HomeMy WebLinkAbout030 - 08/28/1920 - FIXING AND ESTABLISHING GRADES FOR OAK STREET, FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF REMINGTON STREET TO TH ORDINANCE NO. 30 SERIES OF 1920 11� BEING AN Elfr-;RGENCY ORDZN/9CF. PTXTN, t.NO Fc"ABLIS'4I:'; r,Ri.�ES BOR oA1! �^�R££^. FPG1S THE TR._ tvsST PROPERTY LTIiE OP RENIAGTOA STR:F.T TO T.+E EA^T yROpFPg1 REF__ JP !(AS09 STRYET, IA TP8 CITY OP r0w COI.I,TNS, C�L0RAD0. BE IT OP.DAIN£D BY ,"RP, CITY COUNCTL OP T:'F CITY OF ?0?; COLLTI- Section I. The grades for Oak Street, from the west property lire of Remington Street to the east property line of Mason Street, in the etty of Port Cclllns, are hereby .fixed :xnd cetablisted ,nd declared to be as follows: All elevations being referred to City Datum B.M. 104.7E at the in ersecticn of the walks on the corner of Colle;,e Avenue sad Oak. Street, at the Postoffiee corner, Beginning at the Intersection of Oak Street with the we>t property line of ItI Remington Street, which is st,ticn 3 plus 00, the elevation at the north sidewalk line is 99.03; at the north curb line Is 93.97; at the north gutter line 97.85; at the center line of street 93.5; at the south gutter lineI 98•6-; at tie south � curb line 99.96; at the south walk line 93,93; at station 1 plus P 98, at the south i curb line 100.78; at the south walk line 101.06; at ataticn 1 plus 60, at the north walk line and curb 100.10 at flue Wort.: - ter line r } i � _ 99.49; at the south r;tater j line 100.33; at the south well line 101.39; at staticn 1 plus 50, at the center line I I of street 101.211 at station 1 plus 40, it. the norti w,l;, line 100.32; at north curb lire 100.32; .,t the north gutter line 99.67; at the south gutter line 100,69; at the sot:th curb line 1Ob24; at the south walk 1'ne 101.82; at station 0 pltts 00, which is the east property lir.4 Of Ciliee Avenue .j +,- , ._t the north si .ew;lk line l01.96; at tree north curb line 101.70, ,t the north `utter line 101.37; at the text er line of street 103.05; at the south Ltit,ter line 103.15; at the scutt. curs line 103.62; at the south wall: lire 104.54; at the ,west property line of College Avenue, which ±s otaticn 0 Plus 00, .t the north vaLl lire 103.4; .,t the north curb line 105.2; at the north ,utter' I line 102.35; at center line of street 104.2; at south gutter lire 103.H1; at south i' , curb line 104.82; at south vylk line 104.76; at station 1 plus 4O, at south er.•b ifse i i curb line 106.9; at south walk line 106.99; at station 1 plus 30, at north walk line 107.0; at north curb line 107.0; south curb line 107.15; at scut wilt line 10 i 7.%; at station 2 plus 00; at tt.e nortk utter line 106.1; at t o renter line of street 107.03; at the south gutter line ioC.35; iS station 2 plus 10, at the north wslk line 107.10; A � .,t the north curb line 107.10; at the south curb line 107.25; at the south walk. line 107.871 at staticn 4 plus 00, which is the esst property line of Mason Street, at the north ) walk line 108.00; at the north curb line 107.3; at tie north wtter line 106.5; at the f center line o^ street 108.29; at the south wtter line 107.5; at the south curb lire 108.4; at the south w Uk line 109.2.0. j Section 2. All orAln,nees anr' ,arts of ordir. races Sr conflict with VAS ordin-n^e are hereb, repealed. Section 3. In the opinion of the City Council an emergent: exists for the preservation of the public health y� k P ,pe _ce ,nd s�fet nd this ord±n ,nce sh,ll t�.e I 'ORDINANCE r , A 30 SERIES OF. 1920_. - --- effect upon its pysagge rnd publte3tien under and by virtue of the authority ! contained in Section 6 nd '7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introlhured, read at length and adopted by the unaninous vote of All the merberc of the City Cou:,cil this 28th dyy of August, A.D. 1920. AT^Fi'p; ) = ortelas crer o Saffet�d J / Ex O"10f o Mayor 1 City Clerk 1 C(`JJt^*y 07 T.ARI)TR ) I, A. J. RCFF.T;C►„ City Clerk of the City of Port CollinE, do hereby oertll,' and declare that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of thres (3) eectiena, aa3 duly pxpcscd and read ,.t length at a regular meeting; of the City Courrll held on the 28th ray of August, 1920, and was duly adopted and ordered publis--ed ir. the Fort Collins Express, a daily r.ec-p"per .and the Official nets_ p .per of the City of Fort Ccllirf, by the unanina:s vote o* all aarsbers of the Council, as an emerj;er.o;• ord!n_nCc, in scrcrd.,nce with the provisions o,^ Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; .and tt,erejfter, on tiowitl the 3d day of September, said Or2in�ee No. 30 w .s duly published in the Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper published in tt.e City of Fort Collins, Ccicr.do. IR WI"5FcF TaEPFOF, I have hereunto set my hand ynd affixed the seal Of 3-id C11; this 3d day of September, A.D. 1r20. , City lei