HomeMy WebLinkAbout004 - 05/19/1913 - RELATING TO THE OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, PROVIDING A SUPERINTENDENT THEREFOR, PRESC Ordinance No. 1913. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC WOR= . PROVIDING A SUPERINTENDENT THERE- FOR, PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING HIS COMPENSATION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1. That there be and is hereby created a Depart- ment oi� Public Wgrks which iliall embrace the operaion any management of the Cipp Path Works, streets, ,alleys and, bridgds, and such publiA kildings qnd grounds as ale 3iot 4tbin the J* sdietion v� bard of Park Co�'mpsiopers, building and cleCtric fnsp64*on, and Oran& V3.e$ CemejgEry, which said ddpart�eirt shall be uroer the aontto°l, direction and sierin�6end nce of an�1i�er�ta be ksf��rn as S�ipepintefic��Xl�t of Publi Vkio s#iall be §LppoA0ed y tl try Cd nGiY by e16,ct o up r; tho /,t aka of bf this prdindnee. whiA 644 dep6rtr ent and said of4fti¢ep shjLll �g� A�i t;lMes be sub jeol�,4te ,the geA4ral efntroj Od d#ection of the City Coundi 1 $ectiA E. Said S4pe4�#14d jat of ,$colic WQrXg shall be a person who has ba(T tx�a t o mbnagement and op6r�Ltsion of pubYim works, of a bn s�mi*r lines , and his term of oXfioe shall be a� the pleasure of the City Council. Be shall reeaiv* 04 i'tll compensation for his services the RM of One Hm4r.9d Tweo't y"five ($125.00) pollars per month Section 3• It shall be the duty of the Superintendent -1- L� ti i of Public Work to have immediate charge , control and direction of the operation and maintenance of the depart- ment of public works , as defined by section one (1) of this ordinance, and he is hereby vested with the power and authority to employ and fix the compensation, and discharge employes in the different departments under his control when- ever in his Judgment the interests of the public service demand it, and shall submit payrolls and reports of his acts on or before every regular meeting of the City Council, and at such other times as the City Council may require, and said super- intendent shall be directly responsible to the City Council of the City of Fort Collins for the efficient and economical administration of the departments under his control Section 4 The appropriations heretofore made for the departments consolidated for the purpose of operation and maintenance under and by virtue of this ordinance shall be available for the purposes named in said respective appropria- tions for the fiscal year ending December 31 , 1913, to be expended under the direction and control of said Superintendent of Public Works and within the limitation of said annual appropriations , but no new improvements shall be male or contracted for by said superintendent except the same have been previously authorized by vote of the City Council as provided by law. Section 5. The salary of the Superintendent of Public Vlvrks shall be paid out of the appropriation made for salaries of the officers heretofore in charge of the departments con- solidated under this ordinance. Section 6 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. f passed and adopted this I day of May A D 1913 T✓a � lhoL::.� Mayor ity Clerk S � I I Ray Baxter City Clerk in and for the City of Fort ``'� Collins Colorado do hereby certify that the foregoing E �ce was read in full at a regular sA06NOW meetinrz 2 Of f e City Cougil legally held on the day o hft, ADD* JKJT 1913 and was published in the Fort Collins E xpress a n / Q^ newspaper of general circulat*, Iy blished in the , Fort Collins, Colorado on theday of A D 1913, and was duly passed and adopt the City Council, signed and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council legally held on the 19th day of May A D 1913 y e I � � 9 �