HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - 07/27/1918 - REQUIRING ALL ABLE-BODIED MALE PERSONS IN THE CITY BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 55 YEARS TO ENGAGE IN ORDINANCE NO. P SERIES OF 1918 . BEING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL ABLE-BODIED MALE PERS01TS IN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 1B AND 55 YEARS TO ENGAGE IN SOME USEFUL EMPLOY- MENT, OCCUPATION, BUSINESS, TRADE OR PROFESSION DURING THE CRISIS RESULTING FROM THE PRESENT WAR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLI`JS: WHEREAS, a large number of our citizens are engaged in the military service of the United States and are o1v- 1ng .their lives for those at home, exd it is a sacred duty of those at home to aid Grid support those who are sacrific- ing their lives for their country and fellow citizens; and WHEREAS, useful labor and the production and conserva- tion of food and supplies are now the prime necessities of the United States, and are imperatively necessary to the very existence and freedom of the national government and this municipality; and WHEREAS, all able-bodied persons in this city shall contribute their full quota of energy and service to the preservation and freedom of the nation and this municipality, and idlers and slackers are during such times a reproach upon and menace to the safety of the people; and WHEREAS, an emergency exists on account of the shortage of labor, food and supplies; now, therefore: Sec. 1 . That during the period of the present war, it shall be the duty of every male person in the City of Fort Collins between the ages of 18 and 55 years, physically able to v.ork, ;rhetner �.-ith or without weans cf sup, orting themselves, to engage in some useful employment, occupation, -1- w business, trade or profession for at least thirty-six (36) hours durK; each week. Sec . 8. That the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to students while attending educational institu- tions or to persons temporarily here seeking rest or rec- reation, having the means of paying their own expenses, or tt persons regularly employed taking temporary vacations, or to persons temporarily unemployed by reason of differ- ences with their employers,- or to such seasonable or other 0 reEular employment as required in the proper discharge of their duties, less than the minimum of thirty-six (36) hours mentioned in this ordinance, or to perscns who have been regularly employed and who are out of employment for not exceeding seven days seeking other employment. Sec . 3. The Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officic Mayor is hereby authorized � __. _.irected tc designate some de artment or employs of the City of Fort Collins to aid and assist any person required to work under the terms of this ordinance, and who is otherwise unable to find employ- ':YT10t4 ment, to obtain work, and alarm and with/amployers shall file applications for employes; and suc.. person so desig- nated by the Commissioner of Safety is hereby authorized to issue exemption cards good not to exceed two :reeks at a time for the purpose of enabling the person to whom is- sued to find suitable employment . And the Commissioner of Safety is hereby authorized to incur all the necessary expenses in carrying out the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Any person who shall violate the provisions cf this ordinance by the neligent failure, omission or 2afusal to comply •. ith tie same shall, upon conviction, be -2- A fined in the sum of not less than One Hundred ( 100.00) Dollars or more than Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) dars, and during the term of said imprisonment shall be required to work on the streets, highways and public places of the City of Fort Collins. Sec . 5. In the opinion of t .e City Council, and emery ency exists, and this ordinance is necessary for the immedi- ate preeervaticn of the public health, peace and safety, :nd this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 8 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the Council this _:4Z_day of July, A. D. 1918. Commissioner of S fety and Ex-Cfficio ;Mayor. ATTEST: C ty Clerk. -3- w STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. COU'TT" OF LARITTER ) I, A. J. Rosenow, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of five (5) sections was duly pro- posed and read at length at a meeting of the City Council held on the 27th day of July, A. D. 191S and was duly adopted and ordered published in The Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper, by the unamimous vote of all the rembers of the Council as an emergency ordinance in accordance :with the provisions of Sactions 8 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and thereafter and on to-;lt, the Je day of July, A. D. 1918, said Ordinance Pdo . If was duly published in The Fort Collins Empress, a daily nawspaper ,published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. I.' WIT.IESS 17FEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said city this 4. day of July, A. D . 1918 . City Clerk. -4- r BY AUTBORTrY. differAces with their employers, or ORDINANCE NO. 37. SERIES OF 1918. to, o our asonable or other regular em- COUNCILMAN'S BILL NO. 37, I Ploys as required in the proper dis- TRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN HOL. ehl,g,, .l their duties, less than the minimurn number of thirty-six hours LAND. me¢tiuned in this ordinance, or to per- A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE sons who have been regularly employed E REQUIRING and who are out of employment for not ALL ABLE-BODIED MALE PER- exeeeding seven days, seeking other SONS IN THE CITY AND COUNTY employment. OF DENVER BETWEEN THE SECTION 3. The Mayor is hereby au- AGES OF 18 AND 55 YEARS TO EN- thorized and directed to designate GAGE IN SOME USEFUL EMPLOY- some department or employe of the MENT, OCCUPATION, BUSINESS, City and County of Denver to aid and TRADE OR PROFESSION DURING assist any person required to work on- THE CRISIS RESULTING FROM der the terms of this ordinance (and THE PRESENT WAR. who Is otherwise unable to find em- BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUN- ploemont) to obtain work, and where CIL OF THE CITY.AND COUNTY OF or with whom employers shall file up- DENVER: plications for employes: and such WHEREAS, a large number of our person sn designated by the Mayor Is citizens are engaging in the military hereby authorized to Issue exemption service of the United States, and are cards good for not to exceed two giving their lives for those at home, weeks at a time for the purpose of en- and it is the sacred duty of those at abling the person to whom issued to home to aid and support those who are find suitable employment. And the sacrificing their lives for their coun- mayor Is hereby authorized to Day any try and their fellow citizens; and expenses incidental to carrying out the WHEREAS, useful labor and the provisions of this ordinance out of the production and conservation of food Ehmc,a­pcy Fend. and supplies are now the prime neces- SECTION 4. Any person who shall sftiea of the United States, and are Im- velol at., the previsions of this ordinance Deratively necessary to the very exist- by the negligent failure., omis;ion or -nee and freedom of the national gov- refusal to comply with the same shall, ernment and this municipality; and upon conviction, be fined In the sum WHERLAS, all able-bodied persons of not lees than One Hundred Dollars in this City. and County shouldeon- tribute their full quota of energy and 4100.00), or more than Three Hundred service to the preservation and freedom Dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment of the nation and this municipality, for not more than ninety (90) days, or and idlers and slackers are during such by both such Pine and imprisonment,and times a reproach upon, and menace to during the term of such imprisonment the safety of, any people; and ,hall be required to work on the WHEREAS, an emergency exists on streets, highways and puDen places of account of the shortage of labor. food LL SECTION nd County of Denver. and supplies; now, therefore: 5. In the opinion of the SECTION 1. That during the period Council this ordinance Is necessary for Pub- of the present war it shall be the duty the a Immediate prescrvsafetation , the pub- of every male person in the City and be health and public .safety, and shall County oP Denver, between the ages he in Pull force and effect immediately of 18 and 55 years, physically able to after its ae cage and final publication. work, whether with or Without means Passed by the Council and signed e, oP strpDnrttng themeelvee, to engage in 1918Frea7deat this loth day of June, some useful employment, Occupation, LOUIB F. BARTELS, President. business, trade tr profession for at Signed and approved by me this 11th ]east thirty-six (36) hours during each day of June, 1918. Week. W. F. R. MILLS, Mayor. SECTION 2. That the provisions of Attested by me with the corporate this ordinance shall not apply to stu- seal of the City and County of Denver. dents While attending educational Insti. (Seal.) CHARLES A,LAMMERS, tutions. or to persons temporarily here Clerk and Recorder, Ex Officto Clerk seeking rest or recreation, having the of City and County of Denver. means of paying their own expenses, By W. S. PECK, Deputy Clerk. or to persons regularly employed tak- Published in The Denver Times. Ing customary vacations, or to persons First publication June Oth, 1918. temporarily unemployed by reason of Last publication June 12th, 1918.