HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - 02/18/1918 - AMENDING SECTION 12 OF ORDINANCE NO. 011, 1889, RELATING TO THE TAKING AND USING OF WATER ORDINANCE NO.___- 1 SERIES OF Ordinance No. is Series of 1919. CVDIYANCE AMENDING SECTION 12 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER ELEVEN Op THE SERIFS OP 1889, mirtm "RELA` a TO THE TAKING AND Usna OP WATER' HE IT ORSAINED BY T E CITY COUNCIL OP TFF CITY OF FOR* cOLLINS: Section 1. That Seetien Twelve of Ordinance Number Eleven of the I Series of 1383, entitled 'Relating to the Taking and Using of Water', be a*.-W.ed to read as follows: ' Section 12. Licenses and permits for the use of water will be granted under the provisions of this ordinance, at the following term and rates: fMN 404.0) CLASS PRIVA_E PFFI.LI3sS• 4 rooms or less $10.00 Faca additional room 1.50 Bath tubs, each 1.60 Stover baths, each 2.00 Motor Washing =achlaes, each 4.00 Water closets, each 3.00 Urinals, each 3.00 Stean heating .00 3 Hot Water heating 3.00 CLASS II - 3OTE14z IMM 0-2IIM?H3 HOUSES. ROoa->. each 1.00 Bath tubs, public, each 5.00 Toilets, public, each a 5.00 BstS Saps, private, each 2.00 Toilets, private, each 2.00 Urinals, hand flushed, each `.00 Stesm heating. per room .GO Hot water beating. per roe= .30 C,ASS - - BLCCRS A.TD O:F:CE B5ILr3F1r3S. Office rcc=s upstalrs, ease a �.0,0 C^rice rooms downstairs, each. $1 .00 Stea-, Heating, per roe= .00 Hot *ster heating, per roam 50 Toilets. each �- Urinals, each 5.9C C A_cS Do YV - STORES E.YD M-vCASTI:2 ES-ABLISa , ,. BILLIA.43 AND POOL P6pT.114',TS, miOC!'IE-v GALL^BIES, B3W'-1&; AU YS, ALgjSr7�'",3' oA?.LORc. Rate per annum. For t=e first 25 ft. of frontage cr less $10.00 For each acditlenal foot of frontage, per front root .140 7Ci_ets, each Urinals, each 3.00 Steam heating 5'00 Flat *ztc- heating 3.00 2.00 Bja^ksm th stop $10.00 rb -CZ 20. _e'-e - C0 c=s 20. c 91is, prlvate a4112, Public •er rent 10.00 Toilets, Lacy 20•0 Urinals, each 5.00 Stec= heating 5.00 Hot aster hcating 3'C ; 2.00 1 ORDINANCE NC- �_.._---SERIES OF 1y18. 417 , or'lluance No. 1. Series of 1918. (COntlene!, C " - PRIYATp 24vrvS AD BA°3S. First horse or mule Ea<* additional hers* or smle 3 d First Cow 1.00 Esch additional cow 2.00 k G'.l consumers not comirg within tee above classi icaticas shall be place? on theftllowing schedule of rates for xctered service Such schedules shall likewise be available to all water consumers lccateA -_tn!n the tits limits who will Iastsll meter_ and comply with the rules aad reo Ystiens thereto pertainlmmg: Referring to Clsss V1I lgetered Service," ell water Used by cons'=ers .falling within t!:Ss elassificstioa within the rorpo-ate 11a1ts of the City of Fort Collia3. shall be p113 for xathly on tee first day o' the succeGfna_ *oath, and if not paid by the fifth eV of the succeeding month, tte rater stall to abut off by order of the CO=Issicner of Works, and shall not be tnrnej an again untti all arrearages shall have beer pa:d. ts-Tether skit the re_u:_ fee for tum.lrg en the caster. The etarges per xerth for rater Reese-ed tirougr a meter ah,ll to as fclloae: Hate• First 10,OCO gallcas cons?--%tica ter -cstt per 2000 gaiicns, .20 Bert 30090 • : - • • • • • � • 60,000 • • • • • • • ..15 " 250,030 • • • . • • • .07 • 650,%0 • • " " • . ! .06 For all conauWtiun during the wontZ in exec=s tf 1,6.^.J,0Q0 gallons per 1000 .04 r M1aI-m—g Monthly 3uaraa•ees: Fie of Meter MI"I m !Scat=:y ucz--antee `/F in. or smaller $i.Aa^. 3N in. 1.50 1 in. 2.00 1 s In. 3.03 2 in. 4.50 3 i3. 6.00 a 12. 9.O0 6 in. 15.0O Larcer 25.0.1 In coamgtiar the eont=;, eh;r=e for water by the ester, the amount dee en ttc first 10sW3 galleas thy: to added to the aaouat dae en the second 10,C90 gallens and in like aaaser eacL sdditianal 13,040 galleas hsr!Z9 a di"erent rat- per 1730 galleas. ss she= b; the cuter reader -*Or a paricd decided to be cccip..&,•s. co_tlruous or =echanical f:ov f_cures, rr!=.15 amd tol'_et=. anti-freeae toilets, hopper toilets and ®echsnlca;.;4 :.uszed toiletso shall bt placed on ceters and paW=ezt therefor shall be sale in accordaace with the schedule of rates for meter service. If any meter shall fall to rester in any one month the cassawer __ali be charged for the arers_e monthly consu=ptlen during the two preceeding ORDINANCE '*TO. 1 SERIES OF 1918. Ordinance /o. 1, Series or igla. (Continued) months as she= by his meter. All outside toilets or water closets, whether connected with private doellings or not, shall be placed an meters. All meters shall be of a size, type and design approved by the City Cowilsslaners and In conformity with requlremants of the Public Vt:11tles Co=lsslon of the State of Colorado, and shall be installed by the water department. Each meter shall be inspected by the water department, and mast be properly adjusted be:ore installation. The cost of the meter and the expense of installation and =aluteaanee shall be borne by the owner of the praoeals. A record shall be :made and preserved of each meter Installed, together with the locaticr of meters, service pipe or pipes, stop-cocks and taps. All meters shall be supplied with a stop-cock an eact aide of the =eter. All meters shall be placed in an easily accessible part of the preaesis using water through suc! meter. Such location and placement to be approved by the Comal ssloner of Loris or his deputy, and the sale may be inspected at an; reasonable time by the officer of the water warns department or by representatives of the Public Utilities Commission. When r touse or preresls is occupied by core Loan one frilly, there shall be etrged the re_slar flat rate for each ' fly using the water, or in lieu of such cLar;.e a meter shall be ZnstaiZe=. Preaesis without service connections ns_=g rzte- fro-- the Fort Collins rater system and Lasing the save f-o= the service pines on &natter premise, shall be ebar_ed 05.GO each per arnu=. Owners of blocks, buildings, or premeds occupied by more than one tennant and using or taking water from t=e a&= service connection r l be liawie for the water rent for toe vzole of suet block, building, cr are_iscs, before a permit shall be be Issued for the use of water therein; provldet, however, that pay--eat of the full rental for the entire block will be waived on condition that the owner of such block, tuilding, or p-e=esis shall install separate connections and shu• -O:ff valves for each and every tenant ttereln residing. k Superintehdant of Water Works whenever used in ordinances `fall sear. Cc—issicaer of Works In charge of that department under the Cc-ax-ter. Any pe-scr convicted of molesting, tampering with, or in k i an —.=er wtatsoever interfering with the adjustment and use of any water meter used In the City of Port Collins, shall bedee_ced guilty of a . misdemeanor and punished by fine of not less than 010 nor more than $50 for each and every Offense. ' S ORDINANCE NG. --SERIES OF__jgjq 419 Ordinance Io, 1. Series of 1918. (Continued) i Read firsttlse and ar!ered geblfahed at a realer neetiag Of the City Council seld on the kth daffy of February, A. D. 1918. Passed and adopted the 18th day of February, A. O. 1918. Commissioner of Safety and EX-officic Mayor. 0TEST. o City�f ertc ' S'°A'E OF CMXRdJO.) -ss COMM OF IdRIDtE,Z.) I, E. J. Gregory, City Clerc of the City of Port Collins, do hereby certify that the foregoing orciaa-.ce, Consisting of are (i) section, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the Utt day of February, 1918 and was at said meeting of the City Council ds:y ordered by Aye and Say vote to be published In the Port Collins Courier, a daily + newspaper of the City of Port Collins, is accordance with the prorlslc= of fl section 7 of Article Iv of the City Charter; teat tcereafter and on, to-wit, the 18th day of February, 1919, at a re5ula- seetlag of tre City Cocncii, said f ordinazee came before said Connell an its f'iaai passage, a period of sore tuna — i ten days having elaased since the pubilc4tion as above set forth, and that said ordinance was upon second reading duly adopted as an ordinance; and that thereafter ded an, to-wit, the 19th day of Februar701918, said OrdInumace go. 1. 1919, as finally passed and adapted, was duly publ:=hed in the Fort Coll ms Courier. a daily newspaper. published 1a the City of Pert Co:iL^s, Colorado. II WITNESS Y�-£OF, I have nere=.to set sy hand this ?ta day of February. A. D. 1918. City Cleric,, J x d" •. q