HomeMy WebLinkAbout040 - 08/28/1969 - ANNEXING THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE LUTHERAN STUDENT FOUNDATION ANNEXATION -ORD]NANCE INC. 210 , 1969, BEING AN ORDINANCE, ANNEXING CERTAIN 'IT RR I]ORY TO 'III): CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLOp'ADO 11111FRIHAS, the property hereinafter described has for 111orc than three (3) years been entirely contained v.,ithin the boundaries Of. tile, City of Fort Collins; and h-I 11:RHAS, the City of Fort Collins desires to annex said property. NOW) 111FREF0111:1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1 . That all of the, tcrritory 11101-0 particularly described as situate in the County of Larimcr, State of Colorado, to-wit: -Commencing at the Southeast corner of the NEI< of Section 15, 'Township 7 North, 69 I%Iest of the 6th P. NI. , thence along the East line of said NE; 493 .40 feet to a point on the boundary of the Ti-;elfth South Shields Street Annexation to the City of Fort Col Iins, Colorado, which point is the true point of beginning; thence Most along said boundary 250.00 feet; thence North along said boundary 100.00 feet to a point on the boundary of the Fifth South Shields Street AnnexAtion to the, City of Fort Collins, Colorado; thence East along said boundary 50.00 feet to a point on the boundary of the First South Shields Street Consolidated Annexation to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado; thence East along said boundary 200.00 feet to the Fast line of the, NIL'-, of Section IS; thence ..South along said East -line 100.00 feet to the point of beginning; be and it hereby is annexed to the City of Fort Collins and made a part of said City, to be known as the Lutheran Student Foundation Annexation., Section 2. That in annexing said territory to the City of Fort Collins, the City of Pcr'L Collins does not assume any obligation respecting the construction of 1�.ater mains, se,v,,er lines, gas mains, electric service lines, streets or any other services or utilities in connection with territory hereby annexed except as may be provided by the ordinances of the City of Fort Collins. Section 3. 11.1ithin ninety (90) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective, no building permit shall be issued for any of the lands herein described unless said lands have been zoned under the zoning ordinances of the City. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 7'th day of August A. D. 1969, and to be presented for final passage on the 28th day of August A. D. 1969. - May ATTEST: City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 28t.h day of August A. D. 1969. ALI— ATTEST: City Cler"-