HomeMy WebLinkAbout014 - 12/02/1948 - AMENDING SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 006, 1948, RELATING TO STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 9 (E L l 1 ORDINAL E NO. 14 -SERIES Oi 1948 Alt ORDI'r:ANCB Tv AaOl) `c.::I ION 6 0; OR6iYANCe N0. 6, 1948, EELATI;�G TO STORM SEWER IAPROVEACNr LISfRICT A10. 9, IN FOR'i' COLLIN ., CCL.1)i4LO, .NP LECLA"NO AN EwekGENCY. 1 i i Bi. it .4 LAIX_C yY l'hF CIIi C"NCIL uP -1hE CITY LP FORT COLLINS, C0LJR6LO; i -ection 1. 1nat Section 8 of Crdinbnce ::o. 6, 1948, adopted and approved on tue dtn day of July, 1948, be �n,! the same is hereby 4.:ended to retd as foilowst ° Sect:On 6. That slid bonds shall be dated i:ovember 1 , 1948, shall beer the name of thi Listrict improved, shall be pbycble to the beerer ten (10) yews from add after tine d:.te thereof, subject to call and prior payment as by law provided, shall s be sabecribed by the ;Gayor, countersigned by the City Treasurer, and attested by the City Clerk under the sell of the City, shall be payable out of the _:oneyz Coll - ectt on becuant of the amseaz.:uents to be Wede for said i-provements, and anell bear interest at the rote of 61x per centum (0) per "rum, payable semi-annually suer Inter-eat on fonds ,:u._bered 1 to 70 , Inclusive, shall be evidenced by two sets of smi-annuel coupons, one set to evidence inter-eat at the ,rate of 4% per ennum, numbered fruy 1 to z0, inclusive, end the other set to evidence interest at the rate of Ep per annum, numbered 14 to 204, inc'_,:sive. Zuch interest on bonds numbered 71 to 178 , Inclusive, ai,all be evidenced by semi-annual coupons at the rate of 6% per ennum.. Laid coupons shall be signed with ti.e facsimile aignat;,re of the City Clerk. Ca1d ._onds shall be In the deno.,.inatiec of ;500.00.each, and shall be numbered consecutively fro., one upward, The prirelpel of end interest on said bonds shell be PeyEble rt the office of the City Treasurer. -aid bonds shell be eLllable and pey,.ble In their regular namerierl order, both before end after m:.turity. pres-Seetiyfs L. In the opiniun of the City Council an e:aereency exists for the ervation of pabii¢ health, peace and safeti, and tips Lrdinance shall t::ke effect apon ' j its passage finder and by virtue of the authority contained in -Sections 6 End 7 of Article IV of the Jity Cn&rter. _ L.:FJLUJSD, read at Ien,th, end sdopter by the unenit:ou.- vote of all members of ti,e City Council this knd jay of -eeezber, �,L, . 1948. ' � ( Sr, A L } xo. saioner of :safety zr. Ex—Cfficio yor ..hest: / City ;;lerk DO ) CCUNTY aP j: I, 211,B4 ". E"c E, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certif, end r:eclare th_.t the aforesaid Ordinance, consisting of two sections, -as Cady propose' i and reel: at length at a regular meeting of the City Council, geld on the 2nd day of Lecember, :..L. 1948, and wee duly adopted end ordered published in the Port Collins Coloredoen, a dolly ne,.%spaper end official newspaper of the City of Port Collins, by the unanimous vote of all aembers of the City Council, ha an Emergenc; C_^dinance, in accordance with the j: provisions of sections 6 and 7 of Frticle IV of the City Charter; and thereafter end on, 3 9 to-wit: the 7th day of Lecember, ...D. 1948, said ::rdinancs ',a. 14 was duly published In the Port Collins Coloredoan, a deilp newspaper pablished In the City of Fort Collins, Colorado IN liD.L.S WHEREOF, I hays hereunto not my hand and affixed the seal cr ssid`�.Yt�� tk,is 7th day. of Le¢ember, 4.0. 1948: City Clerk ", I OS NO. 1942 DNANCE TO AMEND SEC- NS6 OF ORDINORM NO. Q 1IM- RELATING TO STORM SEWER 9 IM- PROVEMENT� FORT LOLL DISTRICT NO. 9, IN FORT COLLINS,AN EMERGENCY. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION RE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT STATE OF COLORADO COLLINS, COLORADO: Sa. Section 1. That Section 6 of Cr. , COUNTY OF LARIMER No. e,. lqP- ' �Qopn' ___.... being first duly sworn wainess upon oath, deposes and says: That ....he is the--- ......._ *X. of the Fort Collins Coloradoan; that ....he has personal know edge of all the facts set forth In this affidavit; that the Fort Collins Coloradoan is a public daily newspaper of general circulation, hav- tag its principal office and place of business situated in said County of Latimer; that said Fort Collins Coloradoan is printed and pub- lished daily except Saturdays and legal holidays; that said Fort Col- lins Coloradoan is a daily newspaper, duly qualified for the purpose set forth within the meaning of Sections 1 to 7, inclusive, of Chapter 130, of Volume 4, of 193E Colorado Statutes Annotated, and any amendment thereof passed prior to the date hereof; that said news- paper had, prior to January 1, 1936, and has ever since said date been admitted to the United States Mails as second class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, and any amendments thereof; that said newspaper is printed In whole in said County of Latimer and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper had been so printed and published as a public daily newspaper of general circulation in said County of Lorimer, uninterruptedly and continuously, during the period of more than -fifty-two consecutive . weeks next prior to the first issue thereof containing the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said annexed legal notice or ad- vertisement was published In the regular and entire editions of said newspaper for-A)" successive weeks on..�st $ .___..of each successive week; that the first publication of said legal notice or advertisement was In the regular and entire edition of said news- paper of the ..... .t&day of ...D*"gjbb . ............ A. D. 19_4; that the last pub �_ _ lication of said legal notice or advertisement was In the regular and entire edition of said newspaper of the ......T-W- day of....-------D&asmb lr......_.................... A. D. 19...48, and that copies of each number of said paper in which said notice or adver- tisement was published were delivered by carriers or transmitted by mail to each of the subscribers of said paper, according to the accustomed mode of bu Inn ttthiiissoffffi Subscrib and sworn to before me, at and wltfttn the County of Larimer, State of Colorado, this ..St' day of-DesdabW....... A. D. 19.".. My commission expires.........January 20. ] 1l. Notar ublic Deliver to ..._-- ----- .................._....