west gutter 114.77; east walk 115.60; east curb 115.27; east ;.utter 114.47; at station 22 plus 40, south property line Sycamore, east walk 114.40; at citation 22 plus 50, iyouth property line Oycamure, west walk 114.7U; west curb 114.33; ss.t station 22 plus 60, south curb line uycamores east curo 113.90; east, Fzatter s.13.10, at station 22 plus 66, south curb line4yoamore , west curb 114.10; heat gutter 113.40; at Station 23 plus 14, north curb line ayea- nose, west curb 113.85; west gutter 1i3.15t at station 23 plus 20, east curb 113.79; east gutter 112 .99; at citation 23 plus 30, north grope :-ty line Sycamore , west walk 114.60; west curb 113.68; at station 23 plus 40, north property line Syeamore, east walk 114.09; at station 24 ,plus 40, :vest stalk 113.50; at station 26 plus 40, west walk 113.60; west curb 112.50; waist putter 111.70; east sv-lk 112.60; east curb 112.30; cast gutter 111.50; . l .. Grades for Woodford Avenue from the west curb line lashington Avenue to the e:.st curb line of shields Street, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the 'ity Datum B.11. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner of South College Avenue and Oak 3trec;t, at the post office corner. .Beginning at station 39 plus 48 the west curb line eashington Ave. north curb 134.20; north gutter 133.70; south curb 134.20; south gutter 133.70; at station 39 plus 60 the west property line :`,'ashington Avenue, north walk 134,34; south walk 134.34; at station 43 plus 02.8 the west property line Gordon "Street, south walk 137.00; at station 43 plus 03 the east rperty line Gordon Avenue, north walk 137.20; at station 43 plus 14.8 the east curb line Grodon Avenue, south curb 136.95; south gutter 136.45; at station 43 plus 15 the east curb line Gordon Avenue, north curb 136.90; north gutter 136.40; at station 43 plus 50.8 the crest curb lin_ Grodon Ave. south curb 137.00; south gutter 136. 50; at station 43 plus 51 the west curb line Grodon Avenue, north curb 136.95; norti. gutter 136.45; at station 1 43 plus 62.8 the west property line Gvvdon Avenue, south walk 137.30; at station 43 plus 63 t'_ra.e west property line Grodon Avenue, north walk 137.30; at station 47 plus 02.8 the east property line :yayne Avenue, south salk 139.70; at station 47 plus 03 the east property line :iayne Avenue, north walk 139.80; at station 47 plus 14.8 the east curb line +'ayne Avenue, south curb 139.55; south gutter 139.05; at station 47 plus 15 the east curb line .Jayne Avenue, north curb 139.60; north gutter 139.10; - at station 47 plus 0.8 the west curb . ayne Avenue, south curb 139.60; south gutter 139.10; at station 47 plus 51 the west curb line :rayne Avenue, north curb 139.55; north gutter 139.05pat station 47 plus 62.8 the west property lin: ' ayne Avenue, south walk 139.80; at station 47 plus 63 the west property line :Jayne Avenue, north walk 139.90; at station 51 plus 21 the east property line Uhields Street, north .walk 141.dO; at station 51 -31us 21.1 the east property line shields :street, south walk 141.70; at station 51 plus 33# the east curb line Shields Street , north curb 141.35; north gutter 140.85; at station 51 ;plus 33.1 the east curb line Shields Street, south curb 141.40; south gutter 140.90; . -a r 1'Grades for lsorth Grant Street, from the north ^rot)+ rty line "fountain Avenue to the south curb line AIM Street are established and declared to be as follows. All elsrations beinC referred t7 the city datum B.M. 104.76 located I-.t the intersection of tb.e walks at corner of College Avenue and Oak t_eet , at the ?oat office corner. Beginning at station 0 olus 00 the north property line Mountain us, wrest .va k 129.551, west curb 129.15; west gutter 7.23.35; sect Its 129.20; oast curb 1TJ.80; east gutter 118.00; at ctati-)n 4 plus 10 , vest a<als 130.75; at station 5 plus 75, south property line 4 Porte =vpnu3 , west :calk 131.50; east :calk 131.20; at station 5 ni,is 95 Vie south curb line ra Porte, weet curb 130.95; west Gutt..er 130.15; east curb 130.60; east ;;utter. 130.00;at station 6 plus 55 the north curb line is Porte Ave. . west curb 130.30; west ipxtter 129.40; east ru,rb 130.00; east Butter 129.?_0; at station 6 plus 75, north pro-)erty line La Forte Avenue , west walk 130.80; west curb 130.27; west ;;-utter 129.55; east walk 1.30.20;at station 9 nlus 75 :west curb 131.00; west gutter 130.30; east .:alk 130.75; east ,'utter 130.00; at station 10 plus 70, east curb 1,10.50; east utter 129.70;at station 11 plus 25, west walk 131.10; at station 12 plus 60 south r roperty line 3aple Street, root walk 132.02, east walk 131.60; at station 12 plus 76, south curb line U,�,ple. west curb 129.80; wrist gutter 129.10; #0 east curb 129.50; east gutter 128.80; at station 13 oltus 24. north curb line Maple, west curb 129.00; West ,utter 128.30; east curb 128.80, east gutter 138.10; at station 13- 1?lus 40 the r..orth property line -aple, west walk 120, .50; east walk 128.00; at station 15 Plus 75, west walls 122.80; weet curb 122..30; west gutter 121.60; east walk 122.30; east curb 1?2.00; ewe°t Gmtter 121.30; ^.t station 16 plus 75, Brest z°mlk V)1.80; west curb 121.40; west gutter 120.70; east walk !21.30; east curb 121.10; east ;,-utter 120.40; .t station 17 plus 60, south property line Cherry Street, west vf-Alk 121.60; ea3t :calk 7.21.00; at station 17 plus 76, west curb 121.10; west meter 120.40; east curb 170.80, east i3utter 120.10; at station 13 plus 24, north curb line cherry, -sect curb 121.00; west gutter 120.30; seat curb 120.90 ; east gutter 120.20; at station 18 clue 40 n:.rth property line cherry, west talk 121.40; east walk 121.00; at � 1 � station 22 plus 60, south property line Sycamore, vest walk 120.10; east walk 120.30; at. station 22 plus 76 the mouth curb line SyIcanare, Treat curb 119.60; west gutter 118.90; east curb 119.75; east flutter 119.05; at Station 23 plus 24, north curb line Sycamore, west curb 119.60; west ,utter lld-90; east curb 119.75; east gutter 110.05; at station 23 plus 40, north pro-)erty line sycamore, west walk 120.10; east Tralk 120.30; at station 25 plus 40, weat walk 119.20; west curb 118.60; west cutter 117.90; east walk 1.19.40: east curb 118.80; east gutter 118.10; at station 27 n1-,3 60 the south pronertyy line 'Olin. west wale 116.00; east valk 116.20; at station 27 plus 76, south curb line Alm, west curb 115.30; west ;Sutter .50 114.60, east cur? 115.30; east gnttter 114.80. Grades for 1� Porte Avenue, from the :vest curb lire Shields street, to city li.»..its, are established and declared to be as follo-as. 111 eleva- tions being referred to t__e city datumm E. Y. 104.76; located at the intersection of the cidewalLs corner college Avenue and ua.k 4trest, at t:-�e post office corner. teginr.ing at ctation 51 plus 64.6 the west curb line S icids r:treet, scuth curb 14-0.25; south gutter 139.75; at utation l plus 76.6 the west property line =hielde LStrect, ecuth week 140.30; at ctation 54 plus Pius curb south walk 141.40; south A141.20; south butter 140.70; at station ;7/20 sGutl'i ra-lk 144.�C; a Etation 58 plan 99.2 east property lire Fearl, ecuth walk 147.Z0; ec:;th curb 146.80; south suttor 14' .30; at station 59 plus 39.2 .z9 the rest property line Pearl, eouth walk 14".2#; south curb 147.00; south 6Ltter 146.50; at station 61. plus 99.2, mautth curb 147.80; south ,;Utter 147.30; at st,.tion 62 .plus 28-19, south walk 148.20; at station 62 plus 148.44 93.19; east property line a;,.ivan Court , south :,auk 148.60; south cur'c ice; 14 ; south Zutter 10#4if at station 63 pZas 17.19. :vest property line Sylvan Court, zoutil Iralk 148.7C; south curb 14-5.56, south gutter 148.06; at eta- tion 65 plus 42.69, east property line _`O-inlay, south walk 150.20; south curb 1rj0.10; at station 65 plus. 54.69. east cur'a lane "c Finley, Bout!, curb 150.20; sout3,: gutter 149.70; at station 65 plus 91.19 went curb line "c Ydnley, south curb 150.10; south utter 149.60, at station 66 plu'+ 03.19 gent ;Property line f:cKialoy, south -talk 150.20, at station 69 plue 12.99 east grope •ty line Lyons, sout,i walk 154.40; at station 69 plus 24.99'r east curb line Lyons, south curb 154.20; south gutter 153.70; at atratioll 69 plus 60.99 west curb line Lyona, south curb 154.64; south gutter 154.14; at station 69 ;plus 72.99 •,peat property line Lyons , south .calk 154.90; at station 72 plus 9J J`'.4' east pro?erty lire ::ioosevelt , south walk 156.50; at station 73 plus o7.45, east curb line Roosevelt, scutb curb 156.30; south gutter 155.80; at station 73 Pius 43.45 vest curb line Roosevelt south curb 156.50; south. gutter 156-00; at station 73 plus 55.45 nest property line j000evelt, south -,Yolk 156.80; at station 77 plus 55.45 the east property line ?ishback Avenue, south walk 160.90; at station 77 plus 67.45 east curb line eishback Ave. south curb 160.70; south gutter 160.20; at station 78 nlus 03.45 the west, rn+rb lino Fishback Avenue, south curb 160.90; z Guth ;;utter 160.40; at �;ts.tion 78 Ylua 15.45 laid writ property line I'l hbaeL Mrcnue, soat'1 7jalk 161.10, at ztatioa 82 ;flue 15.45 the east pro.?erty line 3-x i Ave .e, south .alk 169.30 ;at statiun 82 )!us 27.4j the east curb line 3ryan Avenue, so-ath curs 162.10; sout<. gutter 161.60; at station 82 ,Musa 63.45t?1e ':ast curb line Argun Avenue, south curb 162.50; south gutter 162.00; at Station 82 Musa 75.4 tie k. t pro- :)arty line j xVan Avc-nue , south -walk .162.70; at station 85 Pius 67.45 `,.hu city limits,south Salk 164.60; south cur" l6Ar.3U; south gutter 163.30. - 6 S�cticn 13. Grades for porth Loomis, from the north property line Yourtain Avenuey to the south curb line Sycamore Street, are established and c3,eclared to be as follows . All elevations being. referred to the city datum 113. ". 104.76 Located at the intersection of the sidewalks , corner Co ' le0e nrd Oak, at the poet office corner. Beginnin at station 0 plus 00, the north property line 7ountain, 127 So west talk 126=80; west curb 126.99; west gutter 126.40; east vm-ly 127.82; east curb 126.Lt5; east gutter 126.05; at station 0 plus 50 , rreet curb 127.30; rest gutter 126. 50; at, station 2 plus 00, east avalk. 128.60; at station 2 Plus 35, west curb 127.90;; west gutter 127.10; east curb 127.60; cast gutter 126.80; at station. 3 plus 00, wseat walk 128.70; at station 4 plus 00, weat ^urb 127.40j west gutter 126.60; eest we.lk 3-28.10; oast curb 127.15; east gutter 126.35; at station 5 plus 00, east ralk 127.00; welsf walk 127.80 at eta+ ion 5 ^,us 75, south property line Le Porte,Aeaet, walk 126.90; at station 5 plus 95, south curb line La Porte Avenue, :vest curb 126.60; west gutter 125.80; east curb 126.40; east gutter l?5.60; at ste..tior_ 6 plus 55, north curb line La Ports, west curb 115.90; west gutter 1P5.10; east curb 175.80; east gtatter 125.00; at station 6 plus 75, north ?property line Is forte, wait walk 126.90; west curb 126.80; crest gutter 126.10; east walk 126.40; east curb 125.85; east {natter 125.15; at station 9 plus 05, west curb 127.60; was:, gutter 12.6.90; east walk 127.90; east curb 127.40; aast natter 126.70; at station 9 plus 75, west walk 128.50; at station. 10 plus 00, went curb 127.00; west gutter 126.30; cost wall: 127. 20; ea:t curb 126.80; east gutter 126.10; at station 10 plua 75, went walk 127.40; at station 11 plus 00, west curb 12.5.70; west gutter 125.00; east ^alk 125. ?_0. east curb 124.80; east ;utter 124.10; at station 11 plus 900 west curb 123.40; neat gutter 1?2.70; at station 12 plus 00, east walk 122.80; cast curb 122.40; east ,;tatter 121.70; at station 12 Alus 15, -rest im. lk 123.20; at station 12 plus 60, south ro,,erty line 7aple, west walk 119.00; west curb 118.50; west utter 117.80; east walk 119.00; east curb 118.50; east gutter 117.80, at station 12 plus 76, south curb line uaaple Street, west curb 118.20; west gutter 117.50; east curb 118.00; east gutter 117.30; at station 13 plus 24, north curb line rga.ple Street, west curb 118.00; went gutter 117.30; east curb 117.90; east gutter 117.20; at station 13 plus 40, north property line laple, weet walk, 118.60; east talk 118.10; at station 14 plus 50, west ;calk 116.60; west curb 116.40; west -utter 115.70; east walk 1Q.90; east cure 116.50; east gutter 115.80; at station 17 plus 60, south property line Cherry, west walk 115.70; east walk 115.30; at station 11 plus 76, south curb line Oherry, west curb 115.20; west ;nutter 114.50; east curb 115.00; east gutter 114.30; at station 18 plus 240 north curb line Oherry, west curb 115.40; west jstter 114.70; east curb 115.20; east gutter 114.50; at station A plus 40 north property .Line Uharry, west walk 116.00; east walk 115.84; at station 22 plus 60, south property line :sycamore, west walk 119.00; east walk i13.50; at station 22 plus 76, south curb amine Oyeamore# west curb 11J.40; lest gutter 117.10; east curb 11 AO; east gutter 117.70; . Qru�+'n� T]3D� '� �*3" •- AEL x.♦ .nai-_f21'-�L+_tA n/� �2'T^T Tt+ �mo'�^m VZ1.���.'v ffilLCl2�"L,17tlS:ai Z"SiII3EI�'L�V'l.-�1 Section 14. Grades for maple Street, from the crest curb line :=Jason Street to the east curb line shields atreet 'are established and declared to be as f�'ollows. All elevations being referred to the city datmi B. M. 104.76 located at the sidewalk intersection corner College Avenue and vak titreet, at the post office corner. Beginning at etation 4 plus 80 the weet curb line hason Street, north curb 102.70; north gutter 101.90; south curb 102.70; south gutter 101.90; at station 5 plus 00, the west property line Hason, north walk 103.10; south walk 103.20; at otation 9 plus 00 the east property line Howes, north walk 104.40; south walk 104.40; at station 9 plus 20, east curb line Howes north curb 104.30; north gutter 103. 50; south curb 104.30; south gutter 103.50; at station 9 plus 80 the crest curb line howes, north curb 104.40; north gutter 1.03.60; south curb 104. 50; south gutter 103.70; at station 10 plus 00, west property line Howes, north .calk 104.70; south walk 104.60; south curb 104.59; south gutter 103.79; at station 14 plus 00, east pro- perty line Reldrum, north walk 107.75; south walk 107.40; at station 14 plus 20 the east curb line Yeldrum, north curb 107.50; north gutter 106.70; south curb 107.30; south gutter 106.50; at station 14 plus 80 the west curb line Xeldrum, north curb 107.90; north ;;utter 107.10; south curb 107.60; south gutter 106.80; at station 15 plus 00, west pro?erty line Meldrum, north walk 108.00; south walk 107.90; at station 19 plus 00, east property line Sherwood, north walk 110.33; south walk 110.33; at sta- tion, 19 plus 20 the east curb line Sherwood, north curb 109.72; north gutter 108.92; south curb 109.72; south gutter 108.92, at station 19 plus 60 the west curb line Sherwood, north curb 109.95; north gutter 109.15; south curb 109.95; south gutter 109.15; at station 20 plus 00 the west property line 6herwood, north walk 110.33; south walk 110.33; at station 24 plus 00 the cast property line •';hitcomb Street, north walk 112.10; south walk 112.20; at station 24 plus 18 the east curb linethit- eomb, north curb 111.77; north gutter 110.97; south curb 111.77; south ,gutter 110.97; at station 24 plus 72 the west curb line ahitcomb, north curb line 112.00; north gut'.er 111.30; south curb 112.10; south gutter 111.30; at station 24 plus 90 the crest property line Whitcomb, north walk 112,40; south walk 112.60 ; south gutter 111.66; at station 28 plus 70 , east property line Loomis, north walk 118.10; south walk 119.00; at sta- tion 28 plus 86, east curb line Loomis, north curb 117.90; north gutter 117.20; south curb 116.00; south gutter 117.30; at :nation 29 plus 34, the west curb line Loomis, north curb 118.00; north gutter 117.30; south curb 118.20; south gutter 117.50; at station 29 plus 50, west pronerty line Loomis, north walk 118.60; south walk 119.00; at station 31 plus 30, north walk 122.90; north curb 122.70; north gutter 122.00; south walk 123.40; south curb 123.00; south gutter 122.30; at station 33 Plus 30, east ora- perty line Grant, north walk 128.90; south -walk 131.60; at station 33 plus 46, east curb line Grant, north curb 128.80; north gutter 128.10; south curb 129.50; south gutter 1 28.80; at station 33 plus 94, west curb line Grant, north curb 129.00; north gutter 128.30; south curb 129.80; south gutter 129.10; at station 34 plus 10, west property line Grant, north -walk 129.50; south walk 132.02; at station 37 plus 90, east property line ,00d north walk 134.60; north gutter 133.35; south walk 135.20; south gutter 133.48; at station 38 plus 10, east curb line, wood, north curb 134.30; north gutter 133.50; south curb 134.40; south gutter 133.60; at station 38 plus 70, west curb line wood, north curb 135.80; north gutter 135.00; south curb 135.95; south gutter 135.15; at station 38 plus 90, west pro- perty line rood, north wa. k 136.10; north gutter 135. 53; south walk 137.60; south gutter 135.67; at station 42 plus 50, east property line .Park, north :-calk 140.90; north curb 140.25 ; south walk 140.65; south curb 140.15; at station 42 plus 64 the east c urb line mark, north curb 140.60; north gutter 139.90; south curb 140.50; south gutter 139.80; at station 43 plus 06, west curb line ?arko north curb 141.15; north gutter 140.65; south curb 141.25; south gutter 140.75; at station 43 plus 20, west property line Park north wai.k 141.30; south vialk 141.45; at station 46 plus 80 the east pro- perty line ='rest, north walk 143.25; south walk 143.25; at station 46 plus 94, east curb line west, north curb 143.10; north gutter 142.60; south curb 143.20; south gutter 142.70; at station 47 plus 36, west curb line -West, north curb 143.30; north Gut`;er 14P.80; south curb 143.10; south gutter 141- .60; at station 47 plus 50 the west property line :test, north walk 143.50, south walk 143. 50; at ::tation 50 plus 81.3 the east property line Shields, north walk 144.70; south walk 144.30; at station 50 plus 93.3 the east curb line shields, north curb 144.30; north gutter 143.80; south curb 144.20; south gutter 143.70. Grades for west Street, from the north curb line La Porte Avenue to the south curb line Laple Street, are established and declared to be as fo�lows . _U 1 elevations being referred to the city Datum B.Y. 104.76, located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner college Avenue and uak atreet, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 6 plus 61, the north curb line La Porte Avenue, west curb 138-00; west gutter 137.30; east curb 137.65; east gutter 136.95; at station 6 plus /5, north property line -a Porte, west walk 138.60; east walk 137.90; at station 9 plus 25, west walk 139.90; west curb 139.50; west gutter 138.80; east walk 139.a0; east curb 139.10; east gutter 138.40; at station 12 plus 40, south property line maple Street, wrest walk 143.50; west gutter 142.27; east walk 143.25; east gutter 142.35; at station 12 plus 521 south curb line Llaple street, west curb 143.10; west gutter 142.60; east curb 143.20; east gutter 142.70. Y1 1 , . Grades for Nark :"treet, from the north curl line La Porte Avenue to the south curb line staple Street, ame established and declared to be as follows. All elevations beii. referred to the City Datum B. M. 104.76; located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 6 plus 61, the north curb line La Porte Avenue, west curb 135.90; west gutter 135.20; east curt 135.65; east -utter 134.95; at station 6 plus 750 n th property line La Porte avenue, west walk 136.40; west curb 136.10; west gutter 135.40; east 4valk 135.90; at station 8 Plus 75, west walk 137.50; west curb 137.00; west gutter 136.30; east walk 137.05; east curb 136.75; east gutter 136.05; at station 10 plus 75, west e"alk 139.45; west c urb 139.00; west gutter 138.30; at station 12 plus 40 the south )roperty line Maple Street, crest walk 141.45; west curb 141.15; west ,gutter 140.45; east walk 140.65; at station 12 plus 52, south curb line maple Street, west curb 141.25; west gutter 140.75; east curb 140.50; east gutter 139.80. I ) I I I &' 3�fi91;1' AVMMSF.fit? 1117 Eft R A ENUM W . Grades for East Mulberry btreet, from the east property line College Avenue to Xiverside Avenue are established and declared to be as follows . All elevations being referred to the city datum B. M. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and vak Stbeet, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00, east property line College Avenue, north walk 110.82; north curb 110.85; north gutter 110.34; south walk 110.63; south curb 110.74; south gutter 111.06; at station 1 plus 50, south walk 110.70; south curb 110.50; at station 3 plus 00 west property line Remington, north walk 110.83; north curb 110.32; north gutter 109JB; south walk 110.08; south curb 109.94; south gutter 108.95; at station 4 plus 00, east property linerRemin; ton, north walk 110.69; worth. curb 110.40; north gutter 109.53; south walk 110.22; south curb 110.12; south gutter 108.95; at station 5 plus 40, south club 110.10; south gutter 109.30; at s station 5 plus 50, south walk 110.30; at station 7 plus 00, west property line Mathews , north walk 110.26; north curb 109.58; north gutter 108.78; south Aa.lk 110.10; at station 7 plus 20, west curb line hathews, north curb 109.56; north gutter 108.76; south curb 109.41; south gutter 108.61; at station 7 plus 80, east curb line tathews , north curb 109.66; north .;,utter 108.86; south curb 109.56; south ;utter 108.76; at station 8 plus 00 east property line 3a.thews , north wa lk 110.66; south walk 110.08; at sta- tion 10 plus 00, north curb 108.49; north gutter 107.69; south walk 109.90; south curb 108.49; south gutter 107.69; at station 13 plus 00, west pro- perty line Peterson, north walk 105.62; south talk 106.00; at station 13 plus 20, west curb line Peterson, north curb 104.50; north gutter 103.70; south curb 104.50; south gutter 103.70; at station 13 plus 80 , east curb line ?eterson, north curb 104.30; north gu tier 103.50; south curb 104.30; south gutter 103.50; at station 14 plus 00, east property line Peterson. north walk 104.80; south walk 105.26; at station 18 plus 00, #W j west property line Whedbee , north walk 94.60; south walk 96.90; at station 18 plus 20, west curb line whedbee, north curb 94.30; north gutter 93.50; south curb 94.60; south gutter 93.80; at station 18 plus 80: east curb line nhedbee, north curb 94.00; north gutter 93.20; south curb 94,30; 1 ) r 1 1 south gutter 93.50; at station 19 plus 00, east propei,ty line =,hedbee, north walk 94.00; south v:alk 94.80; at station 20 plus 00, south walk 93.33; at station 23 plua 00, west property line Anith Street, north walk 90.00; south walk 90. 18; at sta .ian 23 plus 20, west curb line smith, north curb 89.58; north gutter 88.78; south curb 89.64; south gutter 88.64; at station 23 plus 80, east curb line Snith, north curb line 89.58; north gutter 86-78; south curb 89.64; south gutter 88.84; at station 24 plus 000 east property line Smith ut. , north walk 89.90; south walk 89.90; at station 26 plus 00, north walk 89.40; north curb line 89.00; north nutter 88.20; south walk 69.40; youth curb 89.05; south Butter 88.25; at station 23 plus 00. west property line Stover, north walk 87.20; south walk 87. 50; at station 26 plus 20, vest curb line Stover north curb 86.60; north gutter 86.00; south curb 67.00; south gutter 86.20; at station 28 plus bO, east curb line :hover, north curb 66.60; north gutter 86.00; south curb 87.00; south gutter 86.20; at station 29 plus 00, east property line stover , north walk 67.00; south sulk 67.30; at station 31 plus 009 north walk 83.20; north curb 63.00; north gutter 82.20; south curb 63.40; south gutter 82.60; at station 32 plus 00, south walk 82.60; at station 33 plus 00, west property line Cowan, north walk west 82.00; south walk 62.00; at station 33 plus 20, #01#1 curb line Uowan, north curb 81.60; north gutter UO.80; south curb 81.60; south gutter 80.80; at station 33 plus 80, east curb line rowan, north curb 81.60; north gutter 00.60; south curb 61.60; south gutter 60.80; at station 34 plus 00, east property line Cowan, north walk 62.00; south walk 82.00; at station 3¢ plus 75 northwest property corner riverside, north walk 81.00; at station 37 plus 28.04, northwest curb cornerRiverside, north curb 80.60; north gutter 79.60; at station 37 plus 88.87 'southwest property corner -riverside, south walk 80.70; at station 37 plus 96.45, southwest curb corner Riverside, south curb 80.40; south gutter 79.60. -VI41*6 4f 1 4, 1 Sjcticn 16. Grades for Oherry Street, f rom the east property :line Howes Street, to the east curb line .good Streets are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum B.If. 104.76, located at the intersection f the sidewalks corner of College Avenue and Oak street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 9 plus 00, east property line Howes Street, north walk 103.40; north curb 102.60; north gutter 102.00; at station 9 IDlus 80, west curb line Howes Street, south curb 103.05; south gutter 102.25; at station 10.plus 00, west property line Bowes Street, north walk 103.85; north curb 103.16; north gutter 102.36; south walk 104.00; south curb 103.15; lout . gutter 102.35; at station 11 plus 00, north walk 104.40; at station 14 plus 00, east property line Lel.drum, north 'walk 107.00; south walk JW 106.90; at station 14 plus 20, east curb line 11eldrum, north curb 106.60; north gutter 105.80; south curb 106.60; south gutter 105.80; at station 14 plus 80, west curb line Leldrum, north curb 106.90; north gutter 106.10; south curb 106.80; south gutter 106.00; at station 15 plus 00 the west property line Meldrum, north waalk 107.95; south walk 107.70; at station 16 plus 50, north Mralk 109.50; at station 19 plus 00, east property line Sherwood. north walk 110.40; south rack 110.20; at station 19 plus 20, east curb line s'herwood, north curb 110.00; north gutter 109. 20; south curb 109.do; south gutter 109.00; at station 19 plus 80, west curb line Sherwood, north curb 110.00; north jutter 109. 20; south curb 109.80; south gutter 109.00; at station 20 plus 00, west pro..^rrty line Sherwood, north walk 110.40; south walk 110.20 ; at station 24 nlus 00, east property line ..,hitcomb, north walk 114.50; south walk 113.90; at station 24 plus 16, east curb line :hitcomb, nortrt curb 114.03; north gutter 113. 23; south curb 113.75; south gutter 112.95; at station 24 - lus 72 the west curb line 'Whitcomb, north curb 114.06; north matter 113.36; south curb 113.86; south gutter 113.16; at station 24 plus 90, west pro- perty line '.Vhitcomb, north walk 114.80; south walk 114.29; at station 28 Plus 70 the east property line Loomis, north walk 115.84; south walk 115.30; at station 28 nius 86, east curb line Iaomis, north curb 115.20; north gutter 114. 50; south curb 115.00; south gutter 114.30; at station 29 plus 34, west curb line 7,00mis, north curb L15.40; north ;utter 114.70; south curb 115.20; south gutter 114.50; at station 29 plus 50, west property line Loomis, north walk 116.00; south walk 115.70; at station 31 Plus 00, north walk 116.40; north curb 116.10; north gutter 115.40; south walk 116.00; south curb 115.70; south gutter 115.00; at station 32 plus 00, north walk 117.30; north curb 117.00; north gutter 1.6.30; south walk 117.30; south curb 117.00; south gutter 116.30; at station 33 Plus 30, east property line Grant, north oalk 121.00p north curb 120.70; north gutter 12C.00; south vvalk 121.00; south curb 120.7C; south gutter 120.00; at station 33 plus 46, east curb line Grant, north curb 120.90; north Gutter 120.20; south curb 120.80; south gutter 120.10; at station 33 plus 94, west curb line Grant, north curb 121.00; north gutter 120.30; south curb 121.10; south gutter 120.40; at station 34 plus 10, west property line Grant, north walk 121.40; north curb 121.20; north Gutter 120.50; south walk 121.60; south curb 121.20; south gutter 120.50, at station 35 plus 25, north walk 124.60; north curb 124.30; north Gutter 123.60; south walk 124.00 ; south curb 123.90 ; south gutter 123.20; at station 37 plus 90 the east property line good, north walk 126.00; south -; alk 126.30; at station 38 plus 10, east c urb line rood, north curb 125.60; north gutter 125.10; south curb 126.10; south gutter 125.40; . Grades for 'est Ountain Avenue froL the and of "aie )recent ;pavenent to the east curb line Bryan Avenue, are established and datkared to be as follows. All elevati nc being referred to the city datum 13. i?. 104.76 located at the intersection of the oidew.61ce, corner Oollege venue acid Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 71 plus 23.94, the end of present pavenent, north walk 151.47; north curb 150.89; north gutter 150.17; at station 72 plus 96.4 the salt property line North Roosevelt, north walk 153.50; at station ?3 Plus 08.40 the cast curb line Forth ilooeevelt, north curb 153.20; north gutter 152.40; at station 73 plua 44.4, west curb line ,4orth Roosevelt, north curb 153.50; north gutter 152.7G; at station 73 plus 56.4. west property line North Roosevelt, n<,rth walk 153.80; at station 77 Plus 56.400 eb.st property line zishback Avenue, north Welk 158.10; e.t station 77 plus 68.4 the tract curb line Pist::back .Avenue, north curb 156.95; north gutter 156.15; at station, 78 talus 04.4 the i,:,est curb line Yishback Avenues north curb 157.15; north gutter 156.35; at station 78 Plus 16.4 the west property line -eishback Avenue, noi-V: walk 158.30; at station 81 plus 28.4 the east property line Bryan "-.venue, north walk 163.70; at, station 81 .plus 40.40 the east curb line )cyan Avenue, north curb 163.60; north gutter 162.80. Section Grades for 3aott Avenue from the south pronerty line Mountain Avenue to the north curb line Mulberry Street, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations bein? referred to the city datum ?.3.. I04.76; located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner ColieCe Avenue and Oak Street, at the host office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the south property line Mountain Avenue, west walk 143.19; west curb 14?.75; west „u*,+er 141.95; ea+>t walk 141.85f east curb 142.56; east gutter 141.76; at station 4 plus 00 the north pro- perty line Oak, west walk 143.39; west curb 145.10; west cutter 144- 30; east walk 145.09; east curb 144.96; east ;tatter 144.16; s.t r• ,cation 5 plus 00 the south property line Oak, ,vast `alk 145. 39; 'pest curb 145.10; west gu*ter 144.60; east walk 145.40, east c7arb 145.20; east Rutter 145.70; A* at station 7 plus 00, 'west walk 145.90; west curb 145.70; West gutter 145.20; east walk 145.90; east curb 145.80; east gutter 1.45.30; at Station 9 plus 00 the north pro-.t,°rt,y line Qlive, west walk 147.20; weLf; curb 146.54; east walk 146.60; at station 9 -7'us 14 the north curb lir. i Olive, wee: cr:orb 146.80; west gutter 146.10; east curb 146.60; east gutter 146.10; at aite.tion 9 plus 56 the south curb line Olive, nest curb 146.80; west gutter 14.6.10; east curb 146.30; east gutter 145.60; at station 9 plus 70 the south pro- perty line olive, west walk 147.20; west gutter 146.34; east walk 146.40; east gutter 145.84; at station 13 plus 70 the north property line Magnolia. west Talk 146.30; east walk 147.60; at etaiion 13 plus 84 the north curb line Magnolia, west curb 147.90; west gutter 147.40; easC curb 147.40; east gutter 146.90; at station 14 plus 26 the south curb line Yagnolia, west curb 148.20; west gutter 147.50; east curb 147.60; east. gutter 146.90; at station plus 40 the south prope ty line 3agnolia, -Hest walk 148.60; west gutter 147.75; east walk 148.00; east gutter 147.17; at ctcation 18 Plus 37.60 the north property line Mulberry, w est walk 150.40; west curb 149.73; east walk 150.00; at cstation 18 plus 57.60 the north curb line Mulberry, west curb 150.00; west gutter 149.30; east curb 149.00; east gutter 149.30; . � J Section 21 . Grades for Mack "street from the south property line Mountain Avenue to north curb line Akin Avenue and from, the north property line Vountain Avenue to the south curb line -La, forte Avenue, =re established and declared tc be as follows. All elevations bei.rd referred to the city datum E.M. 104.76 located at the sidewalks intersection corner uo+lece Avenue and Ca'_N Street, at the pest office corner. Beginning at station 0 Plus 00 the south property line Vountain Avenue, West Talk 1J5.71; vest curb 135.41; -rest gutter 134.71; east walk 135.22; east curb 137.02; east gutter 1?4.27; at station 3 plus 00 the north pro- perty line Oaks wort walk 136.73; west curb 136.30; west gutter 135.51; ea:.,t v,,lk 136.39; east curb 136.14; east gutter 135.43; at station 4 plus OfJ the south pro, arty line Cak street, west M-lk 137.07; west curb 136.79; west gutter 136.O9; east walk 136.62;east curb 136.38; east gutter 135.68; at Mtation 7 plus 09.5 the north property line Akir. Avenue, west walk 139.43; east walk 139.16; at station 7 plus 19.8 the north curb line elkin, Tiest curb 139.24; west L7ztter 138.54; east curb 139.20; east gutter 138.50; at station 0 plus 00 the north -property line 11ountain .Avenue, west walk 136.30; west curb 136.15; west gutter 135.65; east wa1_k 136.06; east curb ' 36.06; east ; ..ttter 135.56; at station 1 plus 65 the south property line 3ungalow Court, east walk 136.56; at station 1 plus 72.5 the south curb line ?un; alo4 u3urt, east curb 136.49; east gutter 135.99; at station 2 ,plus 02.5 the north curb lane dungalow 4ourt, east curb 136.56; east gutter 136.06; at station 2 glue 10 Vhe north property line Bungalow Court, east walk 136.70; at station 6 plus 05 the .oath property line La Porte, west walk 138.12; west gutter 137.21; east walk 137.90; past gutter 1.37.07; at station-6 plus 19 the south curb line La Porte Avenue, west curb 137.75; west g'xtter 137.05; east curb 137.60; east ,gutter 135.90. `action 22. Grades for Jackson :'avenue from the uouth property line Aountain Ave. to the nor-La curb line :mulberry streets ara astablia ied and dedlared to be as fallo°as. loll elovations being referred to the city datuan B.A. 104.76 Located at the eidewalks intersection eoraaar t:ollege Avenue and Oak ;street, at the post office corner. 3eg4nning at st�tion 0 plus 00 tho :youth property line Louittaia Ave. west wal't 146.14; wcot curb 145.95; wort gutter 145.25; east rralk 145.84; east ourb, 145.61; eaat ;;Uttar 144.91; at station 4 plum 00 'babe :north property line Oak, vast :ealk 147.33; west curb 147.39; Nest gutter 146.69; east -jaVc 147.83; east ourb 147.3); east ratter 146.69; at station 04 plus 20 the north curb line vale �trt3et► we:;t aurb i4'r.bi; west gu�ter 146.85; east ali=b 147.50; eac . 146.75; at station 4 plus 80 the 6L•ut.a c?erb line Ua.:z, east curb 147.4';; cast gutter 14.6.76; at station 5 rylus 00 the south property lino vak, cast calk 14� .59; east curb 147.48; east gutter 146.68; at station 5 plus 34, city park entrance# crest walk 148.50; Trent curb 140.25; Lest gutter 147.45; at station 5 plus 00► north property line 019.ve, west calk 152.20; wee-, curb 151.b0; west gutter 151.00; east walk $1.4.0; at rtation 9 plus 14► north curb line ulive, east curb 151.36; eext gutter 150.56; at staticn 9 plus 560 #W sou'Lh curb line Clive, eaut curb 151.60; east 6L.tter 1j0.bO; at station 9 plus 70 bouth property line Olive , zrect cL_rb 152.00; west gutter 151.20; east ,Talk 151.90; at station 11 plus 00► .greet >alk 153.70; west curb 153.40; went gutter 152.6C`; cast %calk 153.20; east curb 1.52.9C; east gutter 152.10; at station 12 plus OO► vest SVF.t].k 156.20; crest curb 15j.90; west gutter 155.10; east walk 1555.70; east curb 155.40; east gutter 154.60; at station 5.3 plus 00 west walk 153.20; west curb 157.90; west gutter 157.10; east 'ca3.k 157.70; east curb 157.40; east Gutter 156.60; at station 13 plus 70, north property line Magnolia, east �Aalk 159.00; at station i 3 plus 840 north curb line hagnolia, east curb 158.60; east Gutter 158.00; at station ]tF plus 05► west walk 159.90; west curb 159.50; west ratter 158.70; at station 14 plus 26 tr:e soi;th curb line IZagnolia, east curb 159.00; east ratterl5b.20; at sta- tion 14 plus 40 the south property linesagnolia, east sulk 159.40; at station 15 plus 00, west cmlk 159.60; west curb 159.20; west Natter 158.40; . . east walk 159.10; east curb 158.?0; ea:lt „utter 157.90; at station 16 plus 00, v7es:: rralk 158.20; nest curb 1i7.90; west latter 157.10; east .7alk 1.57.70; east curb 157.40; east gutt.!r 156.60: at station 17 plus 00, cleat walk 156.10; wort curb 155.80; west. Uuttr:r 155.00; east walk 155.70; east curb 155.30; east gutter 154. 50; at station It alu.d 33.3 the north 7?ro:aerty lire 1.?ulberry, west ar, ?k 155.30; ear. ilk 154.80; at station 18 Plus 53.3 the north cu..'b line Mulberry, went curb :154.80; ^sent Mvtter 154.00; cast mzrn 1r4.40; east Cutter 1 7'5.GO; . Grades for 9ryan .Avenue from the south nronerty lire 11buntair avenue to the north curb line Oak Street and from the north pronerty line Mountain Avenue to the south curb line La Porte Avenue, are e4tablis'hed and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum li.M.104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner Colles-e Avenue and oak Street , at the host office corner. Beginring at station 0 plus 00 the south pro,peray line !!Mountain Avenue, west walk 165.00; west curb 164.17; crest „utter 163.67; east walk 163.93; east curb 163.65; east gutter 163. 15; at station 4 plus 26.8 at the north property line Cak, west walk 161.80; east walk 161.801 east curb 161.54; east gutter i61.04; at stRtton 4 nlus 40.8 the north curb line Oak, west curb 162.00; west ratter 161.50: east curb 161.44; cant nutter 160.66; at station 0 nlue 00 the north nroperty line Mountain west walk 164.10; west curb 163.80: west cutter 163.30; eRst walk 163.70; east curb 163.40; east gutter 162.90; at s+nation 1 clue 50 the went ,wat.lk 161.50; west ourb 161.?0; west Titter 160.70; east n-lk 161.10; east curb 160.80; east gutter 160.30; at 9tatian 3 ilus 04, -most walk 160.30; �aest curb 160.00; went :natter 159.50; east walk 159.90; ea.:at mirb 159.60; east „utter 159.10; at a tation 5 7911.18 63, went -talk 161.10; west ^urb 160.80; west ^jtter 160.30; east wa,l"_; 160.70; east curb 160.40; east ,;utter 159.9o; at station 7 nl*as 45.68 the south Msronerty line In Porte easl- aa h Aalk 162.30; at station 7 nlul 46.05 at south nro ?erty line jm Porte Avenue , west walk 162.70; at station 7 plus 57.68 the south curb line sfa Porte , east ourb 16?.10; e:sst xutter 161.60; at 9tatiin 7 *11105 58.05 at sout:: ^.urb line is Porte -Avenue, west curb 162.50; west „utter 16?.00. `3y6a:°1'+ S3cticn 24. Grades for Lyons Street from the north property line Mountain Avenue to tae south curb line La, Porte Avenue, are establiwhed and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum B.11. 104.76; located at Vie interrsect ion - f the aidewalks corner vo -lege avenue and Cak Strect, at the ;)out office corner. Be&inninZ at star ion 0 plus CO the north sroperty Lane Vountaiu Ave. -06 west walk 150.80' ; west curb 150.;6-, west gutter 150.&5; east wa.1k i50.84; eas: our(, 11-0.60; east gutter 150.10; at station 2 plus 50, east walk 151.50; at station 4 plus 00, west walk i2-2.68, west cure 152.38; west gutter 151.86; cast walk 1 2.1u; east curb 1y1.93; east gutter .151.48; at station 6 pius 20' .1 the south property line Lia Porte avenue, west walk 154.90; wcut ourb 154.60; Crest gutter 154.10; east walk 154.40; east curb 154.20; east gutter 153.10; at station 6 plus 30.1 t1rie south curb line La Porte :'.venue, west .urb 154.64; west gutter 154.1,-; east curb 154.20; east gutter -� a1 . J � �2-i-in -"5. Grades for :?oKinley Avenue from the north property line fountain Ave to the south curb line La Porte Aveme End iron the south property lino aoun"in Avenue to the north property line ULk Otrect, are established and declared to be s.0 follo" . All eleYLtionc, being referred to Ike city datum E.Y. 104.76 luouted at the sideAe�lks intersection corner College Avenue xnd `ak street, u.t the most )ffiee cornea. Peginriint at etation 0 plus 00 the north property line 11ountain Avenue, west calk 148.37, weet curb 148.13; west gutter 147.63; ee.ct mill- 14 .40; eaut curb 148.15; east gutter 147.6�; eat station 3 plus 00, weft wall. 140.60; at :tatior. 6 plus 22.60 the south property lis,e I,a ^orte, east wale 150.210; at station 6 i,lus 23 tij.e south property line La. Porte, , web" wis_Uk 150.20; at stxstion 6 plus 34.60 the south curly _.ine La Porte oast Curb 150.20; omet (ratter 140.70; at station 6 Plus 3; the south curb line i Porte, wcst aurb 170.10; wc-at gutter 149.60; .<at rotation 0 plus 00 t,ce south property line Yountaln Avenue, went wallc 149,56; waist c�r'o 149.16; Met gtattur 148.35; eaast w&lk 149.26; R east curb 149.04; eaut 0r.tI;ey 14-3.23; rat otation 4 z71ur, 00 the north pro?;crtyp lixte 17a', , weut 'mlli 2.50.85; west Curb 150.45; west t;u': :er 14.9.73, oust 011al: 150.15; sue t uaru 1 j0.20; ew t gut ter 149.47; . Sr11VR�ilVWkiAdil!"'SST'SLf1JL1 Ll! IJti - L 1 '1J Sscticn US. Grades for Roosevelt Avenue are established and declared to be as follw'.'s, from the south property line Mountain Avenue to the north curb line Oak Street and from the north curb line Fountain Avenue and the south curb line La Porte avenue. All elevations bein6 referred to the city datum B. M 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the south property line '_ountain Avenue, •nest walk 154.12; west curb 153.77; west gutter 152.96; east walk 153.80; east curb 1$3.63; east gutter 152.84; at station 1 plus 00, west walk 154.44; at station 2 plus 10, west walk 154.36; at station 4 plus 00 the north pro,>erty line Cast, west walk 155.15; west curb 154.93; west gutter 154.06; east walk ift 154.81; east curb 154.60; east gu'.ter 153.86; at station 4 plus 20 the north curb line Oak, west cur'p 154.93; west gutter 154.23; east curt; 154.62; east gutter 153.92; at station 0 minus 25 the north curb line Mountain Avenue, west curb 153.50; west gutter 152.70 ; east curb 153.201 east gutter 152.40; at station 0 plus 00 the north property line Yountain, west walk 153.80; west gutter 153.00; east walk 153. 0; east gutter 152.75; at sttion 4 plus 30, west walk 154.90; west curb 154.70; west gutter 154. 20; east walk 154.80; east curb 154. 50; east gutter 154.00; at station 6 plus 25.06 the south pro- perty line La Porte Avenue, east walk 1 56.50; at station 6 plus 25.42 the south nro_oerty line La Porte, west walk 156.60; at station 6 plus 37.06 the south curb line La. Porte, east curb 156.30; east gutter 155.80; at station 6 Plus 37.42 the south curb line La Porte, west curb 156.50; guest gutter. 156.00. 93ction 27. Gradec for Flahback Avenue from t4a north curb line ;£ountai.0 Avenue to the scuth attrb line re. Forte Avenue, use establiBhed and declared Io I,e as foll:me. All elc7ations bein;; eeterred to Lhe city datum 3.Y . 04.?6, looated at the sideivulk interue2tion corner JolleGe 9veaue rand Vak 'treet, at the ;,oast o:fice ecrner. "?eginr:ina zt ctati:n 0 mirue 25 the north curb lane ?fuuntaig Arena--, Vent curb 158.15; welt gut ter 157.35; ea'3t curb 157.95; east guttea 157.15; at station 0 pl ;o 00 the north property lineiiountain Avenue, west mlk 155.30; we"t Curb 158.00; 'test nutter 157. 0; east =1Y 1y8.10; east curb 157.80; east gutter 157.30; station 1 plus 8;, wect walk 15'1.30; viest curb 156.90; west stutter 156.40; esut walk 157.00; eaut curt 156.70; eaF. t ;;utter 1K6.20; at ;station 3 pluu 50, wrest lN"-'k 157.70; tac t curb 157.40; w'eet gufte_ 156.90; east c:al}. '157.50; cast curb 15'7.20; cant ;alter 156.70; Pt mUtien 6 plus 27.87 the Louth ;roperty line " 11crte, east walk 160.90; at ttr.tion 6 plut 28.24 the south property line Lc. Forte rest wP31c 161. 1C; at ctction 6 plue 3-9.67 the Louth curb :.iLe La Porte, e&st curb 160.70; ea.et Lt ttcr 160.20; at Wta,tion 6 ;:luc 40.24 the Louth curb line Is forte Avem e, west curb 160. 0; went gvLtter 16C.40; . Y - S,ction w.' . Grades for :,ayne ;street frodl the south curb line Akin Avenue to the north curb line Mulberry Street, are established and declared to be az follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum B. Y. 104.76 located 0A at the intersection f the sidewalks, corner College Avenue and Oak Ntreet, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 7 plus 67.3 the south curb 11me Akin rAt+enize, °vest curb 140.40; west gutter. 139.90; east curb 140.45; east gutter 139.95; M at station 7 plus 77.5 the sout7 property line Akin , west walk 140.65; east walk 140.b0; at station 11 plus 05.2 the north property line roodford west walk 139.90; east walk 139.80; at station 11 plus 12.2 the north curb line oodford, west curb 139.55; west Sutter 139.05; east curb 139.60; east gutter 139.10; at station 11 plus 38.2 the south curb line doodford, .rest curb 139.60; west gutter 139.10; east curb 139.55; east gutter 139.05; at st.xtion 11 plus 45.2 the south property line raoodford, west walk 139.80; east walk 139.70; at station 14 plus 00 the north property line t:agno.lia, Nest balk 139.30; east walk 138.35; west gutter* 138.40; east gutter 138.17; at station 14 plus 20 the north curb line %?agnolia, west curb 138.85; west gutter 138.05; east curb 138.60; east gutter 137.80;at station 14 plus 80 the south curb line ' agnolira, west curb 139.20; west gutter 138.40; east curb 139.00 ; east Gutter 138. ?0; at stationl5 plus 00 the south property line Magnolia, west oralk 139.60; west gutter 138.83; east walk•139.30; east gutter 138.63; at station 18 plus 43.4 the north property line Yul- berry, west walk 142.20; west curb 141.57; at station 18 plus 43.9 the north property line ".ulberry, east walk 141.90; east curb 141.37; at sta- tion 18 plus 63.4 the north curb line Mulberry, west curb 3.42.00; west gutter 141. 20; at station 18 plus 63.9 the north curb line Yulberry, east curb 141.80; east gutter 141.00. i I tirades for Gordon Avenue from the south curb line Akin Avenue to the north curb line Mulberry :street, are esta'�:,lished and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum B.Y. 104.76; located at the intersection of the vralks corner College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 7 plus 67.3 the south curb line Akin Avenue, Brest curb 137.85; west gutter 137.35; east curb 137.90; east gut',er 137.40; at station 7 plus 77.5 the south property line Akin, .nest walk 136.36; east walk 138.10; at station 11 plus 05.2 the north property line , 00dford west walk 137.30; east walk 137.20; at station 11 plus 12.2 the north curb line Woodford, west curb 136.95; west butter 136.45; east curb 136.90; east gutter 136.40;at station 11 plus 38.2 the south curb line Ioodford, ;vest curb 137.00; west gutter 136.50; east curb 136.95; east gutter 136.45; at station 11 plua 45.2, south property line joodford, west walk 137.30; east walk 137.00; at station 14 plus 00 the north property line ..agnolia, west walk 136.80; west curb 136.30; west gutter 135.60; east walk 136.40; east gutter 135.80; at station 14 plus 20 the north curb line Vagnolia, west curb 136.35; west gutter 135.6+5; east curb 136.25; east gutter 135.55; at station 14 plus 80, south curb line 1eagnolia, west curb 136.90; west gutter 136.10; east curb 136.70; east gutter 135.90; at station 15 plus 00 the south ,roperty line Magnolia, west walk 137.40, west curb 136.94; east walk 137.20; east curb 136.75; at station 16 plus75, west walk 140.30; west curb 139.90; west gutter 139.40; east walk 140.10; east curb 139.80; east gutter 139.30; at station 18 plus 46.3 the north property line iful- berry, west walk 140.85; west curb 140.35; at station 18 plus 46.7 the north property line lulberry, east walk 140.70; east gurb 140.30; at sta- tion 16 plus 66.3 the north curb line Lulberry, west curb 140.70; west gutter 139.90; at station 18 plus 66.7 the north curb line Mulberry, east curb 140.55; east gutter 139.85• f f Section 30. Oradea for Barth hovfes Street from the north property line I,a Porte Avenue to the south curb line Uherry >treet, are established and declarcd to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datun II.Y. 104.76 located at the intersection of the widewalk corner College Avenue and Oak Street at the poet office corner. Beginning at station 6 plus 75 the north property lire La Porte Avenue, west walk 103.77; west curb 103.00;veet gutter 102.20; east ral_k 103#10; eaet curb 102.80; east gutter 102.00; ett etatior. 12 plus 0 the south property line #aple Street, ,'rest walk 104.60; east emlk 104.40; at station 12 plus 70 the mouth curb line J2,a.ple, west curb 104.5C; went gutter 1011.70; east curo 3.04.30; east -utter 103.50; at static^ Ij �� us 30 the north curb line "aple street, west curb 104.40; rest Witter eaet curb 104.10; evat getter 10?.50; at etntion 13 ~ ue 50, nert?^. ,^.ro- perty line Maple, vest wa.'k 104.70; nart ilk 104.40; at Str.ti.or. 17 ,^111Z 50 the south proparty line Cherry street, ewevt ralk 104.00; east 1e1.60; at sta.t;.an 17 plus 70 the scut'^ curb line wherry, went eurb gutter 102."15; east ours 101.05; cat ;utter Z02.25; . M 4 J C1 + L Grades for North .sa.shington from t he north property Iine Uountain Axcnue to the south curb line jc: Porte Avenue, arc established and declared .o be ae follows. All elevations being; referred to the city dater: s.7- 104.76, located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Fve and Flak :-,treet, at the poet office corner. ye; iuninL at station Cl plus 00 the north property line fountain Ave. west walk 111.91; west curb 1-1.40; rent gutter 130.90; east zal.k 131.55; east ourb 131.30; east gutter 130.80; at station 1 plus 67.5 the south property lire 13uuZalow 0ourt, Rest walk 132.40; at atation 1 plus 74.5 the south curb wine Bungalow Court, crest curb 132.05; west gutter 131.55; ut station 2 plus 00.5 the rortheurb line Jun;;alow Court, west curb 1y2.14; wcst gutter 131.64; at station 2 plus 07.5 the north property line Bunga- low Court, west walk 132.40; at otatioa 3 plus 00, east h;:1k 132.72; at station 5 plus 75 the south property line i+a Forte Avenue, east walk 133.60; cast gulzer 132.93; at atatio" 5 plu3 95, south ourb line =a Porte, east curb 133.50; east gutter 132.70; at station 6 plus 05, south property line La Porte Avenue, west walk 134.10; west ,rotor 133.26; at station 6 plus 19 th3 south ourb line ua 2orte Avenue, wovt aura 133.80; west ;utter 133.10. -3{ ^ action 32. Crades for _3art Myrtle :street , from the east -)rol)crty line College Avmue to the City Xtmita , arc-, establiel.ed and declared to -% aq follows. All elevE�tions being referred to the CitJ Datum nX. 10- .76, located at the intersectioii of the s idowG.lks corner Coll-age Avenue and. Oak :I.rert, at the post office corner. Beginning e,t etation 0 plus 00. the east property line College Ave. nor .h :,:alk 109.55; north curb 109.55; north gutter 108.55 ; south aro.lk 109.56; south curb 109.10; scut'_a gutter 108.30; at station 1 plus 50, south aurb 108.77; at station 3 plus 00, west property lino ttexiington, north alk 108.A3; north curb 108.18; north gutter 107.25; south walk 108.46; south curb 10$.1?_; south gutter 107.02; at station 4 plus 00, eagt property line Remington, north walk 118.?0; north curb 107.80; north :;utter 10?.00; s utlt wa.lic 107.94; south curb 107.66: south gutter 107.00; at station 7 Mathews plus 00, w^st property lino 0 ,#0#, north walk 106.86; south walk Mathews 106.54; at station 7 plus ?0, west c,.irb line #W, 4,40 1 north curb 106.31; -vsrttt gutter 105. 24; south curb 106.1t; south .-Uttar 105.14; at station Mathews 7 aluK 80 east curb line north. curb 105.94; north ;;utter 105.26; south curb 105.62; south gutter 104.96; at station 8 plus 00, east property line %+athmwa, north :talk 106.20, north gutter 105.09; south w alk 105.84; south ourb 105.70; south gu'.ter 104.90; at station 13 plus 00, west pro- perty line Peterson Street, north walk 104.64; north curb 104.50; north gutter 103.90; south walk 104.34; at station 13 plus 20, north curb 104.02; n7o.th gutter 101.52; youth cub 104.14; south gutter, 103.34; at station 13 plus 80, east curb line Peterson 13rs.t, north curb 103.94; north gutter 103.14; south curb 103.72; south Batter 102.92; at station 14 plus 00, east property line i'ctcrecn Street, north vmlk 104 .80; south .,lk 104.30; at station 15 plus 50. north walk 103.85; at station 16 Plus 50v north curb 102. 10; north ,-utter 101.50; at station 18 plus 00, west property line "bodbeei north walk 100.90; south rralk 10?.00; at station 18 plus 20, Tiest curb line ",Itedbee, north curb 100.35; north gutter 99.55; south curb 100.75; south Cutter 99.95; at station 18 plus 80, east curb line ahedbee, north curb 100.35; north gutter 99.55; south curb 101.18; south gutter 100.38; at st,%iIon 1111 plus 00, east pro e.rty line * hedbee, north walk 100..)0; south walk 101.36; at station 23 plus 00, west property line Smith Street, north walk 94.63; south walk 94.80; at station 23 plus 20, west curb line smith, north curb 94.30; north gutter 93.50; south curb 94.30; south gutter 93.50; at station 23 plus 80, east curb line :;math, north curb 94.30; north gutter 93.50; south curb 94.30; south gutter 93. 50; at station 24 plus 00, east property line :imith, north .calk 94.50; north curb 94.20; north gutter 93.40 ; south walk 95.48; at station 25 plus 90, north oalk 92.60; at station 28 plus OC, west property line :hover, north walk 88.91; south walk 89.20; at station 28 plus 20, west curb line Stover, curb 9U7* north curb '88.40; north gutter 87.60; south val� 38.40; south aaxb 87.60; at station 28 plus 80, east curb line Stover, north curb 88.10; north putter 87.30; south curb 88.10; south gutter 87.30; at st-:tion 29 plus 00 east property line Stover, north walk 88.20; south walk 8d.40; at station 33 plus 00, west property line Cowan, north walk $##' 84.50; south walk 84.60; at station 33 plus 20, west curb line Cowan, north curb 63.80; north ;utter 83.00; south curb 64.03; south gutter 83. 23; at station 33 plus 80, east curb line Cowan, north curb 63.60; north gutter 02.80; south curb 83.90; south gutter 83.10; at station 34 plus 00, east pro;�erty line Cowan, north walk 63.70; south walk 84.20; at station 38 plus 40, west property line Endicott , north kv.lk 79.40; north curb 79.10; north gutter 78.30; south walk 79.70; at station 38 plus 58, west curb line Andioott south curb 79.23; south gutter 78.43; at station 39 plus 07.9, east curb line Endicott, south curb 79.00; south gutter 78.20; at station 39 plus 25.9, east property line Endicott, south walk 79.20 at station 42 plus 00 the city limits, north walk 77.10; north curb 76.60; north gutter 76.00; south walk 77.40; south curb 77.08; south gutter 76.28. J`z6` Grades for South Shields Street from the south property lin "ountain Avenue to the north curb line Mulberry i;treet, are estra°hl4shed and de- clared to be as follows. A-Ll elevations being referr -d to tale city datum B. ;!. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner 4ollege Avenue and teak :street, at the post office corner. Beginning at 0 plus 00 the south property line fountain Avenue, west walk 140.18; west curb 139.70, west gutter 138.75; vast walk 139.63. east curb 139.63; east gutter 138.8d; at station 2 plus 00, west walk 140.95; west curb 140.40; west gutter 140.10; at station 3 plus 00 the north property line Uak, east walk 141.30; east curb 140.95; east gutter 140.20; at station 4 plus 00 the north property line uak on west side and south property line 0c_k on east side, west walk 142.62; west curb 142.40; west gutter 141.66; east walk 142.30; east curb 142.24; east Butter 141.54; at station 5 plus 00 the south property line uak on west side, break in grade on east side, west walk 143. 20; west curb 14?.80; west gutter 142.10; east walk 143.04; east curb 142.98; east gutter i42.28; at station 7 plus 07.5 north aroierty line Akin, east walk 142.40; at station 7 plus 27.3 the north curb line Akin, east. curb 142.24; east -utter 141.54, at station 7 plus 67.3 the south curb line Akin, east curb 142.24; east utter 141.54; at station 7 plus 77.5 the south property line Akin, east walk 142.40; east gutter 141.71; at station 9 plus 00 the north property line Olive, west walk 142.27; at station 9 plus 14, north curb line olive, west curb 141.60; west gutter 141. 10; at station 9 plus 56 the south curb line olive, west curb 141.32; west gutter 140.82; at sttion 9 plus 70 the west walk 142.20 at south property line 01ive; at station 11 pluU 05.2 the north property line ':°toodford, east walk 141.80; at station 11 plus 12.2 the north curb line : odford, east curb 141.35; east gutter 140.85; at station 11 plus 38.2 the south curb line :oodford, east curb 141.40; east gutter 140.90; at station 11 plus 45.2 the south property line 400dford, east walk 141.70; at station 13 plus 70 the north property line Uagnolia, nest walk 142.80; west curb 142.32; at station 13 plus 84 the north curb line ,magnolia, west curb 142.55; west gutter 141.85; at station 14 plus 00 the north property line2aagnolia, east walk 142.80; east curb 142.28; at station � I 14 plus 20 the north curb line Magnolia# east c urb 142.65; east gutter 141.85; at station 14 plus 36 the south curb line Magnolia, west curb 142.85; west gutter 142.15; at station 14 plus 50, south property lino Magnolia, west wall 143.50; west gutter 142.55; at station 14 plus 80 the south curb line Magnolia, east curb 142.85; east gutter 142.05; at' station 15 plus ON south property line ' agnolia, east walk 143.30; east gutter 142.65; at station 17 plus 00 theweat walk 146.50; west curb 146.20; west gutter 145.70; east walk 146.50; east curb 116.20; east gutter 145.70; at station 18 plus 41.1 the north property line Mulberry Street, west. walk 147.10; west curb 146.55; at station 18 plus 41.2 the north property line Mulberry* east walk 146.90; east gutter 146.05; at station 18 plus 61.1 the north curb line Yuiberry, went curb 146.90; west gutter 146.10; at station 18 plus 61.2 the north curb line Hulberry, east curb 146.60; east gutter 145.80. I Section 3=. Grades for 'forth Heldrum Street from the north -,ro,nerty line wtountain Avenue to the south property line Sycamore Street, are establishes; vxd de- clared to be so follows. All elev.tions bci g referred to the city dutlam B. M• 104,76 located at the intersection of sid"alico corner college Avenue and Va_? Street, at the nowt office corner. Begiuning at ste:tion 0 plus 00 the north property line Mountain Ave. west wall: 117.20; Fraaat. curb 116.30; oat 0.4ttcr 115.50; east ,7a!'- 115.857; east wArb -U.5.79; east gutter 115.00; at station 1 plus 00, ;rest cal 115.80; vast curb 114.20; meat 9?1"er 113.40; a,ac,t walk 114.00; eaz.t curb 1 3.60; east -utter 1.12.80; at station 2 plus 2,5,. west walk 112.00; west curb 110. 10; gnitter 109.40; east -Yalk 110.^0; east curb 100' .90; east gutter 109.10; at station 4 plus 00, west taalk 103.10; .vest curb 107.60; went butter 106.30; east wn lk 107.80; oast curb 107.j0; c.;.st gutter 106.70; at station 5 911in 00, waat walk 107.20; went ourb 107.0115; -rest ;;-utter 1"D6.25; east mat% 107.?0; east curb 106.90; seat .,,litter 106.1% at station 5 plus 75 tee south property line is 7?orte Avenue, -.^est wall: 107.00; Oast. 10 .76; at station 5 )lua 95 the so-uth curb line &'arts, treat attrb 105.8E1; went ;cutter 106.00; east curb 106.60; eaat gutter 135.30; at ^tation 6 flue 55 Mia north c urb line re Porte avenue, vast curb 106.90s went gutter 106.10; oast mzrb 106.70; asst mittar 105.90; at station 6 plus 75, vele north 7xron. ertlr line La Porte avenue, West walk 107.20; ea3t -Valk 107.20; at et,,)Mon 9 plus 25, west vra.U, 106.80; seat our'b 106.00; rrebt jutter 105. 20; esat walk 106.60; o3ast aura 106.00; oatat butter 105.20; at e4ation 12 plus 50, the soat_'i property lira east Iran 107.90; east :ialk 107.40; at ctati,on 12 plus 70 the eoutn curb line aapla, iTest curb 107.60; quest gutter 106.bo; Best curb 107.30; east „utter 106.50; at tation .13 ;alas 30 be north curb 11ne Mesa Ourb 107.90; weet ;;utter 107.10; ear . ^urn 107.50; eaa cutter 103.70; at static:" 13 Pius 50 the north >:: party lira napla, west walk 108.00; east -van 10,^.75; east curb 107.65; east ;;aatteD.^ 106.85; at stuCi yn 15 plus 50, east ,rr"lk 107.40; at otution 17 plus 50, south property line Cherry, wart walk 107.70; vast walk 106.90; at station 17 ;ilun 70, o,.au"ch curb Una Whe..ry, -Rest curb 100' .30; :ae,,t gutter 106.00; east curb 106.60; east gu;;ter 105.80; at station 18 plus 30 I / the north eurb line Cherry Street, west curb 106.90; west Witter 106.10; east curb 106.60; cast gutter 105.80; at station 18 Plus 50 the north pro- erty line Cherry 'Street, west Walk 107.95; Sast ars,Ik 107.00; at station 20 plus 50# east walk 107.30; east curb 107. 15; eas `, butter 106.35; a station 22 plus 50 the south property line a,yoa`more 13treet, west Talk 108.30; rest curb 106.10; west gl;tter 107.30; east ilk IU6. 20; ast curb 106.00 ; east Fatter 105.20. f I �cticn 35. Grades for ahielde troet f rom the north property line Hountain Avenue to the south curb line Yaple Street, are establish3d and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum 3.11. 104.76 located at the intersection f the sidewalks, corner College Ave. and Oak street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the north property line Mountain Ave. west walk 140.03; west curb 139.67; west gutter 138.67; east sulk 139.70; east curb 139.54, east butter 138.75; at station 6 plus 05 the south pro- -zerty line za Porte, east ra,lk 140.31; east curb 140.15; east ;-utter 139.65; at station 6 plus 12.3 the south property line La, Torte, rest Halk 140.30; rest curb 140.15; west ;utter 139.65; at station 6 plus 19 the south curb line La Porte Avenue, east curb 140.15; east gutter 139.55; at station 6 plus 24.3 the south curb line 1w3 Porte avenue, west curb 140.25; west gutter 139.65; at station 6 plus 61 the north curb line Imo. Porte Avenue, east curb 139.70; east gutter 139.00; at•station 6 plus 75 the north property line ya Porte, east walk 139.92; east gutter 139.28;at station 10 plus 40 east mlk 142.40; east curb 147.00; east Mutter 141.50; at station 12 plus 40 the south Property line -aple street, east walk 144.30; at station 12 plus 52 the south curb line 'Imple, east curb 144.20; east gutter 14j.70. Section 36. Grades fm South 0herwood :>treet from the south property line Yountain Avenue to the north curb line TAurel Street, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum B.M. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner Uollege Ave. and Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00, the south property line :.fountain west walk 120.78; west curb 120.15; west gutter 119.35: east walk 120.00; east curb 119.90; east outt:er 119.10; at station 2 plus 00, west walk 127.30; at station 2 plus 10, east curb 120.65; east gutter 119.85; at station 3 plus 50, west d4trb 121.25; west gutter 120.45; at station 4 plus 000 north property line Oak, west walk 122.30; west curb 121.88: west gutter 121.08; east walk 122.26; east curb 121.86; east gutter 121.06; at station 5 plus 00, south property line Uak, west walk 122.28; west curb 121.55; west gutter 120.75; east walk 122.26; east curb 121.84; east gutter 121.04; at station 6 plus 00, east curb 120.82; east gutter 120.02; at station 7 plus 50, west walk 121.65; east walk 121.65; at station 8 plus 00, east curb 119.51; east gutter 118.71; at station 9 plus 00JP the north property line Ulive, west Yvalk 120.20; east walk 120.00; at station 9 plus 20 the north curb line Olive, west curb 118.85; west gutter 118.05; east curb 118.60; east gutter 117.80; at station 0 plus 80 the south curb line Jlive, west curb 118.44; west gutter 117.64; east curb 118.50; east gutter 117.70; at station 10 plus 00 the south property line Ulive, west walk 118.50; east walk 118.60; at station 11 Dlus 50 the vast walk 117.40, east curb 117.30; east gutter 116.50; at station 13 plus 29.3 the north east property corner Canyon, east walk 116.85; at station 13 plus 77.57, the north east curb corner Canyon, east curb 116.72; east gutter 115.92; at station 14 plus 00, the north property line Magholia, west walk 117.50; at station 14 plus 20, the north curb line magnolia, west curb 117.12; west gutter 116.32; at station 14 plus 80 the south curb line Llagnolia, east curb 116.64; east gutter 115.84; at station :L5 plus 00, the south property line Mangolia, east walk 116.90; east curb 116.90; east gutter 116.10; at station 15 plus 22.43 the southwest curb corner Canyon, west curb 116.90; west gutter 116.10; at station 15 plus 70.7 the southwest I l property corner Canyon, west walk 118.25; at station 17 plus 500 west curb 118.41; west butter 117.61, at station 19 plus 00, north property line Vulberry, west ^calk 119.65; east walk 119.08; at IM station 19 plus 20 the north curb line Mulberry, west curb 119.15; west glitter 118.35; east curb 113.93; east gutter 118.13; at station 19 plue 60 the south curb line Mulberry, west curb 119.10; west gutter 118.30; east curb 119.10; eaat gutter 118.30; at station 20 plus 00, south property line iulberry, west walk 121.20; east walk 119.14; east curb 119.25; east gutter 118.45; at station 22 plus 00, west walk 120.95; west curb 120.95; wes" gutter 120.45; east walk 121.00 ; east curb 120.85; east gutter 120.05; at station 24 plus 00 the north property line IMyrtles west walk 1?0.85; east walk 120.40; a* Station 24 plus 20, north curb line Myrtle, west curb 120.70; west gutter 119.90; east curb 120.30; east gutter 119.50; at station 24 plus 80 the south curb line Iy'rtle, most curb 120.70; wcst gutter 119.90; east curb 120.20; east gutter 119.40; at etation 25 plus 00 the south property lire 1!yrtle, west walk 121.16; east walk 120.30; at station 26 plus 00, west walk 121.13; at station 31 plus 40, north property line laurel, west walk 123.55; vast walk 122.90; at station 31 )lus 60 the north curb line laurel Street, west curb 122.86; west gutter 12.06; east curb 122.65; east ,gutter 121.85; . � , r u S:cticn 37. Grades for mast uaurel Street from the east property line Vollege Ave. to Oity limits, are established and de@lared to be as follows. All eleva- tions being referred to tree vity Datuia 13. id. 104.76, located at tho inter- section of the sidewalks corner Ooilege Avenue and vak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 t.ie east property line college Avenue. north wale 11e.98; north curb 114.2.73; norti gut `.er 111.93; south walk 112.70; south curb 112.44; south gutter 111.64; at sta�ion 3 plus 00 the nest property line hemington, north walk 110.97; south walk 110.86;at station 3 plus 20 the west curb line Remington, north curb 110.54; north gutter 109.73; south curb 110.55; south gutter 105.53; at atation 3 plus 80 the east curb line *-Remington, north curb 109.87; north gutter 106.89, south curb 110.12; south gutter 109.06; at station 4 plus 00 the east property Sine Remington, north walk 110.12; south walk 110.24; at station 4 plus 500 n rth gutter 106.40; south gutter 108.65., at station 7 plus 00, west pro- perty line j�a.thews, north walk 107.24; north gutter 106.00; south walk 107.36; at station 7 plus 20 the west curb line Lathevis, north ci:rb 106.60; north gutter 105.53; south curb 106.85; south gutter 106.C5; at station 7 plus 80 the east curb line kathews, north curb 106.26; north gutter 105.46; south. curb lOb.34; south butter 105.54; at station 8 plus 00 the east property line �a.thews , north walk 106.40; south walk 106.60 ; at sta'.icn 11 lus 10, south walk 103#50; south curb 103.30; soutl. gutter 102.50; at station 13 plus 00, west property line Peterson Otreet, north walk 102.50; north curb 102.00; north gutter 101.20; south walk 102.20; at station 13 plus 200 west curb line Peterson, north curb 10 .62; north gutter 100.82; south curb 101.67; south gut�er 101.07; at sce.tion 13 plus 60, east curb line Peterson north curb 101.52; north gutter 100.72; south curb 101.52; south gutter 100.72; at station 14 plus 00, east property line 2eterson Street, north walk 102.00; south walk 101.80; at station 18 plus 00, west Property line ihedbee , north walk 99.30; south walk 99.50; at station 18 ;plus 20 Vie west curb line 7nedbee, north curs 98.78; north butter 97.93; south curb 98.88; south gutter 98-08; at station 18 plus 8U, east curb line i+ iedbee, nor curb 99.06; north 6-~utter 98.26; south curb 99.20; south gutter 98.40; at f � f station 19 plus 00 the east property line v�hedbee Street, north walk 99.30; south :Falk '�9.30; at station 20 plt;r 50 , south curb 98.76; south gutter 97.96; at station 23 plus 00 the west property line Usnith, north walk 98.10; south walk 98.70; at station_ 23 nlc;s 20, west curb line Umith, north curb 97.76; north gutter 96.96; south curb 97.74, south _nutter 96.94; at station 23 plus 80, east curb line bmith, north curb 97.76; north gutter 96.96; south curb 97.74; south gutter 96.94; at station 24 plus 00, east property line Imith, north walk 07.80; south walk 98.36; at station 26 plus 00, south walk 97.55; at station 28 plus 00, west property line Stover north :7al.k 94.70; south walk 94.63; at station 28 plus X, north curb 94.30; north mtter 93.50; south curb 94.30; south gutter 93.50; at station 28 plus 80 the ea t airb line Stover, north curb 94.10; north gutter 93.30; south curb 94.10; south. Cutter 93.30; at statlon 29 plus 00, east ?rnnerty li-ie ^tovcr, north walk 94.4.0; south walk 94.30; at station 31 plus 00 , north talk 93.80; north curb 93.40; north ;,utter 92.60; south walk 93.80; south cur**) 93.40; south gutter 91.60; at station 33 plus 00, west property line Cowan. nort'r wa.lk90.60; mouth walk ?l.?0 ; south curb 90.80; south cutter 90.00; at station 33 Plus 20 , west curb line Cowan, north curb 90.20; rortln gutter 89.40; at station 33 ;plus 80, east clirb line Cowan, north curb 89.90; north gutter 89.10; at station 34 plus 00, east property line Cowan, north walk 90.00; north curb 89.80; north gutter 89.00; south walk 90.00; south curb 89.80; south gutter 89.00; at station 35 plus 60, west property ling Colorado, north walk 86.10; north curb 85.60; north gutter 84.80; south .,valk 85.80; south curb 85.40; south gutter 84.60; at station 35 plus 92 the west curb line Colorado, south curb 84.90; south gutter 84.40; at station 36 plus 28, east curb line Colorado , south curb 84.70; sout'i gutter 84.20; at station 36 plus 40 the east property line aolorado, north walk 84.80; north curb 84.30; north gutter 83. 50; south walk 85.00; south curb 84.50; south. gutter 83.70; at station 38 plus 40 west property line AUA9-*U, north walk 81.80; south walk 61.50; south curb 81.20; south gutter 80.40; at station 38 plus 58, west curb line Endicott , north curb 81.30; north ,;utter 80.50; at station 39 plus 07.9 east curb line Andicott north curb 81.00., north gutter 80.20; at station 39 plus 25.9 east property line jjIndieott, north walk 81.40; south walk 81.00; south curb 80.70; south r gutter 79.90; at station 40 plus 67.7 the city limits# north walk 00.70; north c urb 80.40; north gutter 79.60; south 'calk bO.50; south curb UO.20; south gutter 79.40 . t I i f r 36. 4rades for south NaahinZzon Averiue frm the eouth pro;)erty line of hountain avenue to U,-e north curb lire Lsurel Ltrect, are eata:,li hed and declared to be az follo:vs . Ali elevations beirZ referred tc t1he city °.atum .�. 1t>a.76 located 114 at the intersection f the sidewalks, curn3r of college Avoruc and vast, -street, 41A the post office eorncr. Begin lnZ at atation 0 plus i10 ta.3 eouth prurerty li ie rounta.in avenue, meat caulk 131.26; west curb 130.74; west Cuter 130.12; east vialk 130.69; oast cure 130.43; east Vinci 130.061 :-,t. utation 2 `Apse 001 west Talk 129,30; west curb 129.72; Taest gutter 129.10; east walk 129.84; east curb 129.72; east iiut':er 129.10; at statir,n 3 plus 00, north property line vas, :eau� :Palk 130.65; west curb 130.26; west ;;utter 129.50; at station 3 Plu€, 20 th3 north curia line wakr weut curt 130.52; 'seat ,;utter 129•73; at Station 3 plus DSO the south curb :fine uas, '.eest ourL 130.64; Best gutter 129.34; at station 4 plus 00 tiie south _reperty line Oak, ;vest valk 131.10; we31t ourb 130.64; .vest Batter 123.91; at station 4 Plus CO, north rroyerty line Oak$ east �M Lk 130.76; east curb 130.53; east &utte-z 129.73; at atation 4 plus 201 east Curb 110.30; east ,gutter 1? .v0; at st•.tion 4 Plus 80 the south curb line vas, ea t ours 13G.67; eGwt butter 130.00; at atatior, 5 Pluz 00 ec.zt stalk 131.92; aoct c!:rb 1j1.;3; Hest Zuttcr 130,39; at station ; plus 00 Vae south property lip aak, east valk 130.'23; east curb 131.10; east gu :t�r 13 ;. t0; at station 6 plus 00, ea-t aralk 132.00; at 3Lation. 7 ;,1ua 07.5 the north property line A.ki:1, neat walk 133.14; at station '7 plus 27.3 Cis north curb line Akin, west curt) 132.76; .hest gutter 132.060 at ut,aAon 7 plus o7.3 the 3out."s curb line Akin, vest curb 132.51; rut Lotter 132.21i at station '7 Plus 77.5 Cris south property tine Akin, vest walk 133.20; west curb 132.97; crest gutter 132.47; at station 9 plus ;0 the ncrLi property Liae dive. gent W 133.83; 9TEi t curb 133.64; 'Nest gutter 133.14; east ,Palk 133.80; at sta.tica 9 polus 20 the north curb lino Olive , eat curb 133.34; east ,utter 13' .64; at station 9 plus 90 the south curb line Olive, eaot curb 133.525; east Gutter 133.05; at btatior. 10 plus 00 Vie sough property line Olive, east ewlb' 133.80; at station 11 plus 05.2 the north property line +oodf'ordp xre�_,t Amlk !3) .34 ; at uto.tion 11 Plue 12.2 the north curb line Toodford, west curb 134.20; west gutter 133.70; at station 11 plus 38.2 the euutw cr.rb line Woodford, west curb 134.20; west Gutter 133.70; at s .ation 1w pluE, 45.2 Vic uoaztk: ±ro;-erty line ! oodfcrci, wes:t a7 z 134.34; at station 14 al? s 00 "to nor tkz �arp�erty' linti ,'mil rz0l: west %elk 135. 10 vest ;;utter 134.35; cant, gall, 134.30; at station 14 plus 20 trze north curb fins; XaZnolia, vent curb 134.90; west. G utttr 134.10; east ev,rb 134.64; Past Gutter 134.14; at station 14 plus ^0 t"Ie south curb lire XaGnolla, er=ust m-, b 134.74; ;.Teat ;utter 13y.94; flzaet curb 1.34-74; east C,zt:t;er 114.24; at st �tinn :1.5 pl-Lxs Op the goutli ; rop-rty- line '<ialrnlia rest well- 134.10; sreot Gattor 134 .18; seat wal.'s i34.;a0; at station 1 plus 49.29 the north v)ro', arty lire 'lulberrf, wart walks 33;.?e; west jiuttor 133.19; eaot walk 133.90; at station lov �1Lss 69.f9 t o north curl lute 7-alberry, we t ourb 13?.53; went 3uttc. 13".33; o<z.st Curt 133.63; east gutter 1 3. 13, at station lc llus 28.2w the south ourb lin3 lrizlberry, east curIj 134. 00; ea.-t &uft ,er 113. 0; at et .A,lon 19 4nl.Ls 4-6.20 the aout.111)ro- r,erty line uulberry, east vialk 1.34.240 at station 24 ,pluo 00 the north property line 2yrtle, east walk 135.61; at, station 24 plus 20 whc nortih curb line !Vrtle, e ,Lr.t catL 135-51.; roast ;;utter 135. 1; at st%tion 24 21as 8,0 Vie south cart, Line ? yrtle, eaet cull, 135.7 ; east gutter " 35-20; Lt ctwtion 25 plus Ofi the soutli 1}ra,,)arty line '<;yrtle, cant owls 135.96#0 at atsti.m 31 )Iua 40 the north err). xty lyne La rel, va--ty 4 alk 137-%; at ctation 31 plu€ 60 the north curb line 14.,urtI, oast curt 137.30; M.Zt i; . ter 137.3 ; . t1 1 r "�cticn 39. Grades Por ZouUx :ra.it �treot, from the south property line Fountain north Avenue to tl:e ou.a line of Laurel Street, are eotabllohed and de- olara4 to be as Follows. ;tll elevations b"iaZ referred to the city azitum B. 1:.104.76 located at the intere:ection of t :e s5dmpa.lku coznscr College Aveuue and Oak "'treat, at the poet office corner* neGinning at elation 0 plus: 00 the gout}. property line Mountain Ave. west . aIk 129.55, west curb 129.25; wraut ;,otter 128.20; east valk 129.98, ease, curb 128.61; east -utter 127.81; at station 1 plus CO, veet walk 128.60; wesit curb 128.20; west butter 127.50; at station 2 plus 00, rarest walk i26.90; met. aura 126.60; west gutter 125.90, at station 4 plus CO the north roPerty line vak, urea+t walk 126.26; vC.'st curb 125.83; west gutter 125.13; easst weals 126.46; east curb 125.65; east glitter 124.85; at station /26 93 5 plus 00, south property lire iis,,k, weet ;Tali..- 127.30; rlei�t curb vre: t gutter 126.13; east ara1.k 127.02; eeut curb 126.72; east Zutter 125.92; at station 7 Talus 00e fires curo 127.35; west gutter 126.5j; at miation 9 plus 00 the north proporty line 01ive, wont walk 123.53; earrat malk 128.27; at station ;Ails 20 the north curb lime Olive, went curb 128.31; crest outter 127.51; east curb 123.05i east gutter 127.25; at station. 9 plus 80 the vouth curb line Olivet crest :•iirb 123.55; went; i;utuer 127.55; Cosst curb 127.85; e"t Fatter 127.C5 at station 10 plus 00 the south property 1ir:e Olive, went wul:: 128.75; east •gals 128.15; at station. 12 plus 00, O"t wall- 12v.50; east curb 12v. 0; east 6,utt,:r 127.'j0; at station 12 blur, jO west garb 128.95,, west gutter 128.25; at etu.tion 14 N1ua 00 the north property lanes 4.gnol3.a, west tip; 129.75; west glitter 127.72; east wr.1!: 128.75; at station. 14 -lu s 20 north turn line Eagnolia, west curb 128.35; west gutter 127.55; east curb 127.95; east gutter 127.15; at station 1,1 plug; 80 V*>e south.h curb line I:agnUlia, ve::t cur'u 128.70; weet yj�,ticer 12'7.90; east curt 12tof.30; east gutter 127.5C; at station 15 plusj 00 the couth pro- 7erty line t=agnolia, west wLlk 129.30; east .calk 1,28.50; at station 18 plus 52.20 tYu: nort:s property line VL,Ibc--r_✓, weet ':ali 128.24; at station 18 Plus 52.^3 the north property line Kulberry, Beet walk 127.54; at station 13 plus 72.20 tie north curb line Llulberry, we: t. curb 127.72; s>eut ;utter 126.92; at station J# 18 plus 72.93 the north curb line 'ulberry, east curb 127.26; r east Lx tter 126.46; at station lh Alus "1.42 the South curb line lulberiy, vast curb 127.°0; crest gutter 127.00, at station 19 plus 32.23 the south curb line i;ulberry, east cue.' 127.26. east gutter 126.46; at station 19 plus 51.42 the south -roperty line !mulberry, vast walk 123.40; at station 19 plus 52.23 the sou" property line-4"barry, Gaut walk 127.60; at sta- tion 24 plue 00 t'.ie north pro erty line iiyrtla, *dst walk 132.60; east walk 131. )01 at station 24 Talus 2C? the north Buro Li P,iyrtle, west curb /ai.�Go 132. ?0;`vrast auttor caot our!) 131.60; Gast gutter 131..Ou; as sta- tion 24 plus 3 , the south curb Tina Myrtle, west curl 132.5J; west gutter 131.70; east ourb 132*10; saut gutter 131.30; .at station 25 pius o0 the south wlro ,serty line ;rut walk 133.00; aaat walk 132..50; aL natation 31 Dlue 40 L%e north property line 4urel, namt walk 1335.80; eauc walk 13.5-0; at station 31 ;):Luz 60 the north curb line iiaurel, went curb 135 .50; �z st 0)-t,;cr 13:.70; east cu_b 13j.30; uuz t gutter L. 4.50. Grades for South reldrm street, from the south ;>ro;)erty line Mountain Avenue to the north curb line laurel Street are established and declared to be as follo-e. All elevations being referred to the city datum B.M. 104.76 %heated at the sidewalk intersection corner Col.Lege Avenue and uak Street, at ate post office earner. _k;ginni.nry at station 0 .plus 00, the south property line �Iountaln, east wobble 116.4;; east curb 116.60; east gutter 115..W); vest Walk 117.50; ~vest curb 116-93; Brest gutter 116.13; at atation 1 plus 00, east walk 118.62; west walk 119.70; at station 4 plus O0, north nro•)erty line Cale, east -mlk 121.55; east curb 1?1.34, east ,gut or 120.54; vest walk 121.95; went curb 121.33; went gsat«,er 1.?0.53; at station 4 plus a0 the north curb lino 0alc, east ourb 3.21.44; east giafter 120.74; west curb 1:21.48; *vent 6,utLer. 120.60; at station 4 plue 80 the south curb line Oak, east curb 121.40; east gutter 120.110; Rest curb 121.60; west .gutter 120.95; at sta- tion 5 -plus 00, south oro-aerty line uak, east walk 1?1.60; east curb .5l 121.31; east gutter 120.31; vest ?valk 121.90; west ourb 121.52; west gutter 120.72; at station 7 plus 000 eaic>t walk 121.00; east curb 120.70; east &-utter 119.90; weat walk 121.40; west curb 120.70; west gutter 119.00; at station 8 plus 29.3 the northeast r,)ro=')erty corner Canyon, east ,jalk 119.72; at station 8 plus 77.5'/; at northeast curb corner Canyon, east curb 119.40; east gutter 118.60; at station 9 plue 00, west walk 119.00; went curb 118#60; vrest gutter 11'/.60; at station 9 plus 20, west curb 118.30; west gutter 117.50; at station 9 plus 80 the south curb line Olive east curb 117.80; east gutter 117.00; at station 10 plus 00, south pro• perty lire, OW Clive Street, east walk 118.10.4 at station 10 Plus 22,43 the southwest curb corr_er Ganyon, west curb 117.58; west &°utter 116.78*, at station 10t70.7 the southwest property oorner Canyon, west walk 117.70; .55 at station 12 plus 00, west curb 116."; went gutter 115.75; at station 14 ol.us 00, north property line Magnolias east walk 115.10; #a west ~ask 115.60; at station 14 plus 20, north curb line pta;,rnolia, east curb 114.55; east gutter 113.75; west curb 114.80; want µutter 114.00; at station 14 bus 60 the :youth curb line i�a •nolia east curb 114.60• east Lutter 11 .80• west curb 114.70; west gutter 113.90; at station 15 Plus 00 the south property line Magnolia, east vralk 114.75; west walk 115.05; at station. 19 plus 00, the north property line riulberry, east malk 116.35; west walk 116.35; vest curb 115.96; west Batter 115.16 ; at station 19 plus 20 , ncuxth curb lire Lulberry, east curb 116.15; east gutter 115.35; west cL,rb 116.15; west el, ti.er 1115.35; at station 19 lus 80 the ::outti curb line Vulberry, east curb U6.50; east Lu tter 115.7C ; west curb 116.15; west gutter 115.35; at station 20 plus 00, south )roperty line Mulberry, east walk 116.80 ; west walk 116.90; at station 21 plus 00, west walk 117.13; cost curb 117.00; whet Gutter 116. 20; • at station 24 plus 00, north pronert,r line :iyrtle, east walk 118.10; we-t walk 118.07; at station 24 plus 20 the north carb line Nyrtle Ctreet, east curb 117.70; east gutter 116.90; west curb 117.80; west gutter 117.00; at station 24 plus 80 the south curb line Myrtle, n6.v0 east curb 117.50, east outlier vms t curb 117.75; west ,utter 116.75; at station ^5 plus 00 the south pro-. line 11yrtle , east ,�a7.k 116.44; west walk 118.48;at station 25 plus 50 , east curb 118.33; east , utter 117.53; west curb 116.25; west gutter 117.45; at stwti.on aj )lus 00, east walk 118.95; east curb 118.65; east ;after 117.85; west curb 118.72; lu st gutter 117.92; at station 31 iglus 401 the north rroyerty line Laurel, east veal-k 121.80; rest walk 121.55; at station 31 plus 60, north curb lire Twwurel, east curb 121.17; east Tatter 120.37; west Curb l21.00; west gutter 120.20. "action 41. Grades for 'Wood street fron the north curb line La Porte avenue to the south curb line Cherry street are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations beinC referred to the city datum B.H. 104.76 lo- cated at the intersections of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. 61 �eginnine at station 6 plus 55, the north curb line � Porte Avenue, of 5 avian 6f55 at west curb 133.00; west gutter 132.20;,,oast curb 132.60; east gutter 131.80; at station 6 plus 75 the north property line -+a -Torte Avenue, west walk 133.70; east walk 133.00; at station 9 plus 75, east walk 135.35; east curb 135.20; east ,utter 134.40; at station 10 plus 90 , west walk 137.25; west curb 136.35; west gutter 135.55; at station 12 plus 40, south property line uaple, west walk 137.60; at station 12 plus 52, south curb line Juaple, west curb 135.95; west gutter 135.15; at stationit2 plus 60 the south property line 1 ple, east walk 135.20; at station /2 plus 76 the south curb line maple, east curb 134.40; east gutter 1t3.60; at station 12 plus 88, north curb line 14aple, west curb 135.80; west gutter 135.00; at station 13 plus 00, north property line Maple, west walk 136.10; at station _ 3 plus 24, north curb line Maple, east curb 134.30, east gutter 133.50; at station 13 plus 40, east walk 134.60; at station 14 plus 75, west Talk 135.50; west curb 134.50; west gutter 133.70; east walk 133.30; east curb 133.20; east gutter 132.40; at station 15 plus 75, west curb 132.20; west gutter 131.40; east walk 131.10; east curb 130.90; east gutter 130.10; at station 16 plus 75, west curb 129.65; went gutter 128.85; east walk 128.50; east curb 128.30; east gutter 127.50; at station 17 plus 50, south property line Cherry, west walk 128.00; west curt 127.60; west gutter 126.80; at station 17 plus 60 the south property line Cherry, east walk 126.30; east curb 126.25; east gutter 125.45; at station 17 Plus 62, sout'. curb line wherry, west curb 127.20; west gutter 126.70; at station 17 plus 76 the south curb line Cherry, east curb 126.10; east gutter 125.40; . r r•+A FfJ S"iJ1l l�3N m sn� tf2i.rrrn'1T L' rn.. ..y .� n Mien Q. Grades for Sycamore street from the vest curt line therwood street to the east mrb line Grant itreet are established and declare- to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum B. X. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 19 plus 80 the west curb line hei-wood street, north curb 111.30; north gutter 110.50; south curb 111.50; south butter 110.70; at station 20 plus 00, west property lire hherwood, north walk 111.50; south talk 111.70; at station 24 plus 00, east property line Whitcomb Street, north walk 114.09; south walk 114.40; at station. 24 plus 18 the east curb line ahitcomb ::street, north curb 113.79; north gutter 112.99; south curb 113.90; south gutter 113.10; at station 24 plus 72 the west curb line 4hiteomb, north curb 113.85; north gutter 1.13.15; south curb 1:L4.10; south gutter 113.40; at station 24 plus 90 the :vest property line Vhitcomb, north walk 114.60; south walk 114.70; at station 28 plus 70 the east property line Loomis, north :talk 118.50; south talk 118.50; at station 28 plus 86 the east curb line Loomis, north curb 118.30; north gutter 117.60; south curb 118.40; south gutter 111.70; at station 29 plus 34 the west curb line Loomis, north curb 118.40; north gutter 117.10; south cur? 118.40; south gutter 117.70; at station 29 plus 50 the wrest property line Loomis, north walk 119,00; south walk 119.00;at station 33 plus 30 the east property line Grant, north wa.Lk 120.30; south walk 120.30; at station 33 plus 46 the oaot curb line Grant, north curb 119.75; north gutter 0 9.05p south. curia 119.75; south gutter 119.05. -4v/4*71146 1 v 3 Grades for South Loomis Street, from the south property line Mountain Avenue to the north curb line fnurel Street, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred tc the city datum B.M. 104 .76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Ave. and Gak Street, at the Fast office corner. Ee4irnin.g at station 0 plus 00 the south property line Mountain Ave west walk 127.2-4; west curb 126.54; weet gutter 125.74; east walk 126.70; east curb 126.40; east gutter 125.60; at station 2 plus 00 , west walk 124. 20; west curb 124 .00; west gutter 123.20; east walk 124.22 ; east curb 124.00; east gutter 123.20; at station 3 plus 92 the inlet north side Oak, west curb 123.50; west utter 122.70; east curb 123.30; east gutter 122.50; at station 4 plus 00 the north property line Oak, west wal3c 123.66; rest curb 123.44; west gutter 122.68; east walk 123.44; east curb 123.16; east gutter 122.46; at station 4 plue 20 the north curb line Uak, west curb 123.27; west gutter 122.53 ; east curb 123.04; east gutter 122.40; at station 4 plus 80 the Louth curb line Oak, west curb 12?.29; west gutter 122.58; east curb 123.0K; ea^t Cutter 121.31 ; at station 5 plus 00 tho south property line va!*, west wnlk 123. 50 ; west curb 123.18; nest gutter 122.48; east w-nn 123.39; east curb 123.03.; east gutter 122. 28; at station 5 plus 50 the went curb 12.2.74; west gutter 121.94; east curb 122. 53; east �.atter 121.73; at station 7 plus 00 the west walk 3.21.84; weet curb 121.30; west gutter 120.50; east walk 122.00; east curb 121.10; east gutter 120.30; at station 9 plus 00 the north property line olive, we.^t :calk 122.20; eaet walk 122.15; at station 9 plus 20 ncrth curb line Olive, west curb 121.84; west Cutter 121.04; east curb 1?1.74; east gutter 120.94; at station 9 plus 80 the south curb line Olive, west curb 122.20; west gutter 121.40; east curb 121.80; east gutter 121.00; at station 10 . izz. so plus 00 the south property line Olive, west walk 123.40; east walk ltk"� ; at station 11 plus 50 , east walk 123.50; at :station 12 plus 00, west curb 123.70; west gutter 122.90; at station 14 plus 00 the north property line Magnolia, west walk 125.72; ea!3t :walk 124.45; at station 14 plus 20 the north curb line Vagnolia, wect curb 124.85; west gutter 124.05; e,)Bt curb 124.40; east gutter 123.60; at station 14 plus 80 the south curb line Magnolia � � r west curb 125.20; west gutter 124.40; east curb 124.80; eaet gutter 124.00; at station 15 Plus 00 tsLe south pro,)crty line lagnolia, vest walk 125.60; eaot vials 125.00; at station 16 plus 00, wezt walk 126.30; vt station 17 Plus 00, west v+alk 126.60; west curb 125.90; west gutter 125.10; ee:ct walk 64 125.70; east curb 12j.60; east ,cutter 124.80; at station 18 plus 55.f1 Vie north property line Mulberry, %rest walk 125.80; at station 18 plus 56.57 the north property line Mulberry, 0 east walk 125.40; at station 18 Plus 75.84 the north curb line T:ulberry, west curb 125.20; west &utter 124.40; at station 18 Plus 76.57 the north curb line T.ulberry, e,zt curb 125.00; east gutter 124.20; at station 19 Pius 35.45 the south curb line Mulberry, west curb 125.40; west gutter 124.b0; at station 19 slue 36.26 the south cur: line 7.2ulbsrry, east curb 125.20; east ,utter 124.40; at station 19 Plus j5.45 ti;.e so;:ti property line liu' berry, west mul's 125.30; at station 19 plue 56.26 tqu gout : property line 'ail?oerry, bast ws:lk 125.40; a,, station 24 plus 00 the north property line iyrtle, went walk 123.10; east walk 127.20; at station 24 plus 20 the aorta curb line 'Uyrtle, west e°axb 12'7.60; wart gutter 126.30; east curb 127.10; east gutter 1.26.30; at atation 24 plus 80 tha south curb line Zyrtla, w,ut curb 127.80; west guitar 127,00; east curb 127.30; ca. t gutter 126.70; at Jtatioa 25 plus 00 t"e south property line TVTtla, Feat wal:x 123.20; # 3 east wa:.a 12'7.00; at e,",.:3.tion 31 plus 401 north property line laurel, west orals 129.90; east walk 129.4G; at station 31 plus 60 the north curl: ling 1•a.ure:l, west curb 129.0-0; .rest gutter 123.60; east curb 129.2G; east gutter 128.4C. ! f q, Sacti:n 44. Grades for Aa.nt Vlive Street from the oast property line Dolls;e Avenue to f'•iveraide Avenue, are established &'id deolaree, to to as .olio^s. U1 elevations being referred to Vie City datum B. m. 104.76 located at Vie :Lnterrectior_ f the side a.li_s corner (:ollege Avenue :and Oak Street , :-It the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00, the east property line SSollege Ave. north walk 109.02; north curb 10£-&O; north eutter 108.12; south Lrslk 110.10; south curb 100.68; south j7utter 109.00; at station 3 plus 00, the vest property lisle Remington, north walk 104.76; north curb 104.95; north gutter 104.00; south wall- 3.06-56; south curb 105.88; south gutter 104-W; at station 4 .plus 000 east-'property line Remington, north als'" 103.07; north verb 102.92; north gutter 102.12,' south. naa.l3-, 105.20; sout:' cur'o 104.16; south cutter 103.36; at station 5 p1lis 40, north walk 100.50; north curl+ 99.54; north -utter 98.74; sarn.atn walk 101.00; snath curb 100. 27; sotzth ,utter 99.47t rt station 7 pl.ue 00, weast Property line ldnthawes St. , north walk 97.71; south walk 99-10; mt station 7 nlaus in' the weet ourb 'Line Y..athe"s, north curb 96.44; north Totter 96.14; -south curb 9'7.60; south ,utter 96.80; at station 7 plus 80 the eaBt oaxb line N'nt%awvs Street, north curb 96.62; north getter 95.82; south curb 9$.81; south Futter 97.01; at station F plus 0o, east property line :.thews, north walk 96.46; ►south. rslk 98.35i wt station 9 phis 50, eottth walk 95.97; Routh rnzrb 95.33; et+uth ;xtter 94.53; at station 13 plus 00 , crest property line Veter%on, north walk 93.00; south wall_ 93.93; at station 21 plm 000 th wpalk 94.20; south curb 94.00; south .cutter 93.^0; at station 13 plus 20, went curb z - line p®t..ereon, north curb 92.47; north gutter 91.67; south curb 93.23► south gutter 92.43;at station 13 talus 80 the east curb line Meterson, north curb 92.a?; north gutter 91.67; south mxrb 93.2.3; south e;sattmr 92.43, at 9tatinn 14 phis 00, east property lino leterson, north walk 92.50; mouth walk 93.93; at station3-6 plus 00, south walk 91.90; at station 18 p1e,s 00. most property lire lhedb9e, north valk 90-o4•, mouth walk 90.71; south curb 89.76; south gulls. 8°.96; at station 18 plus 20 the Trereet jnrb line ;ehedbse , north curb 84.60; sort}'! Tatter 88-80: srmth curb 89.90; south gutter 89.10; at station 18 plus 80 the east Curb line + j f Whedbee, north curb 89.bO; north gutter 89.00; south curb 90. 20; south blutt,er 80, .4.0; et station 19 plus 00, north .calk ^y0.20; south walk 90.00; at station 21 plus 00, south curb 89.64; mcuth -utter 88.b4; at station 23 Plus Q0, vest property ling, kith, north walk 90.00; youth walk 90.09; at station 23 plus 20, west curb line Smith, north curb 88.66; north gutter 811.86; south curb 8d.66; south .gutter 87-M;at station 23 plus 80 the east curb line timith, north curb 68.66; north gutter 87.86; south curb 6.66; south gutter 87.86; at station 24 plus 00. east property lips �;mith, north walk 8W.00; south, walk dq.10; at station 25 plus 36.3 the northwest corner Riverside, north walk 86.70; at station 25 plus 89.37 the northwest curb corner hiversi«-fie, north curb 85.60; north gutter 84.810; south curb 85.80; south gutter 85.00; at station 26 plus 50.05 the south- ssuM wa/k B.5.90 ; oh 5raron -06 *,f770, vmyt, #40 property eornar �iiverside'Asouth curb 85.60; mouth gut er d4.80; . 14 Pfa- � � r I>aticn 45. Grader for Vorth zfserwood Street from the north property line mountain Avenue to the south curb 11ne Sycaxiore "treet are establisP?d and declared to be as follows. All elevations lair.,, referred to the city datun B.M. 104.76 located at the intersection of tho sidewalks corner of College Avenue, and 'yak street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the north property line Mountain Ave. west walk 120.57; meat curb 119.73; nest ,gutter 118-93; east hulk 120.1?; sa;,t curb 1.19.57; east ,utter 118.77; at station 1 plus 00, west .•calk 120.50; -it station I plus 501 eat curb 118.70; :rest gu';ter 117. )0; east curb 119.00; east Xatte: 115.20; at station 2 plus 00. west walk 120.10; east -ael.k 119.20; at station 3 plus 00, vast wrc,lk 118.60; west cxrb 117.20; cost gutter 116.40; east walk 117.20; east curd 116.90; east gutter 116.10; at station 4 plus 00, west tin~.lk 115.80; west, curb 115.05; west gutter 114. 25; east walk 113.'�0; cast curb 113.00; eaev Cutter 112.20; at station 4 plus ts5 the west .:a., 112.90; at eta::iuti 5 p:i.us oo, west curb 112. 20; Wa6t, gutte_,- 111.40; ,*4 east walk 111.90; east curb 111.80; east gutter 111.00; as, station 5 plus 75 the south Property line 1+a 1:11vtte avenue, vest v;alk 112.40; east walk 111.70; at station 5 plus 95 , wect curb 111.70; west glitter 110.90; east verb 111.30; east gutter 110.50; at stetior. 6 plus 55, north 3urb lire 1r% Porte Avenue, west curb 111.53; west gutter 1111.73i eaet curb 111.30; east gutter 110. 0; at st=<:.tion 6 plus 75, north property ling: Jae. Forte f:veauoj west :a11C 111.85; easy. tjalk 111.60; at stagy tion 12 ;IuB -)0 the south rra„erty line -^ai?Ie >treet, west walk 110.11; east walk 110.33; at etation 12 plus 70 the south curb Lire -aaple, west ourb 109.95; west gutter 109.15; east curb 109.72; east gutter 10 -92; at rotation 13 plus 30, nortl curb line Ka.ple, west curb 10 .9y; west gutter 109.15; east curb 109.72; east gutter 108.92; -at station 13 plus 50 the north )ron rl.y line 4� ple, we::t walk 110.33; east walk 110.33; at station .5 plu,e 50, west ':�az1.: 11C.80; west curb 110. j0; zest gutter 109.70; east walk 110.60; east curb 110.35; eaat gutter. 109.55; at station 17 ;plus 509 south property line Cherry Street, west walk 110.20; east walk 110.20; at station 17 plus 70 the south Curt 1:.:,e "'J"Ierry :street, west Curb 109.80; west Nutter 109.00; east curb 109.80; east „utter 103.00; at station 18 Plus 30 the north ourb line Cherry, west curb 110.00; west jotter 109.20; east curb 110.00; east gutter. 109. P0; at station 18 plus 70, north pro- porty line Cherry, west :mIk 110.40; east m<tiik 110.40; at Est,=ticn ?2 plum 50 t}>e 2outh property Line Syminre, rest wo.lk 111.70; east wt lk 111.70; at station 22 phis 70, the south curb lane Sycamore, west curb w++ st avAter 110.70; east curb 111.50; east gutter 110.70. I 1 1cti'n � Grades for South Vitcamb Street from the south property line houn- tain Avnnue to the north curb line Laurel Street, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the city datum B. Y. 104.76 located at the intersection ; f the sidewalks corner College avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. 3e6innin;, at station 0 plus 00 the south property line mountain, vest walk 124.90; west curb 124.37; meat gutter 123.67; east ®calk 124.20; east curb 123.87; east gutter 123.07; at station 2 plus 00, west walk 123.64; west curb 123.40; west gutter 122.70; east walk 123.50; east curb 123. 20; east gutter 122.40; at station 4 plus OO, north property line Oak, :west walk 121.76; west curb 121.52; west gutter 120.82; east malk 121.87; eaet curt? 121.57; east gutter 120.77; at station 5 plus 00 the south property line :ak, west .calk 121.67; west curb 121.23; went gutter 120.43; east walk 121.84; east curb 121.80; east glitter 121.00; at station 6 plus 00, west galls 120.20; west curie 119.60; west gutter 119.00; ease walk 119.90; vast curb 11Q.60; east Gutter 118.8C; at station 7 plus 00, west calk 119.40; west cu* 119.00; west butter 118.20; east walk 118.96; east curb 118.80; east gutter 118.00; at station 9 plus CO, north property line Olive, west walk 119.00; east walk 118.80; at station 9 plus 20 the north curb line Olive, west curb 118.30; west gutter 117.50; east curb 118.10; east gutter 117.30; at station 9 plus 80 the south curb line Olive west curb 110.40; west gutter 117.60; east curb 118.40; east gutter 117.60; at station 10 plus 00, south property line Olive, west walk 119.16; weet curb 118.77; west gutter 117.97; east walk 118.70; east curb •118.75; east gutter 117.95; at station 14 plus 00, north property line L;agnolia, west walk 121.12; east walk 120.44; at stution l 4 plus 20 north curb line hag- nolia, west curb 120.60; west gutter 119.80; east curb 120.40; east gutter 119.60; at station 14 plus 80 the scuth curb line kangolia west curb 120.30; west gutter 120.00; east curb 120.80; east gutter 120.00; at sta- tion 15 plus 00 the south property line hagnolia, west walk 121.40; east walk 121.00; at station 18 plus 29.3 the northeast property corner Canyon, east walk 122.20; at station 18 plus 59.48 the north property line Mul- berry, west walk 123.52; at station 18 plus 77.6 the northeast curb corner Canyon, east curb 122.10; east Tutter 121.30; at station 18 pluz 79.48 the north ur'-, line Itulberry, west curb 1 2.60, west Xatter 121.80; at 39 station 19 plus 34.46 *. is south curb line Uulbsrry, west curb 122.60; west gutter 1^1.80; at station 19 plus 59.46 the south property line ?::vlberry, west walk 123.00; at station 19 plus 80 the south curb line Mul— berry, east curb 122.70; oaxt gutter 121.90; at station 20 plus 00 the south property line Mulberry, mast Tralk 122.80; at station 24 plus 00 the north property line "yrtle, west.. al'> 124.080+ east malk 124.14: at :station 24 plus 20 the north curb line 'yrtle, west, curb 123.80; west gutter 123.00; east curb 123.30; east gutter 123.00; at station 24 ,plus 80 trie ecuth curb line Myrtle, west curb 123.80; west cut" er 1?3.e0; oast curb 12 .80; east. ;utter 1^3 .00; at station 25 plus 00 the s,)uth )ro;;>erty line lyrtle crent walk 124.25; mot vralk 124.14; at station 28 plus 50, nest curb 124.73; west Butte: 123.93; at station 31 plus 40 the north property line Laurel, west walk 125.79; east =alt 125.60; €,,.t station 31 talus 60 the north curb line faurei, ;vest .curb 125.60; ,rest gutter 124.80; eart curb 125.50; east k-utter 2.24.70. cti<:.. 47. Grades for Nast Magnolia :street, fro- tte eaet property line of College Avenue to southwest curb line of Riverside Avenue are established and de- clared to be as followc. All elevations tieing referred to the City Datum B. !1. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalk corner of South College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. 3eginning at station 0 p&us 00 :vsich ;s U,-e e at Iroperty line of Coile6e .-.venue, north ,calk 111.73 ; :-.orth curb 111.35; north. g !t ter 310.55; south walk 111.96; south curb 111.57; ecmtI-. gutter 110.77; at f+tation 1 plus 50 , north curb 110.30; north Lutter 109.50; scud. curb 110.60; south gutter 110.00; at ste.,ticn 3 plus 00 which is west property line Rem- ington Street, north walk 111.05; north curb 111.00; north gutter 11D.05; south walk 112.16; south curb 111.46; south gutter 110.56; at station 3 plus 80 :.Yhicb is the east curb line Re-rington Street, north curb 110.49; north gutter 109.41; south curb 110.98; south gutter 110.OU; at station 4 plus 00 which is the east property line Remin ,tor. Gtraat* north walk 110.51; north curb 110.32; north gutLer 109.32; south walk 111.28; south curb 110.79; south gutter 109.82; at station 5 plus 40, north walk 110.00; north curb 109.19; north gutter 108.39; south gutter 108.66; at utation 7 plus 00 the Rest property line '.a thei+!s Ltrect, uortu walk 108.60; north curb 107.39i north gutter 106.59; south walk 108.34; scut . curb 107.93 ; south gutter 107.13; aL station 7 plus 20 west curb line Mathews Street, north curb 107.34; north gutter 106.54; south curb 107.96; south gutter 106.66; at station 7 plus 80 the east curb line , thews ;�trect, north curb 107.10, north gutter 106.30; south curb 108.14, south gutter 107.34; at station v plus 00 the east property line iathews Street, north walk 107.70; north curb 106.98; north gutter 106.16; south walk 109.02; south curb 107.97; south butter 107.17, at station 9 plus 00, north walk 104.45; at station 10 plus 000 nort:, walk 100.00; north curb 99.80; north gutter 99.00; south curb 101.70; soutA ijutter 100.90; at station 10 plus 50, north walk 98.65; north curb 98.40; north gutter 97.60; at station 11 plus 00, north walk 97.90; north curb 97.60; north gutter 96.80; south waik 99.90; south curb 98.90; south gutter 98.10; at station 11 plus 50, south walk 98.65; at station 12 plus 00, south Walk 97.81; south curb 97.46 south gutter 96.66; at station 13 plus 00 the west property line of �Veterson r 6treet, north walk 96.48; south walk 96.94; at station 13 plus 20 the west curb line :?eterson ;street, north curb 96.00; north nutter 95.20; south curb 96.30; south gutter 95.50; at station 13 plus 80 the east curb line ?eterson Street, north curb 96.00; noru„ slitter 95.20; south curb 96.30; south gutter 95.50; at station 14 plus 00 which is the east property line Peterson Street, north walk 96.20; north curb line 95.90; north gutter 95.10; south walk 96.57; at: station 16 plur; 00, north °.aaa,lk 93.10; north curb 93.00; north gutter 92.i0; south Gaspe 94.60; south curb 94. 5; Gouts gutter 93.55; at station 18 plus 00 ';he west property tine 2ieu'be:: :,treets north :calk 93.15; south veil' 94.10; -:.t station 18 Plus 20 the west curb line ,'hedbee Street, north m rb 92.30; north gutter 91.50; south curb 92.10; south gutter 91.30; at station 18 plus 80 the east curb line :'hed- bee Street, north c*,:rb ;'2.30; north gutter 91.50; south curb 98.30; south ;utter 91.50; at station 19 plus 00, t_'ze east .)zopc;rty line ht-lboe Street, north walk 92.62; 33uth -mlk 93.45; at station 20 plus 400 north ;:arb 91.00; north gutter 90.20; south curb 91.00; sout;a ;,attar 90-20; at station 21 plus 00, :outvi wale 91.90; at station 23 plus 00 -10 .lost property line a ith treet, north walk 88.84; scut}a -sulk 89.01; at sta- tion 23 plus 20 the Rest curb line Smith Street, north curb 37.34; north gutter 86.54; ~oath curb 87.34i ;south :utter 36.54; at station 23 plus 80 the east curb line .:smith Street, north curb 87.340 north gutter 86.54; south curb 87.34; souta gut.'er 86.54; at station 24 plus 00 the east pro- perty line :imith 13ktreet, north walk 87.90; south mak 33.40; at station 25 plus 500 north calk 87.50; north curb 86.90; north Gutter 06.1C; south walk 88.00; south. oa:.rb 66.90; south ;utter 86.1.0; at rotation 28 plus 00 the west property line 'Stover --treet. north walk 84.60; soutr walk 84.60; at station 28 plus 20 the rest curb line Stover street, a -..-Zth curb 64.20; north gutter 83.40; south curb 84.20; south gutter 33.40; atatation 28 plus 80 the exist curb line :M over Street, north curb 84.00; north gutter 83.20; south curb 64.00; south gutter 83.2C; at sstation 29 plus 00, the cast property line Stover Stteet, north walk 84.20; south walk 84.20; at station 31 plus 05.50 the northlmest property line Riverside Avenue, north walk 83.50; at station 31 plus 58.60 the northwest curb line River- side Avenue, north curb 83.20; north butter 82.40; at station 32 plus 19.40 the southwest property Sine 'Riverside Avenue, south Baal'_: 83 30; a,� station 32 Vyus ??f.p O,�hgnsouthwest curb line Riverside Avenue, south curb 83.00; . i II r eftftbB 9-cticn 48. Grades for Cowan Street from the S7 curb line of Aiverside Avenue to the north curb line of :Laurel Street one established and declared to be as follows. All elevationz beir:b referred to the City Datt:i_r. D. 'Jr. 104.76 located at the• inter�ection of the sidewalks corner of 'south Coliege :,venue and flak street, at the noct offin;e corner. De6innin; at Station lj plus 61.62 which i.. the southwest Curb corner Riverside Avenue, west curb 62.60; west tititt3r ",1.80; at stC?t:v)a 15 plus 70.67 which is the southwest property corner Oiveruide Averrze , west walk 82.90; at station 16 plus 14.31 which is the southeast curb comer River. side Avenue, east curb 82.50; east Cutter 81.70; at station, 16 plus 58.50 which is the southeast property line of Riverside, east walk 82.60; at station 19 plus 00 which is the north property line Mulberry -,,treet, west .walk 82.00; east walk 82.00; at station 19 plus 20 which is the north curb line Vulberry Street, Nest curb 81.60; west gutter 80.80; east curb 81.60; east gutter 80.80; at station 19 plus 60 which is the south curb line Mulberry Street, west curb 81.60; west gutter 80.80; east curb 81.60; east gutter 80.80; at station 20 plus 00 which is the south property line Mulberry 0treet, west walk 82.00; east walk 32.00; at station 24 Alus 00 which is the north property linE: :;.yrtle Street, west walk 84.50; east walk 83.70; at station 24 plus 20 which is the north curb line Myrtle Street , west curb 83.80; west gutter 83.00; east curb 83.60; east gutter 82.80; at station 24 plus 80 whic% is the south curb line T."yrtle :street, -rest curb 84.03; west gutter 83.23; east curb 83.90; east gutter 83.10; at station 25 i>lus 00 which is file south property line ''yrtle. :street, west :walk 84.60; east walk 84.20; at station 31 plus 37 Which is the north property line Laurel Street, west walk 90.60; east walk 90.00; at station 31 plus 57 which is the nort>i curb line 4aurel street, west curb 90.20; west .utter 89.40; east curb 89.90; east ,*utter 89.10; . l r Ssction 49. wades for West `aLo :tract, fry `*1,t west ircperty lice Ualitge Yves+ to the City I:;r1ts,, tyre 4..tatbli;he: ard cieclelre3 to beEtr Co"Ir_mu. All elevutiona b;sine. r eferrvd to �aie City .;)at *" 104.76, � _located at IwI a intcrE;ectioII -1 the aidG.' i Iku (;Or ur O CC1lfkgyfl Avcnue ar:d at t.1c post offize Corner. Lc6innirl6 ux 6tation 0 p1uC CC the west property 14-e College imome, north wulk rcrt._ curb 114.40; north gutter 113.9C; Louth walk 114.60; south. curb .14.4U; eou :h gutter 113.90; at station k Plus CC, north w&lk i1,.60; north curb 1115."; nor' i gLw-Ler 114.50; south walk ::ouL_. cLixb 115.00; sautt gutter 114.5C; at station_ 4 piue 00, 1.ort wa:lL 1'!1.J0; north curt ,1.7.10; nort:l butter 116.60; south valk 117.30; sou" curl• 117.lU; aoutt gutter 116.60; at utatiou 4 91-ILO 70.70r the City Lill2it9, -Iortu -va"k 118.41; riorth, curb 118.10; north -Utter 117.60; sout.i walk 11u.4.0; south curb Louth butter 11f.t0. j Section 50o Grades foremast "ake Street, from the east property line of College Avenue to the Uity limits, are established and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the City Datum B.P . 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner of College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 08 the east property line Coliege Avenue, north walk 114.60; north curb 114.55; north gutter 113.75; south walk 114.55; south curb 114.45; south gutter 113.65; at station 1 plus 08, north walk 113.15; north curb 112.85; north gutter 112.05; south walk 113.30; south curb 113.00; south gutter 112.20;at station 2 plus 80, north walk 109.10; north curb 108.80; north gu-� .er 106.00; south Mlk 109.25; south curb 108.95; south gutter 108. 15; at station 3 plus 80 the west property line Remington Street , north walk 108.55; south walk 108.80; at station 4 plus 00 the •.%rest curb line Remington Street, north curb 106.35; north ;natter 107.55; south curb 108.50; south gutter 107.70; at station 4 plus 60 the east curb line Remington Street, north curb 108.45; north gutter 107.65; south curb 108.60; south gutter 107.80; at station 4 plus 80 the east property line Remington 6treet, north walk 108.60; north curb 108.60; north gutter 107.60; south walk 109.10; south curb 108.80; south gutter 108.00; at station 6 plus 20, north walk 112.30; north curb 112.00; north gutter 111.20; south walk 112.30; south curb 112.00; south gutter 111.20; at station 6 plus 80, north .Valk 113.10; north curb 112.60; north gutter 112.00; south walk 113.10; south curb 112.80; south gutter 112.00; at station 8 plus 40 the west property line Za.thews Stru t, north walk 113.70; north curb 113.40; north gutter 112.60; south walk 113.70; at station 8 plus 60 the west curb line Mathews 3tre. t , south curb 113.30; south gutter li2.50; at station 9 plus 20 the east curb line la.thews Street, south curb 113.10; south gutter 112.30; at station 9 plus 40 the east property line 1athews Street, north walk 113.20; north curb 112.90; north gutter 112.10; south walk 113.20; at station 13 plus 00 the west property line Peterson Street, north walk 106.82; south walk 108.90; south curb 108.70; south gutter 107.90; at station 13 plus 20 the .rest curb line Peterson Street, north curb 108.50; north gutter 107.70; south curb 108.60; south gutter 107.80; at station 13 plus 80 the east curb line Peterson Street, north curb 107.90; north gutter 107.10; south: curb 108.00; south gutter 107.20; at station 14 plus 00, east pro- perty line Peterson Street, north walk 108.20; north curb 107.80; north utter 107.00; south walk 108.40; south curb 107.90'. south gutter 107.10; at station 18 plus 00 the west property line . hedbee :;treat, north avalk 104.50; south wa'y 104.60; at station 18 plus 20 the west curb line of Thedbee Street, north curb 104.00; north gutter 103.20; south curb 104.30; south gutter 103.50; at station 15 plus 80 the east curb line whedbee Street, north curb 103.60; north gutter 102.80; south curb 103.90; south gutter 103.10; at station 19 plus 00 the east property line .hedbee Street north walk 103.80; south walk 104.10; at station 23 plus 00 the west pro- perty line Smith Street, north walk 101.10; south walk 101.20; at sta- tion 23 plus 20 Vne crest curb line Smith street, north curb 100.80; north gutter 100.00; south curb 100.90; south gutter 100.10; at station 23 plus £30 the east curb line Smith ;Street, north curb 100.60; norI.A gutter 100.00; south curb 100.80; south gutter 100.00; at station 24 plus 00 tha east property line Smith Street, north walk 101.00; south vials 101.00; at sta- tion 26 plus 35.55 the city limits on north aide, north walk 98.90; north curb 98.60; north gutter 97.80; at station 26 plus 35.62 the city limits on south side, south wars 99.20; south curb 90.00; south gutter 98.00. P,ction 51. Grades for 3itokeye Street , from east curb line retorsun. Street to the «ity binits. are eststlishad and deolared to be a ;5 follows. All ale- 4ations bei,-ig refer:ad to Uie City pa.tim 3.1r. 104.76, 100ate3 at the inter4ectlon of Via aidC al A aornar of :'south :ollege krenus asafl Oak Street, Pt the post office ciovaor. aainning at at+ation 13 plus do the east curb Use Faterson :Street, north curb 106.51; north gutter 105.70� south curls 106.70; e,9uth juttex 105.90; at station 14 plus 00 the east property- line petersoa Street, north walls 10-4.80; a-)uth walk 1.07.101 at station 18 ;plua 00 the loot psooperty line lhed'hee Street, nortli walk 10?_.40; south Call. a02.30; &a station 17 plus 24 the west curb lirasysadbee �#' reei , north au,b 102.03; North gutter 101.23; South ourb 102.20; mouth gutter 101.40; at station 18 plus 80 the eao t raurb 'Line mhadbse, nort'u aurb �101.70; nor'kh gs wti r 100.90; UOU111 aarl, 101.30; euul;a gutter 101.10; at station 19 plus 00 the east property Line : lead.bte Streets noaAu walk 102.00; southwalk 102.20; at station 23 pltue 00 the we-at property line anith :street, north walk 100.00y houth w%_Ik 100.20; at w"tion 23 pluu 20 4he wes« curb line Smith Street, north curb 99.83; norti guiles 99.U3; soutia curb line 90.80; south gu tter 99.00; at station 23 pluaa 80 iIie east curb line -W`4Ath Street, Wrtix ourb 99.80; north gutter 99.00; sou•t;i curb 99.80; scath gutter 99.00; at rotation 24 pluz 00 -tLa ea LI property line Sri th 344re;e �, north walk 100.00, mruth wall[ 100.10; at ota►tion 26 plus .15 the City Limits, worth walk 100.f30; north ourb 100.50; north gutter 99.70; south gu4 or 99.70; ccul.h curb lU0.50; south wa9:? 100.80. I i I r 7iction 52. Grades for East vim. 3treet, from tLe east curb line Uol.le6e Avenue to th.e curb line of Riversiae Avenue are established and decJAred to be as follows. All elevations Uei;z , rafer.-ed to the city Datum 104.76 located et the intersection of the sidemals corner of College Avenue and Cak Street, at the lost office corner. Beginnin; at station 0 minus 25 the east curlj line ColleLre avenue, north curb 101.72; aorta t;uttsr 100.91; sou" gutter 102.41; soaGn. curb 103.20; at station 0 plus 00 the aas: property line Joliege Avenue, north sulk 101.98; :south frallt 103.40; at station 3 ylua OU the west prazaarty line Re '.nzston ""*re®t, north jalk 99.05; eolith walk 99.(1)U; at station 3 plus 20 the west curb line ieninjton Street, north curb 98.93; narth gutter 97.92; south ;;utter 98.41. ocuth curb 99.65; e.t rstaiion 4 plus 00 the emit property line Izemington i:treet, north .Palk 96.95; north curb 98.71; north c;uttcr 97.91; uoutr guttor 98.41; south curb 99.21; south walk 99.69; at station 7 plus 00 the west property line Mathews Street, north walk 97.00; north ourb 95•i5; nor"gutter 94.T5; mouth Nutter 95.20; south curb 96.00; south walk 96.50; at station "Vplus 20 the .pest curb line Mathews Street, nertiz curb 95.65; rort1= gutter 94.65; south gutter 95.10; south curb 95.0.0; at ytatior. 7 plus u0 the east curb line Ua.thewe street, north curb Q5. 12; mirth gutter 94.32; south gutcar 94.60; south curb 95.40; at station 8 ;,clue 00 the east 'roperty line eatlzeww Street, earth w-aik 95.4.8; south wa!"k 95.90; at tat;on lc glue 50, north curb 92.65; north gutter 91.85; at station. 13 - us CC the went nroperuy lime -'eterson Street, north. raalk 91.00; sowtn sulk 91.65; au station 13 plus 20 the west curb line oterson Straet, north curb 90.6c; north gutter v9.bo, sae:th gutter 90.00; South curb 90.80;at station 13 plus 80 the east., curb line Petersen Street, :north curb 90.60; north gutter 89.60; south gutter 89.80; 001uth curb 90.60; at ztatio 14 plus; OC the east property line _eterson Street, north walk 90.63; south walk 90.73; at station 16 plus 00, south Sutter 88.25; south c.u.rb 89.05; south wall: 89.40; at station 17 plus 00, north walk 88.65; norvi mzrb 88.45; north gutter 87.65; at station 18 plus 00 the west property line ':;h3dbee : treat. north om"k 86'.20; south walk (38.80; at station 18 plua 20 the wetot curb line thedb=,e Street, north curb 87.80; ' 1 I north gutter 87.00; south gutter 87.20; south curb 88.00; at station lei plus 80 the east curb line Whedbee Street , north cu^h 87.80; north gutter 87.00; south Sutter 87.20; south ourb 88.00; at station 19 plus 00 the ea.ot property line '�hedbee :.treet, north walk 88.10, south vm1k, 8U. 10; at Station 19 pl':s 66.95 the vort.raicut corner kivcrs!.,!c Avenue, north walk 87.60; north curb 87.50; north bmtter 86.70; at etation 20 plus 90 the south side Riverside Avenue, south th.rr 86.50; south curb 8'7.30; sovth. walk E37.60. �l� S>etion 53. Grades for Smith Street, f_om the am".i_we:t curb corner of Riverside ".venue to the north curb line of Prospect Street are established and de- olared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the City Datum B. M. 104.76 located at the interrection of the sidewalks corner of South Co -1ece !xcnue and vak Street, at the post office dorner. Beginning at station 6 plus 83.43 the northx-_-t curb co-l-nor of River- side, weet curb 86.40; west, LUtter 85.60; at Ltation 6 plus 0.2.50 tho north- west property corner Riverside Avent-e, . west -,vr41k U1 .50; at stat ion 'j plus 36.12 the northeast curb corner 'iiivcrside Avenue, rest curb 86.60; west gutter 85.80; east curb 86.40; east gutter 8r.60; ai station 7 plus 80.30 the northeast property corner Riverside :ivenuct ea: t 4":Lk 67.20; at station 9 plus 00 the north property line dive Street, we;:t walk 90.00; east walk 89.00; at station 9 plus 20 the north curb lire Ulive Street , hest curb 88.66; west Cutter 87.86; east curb 88.66; east gutter 7.86; at station 9 plus 80 the: south curb line of Qlive Street , west curia 8i3.66; west gutter 87.86; east curb 88.66; east wutter 87.86, at station 10 plus 00 the south property line Clive Otreet , rust walk 90.09; east oral.: 89.10; ;.t station 14 plus 00 the north property line Magnolia Utrset, crest walk 80.54; east walk 81.90; at station 14 -plus 20 the north curb line Magnolia :street, west curb 87.?4; west gutter 86.54; east curb 37.34; east gutter 86.54; at station 14 plus 80 the soi;th cuzb line .{;holies Street, west curb 87.34; west gutter 66. 54; east curb 87.34; east gn:tter 86.j4; at atatior_ 15 plus 00 the so,ith property line Vvgnolia :Arceto went, walk b9.01; eaut ;Mlk 88.40; at stati.or. 19 plus 00 the north property line 5ulberry Street, vest walk ;a0.00; east valk89.90; at station 19 plus 20 the north curb line vulberry ,treet, west curb 39.58; west gutter 88.73; eaet curb 89.58; east gutter 88.78; at station 19 plus 60 the saouLa curb line Mulberry St. west curb 89.64; went gutter 86.34; east curb 69.64; eaet gutter 88.84; at station 20 plus 00 t.a.e south property line 7�ulberry Jtreet, west walk 90.18; east walk 89.90; at station 22 plua 00 the nest walk 91.90; west curb 91.58; went gutter 90.78; east walls 91.90; east curb 91.53; east gutter 90.78; at station. 23 plus 00 , eact walk 93.65; at station 24 plus 00 the north property lire Yyrtle Street, west walk 54.63; east walk 94.50; „tm•T need n�,s,rn - G east curb 94.14; east gutter 93.34; at station 24 plus 20 the north curb line nyrtle Street , west curb 94.30; west gutter 93.50; east curb 94.30; east gutter 93.50; at cta.ticn 24 plus 60 the south curb line Yyrtle Street, west curb 94.30; west gutter 93.50; eaet curb 94.30; east gutter 93.50; at station 25 plus 00 the south property line xyrtle Street, west walk 94.80; east walk 95.48; at station 31 Plue 37 tho north property line laurel St. west walk 98.10; east walk 91.60; at station 31 plus 57 the north curb line .i.aurel utryet, west cux•') 97.76; west g"tter 96.96; eaet curb 97-76; east gutter 96.96; at station- 32 Plus 17 the south curb line Laurel `street. west curb 97.74; weal „utter 96.94; east curb 91.74; east gutter 96.94; at station 32 plus 37 the south property line Laurel atreA , west walk 98.70; east walk 98.36; east curb 97.60; east gutter 97.00; at station 34 plus 37, Feet walk 97. 54; west curb 97. 12; west gutter 96. 12; east walk 97.26; east curb 90-10; east utter 95. 50; at station 36 Pluo 37 the north Iroperty line Plua Street , crest walk 93.32; west curb 93.06; west gutter 92.06; east walk 93.2C; east curb 92.96; east gutter 92.36; at station 36 Plus 57 the north curb line Plum Areet, west curb 92.65; crest gutter 91.35; east curb 92.65; east gutter 91.85; at station_ 37 plus 17 the south curb line Plum Street, west curb 92.60; west mutter 91.60; east curt 92.60; east ;;utter 91.60; at station 37 Plus 37 the south property line Aunt St. west wait 92.80; east walk 92.93; at station 40 Plus 37, west walk 95.20; west curb 94.80; west gutter 94.00; east walk 9;.00; east curb 94.8u; east gutter 94.o0; at station 41 Olus 37 north property line locust St. west walk 99.00; west curb 90 70; west gutter 97.90; east caulk 99.00; cast curb 96-70; east gutter 97.90; at station 41 plus 57 the north curb line jocust Street, west curb 98.84; west gutter 96.04; east curb 98 04., east butter 98.04; at station 42 plus 17 the south curb ..ins Locust St. crest curb 99.00; west gutter 98.20; east curb 96.95; east gutter 96. 15; at station 42 Plus 37 the south property Line Locust Street, west walk 99.50; east walk 99.59; at station 45 plus 03.90 north property line Eliza- beth :street, east walk 101.49; at station 45 plus 09.20 north property line Elizabeth Street, west walk 101.40; at station 45 plus 28.9 the north curb line Elizabeth, east curb 101.13; east gutter 100.33; at station 45 plus 29.2, west curb 101.39; west gutter 100.59; at station 0 minus 20, the south curb line vlizabeth Areat, west curb 101.39; west gutter 100.59; east curb 101 .13; east gutter 100.33; at station 0 plus 00 the south pro- raerty line glizabeth Street, we;A wal-% 101.71; east walk 101.61; at sta- tion 3 p1u 00 the north _)ra erty line ;erield iltraet, west wvlk 105.90; east f •sal.k 104.50; at atatioi 3 plus 20 the north curb line Garfield St. west curb 104.66; west ,utter 103.86; east curb 104.40 ; tact L�r:,ter 103.60; at station 3 Plus 80 the south curb line Garfield Street, !vest curb 104.40; Brest gutter 103.60; east curb 2.04.40; eaot gutter 10".60; at station 4 ;plus 00 the south property line Garfield Street, west walk 104.50; east vR.lk 104.32; at station 7 rlue 00 the north property lire 3dwards Street, west walk 101.30; cast walk 100.40; at station 7 plus 20 the r_orth curb line Edwards Street, weet cart 99.96; west bat>er 99.16; east curb 99.96; east gutter 99.16; at station 7 ,)lus 60, the south curb lhie 224wardp Street, west c.i-rb ;,O, .96,, weet gu'l-ter %.16; east curb ICC.00; east gtt'.er 99.20; at .Atatiun 8 plus 00 the ceutl. property line Yd-vmrds Street, west Tialk 100.10; east balk 100.10; at station 11 plus 00 the nort.. property line <'+tkin Street, vest walk: 99.20; west curb 98.92; west gutter 98.12; east walk 99.20; east ,u-el) 99.03; east butter 98.23; at acation 12 plue 00 the aoutji property line Bitkin Street, west walk 99.29; great cu -b 99.03; west butter 96.23; east va,1k 99.24; east curb 98.97; east gutter 98.17; at ,tation 15 plus 00 Cie north prape ty line Duokeye Utreet , west walk 100.00; east walk 100.00; at station 15 plus 20 the north curb sine Buckeye St. west curb 99.83. went gutter 99-03; east curb 99.u0; east gutter 99.00; at staticn 15 plus 80 the south curb line Buckeye Street, went curb 99.80; Seat 1-utter 99.00; cast co.rb 99.80; east matter 9.00; at staticn 16 plus 00 the south property line Buckeye, west wal'.Z 100.20; cast walk 100.10; at station 19 plus 35 the north yroparty line Lalce Street, �Pst walk 101. 10; east ^wall, 101.00; at station 19 plus 75 the north curb lire Lake Street, meat zurb 100.80, west gutter 100.00; east curb 100.80; east gutter 100.00; at. station 20 plus 15 the south curb line Lake Street, west curb 100.90; west gutter 100.10; east curb 100.80; east gutter 100.00; at station 20 plus 35 the south property line Lake Street, west walk 101.20. east walk 101.00; at station 23 Plus 35, west walk 102.80; west curb 102.j0; :vest gutter 101.70; east walk 102.00; east curb 1.02.30; east &uvter 101.50; at � � r station 25 plus 48.40 the north property lino, 2rospact Street, west walk 102.20; went ckrh 101.90; west :tter 101.10; e"t wa!;: 101.30; east curb 101.70; east guttcz 16 .^;0; at atati3:: 25 Plus 60.40 the north curb line of uroo;,:cot Stro,et, wsut curl, 101.37; wsat duttar 101.37; east curb 101.57; eant gutter 101.17. t �o t J -. „t 1 Girl 54. ^.rides for vtover Street, from the southwest curb corner of hiver- side Wernap to the north curb line of Alizabeti; Street are established and declared to be as f'ol'_oms. All elevations being referred to the City 'Datu.n B. U. 1U4.76 located at the intersection of the oidewraiks corner of ,oath Coilege Avenue and Uak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 11 plus 22.66 the southwest cuej co ucr of Riverside Avenue, west curb tj.00; west Sutter 64.20; at station 11 plus 31.70 the southwest property corner of Riverside Avenue, west walk 65.40; at station tl plus 75.30 the southeast curb corner of -Iriverside nveauc, east curb 84.90; east gutter d4.10; at station 12 plus 1.9.50 ilia Louth east property corner of itiversicie .kverue, east walk 67.10; at station 14 plue 00 the north property line of : agnolia Street, n*Est wain 64.60; east walk 64.20; station 14 plus 20 the north curb line �.agrauL a vtreet, went curb 84.20; West gutter 03.40; eaot curb 64.00; east gutter 83.20; at station 14 plus 60 the mouth curb line La.gnolia street, aes4 curb 854.20; west gutter 83.40; east curb 04.00; east gutter 83.20; at station is plus 00 the zotxth property line .,agnoiia ;trees, west walk 64.0' 0; east walk b4.2U; at station 19 plus 00 tie north property line kul'uerry Street , wont vmlk 67.20; east 'Valk 87.00; at Station if plus 20 the north curb line Mulberry Street, went curb 66.60; west gutter 66.UG; east curb 86.80; east gtattir 86.00; at station 19 plus 80 the aouth curb fine Mul- berry vtreet, west curb tY/.00; west gutter 66.20; east curb 67.00; east gutter 66.?0; at k�tatiron 20 alus 00 the south oropmrty Tina Mulberry Street, we-T naix 6'1.50; east e_iik :i'7.30; at station 24 plus 00 the north property line Myrtle Street, west Welk 80.91; east walk 66.20; at station 24 plus 20 the north curb line Myrtle 6treet, west curb bb,40; west gutter 87.60; east curb 88.10; east gutter ej. ?0; dt station 24 plus d0 the south curb line %Iyrtle Street, west curb 88.40; west gutter 67,60; east curb 66.10; east gutter 87.30; at station 25 plus 00 the south property line 11yrtle I�treet, west walk 89.20; east walk o.40; at station 31 plus 37 the north property Line Laurel Street, west walk 94.70; east walk 1�4.40; at station 31 plus 57 the north curb line laurel Street, west curb 94.30; west gutter 93.50; east curb 94.10; east gutter 93.30; at station 32 plus I I r Ow bra 17 ,the south curb line Laurel Street, west curb 94.30; west gutter 93.50; east curb 94.10; east gutter 93.30; at station 32 plus 37 the south pro- perty line Laurel Street, west walk 94.63; cast wale 94.30; at etation 36 Plus 37 the north property Line Num `".treet, went walk 91.00; eaBt walk 90.80; east curb 90.50; east gutter 89.70; at station 36 plus 57 the north west curb line Plan Street, west curb 90.70;/#M gutter 89.90; at station 37 Plus 17 the south curb line P1um 'Street, :rest curb 90.70;west Batter 89.90; at station 37 alus37 the south property line Plum .crest, nest Palk 91.27; east walk 90.91; east curb 90.80; east cutter 90.00; at station 41 plus 37 the north property line Locust Street, :vest walk 98.60; west curb 98.30; west gutter 97.50; east walk 98.30; east curb 98.00; easteutter 97.20; at station 41 plus 57 the north curb line Locust Street, west curb 98.40; west gutter 97.60; at station 42 We 17 the south curb line Locust Street$ west curb 96.70; west gutter 97.90; at station 42 plus 37 the south pro- perty line locuet Street, west walk 99.80; west curb 98.90; west gutter 98.10; east ralk 98.90; east curb 98.60; east butter 97.80; at station 45 plus 08 the north property line Elizgbeth Street east side, oabt walk 104.00; east curs 103.80; east gutter 103.00; at station 45 plus 08.20 the north property line Elizabeth Street west side, west walk 105. -0; west curb 104.70; west gutter 103.70; at station 45 plus 28 the nortL curb line Llizabeth Street, east side, east curb 104.00; east gutter 103.20; at station 45 plus 28.2 the north curb line hiizabeth Street , oast side, west curb 104.90; west gutter 104.10. VAf� . ' r 1 , Oradea for Peterson Street, _From the south curb line of fountain Avenue to the north curb line of Prospect Street, are established and declared to b e as follows. ill elevations basing referred to the City Datum B. N4 104.76, looated at the intersection of the sidewalks, oorner of College Avenue and Oak Street , at the post office corner. Beginning attation 0 minus 16 the south curb line mountain avenue, west curb 9D.05; west Butte_ 89.25; east curb 89.27; east gutter 8£ .47; at station 0 plus 00 the south property line ,fountain Avenue $5, went walk 90.66; west curb 89.56; west gutter 38.76; east nalk 90.05; at sta- tion 2 plus 00, vest vials 90.66; at station 4 plus 00 the north property line Oak Street, west walk 91.00; east wilts 90.63; at station 4 ,plus 20 the north curb line Oak Street, west curb 90.60; west gutter 89.80; east curb 90.60; east ;utter 89.80; at station 4 plus 80 thi south curb line Oak Street, west curb 90.80; west gu "-ter 90.00; east curb 90.60; east gutter 89.80; at station 5 plus 00 the south rroperty Line flak Street, west hulk 91.65; east .walk 90.73; at station 6 pl"e 00, east curb 91.28; east gutter 90.448; at station 7 plus CO, east walk 92.12; at station 9 plus 00 the north property line Olive Street, west nalk 93.00; east walk 92.50; at station 9 plus 20 the #J#j north curb line Olive Street, west curb 92.47; vast gutter 91.67; east curb 92.47; east gutter 91.67; at station 9 plus 80 the youth curb line Olive Street, erect curb 93.23; west Cutter 92.43; tact curb 93.23; east gutter 92.43; at station 10 plus 00 the south property line Olive Street,-rest walk 93.93; east walk 93.93; at station 12 plus 100 east curb 94.82; east gutter 94.02; at station 14 plus 00 the north property- line Magnolia Street, west •:"rlk 96.48; east wall 96.20; at station 14 ,plus 20 the north curb line i=at- nolia Street, west curb 96.00; west gutter 95.20; east curb 96.00; east gutter 95.20; at station 14 plus 80 the :south curb line Aagnolia Street, w>st curb 96.30; west gutter 95.50; east curb 96.30; east gutter 95.50; at station 15 plus 00 the south property line Magnolia Street , Rest walk 96.94; east walk 96.57; at station 16 plus 00, chest walk 97.70; west curb 96.83; west gutter 96.03; east walk 96.90; east curb 96.83; east gutter 96.03; at station 17 plus 10, west curb 99.76; west gutter 98.96; east walk 98.66; east curb 93. 20; east Gutter 97.40; at station 18 plus 00, Tfoot walk 10440 ; west curb 102.47; west gutter 101.67; east walk i02.10; east curb :.01.37; east gutter 100.57; at station l ; plus 00 the north =?roperty lire Eulberry Street, west mlk 105. 2; east -,7alk 104.80; at station 19 plus 20 the north curb line ;bulberr;r street, ;ost curb 104.50; west gutter 103.70; east- curb 104.30; east gutter 103.50; at station 19 plus 80 the south e;urb line =,ulbersy' Street, swat curb 104.50; vest gutter 103.70; east curb 104.30; east gutter 103.50; at station 20 _olu2 00 the south property liAe iulberry ,treet , wetit wal.y 106.00; east ,,,va - 105.26; at station 22 plus 00, west �7alk 106.30; west curb 105.19; west ,utter 104.39: east curb 104.89; east gutter 104.09; at station 23 plus 00, east walk 105.30; at station 24 plus 00 the north property line Xyrtle .street , west valk L04.64; west curb 104.30; west ;-utter 103,50; east .tialk 104.80; at station 24 plus 20 the north curb line "yrtle street, west curb 104.02; west gutter 103.52; east curb 103.94; east gutter 103. 14; at station 24 plus 80 the south curb line 'myrtle St. west curb 104.14; west gutter 103.34; east curb 103.72; east gutter 102.92; at station 25 Plus 00 the south Property line > yrtle Street, west walk 104.34; wee". curb 103.64; •west gutter 102.84; east wal's 104.30; at station 27 plus 00, east walk 103. 30; at station 28 plus 00, east walk 103.20; at station 29 plus 00, east curb 102.40; east gutter 101#60; at station 30 plus 00, west curb 102.35; west gutter 101.55; at station 31 plus 37,x.i'.L. Laurel St. , west galls 102.50; east , elk 102.00; at station 31 plus 57 the north curb line I-&urel :-street, west curb 10L.62; west gutter 100.82; east, curb 101.52; east gutter 100.72; at station 32 Plus 17 the south curb line Laurel rt. went curb 101.87; west gutter 101.07; east curb 101.52, east gutter 100.72; at station 3? plus 37 the south property line ='.eurel Street, rest :walk 102.20; east walk 101.80 ; at station 33 plus 62, west curb 100.65; west gutter 100.05; at station 34 Plus 37, east curb 100.60; east gutter 99.80; at station 36 Plus 37, north property line plum Street, west walk .01.25; east walk 10C.00; at station 36 plue 57 the north curb line Fluor `Street, ;pest curb 99.90; west mutter 99.10; east curb 99.70; east gutter 98.90; at station 37 nlu�: 17. sout"_ curb line Plum street, west curb line 99.70; west wetter 98.90; east curb 99.55; east gutter 98.75; at station 37 plus 37 the south property line Blum Street, west walk, 100.80; west curb I west gstLer 98.55; eamt wn.lk 99.150; at station 38 plus 37, west walk 10C�.004 at STuU01i 300 ;plus 37, West Walk 99.60; at station 40 plus 87, West v✓alk 90.80; west curb 97.50; west gutter 96.70; east Walk 98.10; east eaArb 97.60; vast ;,}utter 96.80; at station 41 plue 31, the uoz•th a-operty line Locust Street, west calk 96.72; eaat walk 96.72; at station 41 11ua 5'1# no_to curb lin-- :locust 4traet, wsat Curb 96.40; crest gutter 95.60; east aura 96.20; east guttor 99.40; at 414ation 42 ;)1us 17, south curb Iine =.roust �traet, west cure 96.10; crest gutter 95.30; east curb 95.90; east gutter 95.10; at station 42 Plus 37, soutts prop&-ty line Lo- cust =3troet, :Jeatbals 905.61; east .valk 96.20; at station 43 plus 37. west walk. 95.61; at station 44 plus 00, west curb 97.00; west j, ter 96.20; east oalk 97.10; east curb 96.60; east gutter 96.00; at station 44 plus 37o west malk 98.40; at station 45 plus 13.2 the north property line Rllxa- betb OtreeG , east } 31k 100.35; at station 45 plus 13.6 the north pro- oerty Line Ziizabeth street, west :calk 100.66; at station 45 nlua 33.2 t'le n•arVi curb line vlizabeta .traet, aaat curb 100.20; east gutter D9.40; at station 45 plus 3.1.6 the .soma curb line. lizabeth Jtrtet, ry est curb 100.45; west ;;-utter 93.67; at station 0 minus 20 the sough guru 11ne of s".lizebeth 44reet, w evc unirb 101.60; west utter 100060; east curb 100.90; saut gutter 100.10, a<c station 0 ;plus 00 the south rroverty line Elizabeth weet vialµ 103.22; west curb i02.00; west gutter 101.20; east "Ik 102.00; at ste.tion 0 plus 10, West curb 105.50; 'east gutter 104.70; east walk 101.70; enot curb 10 ;.40; era::t gattar 104.60; at station 1 plus 50, west well- 107.70; ;pest curb I06.30; west ;utter 105.50; east, walls 106.50; east curb 106.20; east wetter 105.40; at station 2 plus 10, wea;; cures 106.10; "'eat 4mtt r 10 .30; euBt walk 106.30; east curb 106.00; east gutter 105.20; at st"iOn 3 plus 00 the nc;r+l, property litre Garfield street, west walk 105.<3r`.,; vast :ti&ikp 105.40; at Station 3 plus 20 the nort};s curb line Gar- field Street, west curb 107.iti; west ;,utter 104.3$; east curb 105.00; east gutter 1C4.20; at station 3 plus 80 the youth curt, line Garfield Street, west curb 104.e96: wect gutter 104.16; east curb 104.60; taut gutter 104.00; at etation 4 plus 00 the south property lines Garfield Street, west :calk 105.49; ,Mast : alk 105.20; sa.i station 7 plus 00 the north property line %dwarde Street, vest walk 104.38; east walk 103.95; at station 7 plus 20, f � f i the north curb 1:Lne Edwards Otreet, weet curb 103.57; west gutter 102.77; at 5r4t4-* 7t70;w.a103.77; east cure 103.75; east gutter 102.95,Aat station 6 plus 00, the south property line 2dward9 6treet , nest walk 104.57; east +e-,17.k 104.0k; at nta- tion U pluo 00, t-ie north Droparty lire Pitkin Street, neat walk 106.25; west curb 105.6b; west gutter 104.88; cast vv-- lk 105.45i eait curb 105.24; east „utter 104.44; at station 12 plus 00 the south property line Litsin Arse t, west walk 106.40; :vent Curb 100.02; nest gutt»er 105.22; east walk 105.-U; aaat curb 105.52; east gatser 104.72; at :station 15 plus 00 the north pro-perty line Buckeye, east walk 106.80; at station 15 plus 20 the north curb line Buckeye, east curb 106.50; east gutter 105.70; at station 15 plus 80 tsa south curt, line '-�uc:keye Street, east curb 106.70; east $O JT.h gutter 105.90; at station 16 plus 00 the ee property line Duekeye 38. east viaik 107.10; at station 1 ; plus 35 t1le north prrQpert-y line lake St. vest walk 106.62; es.st ireak 108.20; at etation if plus 55 the north curb line Iake :trees vest curb 106.50; West gutter 107.70; east curb 107.0.0; e&Lt utter 107.10; at station 20 _.lus 15. south curb lines Lake Street, west curb 108.60; weet gutter i07.€0; east curb 1,08.00; es,Hf, gutter 107.20; at v.-ation 20 plus 35 the south pre»erty line Lake Street, went wale 108.90; 4aet vrallk 108.40; at staticn 23 raus 00, the west we..-Lk 109.6C; mast curb 109.30; went goiter 10ti.,0; swat :va1> 109.06; oNcat curb 108.71; east gutter i.O'J.)1; at atation 25 plus 48.4 the north :?r pcee ,y haze or ,zospect -treet, west voul,k 113.10; Fast curb 112.74; west L-uTter '11.94; east wvlk 112.50; east curb 112.15; east ,nutter 111.35; mt station 25 p .us 60.4 'she north curb lia3 Pro3k,ect titrect, v: eo,t curb 112.60; west gutter 112.30; eatat curb U2.32; ea;dt gutter 111.82. q r r SsC`.ic.. Sc . Grades for Ramin. ton Street, from the south curb line Plum Street to ncrth curb line Parker Street , are established and declared to be as fol- lows. All elevations being referred to the City Datum B.11. 104.76; lo- cated at the intersection of the sidewalks corner of College Avenue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. :Beginning at station 37 plus 17, the south curb line '?lum Street, west curb 106.61; west gutter 105.61; east curb 106.30; east gutter 105.50; at station 37 plus 37 the south property line _--lum Street, west walk 106.30; west curb 105.70; west gutter 104.90; east walk 105.65; east curb 105.40; east gutter 104.60; at station 38 plus 37 the nest walk 102.94; west curb 102.84; west gutter 102.04; east walk 102.64; east curb 102.54; east gutter 101.74; at station 39 plus 37, west walk 101.24; west curb 101.14; west gutter 100.34; east walk 100.95; east curb 100.85; east gutter 100.0%; at station 40 plus 37, west walk 100.32; $eat curb 100.22; west gutter 95.4R; east walk 100.02; east curb 99.90; east gutter 99.10; at station 41 plus 37 the north property line Locust Street, crest walk 100.00; west curb 99.90; west gutter 99.10; east -vmlk 99.70; east curb 99.60; east gutter 98.80; at station 41 plus 57 the north curb lins i,ocutit :street, vest curb 99.80; west gutter 99.00; east curb 99.50; east gutter 98.70; at s'.ation 42 plus 17 the south curb line T.ocust Street, west curb 99.50; west gutter 98.70; east curb 99.50; east gutter 98.70; at station 42 plus 37 the south property line Locust street, west walk 100.00; west curb 99.70; west gutter 98.90; east walk 100.00; east curb 99.70; east gutter 98.90; at station 43 Plus 37, west walk 101,72; west curb 101.43; west gutter 100.68; east walk 101.76; east curb 101.46; cast gutter 100.66; at station 44 -)!us 17, west walk 104.50; at station 44 Plus 37, wrest curb 104.36; west gutter 103.56; east vralk 104.66; east curb 104.36; east gutter 103. 56; at station 45 Plus 17.40, the north -)roperty line ''Ulizabeth Street , east walk 109.00; east curb 107.70; east gutter 106.90; at station 45 pi-cx 17.44 the north Property line Elizabeth Street, west walk 109.00; west curb 107.74; west gutter 106.94; at station 45 plus 37.40 the north curb "line Elizabeth Street, east curb 109.00; east gutter 108.20; at station 45 -:1us 37.44, tha nort.I curb line ;;lizabeth Street, west curb 109.00; west ,utter 103.20; at station 0 rpinus 20, tse south curb line Elizabeth Street, ^ j f west curb 109.15; west gutter 109.05; east curb 109.85; east gutter 109.05; at station 0 plus 00 the south property line Aligabeth street, west walk 110.47; east walk 110.50; at station 2 plus 00, meet walk 115.92; west curb 110 60; west gutter 114.80; east walk 115.92; east curb 115.60; east gutter 134.80; at station 3 plus 00 the north property line Garfield Street, west °Aalk 115.52; east walk 115.38; at station 3 plus 20 the north curb line Garfield Street, wevt curb 115.10; west gutter 114.30; east curb 115. 10; east gutter 114.30; at station 3 plus 80 the south curb line Gar- field Street, west curb 114.60; west Gutter 113.80; east curb 114.60; east gutLer 113.80; at station 4 plus 00 the south property line Garfield Street, west walk 114.92; easttwal's 114.83; at station 7 plus 00 the north property line Wards Street, west :calk 114.31; west curb 113.70; west gutter 122.90; east walk 113.62; at station 7 plus 20 the north curb line Edwards Street, west curb 113.89; west Sutter 113.09; cast curb 113.35; east gutter 112.55; at station 7 plus 80 the south curb line Zdwards at. crest curb 113.89; crest gutter 113.09; east curb 113.35; east gutter 112.55; at station 8 plus 00 the south property line AdwarK ,treet, west walk 114. 31; oast wall 113.65; at station 11 plus 00 the north property line Atkin Street, west wall 115.26; west curb 114.85; west gutter 114.05; east walls 114.41; east curb 114.15; east butter 113.35; at station 12 plus 00 the south property line "Atkin Street, west talk 115.20; crest curb 114.75; west gutter 113.95; east walk 114.50; east curb 114.50; oast gutter 113.70; at station 15 plus 00, west walk 113.00; west curb 112.70; meet gutter 111.90; east walk 112.60; east curb 112.30; east gutter 111.50; at station 17 plus 35, west walk 109.20; west curb 108.90; west gutter 108.10; east walk 109.40; east curb 109.10; east getter 108.30; at station 19 plus 35 the north property line Lake Street, crest walk 108.55; east walk 108.80; at station 19 plus V the north curb line lake Street, west curb 108.35; west gutter 107.55; east curb 108.45; east gutter 107.65; at station 20 plus 15 the south curb line Lake Street, west curb 108.50; west gutter 107.70; ca t curb 108.60; east ,gutter 107.80; at station 20 plus 35 t e south property Line Sake Street, west walk 108.80; west curb 108.80; west gutter 108.00; east -.alk 109.10; east curb 108.80; east gutter 108.00; at station 20 plus 85, west walk 109.80; west curb 109.50; west gutter 108.70; east walk 110.20; east curb 109.90; east gutter 109.10; at station 22 plus 35, west walk 113.70; west curb 113.40; west gutter 112.60; east walk 114. 10; east curb 113.80; east gutter 113.00; at station 22 plus 85, west walk 114.50; west curb 114.20; meet gutter 113.40; east walk 114.90; east curb 114.60; east butter 113.80; at station 23 plus 35, west walk 114.30; west curb 114.00; west gutter 113.20; east walk 114.70; east curb 114.40; east gutter 113.60; at station 23 plus 65, west walk 113.10; west curb 112.60; west Batter 112.00; east vvalk 113.50; east curb 113.20; east gutter 112.40; at station 24 plus 65, west walk 109.50; west curb 109. 20; west gutter 106.40; east walk 109.90; east curb 109.60; east gutter 108.60; at station 25 plus 48.4 the north property line Pros- pect z3treet, west walk 107.90; west curb 107.70; west gutter 106.')0; east walk 1065.40; east curb 108.10; east gutter 107-30; at station 25 plus 6C.40 the north curb line _Pros^ect Street, west curb 107.30; west gutter 166.60; east curb 107.50; east gutter 107.00; at sta.tian 25 plus 96.4 the south curb lire -erbspect Street, west curb 107.00; west ,utter 106.70; east curb 107.20; east gutter 106.70; at station 26 plus 06.40 the south pro- 'lire eroerect Stre >t, west walk 107.20; west gutter 106.0'1; a st walk 107.60; east gutter 106.24; at station 27 plus 00.40, west walk 106.20; west curb 105.90; west gutter 105.10; east valk 106.20; east curb 105-30; east gutter 105.00; at station 29 Plus 00.4, west walk 104.40; west curb 104.10; west Batter 103.30; east walk 104.40; east curb 104.00; east gutter 103.20; at station 32 plus 10.40 the north property line Parker Street, west walk 103.30; west gutter 102.24; east walk 103.00; east gutter 101.85; at station 32 plus 22.4 the north curb line Parker Street, west curb 103.00; west gutter 102.50; east curb 102.60; east .gutter 102.10. r , Grades for Prospect sstreet from the east property line of College Avenue to the west curb line of Smith Street, are established and de- clared to be as follows. All elevations being; referred to the City Datum B. M. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and :ak Street, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 24.02 the east property line College Avenue, north walk 109.25; north curb 108.80; north gutter 108.30; at station 0 plus 30 the east ?roperty line College avenue, south walk, 108. 50, south curb 108.15; south gutter 107.65; at station 3 plus 80 the west property line Remington Street, north walk 107.90; south walk 107.20; at station 4 plus 00 the west curb line Remington Street, north curb 107.30; north gutter 106.80; south curb 107.00; south gutter 106.50; at station 4 plus 60 the east curb line Remington ;street, north curb 107.50; north gutter 107.00; south curb 107. 20; south gutter 106.70; at station 4 plus 80 the east property line Remington Street, north walk 103.40; north curb 107.70; north gutter 107.20; south walk 107.60; south curb 107.40; south gutter 106.90; at station 6 plus 60 the city limits on south side, north walk 112.00; north curb 13.1.60; north gutter 111.10; south walk 112.00; souti curb 111.60; south gutter 111.10; at station 8 plus 40 the west property line Mathews Street, north walk 113.10; at sta- tion 8 plus 60 the west curb line Jua.thews Street, north curb 112.63; north gutter 112.13; at station 9 plus 20 the east curb line Kathews St. north curb 112.70; north gutter 112.20; at station 9 plus 40 the east property line '.Wathews Street, north walk 113.20; at station 11 plus 20, the north walk 114.30; north curb 114.00; north gutter 113.50; at station 13 plus 00 the west property line Peterson Street, north walk 113.10; at station 13 plus 20 the west curb line -'eterson Street, north curb 112.80; north gutter 112.30; at station 13 plus 80 the east curb line Peterson Street, north curb 112.32; north gutter 111.82; at station 14 plus 00, the east property line Peterson Street, north :valk 112. 50; north curb 112. 20; north gutter 111.70; at station 18 plus 00 the west property line :dhedbee street, north walk 106.30; at station 18 plus 20 the west curb line :Yhed- bee Street, north curb 105.94; north gutter 105.44; at station 18 plus 80 I 6 V'L�GJ J the east curb line '.:nedbee Street, north curb 105.54; north gutter 105.04; at station 19 plug 00 the east property line orhedbee Street, north walk 105.70; at station 23 plus 00 the :vest property line 3nith Street, north walk 102. 20; at station 23 plus 20 the west curb line with Street, north curb 101.87; north gutter 101.37. � r r Grades for lest Laurel Street , from the west property line College .avenue to t:.e east curb line 7ashington Avenue, re established and de- clared to be as follows . All elevations being referred to the City Datum B. M. 104.76 located at the intersection f the sidewalks , corner of 6outh College Avenue and Gak Street, at the past office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the west property line College Ave. i #t north walk 113.50; north curb 113. 29; north gutter 112.25; south walk 113.67; south curb 113. 20; south gutter 112.37; at station 1 plus 00 , south gutter 112.87; at station 4 plus 00 the east property line Ka.son ;Street, north walk 115.58; north curb 115;34; north gutter 114.25; south walk 115.50; south curb 115.10; south gutter 114.30; at. station 5 plus 00 west property line Mason Street, north walk 115.84; north curb 115.55; north gutter 114.75; south walk 115.94; south curb 115.55; south guutLer 114.75; at station 9 plus 00 the east property line Hovies Street, north walk 117.84; south walk 117.55; south curb 117.38; south gutter 116.58; at station 9 plus 20 the east curb line Howes Street, north curb :17.88; north gutter 117.08; at station 9 plus 80 the viest curb line Howes Street , north curb 117.88; north gutter 117.06; at 'sta- tion 10 plus 00 , the west property line iiowes Street, north walk 118.19; south walk 118.45; south curb 118.00; south gutter 117.20; at station 14 plus 00 the east property line feldrumStreet# northvalk 121.80; south walk 121.44; south curb 121.00; south gutter 120 .20; at station 14 plus 20 the east curb line Ueldrum Utreet , north curb 121.17; north gutter 120.37; at station 14 plus 80 the west curb line LIeldrum Street, north curb 121.00; north gutter 120.20; at station 15 plus 00 the west property line 1eldrum Street, north walk 121.55; at station 19 plus 00 the east property line Sherwood Street, north walk 122.90; at station 19 plus 20 the east curb line Sherwood street , north curb 122.65; north rmt ,.er 121.85; at station 19 plus 80 the test curb line Sherwood Street north curb 122.86; north gutter 122.06; at station 20 plus 00 the west property line Sherwood street, north walk 123.55; at station 24 plus 00 the east property line trhiteomb Street, north walk 125.60; at station 24 plus 20 the east curb line ,ihitL'omb Street, north c urb 125. 50; north gutter 124.70; at station 24 plus 80 the west curb line .1hitcomb Street, north curb 125.60; north gutter 124.80; at station 25 plus 00 the west N-Gor6125.70 ; N.G rter124.90 property line =hiteomb Street, north walk 125.79— at s tation 29 plus 00 ", Walk the east property line Loomis OtreetA 129.40; at station 29 plus 20 the east curb line Loomis street, north curb 129.20; north gutter 128.40; at station 29 plus 80 the west curb line Loomis Street, north curb 129.60; north gutter 128.80; at station 30 plus 00 the west property line Loomis Street, north walk 129.90; north curb 129.70; north gutter 128.90; at station 34 plus 00 the east property line Grant utreet , north walk 135. 50; at station 34 plus 20 the east curb line Grant utreet, north curb 135.30; north gutter 134.50; at station 34 plus 80 the Freest curb line Grant Street north curb 135.50; north gutter 134.70; at station 35 plus 00 the nest property line Grant :street, north walk 135.80; at station 39 plus 00 the east property line ';-ashington :street, north walk 137.96; north gutter 136.94; at stat on 39 plus 12 the east curb line .Tashi ;;ton Avenue, north curb 137.80; north gutter 137.30; . .�.G17��1�tT•�•f.ws�1 �'�TJl t1P.aG , -pyaT-a 1 Grades for nest Wrtle street , from the west property line College Avenue to the east curb line .iashington Svenue , are established and de- clared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the City Datum B. M. 104.76 located at the intersection of the sidewalks corner College Avenue and Oak ^.:treat, at the post office corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 the west property line College Avenue, north walk 110.80; north curb 110.45; north gutter 109.65; south walk 111.20; south curb 110.95; south gutter 110.15; at station 2 plus 00, north walk 112.50; north curb 112.00; north gutter 111.20; south walk 112.80; at station 4 plus 00 the east property line Mason Street , north walk 113.80; north curb 113.36; •north gutter L12.44; south walk 113.91; south curb 113.35; south gutter 1.i2. 50; at station 5 plus 00 the west property line Mason Street , north walk 114.40; north curb 113.87; north gutter 112.95; south walk 114.80; south curb 114.40; south g-utter 113.48; at station 7 plus 00, the north walk 114.40; north curb 114.40; north gutter 113.60; at station 9 plus 00 the east property line Howes Street, north walk 115.45; north curb 115.15; north gutter 114.45; south walk 115.52 ; south curb 115.27; south gutter 114.67 ; at station 10 plus 00 the west property line Howes Street , north .. alk 115.46; north curb 115.14; north gutter 114.34; south walk 1.15.57 ; south curb 115.24; south gutter 114.34; at station 12 plus 00 , north walk 116.10; north curb 115.80; north gutter 115.00; at station 14 plus 00 the east property line Meldrum Street , north walk 118. 10; south walk 118.44; at station 14 plus 20 the east curb line Meldrur. Street, north curb 117.70; north gutter 116.90; south curb 117.50; south g .itter 116.70; at station 14 plus 80 the west curb line Meldrum Street , north curb 117.1j'0; north gutter 117.00; south curb 117. 55; south gutter 116.75; at station 15 plus 00 the west property line Meldrxi Street, north walk 118.07; north curb 117.63; north gutter 116.83; south walk 118.48; south curb 117.83; south gutter 117.03; at station 17 plus 00, north walk 119.20; at station 18 plus 00, north walk 120.20; at station 19 plus 00, the east ^,roperty line Sherwood Street, north walk 120.40; south �,-,ra.lk 120.30 ; at station 19 plus 20 the east curb line Sherwood Street , north curb 120.30; north gutter 119.50; south curb 120.20-p south gutter 119.40; at station 19 plus 80 the west curb line of I N Sherwood Street, north curb 120.70; north gutter 119.90; south curb 120.70; south Sutter 119.90; .at station 20 plus 00 the west property lineSherwood Street, north walk 120.851 south walk 121.16; at station 22 plus 00, north walk 122.40; north curb 121.80; north gutter 121.00; at stati n 24 plus 00 the east property line .iteomb Street, north walk 124.14; south walk 124.14; at station 24 plus 20 the east curb line +hi t- comb ^treet, north curb 123.80; north gutter 123.00; south curb 1,13.80; south gut':er 123.00; at station 24 plus 80 the west curb line 'hitconb Street, north curb 123.80; north gutter 123.00; south curb 3.23.80; south gutter 123.00; at station 25 plus 00 the west _nroperty line ,Ihitcomb at. north. walk 124.08; south walk 124.25; at station 29 plus 00 the east pro- perty line Loomis Street, north walk 127.20; south walk 127.60; at btation 29 plus 20 the east curb line Loomis Street, north curb 127.10; north gutter 126.30; south curb 127.30 ; south gutter126.50; at station 29 plus 80 the west curb line Loomis Street , north curb 127.60; north gutter 126.80; south curb 127.80; south butter 127.00; at station 30 plus 00 the west rroperty line Loomis Street, north walk 128.10; south walk 128.20; at station 34 plus 00 the east property line 3rant Street, north walk 131.90; south walk 132.50; at station 34 plus 20 the east curb line Grant Street, north curb 131.80; north gutter 131.00; south curb 131.10; south knitter 131.30; at station 34 plus 80 the nest curb line Grant St. north curb 132. 20; north gutter 131.40; south curb 132.50; south gutter 131.70; at station 35 plus 00 the nest property line Grant Street, north walk 132.60 ; south walk 133.00; at station 39 plus 00 the east property line 'iashington Avenue, north walk. 135.63; north gutter 134.62; soutk-: vra.lk 135.96; south gutter 134.81; at station 39 plus 12 the east curb line 4ashington Avenue. north curb 135.51; north Gutter 135.01; south curb 135.70; south gutter 135.20; J Ssction 60. Grades for West llaLnolia 5't2 e,'t, from tau west 3�roPez ty 1irEe College Avenue to tite east curb line Jackson. Avenue, axe eotabIIaLed and declared to be as ;rollo s. All elevations beix4, referred to the City Datum :3. M. 104.76 located at the intersection of the eidewal'.cs corner of College Avenue and Oak Street, at t'_,.e po3t office corner. Begiruiln{; at station 0 plus 00 t e west property line Col.dge .'.venue• r.orth walk 112.08; north curb 111.75; north guff r 110.95; south walk 3.11.80; sout'. curb 111.70; south gutter 110.90; at station 2 plaxs 00, north walk 111.90; north curb 111.25; north butter 110.45; soi.t:, wall= 111.50; south curb 111.20; south gutter 11.0.40; at station 4 plus 00 Whe eaLt property li-ne "'aacn '?treet, north: .mlk 112.40; north curb 112.05; north gutter 111.25; south valk 112.20; south curb 111.30; south gutter 111.00; at station 5 plus 00 the west property line Lasor: St7-CeL, north w;,1L 112.40; north curb 112.00; north gaatter 111.40; south walk 112.32; south curia 112.10; south gutter 111.50; at station 7 plus 1.0, north vialk 112.30; at station 9 plus 00 the east property line =owes Street , r�or`.L walk 113.49; north curb 113.10; north gutter 112.40; coutk :calk 113.14; south curb 112.90; sov.th gutter 112.50, at station 12 plus 00 toe west Property line Howes Street, north walk 113.451 north ct.rb 113.12; north gutter 112.32; south walk 113.25; south curb 112.92; south gutter 112.12; at station 14 pfopefly plus 00 V-e east line l`eld.rr, Street, rort walk 115.10; south walk 114.75; at station 14 slue 2.0 the east curb line :Leldran, Ctreet, north curb 114.55; north g.irter 313.75; south curb 114.60; south gutter 113.30; at Station 14 plus 30 the west curb line Y�elir;zn Street, north curb 114.80; north gutter 114.00; south curb 114.70; south gutter 113.90; at station 15 plus 00 the crest property line 'i31dr= ;treat, north :walk 115.60; south alk 115.05; at station 13 plus 29.3 the northeast property corner lanjon Avenue, north walk 116.72; at station 13 plus 77.6 the northeast curb oorner Canyon Avenna, north curb 116.73; north ; a .tar 115.93; at, station 19 plus 00 the east property line Mierxood Straet. south Snail% 116.90; at station 19 plus 20 the eact curb line X-lerwood Street , south curb line 116.64; south gutter 115.84; at -station 19 plus 80 the west curb line Sherrood Street, north curb 117.12; itorth gutter 116,32; at station 20 plus 00 the rest roperty line herwood Street, north walk 117. 50; at station 20 pins 22.4 the southwest curb corner. Can- yon Avenue, south. curb 11f. 16; ccuth gutter 116.36; at otation 2C plus 70.7 the southwest property corner Canyon Avenue, south r alk 117.90; at station 24 plus 00 the east Pronerty line tmhitcomb Street, ncrti Talk 120.44; south W alk 121.00s at station 24 plue 20 the east curb lire Whit- comb "treet, north curb 120.40; rorth gutter 119.60; south curb 120.80; south gutter 12C.00; at station 24 clue 80 'he west curb line whitcovb Street , north curb 120.60; north gutter 119.8C; south curb 120.80; south gutter 120.00; at station 25 plus 00 the west ,property line °ihitcorb St. north ,mlk 121.12; south walk 121.40; at station 29 p1r.s 00 the east rroperty Sire Loomis Street, north :walk 124.45; sout;a -valk 125. 00; at station 29 plus 20 the east curb line Loomis Streets north curb 124 .40; north *utter 123.60; south curb 124.80; south i,utter 124.00; at station 2? plus 80 the weet curb line .Loo!nis Street, north curb 124.85; north gutter 2?4.05; south curb 125.20; south gutter 124.40; 2t station 30 plus 00 the west -oro-aerty line Loomis "treet, north calk 125.72; south walk 125.60. at station 1.2 plus 00, north walk -126.80; at station 34 plus oo the east property line Grant street, north walk 128.75; south walk 128.50; at station 34 plus 70 the east curb line Grant Street , north curb 127.95, north knitter 1'27.15; south curb 128.30; south gutter 127.50; at station 34 plus 80 the west curb line Grant Street, north curb 128.35; north mutter 127. 55, south curb 128.70; south yrutter 127.90; at station 35 pivs 00 the west property line Grant Street, north walk 129.75; south walk 129.10; at station 39 plus 00 the east property line 7ashinr;ton Ave. nnrtrL ,;alk 134.80; north gutter 133.67; south we,lk 134.90, south gutter 1.13.77; at station 39 Plus 12 the east curb line ` ashl.n„ton ^.venue, north curb 114.64; north Cutter 134.14; south curb 1-144.74; e0uth. gutter 1. .24, at stati= 39 plus 48 the west curb lire ',aashington Averue, north curb 134.90; north &utter 134.10; south curb 114.74; south ertter 133.94; at station 39 plus 60 the west property line I�ashington Avenue, north walk 135.10; south walk 134.90; at station 43 Plus 03.1 the east property line Gordon_ Avenue , north ralk 136.40; north gutter 135.40; at station_ 41 nitis 03.2 the east property lire Grodon Avenue , south waly 137. 20; at station 43 plus 15.1 the east curb line Grodon Avenue, north curb 136.25; north giltter 135.55; 3t station 43 plus 15.2 the east curb line lordon Ptvenue, south curs 136.7G ; south gutter 1jj.90; at station 43 plus 51.1 the :;ebt ourb line Gordon Avenue, north cure 136.35; north gutter at sta- tion 43 -lua 51.1 t'ne ,rest curb line Goodon Avenue, south curb 136.90; south gutter 136.10; at station 43 phis 63.1 the 'rest property line 7rodon Avenue, north ++'elk 136.80; north curb 116.52; at station 43 plus 63.2, the west property line :�rodon avenue, south :calk 137.40; at station 47 LIus o3.1 tl:e east property line ,Wayne Avenue, north vialk '.38.85;at station 4.7 glus 03.2 the east property line :ayne %v-erue, south ,.-alk 139.30; at station 47 plus 15.1 the east curb line :3*ayne Str>st, north curt 138.60; north gutter ', .80; at station 47 i)1us 1j.2 the east curb line �'ar�ne Ave. south curb 139.00; south ;,-utter 136.20; at atatian 47 plus 51.1 the Crest curb line '..ayne Avenue, north curt; 138.85, north gutter 135.052 at station 47 plus 51.2 the wrest curb line .iayne Avenue, south curb 139.210; scutuh gutter 138.40; at station 47 plus E3.1 t.ae west property line Caine Ave. north ws,L's 139.30; at station 47 plus 63.2 the crest �)roperty line ';layne Ayo. south Salk 139.60;• at station 31 plus 21.4 the cast pproperty lire L;hieJds trcet. north wall: 142.30; at station 51 plus 21.5 the east pro- perty lino Shields Street, south walk 14*,.30; at station5l plus 31.4 the cast curb line jhij Ids Street, north. curb 142.65; north g utter 1,41.85; at statiar. 51 -'!us 33.5 the east curt` 14_ne4h'ldlds 8trect, south curb 14-2.35; south: gutter 142.05; at station 51 -I= 69.4 the .zest curb line a'_elcs Street, north curb 142.55. nortI: gutter 141.85; at station 51 plus 69.5 the west curb lire Shields 3trcet, south cure 142.85; south Batter 142.1;; at station 51 plv,B 81.4 the west prc-crty line Shields utreet, north walk 142.80; at station. 51 pius 81.5 the rest property line ZLields .Street, south vj.lk 14_1.50; at stc,tion 55 plus 81.4 the east kxoperty line Scott Avenue, north aralk 147.60; rorth gutter V-6.56; at station 5> plus 81.5 the east property line ucott =:venue, south I=m lk 14.8.00; at station 55 plus 93.4 tho east curb line Scott Avenue, north curb 141'.40; north gutter 146./0; at station 55 plus 93. 5 the east curb line Cott Avenue, south curt 147.60; south Gutter 146.90; ,.t station 56 plus 29.4 the weet curb line Ccott :=venue, north curb 147.90; north Futter 147.40; at station 56 plus 29.5 the west curb line Scott Avenue, south curb 148.2C ; south gutter 147.50; at station 56 plus 41.4 the west property line Scott Avenue, north walk 148.30; north curb 148.20; north gutter 147.50; at station 56 plus 41.5 the west property line Licott Avenue, smith walk 148.60; south curb 148.30; south gutter 147.60; at station 60 plus 41.4 the east pronertyy line Jackson Avenue , north walk 159.00; north curb 158.60; north gutter 157.90; at station 60 plus 41.5 the east property line Jackson Avenue, south walk 159.40; south curb 158.70; south gutter 158.00; at station 60 plus 61.4 the east curb line Jackson Avenue, north curb 158.80; north gutter 158.00; at station 60 plus 61.5 the east curb line Jackson Avenue, south curb 159.00; south gutter 158.20. �ti..-- vrades for `:lest Lulberry Street, from the west property line College Avenue to the east curb line Oackocn Avenue, are established and declared to be as rollers. All elevations being referred to the City DatumB.I.. 104.76, located at the intersection > f the sidewalY.e corner of College Avenue and Ptak-"'treet, at the post office corner. Reginnin-g at station 0 plus 00 the west property lire College Avenue, north walk 110.88; north curb 110.48; north gutter 109.43; south walk 110.77; south curb 110,40, south. gutter 109.50; at station 2 plus 00, :outb walk 111.10; at station 4 plus 00 the east property lire Ua,sor. St. north walk 112.03, north curb 111.45; north gutter 110.48; south :walk 112.02; south ourb 111.45; south gutter 110.55; at station 5 plus 00 the west property line Mason Street, north walk 111.85; north curb 111.69; north gutter 110.82; south walk 111.92; south ourb 111.68; south gutter 1a0.78; at station 9 plus 00, the east; property line Boxes Street, north walk 112.50; north curb 112.15; north Lrutter 11.1.70; south walk 112.92; south curb 112.52; south gutter 111.82s at station 10 plus 00 the nest property line Moves street, north walk 112.59; north curb 112.22; north gutter 111.42; south walk 113.13; soutY ourb 112.%; south 0:,tter 111.76; at station 12 plus 00, south walk 115.40; at station_ 12 plus 1C, south curb 114.74; south gutter 113.94; at station 1.4 plus 00 the east property line Ueldrur- Street, north walk 116.35; south welk 116.80; at 9 teticn 14 plus 20 the east curb line Meldrur street, north curb 116.1.5; north gutter 115.35; south curb 116. 50; south gutter 115.70; at station 14 plus 80 the zest curb line Keldrum :Street, north curb 116.15; north Sutter 115.115; south curb 116.15; south gutter 115.35; at station 15 plus 00 tt-, vest property line Meldrum Strut, north walk 116.35; south walk 116.90; at station 19 plus 00 the east property line Sherwood Street, north na.lk 119.08; south walk 119.14; at station 19 plus 20 the east curb line Sherwood Street, north curb 118.93; north gutter 118.13; south curb 119.10; south gutter 118.30; at station 19 plus 80 the west, curb line . h.erwood Street, north curb 119.15, north gutter 118.35; south curb 119.10; south gutter 118.30; at station 20 plus 00 the west property line Sherwood Street, north .talk of s/cr/ on 22+00 ,50utti walk 12t .SO 119.65; south walk 121.20;^at station 23 plus 29.3 the northeast property cor>;er Canyon Avenu©, north seep 1.22.32; at station 23 plus 77.6 the northeast curb corner Canyon lvenue, ncrtl-i curb 122.40; north 6-utter 121.60; at station 24 plus 00 the east property line :a•titao=b utreet. enuth -aV; 1 2.80; at atatlon 24 plus 20 V.ie roast curb lime ;ahitoorb St. soutI, curb 122.70; south gutter 121.c.10; at station 24 plus 80, the west at!rb line `ilteomb Street. north curb 122.60; north gutter 121.80; sou th curb 1?2.60; south jotter 121.80; at station 25 plus 00 the west property line 'Whitcomb r'tretet. north rvalµ'k 123.52; south walk 123.00; at station 29 rlus 00 the east property line 1,comis Stroct, north walk 125.40; aouth cralk 1?5.40; at station 29 plus V the east curb line vocrsis «street, north curb 125.00; north, gutter ir?4. ^0; mouth curb 125.20; south gutter 3.24.40; at station 29 plus 80 +.he west curb line Loomis 0treet, north curb 125.20; north gutter 124.40; south curb 125.4.0; south k;utter 124.606 at station 30 plus 00 the west property line Loomis street, jig". north walk L 5.80; south walls 125.80; at station 34 plus 00 the east property line Grant wtreet, north veallc 127.540, south walk 127.60; at station 34 plus 20 the cart curb line Grant street, north curb 127.26; north gutter 126.46; south curb 127.26; sout'n gutter 126.46; at station 34 plus 80 the a;Est curb line Grant Street, north curb 1?7.72; north ij,uttcx 126.92s south curb 127.80; south Sutter 127.00; at station 35 plus 00 tha went property line £lm"t Street, north walk 128.24; south elk 129.40; at station 39 plua 00 the east property line •,'as3hington Avenue, north talk 133.90; south oval- 134.24; north zritter 132.67; south ;utter 133.03; at station 39 plus 12 the east ca.rb line :s•ashington .1venue, north x4r10 133.63; north gutter 133.13; .7-juth curb 134.00; uouth satte:; 133#,'0; at station 39 plus 43 the wrist curb tine ^ashington. Avenue, north curb 133.63; aorty gutter 132.33; at station 39 plus 60 the west praDarty lino `ashington �verrar, north walk 133.90; nt station 41 11us 30, north walk 138.30; north curb 133.00; north gutter 137. 10; a,t etation 43 talus 04 tale east property line Gordon Avenue, north mall: 140.70; north verb 140.5; at :.'arioa 43 plus 16 t;ie ea,ut curb lire nordon Avinue, north curb 140.55; north i;utter 139.85; at station 43 p?us 52 the .west curb line Gordon .venue, nortA curb 140.r0, north gutter 139.901) at station 43 plu-. 64 the meet property line Gordon Avenue, north walk 140.85; at station 47 -plus 04 the east property line ':;sync Ave. north walk 141.90; at station 47 plus 16 the east curb line ;vayne Street, nort-h curb 141.80; north butter 141.00; at station 47 plus 52- the west curb lire "*ayne Avenue, north curb 142.00; north gutter 141.20; at station 47 plus 64 the west property line '.'ayne Avenue, north -walk 14?.20; at station 51 plus 22.3 the east property lire Chields Street, north wane 146.50; at station 51 Plus 34.3 the east curb line Shields Street. northourb 146.60., north ;hitter 145.80; at station 51 plus 70.3 the went curb line 3111blds St. north curb 146.90; north gutter 146.10; at station 51 plus 82.3 the west property line Shields Street, north walk 147.10; at station 55 plus 82.3 the east propert�.T line Scott Avenue, north walk 150.00; ##ftXfA##W north gutter 148.92; at station 55 plus 94.3 the east curb line Scott Avenue, north curb 149.80; north gul, ter 149.30; at station 56 plus 30.3 the w=st curb line Scott Avenue, north curb 150.00; north gutter 149.30; at station 56 plus 42.3 the west property line Scott Avenue, north walk 150.40; north curb 1K0.22; of station 60 plus 42.3 the east Droperty line Jackson Avenue, north walk 154.80; at station 60 plus 62.3 the east curb line Tnckeon Avemie, north curb *1### 154.40; north gutter 153.60. �... ...n.. y:m L-:, .. .�..w�T t^�nsz_nn7-r-.rn lr rr•n .m-. S3ation 62. sra8es for °lute utreet from the east ,property Line College .Avenue tj Vae west curb line Stover :street, are established and declared to lie as follows. All elevations b-.inZ referred to the City Datum 3. 1. 104.76 lo- cated at the intersection I the sidewalks, corner college .lvanue and 'yak Street, at the post office corner. 3eginning at station 0 plus 00, Vie east property line Colleje Avenue , north balk 110.99; north curb 110.48; north gutter 109.68; south walk 108.65; south .uxu 108.65; :.ott a-u ter 107,85; at atatian 1 plus 50, .�:ru`h ,valk 107.80; at station 1 plus u0, aorth curb 109.70; north gu; t-er 108.90; at - tation 3 plus 00 the ,vest property line R=ingtan, north walk 108.88; north curb 10J.52; north gutter 107.72; south walk 106.30; at station 3 plus 20 the great curb line Remin,;ton, north curb 108.4"; north gutter 107.59; south curb 106.61; south gutter 105.81; at station 3 Plus 80 east c urb line Asmin;;ton, north curb 107.87; north gutter 107.15; south curb 106.30; south Zutter 105.50; at station 4 plus 000 east pro- perty line -%cmin; ton, north .calk 108.56; north curb 107.80; north ivcter 107.00; south .a,lk 105.65; at station 5 plus 40, north curb 107.40; north ;utter 106.60; at etaticn 6 pluL 00, south walk 105.60; at otation 7 plus 00, iv-st property line alathowa i3treet, Perth hallo 106,90; south vralk 2.05.59; at station 7 plus 20, west curb lino 11athews, north curb 105. 20; north -utter 104.40; south curb 105.30; south ;;utter 104.5 ; at a tation 7 plus 80 the east curb .line mathm, s, north curb 104.98; north. gutter 104.1J; ;south curb 105.20; south gutter 104.4.0; at station 8 plus 00 east property line Eathews Street, north walk 106.40; south malk 106.08; at statiori 10 plus 00, south curb 103.35; south gutter 102. 55; at Ltation 11 plus 55, 00utli wa.71: 103.10; at, citation 12 ,lus 00, aorth walk 102.70; north curb 102.00; north �;u ter 101.20; south curb 101.90; south gutter 101.10; at station 13 plus 00, west property line Peterson, north walk 101.25; south walk 100.80; south curb 100.60; south ;;utter 99.80; at station 13 plus 20 west curb line ieterson Streit, north curb 99.90; north gutter 99.10; south curb 99.70; south gutter 98.90; at station 13 plus 60, east curb line Peterson, north curb 99.70; north gutter 98.90; south curb 99.55; south gutter 98.75; ate tation 14 plus 00, east property line Peterson, north walk 100.00; south walk 99.80; south curb 99.35; sout ;; utter 98.55; at station 16 plus 00, norts. walk, 96.40; north curb 95.02; north gutter 94.22; scutz malk ;5.40; south curb 95.15; south gutter 94.35; at station 16 plus CO, west property lane :.'hedbee, north walk 94.64; south walk 94.30; at atatlon 18 plus 20, west curb line Ohedbee, north curb 94.02; north gu:,ter 93.22; south. curb 94.05; south gutter 93.25;at station 18 plus 80 east curb lire whedbee, north wirb 94.00; nort': putter 93. 20; south curb 3.95; south -utter 93.15; at staiti +n 19 plus 00, east property line ahed- baa, north walk 97').00; South walk 94.03; at station 23 Plus 00, west pToparty line Smith, north walk 93.32; south walk 92.80; at station 23 plus 20, west curb line ;smith, north curb 92.65; north gutter 91.85; south curb 92.60; south Sutter 91.80;at station 23 plus 80, east curb line Smith noz•tn cLxb 092.65; north butter 91.85; south curb 92.60; south ; utter 91.80; at station 24 plue, 00, east property line :with, north walk 93.20; south wa;,. 92.93; at station 28 plus 00, west property line Stover, north walk 91.00; south walk 91.27; at eta:tic>n 28 Ans 20, west, curb line Stover, porch curb 90.70; north gutter 89.90; south curb 90.70; scut!, gutter 69.90. S3CUM 63. Oradea for Locust utreet, from the east property line college avenue to the west curb line ::toyer :street, are establiibed and declared to be as follows. All elevations bear,;; refer. ed to the City Datum D. U. 104.76 located at the intersects n of the sidexalss corner of College :;venue and Oak Street, at the post office corner. .selinning at station 0 plus 00 the east property line College Ave. north stalk 102.99; north curb 102.42; north gutter 101.62; south :calk 103.58; south curb 102.95; south ;;utter 102.15; at station 3 plus 00 the west property line Remington, north walk 100.00; north curb 99.70; north gutter 98.90; south Yolk 100.00; south curb 99.40; south gutter 98.60; at station 3 plus 20 the .test curb line Remington Street, north curb 99.80; north gutter 99.00; south curb 99.50; south gutter 98.70; at station 3 plus 80 the east cure line aminZton, north curb 99.50; north gutter 98.70; south curb 99.50; south gutter 93.70; at station 4 plus 00 the east property line Remington, north walk 99.70; south :calk 100.00; at station 7 plus 00 the west property line hatheum, north walk 19.63; south rzL 99.24; at station 7 plus 20 the west curb line Llathawsp north curb 98.40; north gutter 97.60; south curb 98.20; south gutter 97.40; at station 7 plus 80 the east curb line hathews, north curb 97.20; north gutter 96.40; south curb 97.00; south gutter 96.20; at station 8 plus 00 the east pro- perty line '+-Mathews Street, north walk 97.36; south walk 97.24; at station 11 plus 00, north walk 96.04; north curb 95.70; north gutter 94.90; south :alk 95.70; south curb 95.40; soutncutter 94.60; at station 13 plus 00 west property line Peterson Street, north walk 96.72; south walk 96.61; at station 13 plus 20 the west curb line Peterson, north curb 96.40; north Gutter 95.60; south curb 96.10; south gutter 95.30; at station 13 plus 80 the east curb line Peterson Street, north curb 96.20; north gutter 95.40; south curb 95.90; south gut 'or 95.10; at station 14 plus 00 the east *property line Peterson, north :calk 96.72; south walk 96.20; at station 16 plus 00, north walk 93.90; north curb; 93.50; north gutter 92.70; south. walk 94.20; south curb 93.55; south gutter 92.75; at station 18 plus 00, west property line thedbae, north 'walk 93.30.; south walk 94.04; at station 18 plus 20 the west curb line ahedbee, north curb 92. 95; north gutter 92.15; south curb 93.00; south matter 92.20; at station 18 plus 80 the east curb line `:1a.UM, north curb 92.80; north gutter 9 .00; south curb 93.10; :south gutter 92.30; at station ly plus 00, east property line Uhadbee, north walk 93.30; south stalk 93.30; at station 20 pluz 00, north walk 93.84; north curb 93.56; north gutter 92.76; south walk 94.30; south curb 94.00; south gutter 93.20; at station 21 plue Q0, north walk 95.56; north curb 95•24; north gutter 94.44; south walk 96.00; south curb 95.60; south ,utter 94.80; at station 22 plus 00, north walk 97.94; north curb 77.64; north gutter 96.84; south walk 98.40; south curb 98.00; south gutter 97.20; at station 22 plus 50, north walk 98.74; north ourb 98.44; north gutter 97.61; south walk 99.20; south curb 98-80; south. gutter 98.00; at station 23 plus 00 the -vest property vine smith Strec ., north walk 9 .00; south walk 99.50 ; at station 23 plus 20, hest curb line x'mith, north curb 98.34; north gutter 98.04; south curb 99.00: south gutter 98.20; at station 23 plus 80 the JAW east curb line =ith north curb 98.84; north gutter 98.04; south curb 98.95; south gutter 98.15; at station 24 plus 00, east property line Smith Street, north walk 99,00; south sulk 99.59; at station 24 plus 50, north walk 99.40; south walk 99.80; south curb 99.12; south gutter 96-32; at station 25 plus 50, north walk 100.10; north curb i9.95; north gutter 99.15; south walk 101.10; south curb 100.20; south gutter 99.40; at station 26 piva 00, north walk 100.20; north curb 100.10; north gutter 99.30; south walk 101.40; south curb 100.50; south gutter 99.70; at station 27 plus 00, north walk 9 .70; north curb 99.70; north gutter 98.90; :youth walk 101.00; south curb 100.10; south utter 99.30; at station 28 plus 00, vest property line stover, nortA walk 98.60; south walk 99.80; at station 28 plus 20 the vest curb line :hover, north curb 98.40; north gutter 97.60; south curb 98.70; south gutter 77.90. Section 64. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 65. In the opinion of the City Council an em3rgancy exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6-and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council this "day of March, A. D. 1926. Comfrlssion of Safety syrdx-Officio or ATTrST: C ty Clark. $PATE OF COLm—o ) S4. COUNTY OF LAP.I�r,,R ) I, A. J. ROSTNow, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of sixty-fins 465) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a tegular meeting of the City Council held on the ..33�:-.l'day of Mar , A. D. 1926, end was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Col ins Express-Couriar, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council, as an amargency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of th3 City Char ar;of the Cit of Fort Collins, and thereafter and on to-wit: the �= day o£ , A. D. 1926, said Ordinance No. -&2 — was duly published in the Fort Collins Express- Cour13r, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN WITITSSREOF, I v@ hereunto sat my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this �— day of Y� . D. 1926. City Clark.