HomeMy WebLinkAbout027 - 08/22/1925 - RELATING TO THE VACATION OF THAT PORTION OF SYLVAN COURT LYING BETWEEN MOUNTAIN AVENUE AND THE ANGLE OFDI.;ANOr., TO. -t 7_, 1925, 'I" AN VE G RCY CMDI'YF!M PMI,PTI:TG TO TM VACA.TI':'I? OF MAT PORTIOI' Cr- "YL9.4i7 CO<'RT LYIP;G 3?77?," ? -17 17 4r..M A'.:D T"T, A:"aT-T 177AR THU GO :T ^D5T COP'.:; R OF LOT 14 OF SYLVI.Ii ?LAC- ADDITION TO T: CITY OF F uP`.T COLLIM7, COLOP 1DO. r -^tS, The City Council of the City of Fort Collins I-as bean petitioned to vacate all of that portion of Sylvan Court lying bstrraan ountain Avenue and the angla nsar the southeast corner of Lot 14 of Sylvan Place Addition to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, and =—R7pS, It appears that said tition is siZaed by the or&i3rs of all property abutting on said strip of land sought to be vacated, -nd It appears from said ;:3tition that tie cwmrs of the said prcao3rty abutting cn the land sought to be vacated have r3-platts(i tint portion of Sylvan Place so as to make Sylvan Court strair.t from ::fountain Av3nua to Laporte Avenue, and have submitt+d with Chair patition the said ra-plat of Sylvan Place Addition to the City of Fort Collins; and 12 It appsaxs that th.3 Straightening of the said Sylvan Court in Sylvan Place Addition would ba a ;rsat convenience to the t.ro_3rty orwnars abutting thereon, as will as to the travailing public; t iar3fcra B3 IT DRD1.1-1) 3Y T= CITY C07TCIL OF TiI? CITY OF FORT COL',IWS: S3etion 1. That tL3 following d3scrib3d tract of land, being a .art of Sylvan Cc:.rt in Sylvan Place, City of Fort Collins, mcr3 lerticularly dascrib3d as follo::s: 3a3inning at th3 southeast corn3r of S:,lvan Court as on i.ally surv3y31 and platted, .....re Sylvan Cw rt con<: cts :rich ".ountain Av?nue, thinca extending north 130 f33t, thence northsast3rly along the east line of Sylvan Co•.•rt ad on inslly surv,y3d and 'Iatt3d, to tLe vast line of' Sylvan "o.:rt as r3- platt33, t2_.�nce north a'_on;, s,.id lira to a .cint 233.1 f,3t north fron tk,3 north lin3 f .:o r.tain !v3rue, tiranc, 3s: rding sor.th:vss`.3rly aloe.,; th3 west line of said "ylv:.n Court as originally snrv,y33 and pla';ted to a point 133 f»t rorth' of the north line of '"ountain Ave*ua and 40.5 feat 3ast of th3 rr33t line of said Sylvan Placa, tl::nc, aztandi::g south 133 f33t along t o a.35t lire of said ;;ylven Court as crigira'ly surv-yad and ln`t3d *o t' a north line cf '.=nta4-n Avima t::3rc• :.di::3 ;!St 34 fiit t0 tn3 ��i E:C3 be end the same is harsby vacated, and from hence forth the said strip of land shall be treated as a part of said lots adjoining said tract and all right, title and interest th-rain shall bacwara vested in the ovm3rs of the lots adjoining said tract, as provided by law. S3ction 2. Any and all expense incurred by the City of Fort Collins in and about tress proceedings shall be borne by the petitioners, jointly and severally, seeking this Vacation. S3ction 3. In the opinion of the City Council an em3rg3ney exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinan03 shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virt.:a of the authority contained in Sections u and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at 1enSth and adopted by the unanimous vot3 of all the m3mbsr3 of the City ^o c 1 this 22nd day of Puguat, A. D. 1925. � J Co mrdssioner of Safe d Ea Offi I!ayor ATT77 City Clark. STA'. OF COLORADO ) ) SS. C0 r= OF LARIMITR ) City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do her3by certify and declare that th3 foregoing ordinance, consisting of three (3) s3etions, was duly proposed and read at 13ngth at a ra:;ular m33ting of the City Council h+ld on the 22nd day of Au.&ast, A. D. 1925, and was duly adopted and order3d ublished in the Fort Collins ?xprass-Cc .ri3r, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of al; msmb3re of the cov.ncil, as an 3m3rg3ncy ordinances, in accordance with the . rovisions of Sections o&rd 7 of Article IV of tho City Charter; and t-r=after, on to-%,At: the 25 day of August, A. D. 1"25, said Ordinance To. ,� was duly gublishad in the Fcrt Collins ^::pries-Cc.ri3r, a daily newspaper publishd in the City of Fort Collins. I2; nTy'T;SS 717- ;O i, I have hsr unto sat my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this ZS.V4 day of ^u ust, A. D. 1925. City Clerk.