HomeMy WebLinkAbout003 - 03/22/1919 - AMENDING SECTION 191 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO WOOD BUILDINGS WITHIN FIRE LIMITS (EMERGENCY ORDIN ORDIPTANCE NO 1919 BELiG AN E IERCEIVCI ORDI14ANCE ANRNDITIG SECTIOv 191 OF THE FORT COL M S CODE' RELATInC TO MODE BUILDIgGS TITFIii FIRE LIMITS c� 0, VA BE IT ORDAIivED, By the City of Fort Collins Section 1 That Section 191 of the Fort Collins Code relating to vrooaen buildings within the fire limits be amended so as to read as follows No woodep buildings shall oe erected within Vie tire limits or moved into such limits from any place beyond the boundaries thereof , nor moved froi one place to apother vtithi i such limits A Duildin- of a ivooaen frame whose sides shall be covered Nith szeet iron or otner metal shall be deemed a wooden buildinF, within the meaning of this oraina-ice ivo adaitions stall be r'ade to any woocaen buildings Provldea, that r_ny necessary smali repairs , not exceeding the sum oT %eti r/D `=/ Dollars may be made of mood to any Tvooaen building in existence at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance i4o such small repairs in wood shall be construed to mean a general renovation of any sucn building or any essential modiricaticai tnereor , either in the repair of the roof or otherwise except plans ana specifications for such changes or repairs in said building have been previously submittea to the builaing inspector ana approved by him and t7ereafter duly approved by the City Council i10 building o7ithin said fire limits which now has a shingle roof shall be reshinglea except upon tre approval of the building inspector and peiuissior to be auly grantea by the City council upor the presentation of an application in writing Provided, hoveever, that any repairing may be made to a r ooden building, with fire proof material Provided, further that this section shall not be deemed to apply to coal houses ana privies less than ter by ter feet in dimensions Sectior 2 in the opii-lion of the Giiy Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the pablic healtn peace and safety ana this orainance snall take eaiect unoii its passa,,e and publication under ana bi virtue of the authority coatwined in Sections 5 and r of Article I4 of the City Charter Intioduced read at length and adoptea by the unanimous vote of all the renbers o2 the Gitj �,ou-,cil this 'Y'?'*� day of Larcri A D 1919 omriissiener of met ana Ex-officio uayor Attest City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) COUiVTI OF LARDER ) Ss CITI OF FORT GOLLIi S ) i, A j Rosenovv, City Clerk of the City of Fort �,olliiis do nereby certify and aeclare that the foregoing crairanee consistir, of two sections was duly proposed and read at lengtn at a regular meeting of the City Council hela on the 1�/� day of Liarcn A D 1919, and was auly adopted and oraerea publishes in the -2- Fort Collinb Coi rier, a daily newspaper ana the official paper of saia City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all the members ox the City Councii as an emergrency orai, ante, in accordance ^+ ita the previsions of Sections 6 apd 7 of Article IV oj. the City Charter ano thereafter and on to wit, the .?,5- dG,} of Ufarch, A E 1919, said Ordinance i�o .3 ras auly publishea in the Fort Collins courier a daily newspaper ana the official paps of sc..ia Ci+y , published in the city of Fort Collins Colorado IN TIJJ�ESS VdHEREOF I have hereunto set my hana ana affixed the seal oT the saia pity tnis -2S any of March A D 1919 City Clerk