HomeMy WebLinkAbout014 - 05/01/1920 - RELATING TO THE CREATION AND ORGANIZATION OF STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO. 5 (EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) ORDINANCE ]TO A 19?0 BEI TG A E,IERGENCY ORDIIIAOCE RELATING TO TFE CREATION AvD ORGAgIZATIOIT OF STORM SEVIER DISTRICT NO 5 PROVIDI G vOR THE CO TSTRUCTION OF THE IuIPROVKiENTS T"-EREIiT A TD I Ui9ORIZ- I,TG THE ISSUAiTCE OF BONDS TO PAY THE COST OF mhL CONSTRUC- TION TnEREOF WHEREAS, Under the authority and pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision "C" of Chapter 120 of the Re- vised Statutes of Coloraao for 1908 the City Council on the 26th day of May 1519, duly passed and adopted a resolution providing for the organization of Storm Sever District No 5 and also carving out of said Storm Sever District No 5 cer- tain lots ana blocks and proviaing for the organization of Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1 for the purpose firsT, , of constructing branch lines in said Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1 to be connected up and operated in connecTlon with main trunk lines of storn sewers for said Storm Sever Dis- trict ho 5, and presciibing in saia resolution the dimensions and location of the storm, sewer lines to be constructed in sairy Storm Sever Sub-District To 1 as well as the wain lines of sewers to be constructed in said Storm Sever District To 5, and WHEREAS The-Leafter and on tov it the 28th of June 1919 the City Council duly passed and adonzed Ordinance ITo 12, 1911- being an emergency ordinance relating to the nre- liminary organization of Storm Sewer Distirict To 5 and pro- viaing for -che creation and organization of Storm Se Ter Sub- District 1To 1 estaolisl-ing the ooundaries of said Sub-D.Lstrict No 1 providing for zhe construction of storm sewers trerein and authori2ing the issuance of interest bearing warrants to pay the cost of the construction thereof, and THhREAS The storm sewers as provided in said ordinance for said Storhi Serer Sub-District Igo 1 have been duly constructed and accepted by the City Council, and 'WHEREAS There remains to oe constructed the rLain lines of Storm Sewer District No 5 descr.Loed in said resolu- tion of Aaj 26 1919, and HEREAS On the 21st day of February 1920 the Citj Engineer duly reported to the City Council the estimated cost of the construction of said storm sewers in Storm Sever District No 5 and a schedule of assessments upon +he lots and blocks in said Storm Sewer District go 5 and which said report and estimate further described the total area to be assessed in said Storm Sewer District 14o 5 consisting of 6 790 781 81 square feet and the rate of assessment per square foot at $ 0192, and in addition $ 00848 per square foot upon said Storm Sewer Sub-District bTo 1 for the -1-runk line sewers ana outlet to the river, and I HEREAS Pursuant to said resolution of February 21 1920 the City Clerk caused notice thereof to be published in the official neitispaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period as provided by law and provided in said notice that a hearing would oe had on Aarch 29 1920 by +he City Council at a regular adjourned meeting +hereof to be held at Vie Council Chamber of the Citj wall in +he City of Fort Collins at the hour of one o'clock P on said day for the purpose of hearing all complaints or objections that may be made in writing concerning -2- said proposed improveiuent by any owner or owners of real estate to be assessed in said Storm Sewer District ITo 5 before the final action to be taken on an ordinance creating and organizing said district and autlorizing the improvements to be constructed therein, therefore BE IT ORDPI TE'D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TYE CITY OF FORT COLLIiiS Section 1 That pursuant to the terms and pro- visions of the ordinance aforesaid and under and by viitue of the authority contained in Subdivision "C" of Chapter 120 of the Re- vised Statutes of Colorado for 1908 concerning public imp-Love- ments in c_ties and towns of less than one hundred thousand in- habitants there be and hereby is created and organized Storm Sewer District No 5 consis+ing of the following blocks Blocks 267 72 73 74 75 76 77 82 83, 8c 85 86 87 92 93 94 95 , 96 102 103 104 105 106 114 115 , 116 124 125 126 132 133, 134 135 136 141 142, 143 144 145 151 152 153 154 155 "est Half of Block 112, West Half of Block 113 East Half of Block 122 East Half of Block 123 area in Block 146 located Nortn of a line pass3.n; from the Sou+hlvest -co the North- east corner of the bloc.' all in the Cif j of ^ort Collins and additions tlereto, and tha` the work of The construction of said improvements in said S-corm Sever District No 5 consist of main sewer line and branches as pe,. maps on file in the office of the City Clerk, Being main lines outlet stor,n sewerefor said Storm Sewer Dis+rict No 5 and also sub-aistric+s uh_ch may be -wade tributary thereto, and that zhe main lines of the sa-o.Ln sewers in said Storm Sewe.L District iTo 5 to be constructed pursuant to this ordinance are -,s follows _3- r 252 ft of open diteb i.Lom Cache la Poudre Rirer 'bank 252 ft of 42" pipe from end of open di zch to porn+ inhere a line 20 ft eas' of center line of -bedbee Street intersects center line of Riverside Avenue, 1198 ft of 54" pipe on a line 20 ft east of center line of Thedbee from center line of Riverside to center line of idagnoli.a, 985 ft of 48" pipe on The sane line from center line of ,Aagnolia to a point lb fz north of center line of Ayrzle, 500 ft of 21" pipe fro,n point 20 ft east of center line of i'hedbee to a -ooint 20 it eas6 of center line of Peterson on a line 20 ft soutr of center line of Oak S-ieet , 6P0 f-c of 15" pipe on same line from point 20 ft east of censer line of Peterson to cen' er line of iatheas, 400 ft of 10" pipe on same line from center line of - athews to center line of Remington, 520 ft of 18" pipe from point 20 ft east of center line of Whedbee to center line of Peterson on center line of Olive, 600 fT of 15" pipe frog center line of Peterson to center line of Lathews on center line of Olive, 400 ft of 10" pipe from center line of ua-uhews to center line of Remington on center line of Olive, 520 ft of 15" nirbe from point 20 ft east of center line of TJhedoee to center line of Peterson on centier line of 4ag11olia, 600 ft of 1?" pipe iron censer line of Peterson to center line of . a-news on center line of uagnolia, 1520 ft of 48" pipe froT point 20 ft east of center line of jhelbee to cente_ line of Remington on a line 13 ft north of center line of -,yr+le, 485 ft of 12" pipe fro.n center line of ,ulberrI to point 15 ft north of cen+er line of 4yr-cle on center line-of Remington, 390 ft of 42" ripe fro,r center line of Remington to point 30 ft east of center line of College avenue on line 15 it nortih of center line of _ y.Ltle, 550 ft of 27" ni-oe on sane lane f.Lom -ooint 30 ft east of center line of College Avenue to center line of liason, -4- 500 ft of 24" pine on same line from center line of Cason Street -Go center line of Howes Street, 500 fz of 21" pipe on same line from center line of No-es Street to center line of Seldrum Street, 500 fz of 18" pipe on same line from center line of eldrum Street to center line of Sherwood, 485 fz of 42" pipe from point 15 ft north of center line of iy.Lzle to cancer line of Aulbecly on a line 30 ft east of center line of College 4venue, 1050 ft of 45" pipe from point 30 fz east of center line of College to a point 20 ft east of center line of howes Street on center line of -Aulberry, 500 fz of 15" pipe fromu center line of Mulberry to center line of iagnolia on a lint-. 20 f' zest of center line of ilason Street, 480 ft of 42" pine from center line of Aulbe.Lry to point 20 ft south of center line of Lagnolia on a line 20 ft east o-� center line of ziowes, 520 ft of 1211 pipe on same line from point 20 it south of cen,-er line of aagnolia to center line of Olive, 540 fz of 36" pipe from point 20 ft east of center line of Fo%ves Street to point 20 ft west of center line of Leldrum on a line 20 ft souti- of cen-er line of iiagnolia, 480 ft of 30" pipe on same line from point 20 it test of center line of ieldrun to ce-i' er line of Sherwood, 500 fz of 15" pipe on sane line from center line of Sherwood Street to center line of writcornb, 480 fz of 15" pipe from centier line of Tulberrj Street to a point 20 ft soutn of center line of Aagnolia on a line 20 ft west of center line of _ el- drurr Streez, 520 ft of 18" pipe on same line =roi point 20 ft south of center line of agnolia to censer line of Olive, 480 ft of 15" pipe from cente-L line of lulberry Street to poi-i - 20 ft south of center line of Ltagnolia Street on center line of She, wood Street, 520 ft of 18" nire on sane line iron point 20 fz south of center lin of sagnolia Street to center line of Olive Street, 500 ft of 18" pipe from a point 20 ft south of center line of Oak to point 40 fz sou--n of center line of i ouni,ain Avenue on a line 23 f t east of cen' er line of Peterson St.Leet , -5- t e said pipe lines to consist of vitrified clay pipe concrete and blocks , with manholes ani catch basins as providea in the plans and specifications of saia proposed story severs to oe constructed in said Stoi n Sefver District i10 5 as prepared re- ported and filed oy the City Engineer and which have here+ofore been adopted by the City Council, and vlich are hereby adopted as the map plans and specifications for the construction of said main line storm servers in said District Iuo 5 Sec+ion 2 That pursuant to the requirements os 'he resolution of the City Council adopted on the 21st aay of February 1920 due notice ras given to the ovners of property -Go be assessed in said Storm Sewer District o 5 by due and lawful publioation in the Fort Collins Express a daily neas- paper of general circulation in tre City of Fo.Lz Collins, for a period of zwenzy (20) days as shoA n by the proof of publica- tion on file in tl-e office of the City Clerk which said novice vas to the ovners of the property to be assessed in said Storm Sever District No 5 ana designazea the kind of improvewents -oroposea the number of ins'-aliments ana t'�e tint in which the cost would be payable the rate of interest on unpaid and defer- red inszallmpnts the extent of The district improved, together with the probable cost per square foot as sbotn by tree estimate of the City Engineer, that the total area of real estate to be assessed in said Storm Seiei District No 5 was 6 790 781 81 square feeti and at the rate of �q' 0192 per square foot and 1-1 adiition $ 00848 per square foot on Storm Sewer Sub-District rTo 1, ana to the further effect tha* on tre 29th aay of larch, 1920 at one o ' clock P in the council cha.noei in the City Hall in tune City of Fora Collins tre C3.ty Council would 'hear -6- and consider all complaints and objections that might be made and filed in writing concering the proposed improvement by the ofner of any real estate zo be assessed That in pur- suance of said notice the City Council aid sit to hear com- plaints at said meeting held on the 29th day of iaich 1920 0 and that c�. tl t C 1 � AJ rk e4f7f and at said aring Zhe Cizy C<Ohcil f id and d6terminea that it was fo.L the best interests of the taxpayers in said Storm Sewer District No 5 as yell as the City of Fort Col- lins that ' he period of parme t shou d be extended to twenty (20) years in twent a\(20) annual payments Section 5 The City Council further finds that all the requirements of the syatutea respecting the resolutions and notices required by law +o by given in res- pect thereto before the adoption of an ordinance ordering said improvement have been observed and cowplied rith in all respects, and it is hereby oraered traz vne improvements in Storm Sewer District Ito 5 as proviaed for in the map iDlans and specifications heretofore ado-oted by the City Council and approved in this ordinance be and are hereby ordejed to be constructed Section 4 For the purpose of paying the cost of said improvements bonds of the City of Fort Collins are hereby authorized to be issued by the Commissioner of Finance and Ex 01ficio Treasurer of the Ciuy of Fort Collins which said bonds shall bear date at such time as may bs fixed by the City Treasurer after the iiork of improvement has been -7- commenced in said district , but said date shall be uniform for all bonds issued and in such form as may be approved by the City Council after submission by the Commissioner of Finance, said bonds shall bear the name of Storm Sewer Dis- trict No 5 of the City of Fort Collins and shall be pay- able in twenty (20) anpual installments five per cent (5o) thereof payable in each and every year auiing said perioa, ana shall bear interest at -Ghe rate of five and one-'half per cent (5%) per annum payable semi-arrua-Lly said interest to be eviaencea by coupons attached to the principal bond and attested by the fac simile signature of the City Clerk, which said bongs shall be in denomina- tions of Five Hundred Dollars (�500 oo) eacr Eacr of said bons shall be subscribed by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio .Iayor and attested by the City Clerk 71'1a tie corporatie seal of the Ciuy and registered with the City Treasurer ana shall b - deliverea from time to time as required for the payment of the work 'herein pro- viaed Said bonas shall be redeemable out of the moneys collect d on account of assess ents made for saia improve- ments, all moneys collected from said assessments or from the sale of bonas for saia imp.Lovements shall oe credited co Storm Seerer Distirict To 5 and the funs so collectea shall only oe used for the payment of the work of construc- tion of saia iiiprovement ana the interest therein Said bonas shall be nuribered fl oin 1 to .0 -3-7 inclusive ana shall be redeemable coneecutiively according to number and in the order of issuance Said bonds shall only be issued ana delivered by zhe City Treasurer on estimates ana o,.der of the -a- City Engineer signed and approved by the Colnmission--.L of Saf ery and Ex Officio Payor when said estimates have been duly audited an�L approved by the City Council and ordered paid All of said bonds shall be absolutely due and pay- able twenty (20) years after the date of issue but shall be subject to call and paynert at any time prior tirereto as provided in Subdivision "C" of Chapter 120 of the Pe- vised Statutes of Colorado for 10-08 relating to public iiiiprovements in cities and towns of less than one hunared thousand inhaoitants Pursuant to -she power and authoriuy contained in Section 5398 of said Revised Statutes of 1908 the payment of all the bonds issued in virtue of this ordi- nance is hereby guaranteed by the City of Fort Collins Section 5 Said uonds and the coupons attached thereto shall be in substantially the follovirg form UNITED STATES OF h-IERICA STATE OF COLORADO CITY OF FORT COLLINS STORY SECER DISTRICT NO 5 do The City of Fort Collins , it the County of Larimer and State of Colorado, for value received acknow- ledges itself indebted and hereby promises to pay co the bearer hereof +he sui of Dollars in lawful money of the United States at the office of the City Treasurer of said City on the day of 19 suoject to call and payment hoTever at any time prier thereto as piovioed in tihe Act of the General Assemblj hereinafter mentioned wit interest thereon f.Lom date until payment at the rate of five ana one-half per centum per annur pay- able semi-annually on the day of ana the day of at the office of zhe City Treasurer of the City of Fort Collins upon presentation and su.Lrender of the annexed coupons as they severally oecome due a This bond is issued for the purpose of haying the cost of the local improvement in Storm Sewer District No 5 by virtue of and in full conformity with an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado entitled, "An Pot to Proviae for the Construction of Local Improvements in Cities of a_l Classes , having a Populazion of less than One Hundred Thousand and Incorporated Towns, the Issuance of Local Impiovement Bonds therefor and the Assessment and Pajr.�ent of the Cost of said Irrorovements " anproved April 8 1899 said Act oein; the same as Sub- aivision "C" of Chapter 120 of the 'qevisea Statutes of 1908 of the State of Colorado concerning puolic improve- ments ana an orainance of said city dull adopted and appro- ied puolisned and made a law of said city prior to the issue nereof This bona is payaole out of the picceeds and special assessments to be levied upon the real property siuuate in the City of Fort Collins in said Storm Sewer Dis- trict To 5 especially benefitea by said improvements and the amount ox the assessment so to be made upon the real estate in saiq District for the payment tbereoi wizT accrued interest is a lien upon the said real estate in the respective ariounts to be apnortionea to said real estate, and to be assessed oy an ordinance of said city szia lien having priority over all other liens excep4- otner bonds heretofore issued by said city ana the lien of general taxes but payment of said bonds is gueranteed by the City of Fort Collins as proviaed by law and the ordinance autl-orizing the issue rereof, and it is hereby certified ana recited that the total issue of bonds of said city for said dis- rzct , including this bond does not exceed the esuimate oz the Cizy hn,51neer and tle contract price for said improve- ment nor the dm ount au O orized by lav, and it is fuither bereoy certified and recited that every requirement of lav relating to tre creation of said Storm Sewer District ho 5 , the making oT said local improvement and the issuance of this bond has peen fully coi,plied with oy the proper ofiicers of Baia citj and that all conditions requirea to exist ana all uhiaos required to be done precedent to ani in the issuance of this bond to render +he sane lawful and valid have rappened and beer properly done and performea, and did exist in Legular ana due time form and manner as required by laly In Testimony jvhereof , tl-e said Ci-y of Fort Collins has caused this bona to be subscribed by its Comr.is- sioner of Safety ana Ex Officio iiayor attested by its City Clerk under the seal of said city and the interest coupons thereto a'tached to be attested by the fac simile signature of the City Clerk ,as of ,he day of 19 Commissioner of Sa ety and ATTEST Ex Ofricio Ryor City Clerk (Form of Coupon) Y o tiP On the day of 19 the City of Fort Collins rill ay to the bearer DDollar in lavful money o1 the United States at t f {-he �ity Treasurer of Foit Collins Colorado being six months ' in- terest on 1+s local improvement bona dated 1,d20 -10- issued for the construction of the local improvement knorn as Storm Sewer District ido 5, provided this bon,% shall not have been heretofore pain Attached to Bond To City Clerk Section 6 The Commissioner of Firance and Ex Cificio Treasurer is hereof authorized ana directed to have printed a sufficient number of bonds of the denomination of Five hundred Dollars ( ?500 oo) each numbered from 1 to .237 inclusive , as is requirea to meet the estimated cost of said improvement as herein provided and when said bonds shall nave been duly prepared they shall be retained by the City Treasurer to be issued ana aelivered from time +o time as hereinbef ore proviaed Section 7 Wnenever consiaered prudent by the City Treasurer he is hereby authorizea and empo�ered, 14henever funas may be in his hands to the credit of Storm Se,Aer District No 5 including six months' interest on the unpaid principal to adveztise tno insertions a week apart in the official newspaper of said City ara call in a suit- able number of bonds of said district for payment and at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the f_rst publica- tion interest on said bongs so called shall cease The notice shall specify th6 ponds so called by number &nd all said bonds so issued shall oe called ana paid in their numerical order Section 8 Upon the taking effect of Iris ordinance the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Ofiic.Lo Iayor is rereoy authorized and enuoverea to advertise for bids for -11- r the construction of said improvement in accordance with the map plans ana specifications heretofore aaopted 7hich ad- vertisement shall not be less than ten (10) days in the daily official nerspapef published in the City of Port Collins and all bids received under said advertisemen* shall be submitted to the City Council for approval or rejection and no contract shall be ar;afded in excess of tI-e City Engineer ' s estimate of the cost of saia improvement After the contract is awarded for construction the City Council shall ceouice a bond for the fai' hful performance of the same of not less than twenty- five per cent of the contract pfice with sufficient surety or sureties to be approved by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Offzcio Ta,yor and tl-ie work of construction Vihen so awara- ed under said contract shall be under the general control of the Commissioner of Public Forks and �n the ir.-itdiate charge , control and supervision of the City Engineer , "hose decision in all matters of ais-oute f esnecting compliance rith this or- dinance and +he contract made t')ereunder and the plans and specifications , shall be final and binding upon all parties thereto Then saia contract is awarded it shall conLain a clause to the effect that it is subject to the previsions of the charter and of the lays under which the City of Fort Collins exists and of this ofoinance ana that he agreed pay- ments shall not exceed the estima"e of trze City E'nginner ana the amount axnropriated end thau upon ten days' notice the work under said contract vithout cost or claim against the City of Fo.Lt Collins nay be suspene.ed for subst,.ntial cause and upon complaint of any owner of re,.l esvaoe to be assessed for the inpfove-nent that the improvement is not being construc- ted in accordance Rith the contract then the Cl-I 3oancil may conside.L the complaint and make such order as iay oe just and their decis.Lpn slall be final the Ciuy Council shall nave -lu- the right to reject any and all bids which may be made by any person or persons for the construction of said improvements, and when in the judgrent of the City Council it shall be deemed to the best interests of said City of Fort Collins, the said City Council is hereby authorized and empowered to provide for doing such work by hiring pasties by the day and to arrange for purchasing the necessary materials to do such work under the direction, supervision and control of the Commissioner of Works and the City Engineer, acting for said City Section 9 When said public improvement in Storm Sewer District No 5 shall have been completed and the same approved by the City Engineer, recommended for acceptance by said officer , and duly accepted by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins , the cost thereof shall be assessed upon all the real estate in said District as the area of each piece of real estate in said district is to the area of all the real estate in the district , exclusive of public highways, which said assessments when made and reported by the City Engineer and approved oy zhe City Council, shall be assessed against the pro- perty in Storm Sewer District No 5, by an ordinance to be adopted as provided by law Section 10 For the purpose of paying for en- gineering and other clerical expenses and the cost of inspec- tion upon the approval of the City Council the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio Mayor is authorized to advertise for not less than ten (10) days in the official newspaper of said city and sell as many bonds as may be necessary and use the -13- proceeds thereof for said purpose, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 5393 of said Revised Statutes of 1908 of the State of Colorado Section 11 This ordinance shall be irrepealable until the indebtedness herein provided for , whenever the same shall be created, shall have been fully paid, satisfied and dis- charged as herein provided Section 12 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the un- animous vote of all the members of the City Council this 1st day of May, 1920 ATTEST ommiss o er of ety and Ex Officio Mayor t y er STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordi- nance , consisting of twelve (12) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the let day of May 1920, and was duly adoptied and ordered pub- lished in the Fort Collins Express a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance , in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of "day IV of the City Charter, and thereafter , on towit the " day of �_ Dray, 1920, said Ordinance No was duly published i the Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado ITT WITTTESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of said City tbis� day of May, A D 1920 City Clerk