HomeMy WebLinkAbout040 - 12/15/1923 - FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADES ON EDWARDS STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF COLLEGE AVENUE, r -1 ORDINANCE ;10. , 1923 BEING AN EP)ERGENCY ORDINANCE FIXING .AND ESTABLISHI'''G THE GRADES ON EDWARDS STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LI',TE OF COLLEGE AVENUE, MMPE THE SANE I17TER9ECTS EDWARDS STREET, TO THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF THE rITY LIhIITS ON EDWARDS STREET, IN THE CITY OF FORT COLL179, COLORADO- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. The grades for Edwards Street from the ea3t property line of College Ave=a, where the s me intersects Edwards Street, to the Eastern boandc.ry of the City limits of Edwards Street, are hereby fixed and established and declared to be as follows: All elevations are in relation to and referred to City Datum B. M. 104.76, at the intersection of the walks on the corner of College Avenue and Oak Street at the postoffice corner. Beginning at the east property line of College Avenue, which is station 0 plus 00, north walk 117.00; north curb 116.70; north b gutter 115.00,centerline 116.66; south gutter 116.10; south curb 116.80; south walk 117.10; at station 3 plus 00 which is the west property line of Remington Street, north walk 114.31, centerline 114.25; south walk 114.31; at station 3 plus 20 Ahich is the west curb line of Remington Street, north oubb 113.89; north gutter 113.09; south gutter 113.09; south cukb 113.89; at station 3 plus 50 which is the centerline of Remington Street, 114.25; at station 3 plus 80 wnich is the east curb line of Remington Street, the north curb 113.35; north gutter 112.55; south gutter 112.55; south curb 113.35; at station 4 plus 00 rv>:ich is the east property line of Remington Street, north vmlk 113.62; south walk 113.65; at station 7 plus "0 which is the west property line of Mathews Street, north walk 111.32; centerline 111.66; south walk 111.32; at station 7 plus 20 wnich is the .vest curb line of Mathews Street, north curb 110.90; north gutter 110.10; south gutter 110.10; south curb 110.90; at station 7 plus 50 which is the centerline of Mathews Street, 111.51; at station 7 plus 80 which is the east curb line of Mathews Street, north curb 110.70; north gutter 109.90; south gutter 110.10; south curb 110.90, at station 8 plus 00 which is the east property line of Mathews Street, north wale 110 98, centerline 111 00 south walk 111 171 at station 13 plus 00 which is the vest property line of Peterson Street, north walk 104 38, centerline 104 40, south walk 104 57 at station 13 plus 20 which is the iest curb line of Peterson Street north curb 103 57 north gutter 102 771 south gutter 102 97, south curb 103 77, at station 13 plus 80 which is the east carb line of Peterson Street north curb 103 75 north gutter 102 95 loath gutter 10? 95 south curb 101 75 at station 14 plus 00 which is the east property line of Peter on Street north ualk 103 95 centerline 104 dl south walk 104 01, at station 18 plus 00 which is the west property line of Whedbee Street north walk 102 56 centerline 102 808 south walf 102 60, at station 18 plus 20 which is the west curb line of Whedbee Street, north curb 102 20, north gutter 101 40, south gutter 101 40 south curb 102 20 at station 18 plus 80 which is the east curb line of Whedbee Street north curb 101 94, north gutter 101 14 south gutter 101 14, south curb 101 94 at station 19 plus 00 which is the east property line of Whedbee Street, north walk 102 20 centerline 102 50 south wall 101 90 at station 23 plus 00 which is the west property line of Smith Street north walk 100 40 centerline 100 70 south walk 100 101 atstation 23 plus 20 wnich is the west curb line of Smith Street, north curb 99 96 north gutter 99116 south gutter 99 16 south curb 99 96 at station 23 plus 50 which is the centerline of Smith Street 100 66 at station 23 plus 80 which is the east curb line of Smith Street, north carb 99 96 north gutter 99 16 south gutter 99 16 south curb 100 00, at station 24 plus 00 which is the east property line of Smith Street, north walk 100 40 centerline 100 62, south walk 100 10 at atation 26 plus 20 which is the city limits north walk 100 95 north curb 100 56, north gutter 99 76 centerline 101 17 south gutter 99 76 sout"i curb 100 60 south walk 100 65 Section 2 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with t`�is ordinance are hereby repealed Section 3 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the membersof the City Council this 15th day of December A D 1923 6 li ssloner of Safety ajj<rEjOffieio Favor ATTFST City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF LARIIM ) I, A J ROSF.3IOW� City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of three (3 sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 15th day of December, A D 1923 and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisiois of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City ChaiZter and thereafter to-grit the _ day of December A D 1923 said Orlinance No 4/0 was duly published in the Fort Collins Fxnress-Courier a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Coloradoy IN CIITPIF'SS (,THEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affi-fed the s-al of said CiM this /8 T day of December A D 1923 City Clerk