HomeMy WebLinkAbout006 - 02/18/1907 - SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS THE QUESTION OF INCURRING AN INDEBTEDNESS AND ISSUING BONDS FOR Proposed Ordinance. Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced, read and ordered printed, at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of ;Fort Collins, Colorado, meld February 4, 1907. City Clerk.. Ordinance No. f of the Series of I907, An Ordinance Submitting to the Cualified %lectors of the City ofFoert Collins the cuestion of Incurring an Indeb Aess and Issuing Bonds for the Payment of Park Lands. la �Cw Whereas, -twt�- petitiont 44*e• been -presented to the City Council of this city, - e '" w..; ,.h is signed by petitioner:- in number equal to one tenth of the number of electors voting at the last general election of this city; e praying that the question of incurring an `r,det:tne^s of S4vOP•0. and issuing bonds, of this city for said sure in pay- went for land described in section I of this ordinance, for the purpose of a public park, be submitted to tire qualified electors of this city at the next regular election of officers of this city, in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled " An act authorizing incorporate tol,.ns and cities to acquire, establish and maintain parks" etc passed by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado, and approved April I0, I8931 other of said petitions praying that the question of incur ri indebtriess of 447b00. and issuing bonds of this city for sa- d—sum in payment for land described in Section 2 of this ordi ce for the purpose of a public park, be submitted to said ified electors, at said election, in accordance . !. '4e (/7.f! be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,Colorado: Section I . Yh.at under and in accordance faith the provi :=ions of said act , there be submitted to the qualified electors of this city, at the next regular election for officers of this city, the question of incurring an indebtness of �wOBO. and issuing bonds of this city for said sum in pay- ment for the following described tracts of land to be designated on the ballots as " Presnect Park and land adjoining tract " viz, A portion of the Nast half of the Southwest Quarter of Section I0, Township 7 'dorth, Range 69 West, more particularly described as follows,towit+ Comriencing at a point 726,1feet south of the north west corner of the east half of the South ^vest quarter of said section, thence running east 958 ft. to the center line of Larimer County Canal No. 2, thence along the center line of said canal south I40 30 ' east,300 feet,south 280 east , 574 feet , south 30 30 ' west , 450 feet , south, 420 40' west 350 feet , south 60 601 west , I37 feet to a point 25I .I feet north of aouth line of said section, thence west and elonlg the north line of lands of Sarah Groh to the west line of the east half of the southwest quarter of said section, thence north to the place of beginning. Also commencing at a point 950 feet west and 570 south of the intersection of the center line of West Idountain avenue with the center line of Shields street , thence south to t;:e South side of Section I0, Township 7 tlorth, Range 69 West , 950 feet vest of the South east corner of said Se Lion Q}0, _tic� V��, -nh t v rl a�l� the section line and the cen a o� th�� county road to t e c nter of� sai canal to a point 570 feet south of the center line of West Ivlountain avenue extended west, thence east to the place: of beginning; both of said described tracts of land containing in the aggregate I06,7 acres, more or less, and being in the County of Larimer and State of Colora\\do. Section 2, Tha\R�hodess and in accordati e with the provi ions of said ac , there be submio the qualified el�ctors of this -it , at the next regu ar election focers of this city, the question of incurring an indebt ess of §4750is suing bonds of this`\lcity for said suet in pay- } ment foil the followingzc ibed tract of land t�1 be designated on the d ballots as " A party a Rhodes Subdivision\\ viz 7 All of blocks d 304, 305, 3061 3I2, 3I5, '`NI4, 3I5, 3I6, 324, 325, 326, in Doty ades Sub 'vision: of the West Ialf of the North west quarters of Sec , Townsh•p 7 North, Range 69NWest ; according to the plat the of onin the ofl ' ce of the County Clci{-k and Recorder of Larimer Count Colorado. The foregoing ordinance ivas introduced and read at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Councilof the city of r'ort Collins, Colorado a on the 4th. day of February, A. D. I907, and was published in the -X�r_ __(::3 w..c� a weekly newspaper of general circniati n publish d in aid_ d�ily�`rand ado teed 'city on the day of p'ebruary A. D. I907, �nd`ara`�,\ y pas.;e p by said City Council at the regular meeting there l on t I8th. day of February, A. D. I907. ��y� �c Attest :- Mayor. City C� �1{ 4fleerrk.�p , __4te v ,-A �KP-t*.t-' /X�/l.C-Li✓ C/-e �-O —// O 7 Proposed Ordinance. Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced, read and ordered printed, at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held February 4,I907. City Clerk. Ordinance No. 'F of the Series of I907, An Ordinance Submitting to the qualified Electors of the City ofFosrt Collins the question of Incurring an Indebtness and Issuing Bonds for the Payment of Park Lands. Whereas, -twp- potitiont #&*o- been presented to the City Council of this City, signed by petitioners in number equal to one tenth of the number of electors voting at the last general election of this city; -else of ■■iA '^t{* j ^^a praying that the question of incurring an indebtness of 1470P,0. and issuing bonde of this city for said sum in pay- ment for land described in section I of this ordinance, for the purpose of a public park, be submitted to the qualified electors of this city at the next regular election of officers of this city, in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled " An act authorizing incorporate towns and cities to acquire, establish and maintain parks" etc passed by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado, and approved April I0, I893=indebt!l other of said petitions praying that the question of incurritas of $47b00. and issuing bonds of this city for sa' t dun in payment for land described in Section 2 of this ord . ce for the purpose of a public park, be submitted to said Zfied electors, at said election, in accordance Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,Colorado Section I. 'ihat under and in accordance Frith the provisions of said act , there be submitted to the qualified electors of this city, at the next regular election for officers of this city, the question of incurring an indebtness of 847080. and issuing bonds of this city for said sum in pay- ment for the following described tracts of lan4 to be designated on the ballots as " Prospect Park and land adjoining tract " viz, A portion of the East half of the Southwest Quarter of Section I0, Township 7 '_north, Range 69 west, more particularly described as followa,towiti Commencing at a point 726,Ifeet south of the north west corner of the east half of the South west quarter of said section, thence running east 958 ft, to the center line of Larimer County Canal No. 2, thence along the center line of said canal south I40 30' east9300 feet,south 280 east, 574 feet , south 30 30' west, 450 feet , south, 420 40' west 350 feet, south 60 301 west, I37 feet to a point 25I .I feet north of south line of said section, thence west and alongg the north line of lands of Sarah Groh to the west line of the east half of the southwest quarter of said section, thence north to the place of beginning. Also commencing at a point 950 feet west and 570 south of the intersection of the center line of West Mountain avenue with the center line of Shields street , thence south to the South side of Section I0, Township 7 gorth, Range 69 13est,950 feet west of the South east corner of said Sea_�ign 0, • then west, and d t Vr�vv al the section line c+u.... .r, yi and the center of th county roa to the center oP^ sal canal to a point 570 feet .south of the, center line of West Mountain avenue extended west, thence east to the place of beginning; both of said described tracts of land containing in the aggregate I06.7 acres, more or less, and being in the County of Larimer and State of Colorado. Section 2, Tha under and in accords a with the provi ions of said ac , there be submitt d to the qualified el ctors of this ci at the next regu ar election for o icers of this city, t e question of in urring an indebt ess oP �34�500. an i suing bonds of this\city for said s in pay- ment fo the following dose ibed tract of land tI* be designated on the � ballots a ° A part of Doty a Rhodes Subdivision) " viz All of blocks numbered 304, 305, 3062 3I2, 3I3, I4, 3I51 3I6, �24, 325, 326, i Doty and Rhodes Sub 'vision of the west if of the Nor t Vt west quarto of Section II, Township 7 North, Range 69 est; accordin to the plat . the of on file in the oP ' ee eP the County Cl k and Recorde of Larimer Count Colorado. The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Councilof the City of Fort Collins, Colorado on the t 4th. day of February, A. D. I907, and was published in thearL��rcu a weekly newspaper of general circulatiin gublishgd i�aid� city on the , d of pebruary A. D. I907, end`as,�d y p s and"adopte by said City Council at the regular meeting thereof d on thA.I8th. day of February, A. D. I907. Attest :- Mayor. ' City Clerk. < Fes . - yo7,dt udr a .-Grp