HomeMy WebLinkAbout018 - 07/22/1922 - REGULATING THE ERECTING AND MAINTAINING OF BILL BOARDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY (EMER r ORDINANCE N0. Id, 1922 BEING AN E MCTENCY ORDINANCE REGUTA TING THE T IMCTI',1G AND -MIT'TAI`MM OF BILL BOARDS WITHIN TEE OO$POR?TE Lr?ITS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THC CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. No person or persons, firm or corporation, shell within the corporate limits of the city of Fort Collins, directly or indirectly, in person or by another, either as principal, agent, clerk or servant, erect cr -zaintain, or cause to be erected or maintained,any billboard or other structure designed to be used for advertising purposes, whereon any poster, bill, printing, painting, or other advertising matter whatsoever may be stuck, tacked, pasted, printed, posted, fastened or placed, witho-Jt a written permit so to do, issued by the mayor, attested by the city clerk, under the saal of the city. Section 2. No per eon or persons, firm or corporation, shall directly or indirectly, in person or by another, either as -principal, agent, clerk or servant, erect or maintain, or cause to be erected or maintained, any billboard or other structure as mentioned in section 1 of this ordinance, in or upon any public street, bridge, alley, building, park or other public race within the city of Fort Collins, which is owned or controlled by the said city, nor place, nor put any movable or transient board or boards whereon any advertising matter of any nature or kind whatsoever is affixed, stuck, tacked, printed, or -painted in or on any public street, avenue, alley, bride, part, thoroughfare, building or other public _:lace„ provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as prevent the proprietors, owners or agents of any lot or lots, or of any business from advertising such lot or lots ow such business u-pon said lot or lots within the limits of the place or premises where such business is carried on. Section 3. No person or persons, firm or corporation, shall directly or indirectly, in person or by another, either as principal, agent, clerk, or servant erect or maintain or catise to be erected or maintained any billboard or o*her structure finentiored in sect-on 1 of this ordinance unless the same is at least 20 feet from any stree` front and 15 feet from any side sureet and not more than 25 feet it leng}h, and the lower side of wni�h billboard is at least two feet from the ground and placed up n posts not less than six inches by six inches surfaced four sides, set to a depth of not less than three feet in the ground, and extending not more than fourteen feet above the surface of the ground, the said posts to be not more than eignt feet apart and to be braced by braces not less than two arches by six inches surfaced four sides, said braces to be securely bolted to a brace stake not less than four inches by four inches, surfaced four aides, set in the ground to a depth of not less than tv�o feet, and said braces to be securely bolted to a post not lesU than nine feet above the surface of tha ground The said billboard to be made of good subs ^ntial lumber No billboard to be nearer than three feet to any other billboard or building Section 4 It shall be the d"ty of tre c'+ief of police of the city of Fort Collins to serve notice on any person or persons firm or corporation who shall maintain billboards or other s rue ures rientioned in section 1 of this ordinance which are not in conformity With the requirements of this ordinance which notice shall require the parties to remove the same, or so to change and alter the same as to conform to the requirements of this ordinance within thirty (30) days after the service of such notice, and any person or persons, firm or corporation, who shall refuse, fail or neglect to so remove or alter such billboard or otner structure as to conform to this ordinance within such thirty days shall be punished as hereinafter , rovided Section 5 The� of the city of Fort Collins may in kd3r discretion revoke or decline to renew any permit issued bm=bdm as prov ded by section 1 of tnis ordinance and no such permit shall be issued for a Brea er period han one year No application for a permit v to erect a billboard or other structure designed to be used for idverti.ing purposes shall be considered by the mayor of the city of For Collirs uitil the written consent of the adjoining lot owners themselves, or their agents, and the owners directly opposite to such proposed billboard, if any there be, shall be exhibited to him, together with such application Section 6 Any person or persons, firm or corporation, who erect or maintain billboards, or other structures, as described in section 1 of this ordinance, shall, at their own expense, keep the ground on either side of said billboaras clean and free from waste filth and accummilation of any kind or nature whatsoever and shall keep the same in good, healthy, clean and sanitary condition and any failure to comply with this section shall be punished as hereinafter provided Section 7 Any person or persons firm or corporation, who erect or raintain billboards within the city of Fort Collins, shell, oelcre receive . m7 tm rnit from the mayor, give a bond to the city of Fort Collins in the sum of six thoasand dollars with surety or sureties to be approved lzr the city council of said city, conditioned t'iat the said person or persons, firm or corporation shall nold the ci+j of Fort Collins harmless from any judgnnnt or judrgnen`s or from any cos s or expenses occasioned by any injury or casualty hapuening o any person or nro-oerty real or persona;, eith directly or indirectly throsgh the erection or maintenance of any billboard or other structure a any and slk points in the city of For Collins Se- ion 8 A fee of .9'10 per annum for a ach billboard ernc ed or maintained shall be raid in adv-nce of tan is.i.-ice of said permit to cover the cost of the is uance of he permit examination as to construction and insuection from time to time as to the safety and proper maintenance of said structure 3 Section 9 Any person or persons firm or corporation, who, either as principal, clerk, agent, employe or servant viola es disobeys omi+s neglects or refuses to comply rrith the proris_ons of this ordinance, sl-all, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than five dollars, end not more than one hundred dollars and every omission, neglect, violation or continuance of the thing commanded or prohibited by this ordinance for twenty-four hours after notice shall cons+itute a separate and distinct offense and shall be punished accordingly Section 10 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and tnis ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of tris authority contained in Sect.Lons 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced, reed at length and adopted by t%e unanimous vote of all the members of she City Council this�22nd day of July A D 1922 o�rrrAssioi er of Safety ao6d rx-Officio kayo r ATTEST City Clerk y STiiTE OF COLORAM ) SS COJNTY OF LAPJT= ) I A J ROSEITOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consistiig of ten (10) sections, eras duly proposed and read at length at a regular mew tang of the City Council held on the 22nd day of July, A D 1922, eor,iva�c� and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins F a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Colli s by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council as ar emergency ordinances, in accordance with the provisiois of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter and thereafter on to uit the day of July, A D 1922, said Ordinance No 0 was duly published in the Fort Colli isicpra�sa, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins Colorado IlT WITITESS VMPIOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this a2cs'ay of July, A D 11122 77, City Clerk