HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 - 07/15/1922 - RELATING TO PUBLIC AUCTIONS, LICENSES FOR PEDDLING AND TRANSIENT SALES (EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) r- ORDI9L^IT.C_ iio. , 1922 BEING Abi E, [ O.ctvCY ORDI;iAiiCE F�LI,TI_'G TO PJBLIC ATJCTI^'.5, LICF tSES MR =LTIM A_1-1D T-?A"SIM'm O.Aiw S ETD p.EPV,,LI:'G ALL OMIYETCES I.ND PROPISIM S OF TEE MRTL COLLI17S CODE I r CO.'MICT T=M71TE. BE IT ORDAME'D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI CITY OF TORT COLLIi'St Section 1. ?jMLIC EXTIO:73. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell any property at public aaction in the City of '?crt Collins without first '_-.wring obtained a license therefor es provided in this ordinance. Sales made under and by virtue of legal processes or :older and by virtvs of any power contained in mortgages , trust deeds .or similar instruments, are hereby excepted from the yorovisions of tas ordinance. Section 2. LIC73USE FOR HA7-,r NG OR 7MDLII3G. It steal: be unlawf;•.1 for any person to sell or offer for sale or in W rzenner assist in or about any sale or offer of sale of any goods, wares or merchandise within the cor.::crate limits of the City of Fort Collins by havking or ,addling the same withcat first having obtained a license therefor, as provided in this ordinance; at no license shall be required on any wagon or other vehicle, or of the comer thereof, bringing into the city food products grown or raised by such person or- persons so having them for sale, and are products of the state of Colorado. Section 3. LIC. 7SE MS. The fee for an auctioneer's license covering the sale of second-hand farm implements, wagons, buggies, harness, saddlery goods, livestock of all descriptions, second-hand household goods net co-::prising second-hand Sealers or u:erchants stock or any portion thereof, shall ':e one ( 1.G() dollar per day. In auctioneer's license for the sale of resident merchant stock of roods, and real property, shall be twenty-five (: 25.00) dollars ger day. All other aatttioneer's licenses for tha sale of transient merchandise brought into the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins for arch purpose shall be one hundred ( 1^,C.00} dollars filar day. The license fee to hawk or peddle popcorn, peanuts, candy and ice cream within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall be twenty-five ("25.00) dollars yen ann;m, pays:-le in advance. he license fee to hawk or peddle other goods, wares or merchandise within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall be two hundred (v200.00) dollars ---er ani=m. Section 4. LICM SE - HOW OBTArTED. The licenses provided for in sscticn 3 of this ordinance shall only be isa:Hed upon ap ,lieation and ap.�roval by the Commissioner of Safety si.Hed by the City Clsrk, upon the payment in advance of the fee provided therefor and ccunter-signed by the Conrassioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Ualror; such license shall be valid .only in the 'rands of the person to whom it is issued and shall not be transferrable . Section. S. FuTALTY. Any person or %ersone who shall violate any of the yrcvisi-.n9 of this ordinance shall ulson conviction thereof be fined not less than twenty-five (K25.00) dollars nor more than three hundred ($30C.00) dollars and costs of Er-it. In defa:Qt of payment of such fine and costs, such person may be committed and imprisoned in the city ,fail or such other place provided for the incarceration of prisoners until such fine and coats are paid but not to excead ninety (90) days. Section S. El'"TGZMY CT.A:J,`j7. In the o inion of the City Council an emergency 9tists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance ,hall take affect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of the aut_,ority contained in Secti::ns G and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Section 7. R 'MT11TG CLAUSE. All ordinances and pasts of ordinances and all provisions of the Fort Collins Code of 1918 in conflict with this ordinance are :Hereby repes.14ut this repealing clause ehali not in any manner affect any cause of action ^:ich T.:ey have accrued in favor of the City of Fort Collins as against any parson or corporation for violation of the ordinance or ordinances, repealed, but the same may be 1prosecuted as if no repeal bad been made. Introduced, read at length end ai#,teg by the unanimous vote of r. all the members of the City Co•aacil t:.is 15th day of July, A. D. 1922. o:: .. ssioner of Safety d Ex-Officio ?ayor. ATTEST: City Clerk. ST mr OF COLORADO ) ss. , COU3^TY OF LAn.naR ) I, A. J. ROSEVON, City Clerk of t City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of seven (7) sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of July, A. D. 1922, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins t;zw ' a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and thereafter, or_towit:: the 10 day of — , A. D. 1922, said Ordinance 'Yo. ✓.7 Was duly published in the Fort Collins ExprM, g daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN WITI SS 9PRMOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this /3&day of July, .A. D. 1922. City Clerk