HomeMy WebLinkAbout012 - 07/09/1914 - AMENDING SECTIONS 1, 7, 11, AND 12 OF ARTICLE 11, SECTIONS 1 AND 5 OF ARTICLE V OF ORDINANCE NO. 015 ORDINANM 10. 12, 1914. _ A4Q:7fJING SECTION, 1, '7, 11, and 12 0? ARTICLE II,SEcroSs I and S OF ART:C.T.E V OF ORn_TIT/STCE NO 15 19C1?, BEING ' AN ORDINANCE IN ? A^IO'l T" FOOD AND T'T% InSP.r.CT001T THEPEOp% BE IT OR'1j4SN£D By TFLz: CITY COUNCIL OF TF-- CITY 0" PORT COLLINS: i Sectionl. That section 1 Of Article II cf Ordinance No. 15, 1?C�, be i and tkescme Is herby amended so n.e to red as follows: 'Section I. We personshall sell, offer for sale, esuse to be sold, orlwep for sale, or ;ire =a7 any r.11): crew or buttermilk fcr !:,=an food in any grocery store or other place or peddl or deliver the same in wagons or other vehicles, or I otherwise, within the corporate limits of the city of Fort Collins, wItLout first h.6virg obtained a licence for each store or plcce where such calk or ere= is sold or offered for sale or given :may, and for each wagon or vehicle dtiven or used for such purpose; And no person shall ship or bring into the city by freight, express k ; or otherwise, any milk or cream for sale without having a license so to do. Any person desiring such iicenee shall make application in writing t:.erefor to the City Clerk Such application shall qe made upon a printad form to be furnished by the Coemissioner of Public Safety, and such applicant, if an individula, shall state therein his full name and residence, and if a corporation shall state the fullnme and residence of each of its officers. Bach application shall also state the locationof the pl,.,ee at which It Is desired to carry on such Lusinei•s. It shall also contain a description of each wagon or oth►r vehicle to be used by the applicant in his business; also the n=ber of cows owned or controlled by the applicant. Upon such aW lication being filed with the City Clerk, the P Od Inspector shall inrest%:ate the place of f business described in such ap lication and the wagons and other vehicles intended to be used by said applicant. The Food Inspector shall report thi result of such Investigation to the City Clerk, and if euchplac-e of business and such wagons or vhhielel j Are fcrmd by said Pood Inspector to be In a sanitary condition and fit for the uses to j i which they are intended to be put, the Cocasissioner of Safety . �y thereupon authorize the City Clerk to issne a license to such applicant*e ; !: Section 2. . That section 7 cf said Atttols II of Ordinance No. 15, 19M, be %mended so as to read as follows: a Section 7- No Xersen licensed under this Arteile shall keep, sell cr offer for sale, or have in hit possession, charge or con- tarol for sale, within the corporate limits of this city, any silk which contains t more than eie;nty eigtt per Bert of watery fluid or less than twelve per cent of total solids,or less than three and two tenths 3 2-10) per cent of butter fat. To per- j son licensed under this article a all keep, sell, offer for Cale, or have in his pos- session, charge or control for sale within the corporate limits cf this city, any creaz ' ' i which contains less than fifteen per cent of butter fate. Section 3. That section 11 of Article 11 of said Crdinance No. 15, 1- &nd the s is h,reby amended as to rea-4 as follows: ` ` i a8actton re: All dairy ,00ws v�leh proemoe milk for the market of the alty o'' Par% Collins shall be free from.all disease that wuuld in any w-ay effect t e milk, suoh as tuherculosls, anthrax,lumpy Jaw, Texas fever, pneumonia, Parturient, ap(-pl*)W an-mall:;nant ontarrh, and the words 'dairy cows are hereby deflned to Inc use tnep^lvnte cow from which milk 13 sold. No cow shall be used in any dairy which supplies silk for private consumption or use, or for sale ..Rhin this city unisex vhs has been tented with tuberculin for tsber- culoais b, the Food Inspector or his authorized deputies, and no milk shall be sold in this city from any dairy unless a certificate of the Food Inspeot- or or &-duly and legally Qualified veterinarian shall ha vo been filed with the city Clerk showing that all MA.cowe in said dairy have been tested and are fro* from all diseases mentioned herein which fee am oollect4d may be retained by the inspector in payment of the cost of such inspections Such certificate shall be filed as least once a year, and at such other times as the Cith Health Offimr shall direct. No milk shall be sold or offered for sale from any cow not so examined. Additional certificates - shall be I=ediafely filed for cows added to any dairyi It shall be the dut, of the City Clerk to keep a peemanent record of all such certificates. Cows found to be affected with any of the foregoing diseases shall be marked with a metal tag in the ear with the word `Condemned` impressed thereon, and cows which have passed inspection shall have a metal tag inthe ear with the words `Fort Collins Inspected` impressed thereon, for the ptarpose of "identificat on thereafter by the inspector.Ho milk shall be sold from a cow whcch shall calve within two weeks or has calved within one week. If any cow shall be sick or diseased, the oa-ner thereof shall not offer for - sale any milk therefrom, W" shall at once destroy such milk or cream and shall rectify the food inspector at once of the fact of such sieknees or disease. The Food Inspector shall have power to el the isolation from the herd and the removal from the city of cows suffering from contagious diseases. No milk or cream shell be sold, given away or delivered which shall be prodmed from any house cr premises where there is a comcmnicable disease ae Section 5. That section 1 of Article IV of said Ordinance No. 15, 1940 be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 'S=etion 1. No meat shall be sold or offered for sale within this city - ithout first having been inspected and kip-proved by the ?ood Inspector - or "s authorized assistant$ and depusites. No peason shall kell or dream ary an'mal or meat in any market or store ncr have nor permit to escape therein or within one hundred feet thereof, any poisonous, nuaious or offensive ` I isale substances. Ho blown, tainted , raised, stuffed, putrid. impure unhealthy or unwholesome meator fish, bird or fowl shall be kept or sold, offered for for human food, or held or kept in any market or any place in alas city lla calf, ply; or laib,ncr At thkeeof, shall be bought, no' or Offered for Bale for rood 1A t- to otty, whloh, bean: a oalr, when killed w"s lose th" four weeks old en.) whoa drodood shall weight lose than seventy five (75) pounds; or, bein4 a Pig was when killed, lest thanflve weeks old, or boin a lamb, was when killed, less than eight wWa old. No meager, Ole Ay or unwholesome fiah, bird or other foal, or Other food +wwe 11, shall b- bought or sold or offered for amlc as food is bile oily. 4 % No meet or dead animals above the size of a rlbbit shall betaaen to any market f or store until the a ne shall have been ,fully cooled, nor until the rntraile shall j have been removed; nor shall gut fat or any unrholesome matter or thing be bacu�ht to or near such mlrkeL. No meat shall he DoughL .or Bold for food when the ease has been ; i fed upon garbage, awill, carrion, offel, or dead animals. All mea+ in meat mar%ets I shall be kept In the coolers save that which is dleplayM on the coulters, and this d( shall be kept ecvered Frith screens to protect it from flies and unnecessary har,!ling ! by prospective buyers. All meats being transported from slaughter house or from place to place sha 11 be covered and fullW protected from flies and dirt while being trans— ported from slaughter house or farm to market'. } Section 6. That section 3 of article IV 19080 be Aral the sane is hereby wended so as to read as follows: 'section 3. Yeats slaughtered outside cf this city mild not In approved � i abbatoirs and brought Ikto the city for sale, may be inspected and branded or other— t wise aar::ed for identification by the Food Inspector or his assistants, under the fol— lowing rules, to wit: All carcasses must have the head of all viscera, except the stomach, bladder and intestines, held together by natural attachments, and all such carcasses shall be brought to such place at such time as may be designated by the Food Inspector or his assistants, who shall be notified whersuch meat is re,dy for Inspection. Section 7. Section 5 of Article V Is hereby amended so as to re-d as follows: . J aSection 5 No. meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, berries or ar4 other articles o:C food or drink shall knowingly be bought, rold,held or cfferdd for sale,laheled, or j a^y representation mace in respect the-^eof, under a false name or qu,;lity, or any false representation whatever respecting its wholesomeness for fooj or drinl. No bread shall be offered for sale unless the ' same shall be :Trapped with naraffin paper, and i all bakers' goods in the stores, or while being deli—erect within flhe corporate limits of the city, shall be protected from dust and flies by being kept in tight boxes or glass casese. a Section 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with tI:is 3 ordinance are hereby repealed; tsut this repeal shall in no wise affect any penalty tt{ cr cause of action which slay have accrued in favor of the city of Port Collins under j said repealed ordinances prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. k Passed and adopted,.tlia 9th day of July A. D. 19114 Attest; 1 �^^�L a'...�_�..-4 Uavor /l At 1 Jn f` City Clerk fI hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced read •i, and ; ordered published onthe 22nd day of June, ♦., D. 1914,_ and was - published in The port Collins Review, a newspaper of general circulation on the 23rd day of June, A. D. 1914, one insertion and said ordinance cage up for final pass.ge at a regular meeting of tao city council on the 9th day rof July, A. D. 19149 and w as duly passed, ad, pted, signed and approved on the 90.h Cay of July, A. D. 1914, and was published in The Port Collins Review on the loth dap of July, A. D. 1914. I In witness whereof I have hereunto set sy hand and eealthis loth h day o' July, A. D. 1914. I e j City Clerk. I j 111 3 i ie i i 1 Y 1 j {{ � 1