HomeMy WebLinkAbout021 - 08/16/1929 - DECLARING COLLEGE AVENUE, MOUNTAIN AVENUE AND LINCOLN AVENUE THROUGH STREETS FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRAV . c ORDINANCE NO. .a / , 1929, BEING AN EICIRGE dCY ORDINANCE DECLARING770ZLL3GE AVEIJUE, IuSOUNTAIN AVENUE AND LINCOLN AVENUE THROUGH STREETS FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRAVEL, AND ALSO ANY OTHER STREET OR STREETS VdITHIN THO CITY OF FORT COLLINS ZlICH ILLY HEREAFTER BE SO DESIGNZTED BY RESOLUTIOI OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER REGULATIONS BY RESOLUTION. BE IT ORDAIIIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLI ?S: Section 1. That College Avenue and Mountain Avenue , and also Lincoln Avenue to the West end of the bridge across the Cache la Poudre River, in the City of Fort Collins , Colorado, are hereby declared to be through streets for the purpose of travel by all kinds of vehicles whether motor propelled or horse drawn, and said traffic shall have the right of way over all vehicles ap_roaching College Avenue , Mountain Avenue or Lincoln Avenue from either the right or the left. Section 2. The drivers of all vehicles befog-e entering College Avenue, Fountain avenue or Lincoln Avenue from any of the cross streets shall before reaching the sidewalk adjacent to College Avenue, Mountain Avenue or Lincoln Avenue bring their vehicles to a complete stop and .got proceed to cross said College Avenue , Mountain Avenue or Lincoln Avenue or to enter into the line of traffic on College Avenue , I.'ountain Avenue or Lincoln Avenue either to their right or to the left until they can do so with safety to themselves and to the traveling public . Section 3. The City of Fort Collins shall erect and maintain suitable stop sins at the intersections of cross streets on College Avenue, Mountain Avenue and Lincoln Avenue . Section 4. In the center of the intersection of College Avenue and Mountain Avenue in the City of Fort Collins there shall be installed and maintained an automatic signal system of lights for the purpose of regulating and controlling traffic, both motor propelled and horse drawn vehicles . Said lights shall ue —1— displayed at such times during the day or night as the Commissioner of Works shall direct , the lights being as follows : red lights, green lights and yellow li,,hts. The display of the red signal light is to signal traffic to stop before entering the inter- section; the display of the yellow light is to signal traffic to be at attention for readiness to move or stop, and the display of the green light is to signal traffic to promptly move forward. Section 5. During the time said signal light is not in operation, all traffic , both motor prppelled and horse drawn, shall be warned by a flash of light at said intersection to approach the intersection cautiously, and vehicles ap-roaching from the right in said intersection shall have the right of way at said intersection. Section 6. Vehicles entering the intersection of Colle. ;e Avenue and fountain Avenue may turn to the left or to the right or proceed straight ahead, but no U turns will be permitted in said intersection. Section 7. That hereafter the City Council of the City of Fort Collins shall have the right by resolution to declare any other street or streets within the City of Fort Collins as through streets, and to erect and construct signal lights at any other street intersections within the City of Fort Collins, and impose such regulations as to it may seem reasonable ; and also to prohibit what is known as U turns at any other street intersection in the City of Fort Collins , and may also prohibit left hand turns at any street intersection. Section 8. Any person or pe#sons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum not less than "1.00 nor more than '; 50.00 and the costs of the proceeding. Section 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. -2- Section 10. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication under and by virtue of the aut"_ority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of lrticle IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council at a regular meeting held this day of , A. D. 1929 . ommiss oner or SaTeTffl/ and sx-Qzficio mayor ATTEST: 42 City Clerk. STATE OF COLORkLDO ) S5. COUNTY OF LARIMR ) I, A. J. ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins , do hereby certify and declare that the fo egoing ordinance , consisting of ten (10) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a r .0 lar meeting of the City Council held on the /& * day of A. D. 1929, and was duly adopted anT ordered pubiislieuvin The- r� Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Coll'.-'Is, by the unanimous vo�e of all members of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance , in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Artiq� e IV of the ^ity Charter; and thereafter and on to-wit : the day of , A. D. 1929 , said Crdinance No. � _� was duly pu e in e`ort Collins Express-Courier, a a:i� newspaper published in the City of fort Collins, Colorado . IN 14ITYMS WHO: ,OF, I have hereunto set my and and affixed the seal of said City this day of , A. D. 1929 . City er . -J-