HomeMy WebLinkAbout015 - 12/16/1948 - AMENDING SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO 006, 1948, AND THE FORM OF INTEREST COUPON SET FORTH IN SECTION 7 ORDINAPim NO. 1r __SERIES OW 1948 4N ORgiNAVuCE IC ku[ 1VD CTi�ti 6 OP unLia9NCla N0, 6, 1948, d81D 7' E ?@ndi OF It TaFt T COUPON ET :Bfilii 1N UCIIUV 7 vP LAID ORDI:49CE WO. 6, BEL TING TO irOLY SE£fE.F IUeRCVz►E::T DISTRICT NO• 9, Si� POi ,' CGLLiMa, COLOF.ADO, dPub DECLQn1k0 hR{ E➢ _..RGENCY. Tl bE I: vi.LoiiaS,t 13Y 1::_� CIIi C..jNCIL OF IrL CIIY .;P FLET CoLLI:;S; ) :;ectlun 1, IhLt Suction 6 of OrdinLnee ::o. 6, 1948, adopted end approved on ? .the 6th dr;y of July, 1946, be end the same is hereby sae nded to read as follows:, i Section 6. he said bonds shall be dated ::ovember 1, 1948, si:all bear the name of tne .Llstrict "proved, sisal: be peyeble to the bearer ten (10) years .from and after [ the ante tcereof, s»blect to call and prior payerer,t as by law provided, shell be g scribed o, tr.e ..-yor, counter.lEned by the City Treasurer, and attested by the City GIera under ti.e seal of the City, sijEll be payable out of the moc.eys collected on account of ti.e abbb66 entb to be made for said improvements, and shall 'bear Interest 6 ` at tse rate of six per centaur (ei) per annul, payable, semi-annually, said lnterest to be evioence.d by cvulons bttLched to 000ds and L:tested by the facsimile signature ( z y of tr.e City Cler.:. E;.ch of Li.e interest cOuaons Lttaced to bonds :.atebared 71-140, t Inclusive, wall evidence tr.e sera-ennual i_tere:.t at the r-te of six per centaur (6,1) j i 3 { 9 per bnrum, the Interest oh bonds nu::bered 1 to 70, inclusive, bnall be evidenced tr by two bets of seai-a:ruLl eoupo:;s, one set to evidence interest Lt the rLte of 4% per anuu.w., na.::bered from 1 to 20, inclusive, and Ibe oti.er set to evi er.ce Interest � '' at the rote of Ep per onnum, numoerrd 1:. to LGe, lnel:sive. :.Lid coupons sr.Lll be }' signed with t o fLoslmlle sigrature of tr.e City 0 erk, Said bonds shall be In the 1 deouainatlon of Five nundred LollLrs (,;:.00.CC) each, LA shell be na::.bered coresecatively, . E from one upward. :he prirclpal or and ir.tereLt on said bonds shell be pe, able at the office of t:_e Glty Treasurer. Laid 'bonds shall be callable end peyeole In their {' #] rag»1Lrru;aberidal order, Dora before tad after m_tarlty. 11 K " i:ectior. S. :1L: the fora of Srterest eJupon set forth Ir. Section. 7 of said Grdin- - '.. s' ence ao. 6, IA8, be end the .same Is hereof ate.-.des to reLc Ls folloesr r y (?ora of Coupon) } ; tab. 1 - 40 . 1lb.00 ' 1= 4CA 10.00 r :..00 t vn the Ist day a -ovember, ..,D. 19T, unless the bend to which this coupons is atttci:ed i.bs tee❑ called for prlor redempticr., tue City of "Fort Collins will p:y to i bearer rt Iiin:v .,:.D ..0/100 LOLL�i~•5 - .� i clbE :-T. „0/100 LaZLmRS In lawful money of t,�e _nited c.tLtcs' of merlcL, at ti,e Office of the City Treasurer, in Fort "111. s, Colorado, being slx aonths' interest on its Storm ::ewer sorovement Distrlet i .:o. 9 _ond, dated ..ove"oer 1, ly4c, bearing. o. (?Lez; y Aa a SS reanature) Cit Section S. In the D?inicn of the City Goancil an emergency exiets for tce Ares i,. ervLtior, of p.tolir r.eelt.., ier;ee end safet; , L::d this ordins::ce si'.e'_7 tyke effect :Don Its Faeseee under tnd ::y sirtue of the b.;t:.ority cont-ined in -:_etions a and 7 of _rticle. IV of the City Charter. 1 lRuLUChL, read at lentth, and Ldo;•ted b; the unclzois vote of all members of f1 the City Councll t?.is I6th day of Decox.ber , ..L. 1948. stitl St: ti 03mltslloEcr of ::are e;AV / Ex-�rricio _ayor err iirsimnw�sssiartflfle�.�AEAAII , ORDINANCE NO. lb _SERIES OF 1s4s 273 tifF.Tc _FC�LJfuLO ) j CuJtili .? twhIY.EF ))) LS. CITY OF F�'K CvLLIhS ) 1, riles ?, .iio.ee, City Clerk or the City. of Fort Collins, do hereby .certify and declare that the. foregolne ordinance, con::ibtine of three eections, wee duly prop.sed end r:ud it length at a re,�ular meeting of t:.e City Council, held on Ue 18ttt day of. December D. 11.4iet id was duly adopted and ordered pablishe0 in the Fort Collins Coloredoen, a . sally ne :sraper and tt,e official newspaper Of the City of Fort Colli..s, by tt,e unanimous vote of all mPWbers of the City O:)uncll, as an =mevgency Ordin:.nee, In aeeordenee with the Provisions of :.eetions 8 and 7 of ...rticle IY of the City Charter; and thereafter end on, to-wit; the PIst day. of Lecember, _.L. Ie4a, said �rdirar.ee no, lb, was publisher 1n the `sort Gollisa Color,doen, a &.11y nesapaper pj .lianed in the City of Port Collins, Colorado. IF HIT; EbL ,hE:.coF, i nave barc,nto bet WJ hand a:.d afflxed tiie seal of said Clty this Llat day of Deeemoer, ...D. 1248. ( S E 1. L ) C ty er i 3 i k