HomeMy WebLinkAbout015 - 06/28/1924 - RELATING TO THE CORRECTION OF WOODFORD AVENUE BY VACATING A PORTION THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE P ORDINANCE :TO. 1924, 3=7v! A:T r,: 7:MTCY CP,DITTINC3 R7LATI:`TG TO T?:l COPr7CTION OF C'O.ODPOPD P.10. iE BY VACATING A ?OR710N T:977OF TO A CCOPD R'ITH THE ?PMS=TT ^IIDTH F.eretofore Prospect Place, being an addition to t'se City of Fort Collins 'having thereon a street platted end k:c:m as -volford Avenue at the time of the said platting and the acceptance thereof, the s aid avenue ,vas platted to be fairtyfive (35) feet in width, and rj:2:=q5, Since t'.ie platting and acceptance thereof of the said Prospect Place, it has been ascertained and daterm-ined by accurate surveys that tte said '�wcdford Avenue is forty and t;vo-tenths (4C.2) feet vrlde at t::e east line of Shields Street and forty-eight (48) feet wide at the zmat line of Washington. Avenue; therefore BE IT R.:SOLVED BY the City Co,;,jci1 of tie City cf tort Co111rs that for the rarpose of correcting said error and making the said Woodford Avarn:e a uniform width of forty (40) fast, it is necessary to vacate a portion thereof which has been accura,sly surveyed; therefore BE IT OP.DAI_T✓D BY TIM CITY CCT. CIL OF T=- CITY OF FORT COLI,I'TS: Section 1. That by reason of the premises t?.t portion_ of Woodford Avenue along the ao-ath side ,-n rsof, within the corporate 1'4 its of the City of Fort Collins lying south of a line forty (=0) fe=t so--ah of and -)arallel to the north !in a of the said avenue situate in the Southwast quarter of Section 11, Township 7 North, Pange 69 W33t of t:w 6th ?. '•, and core I,articl..larly describe! 'by ne,es and bo=ds as follows: 132pin-_ing at a point 724.8 Pet north and thirty (30) feet east of the swat.^.ust corner of said section, thence north two-tenths of a foot to a point forty feet south of to north line of said avenue, thence east parallel to the north line of said avenue 1161.1 feet to the wist line of 7ihshington Avenue, thence so-jth eig:_t feet to a point 724.8 feat north of the south line of said section, thence viest parallel to said south line 1161.1 fast to point of beginning, be vacated, excepting therefrom that portion of said strip traversed by the alley ll _`_Mean (18) feat wide it Dlcck '-?o. 1; 4yra straat sixty (50) feet wide; a1'ey t«snty (2C) feet wide in 3locio '-'a. 2; Obrdon Streat fifty (50) wide ani tls alley twenty (20) feat wide in block 3, said straets, alleys and blocks being a part of carat is -proposed to beco:oe a part of tr9 City of Fort Collins known as Kenwood Haigr_ts. Section 2. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the pre3ervatior, of the public health, peace and safety and t:^'_s oralne_ce stall take effect upon its pasaage and publication, under and by virtue of `,•.a authority contained in Secticr_s o and 7 of article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length end adopted by t ,a waanimoas wta :f all nemb)rs of the City Council, this 2 8� day of June, A. D., 192r. c aiseierar of afety and x--C'ff .o :zyor.— A .,.,��. -, :. City Clerk. STA= 0_ C01,02 00 ) ) SS. CUV -y Cr umum ) I, A. J. 703-01:, City Clerk of the City of tort Collins do hareby certify and dscizr t:-n-, hz? fora going ord-i-a-ce, consistins of tlVO (2) s---t:=3 --=.3 dal ^d o A ten t le'r.-t• t lar eti yJ 'orO.:C^. .d a � E Erega___ -:s_ rg c t_w City Co•ancil rwl3 on the J_� day of June,-A. D. 1924, and was duly adootad and ordered pa lisrwd in the snort Collins Exarsss-Co liar, a daily nevvsparer and the official nervs_a_er of t:w City of fort Collins, as an amergency ordinance, in aacordarca with tha .rrovisicrs of Secticros 5 and of Article IV of the City C =.er, and thereafter, on to-sit: t.:e day V^r J3q, A.. D. 192--, said Ord Dance iio. �� was drly - Ilished in the Fort Collins Express-Cot,rier, a daily -a•,vspaper Yubli-shed in Fort Coliirs, Colorn-,Q. IN aYT^_7a3S 17M=O_ I live hereuntoan set ::6' hand and affixed the seal of said City th_ ,s day of Juj , A. D. 192?. City Clerk.