HomeMy WebLinkAbout002 - 03/15/1909 - MAKING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1909, AND TERMINATING MARCH 31, 191 OP.DI°' S'CE N0. a2 CF THE C7FRI` OF 1909. AN ORDINANCE MAKING TrE APPEOPRIiTICNS FOR TF.E FICCPL YEAR BECIN""ING APRIL 1, 1909, AND TEPl IN_;TING PARCH 31, 1910. Be It ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Section 19 That there be and is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 19C9, and terminating h!arch 31, 1910, the sum of Eighty Three Thousand Five .Hundred Fifteen and 94/100 Dollars, to be raised by taxation and otherwise, which sum is hereby divided and appropriated to the following specific purposes, to-wit: For laintenance of Cewers and Drains loco.✓ ror ;,:aintenance of Streets, alleys and bridges 7000 For Maintenance of public Crounds and Buildings 1000 ✓ For Improvement of City Hall and Jail loco For taintenance of Fire Department and payment 1700 of Fire Alarm Telegraph Fental ) For 1::aintenence of Grand View Cemetery 2COC For Maintenance of Electric and Cas Lights 6coo ✓ Sor General Expenses 3000 For Unforeseen Contingencies loco For Construction of Side-walks in anticipation of 500 Collection of Special Assessments) For Salaries of officers and Employees. 15324 For Fort Collins Firemen 1000 For 1aintenance of Public Library 1000 For Providing Public Band Concerts "' zoo ✓ ?MT 4�. And also the special levies are approptiated to the specific purposes for which made, as follows: For maintenance of Public Library 2171. 18 For Park Commission 2171 . 18 For Interest on Park Bonds 1302. 70 For Permanent Street Improvement 6513. 54 ��1�L158.60 And the revenue derived from water rentals is divided and apportioned as follows: And no portion of the revenue to be so derived shall be apportioned to any other fund until after the payment of the items mentioned, to-wit : Sinking Fund, First Series ,ater Bonds 5833.34 '" Interest, mater Bonds 11400. 00 vj Water Works b,aintenance and Salaries 8000.00 For Construction of New Main Extensions 4000. 00 7M3 . 34 Passed and adopted, signed and approved this day of �� , 19C9. A T T E S T. Lay or. /s/ Robt. S. Fedder City Clerk.