HomeMy WebLinkAbout015 - 07/17/1916 - RELATING TO THE USE OF STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS FOR PUBLIC ASSEMBLAGES ORDINANCE No. . _ _ ._ SERIES OF i Felatfnt; to the use of 8-reets, Alloys and P:bllo a-Canis for rublte Asseableges. , BE T_T G.R�AUIM BY Y'iF. r'ITY C.:'f.VCIL 0? T-E CITY 0? FOR? CO:ZjNS. Section 1. It sh Jl be 1-nlsrftil for any person or persons to Induce cause or enevura,,;s the -come 01 V a City of Fort Collins or any of them to eongrer;ate or assemble upon any of-the atr*ets,alleya,etdearslics or public izavnds within the Corporate limits of the City of Port Collins Or in any building or place belonging to the City of Fort Collins Colorado by the .:aktsk; of speeches ,sinEin,; or en,;a,;ir4 In any kind of runner of perfor^ianee or entertniarant at any such places, and it shall be inlawful for any person to en,;are In the raking of orations epee ches,aldresses or the singly; of son,;s or the plaqInC upon musical instruments, or en;agina in any sort of entertalnnant or the gulag of pry sort of exhibitions which- will tend to class the people to coneve4te, assemble or .other upon the streets,alleys, sldaralisor public vzosnds within the City of Fort Collins or in any buildin,; or :lace belonc;inL to said city,unlese such person or persons stall have first obtained a pernit so to do from the City Council " herein after p-ovided. Seetlen 2. The City Ccuneil of tte City of Fort Collins may Cr nt a permit to any person or persons to make crat tons,addreeses, speeches or give musical or otter free entertaluAnts or exhibits ns upon the streets,elleys, or public grounds of the City of Fort Collins when application therefore is In duly e wrihin ^r applicants conform to t o requirements of t:.e permit, asli,,Min and fixint; the loostior. where such asseabls,;es nay be had for the purpose of rasing oraticns,a`dresats, speeetes or cther entertain<ants or exhibitions upon the streets,alleys, sidewalks or public grounds within the corporate limits of the City cf Fort Collins which said pertSt when autho-iced by the City Council shall be Issued in wittin.; sl,7ed by the Caa:isaloner Of Safety and Ex-Offiato Slayq W-d attested by the City C.erk with the corporate seal ;d aaall coatU=o In force and r"--t for a period_ not to exceed ',)0 esys "'"cm the date of issue unless revoked by tlo City Council upon caaae s.*.am to it. `ection 3. Any person or persons viclatint; rection 1. of this ordinance $hall upon conviction thereof be fined in any at= no0 less thaw O.wvnty dollars (20.00) nor more than Three hundred dollars (330.00) and costs of suit; and in dsfe-lt of the PAW--ent of such fine and costs,:ay be i=prisicned in the city Jail of ^ort Collins until such fine and costs are paid,provided any such lzprlsoxrant shall not exceed Citoty (90) days. Fection 4. Ordinance No. 12 19M relatin; to streets,Alleys and public :rounds passed 4nd adopted AuLust 18,1302. and all or isaaces and parts of ordinAr"s in ccnfliat wits this ordinance are hereby reyeaied. .ntrs:aced, read and Ordered printed 7u:y, 5th. 171G. Fused ,nd adopted this 17t!:.�\\dyo�•�,ft:1Y. Comissicner of Safety and Attest. f Ex-^vfflelo Moor. i City clerk. 5"A;'E Or S.CPAX. ) C. . f Cr I Ray Paster City Cleric of the City of Fort Collins do hereby eerti'y end deeia-e that t;:e fore oina erjLttune* Ocnsistlrz of four �L') secticns duly l proposed and rem: at length at a ceetL^Z Of the City Council hold on the Sth. By Of . sly 1?16. was duly ordered by 'Aye' and hay' vote to be pablisted in the Fort Collins !for irc; Express a 1'4117 newspaper of the City of Fort Collins In XL%MYszce with the prOvisicas of sectiOa 7 of Article Iv of the City erd thereafter and an to-wit t*.e IBt* tag Of t.4 ;.. D. 1316.sald or^_ir.asce r.o. 15 ar passed erd adopted Was duly publIfLed in tie Fort Co/line "�ornini fixprec- ' *= r-easp'?er ps:hiished in said City Of Fort C:lli..a Colorarc. In wltness Whereof 1 :.axe heretato set --7 h nd t'.ia 18t:. day of :uly L. J. 13:E. C-ty Clerk. 1 i