HomeMy WebLinkAbout039 - 12/31/1958 - ACCEPTING THE BEST BID FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES JANUARY 1, 1959, IN THE AGGREGATE � I I ORIeOMCE MI), 339 * 1958 AN ORDIUMCk. ACCLPTIM THE RM BID FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS 8 shM UWROVMM REVENUE BMDS9 SERIES J UARY I, 15599, IN THE AMEGATZ PRUCIPAL AM1t T OF $300 000oOO, PRSSCRIRING TIM I3TZMT RATE SAID BONDS $$= REAR AND THEM FURMSE PRICE; RATIFYUM ACTION &".31MVOFL§5 TARO TOWARD 1WROVt14C9 BETTERING AND M, TENDIM TM, UNITARY SEM SYSTEM D'l TM CITY AND TO*& WARD ISSUING SM RffiVME MUDS THMMR; AND DECLAR-r TMG AN MMUNCY, WHMMSs the City of Fort Hollins, hereinafter som- tizws desi ted 816E the "City," in the Comity of larimer imd State of Colorado, is a =a1cipal corporation dully organi led and existing under Article = of the Constitution of the State of Colorado; and MMUS* the City now ams and operates aR =Micipal sanitary sewer systems herainafter sewti=3 designated as the "syst;.emP or ea the "ems system;" and MMMSI, the present sanitary seuer facilities are insufficient and inadequate to met the needs of the City the inhabitants thereof; and MS, the City Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 36, 1956, passed, adopted and signed on the 26 t day of Ravrember, 1958, authorized the issuance of the "City of Fort Collins Sewer U*rovoment Revenue Sondes, Seviess January 1, 1959," in the aWWte principal apt of $300,000, 0s bearing data as of the first day of Ja ry, 1959, for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of improving, bettering and extending the sanitary same system of said City; and i RUSS the City Council, pursuant to at resolution also passed, adopted, a,sd signed on the 26th day of November, 1958, provided for the publics "le of said boards and required sealed bids therefor which vauld be publicly opened an the 18th day of December, 19580 4md UWAVAS. sealed bids were received and publicly spmed on said date, and they have been tabulated,, ranal,iaed and fully cansi.dered; and fib' E", the City Catmai,l has determimd, and does hereby determine, that the bid submitted by poet t bA r and Coqpany s Deavoar. Colorado, for the purchase of said bonds use and is the bests bid submitted; and tt -55- WHERy.Af39 in order to suatborfser the making and issuawe Of ae iwavzmat revenue bonds to tInsuce to cost of imtrrmw ice, b et to rung and cate hang said systcs4 and in Ord= to pladp the not incs w to tre derived &tea the openti oa of said seww SYstm to the; pay not of said bands, it: is 699sommy that an ordinance be meted at: a regoktr =*tLag by the tafA rmtive, vote of the =aJorit'y of all the ors of to City email of the Cloy elected tbarate, dec afrt"g Ow a ce"sity tbweot �a�, due to ubs Iftogoing provisions and for other d Gnd suffteiOut 10460mv 06 City Council of the City of Fort Collins Us dated, and doss hereby 4 stesxaine, that it Is necesw ry and for the beat Interest of the City and the Ino babi,t:afte t ofu that this ordimace be adopted; and in view of the length of this o9rdinence and t A view of the 16sat that clear not iter af ite t o=* any be given by as coWvahentive svmwaey of tt2m substance of tba ordinance, thD Cent oll bareby dooms it apprWiat e that said ordinsms be Vubliolmd only bO tAtle, together vrith s 4cow#rahensive a=Mvxy of add ordinewt, 4Ad a statwwat that the tit to available fw pvObUc inapeectionn sad acquisition In the eefue of tho City Cleft; and the Vowa3.1 bareby dettfraines *ad deaclmes that the f = of sucU publisssim hereinafter r pmeribied. to oast tLeIeent appr"V"tG. tom, WWs, BE IT MAMM W TRE COMM or CITY OF FMT GOIJJM i Sfttlon 1. Mat the bid suba3d 4ted by 8oettt:Whanr and Comp, DGAVIM, Colorado, fW the purvtose of the "City tty of Port COMM $ate 9r4vriwwon tteve nua Boade, Soxte s January 110 1959," is the aW agate principal aw aeet of 0300*0009001 La the df nadna of M000 00 e60b, coneioti% of B4 bmds, weed GanswWAvoly fbson 1 to 30a both, inclusive, be, and the sue!# hereby is, eaccept eds said bid being for tb a pritwipal eta aft tho bonds 400lgated, beerriag Intamt: at the cats after d80100tted. plM aid ianterest dwwean *too thelz date to do date of their delivery,, and a p y redaee of,, 05100000l� � section to That Said bvnde �11 bar Ist.nsew t from their date until this respective asturittes at the sate of tbreaee su+d Onswqusrter per 44mt um (3,1/42) per anum. Station 3v lit all astioa heretofmg taken (note InQ=Olettent with the provisions €f %bis off) by the City Cowl and to officers of the City 4pi Coils 41reqW tow9rd iwr"ing, bettering ftdottwWLag t bo saannitspy am" system of maid City, i,neludU4,1 otitthoat livtaittog the geumlity Of the f0tWings the song* d 4po sal punt and IstmewAr Braes$ d of AQuip=Mt:, Sad their appurtenances; and tword the ioazAnco Of its City of Fort Collins Sewertar t ROVOMM I Baan48 s dies Unuary 1, 1959, to Provide f n& to pay the oaat them aft he sud the SOMP amity Us Mifias appm"d and em, firmd, lncluftns# witbMA l miting the promality of the twos* Geis the public sale of "Id bands Sectt:laa► 4# That after aaW eS the bends bmin authorized r#zed are imedl, Me ordita Oball be and are oin isrt- ptaalable until the bmda and to ifattaMt ftereft ahsll be fully paaids +caneelled, and dieashargds as herein pr'o'v d. Section S. That It any amte im wr seati"t staaatOne", Cl USee or parts of thia OV41 UCe sbetli for any regM be gwesM tioud or held luvatlid, sueb judSout SUIX q*tt affect, IV$ O' tumll ftt s tb8 V4Wluiu$ paroV9'.alou a of this ardiname a but a asEl,l beaftflued in Its optrratm to the spwiflc a"timm, seed* teas +PlawaS Or PaM Of this Ovdinswo so Meld mu=atitutLona 0 at and Lataal idt and the inae"licability and lnwll d itty of wV sectimv sentowev Gume at part of this +swift in am we or mwe bmtomm shall not: affaaa or p udj" in arty my t'bs OPPIL"bility and wli y of tMe ovdUmifse In m' o lustaneea. SoCtUm fi. Tbat all by s tarde rss r"Olutism and saes, or parts tt $?f, Lue "Outtut ber "th aatro hweby ropealed to the extent only of suet #=onalstteaxoy. This for shiail net be ataas d to revi,o "y b]r6, gw, order* resolution, as ardlnance, or part: !"soft tberetofore arrepe&Ud. Seeman 7. lUt ate the Cavil in a pre"ble to ttUS ordimmo b" stated that it dew it appropr^iste to pubtiah this ardimuce only by Ito t ttlo* by a 40"W"bwSive #=Mavy tbeweofs sued OF e $tatGwAt OOMO Lug Its awllability for pubUc iat8paacrttO* naa! w4ulSltifts the orftae +► s shall be so puiliabed purvant» to lmttioft 70 Artxinl+s no City Qaartw, in substOwtidUy 1tbo foil Est I of lA tim) NOTICS OF a on al f cat�� ,,. - =IWTMO in U" 810 To 2a CI tom' MRT tOLLUS SMM w PRMVAL AM= Ot OWAMF099 PRUMMIN TU =TMMiy RATE S BMW MO AND UM MCHASS YRtCat RATMM A ON RiRSTO TWM I 4 „ DMiStO AIM t I SA MART SMM SYS= OF UM CITI AM TOWARD tSWM SUM SOME VS THMUMI AND D=AR10 4AN ZHMMCT,ll Moo SutrgduaW and sdDptad t d4y o , 1951' ,_• by: the City i,"I Of the city of t Colune s in Lulmtr Countty, Ct9uM%4** seta of the or'tdes Sy the Premlous s taw ordinfimm trashes the City'*s orgranf eatttim MWIM Art le XKao t*lam CongtLtutim, sreci,tte$ the City'a OAP ad the iva&KA*gY or the M"01"a Sodtavy emw $"trw* respites that the City Caumll Fizz d to lasuante of the Ott of Fort CoMtttt Sower Improv=mt dam haft 4 ftrU* JSWMMY to 039 p In the priMdpel swunt of 6 300.CO 00, by ftAlaama R** 36, 1958, adapted ed and sited Rovemobw 16, 19 , &w lqW6vSmS, be4 and mtaWjnS S"dl SystAfta realt" got plwat"t to 0 t:msOluttsAu paused, aft *ad 81SM4 04 tt a at 4M dtt:o tbs City CM011 provi4ed fm the pubUc sale. rs9 "td bomb and *peel" bid tit or an vocua err is, 195s. %VOl $ buds ww thin opened, reefs that the bests bid t hwetw me a baittlae d by Boattebw and C*VgxW• Domw, Coltgeatdta, and rmites the mills ftt eaca luatla n to +fit the art "d to publldh It 6y tttit la s tagetha vit h a awWrehemikva >st>rary of to try svA a$ statamt trUt the tit thwoof to tttwi 9aa ter pV+110 i "C"On and am%d"uon isa dw city Clftkt d aface. Samoa 1 of the car tuame saaVttat t bo betat bird SM the bonds rwr ebeft Wi ipal emmmt, lattuoott to tbg of e *9 tth"v 49 i. "d 4 grenUo of $510.00. men 8 p"uid" the bonds *ball bear tAtwest; fto* awir dat►t o va al dwd ram.► tt:lv* turiti*d acts 00 90te Of 09*0 And ewwqw=Aw per epeatus tad Ivrovingf, extendlua Md bettving the sanit t saw system and the 3a of the tCivy Of twt Garb Sates -SS- 1"Wev mtt Remus B=dSo Series JAWAS Y to 1939 r inaluding do vvbUo sate ®f t A boaft. 6"ticn A dftlavoo *a W41wa t abaft be Irno"1019 after do "$us ce of boaftp Soctiono S dad S cowtituto a owmAbluty clause and an !Le>pIUA arep"Iev vv*v 9LMS vole tLva� ► iy. tf" 7 pr"Ldes ftv tba pVbUcatt UMb Of dW awe by titU* $==try StAtownto dead a o"toont 00 ft ita avat4a6t140 ley ftV publio bnp**UO* it"QUI tictt 1, eAd the Of tee pab?Iaation* Bmtian 8 10 as emWgWUW a e« no 'text of is true AvollAb potic in* atpection toquiettim ft Ov aftea of the +fit► ClArk to 00 City ftU ScildyUSS is Sew gb%UA * C"ar WI9 UM MI v9flSW6*"re 3 Sy Cult Or THE drM OXNCIL OF UM 8tTT 4y FM tYomwst dam* fttad dL" day of , t Altt:+eet l try U � Of TOM Of pUMMU1 c w��r section a That: by reason of the 460t that: the City of Foam Collins is not properly of aderately swpltad with sanitary sir facilities, it is hereby declared that an emss• geacq exists,, that this ordinSwe is sosewry tw the I=Wdtate presermtion of the public peace, health, prrOPOM, and S&f#44y* and tbsio therefore, it abstl take Gf&at Maly Upoa its paste. up" the affissa►tima vote oil at least fam ao rt4 of the Couutil; and *aid w4imanae shall be pubU$W within 444 days following its passage in accordanee with the p siWs`tqf Sections 6 and 7, Article 1X, of the Matter of tits City Of pout Collins, PA39EDo A 33TISD AM $10MED this clay Of (SEAL) Attests city r,*uwu �L E�r�zo,�re�