HomeMy WebLinkAbout028 - 11/27/1926 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN COMBINED ALLEY IMPROVEMENT t ORDINANCE NO , 1926 BEING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ASSFSSPTrTT OF TxT COS'" OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN COMBINED ALLEY In4PROVFMF'NT DISTPICT 110 7, OF MzM CITY OF FORT COLLIN'4 COLORADO AMID PROVIDING FOR TIE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEPT'OF BE IT ORDAINED BY "'Hr CITY COTTCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COL;INS Section 1 That under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinanc3 No 15, 19,36, of said City of Fort Collins, duly passed and adopted on the 15th day of May A D 1926, Combined Alley Improvement District No 7 was duly created and provisions made in said ordinance for th3 construction of certain improvements in said district, consisting of grading, draining and paving, paving to consist of six inen concrete built in concave form or as may be nec-ssary to facilitate the roof, surfac- and alley drainage within the limits of she said district that the said improvements as Cher in provided have been duly constructed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therein provided that thereafter the Ci y Engineer and the Commissioner of Works, on to-wit the llth day of September, A D 1926 duly reported to the Citj Council that the cost of construction of said improvements, including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, and also including interest, is $6 826 61 that in and by said report the Commissioner of 6orks pursuant to the report of the City Engina3r, duly apportioned upon all the lots or tracts of land in the district improved, in proportion as the frontage and the area of each lot or tract of land is to the total frontage and area of all the lots and lands so improved, exclusive of public highways pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, and Ordinance No 15, 1Q26, creating Combined Alley Improvement District No 7 and which district is h-reinafter more particularly described by lots and blocks, together with the apportionment and rate per front foot and per square foot, the said findings and report of Lhe Commissioner of Works and City Engineer being in ac, ordance with the report of the Citj Engineer in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said district Section 2 That at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 23rd day of pctobsr, A D 1926, said report of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer concerning said proposed assessment for improvements in Combined Allay Improvement District No 7 was by resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 27th day of November, A D 1926, pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of ten (10) days, addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in Combined Alloy Improvement District No 7, stating the whole cost of the improvements and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district, and notifying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by them to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty days from the publication of said notice, would be heard and de4brmined by the City Council at a regular meeting ther of, to be held on the 27th day of November, A D 1926, at the hour of eight o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in said City that after said 'searing the City Council would take up the matter of the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements that pursuant to the authority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Col ins Fxpress-Courier, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of ten days, as provided by ordinance, and that due proof of publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Mark, no complaints or objections having been filed, at said meeting of the City Council held on the 27th day of November, A D 1926 the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in Combined Alley Improvement District No 7 was ordered submitted for passage and adoption Section 3 That the total cost of the improvements in Combined Alley Improvemen* District No 7, under and by virtue of said Ordinance ho 15, 1926, of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and interest, amounts to $6,826 61, which said sum is hereby assess-d upon the real estate in said Combined Alley Improvement District No 7 in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in said Combined Alley Improvement District No 7 comprising the following lots and blocks in said district, shall be as follows LOT PROPPRTY O'.1D1SEt AREA RATS FRONT RATE INTERS RATE COST Moor Iotl,Bllcl34. wrl,T along LInW M ,fM61,th YTrl1 parallel with Jef� in at 90", th, Xrly parallel with in St 26" to Jefferson Street, th Mtrly Sefferaon Street to beginning Mary P Stover- 2340 0131 26 2 Oj 26 1158 8648 ;2'MrIy,from NEcor Lot1.BW30on vest Li en St, ,th NNrly parallel with arson St ,900sth SErly parallel with to St 26*, th Orly parallel with ►rson Street,90*,th 37irly along Lin- treat, 26• to beginning Conrad bitsman 2340 0131 26 2 03 26 1158 86 48 2i89 of fi3cor hotl*BU13, thmrrly arallel with Jefferson Street, th, parallel with Linden St.27* , th Parallel with n rly along Linden St¢27+to tie&�� NUT owe" 2430 0131 27 2 03 27 1158 89 80 06'Swrlf of boor Lot 1vMk 13, parallel with Jefferson St,90+9 parallel with Linden M.2711.th rat' .X with Jefferson St.901. al g W line of Linden St, 27" ginning T S xardle 2430 0131 27 2 03 27 1158 89 80 OVSWrly of H8 cer Lotl,8lg 13, ing an Weida Linden St ,tb el with Jefferson St. 90% parallel with Linden at ,24}+ , parallel with Jefferson at .941 en fite th lei e►long Linden at ginning John F Douglass 2205 0131 24$ 2 03 24* 1158 8149 n lain Lot 181Y 13,45"Wren SKeer Lott, parallel with Jefferson Sts,75',tWm parallel Linlen 8t 01410,tb3S parallel with Jefferson at raw along Waide Linden St,10 to beginning, and LOT PRQPWT r OWM AWA RAT$ PRoH2 xATIC 1xTIMs TN (Zsf molds or that trust deseribea as follows C*ISTef the ]eat' LetleAkl3e on Linden St . arallel with alloy,?5+, thS parallel with at *25}*, th 8$ psmlle2 with a11ey,751 to Streets, th SW 4a2n& Linden Ste25** to *egg' an 170*g�a * of Hseor Le tl p=3 3. on St ?NW pa rallel-wIth alley 90* to cress th IN parallel with Lilmden at 21**, th W dl with alley 90P to Linden Ste. th SW along St, 21** to be& and coo 75*N► of 32*or Blk 13e on line of alleys, thn parallel ine n St. 59i, ter parallel with Jefferson , ST parallel with Linden Ste 59*, th mg alley 15* to beginning Robert Hocarroll 3555 0131 39* 2 03 39* U58 13137 t SUor TAU&M$13, IS along Linden St ,e th Wr1y parallel to alley# 90*, th SWly e el with Linden Ste 19f+eto Alleys, WErly, Salvation A=W& a oorpor- 90 4 057 al with alley 9011 to beginning ation under Laws of California 1755 0131 19* 2 03 1091 1158 440 40 Boor Lot2,E1k13• tbSW25*,thR'i7100* e 100 4 057 +e tb= 1009 to beginning N"s F William *00 0131 25 2 03 125 u58 503 70 Linden Ste25+SII► trod 8goor L4t2,I3M3e Line of Linden st,251athff parallel ley 100* ,thHM parallel with Linden at 32 parallel with alley, 100+to beg. and Linden St.75+13 of most SrV car Let2, eth "rrly along Linden Ste6 ,ethvjrrxy ey with vlalnut at#loot.Wwrly.parallel ndon St, 65+ , th IM ta.rallel with Salnut . loo* to beginning m s House and Leigh soy shaap 9000 0131 90 2 03 90 1158 311 12 most Srly eor Lot2sMlk13, tbNgrlyt along St.75*eth'sW y parallel with walnut Ste yrly,parallel with Linden ot975*. th long Uln4ut St, 100, to beg Frank w $treater and Adelbert a White 7500 0131 75 2 03 75 1158 259 28 LaT FR P9R„TY 0tMM AR11A FATE FRONT RATS IATERS RATE COST a Walnut St Min-4 Lof Wj "via Z, Dint I,O+NVVIy, from 8 Oor thereof, th slong Walnut St 42t to building occupled y Hall, on 10891sot both Urly,paarallel with St,1909 to alley, th SSrly parallel with St 42t to a point on Mine Lot 6 and lot from Boor of *aid lot, th S9Plcly 1900 to beg s on talnut St on Mine of said lot 8, , 24#rte9 of boor Lot$, th NErly parallel inden St, to *secs .tine, th R to venter of UMrl7y to alleys, thSSrly along Mine of Uver 23 t , th S-7rly parallel with Linden St , o nut St, th R'7rly along IN line of Tat- , 23*9 to beginning and can at Moor Lot8, , thSE 25t.thSW parallel with Linden St , etr line, thW Belong *seo line to Mine of 3t Be thNtrly to beg + 4140 24** Off 97 side 90 4 059 of j section line City of port Coll.ing. Colo 17100 9131 190 2 03 280 U58 1007 45 16t 109 BIk 13 A C lau er 8550 0131 45 4 057 45 1158 299 83 410 and SS24*tLot 12*Mk 13 Otis-Sahuramau Hdw Co, a Corp 5605 0131 29J 4 057 29* U58 196 55 f NW25*11ot 12, Blk 13 Jahn F Douglass Blk 13. also MOtLot 12 and Nary A Harris (Agree to sdll to 14 M 13 John F Douglass) 23845 0131 125# 4 057 125} 1158 836 18 t Lot 15,Blk 13 Ernest Rossi 3300 0131 50 4 057 50 1158 251 89 Oft-I from Moor Lot15,Htkl.3, th Ot parallel with NWrly line Lot15. e between lots 13 and 15, thSWr id line, 441', thparalltl with fly said lot 15, 50+ , to SSrltiy line of Pine th EErly along said 83rly line of Pine 449 to beginning Hartha IMAW Breye"Mth 2200 0131 28 83 Moor I.otl5.tb53rly,aIongSline Jefferson St Wrly 80" parallel to Pine St,th NWrly.parailel ffers9on St,25t , UNErly along $rly line Fine St beginning George B Schofield. 2000 0131 26 21 Lor IPROPBRIY 0u=R AM xAxs FRONT RATE INTERS HATS COST :ESssr Lotl5omrly on na a an and L5. tbWrlq at right angles with first aforesaid, 25' . tbNrly para11e1 with said :ourae. 80+ to Srly lins Jefferson St. thBx],y Wne Jefferson fit. 251 to beginning and t 13 in Alocak 13 A 0 muVCr 11500 0131 50 4057 50 1158 359 35 t 11 Blk 13 Adeal)ert J Whitt 4750 0131 25 4 057 25 1158 166 58 t 7 and Wk Let 9r Mk 13 Y" Segal. 9500 0131 50 4 057 50 1158 333 14 I t g, and Lot 7, elk i3 Rolrtn 'S Adsas 9500 0131 50 4 057 50 1158 333 14 R G= Steele 475fl 9131 25 4 057 25 1158 166 58 t 7. Blk 13 5 B1k 13.'being 25*tront on 475c 0131 25 4 Q5� 25 1158 166 58 on Street W 1901 deep to a►11ery Chas E .Pennock 5, Blk 13 nectar T COMM475d 0131 90 2 03 215 U58 574 36 Sectior 4 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days from the final passage and publication of this ordinance without demand, provided that all assessments may at the election of the owners of the property to be assessed be paid in twenty (20) equal installments, begirning _ aarr u a7 192 , and payable annually on said last mentioned date thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually at the rate of five (51/")per cent per annum Section 5 Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said period of thirty (30) days shall be conclusively considered and held an ejaction on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments Section 6 Failure to pay any install&3nt, whether of prircipal c,r interest, when due, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable tediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and ac,ruad interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one (1?") per cent per month, or fraction of a month, sntil the day of sale as hereinafter provided, but at any time prior to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments, with interest at one (1%) per cent Der month, or fraction og a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if def ault had not been suffered The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments maS at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal with interest accrued to the maturity of the next installment of interest or principal Section 7 Payments may be made to the City Treasurer at apy time within thirty (30) days of the final passage and publication of this ordinance and an allowance of five (5%) per cent discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only Section 8 In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal and interest when due, any and all property concsrnirg wnich such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxis Section 9 It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Combined Alley Improvement District No 7 in proper form showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed, the total amount of the assessment, the amount of each installment of principal and interest and the date when each installment will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty and deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days after the passage of this assessment ordinance and the taping effect thereof Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days, the City Treasurer shall raturn to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each payment, and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a permanent local assessment roll in book form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment unpaid, the date to which the same is computed, the amount of each installment of principal and interest together with two (j) per cent additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and the date when the same will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City, and by him delivered to the County Treasur-r of Larimer County w&th his warrant for the collection of the same Section 10 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and every month, with separate state ments for all such collectiors for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City Section 11 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pal his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extdnt of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge Section-12 In the opinion of the City Council an -mergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and this prdinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in S-otions 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council this 27th day of November, A D 1926 �:;M 22?2��� Combissioner of STY and Ex-0 cio Mayor 4Ti'EST City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF IA RIMER ) I A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of t3est7e (12) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 27th day of November, A D 1926, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Couri-r, a daily newspaper and the officialnewspapsr of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, as an em-rgency ordinance in ae ordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City-Parter of the City of Fort Collins, and th-reafter and on to-wit the day of November 1926, said Ordinance No ;� 8 was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins Colorado IN WITNESS WHT19QF. I have hereunto s-t my hand and affixed the seal of said City this *o!F day of November 1926 City Clerk