HomeMy WebLinkAbout016 - 10/30/1936 - AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 008, 1927, RELATING TO THE USE AND SALE OF WATER FROM THE CITY WATER WORKS RE ORDINANCE NO 16 , 1936 BEING AN E IE RGENCY ORDINANCE AAEFDING ORDINANCE NO 8, 1927, RELATING TO THE USE AND SALE OF 17ATER FROM THE CITY WATER WORKS REGULATING THE USE THEREOF AND FIXING THE SCHEDULE OF CHARGES THEREFOR, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND DECLARING AST EMERGENCY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That Section 11 of Ordinance No 8 Series of 1927 be amended to read as follows, to-wit nSection 11 A. Water rentals and permits for the use of water within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, shall be granted under the provisions of this ordinance upon the following terms and rates CLASS I. PRIVATE DJELLINGS--FLAT RATES--PER ANNUM--PAYABLE SEAI-ANNUALLY 4 rooms or less $10 00 Each additional room 1 50 Bath Tubs, each 1 00 Shower baths, each 1 00 Water closets, each 3 00 Additional water closets, each 1 00 Urinals, each 3 00 Service, lots of 50 feet or less 6 00 Additional frontage for the same tap, per foot 08 Lots with more than one tap each additional tap 6 00 (But additional frontage shall not be charged where there is a tap for each 50 feet of frontage ) As used herein a room shall be construed to mean a single enclosure, separated by partitions, banisters, rails, pillars, -1- curtains, or by any other means , things or objects which divides or separates a particular space into two or more parts, or gives the appearance of two or more parts , and which enclosure is suitable for occupancy whether permitted to remain vacant or unused or not, and whether in the basement, attic , upper floor or elsewhere of the residence , and shall include kitchenettes , glassed-in porches and solariums and laundries, but shall not include pantries, clothes closets, bath rooms, halls or break- fast nooks , furnace and coal rooms in basements, when appro- priated for the particular purpose A combination living room and dining room or combination kitchen and dining room, when appropriated for said purposes, shall constitute two rooms CLASS II MISCELLANEOUS Water for building purposes -- Brick per 1000 or fraction thereof 05 Plastering per 100 sq yds or fraction thereof 20 Stone per perch or fraction thereof 10 Concrete per cu yd or fraction thereof 05 Tank wagons, each 25 Or seven for 1 50 Barrels , ten for 50 Vacant Lots - Water for lawns or gardens on vacant lots which are not a part of an occupied premise , for 50 feet or a fraction thereof, per season 6 00 Water for parkings only on vacant lots, which are not a part of an occupied permise, for each 50 feet or a fraction thereof, per season 3 00 (Parkings shall be construed to mean the space between the curb line and property line of a lot) Extra Taps - Any premise of more than 50 feet frontage will be allowed an extra tap for garden and lawn purposes for each additional fifty (50) feet or fraction of more than 10 feet, and a charge of $6 00 per annum shall be made for each additional tap, and same will remain a permanent charge against the premise whether water is used or not, provided said premise is on a flat rate Carry Rates - The charge for carrying water to a premise that has no water connection shall be $5 00 per annum, provided that no carry rate shall be allowed for a place or premise that has a water main in front or side of the lot This provision shall not apply to carry rates where there are two or more houses on a lot and there is a water tap on the lot -2- It shall be unlawful to use water on a lot not having a tap from the tap of an adjoining lot, except in cases where a sprinkling charge is paid for said lot without a tap as herein provided. CLASS III. Metered Service All establishments or places of business not strictly residential and those residences coming within the classification in this subdivision defined, shall be -placed upon a meter,. and the charge per month for meter service and water taken through a meter shall be as follows — Same to be effective January 1, 1937 For each meter service, whether water is on or off, per year, payable in monthly installments 5/8 inch 6 00 3A inch 9 00 1 inch 12 00 12 inch 18 00 2 inch 24 00 3 inch 36 00 4 inch 48 00 6 inch 96 00 all over six incnes at sucn rate as the City Council shall fix by resolution Rates for water per month shall be as follows For the first 10,000 gallons, 20p/ per 1000 gallons For the next 40,000 gallons, 15� per 1000 gallons For the next 50,000 gallons, 109� per 1000 gallons For the next 400 000 gallons 89� per 1000 gallons. For all over 500 000 gallons, 79� per 1000 gallons MINIMUM MONTHLY GbA_R.4NTEE FOR DATER IN ADDITION TO METER CHARGE SIZE OF PETER MINIMUM MONTHLY GUARANTEE 5/9 inch or smaller $1 00 V44 inch 1 50 1 inch 2 00 12 inch 3 00 2 inch 4 50 3 inch 6 00 4 inch 9 00 6 inch 15.00 Larger 25 00 —3— In computing the monthly charge for metered water, there shall first be computed the amount due for the first 10,000 gallons and then there shall be added the amount used in the second bracket or next 40,000 gallons, and then there shall be added the amount used in the third bracket or next 50,000 gallons, and then there shall be added the amount used in the fourth bracket or 400,000 gallons, and then there shall be computed and added all -in excess of 500,000 gallons, and then there shall be added the meter service charge All continuous or mechanical flow fixtures, urinal and toilets, anti-freeze toilets, hopper toilets and mechanically flushed toilets, which are installed at the time of the passage of this ordinance, shall. be placed on meters and payment therefor shall be made in accordance with the schedule of rates for meter service and water All residences having an air conditioner, gas refrigerator or other mechanical appliance which requires the continuous flow of water for operation, either heretofore or hereafter installed in said residence, shall not be permitted to obtain a permit for the use of vater under the flat rates herein provided for residences, but shall be placed on meters and payment therefor shall be made in accordance with the schedule of rates for meter service and water The permits heretofore granted on residences having any one or more of said mechanical appliances requiring a continuous flow of water for operation under flat rate payment thereon, shall be revoked and terminated on the first day of February, A D 1937 All outside toilets or water closets, whether connected with private swellings or not, shall be placed on meters. If any meter shall fail to correctly register in any one month the consumer shall be charged for the average monthly consumption during the two preceding months as shown by his meter All meters shall be of a size, type and design approved by the City Commissioners, and shall be installed or removed oy the '+ater Department ana not otherwise Eacn meter shall be inspected by the `later Department and shall be properly adjusted before installation The cost of the meter and the expense of installation and maintenance shall be borne by the owner of the premises A record snall be made and preserved of each meter installed, giving the location and number of the meter All meters shall be sunolied iith a stop-cock on each side of the meter All meters shall be placed in an easily accessible part of the premises using water through such meter Such location and placement to be approved by the City Engineer or his deputy and the same may be inspected at any reasonable time by any officer of the Liater Works Department -4- When a house or premise has three or more apartments, a meter shall be installed and there shall be charged the regular meter rates as herein provided Where more than one residence is situate upon the same lot , each residence shall be considered separate and rates shall be paid as herein fixed, either under CLASS I or CLASS III at the option of the owner for each residence Premises using metered service shall not use water from a tap on adjoining premises paying a flat rate No consumer on a flat rate service shall Dermit water to be usea or taken from his tap to a vacant lot, or a lot with metered service and a violation hereof shall forthwith require said consumer to place his property on a meter " Section 2 That there is hereby added to Section 11, Ordinance No 8, 1927, as amended by this ordinance, Sections 11 B, 11 C and 11 D which are as follows, to-wit "Section 11 B No charitable , religious , educa- tional , or other institution shall be relieved of the pro- visions hereof, but shall be required to pay the rates herein fixed Section 11 C The owner or occupant of any residence may have a meter installed in accordance with the provisions of CLASS III hereof and pay rates under said sub- division in lieu of flat rates if he so elects , provided all water used or consumed on the property, even though the lot has a frontage of more than 50 feet, shall be metered Section 11 D It shall be unlawful to permit water to flow run or be discharged on the streets or side- walks of the City, and the washing of automobiles and all other things or objects on the streets or sidewalks in the City and the wasting of water is hereby prohibited " Section 3 That Section 18 of Ordinance No 8, Series of 1927, is hereby amended to read as follows to-wit "Section 18 Water rentals falling within CLASS I of Section 11 A hereof, shall be paid semi-annually on the lst day of February and lst day of August of each year in advance, and any period less than six months shall be con- sidered and treatea as a six month's period Water rentals falling within CLASS II of Section 11 A hereof, shall be payable in advance of delivery thereof -5- Water rentals falling within CLASS III of Section 11 A hereof, shall be paid monthly on the 1st day of the succeeding month In making up the water rental roll for each period provided in the ordinance as amended, the sum of $1 00 shall be added to the water rental of eacr consumer and if the water rental is paid and in the hands of the City Clerk on or before 4 00 P M of the loth day of the month in which the water rental is due , or on or before 4 00 P M of the llth day of the month in which the water rent is due, if the loth falls on Sunday or a legal holiday, the said sum of $1 00 shall be rebated, otherwise collected by the City Clerk If said water rental is not paid by the loth or llth of the month as herein provided, then the City Clerk shall cause the water on said premises to be turned off and a charge of $1 00 plus the delinquent water rental shall be made for turning on the water on said delinquent property The City Clerk shall not draw on any bank account at the instance of any water consumer for any Nater rental, unless written authority therefor is first given to the City Clerk by the consumer Section 4 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed Section 5 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced , read at length and adopted at a regular meeting held the 30th day of October , 1936 Attest mayor ViVy C er STATE OF COLORADO, ) ss County of Lar caner } I, J D McINTYRE City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins , do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing Ordinance, consisting of five (5) sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 30th day of October , A D 19369 and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins , by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter, and thereafter and on to-wit the 3rd day of November , A D 1936, said Ordinance No 16 was duly published in The Fort Collins Express- Courier , a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado IN WITNESS ffHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this 3rd day of November , A D 1936 C ty Clerk