HomeMy WebLinkAbout037 - 10/31/1925 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO. 8 ORDINANCE NO. a, 1925, ,17G AN EP' TRG :7CY ORDIIVITCE 1ELATING TO THE ASS SS'11 :1T OF TT' COST OF CONRTR"CTION OF IICROVET, NTS IN STORK SEMER DISTRICT M. 8, OF TT' CITY OF FORT COLLI`IS, COLORADO, AIM PROVIDING FUR THE- PA=07 AV'r C0117CTION TT--,OF. 33 IT ORDAINTEr 3Y TLT7 CITY COT.T.'CIL OF -U- CITY OF FORT COLT,INS: Section 1. That under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 21, 1925, of said City of Fort Col'-ins, duly adopted and approved on the 20th day of July, A. D. 1925, Storm Sawar District No. 8 -.vas duly created and provisions mada in said ordinance for the construction of cartain improvements in said district, consisting of a store sewer line; that the said improvements as therein provided have been duly constructed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as th3r:in provided; that th3raafter the City Engineer and the Commissioner of Corks, on to-wit. the 26th day of September, A. D. 1925, duly reported to the City Council that the cost of construction of said improvamants, including the cost of inspection, collection and other ineidantals, and also including interest, is $2,760.32; that in and by the said rapor't the Commissioner of Works, pursuant to the report of the City rngin3ar, duly apportioned upon all of the lots or tracts of land in the district improvod, in proportion as the area of each lot or tract of land is to the area of all the lots or tracts of land so i*;^rovai, axclusivs of public highways, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 14 end 31 of Ordinancea No. 7, 1921, and Orlinance No. 21, 1925, creating Storm Sewer District No. 8, and which district is hereinafter more particularly d3scribad by lots and blocks, together with the ap_orti.nment and rats par square foot; the said findings and report of the Commission:,Ar of Works and City Enginair Ming in accordanca with the report of the City Maginair in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said district. Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 26th day of September, A. D. 1925, said report of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer concerning said proposed assessments :'or ir:provsmants in Storm Sewer District No. 8 vas by resolution of. the City Council duly -1- t adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a regular muting of the City Council to be held on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1925, pursuant to a notice of the City Clark as provided by law; that in and by said resollxticn the City Clark was instructed and diracted to publish notice in the official nswspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of tan days, addressed to the oamers of prsyarty to bs assessed in Storm Sewer District No. 8, stating the bhola cost of the improvements and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district, and notifying the o;mers thsreof that any complaints or obj3ctions that might be made in writing by them to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty days from the publication of said notics, would be heard and dstanrirad by the City Council, at a regular maating thereof to be held on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1925, at the hour of eight c1clock in the forenoon of said day in t2v Council Chamber in the City Hall in said City; that after said hearing the City CowDcil would take up the matter of the passage of an ordinance ass3ssing the cost of said improvemants; that pursuant to the authority contained In said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, the offieialnewspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of tan days, as provided by ordinance, and that due proof of said publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk; no complaints or ob,jactions having bean filed, at said malting of the City Council held on the 31st day cf October, A. D. 1925, the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in said Storm Saver District No. 8 was ordered submitt3d for passage and sdoption. Section 3. That the total cost of the improvements in said Storm Sewer District No. 8, under and by virtue of said Ordinance No. 210 1925, of said City, including tca cost of inspection, collection and interest, amounts to Two thousand seven hundred sixty and 32/100 ($2,760.32) Dollars, which said aum is h3reby assessed upon tha raal estate in said Storm Sarver District No. 8, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 7, 1901, relating to local public i rrovaments, and the proportion of said cost assassad to -each lot or tract of land in said Storm Sewer District No. 8, co^.r_rising the following lots and blocks in said district, shall be as 'ollcws; LOT BLOCK � ' � PROPERTY O'AM AREA RATE COST A 18 The Northern Hotel Investment Co. 657.75 .022167 14.58 18 18 The lorthern Hotel Investment CO-3750 .0221.67 83.13 19 18 `The Northern Hotel Investment 00.3 08.77 .022167 77.78 20 18 The Northern Hotel Investment Co.2804.63 .022167 62.17 21 18 The Northern Hotel Investment Co.2088.8 .022167 46.31 22 18 The Northern Hotel investment Co.1373.25 .022167 30.44 B 18 Ethel E. Woodworth; Louise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara A. Avery lo67.20 .022167 23.66 C 18 Ethel E. 'v'oodworth; Louise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara E. Avery lo67.20 .022167 23.66 D 18 Ethel N. ' oodworth; Louise A. Crose-Garlson and Estate of Sara E. Avery 1o67.20 .02-3167 23,166 E 18 Ethel E. Woodworth; Louise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara E. Avery n61.8o .022167 25.75 F 18 Ethel E. loodworth; Louise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara E. Avery u61.80 .022167 25.75 G 18 Ethel 2. 'Joodworth; Louiee A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara E. Avery 1398.92 .022167 31.01 H 18 Ethel E. Woodworth; Louise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara F. Avery 1251.12 .022167 27.73 I 18 Ethel E. = oodworth; Louise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara E. Avery 1604.78 .022167 35.57 J 18 Ethel &. 1roodworth; Louise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara E: Avery 1958.54 .022167 43.42 Z 18 Ethel E. doodworth; Touise A. Crose-Carlson and Estate of Sara E. Avery 699.4 .022167 15.50 Com.at SWcor. Lot 6 , E30' ,S26.23' to S Ethel E. -Woodworth; Louise A. Line said Lot 6, th. Crose-Carlson and Estate of NW 39.871to beg. 18 Sara E. Avery 393.45 .022167 8.72 6, except, Com. at SWcor. Lot 6, E301 , S26.23' , to S line of said Lot 6, Yff 39.87' to beg. l Edgar R. Barkley 3233.80 .022167 771.70 12 18 Edgar U. p.arkloy 3750 .022167 63.13 7 18 Poudr,' a Valley Investment Co. 2011.62 :022167 64.54 8 18 Poudre Valley investment Co. 2196 .022167 48.68 13 18 Poudre Valley Investment Co. 3750 .022167 83.13 30 18 Poudre Valley lrvestment Co. 144$80.38 .022167 2.82 9 18 Edgar h. Trimble 3750 .022167 63.13 10 18 Edgar H. Trimble 3750 .022167 83.13 11 18 Edgar H. rimble 3750 .022167 83.13 14 18 'William and rynma Ryder 3750 .022167 83 1 N 1 15 18 The McMurxy learms I Invest. Co. 187-7 :022167 41.52 S 15 18 Carl Anderson 1875 .022167 41. 56 16 18 J. H. Griffith 3750 :022167 83.13 17 18 E©ma E. Schroeder 3750 .022167 83.13 23 18 George S. Elstun 464213 :022167 102. 0 24 18 George S. Elstun 4096:2 .022167 90.90 25 18 Mary P. Stover 355039 .022167 78.70 26 18 Mary P. Stover 3004:50 .022167 66.6o 27 18 C. L. Brewer 2458.88 .022167 54. 51 28 18 The Stover Investment Company 1913 .022167 42.41 LOT BLOCK PRGPRRTY OWN= AA AA RATE COST 4 °off the entire HE side of Lot 29 18 The Stover Investr.ent Company 21.84 .022167 .43 NErly17' of Lot29,eacept 40off the en- tire YS side of Lot 29 18 Caroline Elenor Lantz 966.97 .022167 21.44 S113' 29 18 George A Connors 585.885 .022167 12.99 1.4 19 John L. Hohnstein 3342.5 .022167 74.09 ] 19 C. A. Polley 3361.63 .022167 74.52 8 19 Hugh Donnan 3442.75 .022167 76.32 9, except Com. atSWcor. Lot9, N alone lot line, 781 , R22107103' to lot line,s71' to Sline of .":dock, $25' to bed;. 19 Hugh Donnan 1430.98 .022167 31.72 Com.atSWcor. let 9 Salong lot line ,78' ,L22 ' , s7' .E3 ' to lot line, SW to S line of Block,W25' to beginning 19 L. S. Fishback 1929 .022167 42.76 10 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Miller McCarty, Rose Christine Miller ;Todd) , Otto Nelson Miller 3015 .022167 66.83 11 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Mil.ier McCarty, Rose Christine Miller kTodd) , Otto-Nelson Miller 3013.88 .022167 66.81 12 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Miller McCarty, Rose Christine Miller (Todd) , Otto Nelson Miller 3359.38 .022167 74.47 13 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Miller McCarty, Rose Christine Miller (Todd) , Otton Nelson biller 3500 .022167 77.59 18 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Miller McCarty, Rose Christine Miller (Todd) , Otto Nelson miller 233.35 .022167 5.17 19 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Miller McCarty, lose Christine Miller (Todd) , Otto Nelson Miller 1763.08 .022167 39.08 20 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Miller McCarty, dose Christine Miller (Todd) , Otto Nelson Miller 2040.13 .022167 45.22 21 19 Christine Miller, Lily May Miller. Ro Carty, Rose Christine Miller (Todd) , Otto Nelson Miller 2263.38 .022167 50.17 UE19/26/25 Section 4. All assessments h-rein provided for shall be dua and payable within thirty days from the final assaga and publication of this ordinance, without demand, provided th>t all assessments may*1 the slaction of / the ovners of the ^roperty assssssd be ,ail in ten (10) egtlsl installments beginning _______Dezember lam 192 .5_, and sayable annually on said last mentioned eats thereafter, until the full amount thereof has bean pail,,. with interest on the unpaid principal psyabls s3mi-mentally at the rate of six (6%) per cant par annum. Section 5. Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said period of thirty (30) lays, shall be conclusively consider3a and bald an alaction on the part of all r3rsons interested, whether under disability or otharwisa, to pay in such installments. Section S. 'Failure to pay any installment, Trethsr of principal or jinterest, when dus, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable im?ediately, and the vvbola amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall tiaraaftsr draw interest at the rate of one (lp) per cent per month, or fraction of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter provided, but at any ti+a prior to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all ur^.paid installments, with interest at one (1�) per cant par month, or fraction of a month, and all, penalties accrued, and shall thsr=upon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the lama Wanrsr as if default had tot been suffar -3. The orn�rs of any ,roperty not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time ray the e.ols of tha unpaid principal with interest accrued to the raturity of the next installment of interest or principal. Section 7. Payments may ba made to the City Trsasurer at any time within thirty days of the final passage and publication of this ordinance and an allowanca of five (5a) per cant discount shall be :.Ads on all payments made during such period only. Section S. In cass of defaalt in the payment of any installments of interest and principal whan due, any and all property concerning which such default is suff3r3d shall be advertisa9 by the County Tri surer rnd soli for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon; at the acme time or times and in the same manner, under all the samd conditions and enalties and with the same effects an are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general tams. Section 9. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Storm Sewer District No. E in proper form showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assassad, the total --cunt of the assessment, the arouht of each installment of principal and int3r3st, and the date whin each installment will bscome dos, with suitable columns for use in case of payment of th4 vduols amount or of any installment or p nalty, and deliver the same to the City Treasurer, and thereafter payments may be mada to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty days after the passage of this as=zssmant ordinance and the taking effect t_iriof. Upon the expiration of the thirty days, the City Treasurer shall return to the City Clark the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each payment, and ther,upon the City Clerk s*.all prepare a permanent local assessment roll in bock fore, showing in suitable columns each piece of real sate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment u_zpaid, the date to which the same is computed, the amount of each installment of principal and interest, together with two (20) per cent additional t::-reon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and the eats v;hen th3 saris wil'_ becor.3 sue, with suitable eolumme fcr use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal cf th.a City, and by him deliver-1 to the C ouny Treasurer of Larimar County with his .+arrant for the collection of tha eamo. Section 10. A11 collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be acccwnted for and paid ovr to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and svery month, with separate state-irts for all such collections for each rcnth, in the same manrs^ as general taxis are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section 11. T'_^.e o-nsr of any divide1 cr undivided int+rest may pay _q_ his share of any assess ant upon prcA�cing vidsnce of ti:g extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge. Section. 12. In the opinion of the City Cc-arcil an sr:irgarcy exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and this ordinance shall take affect apcn its passage and publication undir and by virt- of the autrcrity contained in Sacticns 5 and 7 of Article IV of the ^...-rtsr. Intrcdueed, read at length ter' 'a _t3d by t'.c 'unanimous yr to of all the members of the City Council t.:is -list ^f Cctob?r, A. ... 1°25. Co..._issionr of Sa and 77-n is "."ayor Ar�sm. rt +y Clark, STATT OF COLOBADo ) I Co'_T"m'Y OF LAPI-P, ) i, A. J. POST.""TP�, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, d.q hereby certi, zx:@ declare that the foregoing ordinance ccnaicting of t%elve (12) sections me duly proposed and r:n:! at length at a regular -casting cf the City Council Yield on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1925, and :vas duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Cct.rizr, a daily nwrspapar and the official nswsra;er of the City cf Fort Collins, by tlaa unanixuus vote of all. mambers of the Council, as an aYergsncy orainares, in accord nee with the ,rovisions of Sactiong 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charger; and th:,raaft3r cn to-wit: the aw, day of _ e� A. D. 1925, said Ordinance Yo. a7_ was du:y ;ublisl:ed in the Fort Collins Express-Cori=r, a daily ne,�spaper publis'ed in the City of Fort ^ollins, Colorado. 1 1"17N OS �?TtirnF, I lava hereunto sat my 'nand and affixed the seal of ss'.d Cis , t:.,.s ue' day of q'ov=nb . , A. D. 1925.