HomeMy WebLinkAbout039 - 12/15/1923 - RELATING TO THE SALE OF MILK AND ITS PRODUCTS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY (EMERGENCY ORD ORDIANCE I10. C_3�, 1923, BEING AN MTRGENCY ORDINANCE RFLPTI''G TO TI'_F SALE OF '.ILK AND ITS PT?ODnCTS rITIIIN =, CORPORATE LI'.TITS OF THR CITY OF FORT COLLINS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO[MIL OF THF. CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. No person shall sell or offer for sale, or cause to be sold or kept for sale, or given away, any milk or cream for hz--zn food within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins without having first obtained it license therefor as herein provided. No person shall ship or bring into the city by freight, express or otharwise, any milk or cream for sale without having a license so to do. Any person desiring such license shall make application in writing therefor to the City Council upon a form which shall be provided by the City Clerk in which shall be stated the name of the applicant, his residence and the location of the Place to carry on the business. Accompanying such application shall be a report of the Food Inspector or his deputy showing that the place of business has been investigated, and having said Inspector's apIroval. Said application shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five ($45.00) Dollars, and all licenses Issued under this ordinance shall expire on the thirty-first day of December in eadh year. Provided, however, that this ordinance shall not apply to hotels, restaurants or eating houses or other places of business that serve milk or cream to their customers, obtained from regularly licensed milk dealers, +nor to merchants who purchase milk or cream from regularly licensed milk dealers for the purpose of re-selling the same, nor to persona residing° in the City of Fort Collins who shall keep not to exceed one cow. Section 2. Every person or corporation receiving a license under this ordinance shall keep the same in a conspicuous place in the room or place for which it was granted, and every person authorized to peddle milk or cream, or either of them, from a wagon or other vehicle shall cause the name and the number of the license to be plainly printed in letters and figares at least one and one-half inches in height in a conspicuous place on the wagon or vehicle In ca.e the licensee shall ship milk or cream, or either of them, into the city by express or otheririse, the number of license shall be placed on every can and he shall keep the same plain and distinct during the time for iihich such license is in force I' Section 3 Every person licensed under the provisions of this ordinance who is engaged in carrying on the business of vending milk and cream or either of them, «thin the corporate lirrits of the C ty of Fort Collins shall keep all cans and other receptacles used in and abo it the handling of *nilk and cream or (1i the r of them and all refrigerators or compartments and stores or other places where milk and cream, or either of them is kept stored or handled in a scrupulously neat and clean condition and free from the presence or vicinity of any article or thing likely to contamnna s or injuriously affect the quality or sweetness of the milk or cream and shall cause all bottles cans dippers or other receptacles in which milk or cream is kept to be sterilized with boiling water or live seam before using again and shall cause all bottles cans or dippers or other vessels used in or about the peddling or vending of milk and cream to be scalded or sterilized daily and all sterilizing and cleansing regtired by this section shall be done a9 the Food Inspector or his deputies way direct Section 4 No person shall deliver or bring into the City of Fort Collins for sale any riilk or cream unless the same is contained in a can or receptacle sealed with a metal seal by the shipper thereof and such can or receptacle shall naie such seal intact at the time it is brought into the City No person shall sell, offer for sale or dispose of or deliver to any person any milk or cream or have any milk or cream in his possession with the intent to sell, offer for sale or deliver to any person wrich he knows or has reason to believe was received in or brought into the City in a can or receptacle which did hot have its seal intact Section 5 It shall be the duty of the Food Inspector or his depaties to visit and inspect all places and vehicles in which milk and cream, or either of them, is sold or offered for sale, stored or kept or delivered and inspect all vessels cans receptacles packages refrigerators or compartmente in stores or buildings platforms establishments, or places of any kind containing milk or cream, to ascertain the condition thereof with reference to cleanliness and sanitation and to cause the removal and abatement of any unfit, unclean or injurious conditions attending the keepink, storing or possession c%re, custody or control of ar* milk or cream at any and in all places x Section 6 The City Health Officer the Food Inspector or his deuutiee, or any police officer shall have the right and power to enter and have full access to all wagons railroad cars, or other vehicles of any kind used for the conveyance or delivery of milk or cream or any place where milk or cream is kept, bottled or stored for sale or consumption in the City of Fort Collins and shall have the right to take samples of milk and cream therefrom such samples not to exceed one quart for the I.urpose of inspecting, testing or analyzing the same Section 7 No person licensed and-r this ordinance shall keep sell or offer for sale or have in his possession charge or control for sale within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins any milk which contains more than eighty-eight (88%) per cent of watery fluid or less than tvelve Uel ) Der cent of total solids or less than three and four-tenths (3 40 of butter fat or more than 100,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter No person licensed tnder this ordinance shall keep, sell or offer for sale, or have in his possession, charge or control for sale within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins any cream which contains less than sixteen (16%+) per cent of butter fat No butter shall be sold or offered for sale within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins unless it has stav=ped thereon in plain letters and figmares the name of the maker and the date of manufacture Section 8 No person shall sell or offer for sale within the corporate limits of the City of fort Collins, any milk from which the cream or any part thereof shall have been taken unless such milk shall be offered for sale and sold by such person as "skim milk," and unless the cans or other receptacles containing such milk shall have painted or printed on the outside thereof the words "Skim Milk' in plain black letters to be kept plainly visible at all tines andlpo such person shall sell, offer for sale or deliver any skim milk containing less than eight and eight-tenths (8 eo) per cent of total solids other than butter fat Section 9 Whoever by himself, or by his servant or agent or as agent or servant or employee of any other person sells or offers for sale or delvers within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins any *silk, cream or bettermilk or skim milk for human food thich is unclean, diluted impure uncgholesome adkltera+ed or not x of the standard provided for by this ordinance, or milk or cream produced from sick or diseased cows or fro^ cows kept in an unclean filthy or unhealthy condit on or cows fed any garbage swill, refuse or other improper foods or milk or cream that has been exposed or contaminated or affected by discharges or e4halations of any human being or animal, sick or infected, shall upon conviction be fined as hereinafter provided Section 10 All milk or cream from sick or diseased cows or cows fed on slops, or that may injuriously affect or be detrimental to life and health shall-upon discovery thereof be confiscated or forfeited by or under the dir-ction of the Food Inspector ov his depaties Section 11 Every person owning, keeping or in possession charge or control of any ow stable or dairy where milk cows are stabled or kept, or fro-n which milk is sold within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall have sach stable or dairy cleaned daily in a thorough manner and the accunmiulations of manure shall be kept in a tight covered box or receptacle and such manure shall be removed as often as once a week, and shall maintain the premises +-nereof free from refuse matter or offal Section 12 All dairy cows which produce milk for the maricet of the City of Fort Collins shall be free from all disease that would in any %gay affect the milk, such as Tuberculosis Antbxax Inunpy Jaw Garget Cowpox Enteritis, Septic Iletritie Suppurative processes, Pneumonia, Parturient apoplexy Malignant Catarrh and the words "Dairy Cow" are nereby defined to include the private cow from which milk is sold No cow shall be used in any dairy which supT)lies milk for private consumption or ase, or for sale within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins unless such coy has been tested with tuberculin for tuberculosis by a licenses veterinarian approved by the Food Inspector and no milk shall be sold within the corporate li-nits of the City of Fort Collins from any dairy unless a certificate from the inspecting veterinarian shall hare been filed with tie City Clerk showing that all cows in said dairy have been tested and are free from all the diseases mentioned herein and this inspection and certificate shall be made and issued apon date of inspection without er-)ense to the owner but such owner shall file the certificate with the City Clerk within ten days after the same is issued i Such certificate shall be filed at least once a year and at such other times es the Food Inspector or nis deputies shall direct No milk shall be sold or offered for sale or given away within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins from any cow not so examined Additional certificates shall be immediately filed for cows added to any dairys and it snall be the duty of the Citj Clerk to keep a permanent record of all such certifica*es Cove foand to be affected with any of the foregoing diseases snall be marked or branded for identification by the Food Inspector or his deputies, in such manner as to hake the same complete and certain No milk shall be sold or given away from a coal which shall calve athin fifteen days or has calved within five days nor until such rulk shall become normal If any cow is sick or diseased, the owner thereof snall not offer for sale or give away any milk therefrom and shall notify the Food Inspector at once of the fact of such sickness or disease The Food Inspector or his deputies shall have power to compel the isolation from the h-rd of cows suffering from contagious diseases ITo nilk or cream shall be sold, given army or delivered which shall be Droduced from any hose or premises where there is a communicable disease affecting the cows of those in charge of same Section 13 It hall be un&awful for any person suffering or infectious with scarlet fever, diptheria, tuberculosis or oth-r contagio=/disease or who has been knowingly eavosed to any such disease within a period of ten days to handle, transport, deliver mix or to serve as a milker or millZilan And ''it shall be un]ai&ul for any person to ase any bottle, can or other vessel in the sale distribut on or delivery of milk or cream which has been handled by any person sick with or infected with scarlet fever, diptheria or other contagions or infectious disease All sickness of either the family or employees, of whatever nature must be reported to the Health Department within txaanty--four hours and failure to report a contagious disease shall be cause for a forfeiture of the license It shall be unlawful for any person to serve milk, cream, buttermilk, or skim milk in bottles to any dwelling that has in it any contagious disease or that is placarded by the Department of Health for contagious disease until such placard has been removed by the proper authorities urovided, however, tba.t milk may be emptied in a separate vessel furnished by such person or family Section 14 All milk or cream gold for human food in quantities of less than one gallon shall be delivered in glass milk bottles, and all such milk or cream shall be bottled in the place provided by licensee for such purpose, and shall not be re-bottled or re-capped after resoval therefrom The dairy building regularly used for tnis purpose shall at all ` tines be kept in a clean and sanitLry condition Milk bottles milk cans and cream bot les shall be used for no other parpose than as receptacles for milk or cream Section 15 Any person, firm or corporation consuming or taking milk, cream, buttermilk, or skim milk from any can, bottle or other receptacle shall immediately after such consumption or taking clean such can, bottle or other receptacle with clean water Section 16 If at the time of application for a license under the provisions of this ordinance less than six months of the current license year shall have expired, the applicant shall be required to pay the full annual license fee of Tienty-five ($25 00) Dollars and if at the time of such application more than six months of the current license year shall have expired, the applicant shall be required to pay twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12 50) for such license and no license shall be issued under the prov sions of this ordinance for any period or part of any license year for less than twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12 50) Section 17 The rood Inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to formulate sach rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance necessary to procure a standard of milk and cream required by the provisions of this ordinance, and it shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect or refuse to comply with such rules and regulations Section 18 Upon a sworn complaint being filed with the City Council of any licensee having violated any of the terms and provisions of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to notify such licensee to appear before the City Council for a hearing on such complaint and in the event the complaint is sustained it shall be la vful for the City Council to revoke the license of such licensee and such revocation shall not in any way release the licensee from prosecution under this ordinance and fine and conviction as herein provided i Section 19 All milk and cream sold in bottles within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins snall be capped with caps bearing in plain letters the name and aldress of the milk dealer selling the same, also the true contents of the bottle and the serving of milk in any hotel, restaurant or eating house within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall constitute a sale of milk under the ordinance and subject to all the provisions and no milk shall be so served except it be in bottles direct from the producer witnoat the caps having been removed provided, however, that this section of the ordinance shall not aoply to dispensaries serving milk in connection with soda fountains)'t" WAL4o Section 20 Any person, firm or corporetion who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon convi,,tion be fined in any sum not less than Ten ($10 00) Dollars nor more than One hundred ($100 00) Dollars and costs of suit Section 21 All ordinances and parts of ord nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed Section 22 In the op nion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, pence and safety and this ardinance shall tale effect upon itd -oassage and nublicetion under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the wembers of the City Council this 15th day of December, A D 1943 Commi. siorer of Safety an xOfficio mayor ATTEST ity Ulerk STATE OF COLORfiDO ) ) SS COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I, A J ROSM Ow, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and decl"e that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of twenty-two (22) sections was duly rrorosed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 15th day of December, A D 1923, and was du15 adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimouse vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter and thereafter, to- vit the 1 day of December A D 1923 said Ordinance No &9 was duly published in the fort Collins Express-Courier a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins Colorado IN WITNESS V119MOF I have hereunto set my bend and affixed the seal of said City, this day of December A D 1923 City Clerk