HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - 04/30/1954 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT D ORDINANCE NO 10 , 1954 BEING AN EMERGE"fTCY OPDIqANCE RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF COiTST.RJCTIOb OF I fDPOVEhENTS IN COITSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 OF THE CITY OF FOPT COLLINS COLORADO, AND PROVIDING F0- THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF BE IP 01DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No 6, 1952 duly passed and adopted on the 18th day of July, A D 1952s Consolidated Improvement District No 49 was duly created and provisions made in said orairnnce for the constriction of certain improvements in said District, con— sisting of surfacing the streets within the bound^ries of said District with a two and one—half inch mat, co-ipose,, of earth, gravel, sand and oil, in such proportion and combined in such manner as iris specified in the specifications of the City / Engineer and under and by virtue of a Resolution duly adopted on July 18, 1952, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 6, 1930, and Section 26 of Ordinance No 7, 1921, supplementary pro,,eedings were Laken for the ordering in and con. struction of curb and gutter an4 connection frith water and sever mains along the streets in said District vaere necessarv, which Ordinance No 6 1952 provided that the proceeds of any gpecia.l assessments levied on account of curbing anm guttering installation and sever and water main cor-iections in said Consolidated Iiprovement District No 49 be applied solely to the paymeht or redemption of any bonds issued in the name of said District, that the saia improvements as heieinabove provided have oeen duly constructed as provided by law and duly a.cceptt-d by the City of Fort Collins as tnerein provided, that thereafter the City Engineer, on to—unt the 19�n day of March, A D 1954, duly reported to the City Ccuncil that the cost of construction of said improvements, including the cost of inspection, collection, and other incidentals, end also including interest, is $34,664 32, that in and by said report the Commissioner of Works, pursuant to the report of the City Engineer, duly apportioned the cost of street surfacing upon all the lots or tracts of land in the district improved, in proportion as the frontage of each lot or tract of lana is to the total of all the frontage of all the lots IJ or tracts of land so improved exclusive of public highways pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 7 1921 relating to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance No 9 1926 and Ordinance No 6 1933 and Ordinance No 6 1952 creating Consolidated Improvement District No 49 and which District is herein- after more particularly described by lots and blocks together wi h the apportionment and rate Aer front foot and also duly apportioned the cost of curb and gutter or gutter only in accordance with the abutting sidewalk frontage of the respective property in front of or about which curb and gutter work ohly has been done pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 6 1930 and Resolution adopted July 18 1952 and also duly apportioned the cost o` making connection with sewer and water mains against the premises with which the connection was made pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 of Ordinance No 7 1921 the said f'Lndings and report of the Commissioner of Works and the City Engineer being in accordance With the re-oort of the Citv Engineer in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said District Section 2 That at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 26th day of March A D 1954 said report of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer concerning said proposed assessment for improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No 49 was by Resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the puraose of consideration and determination at a regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 30th day of April A D 1954 pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law that in and by said Resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a pe-iod of ten (10) days addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in Consolidated improvement District No 49 stating the whole cost of the improvements and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district and notifying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by them to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty (30) days from the first publication of said notice would be heard Pnd determined by the City Council at a regular meeting thereof to be i held on the 30th day of April A D 1954 at the hour of 1 30 o1clock in the afternoon of said day in the Council Chamber of the City Hall in said City that after said hearing the City Council would take up the matter of the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements that pursuant to the authority contained in said Resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Coloradoan the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins for a period of ten (10) days as provided by Ordinance and that due proof of publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk and that no complaints or objections have been made to said assessment by any property owners within said district the City Council did confirm the apportionment and assessment as heretofore made by the City Engineer the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No 49 was ordered submitted for passage and adoption Section 3 That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No 49 under and by virtue of said Ordinance No 6 1952 and Resolution adopted July 18 1952 of said City including the cost of insroection collection and interest amounts to $34 664 32 which said sum is hereby assessed upon the real estate in Consolidated Improvement District No 49 in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No 7 1921 relating to local public improvements as amended by Ordinahce No 9 1926 and Ordinance No 6 1933 and Ordinance No 6 1930 and Ordinance No 6 1952 and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in said Consolidated Improvemeht District No 49 comprising the following lots and blocks in said District shall be as follows J BLOCK 1 BABBITT ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49, x � DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR i ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER Sam x [ RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE Lots 1 and 2 August L Schwab and Frances E Schwab 129 N Bryan Street 150 $ 2 05 $ 307 50 $ 1 90 285 00 $ - _ S 59R 50 Lots 3 mound 4 E W Hafer and Nlora Hafer 131 N Bryan Street 100 2 05 205 00 - - _ 205 00 S 55 ft of Lots 7 and 8 Robert L Layland and Beverly J Layland r 141 N Bryan Street 55 2 05 112 75 r* - - 112 75 N 55 ft of S 110 ft of Lee Nelson Lots 7 and 8 143 N Bryan Street 55 2 05 112 75 1 90 104 50 - - C217 25 Lots 7 and 8 except the W J Layland South 110 feet 216 South Grarit Street 55 05 2 05 112 85 -r _— u - _ 112 85 t i ` 4 BLOCK 21 BABBITT ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER IS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS .'I TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR x ASSESS RATE PER TOOT GUTTER WATER. SE°NER RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE Lots 1,25126,7,8,9 and 10 Olds and Redd Construction Co 600 South Shields Street 592 2 05 $1,213 60 $ .- _ $1,213 60 Lots 11 and 12 Jerry Brezina and Henrietta Brezina 1820 West Mulberry Street 100 2 05 205 00 205 00 Lot 13 Carl L Todd and Edith M Todd � s r 136 North Bryan Street 50 2 05 102 50 1 90 95 00 48 72 — 1 246 22 S 55 ft of Lots 14 and 15 W E Russom and Bernice Russom 140 North Bryan Street 55 2 05 112 75 2 65 145 75 — — ti 258 50 N 50 feet of S 105 ft Alan G Haberman and of Lots 14 and 15 Beverly Haberman 144 North Bryan Street 50 2 05 102*50 _ _ _ 102 50 t Lots 14 and 15 except Melvin A Roebecker and y S 105 feet Marion E Roebecker 1631 LaPorte Avenue 59 68 2 05 122 34 — — — _ 122 34 N 55 ft of Lots 20 and 21 J B Worley and Mabel C Worley c 147 Fishback Avenue 55 2 05 112 75 — _ _ _ i 112 75 N 52 24 ft of S 107*24 ft Austin K Allison and of Lots 20 and 21 Rhoda G Allison 143 Eishback Avenue 52 24 2 05 107 09 — _ _ _ 107 09 � r � a BLOCK Zt BABBITT ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS �� TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR V. y AJSESb RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SENEB RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE s S 55 ft of Lots 20 and 21 Harry D Little and Margaret A Little 7 139 Fishback Avenue 55 2 05 112 75 - - �� 112 75 iy Lot 22 J William Wilde and Fontella J Wilde 135 Fishback Avenue 50 2 05 102 50 2 65 132 50 -- 235 00 Lot 23 Peter W Phibbs 131 Fishback Avenue 50 2 05 102 50 - - - - 102 50 Lot 24 A C Greenwalt and Earleen Y Greenwalt 127 Fishback Avenue 50 2 05 102 50 2 65 132 50 - 235 00 ' r ty w y a 1 d r 1 J F BLOrK 3, BABBITT ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 k DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS j TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR s AbbESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEWER f RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICEpt S 60 ft of Lots 7 and 8 Victor S Defines and Helen Deines �4 1317 W Mountain Ave 60 2 05 $ 123 00 - - $ - $ - 123 00 N 65 ft of S 125 ft of Anne Pinkerton Lots 7 and 8 1530 W Mountain Avenue 65 2 05 133 25 133 25 N 55 ft of Lots 7 and 8 James W P Sherritt and Evelyn S Sherritt 114 Fishback Avenue 55 2 05 112 75 - - - - 112 75 S 40 ft of Lot 9 Jean J Vordenberg 118 Fishback Avenue 40 2 05 82 00 2 65 155 00 - - x 135 00 Lot 10 and N 10 £t of Wilford F Cram and Lot 9 Regina W Cram 120 Fishback Avenue 60 2 05 123 00 - - - - 123 00 Lot 11 Frank E Ericson and Kathern M Ericson 124 Fishback A�venue 50 2 05 102 50 102 50 Lot 12 Elmer S Martin Jr and Pauline C Martin Jry V� 130 Fishback Avenue 50 2 05 102 50 - - - - f 102 50 W Lot 13 C F Hetzel 103 N Sherwood Street 50 2 05 102 50 2 65 132 50 - - 235 00 Lots 14 and 15 except Lorin Mead and Irene Mead N 90 ft 136 Fishback Avenue 71 87 2 05 147 33 2 65 190 46 - - 337 79 S 45 ft of N 90 ft of Howard K De Lozier and Lots 14 and 15 Loa Ann De Lozier 140 Fishback Avenue 45 2 05 92 25 2 65 119 25 - - 211 50 N 45 ft of Lots 14 and 15 Lewis S Bergstrom and Barbara V Bergstrom 144 Fishback Avenue 45 2 05 92 25 2 65 110 25 - - 211 50 Y r� �y i V K ti � I #BLOCK 43; MAIN ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSZ4t-$34 TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR �, ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEWED p-ei RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE W 50 ft of Lot 8 W R Stuart 218 S Howes Street 50 3 53 $ 176 50 $ 1 90 $ 95v00 — $ 4440 31514 ail E 140 ft of N 33 ft Board of County } of Lot 8 Commissioners 140 3 53 494 20 — — ^ 494 20 E 40 ft of N 90 ft Ralph Malaby of Lots 9 and 1B 317 N Meldrum Street 40 3 53 141 20 1 90 76,00 — viQ �T 261 60 W 150 ft of Lot 9 T William Ruddick 322 N Meldrum Street 150 3 53 529 50 1 90 285«00 — — 814 50 A- a z,ru � � K I s" 1 tl .o 61 i A. BLOCK 44 MAIN ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS TOTAL, FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR ASbhbS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEWER RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE W 50 ft of S 190 £t of Ernest 0 and Frances Maciel Block 44 322 Cherry Street 50 $ 3 53 $ 176 50 $ 1 90 $ 63 33 $ — $ r— $ 239 83 E 50 ft of 9 100 £t of Board of County � Block 44 Commissioners 50 3 53 176,50 5 — — -- — 1 6 0 7 E 50 ft of W 150 ft Mamie E and John H Thomas . of Block 44 316 Cherry Street 50 3 53 176 50 — — — 176 50 E 50 ft of W 200 ft Jose S Trejo of Block 44 312 Cherry Street 50 3 53 176 50 — — — J44040 �i 220 90 r 9 50 ft of E 200 ft Alex Schafer of Block 44 310 Cherry Street 50 3 53 176 50 — — — �y5 176 50 W 50 ft of E 150 ft Placid Hoernicke t of Block 44 308 Cherry Street 50 3 53 176 50 1 90 95 00 — 44 40 315 90 _a _ Com 60 ft W of SE cor Ruth Suniga of Block 44 th N 178 5 ft, 818 Sycamore Street 40 3 53 141 20 1 90 76 00 — "44 40� 261 60 to RR, th Nffrly 27 7/12 ft th W 15 4/12 £t th S 190 ft th E 40 ft to pt of begVol The E 60 ft of Block 44 Dee rastanedo South of R R 302 Cherry Street 60 3 53 211 80 1 90 114 00 — 44 40 3?0 20 P s VACATED HOWESS STREET BETWEEN BLOCKS 44 AND 34 ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 499 s r DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNERTS NAME ANB ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS a TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR -N� ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SE+NEg,,,, RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVI( �q Com 23 ft W of SW cor Rufufio Coria of Block 34, th W 77 fte 234 Cherry Street 77 3 53 271 81 1 90 146 30 — — g 11 th N to R*R , th SEly to 41 pt N of pt of beg th S to pt of beg* "`' s Beginning at a pt 23 ft. W R Stuart W of the SW corner of 218 S Howes Street 23 3 53 81 19 1 90 43 70 — ., c 124 89 Block 34, th N to R R , th fi z SE1y to W line of Block 3 , th S to SW corner of Block 34 �f v th W 23 ft to pt of beg. t+a � y 4 � w ti W f P 1 t f� t n r BLOCK 53 ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 � f� a DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS. kOR FOR ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEWER RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE-` i W 34 ft of Lot 8 and Josephine Collamer W 34 ft of N 100 ft 349 N Shields St 34 $ 3 53 120 02 $ - - _ _ a20 02 of Lot 7 E 156 ft of Lots 7 and 8 Josephine Collamer and Pearl Struck } 349 N Shields St 156 3 53 550 68 1 90 296 40 - - ' 847 08 E 472 £t of Lot 9 Maude Edna Wiley et al 47 5 3 53 167 68 - _ _ % Victor Agnew .. 167 68 4421 Troost - Kansas City Mo k � W 472 £t of E 95 ft Alex Gallegos and of Lot 9 Virginia Gallegos 423 Cherry Street 47 5 3 53 167 68 - _ .. _ 1b7 68 E 472 ft of W 95 ft. Alfonso Gallegos and of Lot 9 Martha Gallegow 427 Cherry Street 47 5 3 53 167.68 - _ _ _ 167 68 W 472 ft of Lot 9 Amado Gonzales Jr 431 Cherry Street 47 5 3 53 167 68 - _ _ ., 167 68 BLOCK 54 ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 t DESCRIPTION OF LAVD OWNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FORt�i ASSLSS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEDER RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERfI-CE? - E 50 ft of S 120 ft Pete Maciel and w of Lots 1,2 and 3 Frances Maciel 402 Cherry Street 50 3 53 176 50 1 90 95 00 - $ f 271 50 W 45 ft of S 120 ft Cora E McGowan t of Lots 1 2 and 3 406 Cherry Street 45 3 53 158 85 - 158 85 a b E 45 ft of S 120 £t James H Nunally of Lots 112 and 3 410 Cherry Street 45 3 53 158 85 1 90 85*50 .» 14~ 244 35 I W 50 ft of S 120 ft. Mary Graff of Lots 1,2 and 3 414 Cherry Street 50 3 53 176e5O - - .. _ 176 50 d E� Lot 20 Jessie W Mason and 11 *0 Mary L Mason 400 N Sherwood Street 190 3 53 670 70 - - - {-� 670 70 I � S 1 P f r� t _ a t � t t° a l BLACK 106 HARRISONS ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 fa � DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS' TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR `�� ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEdPEft ti RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE N 50 ft of Lot 1 Amy E and Austin L McBurnie 635 South Mason Street 50 $ 3 53 $ 176 50 4? 176 50 S 50 ft of N 100 ft H L and Retta Albright of Lot 1 639 South Mason Street 50 3 53 176 50 176 50 �h E 50 £t of S 110 ft Florence Ann Reel and of Lot 1 Vera Louella Patterson 110 3 53 388 30 388 30 w r S 2 of Lot 3 Claude D and Mary L Davis 631 South Mason Street 50 3 53 176 50 f 176 50 N 2 of Lot 3 Roy F and Gertrude H Patterson 305 South Whitcomb Street 50 3 53 176 50 �, � 176 50 S 2 of Lot 4 Charles Dean and `� y Hilda Marie Wayne 619 South Mason Street 50 3 53 176 50 176 50 N 2 of Lot 4 Alice Brown s 430 Remington Street 50 3 53 176 50 176 50 S 90 ft of E 65 ft of Lot 5 Walker A Smith Route 4, Box 316 95 3 53 335 35 335 35 N 90 ft of E 65 ft of Lot 5 T A and Rose E Lynch 203 West Myrtle Street 95 3 53 335 35 335 35 F S I BLOCK 116 HARRISONS ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 x DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR t - - i ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEimE - RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE, a W 2 of Lot 9 Harold D and Sarah C Hicks 129 West Myrtle Street 190 $ 3 53 670o70 t � "� 670 70 N 2 of Lot 10 Josiah and Clara Maude w '{ Farrar F 116 South Mason Street 50 3 53 176 50 176 50 I N 372 ft of S 50 ft of Bernadine I Radcliff � . Lot 10 622 South Mason Street 37 5 3 53 132 38 '`" 132 38 S 122 ft of Lot 10 and Jessie F Cushing 4- N 25 ft of Lot 11 606 South Howes Street 37 5 3 53 132 38 132 38 N 37z ft of S 75 ft Elizabeth Kelly and , of Lot ll Thelma Kelly Gray 630 South Mason Street 37.5 3 53 132938 � 132 38 k I S 372 ft of Lot 11 Ralph W Culler ' 632 South Mason Street 37.5 3.53 132 38 132 38 W 50 ft of S 140 ft Margaret Ross Portnert �+ 494 20 of Lot 13 322 West Laurel Street 140 3 53 494 20 Lot 13 except W 50 ft Helen F Greenamyre 247 10 of S 140 ft 634 South Mason Street 70 3 53 247e10 r r .- BLOCK 163 ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 � r DESCRIPTION OF LXND OWNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSES TOTAL ^ FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESSa FO FOR ASSI,bS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WAD&Ai SEWER RATE PER FOOT S `SER TC�� E 2 of S z of Lot 1 J E Thompson 331 Smith Street 95 3 53 335 35 4 335 35 i W 95 ft of S of Lot 1 Ezra and Luella M Brinkman 524 E Magnolia Street 95 3 53 335 35 — — — 335 35 Lot 9 Leslie F and Grace L Cook 47.5 3 53 167 68 — y _ 167 68 1312 W Oak Street Lot 10 John A and Anna W Wallace 506 East Magnolia Street 47 5 3 53 167 68 .» — # 167 68 Lot 11 Joe P and Freda Ly Moore 508 E Magnolia Street 47 5 3 53 167 68 _ _ ,. 167 68 Lot 12 Elms J and Myrna 0 Jordan 167 68 512 E Magnolia Street 47 5 3 53 167 68 — _ _ _ � r� r �T BLOCK 164 ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 F DESCRIPTION OF LAND OfRNERr S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASS,S, TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS. FOR FOR s ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER (RATER SL?�Ry RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE N 53 feet of Alec and Katherine Niescent o Lot 4 401 Smith Street 190 $ 3 53 $ 670 70 $ 1 $ 263.247 923 97 Y N-1 of Lot 5 The Seventh Day Adventist Assoc � 515 East Magnolia Street 190 3 53 670 70 - ., k 670 70 r { T by .r f y 4i BLOCK 272 WEST SIDE ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49rs DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER'S NAME 2ND ADDR14SS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEWER SERVICE SERVICE � I Lot 25 and W z of Lot 26 Frank E Widman and W plus 40 ft of vacated Olive E Widman - Street 527 Smith Street 180 2 82 $ 507 60 - $ - s 507 60 Lot 24 and S 20 ft of Lee E Nelson and Lot 23 Catherine Nelson 210 N Loomis Street 55 2 82 155 10 - - - - 155 10 Lot 22 and N 15 £t of George N Miller and Lot 23 Myrtle E Miller 139 Pearl Street 50 2 82 141 00 - - - 141 00 Lot 21 W F Brownell and Lulu R Brownell 940 West Mountain Avenue 35 2 82 98 70 98 70 Lot 20 Edward Hoffman and Cora L Hoffman 98 70 228 N Loomis Street 35 2 82 98 70 - - - - Lot 19 William H Young and Alyce M Young 230 North Loomis Street 35 2 82 98 70 1 90 53 85 - - 152 55 Lot 15 and 16 Oscar J Mincer 627 Manle Street 135 2 82 380 70 1 90 256 50 - ^ I 637 20 h BLACK 282 WEST SIDE ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49e r DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNERIS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS` TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR ASbLob RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATEP SEWER RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE Com 40 ft S of SW cor L B Whitehead and of Blk 282 th N 140 ft Mabel E Whitehead s th E 52 ft th S 140 ft and 730 LaPorte Avenue 140 $ 2 82 $ 394 80 $ — — $ — $ — 0 394 BO th W 52 ft to pt of beg Com 100 ft N of SIR cor C J Cunningham and of Blk 282 W Side Add Ruth S Cunningham th N 90 ft th E 100 ft 1126 W Oak Street 90 2 82 253 80 — — _ _ 253 80 thS90ft and thW100ft to pt of beg N 49 ft of S 259 ft of Mrs Damia Schwenn W 180 ft of Blk 282 216 N Grant Street 49 2 82 138 18 138 18 W Side Add - f N 49 ft of S 308 ft of R V Flint and W 180 ft of Blk 282 Kathleen Flint W Side Addition 220 North Grant 49 2 82 138 18 ., .« .. r 138.18 N 88 ft of S 396 ft of Francis H Powell and W 180 ft of Blk 282 Mary M Powell r W Side Addition 1540 Washington Street Loveland, Colorado 88 2 82 248 16 — _ .. - 248 16 N 54 ft of S 450 ft of Samuel A Williams and W 180 ft of Blk 282 Millie Williams W Side Addition 226 N Grant Street 54 2 82 152 28 — — _ _ 152 28 S 472 ft of N 95 ft of Lester Hess and W 180 ft of Blk 282 Edith Hess W Side Addition 230 N Grant Street 47 5 2 82 133 95 133 95 N 472 ft of W 180 ft of Board of Trustees Blk 282 W Side Add 2 nd Presbyterian Church 47.5 2 82 133 95 — — -- — 133 95 % Eldon Decker I 211 N Grant Street " +&w t,,4 t BLOCK 282 WEST SIDE ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 ' „ iI 4 DESCRIPTION OF LAND Off NERIS NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESS , TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS> FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR ASSESS { RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SOVE, RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVIC&r Lots 29 to 35 and S 30 ft 'Tt I of Lot 1 and 40 ft of School District No 5 230 2 82 648 60 - $ - $ _ $ _ x 648 60 vacated street J N 20 ft of Lot 2 and George E Marsh and S 30 ft of Lot 3 Gracie E Marsh 225 N Loomis Street 50 2 82 141 00 141 00 I N 50 ft of S 310 ft of A P Harvey E 180 ft of Block 282 227 North Loomis Street 50 2 82 141 00 1 90 95 00 - .- 236 00 W Side Addition h N 50 ft)of S 360 ft of G A Peterson and E 180 ft of Block 282 Estella May Peterson W Side Addition 229 North Loomis Street 50 2 82 141 00 141 00 N 50 ft of S 410 ft of Arnold Emery and E 180 ft of Block 282 Doris J Emery g� W Side Addition 231 North Loomis Street 50 2 82 141 00 1 90 95 00 - - 236 00 r$ I S 45 ft of N 135 ft of Frank A Richter Sr , and iF E 180 ft of Block 282 Minnie-Richter Sr E W Side Addition 631 LaPorte Avenue 45 2 82 126 90 - - _ _ 126 90 N 90 ft of E 180 of Harold Brewbaker and Block 282 Florence A Brewbaker W Side Addition 235 North Loomis Street 70 2 82 197 40 1 90 133 00 _ _ 330 40 I I I BLOCK 292 WEST SIDE ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49A DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER1S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESSe TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR ASSESS, RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEWER RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE> - S 70 ft of Lots 34 and Major W Dealy and 35 plus 40 ft of vacated Martha L Johnson street 800 LaPorte Avenue 110 $ 2 82 $ 310.20 $ - - $ - - 310 20 N 70 ft of Lots 34 and 35 Mrs Damia Schwenn � 216 N Grant Avenue 70 2 82 197 40 - - - - 197 40 Lot 1 R M Flynn 319 S Howes Street 35 2 82 98 70 - - - - 98 70 Lot 2 Board of Trustees 2nd Presbyterian Church l % Eldon L Decker 211 N Grant Avenue 35 2 82 98 70 — — - - 98 70 Lot 3 Elmer Pennock and Elsie Pennock 215 N Grant Avenue 35 2 82 98 70 - - - - 98 70 ac. Lot 4 and S z of Lot 5 Jasper Jensen 219 N Grant Avenue 52 5 2 82 148 05 - - - - IW 05 Lot 6 and N z of Lot 5 Marshall J Simpson and Eleanor Simpson 52 5 2 82 148 05 - _ _ - r IM 05 Lot 7 Russell L Newberry and Irene T Newberry v 225 N Grant Avenue 35 2 82 98 70 98 70 Lot 8 C T Brooks and Carrie Brooks 227 N Grant Avenue 35 2 82 98 70 - - - - a I 98 70 Lot 9 and S 2 of Lot 10 Evelyn Dora Jenkins Poute 2 Boy 61 52 5 2 82 148 05 - - - - 148 05 Lot 11 and N J of Lot 10 E L Peterson and Dorcas J Peterson 239 N Grant Avenue 52 5 2 82 148 05 - _ _ - 148 05 x 4 a BLOCK 304 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FROIITAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSESSf TOTAL 4` FEET PAVEMINT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR ASSESS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEWER RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE. Lot 10 Victor Gies and Mary Gies 432 Park Street 50 $ 2 44 $ 122 00 $ 1 90 95 00 - $ _ $217 00 Lot 11 Chas L Davis and r Dorothy J Davis 818 Maple Street 50 2 44 122 00 - - 79 20 - 201 20 Lot 12 Ralph H Davis and Dora M Davis 424 Park Street 50 2 44 122a00 1 90 95 00 - _ 217 00 Lot 13 L M Marion Route 2 Box 180 Dallas, Oregon 50 2,44 122 00 1 90 95 00 - - 217 00 Lot 14 A E McCausland 418 Park Street 50 2 44 122 00 - _ _ _ 122 00 Lot 15 Dale L veltcher 314 West Mountain Avenue 50 2 44 122 00 - _ _ - �i 322 00 Lot 16 Charles H Lehrman and Lois W Lehrman k 408 Park Street 50 2 44 122 00 1 90 95 00 - - r 217 00 s Lots 17 and 18 Howard J Irvin and Marg V Irvin ` 400 Park Street 100 2 44 244 00 1 90 190 00 - - 434 00 a HINMAN RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 314 OF THE CAPITOL HILL ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 49 3 DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS ASSES TOTAL FEET PAVEMENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR., ASSESS RATE PER. FOOT GUTTER WATER SAVER` RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE Lot 1 Walter Schwindt and �t11 Florence L Schwindt eq" 401 Park Street 50 2 44 $ 122 00 $ - $ - $ _ 122 00 Lot 2 Harold A Rupert and Mayme N Rupert 405 Park Street 50 2 44 122 00 1 90 95 00 - -rt� 2b5 30 Drive entrance 48 30 [f4W Lot 3 Marcus L Norton and Myrtle Maxine Norton 407 Park Street 50 2 44 122 00 1 90 95 00 - _ 217 00 Lot 4 Charles 0 Hoburg and :r Phoebe Hoburg a 411 Park Street 50 2 44 122 00 - - - - 122 00 Lot 5 C L Lyon and Maye Lyon I 413 Park Street 50 2 44 122 00 �,�C - -- �Y 122 00 ` Lot 6 William Weslie Kelley 417 Park Street 50 2 44 122 00 1 90 95 00 - - F 217 00 Lots 7,8,9 and 22 Wilfred A Sterling and cµ Genevieve G Sterling 420 Hawkins Street 150 2 44 366 00 1 90 285y00 - - _T 651 00 165 2 05 338 25 2 65 437 25 - - 775 50 Lot 10 Walter Biehle 114.4 North College Avenue 165 2 05 338 25 - - _ _ 1358#19 1 r BLOCK 315 CAPITOL HILL ADDITION ASSESSMENT ROLL STREET IMPROVEMENT ➢ISTRICT NO 49 DESCRIPTION OF LAND ONNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT FOR TOTAL X: -tA5SESSMENT TOTAL ASSESS. ASSIU TOTAL FEET PAVFJ ENT ASSESS FOR CURB AND ASSESS FOR FOR ASOBSS RATE PER FOOT GUTTER WATER SEA RATE PER FOOT SERVICE SERVICE W of Lot 18 and Charles W Hodgson and E of Lot 1 Emma Hodgson 1422 W Oak Street 170 2 05 $ 348.50 -. $ - = ` 0 348 50 W of Lot 1 and E 421 ft William P Kintzley and of Lot 18 Susan M Kintzley 1012 Sycamore Street 127 5 2 05 261 38 261 38 W I of E j of Lot 18 R T Meyers % C W I3odgson 13 1422 West Oak Street 42.5 2 05 87 13 — — — 87 27,�0444 53 5 93 11 T 7 92 32,931 16 1/2 of intersections City of Fort Collins 1,566 47 sq yds @ $1 1050 1,732 36 1,732 36 F 434,664 32 3 v. w ti 4 Section 4 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days from the final passage and publication of this Ordinance without demand provided that all assessments may at the election of the owners of the property to be assessed be paid in ten (10) equal installments beginning July 1 1954 and payable annually on said last mentioned date thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually at the rate of fLw per cent ( 5') per annum Section 5 Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said Aeriod of thirty (30) days shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons ante-ested whether under disability or otherwise to pay in such installments Section 6 Failure to pay any installment whether of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately* and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent (1%) per month or fraction of a month until the day of sale as hereinafter provided but at any time prior to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid in- stallments with interest at one pet cent (1%) per month or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid arincipal with interest accrued to the maturity of the next installment of interest or principal Section 7 Payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days of the final passage and publication of this Ordinance and an allowance of five per cent (5%) discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only Section 8 In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal and interest when due any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon at the sane time or times and in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes Section 9 It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Consolidated Improvement District No 4.9 in proper form showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed the total amount of the assessment the amount of each installment of principal and interest and the date when each installment will become due with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty and deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days after the passage and publication of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect thereof Upon the exoiration of the thirty (30) days the City Treasurer shall return to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each payment and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a permanent local assessment roll in book form# showing in suitable colurns each piece of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid the whole amount of the assessment unpaid the date to which the same is computed the amount of each installment of principal and interest together with two per cent (2%) additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer and the date when the same will become due with suitable columns for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City and by him delivered to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for the collection of the same Section 10 All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City Section 11 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll ih charge Section 12 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health peace and safety and this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage under and by virtue of the authority contained ih Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced read at length and adopted by the unahimous vote of all members of the City Council at a regular meeting held this 30th day of April A D 1954 Commissioner of Safety fi o Mayor Attest City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) ss COUNTY OF LAPIMER ) I MILES F HOUSE City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing Ordinance corsisting of twelve (12) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 30th day of April A D 1954 and was duly adopted and o-dered published in the Fort Collins Coloradoan a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 0£ Article IP of the City Charter of the City of Fort Collins and thereafter and on to—wit the 4th day of May A D 1954 said Ordinance No 1_ was duly published in the Fort Collins Coloradoan a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins Colorado IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 4th day of May A D 1954 City Clerk