HomeMy WebLinkAbout026 - 08/22/1925 - FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADES FOR LAPORTE AVENUE, FROM SHIELDS STREET WEST TO CITY LIMITS; WASH L OPPINANCP NO. 2 , 1925, BnING AN ?""RGDNCY ORDINANC^ FI7CI'*G A"ID F TABLISITI7 TICS GPlp I FUR LAPORT7 AV'DTUB, FRO?^ SH17LDS ,STRti,;T r,,nT TO CITY LI?.TITS; AST77GTOIT AVC?nly, ITORTH; BU:TGALOr 00=; NORTH "ACK STR?^T; SOUTH ?TACK STII 3T; SCOTT AV71M, .7-CKSON AVFNUT; SYLVAN CO-TRT; NORTH !4cKIiV1,,Y AVTNUE; SOTTTH 110=7,TY Ar-7=; LYO?TS STE 7T; NORTH ROOS^VTLT ,4VENUE; SOUTH ROOS3VrLT A",7TE; FISHBAM AV''',`.1TT4 ; NORTH BRYAN AVPNUE AND SOUTH BRYAIT AVTNUE, IN TH^. CITY OF FORT COLLI"?S, COLORADO. M- IT ORDAINED BY TIE CITY COTTTCIL OF 717 CITY OF FORT COLT INS: -1- Grades for �e 'Forte Avenue, south silo, fron t::e sent ourb line of zshios.ds Street to the centerline of canal which is the rest city limits are hereby fixed, esLa'oliolled and declared o by as lollsa_s. All einvstions being referred to the t;ity Datum *�. h. 104.7E lo- cated at the interseotlon of the sidevalke corner of South t.ollege .:.venue and Oak d'troet, at the post of ice corner. Beginrin, at station 51 Plus 64.6 *Uch is the went curb line of Shields Streeto south curb 140.25; south gutter 139#65; at station 51 plus 76.E which is Lhe vest oronerty line of Yhields treat, ^uouth walk 140.30; at station 54 iius 00 which is a brew in ;grade, south walk 141.40; south curb 141.20, south butter 140.u0; at station 58 -)lus 99.2 which is the east >roperty lire of 'earl ::treat, south walk 147.10; south curb 146*dG; s auth gutter 146. 20; at station 59 nlus 39.1 which is tx�e vast vroperty line of -earl ;;treat, south walk 147.29; south curb 147.00; south Cutter 146.40; ,at station 58 rilus 99*2 the stationing is cr-.aneed to 0 plus 00 and from this station. Breast is utati:;ned. ac ordin¢;ly; at station 3 olus 00 which "a a hre<=.k in 4Xade, south curb 147.30; south gut W ar 1d7.20; at station 3 Plus �t.99;Ahict, in a break in rkJe, south vralk 148.20; at station 3 Plus 93.99 which in the oast -ronerty line of Sylvan dourt1t, south walk 148.60; soutal curb 1425.44; south gutter 147.84; at station 4 Plus ::7.99 which is the wec:t property line of .sylvan Court, south walk 148.70; south curb 146.56; south gutter 147.96; at station 6 alus 43.49 exahich is thew east oroperty line of '1oKinley .kvenue, south .pales 150.20; south curb 150.10; south. gut`.er 149,50; at ajtatinn b plus 35.49 which is the oast curb line of ;!Cs Unloy ,'avenue, south curb 150.20; sout:^ Cutter 149#40; at :station b plus 91.49 which is the vest curb line of -v inly :venue, south curt 150.101 south gutter 149.30; at station 7 plus 03.49 which ass the went )ro- perty line of kV-3nley Av< nue, south ,w lu 150.70; south curb 150.20; south ;,utter 149.$,►0; at station 10 plus 13.79 which is VIC east ryro :erty line of Lyons Street* youth walk 154.40; sc,uth curb 154.08; south gutter 153. ; a s Est ou 10 plus 25.79 which is the swat curb line of yons :'tree , south curb 154..}0; south �.itter 153.700 at station 10 plus 61.79 which is the west curb line of lxyona ::treat, csnuth curt 154.64; south gutter 154.16; at station 10 plus 73.79 which is the west property line of T4yons >treet, youth walk 154.90; south curb 154.70; cout1, gutter 1>4.10; at station 13 plus 96,25 which is the east �sroperty line of A30sevelt Avenust south walk 156.50; south curb 156.,4; south gutter 155,64; at station 14 plus 08.25 -hich is the east curb line of Roosevelt ,venue# south curb 156.30; w•outh �uttcr 155.50; at station 14 plus 44.25 which is the went curb line if °vonsevelt Avenue, south curb 156.50; flout_, gut:.er 155#70; at atation 14 >lua which is the west -xroperty line of icoosevelt A,7ewio, south walk 15(;.(')0; scuts curb 156.60; south (.;utter 15u.00; at q tation 16 plus 56.25 uhiah is th•, e"ut ,property lane oa' jis?iba,ak Avenue, south :=L: lW*gC; south cur; 160.6Li; uouth j;utter 160.000, at tta'Uon V plus 68.25 which U '.42 aavt curb line of Fishback Ar sue, south wy rl, lu0.70; south *�uttur 12-9.90; at ii#io 1 19 plus 04.25 whiW-,, is the wcs , Curb line of xishback, ,.venue, south o+ukly 160.90; south insttex 160.10; c.t citation 19 plut: i6.25 w2rioh ins: the west property line o4f Fishixw),, Averjue, south ,-ivak 161.10; at sU4iwn .23 ;. lux lo*25 vhic:i is the a"zit pro.,perty lime cd .iryon ;%vonue, souk wsVr 162*30; at atatit r- 23 p)luv ;8.25 eytiicsh is the east carp, line of .Bryan avenue, south curb 16 '.1G; south gutter 161.30; at station 23 !slus 54,25 which in Vie west curb lines c f isryan avenue, soutz: curb 162.50; soul-h gutter 161.70; at station 23 plus 76,23 which IL the west property line of iarysn Avenue, sou*wi walk 162./0; At t4atlon 26 pa.as 6$.25 which is t.Le ccn l cerlis2e of Lho cainal and Chi 'c:essC city iz;.itt;, evut:3 m.Lk 164*6-:j south curb 164.30; south gutter 16'e5o. Grade. for north -ashington Avenue fron the north property'line of .cot f-ountain Avenue to the south curb line of is Porte :avenue are h sreby fixed# established and declared to be as follo-woo All elevEatir,ns bein ; referred to the City Datum -1- 104.76 at the intersection of the sidewalks corner of College Avenue and Oak ' treat, at the Poet office corner. Br6inning at the nort.`a property line of out 11ountsain .vanue rhich is station 0 plus 00. wrot +calk 131.91, ,seat curb 131.40; wart gu!tar 130.60; east gutter 130#60; enxt curb 131.30; "ot aalk 131.55; at o Cation 1 plus 67.5 -alich is the south property line of 'sunealow Court, west walk 132.40; at station 1 Pius 74.5 which is the south curb line of bungalow Court# west 3t;.rb 13?.l?; west butter 131.32; r.t rtation 2 flue 00.5 which is the north curt ling of -Lunja,- 32.Z3 1od (+curt# west curb nae,t ge tter 111.43t at s t >tion 2 plus 07.5 whie'_s ij t c north lroperty i :.ae of :+unEalow Court# ,west wall. 132.40; at station 3 plus 00 which is a break in Bra e. #ilt walk 1.3'.J2; at station 5 ;)lug 75 wiJoh Is the south property line of I& Porte Avenue, sect gutter *;'*72# east curb 133.42; oast sails 133.5C ; at rteatioxi 5 p.uu 95 which is the mouth otrb line of :% Forte :avenue# east gibe# east getter 132.70; east curb 133.50; at station 6 plus 05 whicxi is the crest valk 134.10; at station 6 ;plus 19 whist# is the south curb line of .4a Parts Avenue# evevL side$ west carb 133#80; west gutter 133.001 ..... .... .. J• Grades For north ..ack "treat f rcn the north pro ,arty line o West Lountain Avenue to the south curb Line of ie, &'orte Avenue are hereby fixed# established and detlaared to be as follows, All elo- vati;ans being referrdd to the City Datum B. i . at tee intersection of Lice walks earner of uoilege Avenue and Vak :street at tale Post ffice Corner. elevation 104.76. �oginning at station 0 plus 00 �ohie=e is the north faro;>erty lime of .east LLountain Avenues west walk 136#30#0 nest curb 136.15; west gutter 135.33; east gutter 135.�'2; east curb 136.06; ea.3t walk 13t�.06; at station 1 plus 65 which is the south property lino of r<ungcalo Court* oast walk 136.61; at station 1 plus 72.5 which is the ssiuth curb iine of Bungalow ;:ourt, east gutter 1.35.66, east curb 136.52; at station 2 plue 02.5 whIcn is the north curb line X Bungalow i;ourt• east gutter 135.76; east curb 136.60; at station 2 plus 10 -which is the north zsrooerty line of z4urk alow courts east walk 136#75; at sta- tion b plus 05 which is t ze zouth property Lines of seas torte Avesnue, west walk 136*12; east .calk 137.90; at station 6 plus 19, which is t e south curb :line of -a `Porte -avenue, west ours 137.75; merst gutter 136.93; east gutter 136.80,, east c< rb 137.60. ">cticn =. Grades for south 'a.b.ek ±street frosa the south property line of , eut Lounta.in Avenue to the north cuib line of ,kin Avenue are hereby fixed# established arul declared to be Lw fullo=s. All elevations berinG. re- ferred to the City Datum D. U. 104.76 at the intersection of the walke corner of College Avenue and vak "tree:s at the .:'ost Office corner. Beginning at natation 0 plus 00 which in the touth property line of Jest ILountain .venue. .Jest ralk 135.71, went curb 135.41; west gutter 134.71; east 6-utter 134. ^7i east curb 135.0'); eae.t walk 135.72; at atation 3 plus 00 which is; the north pro erty line of Nest m,a :treesv west walk 136.73; west curb 13f.30; nest gutter 135.51; east gutter 135.43i east curb 136.14; eavL -:.calk 136.39; at station 4 plus 00 which in tt<e south property line of uak -treete ,vest walk 137.07; sleet curb 136.79; vest Gutter 136.03; east gutter 135.59; east curb 136.38; east walk 136.6?; at s+tat .on 7 plus 09.5 which is the north walk line Akin Avenue. went valk 139.430 *ant walk 139.16; at titration 7 plus 19*6 which is the north curb line of Akin .Avenue, west curb 139*24; west gutter 138*60; coat gutter 138.56; east curb 139.20. 'action 5. Grades for Bunj alo'%4 Court fron the west curb line of North Washington 'Avenue to vie east curb line of North ]"ack Street are heroby fixed, established :wed declared to be as foi_.ows. Ali elo- vations being referred to the City Datum B. V. 104.76 located at the intersection of ft11ege Avenue and -ak -,tr-ot at the out office corner. :hsgltusing at Ctation 0 minus 12 which is the wout es: b line of north {ashineton Avenue, north curb 132.23; north guv'.er t31.43; south 6,utter 131.3.2; south ouro 132.1:'; at sta,.ion 0 plus 00 which In the west pro"erty line of 7ashington "venue, north walk 132.40; north curb 132 .26; north gutter 131.7b; centerline 13".10; south gu'ater 131.65; 6outt, curb 132*15; south walk 132.40; at station 1 plus 64.5 which is court runni.YiL north on north side, north walk 132*83; north curb 132.63; north gutter 132,13, c: A.orllne iP-73; south gutter 132.13; south curb 132.63; soutl. walk 13,%U3; at 64 tion 1 plus b1.5 which is the court mmning north on south saiae, tAouth gut.,.-or 137'.18; scut;, exurb 132.68; south walk 132.91; at < ta. tion 0 plus 00 which is the court runnink; .easto north vslk 133. E ; nortr, curb 133.12; north gutter 132.62; centerline 133.22; south i 3:2. `.z Sutter ; south curb 133.12; south Brans 133.32; at station 3 plus 06 which is the, court runeinG south$ north walk 134.50; north curb 134#30; north Mutter 133,60; centerline 134.40; south Sutter 133.60; sout:, curb 134.30; Bout], wuli: 134.50; at station 0 plus 00 which is the court ruwxing weate north walk 135.10; north curb 134.90; north auttar 134.40; centerline 135*00; south gutkor 134.401 south curb 134*90; south walk 135.10; at sv.tion 0 :lus 97.5 vesUch is the east )ro,,ler?.'y line of North 14.ek streete north walk 136.75; north curb 136.44; north Sutter ; centerline 136.60; south gutter 135.87; south curb 136.37; south walk 136.61; at station 1 plus 07.5 which is the e"t curb line of I'ack %treet, north curb 136.60; north gutter 135.76; south gutter 135.68; €south curb 136.5?. n A'. Grades for Jackson Avenue fron the south property line of :lost Mountain <avenue to the north curb lino o. eat Mulberry *treet, are hereby Fixed, estaaUilied and declared to be as follows. All elevation bei, �; referred to the vity U,,.tum E. :;. 104.7E .t tile interucation of the walks on tie corner of College Avenue and vale 'treet at the Post Uffice c:>rner. BoCinning at station 0 ;plus 00 which is the Eouth -,roperty U to of vest Mountain Avenue. vrest walk 146.14; west curb 145.95; wrest /45 84 gutter 145.36; east gu°uter 144980; east curb 145,61; east walk 1 ; at stallion 4 plus 00 which ib the norCa property line of ;est Uak. -,eat walk 147.83; west curb 147.39; west gutter 146.69; 'east gutter 146.67; east curb 147,39; east 'alk 147.33; at station 5 talus 00 Caa / gaT}er l4e, 68 wrhier, is the sout > Jro„ arty line of =+eat uak "rectA east curb 147.4E3; easat walk 147.59; at station 5 plus 34 which is the city park entrances west side of Jackson# wrest vraal=: 14E -50; Neat curb 143.70; vest trotter 14'j.45; ,at station 9 pluo 00 which is the north property line of ::eat wliv -,'treete went <,alk isv.40 152.20; -resat curb 151.80; wrest gutter 151.00; east walk ; at station 9 plus 14 . which is tie north curb line of Olive Streets east butter 150.56; east curb 151.36;at station 9 plus 56 which is the south curb line of olive ;street. east Sur.ter 150.&o; ea;3t curb 151#60; st a tat ion 9 plus 70 which is t.ae south property line of olive surest, east : 1L 151.90; at station 11 plus 00 which is a break in Grades crest :sr.1k 153.70; west at:rb 153.40; west gutter 152.6Q; east gutter 152.10; ea.,t curb 152.90; east v4alk 153.20; at station 12 plus 00 -which is a break in j�r,�de. west ==alk 156.20; west curb 155.90; west gutter 1';)'5.10; east Cutter 154.60; eaet curb 122.40; east valk 155.70; at nation 13 plus 00 which is a break in �,rrade. Nest walk 158.20; Bost curb 157.90; vaest gutter 157.10; east gutter 156.60; east curb 157.40; east „calk 157.70; at station 13 plus 70 which is tae north properly line of lest MaMolia "ptreet east :alk 159.00; at station 13 plus 84, which is the north curb line of Lagnolia Street, east gutter 158. 00; east curb 158.80; at sta- tion 14 plus 05 which is a break in grade , west walk 159.90; west curb 159.50; west gutter 153.70; at station 15 plus 00 which is a break in grade, west ,calk 159.60; vest curb 159.20; west gutter 158.40; at station 16 plus 00 which is a break in grade, crest walk 158.20; .vest curb 157.90; west gutter 157.10; at Ration 17 plus 00 which is a break in -:.de. west „+a.lk 156.10; west curb 155.80; west gutter 155.00; at station 18 plus 33.3 which is the north property line of Mulberry Street, west walk 155.30; at station 1b plus 53.3 which is the north curb line of Mulberry '-treet, .;eat curb 154.30; west gutter 154.00. Grades for "ylvan Court from the north curb line of ant ountain Avenue to the south curb line of =a Forte %venueo are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as follows. All elev .Ytions being referred to the t,ity I:atum B. M. 104.76 at the intersection of the w lka on the corner of College .Avenue and u k treat at the Vost ulffice corn,�r. Beginning at station 0 minus 25 which is the north curb line of ,2est ounLain Avenue. cast Calk 147106o west gutter 146.26, center line 146.20; east gut"er 146.18; east :wulk 146.98; at station 0 plus 00 which is the north pronarty line of Lountain .venuet west waVt. 147.25s centerline 146.90; east walk 147.11; at station 6 plus 24V4y which is the south pro-;)arty line of to ;torte Avenue# wrast walk 143.70, centerline 148.50; east walk 148.60; at 3o.bi, station 6 plus 33i4 which is the south curb line of ' a Forte Avenues want erall: 14 *56; greet gutter 147.96; centerline 147.90; east getter 147. 34; east curb Grades for Uorth ;'clUnley Avenue from the north property line of :eat Uountain Avenue to the south curb line of La .Forte }venue. are hareby fixed, established and declared to be as follows. All elevati,ins being referred to the City .uatusa B. 1°. 104.76 at the intersection „f the winks; :gin the corner of Gollege .%venue and C;ak Ltreet at the z*at office corner. Beginning at 'tenon 0 plu jr 00 which is; the :north property line of test Uountain Avenue, me: m walk 148.37; went curb 1a33; /97 3S /99 '?4F IIIA9112 west gutter ' east gutter ; east curb ; ea ,t walk 146.40; at station 3 Plus 00 which is a break in Grade. ..est wss.lk 149.60; at station 6 plus '12.8 which is tl a south pro )erty line of lea Porte Avenues west walk 150. -O j mast walk 150.20; at station 6 Plus 34.8 which is the south eur'b line of `a ?orte Avenue, 'rest curb 150. ^0; west gutter 149.40; snot Cutter 149.30; cant .urb 150.10; Grades for :youth = cKinley Avenue rom the south property line of ''eet Lountain Avenue to the north property line :xf vale :street, are hereby fixed, autabli;aiie+d and declared to be me follows. All elevations bain� refer-aid to the City Datum B. �'1. 104.76 'at the intersection of the walks on the cornar of College Avenue and U,Lk Utreet at the rort office Corner. zeginning at station 0 plus 00 which le the south property line of .,.eat Zountain ivenueo west walk 149.56; west curb 149.16; want gutter 143-35; carat Zutter 148.. 3; eaet curb 149.04; eart walk 149.26; at station 4 plus 00 whic:°a is the north property lino of .yak treeto west walk 150. ; went curb 150*45; crest gutter 149.73; east ~utter 149.47; east curb 150.15; eaa.I walk 150.20. faction 10. Grades for ;',cost .avenue from the South •)rorrerty line o :eat :fountain Avenue to the north curb line of • eet Olive treat, are hereby fixed, established and declared Lo be as folt.oas. All ele- vations being referred to t o City :)at= B. 104.76 at the inter- .section of the walks on the corner of Coilege _venue and Oak ::treat at the 0ost office corner. BeL in--ing at etation 0 talus 00 :°:hich is the South ,pronert3 "line of peat �"ou.ntain Avenue, :sent Anik 143.19; west curb 142.75; west gutter 141.90; east gutter 141.73; east curb 242*56; want ,calk 14n.35; at station 4 plus 00 :,hich is the north property line of ..eat Oats Street, west walk 145,39; went curb 145910, Feat gutter 144#36; east Cuter 144,22; east oemb 144.96; east :.lk 145.09; at station 5 plus OC which :s la* south pro,-,arty lLne of Qak Street, neat ,"l;c 14j.39; west cLrb 145,10; ilea . 6u ,ter 144*30; east gutter 144 .40; east curb r45.^0; eaat walk 145,40; at ctaLion 7 plus 00 w.AQ11 is a breaa'� in grade, west vAlk 145*90; °rort curb 145,70; :cast gutter 144.90; east gutter 145900; east curb 145.30, east walk 143.�0; at s tati a 9 plus 00 .which is the north property line of J11ve Ctreets vast walk 147,20; das t ,vslk 146,A j at s tatiosc 9 plus 14 &aicii is tine aarth curb line of scat alive 1treet, •wset Ourb 146.3oo- .acst dULLer 146.00; east gutter 145w8O; east curly 146,050. ..13- Grades foj' Lyon Dtrcet from the north property of eat mountain avenue to the south curb line of bm Porte Avenue, are hereby fixed* estaclished and declared a be as follows. All elevations bed re- ferred to the City -aatyun i3. U. 104.76 at Vne intersection of the walks on the corner of Uolloge avenue and Oak St ; et at the ='ocst ^,Tice corner. Be6inning aL station 0 plus 00 which is the port property line of Vest Mountain :°avenue, west vrmik 15Oo86; west curb 150.56; crest Cut-.or 149.96; east gutter 150.00; east curb 150.60; east calk 150.04; at station 2 plus 10 chid is a bra" in grades cast walk 151.50; ;:t station 4 ,plus 00 ahich is a brealt in Crating vest :calk 152.63; west curb 152.38; west kratter 151#78; east gutter 151.48; east curb 151.98; east walk 152.18; at station 6 ?ius "6.1 rhich is tkae south property line of "a 'rrte Avenue, sfaest walk 154.90; :ve4,t curb 154.60; est ,utter 154.00; east ;hitter 153.70; east curb 154.20; eaet walk 154.40; at station 6 plus 38.1 which is the south curb lire of !.a :forte Avenue. Beet curb 154.64; west gutter 154.16; east Cutter 153.70; east curb 154.20. S3ction 12. Grades for North Roosevelt Avenue f rwa the north curb line of :.'est "Ountain Avenue to the south curb Line of .Lu Porte Avenue, are: hereb3: fixed, estatlishod and declared to be as follov�s. All ele- vatione being referred to the City '!;,atom B. ;M". 104.7E at the in- 1.arsgection of the walks on the corner of coliage Avenue and vak Street. at the Fast office corner. Beginning at station 0 minus 25 which is the north curb li,Ne of 'lest 'voun'tain tvcnue. :Teat curb 153#50; west gutter 1 ?.70; east gutter 1542:o4-0; east curb 153.20; at station 0 • Like 00 which is Oie north property line of Mountain '+venue, weot .a k 153.60; cart v,ulk 153. 0; at station 4 luc• ;;0 which irj a break in grade, Brest walk 154.90; west curb 154.70; went ,gutter 153.90'; east �ut.e 153.70; east curb 154.60; east walk 154.VG; at etation 6 plus 25.2 whietx is the south 7ronerty line of ua Forte AyR<nue, west 'walk 156#80; taut a. k 156.50; at ota,tion G plus 37.2 which iz the south curly line of Porte Avenue, best curb 156.50; west gutter 155.70; east ;,*utter 155.50; east curb 156.30. Graces for :youth Roosevelt avenue from Vie south ;property line of :eat i:ountain Avcnuc to the north property line of ::eet -mk Streeta are hereby fixeAs established and declared to be as ollows. All elevations being referred to the City =>atur. D.- 104.'76 at t?ie intersecti n of the walks on the corner o College Avenue and vak Otreet at the Post CTfice corner. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 which is the South property line of crest Aouritain Ave .uc. west malts: 154.120 west curb 153.77; west gut'yer 15^.96; oast gutter 152.34; east curb ' 53.63; eact °a:alL 153*80; at station 1 jug 00 which :s a break in grade, vrest milk 154.44; at station 2 plus 10 which is a iSreak in gradee greet calk 154.36; at station 4 plus 00 which is U e+, north property line of Idest yak :street, west walk 155.15; -zest curb 154.93; west ;;utter 154.08; east gutter 153.36; east curb 154.60; smet -aaalk 154.81. ti Grades for :71shback }Ivcnue frog, the; north property line of ,�"st Ioun ein Avenua to '`� %outb curb line of l Porto Avenue, ear* hereby fixedo nstrablirahed and declared to be as follows. All elevations being referred to the City Datum II. ". 104.76 at the intersection of tYhe walke on the oorner of �.,ol:ege %venue and Oak 2treetet t'sae ''czt Offices corner. $eginring at Strtion 0 Iglus 00 ;t^taeara is the: north property ling of unt 11-4, ntain :avenue, west MUZ 158.30; neat curbb 158*00; most gu ter 157,20; east ;-utter 157.00; east c rb 157.60' exact 4alk 153,10; rtt e- tatiou 1 a_tts 89 w�tieh it a break in grade, went su11: 157.30; west nurb 156.90; watt gutter 156.10; cast Zut.ter 155.90; crest curb 156.70; ease. mlk 157.00; at 3 plats 50 Which is a break in grade, wesst v+rilk 157,70; mist curb 11.11'7.40; west gutter 156.60; ea3t butter 156.40; ca.tst curb 157.20; co.s;t v )—k 157.50; at station 6 plus ^8.1 which is the south property line of J�a "'orta Avenues vest week 161010; eant walk 160.()0; at etation 6 plus 40.1 which is the south curb line of "a Forte Avenue# aeut curb 160.0,0; crest L-utter 160.10; east gu'.t�r 159.90; east curb 160.70. -17- Grades for north Bryan Avenue from the north pronerty° 11ne of eat -Lourtain Avenue to the s;�.utfi curb line of is "prte Avenue, are hereby fixed$ established and declared to be as folloos. All elevati:ann ein, referred _.o she City Datum B. ji. 104.76 at the in�ersection of the walks on the earner of College avenue and Oak ::'treet at the :'out 'office c riser. Beginning at station 0 plus 00 which is the north Pro--erty line of :eat P�cuntctin :'Manua, west :calk 164.10; west curb 163.80; west gutter 163.00; east .:;utter 162.60; east curb 163.40; mat •yalk 163.70; at :station 1 Plus 50 which la a break in grade, west walk 161.50; west curb 161.20; west gutter 160.40; east butte* 160.00; east aj.rb 160.80, east Falk 161.10: at station 3 plus 04 which is a break in t7ades west Salk 160.30; west curb 160.00; ra st Futter 159.^0; east gutter 153980; ea2t curb 159.60; east walk 159.90; at station 5 Pius 63 which is a break in ;trade, writ to ik 161.10; west curb 160.80; west Cutter 160.00; east d;utter 159.60; east curb 160.40; east walk 160."0; at station 7 pius 46 which is the mouth Property line of -Wa Porte Avenue. .;eat walk 10.70; eazt :calk 162.30; at station 7 plus 58 which is the south curb lincof la -'orte avenue$ west curb 162.50; west Cutter 161.70; east gutter 161.30; eas: curb 162.10; Pa�tion 16 . Grades. for wouth Mrjan avenue from the south property lint of ;4e:st u.eu32tain ?avenue to tt:-, rorth curt line of .west Cak Street, are Lereby> fixed, estsUlished and deblared to be as follawa3. All ele- vations bei ; referred to the City Dstu,_n B. :.". 104.76 at the inter- coction of the eslk;a on the cor.,ir of ColleZa Avenues and usak 3trect at the soot Office turner. Begimnini; at stati^n 0 rluc 00 which is the south property line of Launtai:. Avenue. west • alb: 165.00; west curb 164,17; west gutter 163,58; east gutter 163.05; east c,Arb 163,65; east ,yaks 163.931 at statian 4 ,plur `0.2 which is 41.o uorth property line of �veut vak 6treet, wcot calk 162,80; eaut f-utter 160.94; east curb 161.54 ; east walk 161.30; at ctaticn 4 plus 40.2 :if.. is the earth exurb lint of O&k Ztreet, vest curb 16:.'.00; wcot gutter 161.40; east gutter 160.66; eaet curls 161.44. Section 17. All ordinances and pests of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 18. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and s^fety and t•.is ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and public-tion, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IQ of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all zz� members of the City Council this Salt► day of August, A. D. 1925. Co:e:rissioner of Saf and L'7 --0 icio 7ayor ATTEST: Q#ty 71=.rGk. �' STA 1 nr COLORADO } SS. CO"rn OF LAP.1.14EP ) I, A. J. ROS^NM , City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of eighteen (18) sections was duly propo ad d read at length at a regular meeting of the City Co1:acil held on the May of August, A. D. 1925, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the rrovisions of Sections �and 7 of Srticle IV of the City Charter; and thereafter, to-wit: the .2S day of August, A. D. 1925, said Ordinance No. 1_ was duly published in the Fort Collins Express- Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN VIiMUM r.?^'+OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this ,25 day of Augu D. 1025. City Clark. -20-