HomeMy WebLinkAbout090 - 10/18/1973 - AMENDING CHAPTER 114 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC _ 1 � ORDINANCE NO _ o , 1973 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 114 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS RELATING TO VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That Section 114-13 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the word and figures "Ten (10)" and by substituting therefor the following "Fifteen (15)" Section 2 That Section 114-14 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-14 Obedience to Railroad Signal "A Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing under any of the circum- stances stated in this section, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within fifty (50) feet but not less than fifteen (15) feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and shall not proceed until he can do so safely The foregoing requirement shall apply when "B A clearly visible electrical or mechanical signal device gives warning of the immediate approach of a railroad train, "C A crossing gate is lowered or when a human flagman gives or continues to give a signal of the approach or passage of a railroad train, "D A railroad train approaching within approximately 1,500 feet of the highway crossing emits a signal audible from such distance and such railroad train by reason of its speed or nearness to such crossing is an immediate hazard, "E An approaching railroad train is plainly visible and is in hazardous proximity to such crossing " ud-/s Section 3 That Section -3--a-of the Code—of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom subsection A thereof and by substituting therefor the following "A The driver of any motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire or of any school bus carrying any school child or of any vehicle carrying explosive sub- stances or flamable liquids as a cargo or a part of a cargo before crossing at grade any track or tracks of a railroad shall stop such vehicle within fifty (50) feet but not less than fifteen (15) feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and while so stopped shall listen and look in both directions along such track for any approaching train and for signals indicating the approach of a train, except as hereinafter provided and shall not proceed until he can do so safely It And by adding thereto the following subsection E "E The stopping requirement set forth in subsections A and B of this section shall not apply where it has been determined by the municipality or the State that trains are not operating during certain periods or seasons of the year and an official sign carrying the legend 'Exempt Crossing' has been erected giving notice when so posted that such crossing is exempt from the stopping require- ment " Section 4 That Chapter 114 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto between Sections 114-15 and 114-16 thereof the following additional section "Section 114-15 1 Moving Heavy Equipment at Railroad Crossing "A No person shall operate or move any Caterpillar, tractor, steam shovel, derrick, roller or other equipment or structure having a normal operating speed of six (6) or less miles per hour or a vertical body or load clearance of less than nine (9) inches above the level surface of a roadway upon or across any tracks at a railroad grade crossing without first complying with this section "B Notice of any such intended crossing shall be given to a superintendent of such railroad and a reasonable time be given to such railroad to provide proper protection at such crossing "C Before making any such crossing, the person operating or moving any such vehicle or equipment shall first stop the same not less than fifteen (15) feet nor more than fifty (50) feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and while so stopped shall listen and look in both directions along such track for any approaching train and for signals indicating the -2- r approach of a train and shall not proceed until the crossing can be made safely " "D No such crossing shall be made when warning is given by automatic signal or crossing gates or a flagman or otherwise of the immediate approach of a railroad train or car "E Subsection C of this section shall not apply where it has been determined by this municipality or the State that trains are not operating during certain periods or seasons of the year and an official sign carrying the legend 'Exempt Crossing' has been erected giving notice when so posted that such crossing is exempt from the stopping requirement " Section 5 That Section 114-18 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-18 Stop When Traffic Obstructed "No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked cross- walk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic-control indication to proceed " Section 6 That Section 114-19 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-19 Basic Rule "A No person shall drive a vehicle on a street or highway within this municipality at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions existing "B Except when a special hazard exists that requires lowering speed and except as otherwise provided herein, the following speeds shall be lawful, but any speed in excess of said limits shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and that it is unlawful "(1) 25 miles per hour in any business district 11(2) 30 miles per hour in any residence district " Section 7 That Section 114-20 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the following portion thereof, to-wit "That the prima facie speed permitted -3- by state law at those intersections or approaches thereto" and by sub- stituting therefor the following "That the prima facie speed set forth in Section 114-19 hereof at those intersections and approaches thereto" Section 8 That Section 114-21 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the following words "That the prima facie speed permitted by state law upon those streets or portions thereof" and by substituting therefor the following words "That the prima facie speed set forth in Section 114-19 hereof upon those streets or portions thereof" Section 9 That Section 114-35 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-35 Obedience to Signs Regarding Turns "Whenever official signs are erected directing, prohibiting or restricting a right or left turn, U-turn or all turns as authorized in Article XXVII, no driver shall disobey the direction of any such sign " 0 Section 10 That Section 114-41 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting from subsection D thereof the following words" "As set forth in the State Traffic Control Manual" Section 11 That Section 114-49 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-49 Lamps on Parked Vehicles "A Whenever a vehicle is lawfully parked upon a highway during the hours between sunset and sunrise and in the event there is sufficient light to reveal any person or object within a distance of 1,000 feet upon such highway, no lights need be displayed upon such parked vehicle "B Whenever a vehicle is parked or stopped upon a roadway or shoulder adjacent thereto, whether attended or unattended, during the hours between sunset and sunrise and there is not sufficient light to reveal any person or object within a distance of 1,000 feet upon such highway, such vehicle so parked or stopped shall be equipped with one or more operating lamps meeting the following requirements At least one lamp shall display a light or amber light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the front of the vehicle and the same lamp, or at least one other lamp, shall display a red light visible from a distance of SOO feet to the rear of the vehicle, and the -4- 11 location of said lamp or lamps shall always be such that at least one lamp or combination of lamps meeting the requirements of this section is installed as near as practicable to the side of the vehicle which is closest to passing traffic The foregoing provision shall not apply to a motor-driven cycle "C Any lighted headlamps upon a parked vehicle shall be depressed or dimmed " Section 12 That Section 114-58 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting from the opening sentence thereof the word "principal" Section 13 That Section 114-59 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is amended by deleting therefrom the word "freeway" or "freeways" and by substituting therefor the word "highway" or "highways" Section 14 That Section 114-61 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto between the words "in specified places" and the words "or in a specified manner" the following phrase it, at specified times," Section 15 That Chapter 114 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional Section 114-69 as follows "Section 114-69 Bus Stops Regulated "A The operator of a bus shall not stand or park such vehicle upon any street at any place other than a bus stop so designated as authorized in this section "B The operator of a bus shall not stop such vehicle upon any street at any place for purpose of loading or unloading passengers or their baggage other than at a bus stop so designated as authorized in this section except in case of an emergency "C The operator of z bus shall enter a bus stop on a public street in such a manner that the bus, when stopped to load or unload passengers or baggage, shall be in a position with the right front wheel of such vehicle not further than eighteen (18) inches from the curb and the bus approximately parallel to the curb so as not to unduly impede the movement of other vehicular traffic " -5- Section 16 That Section 114-70 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows Section 114-70 Taxi Cab Stands Regulated "A The operator of a taxi cab shall not stand or park such vehicle upon any street at any place other than in a taxi cab stand so designated, as authorized in this section "B This provision shall not prevent the operator of a taxi cab from temporary stopping in accordance with other parking or stopping regulations at any place for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers " Section 17 That Section 114-82 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing the title thereof to read as follows "Uniform Specifications", and by deleting therefrom subsection A thereof and by relettering the remaining subsections to conform to such deletion Section 18 That Section 114-83 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing subsection A thereof to read as follows "A No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any official traffic control device, including any official hand signal device placed or displayed in accordance with the provisions of this article, unless otherwise directed by a police officer, subject to the exceptions in this ordinance granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle " Section 19 That Section 114-84 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-84 Official Devices Required for Enforcement Purposes "A No provision of this ordinance for which official traffic control devices are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and place of the alleged violation an official device is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person "B Whenever a particular section does not state that official traffic control devices are required, such section shall be effective even though no devices are erected or in place " -6- Section 20 That Section 114-86 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-86 Traffic Control Signal Legend "Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic control signals exhibiting different colored lights, or colored arrows, successively one at a time or in combination, only the colors green, yellow, and red shall be used, except for special pedestrian-control signals carrying a word legend as provided in Section 114-89 hereof and said lights, arrows, and combinations thereof shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as follows "A Green Indication "(1) Vehicular traffic facing a circular green signal may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn, but vehicular traffic, including vehicles turning right or left, shall yield the right of way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time such signal is exhibited 11(2) Vehicular traffic facing a green arrow signal, shown alone or in combination with another indication, may cautiously enter the inter- section only to make the movement indicated by such arrow or such other movement as is permitted by other indications shown at the same time Such vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to other traffic law- fully using the intersection 11(3) Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian control signal as provided in Section 114-89 hereof, pedestrians facing any green signal, except when the sole green signal is a turn arrow, may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk "B Steady Yellow Indication 11(1) Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal is thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter and such vehicular traffic -7- shall be clear of the intersection when such red light is exhibited "(2) Pedestrians facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal, unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal as provided in Section 114-89 hereof, are thereby advised that there is insufficient time to cross the road before the red indication is shown and no pedestrian shall then start to cross the roadway "C Steady Red Indication "(1) Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a clearly marked stop line but, if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown, except that "(i) Such vehicular traffic, after coming to a stop and yielding the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection may make a right turn unless an official sign has been erected permitting such right turn as provided in this article "(ii) Such vehicular traffic when proceeding on a one-way street and after coming to a stop may make a left turn onto a one-way street upon which traffic is moving to the left of the driver Such turn shall be made only after yielding the right of way to pedestrians and other traffic proceeding as directed No turn shall be made pursuant to this sub- paragraph (ii) at an intersection where an official sign has been erected prohibiting such left turn as provided in this article "(2) Pedestrians facing a steady circular red signal alone shall not enter the roadway unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal as pro- vided in Section 114-89 hereof "(3) Vehicular traffic facing a steady red arrow signal may not enter the intersection to make the movement indicated by such arrow and unless entering the intersection to make such other movement as is -8- permitted by other indications shown at the same time shall stop at the clearly marked stop line but, if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the inter- section and shall remain standing until indica- tion to make the movement indicated by such arrow is shown 11(4) Pedestrians facing a steady red arrow signal shall not enter the roadway unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal as provided in Section 114-89 hereof "D Nonintersectional Signal "(1) In the event an official traffic control signal is erected and maintained at a place other than intersection, provisions of this section shall be applicable except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application 11(2) Any stop required at a nonintersection signal shall be made at a sign or pavement marking indicating where the stop shall be made, but in the absence of any such sign or marking the stop shall be made at the signal " Section 21 That Section 114-87 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-87 Flashing Signals "A Whenever an illuminated flashing red or yellow signal is used in conjunction with a traffic sign or a traffic signal or as a traffic beacon, it shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows "(1) When a red lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes drivers of vehicles shall stop at a clearly marked stop line but, if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign 11(2) When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes drivers of vehicles may -9- proceed past such signal and through the inter- section or other hazardous location only with caution "B This section shall not apply at railroad grade crossings Conduct of drivers of vehicles approaching railroad crossings shall be governed by the provisions of Section 114-13 through 114-15 1 of this article Section 22 That Section 114-88 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-88 Lane Use Control Signals "Whenever lane use control signals are placed over the individual lanes of a street or highway such signals shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles as follows 11(1) Downward-pointing green arrow (steady) A driver facing such signal may drive in any lane over which said green arrow signal is located 11(2) Yellow "X" (steady) A driver facing such signal is warned that the related green arrow movement is being terminated and shall vacate in a safe manner the lane over which said steady yellow signal is located to avoid, if possible, occupying that lane when the steady red "X" signal is exhibited 11(3) Yellow "X" (flashing) A driver facing such signal may use the lane over which said flashing yellow signal is located for the purpose of making a left turn or a passing maneuver, using proper caution, but for no other purpose 11(4) Red "X" (steady) A driver facing such signal shall not drive in any lane over which said red signal is exhibited " Section 23 That Section 114-89 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-89 Pedestrian-Control Signals "Whenever special pedestrian-control signals exhibiting the words 'Walk' or 'Don't Walk' are in place, such signals shall indicate as follows "(1) 'Walk' (steady) While the 'Walk' indication is steadily illuminated pedestrians facing such signal may proceed across the roadway in the -10- direction of the signal indication and all vehicular traffic shall be facing a steady red signal 11(2) 'Walk' (flashing) Whenever the 'Walk' indica- tion is flashing pedestrians facing said signal are cautioned that there is possible hazard from turning vehicles but such pedestrians may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal indication and shall be given the right of way by the drivers of all vehicles 11(3) 'Don't Walk' (steady) While the 'Don't Walk' indication is steadily illuminated no pedes- trian shall enter the roadway in the direction of the signal indication 11(4) 'Don't Walk' (flashing) Whenever the 'Don't Walk' indication is flashing no pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway in the direction of the indication, but any pedestrian who has partly completed his crossing during the 'Walk' indication shall proceed to a sidewalk or a safety island and all drivers of vehicles shall yield to any such pedestrian "(5) Whenever a signal system provides for the stopping of all vehicular traffic and the exclusive move- ment of pedestrians and 'Walk' and 'Don't Walk' signal indications control such pedestrian move- ment, pedestrians may cross in any direction between corners of the intersection offering the shortest route within the boundaries of the intersection while the 'Walk' indication is exhibited if signals and other official devices direct pedestrian movement in such manner con- sistent with Section 114-99D hereof " Section 24 That Section 114-91 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-91 Traffic Lanes "Where traffic lanes have been marked as authorized in Article XXVII of this chapter a vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practicable entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from such lane until the driver has first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety " Section 25 That Section 114-92 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the -11- following phrase "And as declared in the State Traffic Control Manual" Section 26 That Section 114-93C of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "C This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the use of motorist services information of a general nature on official highway guide signs if such signs do not indicate the brand, trademark or name of any private business or commercial enterprise offering this service nor shall this section be deemed to prohibit the erection upon private property adjacent to highways of signs giving useful directional information and of a type that cannot be mistaken for official signs " Section 27 That Section 114-95 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-95 Pedestrians Obey Traffic Control Devices "A A pedestrian shall obey the instructions of any official traffic control devise specifically appli- cable to him unless otherwise directed by a police officer "B Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic and pedestrian control signals as provided in Article IX of this ordinance "C At all other places pedestrian shall be accorded the privileges and shall be subject to the restrictions stated in this article Section 28 That Section 114-105 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional subsection B thereof as follows "B Any pedestrian who is not wholly or partially blind and any driver of a vehicle who approaches or comes in contact with a person who is wholly or partially blind carrying a cane or walking stick, white or metallic in color or white tipped with red, or who is accompanied by a guide dog shall immediately come to a full stop and take such precautions before pro- ceeding as may be necessary to avoid an accident or injury to the person wholly or partially blind " Section 29 That Section 114-125 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing sbusection A thereof to read as follows -12- "A The use of certain streets and roadways by motor driven cycles, trucks or other commercial vehicles, bicycles and horse-drawn vehicles or other non- motorized traffic shall be restricted or prohibited when declared as provided in Section 114-199 and when official signs giving notice thereof are erected as authorized in Article XXVII " And by adding an additional subsection between the existing subsections A and B of such section as follows "B For the purpose of road construction and maintenance, any street or portion thereof may, by action of this municipality or by agreement with other concerned road agencies, be temporarily closed to through traffic and to all vehicular traffic during the work project and the traffic affected shall be guided along appro- priate detours or alternative routes by official traffic control devices " And by renumbering all other subsections to conform therewith Section 30 That Section 114-127B of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto before the existing subsections Cl) and (2) the following additional subsections "(l) The total outside width of a farm tractor shall not exceed ten (10) feet 11(2) Whenever pneumatic tires, in substitution of the same type or other types of tires have been here- tofore or are hereafter placed upon a vehicle, the maximum width from the outside of one wheel and tire to the outside of the opposite wheel and tire shall not exceed eight (8) feet six (6) inches, but in such event the outside width of the body of such vehicle or the load thereon shall not exceed eight (8) feet except a load of loose hay, whether horse drawn or by motor vehicle, shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in width " And by renumbering the existing subsections to conform therewith Section 31 That Section 114-127D of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "D No combination of vehicles coupled together shall consist of more than four units and no such com- bination of vehicles shall exceed a total overall length of sixty (60) feet except that such combina- tion of vehicles up to an overall length of not to -13- sixty-five (65) feet may be operated on streets designated by this municipality but such vehicle combinations over sixty (60) feet in length may not exceed the maximum gross weight allowable on July 1, 1956, for a sixty (60) foot combination under the weight formula as found in Section 114-132 hereof but in respect to night transportation, every such vehicle and the load thereon shall be equipped with a sufficient number of clearance lamps on both sides and marker lamps upon the extreme ends of any projecting load to clearly mark the dimensions of such load " Section 32 That Section 114-127 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional subsection E as follows "E The length limitations of vehicles and combinations of vehicles provided for in this section as they apply to vehicles being operated and utilized for the transportation of steel, fabricated beams, trusses, utility poles, pipes and automobiles shall be deter- mined without regard to the projection of said com- modities beyond the extreme front and rear of the vehicle or combination of vehicles except that the projection of a load to the front shall be governed by the provisions of Section 114-128B of this ordinance and no load shall project to the rear more than ten (10) feet " Section 33 That Section 114-138 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting from subsections A and B thereof the following words and figures, to-wit "Sections 13-5-85 through 13-5-117, C R S , 1963s and Ch 873 S L 19650" and by substituting therefor the following words and figures "Sections 13-5-85 through 13-5-117 and 13-5-157 C R S , 1963, as amended," and by deleting from subsection B thereof the following words "With the approval of the Colorado Department of Highways" Section 34 That Section 114-139A of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "A Every vehicle upon a street or highway within this municipality between sunset and sunrise and at any other time when due to insufficient light or unfavor- able atmospheric conditions persons and vehicles on -14- said streets and highways are not clearly discernible at a distance of 1,000 feet ahead shall display lighted lamps and illuminating devices as by the laws of the State of Colorado are respectively required for different classes of vehicles, subject to the exception stated in Section 114-49 herein with respect to parked vehicles and further that stop lights, turn signals and other signaling devices shall be lighted as prescribed by Colorado law for the use of such devices " Section 35 That Section 114-144 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-144 Obstruction of View or Driving Mechanism "A No person shall drive a vehicle when it is so loaded or when there are in the front seat such number of persons exceeding three (3) as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle or as to interfere with the driver's control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle "B No person shall knowingly drive a vehicle while any passenger therein is riding in any manner which endangers the safety of such passenger or others "C No person shall drive any vehicle equipped with any television viewer, screen or other means of visually receiving a television broadcast which is located in the motor vehicle at any point forward of the back of the driver's seat or which is visible to the driver while operating the motor vehicle "D No vehicle shall be operated upon any highway unless the driver's vision through any required glass equipment is normal and unobstructed "E No passenger in a vehicle shall ride in such position as to create a hazard for himself or others or to inter- fere with the driver's view ahead or to the sides or to interfere with the driver's control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle, nor shall the driver of a vehicle permit any passenger therein to ride in such manner " Section 36 That Section 114-145 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-145 Unlawful Riding -15- "A No person shall hang on or otherwise attach himself to the outside, top, hood or fenders of any vehicle or to any other portion thereof other than the specific enclosed portion of such vehicle intended for passengers or while in a sitting position in the cargo area of a vehicle if such area is fully or partially enclosed on all four sides, while the same is in motion This subsection A shall not apply to parades, caravans or exhibitions which are officially authorized or permitted by law "B The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply to a vehicle owned by the United States Government or any agency or instrumentality thereof or to a vehicle owned by the State of Colorado or any of its political subdivisions or to a privately owned vehicle when operating in a governmental capacity under contract with or permit from any governmental subdivision or under permit issued by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado when in the performance of their duties persons are required to stand or sit on the exterior of the vehicle and said vehicle is equipped with adequate handrails and safe guards " Section 37 That Section 114-156 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting from subsection C the last sentence thereof and by adding thereto an additional subsection D as follows "D When the route for a funeral procession has been approved by the Police Department, after the pro- cession has entered an intersection controlled by signals or traffic control signs, individual vehicles in the funeral procession shall not be required to stop or yield in compliance with the normal rules applicable to such signals or signs but the entire procession shall be allowed to proceed through any intersection as a unit and all vehicles shall yield to such procession The foregoing shall apply only when the vehicles in the procession are conspicuously designated as required hereunder " Section 38 That Chapter 114 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after Section 114-156 an additional section as follows "Section 114-156 1 Motorcycle Rules "A No person shall operate any motorcycle or motor driven -16- cycle on any street or highway within this municipality unless such person and any passenger thereon is wearing, securely fastened on his head, a protective helmet of a type approved by the State Department of Revenue nor shall any vehicle be so operated unless the operator and any passenger shall have in place on his helmet a face shield or shall wear covering his eyes goggles or eye glasses made of safety glass or plastic lens "B Any motorcycle carrying a passenger other than in a sidecar or enclosed cab shall be equipped with foot rests for such passengers "C Every person operating a motorcycle shall be granted all of the rights and shall be sub)ect to all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under this ordinance except as to special regulations herein and except as to those provisions of this ordinance which by their nature can have no application "D A person operating a motorcycle shall ride only upon the permanent and regular seat attached thereto and such operator shall not carry any other person nor shall any other person ride on a motorcycle unless such motorcycle is designed to carry more than one person, in which event a passenger may ride upon the permanent seat if designed for two persons or upon another seat firmly attached to the motorcycle at the rear or side of the operator "E A person shall ride upon a motorcycle only while sitting astride the seat, facing forward, with one leg on either side of the motorcycle "F No person shall operate a motorcycle while carrying packages, bundles or other articles which prevent him from keeping both hands on the handlebars "G No person shall carry any person nor shall any person ride in a position that will interfere with the opera- tion or control of the motorcycle or the view of the operator "H All motorcycles are entitled to full use of a traffic lane and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any motorcycle of the full use of a traffic lane This subsection shall apply to motor- cycles operated two abreast in a single lane "I The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake or pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken -17- "J No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lanes or rows of vehicles "K Motorcycles shall not be operated more than two abreast in a single lane "L Subsections I and J of this section shall not apply to police officers in the performance of their official duties "M No person riding upon a motorcycle shall attach himself or the motorcycle to another vehicle on a roadway " Section 39 That Chapter 114 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after Section 114-156 1 an additional section as follows "Section 114-156 2 Emblem for Slow Moving Vehicles "A All machinery, equipment and vehicles designed to operate or normally operated at a speed of less than 25 miles per hour on a public highway shall display a triangular slow-moving vehicle emblem on the rear "B Such emblem shall be of a type approved by the State Department of Revenue and shall be mounted in accordance with the regulations issued by said department "C The use of the emblem required under this section shall be restricted to the use specified in subsection A of this section and its use on any other type of vehicle or stationery object is prohibited " Section 40 That Chapter 114 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after Section 114-156 2 an additional section as follows "Section 114-156 3 Use of Multiple Beam Headlights "A Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway or shoulder adjacent thereto during the time specified in Section 114-139 hereof, the driver shall use a distribution of light or composite beam directed high enough and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a safe distance in advance of the vehicle, subject to the following requirements and limitations (1) Whenever a driver of a vehicle approaches an -18- oncoming vehicle within 500 feet, such driver shall use a distribution of light or composite beam so aimed that the glaring rays are not projected into the eyes of the oncoming driver The lower most distribution of light or com- posite beam shall be dimmed to avoid glare at all times regardless of road contour and loading 11(2) Whenever the driver of a vehicle follows another vehicle within 200 feet to the rear except when engaged in the act of overtaking and passing, such driver shall use a distribution of light other than the upper most distribution of light " Section 41 That Section 114-161 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-161 Restricted Use of Snowmobiles, Skis, Toboggans, Coasters, Roller Skates and Similar Devices "A No person shall use any street or highway within this municipality as a sled or ski course for the purpose of traveling or coasting on snowmobiles, skis, toboggans, sleds or similar devices except as otherwise provided in subsections C and D hereof "B No person upon roller skates or riding in or by means of any coaster wagon, toy vehicle or similar device shall go upon any roadway in this municipality except while crossing a street on a crosswalk and when so crossing such person shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to pedestrians "C A snowmobile may be operated on streets and highways under the jurisdiction of this municipality only when such operation is authorized by special ordinance or addition to this ordinance, and appropriate notice is given thereof and then only in the manner and on such streets prescribed by such ordinance consistent with the provisions of state law "D This section shall not apply upon any street or portions thereof set aside and officially marked as a play street or course for the use of such devices as authorized in this chapter Section 42 That Section 114-163 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional subsection E as follows -19- "E The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle shall carry in the vehicle at all times the designation required by state law attesting to the fact that such vehicle has been designated by the State Motor Vehicle Agency as an authorized emergency vehicle by virtue of its use for the preservation of life or property or for the execution of emergency governmental func- tions, but failure to carry the written designation shall not affect the status of the vehicle as an authorized emergency vehicle " Section 43 That Section 114-167 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional subsection D as follows "D The Chief of Police shall cooperate with the State Department of Revenue in the development and use of a coding system for traffic citations which can be utilized in machine data processing and in the preparation of state reports " Section 44 That Section 114-177 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom the words "a penalty assessment notice", and by substituting therefor "a summons or notice to appear" Section 45 That Section 114-178 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-178 Failure to Comply with Summons or Notice to Appear on Parked Vehicle "If the driver or owner of an unattended motor vehicle charged with an apparent violation of the restrictions on stopping, standing or parking under the traffic ordinances of this municipality does not respond within the time specified to a Summons or Notice to Appear affixed to such vehicle as provided in Section 114-177 by appearance and payment at the Traffic Violations Bureau or court having jurisdiction or by mailing pay- ment by means of United States mail or by other disposi- tion of the charges provided by law, the clerk of said court or traffic violations bureau shall send notice by mail to the registered owner of the vehicle to which the original Summons or Notice to Answer was affixed warning him that in the event such Summons or Notice to Answer is disregarded for a period of twenty (20) days from the date of mailing, a complaint will be filed and a warrant of arrest will be issued " Section 46 That Section 114-185A of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows -20- "A Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended standing upon any portion of a street or highway right of way in this municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of this chapter or left unattended for a period of 72 hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions pre- scribed by 13-5-71(2) and 13-5-72(2) C R S , 1963, as amended, such officer shall require that the driver or person in charge of the vehicle move the same to a position off the paved or improved or main traveled part of such street or alley or the officer may cause the same to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this municipality " Section 47 That Section 114-185 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto an additional subsection C as follows "C If the owner of a vehicle does not respond to a notice sent to him by the Clerk of the court or traffic violations bureau pursuant to Section 114- 178 hereof and any police officer finds such vehicle standing upon any portion of a street or alley right of way within this municipality, then such police officer is authorized to immobilze such vehicle by installing on or attaching to such vehicle a device designed to restrict the normal movement of the vehicle, provided that such police officer shall attach to the vehicle a notice in writing advising the owner, driver or person in charge of the vehicle that the vehicle was immobilized because of failure to respond to a notice regarding illegal parking and that release from such immobiliza- tion may be obtained by contacting the Police Department and arranging for the payment of all fines or other penalties applicable to such vehicle, including the charge established by the court for immobilizing the vehicle " Section 48 That Section 114-187 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom in both subsection A and B thereof the following phrase "or any of the traffic laws of this state" Section 49 That Section 114-196 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing subsection B(2) to read as follows 11(2) Designate and mark medians and traffic islands " And by changing subsection B(14) to read as follows -21- 11(14) Designate and sign locations at which drivers shall not make a right or left turn, a U-turn or any turn at all times or during certain times or at which certain turns shall be required at all times or during certain times " Section 50 That Section 114-198 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "Section 114-198 Conformance to Uniform Standards "It shall be the duty of the Traffic Engineer or other official charged with responsibility for traffic in this municipality to see that all traffic control devices required hereunder are uniform as to type and location as required by state law Section 51 That Section 114-199 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing subsection B(13) to read as follows 11(13) Designation of locations at which drivers shall not make a right or left turn, a U-turn or any turn at all times or during certain times or locations at which specified turns shall be required at all times or during certain times " And by adding to subsection B thereof an additional subpart (14) as follows 11(14) Right turn on red and left turn on red prohibi- tions declared pursuant to Section 114-86 " And by deleting therefrom subsection D thereof Section 52 That Section 114-2 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing the definition of BICYCLE to read as follows "BICYCLE--Every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels, either of which is more than fourteen (14) inches in diameter " And by adding an additional definition following the definition of FARM TRACTOR as follows "IMPLEMENT OF HUSBANDRY--Every vehicle which is designated for agricultural purposes and used by the owner thereof in the conduct of his agricultural operations " -22- And by changing the definition of SEMI-TRAILER to rend as follows "SEMI-TRAILER--Any wheeled vehicle without motive power which is designed to be used in conjunction with a truck tractor so that some part of its own weight and that of its cargo load rests upon or is carried by such truck tractor, and which is generally and commonly used to carry and transport property over the public highways " And by adding an additional definition after the definition of SEMI-TRAILER as follows "SNOWMOBILE--A self propelled vehicle primarily designed for travel on snow or ice and supported in part by skis, belts, or cleats " And by adding an additional definition after the definition of TRAILER as follows "TRAILER, COACH OR MOBILE HOME--Any wheeled vehicle which is a single self-contained unit, without motive power, which is designed and generally and commonly used for occupancy by persons for residential purposes, in either temporary or permanent locations, and which may occasionally be drawn over the public highways by a motor vehicle " Section 53 That Section 114-3 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by changing the definition of ALLEY or ALLEYWAY to read as follows "ALLEY or ALLEYWAY-- A narrow minor street, usually without sidewalks, on which the rears of buildings customarily adjoin " And by adding an additional definition after the definition of DECELERATION LANE as follows "DIVIDED HIGHWAY--A highway with separated roadways for traffic in opposite directions, said separation being indicated by depressed dividing strips, raised curbings, traffic islands or other physical separations or indicated by standard pavement markings or other official traffic control devices " And by adding an additional definition after the definition of INTERSECTION as follows "LANE--The portion of a roadway for the movement of a single line of vehicles " Section 54 That Section 114-4 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after the -23- r definition of LANE LINE an additional definition as follows "MARKINGS--All lines, patterns, words, colors, or other devices, except signs, set into the surface of, applied upon, or attached to the pavement or curbing or to objects within or adjacent to the roadway, conforming to state standards as required by law and officially placed for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic " And by deleting therefrom the definition of STATE TRAFFIC CONTROL MANUAL and by changing the definition of STOP LINE to read as follows "STOP LINE (or LIMIT LINE)--A line which indicates where drivers shall stop when directed by an official traffic control device or a police officer " Section 55 That Section 114-5 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto after the definition of HOLIDAYS the following additional definition "LITTER--All rubbish, waste material, refuse, garbage, trash, debris or other foreign substance, solid or liquid, of every form, size, kind and description " Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this �j(I day of 4t C'i r , A D 1973, and to be pre- sented for final passage on the jF"� day of �)c�s r tom, A D 1973 Mayors-" ATTEST 1 City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 1t day of A D 1973 Mayor ATTEST City Clerk -24-