HomeMy WebLinkAbout015 - 07/22/1907 - RELATING TO FOOD AND THE INSPECTION THEREOF AN ORDINANCE IN R) IATICN TO FCOD AND THE INSPECTION TI7FEOF. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, as follows: ARTICLE I. Food Inspection. Section 1. There is hereby created the office of Food Inspector. The Food Inspector shall be appointed by t4**—U&7101r a ' the City Council. He shall be a qualified veterinarian 'rith a practical knowledge of meat inspection and milk analysis and the diseases of meat and milk producing animals. Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall execute a bond to the City in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, (�1,000) with such sureties as the Mayor shall approve, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. The salary of such Food Inspector shall be determined and fixed by the Council, and shall be provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance. Section 2. The Food Inspector shall be subject at all times, to the control and supervision of the Committee on Health .of the City Council. He shall examine and inspect all articles of food kept or offered for sale in this city, and shall condemn any such articles as he shall find unfit for human consumption, and he shall perform such other duties as shall be required of him by said Committee on Health. He shall have power, under the sup- ervision of said Committee, to employ such deputies and assistants as may he necessary in performing the duties of his office and those imposed by said Committee on Health. He shall have general power, s ( 2) unaer the supervision of the Health Committee, to enforce the provisions of this ordinance ARTICLE II MILK Section 1 No person shall sell or olfer for sale or cause to be soldor kept for sale, any milk, cream or butter- milk for human food at any grocery store or other place, or peddle or deliver the same, either in wagons or other vehicles, or otherwise in this City, without first having obtained a license for each store or other place where such milk or cream is sold or offered for sale, and for each wagon or vehicle driven or used for such purpose, and no person shall ship or bring into this city by freight express or otherwise, any milk or cream for sale without having a license so to do Any person desiring such license shall make applica ion in writing therefor to the City Clerk Such application shall be made upon a printed form to be furnished by the Committee on Health, and such applicant, if an individual, shall state therein his full name and residence, and if a corporation, shall state the full name and residence of each of its officers Such application shall also state the location of the place at which it is desired to carr,, on such business It shall also contain a description of each wagon or other vehicle to be used by the applicant in his business, also the number of cows oined or controlled by the applicant Upon such application beirg filed with the City Clerk, the Food Inspec- tor shall investigate the place of business described in such application and the wagons or other venicles intenaed to be used by said applicant The rood Inspector stall report the result of such investigation to the City Clerk and 1" such place (3) of business and such wagons or vehicles are found by said Food Inspector to be in a sanitary condition and flu for the uses to which they are intonded to be put, the City Olerk may thereupon issue a license to such applicant upon the payment as fee fur such _a i LJ license for each wagon used in deliverj for each s ore or other place where milk or cream or either of tl^em f _s sold ` and for each person who shall ship or bring milk and cream, or either o them into the cilty Such license shall not be transferable and shall authorize the licensee to carry on his ousiness only at the place or places described in such license All licenses issued under this section shall expire on the 31st day of December next afuer uhe issue tntreof Section 2 Every person to who-n a license may be issued under +17, , article shall keep the same in a conspicuous place in in the room or place for izich it was granted and every person authorized to peddle milk or cream or either of them "rom a wagon, shall cause the name of the person and the number of the license to be plainly printed in letters and figures, at least 1 1/2 inches in height, in a conspicuous place on the wagon In case the licensee shall ship or bring m_lk and cream or either of them, i-,to tills city by express or otherwise, the numoer of the license shall be placed on every can and he -hall keep the same plain and distinct during tic time for which such license is issued Section 3 Every Ierson licensed under the proviciors of tri article or who is engaged in or carrying on the business of vending m_lk and cream of either of them, shall keep all cans and other receptacles used in and about the handling of nilk and cream, or eitrei o, L em, ana 11 refrigerators or compartments and stores or otter places where milk and cream, or either of +hem is (4) kept, stored, or handled in a scrupulously neat and clean condition and free from the presence or vicinity or any article or thing likely to contaminate or injuriously affect the quality or sweetness of the milk or cream, and shall also cause all cans and other receptacles in whihh milk or cream is kept to be sterilized mith boiling water or live steam before using again and shall cause all bottles, cans, dippers or oth-r vessels used in and auout the peddling or vending of milx and cream to be scalaea or sterilized daily, and shall cause all bottles or jars it *hich milk or cream is sold, offered for sale or delivered to be washed clean and thoroughly sterilized before being used agair ho milk or cream delivered in this city shall be bottled, canned, of prepared for delivery at any place other than the milk house 110 person shall use any can, bottle or other receptacle in which milk or cream has peen shipped of conveyed to him for the storage of such milk, cream or any other article or thing, but shall cause such rens, bottles, or other receptacles to be emptied and thoroughly cleaned and dried and returned to the shipper within 24 hours after he shall have received the same, and all sterilizinE ana cleansing reouiied by this section shall be done as the Health OfficcY may direct Section 4 No person shall deliver or bran.- into the city for sale, any milk or cream unless the same is contained in a can of receptacle sealed vith a metal seal by the shipper thereof and unless such can or receptacle shall have such seal intact at the tine it is brought into the city Vo person shall sell, offer for sale, or dispose of or deliver to any person, any milk or cream, or have any milk or cream in his possession wLth the intent to sell offer for sale, or deliver the same to any person to ihich he knows ( 5) or has reason to believe was received in or brougnt inLo she city in a can of other receptacle hich dia not have its seal intact, in accordance vith the provisions of this section Section 5 It shall be the duty of the Food Inspector to visit and inspect all places ana vehicles in which milk and cream, or either o� them is sold or offeredfor sale, stored, kept, or delivered, and inspect all vessels cans, receptacles, packages, refrigerators or compartments in store or building, platforms, establishments or places of any kind cortaining milk or cream, and to ascertain the condition thereof iith reference to clean- liness and sanitation, and to cause the removal and abatement of any unfit unclean or injurious conditions attending the keeping storing or possession, care, custody, or control of any milk or cream at and in all places Section 6 The City Health Officer, the rood Inspector and his deputies and assistants and any police of icer autl-iorized by the Committee on Health or by lie City Council shall have the right and power to enter and have full access to all wagons, rail- road cats or other vehicles of any kind used for the conveyance or aelivery of milk and cream or either of them and shall have the right to take samples of milk and cream therefrom, such samples not to exceed one quart, for the purpose of inspecting testing or analysing the same Section 7 No person licensed under ti_ article shall keep, sell, or offer for sale or nave in his possession charge or control, in this city, any milk if such milk contains more han 88 per cent of watery fluid or less than 12 per cent of total solids, or less than 3 per cent of butter fat No person licensed under this article shall keep sell of offer for sale, or have in his possession charge or control for sale in this city, any cream if (6) such cream contains le. s than 15 per cent of butter Tat Section 8 No person shall or offer for sale, in this city, any milk from vhich the cream, or any part thereof, shall nave been taken, unless such milk shall be offered for sale and sold bj such person as ' skimmed milk' and unless the cans or other receptacles containing such milk shall have painted or printed on the outside thereof, the words Skimmed Milk, in plain, black letters to be kept plainly visible at all times and no such person shall sell, offer for sale or deliver any "skimmed milk' containina less than 8 5 per cent of total solids other than butter iat Section 9 Whoever, by himself or by his servant or atpent or as agent or serva*it or employee of any other person sells, offers for sale delivers or has in his custody or control with intent to sell offer for sale or deliver in this city Pn3 milk or cream or skimmed milk for human food ; hich is unclean diluted, impure, unwholesome, adulterated or not of the standard provided for by this article, or milk or cream or shimmed milk to wh ch water or any foreign substance has oeen added, or milk or cream pioaucea from sick or diseased cows or from cows kept in an unclean filthy and unhealthy condition or cows fed any garoaae swill refuse or other improper food or milk or cream that has been exposed or contaminated or affected bd the discharges or exhalations of any of any human being or animal situ or infected shall, for the first offence be fined not less than Five Dollars 05) nor more than Twenty-Five Dollars ( ,j25) and for each subsequent offense not less than Twenty Dollars ( �20) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ( A'100) Any person who shall adulterate milk or cream, or reduce or change (7) it in any respect, by the adaition of water of any foreign or any other substance, witn the vies uo selling or offering the game for sale or exchange in this city, shall be fined not less than Five Dollars ( 9"5) , nor more than Twenty-five Dollars ( '"20) for each offense and any pt-rson who shall sell or offer for sale in his city, any milk or cream containing any coloring matter or any adulterant, preservative, thickener or other material substance, whether foi the purpose of artificially increasing the quantity of milk or cream or for preserving the sweetness thereof or for any other purpose and any person who shall sell or offer for sale in this city for use it milk or cream ny preservative coloring matter, thickener,adulterant or other material substance, shall nc, fined not less than Five Dollars ( ; 5) , nor more than Twenty-fire Dollars, ( f2,)) , for each offense Section 10 All milk or cream from sick or diseased cows or cows fed on slops or that may injuriously effect of be detrimental to life and health shall, upon discovery thereof be confiscated or forfeited by or under tip 1irectior or tIe Citj Health Officer Section 11 Every person owning, keeping or in possession, charge or control of any cow stable or dairy where milk cows are stabled or kept, or from which milk is sold within this city shall have such stable or dairy cleaned daily in a thorough manner by such methoas as snall be directed by ,he Food Inspector, anct shall maintain the premises thereof free from any accumulation of refuse matter or offal Section 12 All dairy cows which produce milk foi the market of the City of Fort Collins shall be free from all disease that would in any way affect the milk, such as Tuberculosis Anthrax, Lumpy Jaw, Texas Fever, Pneumonia, Parturient Apoplexy, cs� Malignant Catarrh No cow shall be used in any dairy which supplies milk for sale within this city unless she has been tested with tuberculin for tuberculosis, and no milk shall be sold in this city from any aairy unless a certificate of the Food Inspector or qualified veterinarl&n has been filed i th tn.., City Clerk, showing that all the cows in said dairy have been tested and are free from all the diseases mentioned herein The Fooa Trspector shall be entitled to receive the sum of $2 00 per head for the first ten head and fifty cents for each additional animal so tested Such certificate shall be filed at least once a year and at such other times as the City health Officer shall direct ho milk shall be sold or offered for sale from ary cow not so examined Additional certificates shall be immediately filed lox c,ovs aaaed to anj aairy i ,, Shall be tl e duty of the City Clerk to keep a per- manent record of all such certificates Cows found to be affected witn any of tle forego_ng diseases shall be marked or branded for identification by the Inspector No milk shall be sold which is from a cow which shall calve within two weeks or has calved within one week If any cow be sick or diseased the owner Lnereof shall not offer for sale any milk therefrom, but shall, dt once, destroy such milk or cream and shall notify the -ood Imzrector at once of the fact of such sickness or disease The Food Inspector shall have power to compel the isolation fro,n the herd of cows suffering from contagious diseases No milk or cream shall be sold, given away, or delivered which shall have been produced from any nouse or premises there there is a communicable Disease (9) ARTICLE III ICE Section 1 Fvery person desiring to engage in the business of seliing ice with-r ` ie city shall, be"ore engaging in such business, file a wri ten application with she City Clerk for a license there"or stating in such application the name of the apulicant, whether ae ice is manafactured, and if not, here the .ame is to be or has been cut or gathered and the number of wagons or vehicles intended to be used by said applicant for he delivery thereof Upon so doing, and the payment of a fee or as- - , for each wagon or other vehicle intended to be used by such applicant for the delivery of ice, a license may be granted to such applicant All licenses granted under this section shall, unless sooner II suspended or revoked, expire on the 31st day of December next after the issue thereof Section 2 All ice sold or delivered within this city for domestic use shall be pure and free from matter deleterious to health, fid such ice is hereby defined to be ice ihich, upon chemical bacteriological examination, shall be found to be free from nitrites and pathogenic bacteria and not to contain more than 5-1000 of 1 Fart of free ammonia and 5-1000 of 1 pait of albuminoid ammonia in 100, 000 parts `'ection 3 It shall oe the dutj of the Food Inspector to examine or cause to be examined, ice o3fered for sale vithin tYiis city, and the places where ice is manafactured stored and kept anz the wagons or other vehicles from whicn It iq solo. or aelivered to ascertain whether such ice is pure ana free Irom -natter aurtful to health according to the foregoing stand-ird ( 10) Section 4 Vvcry person selling ice or offering ice for sale, shall at the tl>>e of delivery, if requested so to do by the purchaser, weight the quantity of ice delivered, and for that purpose, shall be provided with scales or other apparatus for weigh- ing such ice which snall have been duly adjusted by the person charged with the duty of inspecting weights and measures within the city ARTICLE IV MEAT Section 1 Ro meat shall be sold or offered for sale within this city without first having been inspected and approved by the Food Inspector or his authorized assisstants and deputies No person shall kill or dress any animal or meat in any market or store, nor have nor permit to escape therein or % ithin 100 feet thereof any poisonou-,, noxious or offensive substance No blown, tainted, raised stuffed, putrid, impure or unhealthy orunWholgsome meat or fish, bird or fowl shall be kept, bought or sold, or offered for sale for human food or held or kept in any market or any plgce in this city To calf, pig or lamb, nor the meat thereof, shall be bought sold or oifered for sale a. food in this city which, being a calf, was when killed, less than four weeks old, ana when dressed shall weigh less Lqan seventh"-five pounds or, being a pig, was, when killed less tnan ^ive weeks old or, being a lamb was when killed less than ein�nt weeks old No meagre, sickly or unwholesome fish, bird or other fowl, or other fooa animal shall be bought or sold, or oifered for sale as food in the city No meat (11) No meat or dead arimals aoove the size of a rabbit shall be taken to any market or store until the same shall have fully cooled and all blood shall have ceased dripping therefrom, nor until the entrails have been removed nor shall gut fat or any unwholesome matter or thing be brought to or near such market No meat shall be sold for food 4hen the same has been fed upon garbage swill carrion offal or dead arimals Section 2 The keeping and slaughtering of all cattle and all other animals and the preparation and keeping of all meat -nd fish, birds and fowls shall be in that manner hick is best adopted to secure ana continue their safety and inolesomeness as food No slaughtering, tanking or rendering shall b- permitted % itbin the city nor within one bile olf the outer limits thereof without permit from the C) y Clerk issued on the order o tie Food Inspector, and all slaughter houses shall comply with the follo; ing requirements No slaughtering shall be done in barns, sheds or other buildings not designed and not suitable for slaughtering animals and for the handling, dressing and cooling of meats, nor shall any slaughtering be done outside of a building All slaughter houses shall have suit- able floors and shall be properly drained All slaughtei houses shall have an abunaant supply of water from an uncontaminated source ana which may be supplied with adequate pressure through a hose to any part of the room or rooms used for the slaughtering or pre- paring meats for food The floors shall be thoroughly washed each day after slaughtering is completed The walls and all exposed sur- faces on the inside of uhe slaughter houses shall be cleaned by washing or scraping as often as once in each month ana if the (12) surfaces are not painted, they bliall be calcimined or white-washed at least once a month Cooling and store rooms for meat shall be properly ventilated All offal and refuse shall be removed from the slaughter house on the day on slaughtering and be disposed of in a sanitary manner All animals kept in yards attached to slaughter houses shall be treated In a humane manner and if kept tlere over twelve hours, snall be fed and watered All slaughter houses from which meat is brou€ht into thiscity which are not under Government Inspection shall be under the direct supervision of tie Food Inspector No person shall sell or offer for sale within tiis city any meat which does not bear the meat inspection brand or other mark of the Board of Health or of the bnited States department of Agriculture All inspection shall be made under the rules and regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture the inspector shall condemn and destroy, as provided in said regulationf, all carcdtes or parts of carcases found to be unit nor food No slaughtering shall be done in the absence of the Inspector or of nis duly qualified assistants or deputies An ante-mortem and Post-mortem examination shall be made of all animals slaughtered for food The Inspector shall be treated in a courteous manner and any violation of the rules ana regulations shall be the cause for the withdrawal of inspection from than place The inspector shall direct such disposition of such carcasas as he shall deem proper Every dealer in meat shall cause the place where such meats are kept or offered for sale to be thoroughly cleaned and purified at least once in every twenty-four hours No dealer in meat shall keep any refrigerator or ice boxes unless the same shall be lined vith lead or some proper substance so ao to be water tlrht nor unless the same be providea with a pipe of lead inc or copper (13) leading therefrom to the proper waste pipe Section 3 ^ieat slaughtering out-side of this city and brought into this city for sale may be inspected and branded or otherwise marked for identification by the Food Inspector or nos assistants under the following rules to-vit till carcasses must have the head q all viscera except the stomach, bladder aria in- testines held together by natural attachment and all such carcasses shall be brought to such place at such time as may be desingnated by the Food Inspector or his assistants rh o shall be notified when such meat is ready for inspection ARTICLF V Section 1 E�,ery person aesiiing to engage in she ba-ine�s of selling meats poultry fish butter cheese laid vegetables, flour meal or o ier provi�..ons n ended for human consumption, shall before engaging in such business, file a vritten application witn the Cit`, Clerk for a license therefor, stating the name of the applicant ana the glace ; -sere sued business is to be ce ried on Upon so doing, and he payment of a fPe of Dollars, a license shall be grarted to such applicant All license granted under this section shall unless sooner suspended of revoked expire on tle 31st of December next after t e issue thereof Section 2 Everj person being tle owner lessee or occupant of G-y place other than a private dwelling house mere any meat, fish poultry, game, vegetables, fruit of other nerishaole rtic,9V1s of lood stall be stored or kept and every person engaged in the care custoay or sale of any such articles of food supply shall put preserve and ,eep suca articles in a clean ana wholesome (14) conaition and ehcill not allow tie same, or any part thereof to be putrid decayed )oisoned infected or in any other manner rendered or madenot safe, or unwholesome for human food, and it shall be the duty o" the `'ood Inspec or and his assistants to ent- er any ana all such premises at anv time of any day and for them to condemn seize and destroy any such putrid, decayea poison- ed or infected food wh_ch may be found in said premises Section 3 Po oerson shall expose for sale in riffs city or any diseases, emaciated tainted or putrid meat provisions ho person shall offer for sale the meat of any animal killed rhile such animal was in an overheated feverish or disepsed condition Pro person shall bring or cause to be brought into this city of sell or o fer for sale any decayed or unwholesome fruit, vege- tables or berries, nor keep or store any decayea or unwholesome fruit vegetables, or rPrries It shall be the dutv of the Food Inspec- tor having knowledge of such fact, forthwith to seize and destroy all such meat and provisions fruit vegetables or berries Sect on 4 It shall be 4be duty of every person knoiing of any food sold or offered for sale in this city which is not sound or in healthful or iholesome condition forthwith to report such facts to the City Clerk Section 5 No meat, fish fruit vegetables berries or other articles of human t'ood or drink shall knowingly bE bought sold, held or offered for sale i-abeled or any representation made in reopect thereof under a faytlse name or quality, or under any false representation whatsoever, resr -Ming its wholesomeness for food or drink IRTICLF vI 1 (15) ARTICLE VE Section 1 Any person firm, or cor-)oration vrYo violates disobeys neglects or refuses to comply with or resists any o uhe provisions o t11is ordinarce shall upon conviction oe ined in a sum not less than Five Dollars and not -pore uhan Cne LTundred Dollars except ab provided in ,iticle II `'ection 9 hereof Section 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflirt or inconsistent herew_th are nereby repealed ole- /;7 a�