HomeMy WebLinkAbout032 - 04/12/1973 - ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 65 ORDINANCE NO. 32, 1973 BEING AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF I!JPROVHv9iNfS IN STREET IMPROV13AENf DISTRICT NO. 65 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAr ENT AND COLLECTION TI IERFAF WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins, there was established Street Improvement District No. 65 for the purpose of installing curb, gutter, sidewalks, paving and street lighting on certain streets and alleys in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, all pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improvements have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins, Colorado; and WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements, the City Council adopted the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of such ir.rovements and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered notice to be published as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, which said notice was duly published as therein provided; and WHEREAS, March 22, 1973, is t;ie date set for the hearing of complaints and objections and the determinations of the same and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements; and WHEREAS, all complaints and objections in writing filed by property owners within the District have been considered by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That the total cost of the improvements in Street Improvement District No. 65, including the cost of engineering, legal, publication, interest during construction and collection, to-wit: $43,225.07, less the portion of said cost to be paid by the City of Fort Collins, to-wit: $1,324.75, is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said District in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and the proportion of said costs assessed upon each lot or tract of land in said District shall be as follows: F�QOA '1)iIVE DIPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 65 ASSESSMENT ROLL CURB G AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER WALK FOR CURB INTLIiI. "-'AN i AND A1016iSS UESCRIPT'ION 1N FEET ASSESSMENT FOIL ASSESSMENT & GU'I-1'LR TOTAL CERT•11, RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. 4 IVALK [Jirlich, Tamara $ Paul Lot 1, Camille 85.76 6.00032 $514.59 5.29007 $453.68 $968.27 111-1 Ponderosa Port Collins, Colorado Parcel a 97164-30-001 Ehrlich, Tama -a $ Paul Lot 2, Camille 80.00 6.00032 480.02 S.29007 423.21 903.23 1121 Ponderosa Fo-* Collins, Colorado -1 li 97164-30-002 'flue, Raymon M., Jr. Lot 3, Camille 80. 00 6.00032 480.02 5. 29007 423.21 903. 23 1509 Fuqua Drive Port Collins, Colorado Parcel V 97104-30-003 Vratil, Lester G. $ Beg at pt wh bears S 89*41 ' E 96.90 6.00032 581.43 5.29007 512.61 1,094.04 _inogene L. 650 ft G again N 60006130" W 1530 Fuqua Ur.ve 200. 10 ft from S 1/4 cor 16-7- Fort Collins, Colorado 69, th N 00006130" W 96.90 ft, Parcel N 9716• -00-U51 N 89041' W 110 ft, S 00006130"E 116.90 ft, S 89*41' E 110 ft to poll Wic•acman, Wilbert $ Bog at pt wh bears S 89*41 ' 170..10(pave.) 6.00032 1,020.65 5 .29007 779.44 1,800.09 M,( iret M. E 540 ft from S 1/4 cor 16- 147. 34 (c,g $ walk) .'.43V %'0!;t Prospect 7-69, th S 890 41' E 110 ft, Fort Collins, Colorado N 00006132" W 200.11l ft, N 1';;rcc1 9 971611-00-U56 39041 ' W 110 ft, S 0006130" E 200. 10 ft to pob iVellLorn, Ilarold J. f Beg at pt wh "ears S 89*33, 512.65(pave.) 5.00032 3,076.06 5.29007 2,592.13 5,668.19 Naureen K. E 710 ft from SW cor if SE 490.00 (c,g $ walk) 2410 West Pro:pect 16-7-69, tit S 890 33' E 110 Fort Collins, Colorado £t, N 00000'30" E 57� .65 2arcel G 97164-00-009 ft, N 89033' W 110 ft, S 00000'30" 1V 571.65 fL to beg G also 1/2 of rd ?•/w adj on west I Ut UA .]1lIVE CURB & MOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT MOUNT GU"FTER .i WALK FOR CURB IN'PERi: NAMI: AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN ,FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT $ GUTTER TOTAL CERTIF RATE- PAVEMENT RATE PEP FT. $ WALK City of Fort Collins 53.00 6.00032 313. 02 313.02 TOTAL 1,073.41 (pave. ) $6,470. 79 $5,184. 23 $11,655.07 930.00(c,g $ walk) r CURB $ AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER t, WALK FOR CURB INTIRES NAi`I: AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSh1ENT FOR ASSESSMENT G CU'1TER TOTAL. CERTIFI RATE PAVEMENT RAPE PER FT. $ WALK foster, James 4 Emile Beg at pt wh is N 000251 W 208.70(pave.) 6,16416 $1,286.46 4.09851 $811.30 $2,097.96 1497 S. Taft hill 602.7 ft from SE cor of SE 198.00(c,g walk) Fort Collins, Color-d0 of SEG16-7-69, th N 00025f Parcel it 97164-00-017 W 200 ft alg E In of SE of SE sd sec, N 890331 IV 238.7 ft, S 00*251 E 200 ft, S 890331E 238.7 ft to beg Au.__, Vernon $ Shirley Beg at pt N 000251 W 602.7 ft 100.00 6. 16416 616.42 4.09851 409.85 1,026.27 _!08 West Lake from SE cor 16-7-69, N 890331 fort Collins, Color,.do W 238.7 ft to true pob, N 890 Parcel 0 97164-00-029 331 IV 100 ft, N 000251 W 200 ft, S 89033' E 100 ft, S 00° 251 E 200 ft to true pob Kluger, Ifelen Beg at pt N 00025'IV 602.7 ft fr 100.00 6.16416 616.42 4.09851 409.85 1,026.17 211U West Lake SE cor of 1677-69, N 890331 W Fort Collins, Colorado 338.7 ft to true pob, N 890 331 Parcel x 97160-00-028 11 100. ft, N 000251 W 200 ft, S 890531E 100 ft, S 000251 E 200 ft to true pob Turner, Joseph f, Sherri Beg at pt 542.7 ft N $ 338.7 ft 120.00 6. 16416 739.70 4.09851 491 .32 1,231 .52 21" West Lake IV of SE cor 16-7-69, th N 890 Fc. ,ollins, Colorado 331 If 120 ft, S 00025'E 220 ft, Parcel N 97164-00-030 S 89033'E 120 ft, N 000251W to beg 1Villiams, Rollen v Mary Beg at pt 542.7 ft N G 238.7 ft 1)0.00 6. 16416 616.42 4.09851 409,85 1,026.27 2109 (Vest lake W of SE cor of SE 16-7-69, lcrt Collins, Colorado the true pob, th N 890331"1 100 Parcel H 9716Z-00-026 ft, S 0,30251 E 220 ft, S 890331 L' 100 fl , N 006251 W 220 ft to true pob s ,i�f;l r CURB & MOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT MOUNT GUTTER & IIALK FOR CURB INTERES1 :V\11: AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN ITUT ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT & GUTTER TOTAL CN%*01FI( RATE PAVEMENT. RATE PER FT. &WALK 7arfield, Marvin & 11clen Beg at pt on E In 16-7-69 wh 208. 7(pave.) 6.16416 1,286.46 4.09851 816.83 2,103.29 '551 South 'Taft. Hill bears N 000251 I9 442. 7 ft from 199.3(c,g & walk) ort Collins, Colorado SE cor, N 890331 IV 238.7 ft, ':Heel B 97164-00-013 N 000251 W 100 ft, S 890331 E 238.7 ft, S 000251E 100 ft, to pob it. 1,f Fort Collins 11.0 6.16416 67.80 67.80 TOTAL 848. 80 (pave.) $;,229.68 $3,349.70 $8,579.38 817.30 (c,g & walk) cSIf.00! STRL'L'1' CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INT!;R1:S1 AMF HND A1)11R1:SS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURQ ANU 1'0'fAL CI?IZ'1'II'IC RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GU' m-'R tidway Meadows Also 97024-13-002 thru 004, Lots 190.00(pave.)7.61162 $ 1,446.21 4.14244 $ 20. 71. $ 1,466.92 0. Box 2125 1 thru 4, Riverside Park, Block 4 5.00(c $ g) ort Collins, :olorado arcel 9 97024-13-001 :veritt, Madge F, Joyce Also 97024-13-OC6, Lots 5 $ 6 Fc 90.00 7.61162 685.04 4.14244 372.82 1,057.86 .20 Hemlock N 15 ft of Lot 4 Fc also vac st, a ollins, Colorado Blk 4, Riverside Park; 97024-13- att_. 8 97024 .13-005 019 thru 024, E 90 ft of Lots 19 thru 24 adj-7 vac st, Blk 4, Riverside Fark' veritt, Madge & Joyce Lots 7 thru 18 $ W 50 ft of Lots 430.00 7.61162 3,273.00 4. 14244 1,781 . 25 5,054. 25 20 Hemlock 19 th 24,B1k 4; 97024-34-002, Lots art Collins, Colorado 1 thru 10 4 part of Lots 11 $ 26 : reel a 97024-13-007 lying S of-U.P. RR. Wyc ?' all Lots 27 thru 36, Block 5; 97024-35-001, Lots 1 t:_ru 8 $ part Lots 9,10,11 G 29 thru 34 lying S or U.P.RR.Wye G all Lots 35 & 36, Block 61; 97024- 12-007, All Blk 7 $ par of Blk 13 lying F.rly of U.P.RR. Wye $ Erly par Lots 5 G 6, Blk 13 lying Erly of U.P. RR. $ par of vac N. College a Ave:, lst Ave. , 2nd Ave. , $ 4th St. adj to sd Lots f, Blks, Riverside Park ores, David Edward Also 97024-14-008 thru 01'2, Lots 190.CO(pave.)7.61162 1,446. 21 4. J4244 712.50 2,158, 71 )23 North College 7 thru 12, Blk 3, Riverside Pk, 172.00(c $ g) art Collins, Colorado Also beg at NE cor of Lot 12, Blk :rcol k 97024-14-007 3, Riverside Pk, E 50 It m/1 to ' r/w In of N. College Ave. , S alg sd r/w to pt directly E of SE car Lot 7, W 50 ft, th N to pob IC •:LOCK•S'1'Rlil�f CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT 6UT"1'L•R FOR INTERU rv:LME AND AUDIYESS DIESCRIPTION ,N FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT . CURB AND TOTAL CIE11'11IFI RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Jones, Pearl, Paul u Lots 13 f, 14, Block 3, Riverside 140.00 7.61162 $1,065.62 4.14244 $579.94 $1,645.56 Richard 1024 N. Mason Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel # 97024-14-013 Union Pacific Railroad Block 8, Riverside Park 300.00 7.61162 2,283.49 4. 14244 1,242.73 $3,526.22 c/ N. Teague Gw.,ral Land & Tax Comm. 1,116 Dodge Onaha, Nebrasi;a City of Fort Collins 74.00 7.61162 563.26 563.26 1,414. 00(pave.) $10,762 .83 $4,709.95 $15,472.78 1,137.00(c$g) i L:.L'Y, idUtBEltRi,bll'1.'l':,E,IIU1V1iS £� MI7I.DRUA1 CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT MMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTEREST 'ME AND, ADDRESS DESCRIPTION I'ti 1-*IiET ASSESSMENT FOR - ASSESSMENT CURB AND '1'0'1'Al. Ciatl'IFIC RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER aed, A. N 1/2 of Lot 1, Blk 95, SO.00 4.07296 $203.65 $203.65 90 high Street Harrison raver, Colorado 80218 'arcel #97141-07-001 . ' 'aed, A. S 1/2 of Lot 1, Blk 95, 50.00 • 4.07296 203.65 203.65 90 High Street Harrison Colorado 80218 1u r# 97141-07-002 aed, A. N 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 95, 50.00 4.07296 203.65 203.65 J0 High Street Harrison %2nver, Colorado 80218 '.;zrccl # 97141-U7-003 acd, A. S 1/2 of Lot 2, Blk 95, 50.00 4.07296 203.65 203.65 JJ high Street harrison cuver, Colorado 80218 .heel # 97141-07-004 .lakeslee, John £, Cassyo N 1/2 of Lot 3, Blk 95, 50.00 4.07296 203.65 203.65 G9 South Bowes Harrison ort Collins, Colorado # 97141-07-005 ' ichaud, Paul 4 Bernice S 1/2 of Lot 3, Blk 95, 50.00 4.07296 203.65 203.65 15 South IIowes iarrison. art Collins, Colorado arcel # 97141-07-006 ailey, Vernon Dale .i N 1/2 of Lot 4, Blk 95, 50.00 4.07296 203.65 203.65 arbara Harrison J3 South Howes ,rt Collins, Colorado arcel # 97141-07-007 — -- ALLEY, ,AIULBEERY, MYRTLE, HOWES G MEW-MI CURB AND AP4O11NT FROATAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FO4 INTERE ":AMf: ANI) ADDI:I:SS DL'SCRiPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CERTIF ,_---� _--- _ "ATI: PAVEMENT RATE PL•l' FT. GU`l'1'ER Bailey, Vernon Dale $ S 1/2 of Lot 4, Blk 95, 50.00 1.07296 $203.65 $203.65 Barbara Harrison 503 South Ilowes Port Collins, Colorado Parcel :1 971a1-07-008 Anderson, Clara E 65 ft of Lot 5, Blk 95, 100.00 4,07296 407. 30 407.30 3- )Vest MulLerry Harrison I'L - Collins, Colorado Parcel I, 97141-07-010 Miller, Lynn L Margaret N 1/2 of Lot 6, Blk 95, 50. 00 4. 07296 203. 65 203.65 P. 0. Box E Harrison Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel # 97141-07-012 - Stoner, Dorot:iy S 1/2 of Lot. 6, Blk 95, 50.00 4. 07296 203.65 203.65 7J6 South College Harrison Fort Collins, Colorado Parcel N 97141-07-013 Picts, Frank $ Virginia N 1/2 of Lot 7, Blk 95, 50. 00 4.07296 203. 65 203.65 102 Yale Way Harrison F, � Collins, Colorado Pi. 1 # 97141-07-014 Be11, Sophia E 95 ft of Lot 8 $ E 1/2 of 150.00 4.07296 610.94 610.94 320 @Pest Myrtle S 1/2 of Lot 7, Blk 95, Fort Collins, Colorado Harrison Parcel #97141-07-016 City of Fort Collins 36:00 4.07296 ' 146.63 146.63 TOTAL 836.00 $3,405.02 $3,405.02 LI.i', Lj.NbREL, k,yiur1.uoVuI'I'COMB li suERIVOOJ CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PA"EMENT MOUNT GUTTER FOR INTIiREST AND Al DIMSF OESCRIPTION 11\1 FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TO1•AL tURTIFICi __ RATE PAVEMENT . RATE PER F". GUFTLR atty, Mildred P. N 50 ft of Lots 1 $ 2, Block 100.00 4.97923 $497.92 $497.92 I0 South 'raft Itill 77 :rt Collins, Colorado :reel 4 97141-16-001 .:notion Eating Place Lots 3 thru 6, ex strip off E i90.00 4.97923 946.05 946.05 7,01 Spruce si of Lot 6, 10 ft wide 8 also :�ul Coloradu 80302 beg at SW cor of Lot 3, tli E 97141-16-003 alg S In of sd Lots 3 thru 6, to pt 10 ft IV of E In of sd Lot 6, tit S 40 ft m/1 to N In of Laurel St, tit W alg 14 In of sd st to pt S of pob, tit N to pob esa Kappa Sorority Also 97141-16-009, part of Lots 10.00 4.97923 49.79 49.79 S3 Washington Blvd. 6 thru 8, Blk 77, Des. as beg ::iianapolis., It.diana 40 ft S of SE cor Lot 8, th N =0u 167.2 ft, W 100 ft, N 5o ft, arcel 4 97141-16-007 W 10 ft, S 217.2 ft; E 110 ft to beg (inc vac por Laurel St adj sd Lots) Godard, Lulu M. N 50 ft of Lots 7 $ 8, Blk 77 100.0.0 4.97923 497.92 497.92 0. 'ox 801 :,!p' Ad, Texas 77445 :reel # 97141-16-008 !iley, Vernon i; Lot 9, Blk 76 190 00 4.97923 946.05 946.05 rbara South Howes :t Collins, Colorado .col It 97141-10-009 AL1,EY, LAURE•L,UYRTLE,R111TCOHB $ SHERWOOD CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTERS: NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMMEN7 FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CERTIF] RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Busch, Sam 8 Sylvia Lot 24, Blk 76 190.00 4. 97923 $946.05 $946.05 630 South 147ii tcomb Fort Collins. Colorado Parcel 8 97141-10-024 City of Fort Collins 46.00 4.97923 229.04 229.04 TOTAL 826.00 $4, 112.82 $4,112.82 GRAND TOTAL $43,225.07 CITY'S SHARE $1,324.75 Section 2. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this ordinance, without demand, provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owners of the property assessed, be paid in ten equal installments, the first installment being due on the first day of November, 1973, and on the first day of November of each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, said interest to be payable at the time of the principal payments. Failure to lai t;la : :ole of such assessment within thiity (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held as an election on the part of the persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments. Section 3. In the case of election of any person to pay in installments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due, whether on principal or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that at any time prior to the date of sale, the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments, together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid, and all penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if the default had not occurred. The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal, together with interest accrued thereon, to the first day of the month following such payment. Section 4. Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty (30) days after the final publicatie of this ordinance and in such event an allowance of five percent (5%) as a discount shall be made on all payments during such period only. Section 5. In case of the default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes, all as provided by Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins. Section 6. The Director of Finance shall prepare the foregoing assessment roll in proper form as provided in Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins, and shall keep a record of all payments made during the thirty-day period after the final publication of this ordinance and upon the expiration of said thirty-day period, hie shall deliver said assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for collection of the same, all as provided in Chapter 16`of the Code of the City of Fort Collins. Section 7. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section 8. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interests satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 22nd day of March, A.D. , 1973, and to be presented for final passage on the 12th day of April, A.D. 1973. Mayor ATTEST, City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this day of A.D. 1973. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk _a 1