HomeMy WebLinkAbout004 - 05/11/1950 - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $600,000, TO BE DEN 1378 ` ORDINANCE NO 4 SERIES OF 1959 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IsSUAACE BY THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS COLORADO OF ITS NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 4600 000 TO BE DENOMINATED "REFUNDING PATER nONDS SERIES OF 1950" FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING A LIKE ALOUNT OF OUTSTANDING BONDED INDLETEDNEsa OF SAID CITY REDEEMABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY ON THE 15T DAY OF OuTOBER 1950 PRESCRIBING THE FORT[ OF SAID REFUNDING WATER BONDS AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AN ANNUAL TAX TO PAY THE SAME PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AND DECLARING AN ELZRGENCY WHEREAS pursuant to Ordinance No 13-1925 the City of Fort Collins Colorado heretofore incurred an indebtedness of *1 000 OOOfor municipal waterworks purposes bb44 000 of which In now evidenced by outstanding City of Port Collins Refunding Water Bonds aeries 1936 bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum, said outstanding bonds being due aerially October 10 1950 to 19709 inclusive but being redeemable on October 1 1y50 and l WHEREAS the City has available funds with which to pay and redeem #44 000 of said outstanding bonds and to pay interest on all J6440000 of said outstanding bonds to said redeemable date and WHEREAS in order to effect a suostantial saving of interest it has been deter- mined to issue and sell 9600 000 of City of Fort Collins Refunding Water bonds Series of 1950 for the purpose of paying and redeeming a like principal amount of said aeries 1936 bonds, i THERE?ORE BE IT ORDAINED D1 THE CITY rOL6CIL OF THE CITY OF FORT 'OLLINS LAiIMER COUNTY COLORADO j Sect on 1 That by virtue and in pursuance of the City Charter there shall be 4 ) issued negotiable coupon bonds of said City of Fort ,ollins each to be denominated Refunding water Done Series of 1950 in the principal amount of 46v0 000 for the V j 1 rpurpose of refunding a like amount of said outstanding bonded indebtedness of said C ty redeemable at the option of said City on and after the 1st cay of October A D 1950 I anc which said indebtedness the City Council of said City has determined and hereby r -r determines to call in for payment and redemption � 1 section 2 That the dayor and City Clers of said City of wort Collins be and they are hereby authorized and directed to have prepared said negotiable coupon Refunding �bater .onds of said City in the said aegreaate amount of 9600 000 consisting of 600 bonds In the denomination of *1 000 each numbered 1 to 6vJ in-lusive Section 3 That said bonds nereby autnorized shall oe negotiable in form (payable to bearer shall near date the lot day of April A D 1950 shall bear interest payable semi-annually on the 1st days of April and October of each year and shall mature on October lst as follows 1$30 000 in eacn of the years 1951 to 1955 inclusive A at the rate of 1-1/2% per annum 630 000 in each of the years 1956 to 1960 inclusive t Iat the rate of 1-3/4% per annum 00 000 in each of the years 19ol to 1965 inclusive at the rate of 2% per annum and 4.30 000 in each of the years 1966 to 1970 inclusive � at the rate of 2-1/4% per annum bonds die in the years 1961 and thereafter shall be u redeemable at the option of the City on October 1 1960 and on interest payment dates thereafter in their inverse numerical order The principal of said bonds and the interest accruing thereon shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer Fort Collins Colorado said bones shall be signed by the Commissioner of Puolic safety and Health land ex-officio kayor . ountersi6ned by the Commissioner of Finance and supplies and tax-officio City Treasurer, with the seal of said City affixed thereto,and attested by the City Clerk of said City The interest accruing on said bonds shall be evidenced by t t 379 ORDINANCE NO_ 4 —SERIES OF 19so semi annual interest coupons thereto attached bearing the facsimile signature of the � Q Commissioner of Finance and Supplies ex-officio Treasurer of said City, and when so s executed such coupons shall be the binding obligations of the City according to their Import Section 4 Said bonds and coupons to be attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form to-wits I UNITED STATES OP AMERICA SfATL OF COLORADO COUNTY OF LARIMM CITY OF PORT COLLINS REFUNDING WATER BOND SERIES OF 1950 pp No ♦1 000 A The City of Port Collins, Lorimer County. Colored% for value received hereby t I acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer the sun of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS w a In lawful money of the United States of America, on the 1st del of October A D 19 , 1� with interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of in centum ( A) per annum, payable semi-annually in like medium on the lot r days of April and October of each year as evidenced by interest coupons hereto attached, y ooth principal and interest payable at the office of the City Tressurer, Port Collins, Coloradop upon presentation of this bond and said coupons respectively (The following paragraph to be inserted in bonds maturing in the years 1961 and thereafters) This bond is redeemable at the option of the City on October 1, 1960, and on interest payment dates thereafter in its inverse numerical order in the issue of which It is one x This bond is issued by the City of Fort Collins 6olorado, for the purpose of paying redeeming and refunding a like amount of outstanding unpaid, payable lawful and valid bonds of amid City, and the lawful and valid ineebtedness evidenced thereby incurred for waterworks purposes, Lnder by virtue o• and in full conformity with the Constitution r and laws of the otste of Colorado the provisions of the Charter of said Citys and an Ordinance duly adopted by the City Council of said City at a lawful seetin6 thereo' hold ! prior to the issuance of this bonds and it to hereby certified and recited that all eats ) and things required to be done and conditions and things required to estist n8 4 precedent to sad in the Issuance of this bond to render the aass lawful and *slid have happoned, been P ( properly done and performed, and do exist in regular and due Lire fors; and manner as (required by law and that the total dect of said City o' Part Collins, including that of ( this bond# exceeds neither the statutory nor the constitutional limitations of the Sate r of Colorado or the Charter o• said City, that said total debt Is not increased by the x 0 Issuance hereof and that provision has been made for the levy and a ollectioa of a direct � s annual tax on all the taxable property o- said City sufficient to pay the principal and r (interest of this bond as the oasts respectively came duo The full faith and credit of the City of Fort %,i ollias are hereby pledged for t.'e panctual payment of the principal of and the interest of this bond ; j I9 WITNESS WHL9EOP the City of Port Collins. Larlmor County. Colorado,by ; I i Its City Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Commissioner of Public Safety land Health and ex-officio Kayor, countersilgood by its Cammiseloner of Piasncs and 3uppllss , j `and ex-officio City Treasurer, sealed with its corporate seal, attested b) Its City I 380 a ORDINAM..... NO 4 SERIES OF 1950 I Clerk and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile I� sibnature of its said City Treasurer as of the 1st day of April A D 1950 i Commissioner of Public Safety and Health ex-officio Mayor ( S E A L ) COUNTER3IGNED I ATTEST I Commissioner o nance an aupp ea I and ex-officio City Treasurer City Clerk (Form of Coupon) 90 � April f on the let day of October, A D 19_ *(unless the bond to which this coupon I Is attached has been called for prior redemption) the City of Fort Collins in the County I of Larimer and state of Colorado promises to pay to the bearer DOLLARS r in lawful money of the United states of Americas at the office of the City Treasurer in Fort Collins Colorado being six months' interest on its Refunding Later cond merles j of 1950 dated April is A D 1950 No 11 I (Yacaimile signature) , omm as oner of Tnanc-�-Supplies ex-officio Treasurer *(This clause to be inserted in coupons maturing April 1 1961 and thereafter ) Section 5 That wnen executed the Refunding dater Bonds hereby authorized shall be sold and delivered to the purchasers thereof in accordance ■itn their contract of purchase The proceeds of said bonds and an adaitional amount of available funds to I Ipay said outstanding t644 000 of bonds aeries of 1930 and interest trerson to October 1 1950 shall be deposited in a special trust account in the rirst National Bank of Denver s (Colorado for the sole and only purpose of paying said outstanding bonds and interest ` I� land when paid such bonds and the coupons thereto attacned shall be canceled and destroyed The 61ty Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice o" call of all I !Eo' said aeries 1936 bonds on and after June 15 1950 i Section 6 the interest due on said bonds on October 1 1950 shall be advanced ( from funds of the City available therefor For the purpose of paying the interest on said Ilbonds as it becomes due and providing for the ultimate payment and redemptio-i of said condasipp ' there shall be levied on all the taxable property 1n said City is addition to all other � I taxes direct annual taxes in each of the years 1950 to 1969 inclusive sufficient to produce 00 000 of principal and one year's interest on all of said bonds outstanaing as the same become due and payable respectively I Said taxes when collected shall be placed in a fund to be called "Refunding Water cond Fund Series 1950" and said taxes shall be applied solely for the purpose of the payment of said interest and principal of said bonds respectively and for no other purpose whatever until the bongs authorized by this Ordinance principal and interest shall have peen duly paid satisfied and discharged but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent said City from applying any other funds that may ce in the treasury of the City and available for that purpose to the payment of the said Interest or principal as the same respectively mature and upon the application of any such funds the levy or levies herein provided ma^ thereupon be diminiahed in an equal amount a � Section 7 That the provisions of this Ordinance and each of the bonds and the interest coupons Issued pursuant thereto shall conatit�te and the same are hereby declared r r ORDINANI., NO k —SERIES OF 195& _i8l to be a finding and irrevocable contract oetween said City and the holder from time to time of each of said bonds and the interest coupons thereto appertaining The owners !� and holders of the Refunding Hater Bonds authorized herein sh_11 be subrogated to all the { right reaedies and privileges of the owners and holders of the obligations Issued fpursuant to said Ordinance No 13 -1925 and of the owners and holders of said Refunding )i Water Londs aeries of 1936 section 6 That after said bonds are is.ued this Ordinance shall not be altered or repealed until the bonds herein authorized shall have been fully paid both principal and interest Section 9 That the provisions of Sections 66b7 to 6694 Revised Statute& of Colorado, 1900s shall not be applicable to the refunding authorized herein and that all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions hereof be and the same are I hereby repealed Section 10 That it is necessary for these refunding proceedings to be completed at the earliest possible date in order that the City may effect a saving of interest on said outstanding indebtedneses and therefore it to hereby declared that an emergency exists and that this Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public pk peace health and safety I Section 11 This Ordinances immediately upon its passage shall be recorded in the cook of Ordinances of said Citys shall be authenticated by the signatures of the kayor and City Clerk shall be published In the Fort 6ollins .olcradoan a newspaper of general circulation in said City as required by law and ordinances of said Citys and shall be in full force and effect fl%e days after publication INTRODUCED READ FINALLY ADOPTED AND APPROVED This llth day of May 1950 ( S E A L ) Mayor i ATTEaT ICIty Clerk f i STATE OF COLORADO ) p as I COUhrY OF LARIMER ) I MILES F HOUSE City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing Ordinance consisting of eleven sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Cnmcil held on the llth day i of Lay A D 1950 and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Port Collins of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimous vote of all members I Coloradoan a daily newspoper and the official newspaper/of the City Council as an r emergency ordinance in ac ordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV I of the City Charter and thereafter and on to-wit the 16th day of May A D 1950 said Ordinance No b was duly ublished in the Fort Collins Coloradoan a daily newspaper N published in the City of Port Collins Colorado t IN WITNESS SHERDOF I have hereunto net my hand and affixed the seal of said j City this 16th day of Uay A D 1950 ( SEAL ) - city Clark k l � 1 ,� lhil VwNc C l CITY C'►l.i.rNan t.ORADO OF t N IA'RLaFE$COUPON RONI/S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Se OATO BE D6iYO AMOUNTINATED "R FU IN(; WATER BONDS. SERI STATE OF COLORADO Mill ", FOR T 'RPOSE 88. MBB�'UN DING A OUNT ill D INDER REDEEM- COUNTY OF LARIMER Z19NEa -`efTV, REDEEM-' ABLE OPTION OF THE . Gard i $& � CITY OH DAY OF FORM ...... ...... ... ... ._ ... -. .... ........_ .... b f rSt duly BWOrn BRr 195RISING THE FORM aR- or NAUNDING WATER N BONDSOVIDING FOR THE upon Oath, deposes and says: That ....he is the.. ........ ,. -,-- LEVY OF AN D _ ANNUAL TO PAY THE. SAME; of the Fart Collins Ooloradoan; that ..he has personal knowledge` '?RtNc1p� D INTEREST, AND of all the facts set forth in this affidavit; that the Fort Collins ,1¢BCLAR EMERGENCY. Coloradoan is a public daily newspaper of general circulation, hav- 1610EMREAS, p6nuant to Ordinance. 25. tilt*,City of Fort Collins, ing its principal office and place of business situatled in said CountyTwailf.r.ds, . heretofore incurred an in- of Larlmer; that said Fort Collins Coloradoan is printed and Dub- sa of$1,000,000 for municipal ks purposes, $644,000 of lished daily except Saturdays and legal holidays; that said Fort Ool- now evidenced by oil line Coloradoan is a daily newspaper, duly qualified for the purpose seriesof Fort C1936. bearingdin- set forth within the meaning of Sections 1 tlo 7, inclusive, of Chapter tercet at the raft of 1% per annum, 130, of Volume 4, of 1935 Colorado Statutes Annotated, and any said outstanding bonds being due ser- ially October 1, TM to 070, Jndus- amendment thereof passed prior to the date hereof; that said news- tve, but being redeemable on October paper had, prior tD January 1, 1936, and has ever Since said date 3. 1HE50: and D D WHEREAS, the City has available been admitted to the United States Mails as second class matter under funds with whist, to pay and redeem the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, and any amendments $44,000 of said outstanding bonds and to pay interest on 111 $644,000 of said thereof; that said newspaper is printed in whole in said County of outstanding bonds to said redeemable Larlmer and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper date: and WHEREAS. in order to effect a sub- had been so printed and published as a public daily newspaper of *hmhsl saving or Interest it has determined to issue and sell lIGN690o been general circulation in said County of Larimer, uninterruptedly and of City of Fort Collins Refunding Wat- continuously, during the period of more than fifty-two consecutive Be Bonds, serves of 19ao, fin, the pur- weeks next prior to the first issue thereof containingthe annexed pose of paying and redeeming s lice principal amount of Idet Series 1036 legal notice or advertisement; that said annexed legal notice or ad- bonds. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY vertimmeut was published in the regular and entire editions Of said THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, L A R I M E R l�r�.,� CQ,UNTY. COLORADO: newspaper fo�.... sure live weeks on. ----------of each virtues and In successive week; that the first publication of said legal notice or I Charter, there liable :coupon advertisement was in the regular and entire edition of said news- „of Fort Collins, ! to ba "RafandlnR paper of thd-.= day of ..!w....... .._................. A. D. 19 �.; Itto het tlenominAtari Series of 1960:' 111,'4Ne that the last publication of said legal notice or advertisement was _ ttpt of $60o,1418^- l".1e D pubs of refund'.:'h like arh fit of, aald outstanding bonded in deb ted- 1n the regular and entire edition of said newspaper of Uhe _1 --. onion 4rf aseidC City o neea fl]after the tat day of October, A. D. 1950, and y which flat indebtedness the City, day of ..................... ..........................., A. D. 1P..., and that Council of said City has determined copies of each number of said paper in which said notice or adver- and heranY dMer,ninea to call is for tisement. was published were delivered by carriers or transmitted PAY 8 dThat the mtvIayor and City by mail to each of the subscribers of said paper, according to the 'Clerk of said City of Fort Collins bed -e are hereby authorized and . directed to eye prep ed said nego- accustomed mode of buei s this oitic\""'""-' "'^C. ..- Water Bonds f bsa a n City i fso n th c e Coupon Bald coun nsisting aggregate to each. numbered 1 to 600. iiell"A Bee. . Subscribed and sworn 1» before me, at and within the County ea section a. That said bonds hereb •�a,� �i. authorized shell be negotiabla. -i In- of Larimer, State of Colorado, this a{*day of...Ifty.......:........... form, payable to bearer. ah {late the Lai. day Of April, A. A. D. IY-.-..., shall bear interest payable a on the lst days of "Mil ll me- My commission explreB.. October eachy3of the vc."s I^it' tr Ist as A�60 in act, Of tile y In- at Notaryears P lie 1906 to teen, Inclusive, at the rail Of 1 per annum1 S80 me in each of Ilse fears 1Mi1 to lne5, met d$3 at the rote of the per annum. antl 0, in 0 in 'each t, the years I to par t um; ice s 1e rate Of years, l Pam' aOna'm: bonds dun m the y ears ble and e GO- :niter 'I shall be city oft Oct at t1. op- inn of the Gtty oft October 1, 19gs d on interest payment delve share- er, in their inverse numerical or- ar. The principal of said bonds and e interest accruing thereon shall be -,payable in lawful money of the Unil- �" ftu ode (:,iy nf Ireasu[e c,c at the "if"C or Deliver to ------------------ " - Y oil Collin Coto- ....-•---......._......._.-.-....--_.-__._.-___....-._.-....-.._._. ra Sal Sem hands shell ro signed by.the .Comm alld a of rio m- Se, cu and Health and the commissioner Mayon of Pis signed by the es and alener of -Fa j Tree and Supplies and i Off ld Cit,y _ 'Treasurer, with the seal of said City affixed thereto, antl City. The by the City accruing of said City. The b Leevl- accruing nn send bonds shall st evi- donced e] .1 l-ammx) interest Sou- pone thcrsin attache bearing the ,ioc chile signature of the Commis- viuner of I'inanpe And Orlb piles ex- offfeie �esursr af'i "City tad'd!tions and thL•r6e zequirad j when so exeelrtAd such Coupons s^all precedent to and in the he ck be the binding obligations Of the City this bond to render the Being land vniid. have happened, bee according to flair import. Section 4. said bgnda and ceuponsj crlY done and performed, and to be attached thereto she be in isk in r eQuiar and tluC time, In substantially the following form, to-'manner as required by law, a wit, tilet.utal. debt of ,aid City Collins, incinding that of till UN, FI'ED STATES OF AMERICA exceeds nerlher trite statutory STATE OF COt.ORADD renal ltutionai limitations of it COUNTY OF LARIMEIL of Colorado or the Charter CITY OF FORT CON Clty, that sold total debt is REFUNDING WATER BOND.. SERIES S creased by the Issuance her OF 1900 $1000 that provision has been made I,arlmer levy and collection of a direr 'Cho City of Fort Collins, tax on all the taxable poor County. Colorado, for value received, said City sufficient to PAY It hereby acknowledges noel bearer nthe ctpal and interest Of this bun and promises t0 pay same respectively come due, sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS The full faith anti credit Of In lawful money of the United Stales Of Fort Collins Ale hereby or America, on the 1st day of Oc-Ifor the punctual paymentt ret 4.- .tuber, A. b, 19 with interest there- cipnl 04 end the i riviat of t . .. ,r a .rvicea u+tIF.A_OF..._ loolo. ens aupPnes and ex-offieio City Treasurer, with the seal of said City affixed thereto, and attested by the City Clerk of said Cit -- - - Y..The interest -"" -- aceaufng on said bonds alfall be evI- depced by semi-ann i lnteregt aqa, PWgg tDneto attached, beasieg- the fa Cgfn1he signature of the 'Cbm t e stoner of Finance and plies, ex- efHeie— t'�paaurar o ily. and'dltil and Sliltf/a ryu!['ad to solar at Amatld� It the elllee aP the CltY t eoaatrued when f0 executed such eau on1 EhaLI[Precedent to utd In tIu lut�adea pt�TlyfaUpf, iC ]'tlrt CoRlore (�oldfCity from spell be the binding obligations of the City this bond to render the name In W1d1 Dpltfg six mOntna' tntetaaL on it{ Ae• no by Ih according to their import. and Valid, have happened, been prop• tootlingmen is, in Series pP 10BD, no a e in Section a. Said bontls act coupons erly done and performed, and do ex- dated April Water A. on , Se ies payment of to be attached thereto aMU be In ist in regular and due time, form and (Facsimile 8lgnaturel ciDal as thi substantially the following form, it manner as required DY law, and that Commissioner of Finance and Sup- and upon t wit: the total debt of said Cll.v of Fort piles, ex-offieio Treasurer funds, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Collins, including that of this bond. t(Tms clause to be inserted in coupons vided may STATE OF COLORADO exceeds neither the statutory nor the maturing April 1, 101, end thereat- In an equa COUNTY OF LARIMER constitutional limitations Of the State ter.) fletfoo CITY OF FORT COLLINS of Colorado or the Charter of said Section 5. That when executed, fhe tfi 8 Lionis 1 REFUNDING WATER BOND, SERIES City. that said total debt to not in- Refunding Water Bonds hereby anth• and lthe in OF 1950 created by the issuance hereof, and orlzed shell be sold and delivered to Sunni there No. — $1,000 that provision has been made for the the Purchasers thereof in accordance dame are The City of Fort Collins, Latimer levy and collection of a direct annual Iwith their contract of Purchase. The binding am County, Colorado, for value received, tax on all the taxable property Of procaetla of Bald bontls and an cool. tweed said hereby acknowledges itself indebted said City sutficfant to Pay the prin- floral amount of ayellable funds to time to tin and promises to pay to bearer the eipal and Interest of this bond na the pay ♦sid outstanding le fun,QOO OP and the inn sum of same respectively ¢ome due, bonds. Series Of INS and Interest Pertaining. ' ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS The full faith and credit of the City thereon to October 1,.1900, Shall be the Refund In lawful money of the United States of Fort Collins are hereby pledged deposited in a special trust account it lzed herein of America, on the Sat day of Oc- for the punctual payment of the Penn- the First National Rank of Denver. of the right tober. A. D. 19 —' with interest there- elpal of and the interest of thin bond Colorado, for the sole end only put• of the own( on from date hereof at the rate of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City.Pose of paying said outstanding bonds ligation Ise per centunt of Fort Collins, Lorimer County, Colo- and interest. and When Paid Such dinenee No. f %) per annum, payable rado,_by its City Council, has caused bonds and the coupons thereto At. era and to semi-annually in like medium, on the this bond to be signed by its COm- tachod shall be canceled and de- Water Bond tat days of April and October of each mlmdoner of Public Safety and Health A royetl. The City Treasurer is here. Section a, ,year, 21 evidenced by interest coupons and ex-offieio Mayor, countersigned by out and dlre0ted to publish are rococo hereto attached. both principal and by Its Commise,laner of Finance and a notice of call of. all of said Series be altered o. interest payable at the office of the Supplies and ex-offieio City .Tress- 1936 bonds, on and after Tune 15. herein authc City Treasurer, Fort Collins, Colo- urer, sealed with its corporate. seal, 1950. ly paid, �it redo, upon presentation of this bond attested. by its City Clerk, and has Section 6. The interest due on said Section 8. and said coupons paragraph W caused the annexed Interest coupona'.bondl on October 1, 1951), shall be ad- Sections Baal (The following paragraph to be m to- be executed •with the facsimile vanced from funds of the City avail- of Colorado, serted in bonds maturing in the years signature of its sold City Treasurer, able therefor. Fort the purpose of cable to tl 1961 and thereafter:) as of the let day of April, A. D, 1050, baying the interest on eflld bonds as herein, and This bond C redeemable at the It become, flue, and providing for the parts thereof andopti o of the City on October L ere- Commissioner of Public Safety ultimate visloha here( and on interest payment dates there- and Health, ex-ofticio Mayor Payment and redemption of hereby repea after, In its inverse numerical order I SEAL) Y said bends, there shall be levied On in the Issue of which it is one. COUNTERSIGNED: all the taxable property in said City, Section 30: This Mond It issued by .the City Of ATTEST; !n Iddltldn to all other taxer, direct' these rePun Fort Collins, Colorado. for the put- • annual taxes !n All of the years 195g completed'at pose of paying, redeeming and re. Commissioner of Finance And Sup- to 1989, lhcluBivq suffIMAM to pro. in order tha funding a like amount of outstanding duce $30,000 of principal and one savin plies and ex-offieio City Treasurer g of sIt s, unpaid, payable, lawful and valid Year's Interest on all of said bonds Indebtedness, bonds of said City, and the lawful and City Clerk Outstanding, as the same become due by declared valid indebtedness evidenced thereby, IFOYm of Coupon) and payable respectively, lists. and that Incurred for waterworks ur osea, - Saitl text,, when collected, shall be vary for the under, by virtue of and in fullperon- ho. April f— Placed m a fund to be Otil/etl "Re, of tha public formity with the Constitution and laws funding Water Bond Fund," Series ty. on the. tat tley of October, A. D. 1950", and said taxes Shall be applied Section if. ions, the State h Colorado, the pecans- 19 coup »(unless the bond to which this Solely for the payment lately Iona of the Charter of, said City, and coupon is attached has been called Purpose i the a upon i an Ordinance duly adopted by the for ,➢rlor redemption) the City of bonds resstereat and principal of naitl corded in the City Council of said City at a law- Fort Collins, 1 the County of Lart- peodvely, and for no Other acid City, sh ?ul meeting thereof held prior to the mar and State of Colorado, purpose whatever until the bonds the signature; Issuance of this thereof and /t Is hereby to pay to the bearer promises authorized by thin Ordinance, print- Clerk, shall b j certified and recited that ail acts and DOLLARS Pal and interest, shall have been duly Collins Color things required to be done and con- Paid, satisfied and did shall but general circa _ ___ m lawful money of the United Slates nothing herein contained shall be so required by