HomeMy WebLinkAbout005 - 02/01/1962 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT D ORDINANCE NO. 5 1962 RELATING TO THE ASSESSRIENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVE[NENTS IN CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, CDLOA&DO, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 12, 1961, duly passed and adopted on the lst day of June, A. D. 1961, Consolidated Improvement District No. 56 was duly created and provisions made in said ordinance for the construction of certain improvements in said District, consisting of surfacing the streets within the boundries of said District with a two and one-half inch mat, composed of earth, gravel, sand and oil, in such proportion and combined in such manner as was specified in the specifications of the City Engineer; and under and by virtue of a Resolution duly adopted on June 15 1961, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 6, 1930, and Section 26 of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, supplementary proceedings were taken for the ordering in and construction of curb and gutter and connection with water and sewer mains along the streets in said District where necessary, which Ordinance No. 12, 1961 provided that the proceeds of any special assessments levied on account of curbing and guttering installation and sewer and water maim connections in said Consolidated Improvement District No. 56 be applied solely to the payment or redemption of any bonds issued in the name of said District; that the said improvements as hereinabove provided have been duly constructed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therein provided; That thereafter the City Engineer, on to-wit; the 7th day of December, A. D. 1961, duly reported to the Council of the City of Fort Collins that the cost of construction of said improvements, including the cost of inspection, collection, and other incidentals, and also including 'interest, is $77,029.48; that in and by said report the City Engineer, pursuant to his report duly apportioned the cost of street surfacing upon all the lots or tracts of land in the district improved, in proportion as the frontage of each lot or tract of land is to the total of all the frontage of all the lots or tracts of land so improved, exclusive of public highways, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance No. 9, 1926, and Ordinance No. 6, 1933, and Ordinance No. 12, 1961, creating Consolidated Improvement District No. 56, and which District is hereinafter more2particularly described by lots and blocks, together with the apportionment and rate per front foot, and also duly apportioned the cost of curb and gutter in accordance with the abutting sidewalk frontage of the respective property in front og or about which curb and gutter work has been done, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 6, 1930, and Resolution adopted June 1, 1961, and also duly apportioned the cost of making connection with sewer and water mains against the premises with which the connection was made, pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, the said findings and report of the City Engineer being in accordance with the report of the City Engineer in respect to the proposed assessment on each lot in said District. Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins, held on the 7th day of December, A.D. 1961, said report of the City Engineer concerning said proposed assessment for improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No. 56, was by Resolution of the Council of the City of Fort Collins, duly adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fort Collins to be held on the llth day of January, A.D. 1962, pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law; that in and by said Resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of ten (10) days, addressed to the owners of property to be assessed in Consolidated Improvement District No. 56, stating the whole cost of the improve- ments and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district, and notifying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by them to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty (30) days from the first publication of said notice would be heard and determined by the Council of the City of Fort Collins at a regular meeting thereof to be held on the llth day of January, A.D. 1962, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock 'in the afternoon of said day, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall in said City; that after said hearing the Council of the City of Fort Collins would take up the matter -2- of the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements;:-that pursuant to the authority contained in said Resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Coloradoan, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins; for a period of ten (10) days, as provided by Ordinance; and that due proof of publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk; that an objection has been filed and considered fully by the Council of the City of Fort Collins and has been duly over-ruled and the Council did confirm the apportionment and assessment as -heretofore made by the City Engineer; the assessing ordinance for the cost of improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No- 56 was ordered submitted for passage and adoption, Section 3. That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated Improvement District No. 56, under and by virtue of said Ordinance No. 12, 1960 and Resolution adopted June 1, 1961, of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and interest, amounts to $77,029.48, which said sum is hereby assessed upon the real estate in Consolidated Improvement District No. 56, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance No. 9, 1926, and Ordinance No. 6, 1933, and Ordinance No. 6, 1930, and Ordinance No. 12, 1961, and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in said Consolidated Improvement District No. 56, comprising the following lots and blocks in said District shall be as follows: -3- CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT. DISTRICT NO 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 1 LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTER ASSESS:, WATER SEWER TOTAL FRONTAGE RATE. PER , , ... ASSESSMENT . . FRONT RATE PER AMT;OF. SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET FOOT FEET FOOT ASSESS'; LAKE STREET a, Frontage on Lake St. East- Colorado & Southern 200.0 $ 4.15 $ 830;00 - $ $ - $ - $ _ $ '-030000 side of Lots 1 & 12 Emigh Railway Company k Subdivision. % -E. A. Graham, Asst. Chief Engineer 600 Johnson Bldg. ' Denver, Colorado The E. 253.0' Tract # 1 State Board of 2,609.4 4.15 10,829.01 - - - - - 10,829.01 Emigh's Subd. Agriculture Tr}a '3; Tract 11 less W 12.71, Tract 41 Tract 9, Tract 6. The E.. :150' of Lot 12 James & Sadie L. 100.0 4o'15 415.00 100.0 1.97 197.00 101.70 78.20 791.90 Emigh,Sub. less the W 50' of Anderson the N 15,0!--in. the NW cor. 201 West Lake St. less tly 150' Com Q a pt,100' W of K. M. Shohoney 50.0 4.15 207.50 - - - - 207.50 the NE':cgr-4of Lot 12 % C.G. Kautz Emigh Sub. th S 1501,th Rt. 21, Box 64 W 50',th N �50') th E 50' to beg. Beg 182.7' E of NW-cor of 'Bruce L. Benefield 44.3 4.15 183.0 - - - - - 1(%3.84 Lot 12 Emigh Sub. th S 270' 205 W. Lake St. th W U.3',th N 270'3th E 44.5' to beg. Also: Beg 182.7' E of the NW cor of Lot 12 Emigh Sub. th N 201th E U.81), th S 201, th W 44.3' to beg. Beg at a pt which is 50' E. E. .& B. M. Thomas 88.4 4.15 366.86 - - _ _ _ 366,a E & 20' N of NW cor of 209 W. Lake Street of Lot 12 Emigh Sub. th S 2901,th E 88.4',th N. 2901, th W 88.4' to beg. J CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NQ 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 2 LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTER ASSESS', WATER SEWER TOTAL FRONTAGE RATE PER' ASSESSMENT FRONT RATE PER AMTOF. SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT; • FEET FOOT FEET FOOT ASSESS:" Com at the NW cor of We P. & He L. Dees 50.0 $ 4.15 $ 207.50 - $ <:- $ - $ - $ - $ 207.50:, Lot 12 Emigh Sub. th S 211 West Lake 273.111 th E 5015 th N , 273.1', th W 50' to beg, Com at the SW cor of Lot L. I. .& M. V. Smith 8000 4.15 332000 •• «• •» ^ ^ 332000 1 Emi:gh Sub o th N 5711, 704 W. Mountain th E 8011 th S 5711, to S line„of Lot , th W.80T to beg. Also vac port of street, being 201 wide adj to said Lot on South, A portion of Lot 2., Emigh C. E. Bowden 26300 4015 1.2 s 091.45 ^ ^ - 1 091045 Sub. & vacatt St, adj. on 310 W. Lake South Des.." as beg. at a pt 201 S. & 201 E of SW cor of Lot 2, running th N 565 ' .9 th Erly 31313 more or less to a pt on the East line of said Lot., which is 130.'81 S. of the NE cor. of said Lot. Th S 2001 ' th SWrly in a direct line to a pt which is �71 E of West line & 1201 N of the Saline of said Lot, Th S 140T, th W 671 to beg." Also: A portion of Lot 2,, Emigh Sub, with vacated portion of Lake St. on South, Desc. as follows: Com at a pt 201 S & -871`-E -of the SW cor of Lot 2, th N 1401, th Nrly'in direct line to a pt on the E line of. said Lot 33o.81 S of the NE cor of said Lot, th S 3t3T to a point 20T S of SE cor of-. said Trot, th W 246T to beg Exc: Beg 201 S & 201 W of SE cor of said Lot, th W 501, th N 15012 th E 50T, th S 1501 to bego ; CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NOd ° 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 3 LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTER ASSESS'. WATER SEWER, TOTAL • FRONTAGE RATE PER ASSESSMENT . FRONT RATE PER AMT.OF SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET FOOT FEET FOOT ASSESS'. Beg 201 S & 201 W of SE , George Hersh 5000 $ 4015 $ 207,50 5000 $ 1,97 $ 98450 $ » $ $ 306000 cor of Lot 2 Emigh Sub, 208 W. Lake thw501,thk1501) th E 501, th S 1501 to beg, I Beg at a pt 201 S of SW , F. R. Fisher 2000 4,15 83,00 » » •. » » 83,00 cor of Lot 2, Emigh Sub, 2102 W. Lake th N to the NW cor of Lot 2 th E to NE cor of Lot 22th � 130.81,th. W 3131,th S 565,912th W 201 to beg. Less 601 by 751 in the NW cor as in Book 967,pg 3870 The W 12,71 of Lot 11, and F. J. & C. L. Holsinger 145,70 4,15 604066 » « « « 604,66 beg 72,51.W. of the SE cor 402 Alpert of Lot 10 Emigh Sub, th N 2001J th V 60 51,� th N to Lake St,th E t'o'h cor of said Lot, th S to SE cor, th W to beg, The W 62.51 of G. R. & V. G. Oswald 125,0 4,15 518,75 21,6 2918 47oO9 - » 769o54 the N 155' of the E 1251 Berthoud, Colorado 103.4 1.97 203.70 - of the W 2001of Lot 10, together with vacated part of Lake St. Adj. on North.. Emigh Sub. Also: The E 62.51 of the N 1551 of the E 1251 of the W 2001 of Lot 10 together with vacated part of Lake St. on North Mdgh Sub. The N 801 of the W 751 of B. C. & E.A. Zook 75.0 4.15 311.25 - - - - - 311.25 Lot 10, Emigh Sub.also 323 West Lake St. adj vac. port. of Lake St. on North. I i i CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 4 LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTER ASSESS WATER SDdER TOTAL FRONTAGE RA.TE..PER:. . .. . ASSESSMENT_ FRONT._ RATE PER.AMT.OF., SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET FOOT FEET FOOT ASSESS-, Lots 1 & 2, Blk.l, C.., W. & A. D. Myers 90.0 $ 4.15 $ 373.50 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 373950 Steels Subdivision P O. Box 6,69 Custer, S.D. Lot 3, Blk. 1, Valrea, Inc. 50.0 4.15 207.50 - - - - - 207.50 Steels Subdivision % P. Wenke America Bldg. Lot 1 & E 40' of Lot A. Michie 93.4 4.15 387.61 - - - - 387.61 25 Blk. 2; Steels 500 West Lake Subdivision Lot 3 & W.5' of Lot J. B. & M. J. Bowden 50.0 4.15 207.50 - - - - - 207.50 2, Blk. 2, Steels 504 West Lake Subdivision Lot 7 exc the E.1221, Maxine Benjamin 108.10 4.15 448.61 - - - - - 448.61 and .all of Lot 8, 801 West Lake Blk. 2, College Heights Subdivision. Lot 101) B1k.,I, College S. & C. Palm 88.90 4.15 368.94 - - - - - - 368.94 Heights Sub. exc: beg 816 West Lake at SW cor of said Lot, E 6511N 3351,W 651, S 335' to beg. S 335' of W 65' of H.E. & M. Lestum 65.0 4,15 269.75 - - - - - 269.75 Lot 10, Blk.l, College Route 1, Box 407 Heights Subdivision I Lots 9 & 10 & E Seventh Day Adventist 246.97 4.15 1.9024.113 - - - - - I,024.93 46.97' of Lot 11, School Blk.2, College Hghts. 1081 Martin Street Subdivision, Denver, Colorado CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO', 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 5 LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTER ASSESS, WATER SEWER TOTAL ., FRpNTACzE,;._ RATE.'PER ASSESSMENT, . FRONT., RATE..PER AMT`,OF , SERVICE..SERVICE . . . ASSESSMENT FEET FOOT FEET FOOT ASSESS Lots 12 13�14 & 15, Plymouth Congregational 253.03 $ 4.15 $1,050.07 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,050.07 & W 53.03t of Lots 11 Cl uxeY & 16, Blk,2,College 90©'-W. Prospeot Heights Subdivision Lot 135 Blk. 1, J. & k. McCullogh 128.90 4.15 534.94 - - - - - 534.94 College Hghts. Subd. 900 W. Lake less 631 by 1251 in SE cor., less the N 400' . Also: Lot 12, Blk.l, College Hghts. Sub. exc: Beg at SW cor of said Lot, th N. along the line 3001, th E 757,th S 3007 ,th W 75' to beg.also less the North 400' . Beg at the SW cor of Lot N. & E. Jenkins 75.0 4.15 311.25 75.0 1.97 147.75 74.91 63.27 597.18 12B B1k.l,College Hghts. 910 W. Lake th N 30013th E 75',th , S 300' ,th W 751to beg. Beg at the SE cor of J. & L. Heinrich 63.0 4.15 261.45 - - - - - 261.45 Lot 13, B1k.1,College 914 W. Lake Hghts. Sub.th N 125' th W 63',th S 1257, th E 637 to beg. Beg at a point which W, & G, Osterhoudt 358.4 4.15 1,487.36 - - - - - 11487.36 is N. 543.521 and Durango, Colorado again N 89°54'30" E ' 305t from SW cor of the SW4 of Sec 14-7-69, th N 8905413011 E .358.41, th S 00041 E 3o6.151,th N 89051130" W 358.761, . th 304.7' to pt of beg. Beg @ a pt 603.41 N & E. & L. Barber 100.0 4.15 415.00 - - - - - 415,00 563.3t E from SW cor Sec 14-7-69,th E 1001, th N 55.851, th W 100' 924 W. Lake th S 56.341 to beg. CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0; 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 6 LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME & ADDRESS PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB & GUTTER ASSESS`; WATER SEWER TOTAL FRONTAGE RATE•PER ASSESSMENT FRONT RATE PER AMT' OF,. SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET FOOT FEET FOOT ASSESS, Beg 301 E & 603,41 H. & K. Winther 255.8 $ 4.15 $1,061.57 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,061.57 N of the SW cor of 1000 W, Lake Sec 14-7-69,th E 633.3'1 th N 55.851, W 633.3',th S 58.92', to beg.less W 172,51,less the E 1001,1ess Bk.1007,Pg.240, Beg @ a pt N 603.4„ H. & V. Knapp 105.0 4.15 435.75 - - - - - 435.75 E 358.31 from SW cor 934 W. lzkxK Lake Sec 14-7-69 th E 1051, N 56.�31,th N 89°43' W 1051,th S 57:33' to beg. Lot 5, I. C. Woods W. & C. O'Neill 85.0 4.15 352.75 - - - - - 352,75 Re-Subdivision 1023 W. Lake Lot 4, I. C. Woods J. & M. Bahm 80.0 4.15 332.00 - - - - - 332.00 Re-Subdivision 1027 W. Lake Beg @ a Pt 30.1 E & 0. & J. Nichols 172.50 4.15 715.87 - - - - - 715.87 603,41 N of SW cor 1412 S. Shields - of Sec 14-7-69,th E 172,51,th N 58,091, th W 172.5',th S 58.921 to beg. Lot 1, I. C. Woods I. C. Woods 110.0 4.15 456.50 - - - - - ' 456.5o Re-Subdivision 116 Rutgers W 33.4' of Lot 9, State Board of 187.3' 4.15 777.29 - - - - - 777.29 Blk.l, College Hghts. Agriculture & Lot 11, Blk.l, College Hghts. Subd. 700 BLOCK EAST LAUREL Com at the SW cor D. & H. Wilson 110.0 4.65 511.50 110.0 1.97 216.70 - - 728.20 Blk. 186 Main Add. 650 Stover th N 501,E 1101,5 501 th W 1101 to beg. I CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 7 LAND- DESCRIPTION - OWNER'S NAME"& ADDRESS PA9ENIEIdT "` ASSESSMENT.' AMOIIIdT OF CURB & GUTTER..ASSESS',. _WATER... SEWER-- TOTAL. FRONTAGE RATE.PER ASSESSMENT FRONT... RATE PER AMT.OF SERVICN SERVICE ASSESSMENT __. FEET, FOOT ASSESS. Lot' 20,Eastdale J. & B. Ogg 62.5- V :4.65 $ 290062.. _ $--_. $ $ - -290.62 Park Subdivision 768_Eastdale Lot 19, Eastdale J. & R. Janney 62.5 4.65 29o.62 62.5 1.97 123.12 - 413.74 Park Subdivision 764 .Eastdale i Lot 18, Eastdale F. & E. Spitz 62.5 4.65 290.62 - - - - - 290.62 Park Subdivision 760. Eastdale Com @the SW cor A. & L. Schelert 80.0 4.65 372.00 80.0 1.97 157.6o - - 529.60 of Blk. 186, Main 702_E. Laurel Add. th N 501,E 1901, S 501,W 1901 to beg. less W 1101 . Com 1201 W of SE cor Billie Hawes & 70.0 4.65 325.50 - - - - - 325.50 of B1k. 186,Main Add. Nellie Ross th N 1301,th W 52► 718 E. Laurel dlp th S 2001,th E 701 to beg. Lot 17, Eastdale T. & L. Blackburn 62.5 4.65 290.62 - - - - - 290.62 Park Subdivision 756_Eastdale Lot 16, Eastdale R. & J. Dirmeyer 62.5 4.65 290.62 - - _ _ _ 290.62 ( Park Subdivision 752 ..Eastdale Beg at a Pt 70' W G. Ellison 50.0 4.65 232.50 - - - - - 5 23 2. 0 of SE cor of Blk._ 3.17 N. Sherwood 186 Main Add..,th N 130t,,th W_501,th S 13011th E 501 to beg. Lot 15, Eastdale R. & A. Ryder 90.0 4.65 418.50 - - _ _ Park Subdivision 748„Eastdale 418.50 Com at SE cor of Blk. Church of God 70.0 4.65 325.50 70.0 1.97 137.90 - - 463.4o 186,Main Add.th N. 627 E. Laurel 951,th W 70"th S 951, th E 701to beg. CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WO. . 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 Page 8 LAND-DESCRIPTION -OWNER S-NAME'7&: ADDRESS ::-PAVEMENT �'ASSESSMENT "'AMOUNT_OF C JRB &"GUTTE& ASSESS' WATER ' SE4�ER -TOTAL FRONTAGE RATE PER ASSESSME4JT FRONT_- .RATE,PER AMTOF., SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET.• FOOT FEET, FOOT ,AS$E3S°, Lot 14 Eastdale . .- .. D... &..E,- Gregory 97.5.. .'. $:,: 4:65 $ -453:38 _ . ,._:_ ..- �__^ _ . $ _ 453038. . Park Subdivision 744..Eastdale PROSPECT STREET Begat the NE `cor of Mutual Life Ins. Co. of 351,76 5,00 1,758,801,758980 Sec 23-7-69,th W N.Y. �Safeway, Stores 55.071 to a pt wh ' Inc. P O Box 5927, is pt of intersec. Terminal Annex - a Pro ect and Denver-17, Colorado NErly RW line of US 287 th S 04 531W 30.O1a�long Sd R/W to true pt of beg. tti S 09 531 W-19010021,th W 347.071 th N 190,01 to S line of Prospect, th E 351,761 -to pt of beginning. Lot 10 Blk. 1, Gene Rouse Et. Al. 180,0 5,00 900.E - - - - - 900,00 G, F. bards Add. 1603 W. i;dberr7 Lots 4, 5 & 6 R. M; ,Flinn 157.0 5,00 785.00 - - » - 785.00 Flinn's Resubd vision % Ed. Agiller- 151_S. College Beg at the NE cor of White Motel Inc.' 120.0 5,00 600,00 39,85 2,18 86,87 » - 844,77 Sec 23-7-69,th W % Bhodes 80,15 1,97 157,90 405,071"th S 301 to 512 S.' College true pt of beg,tA S 1901,th W to E line of C & S Railroad ROW, th N 0*38,14 1901 more or less, th E to-beg. Lot 14, G. F. Wiards Public Service Company 100.0 5,00 500.00 - - - » » 500,00 Addition 143 W. Mountain Ave. Frontage on Prospect C. & S." Railroad• 200.00 5.00 1,000.00 - - - - » 1,000.00 St, in the 100 Blk. E,A. Graham Asst. Ch, Engineer 600 Johnson Bldg. Denver, Colorado CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No. 56 . ASSESSMENT ROLL, 1961 Page 9 � LAND DESCRIPTION' OWNER►B-.NAME:&..ADDRESS " PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT" AMOUNT* OF CURB &'GUTTER"ASSESS;, WATER" SEWER` TOTAL FRONTAGE RATE PER ASSESSMENT FRONT , RATE PER AMT.OF SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT -rAS$ES$ FEET. FOQT _ _ ... _._ ._-. FEET. FnOT . S 150' of the._E. .. _. .. Beh`-Olds--- -...__.... .... ... . ._.i5p-.0. .. ..._..$..:-5':00. . ... . . $....75000.._.. _ :_._:-..._. . . ,.::._ $ 159:95 $ 133.66 $ 1 043.61 150' Lot 12, Emigh 200 W. Prospect Subdivision. _ Beg 150' W of SE cor W. %& E. King 91.0 5.00 455.00 - - - - - 455.00 of Lot 12,Emigh Sub. 228_W. Prospect th W 911,th N to_a pt 270' S of N line of said Lot,th E 911,th S to beg. Beg at SW cor of Lot L. & C. Conrad 91.7 5.00 458.50 - - - - - 458,50 12, Emigh Sub.th N 232._W. Prospect 273.11,th E 59',th N to a pt 270 S of N line of sd.Lot,th E 41.71,th S to a pt wh is 241' W of the SE cor, th W 91.7' to beg. Lot 11, Emigh Sub. State Board of 320.3 5,00 10601,50 - - - - - 1 601.50 exc.the W.12.7' Agriculture thereof. Lot 2, Hauser Subd. H. & B. Swartz 75.0 5.00 375.00 - _ _ _ _ 375.00 215_W. Prospect Lot 3 & 4, Hauser Sub. Colorado Game & Fish 150.0 5.00 750.00• - - - - - 750.00 Department Denver, Colorado The W 12.7' of Lot 11, F. & C. Holsinger 85.2 5.00 426.00 - - - - - 426.00 & beg. 72.5' W of SE 402_Alpert cor of Lot 1o,Emigh Sub.th N 200',th W 60.5', th N to Lake St.,th E to NE cor j of said Lot,th S to SE cor,th W to beg.. � CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 56 ASSESSMgTT'ROLL 19& Page 10 LAND DESCRCPTMON- -.". OWNERS S`NAME"'&`ADDRESS ''PAVEI T ` `:ASSESSMENT AMOUNT-OF' CURB`& (WATER`ASSESS.; " WATER.... SEWER_" TOTAL FRONTAGE RATE PER ASSESSMENT FRONT_. RATE PER AMT OF• SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEET, FOOT FEET. FOOT_ -ASSESS. Beg at a-pt--72 51W-.. J"--&--B Whii -. _ 66'5' $;`,`5.00 $_. 3o2,5o . ._. .-6op5 _ 'i 97 $ .119 19- ..81.54.$. 131 62- . . . 634.085 of the SE cor of Lot 304.W. Prospect 10 Emigh Sub, th-N 206# th.W 6021 th S 2ob,th E 60.5i to beg. The E 1251 'of the W Grovert Brothers 125.0 5,00 625.00 - ., _ _ - 625,00 2001 of Lot 10t less 1328 Green St. the N 155t, Em1gh Subdivision. The W 751 of hot 10, W. L Ashbaugh 75,o 5,00 375,00 75,o 1,91 147,75 76,13 51015 650,03 less the N 8Q1,Emigh 324..W. Prospect Subdivision. boo - 70o Block SOUTH SHIELDS . l p PP ppa Gana 169.o 5,70 963.30 Beg at a t..56.-rods Ka a-Ka 963.30 N of the SE cor of Fraternity - NE4 of Sec 15-7-691 536 E, Town St, thW 1290"Ah N 1691 Columbuo, Ohio th E 12901,th S 1691 to beg. Beg 1438 S of the NE Alpha Gamma Rho 117.E 5.70 670,32 117.6 1.97 231,67 - - 901.99 cor of See 15"7-69, 705 S. Shields th S to a"pt 2M 10931 N of the Et cor of See 15-7-.69 th W 710►,th N to a pt direct�.y W of pt of beg,th E 7101 to pt of beg. Com at a pt 593.41 N Delta zeta 116,o 5,70 661,20 116,o 1.97 228,52 - - 889.72 of the E4 cor, Sec 15-7 801 S. Shields :.69,th W_-2001 th N 126",th E 200i,.�th S 1261 to -beg. S CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0 56 :ASSESSMENT ROLL � �11961y � Page 11' LAND'"DESCRIPTION" - `OWNER18--NAME`'&"AT)DRESS ` "PAVEMENT ASSESSMENT -ANfOUNT OF" `CURB' & 'Gt1T"PER'AuSESS ""`WATER_...-_S - TOTJIL FRONTAGE RATE PER . ASSESSMENT FRONT_ RATE PER AMTQOF SE�iViGE SERVICE ASSESSMENT FEE ..- . _ .._.-.._ .__- T.' FOOT FEET. FOOT ASSES$`: Com at a pt 924, N Gamma Phi Beta 174.6 $ 'S.70 $ 995.22 & 3�O1W of SE cor of 7.33 S, Shields L174.6 $ 1•97 $'343:96 $ $ - $ 1,339.18 NE4 of Sec 15-7-69, th-W 24o1,tri s 87.3', - - th E 1001, th S 87,3', th E 1401,th N to beg. Beg at a pt 990,01S State Board of 8%.01 5.70 4,582.80 - - _ _ _ 4,9582.80 of the NE cor of Agriculture Sec 15-7-69,th W 12901,th S 1681,th W 30119 th s 5641,th E 3015 th N 1691, th E 5801,th N_ 11511th E 7101 to the E line of Sd,Section, th N 4481 to pt of beg. Also the swi' of the NW4 of Sec 14-7-69. STUART STREET Lots" 1 & 9 "Blk.I R. & L. Plisek 245,0 4,70 1.151,50 - .. .. _ 1 151.50 ' Moran Sub.�ese W �.001 113,Stuart of Lot 1 Lot 5A Maynard Sub. G. & H. Pastor 100.0 4.70 470.00 100.0 2.18 218,00 - .. 688,00 1850 S. Grove Denver, Colorado The E 80, of the W A. & S. Finkner 80.0 4.70 376.o0 - - - - - 376,00 1801 of Lot 5C, % Sunset Motel Maynard Subdivision 100 Stuart Street The E 92.251 of Lot R. &-E. Myers 364.5 4.70 1.9713.15 - - - - - 1,713.15 5B,Maynard Sub.Also 118 .Stuart the W 27.75' of Lot 6A.Maynard Sub.Also the E 751 of the W 102.751 of Lot 6B,Maynard SLiU,Also the E 169.51 of Lot 6C, Maynard Subdivision. CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Ndr' 56 ASSESSMENT ROLL 1961 gage 12 i LAND DESCRIPTION OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS PAVEMENT ' ASSESSMENT AMOUNT OF CURB &' GUTTER ASSESS';" WATER" -SEWER" TOTAL FRONTA( ; RATE PER ASSESSMENT FRONT_. RATE PER AMTOF . SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT _._. _.. _ _ . • FEET. FOOT FEET, FOOT ASSESS'o. l00;0 $ ,4_70 _ - ..$ . 470.00 $ _ .. .. . _-, -:_, $ $ _ $ 470.00 Lots 1 & 2 less American Oil Co." , Estrly 77,611less 910 Michigan Ave. State Highway,Blk.l, Chicago 80, Illinois Moran Subdivision W 551 of Lots 1 & Tom Wilson 165.0 4.70 775.50 - - - - - 775.50 2B,Blk 2,_Moran Sub. 1800 Remington and- the E 1101 of Lots 1,2 & 3, and the E 110' of_,the N 151 of Lot 4A,Blk 2, Moran Sub. Considering the N line N. F. Voerding 699.5' 4.70 3,287.65 699.5 1.97 1,378.01 411.68 294.2o 5,371.54 of Sec 24-7-69, as 331 _Stuart Street bearing due W and all bearings relative thereto, begin @ a pt in the CA of county road, which gears S 890561 W_.6o61 from the NE cor of the SE4 of the NW4 of Sec 24,which said cor bears S 000 071W 1321.1' from the N4 cor of said section, th S 89°56' W 11�30,31,th S 000071W 508.31to. C/L of Spring Creek,th along said C/L to a pt which bears_N 63°19' E 201.61from last mentioned pt,th along said centerline toj a pt which bears N 880401E for 522.31, th along said C/L N 600551 E 15111th along said C/L S 82°03' E 141.8 th along said centerline S 150351 E 117.8!,th along said C/L N 820421E 103.61,th along said centerline N'130401E 159.71 th along said CA N 76014' E 203.91, th along said C/L N 180511E 266.331 from last mentioned point to the point of " beginning, Containing 12.296 acres, more or less, excluding a strip of land 30' in x width along the N side of said described land. The W 751 of the D. & T. Betz 75.0 4.70 352.50 75.0 1.97 147.75 - 87.29 587.54 S 1121 of Lot 7, 224,.Stuart Street Maynard Subdivision. Beg @ a pt 6701E & D. L. Duncan 65.0 4.70 305.50 65.o 1.97 128.05 87.29 520.S4. f 5321 ,S of'NW` cor of ' 236..Stuart the Sz of the NW4 of the NW4 of See 24-7-69,th E 651,th S .1001,th W 651, th N 1001 to beginning. CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO . 56 ASSESSMENT'ROLL 1961 Page 13 LAND DESCRIPTION . OIa1NERtS NAME'.&..ADDRESS' PAVEMENT ' -ASSESSMENT.' !WUNT.OF- CURB-&. GUTTER- SESS WATER SEWER TOTAL FRONTAGE RATE PER ASSESSMENT FRONT,. RAn PER AMT• OF SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT .. FEET• FOOT ASSESS''; Beg 7351. E & 5321S ... L•. &-I. Dougherty . ... ..:65.00... __ . . $`4.:70' $. 305.50. . . _65.00 $ 1.97- $� 128':05_$--= -$- 87.29.. . $ 520.84 of the NW cor of the 240.-Stuart Street Sj of the NW, of the NW14,. Sec 24-7-69,th E 65',th S 100',th W 65',th N 100' to beg. 300 BLOCK STUART STREET Lot 10, Blk. 2 _ J. & V. VanOrnum 50.0 4.70 235.00 - - - - - 235.00 Alpert Subdivision 300-Stuart Street Lot 11, Blk. 21 Frances Hull 50.0 4.70 235.00 - - - - - 235.00 Alpert Subdivision Rt.4 Box 326 Lot 12, 'Blk. 2, N. & K. Southard 50.0 4.70 235.00 5o.o 1.97 98.50 - - 333.50 Alpert Subdivision 304..Stuart Street. Lots 13 & 145 Blk.2, L. # E.Kibler' 100.0 4.70 470.00 - - - - - 470.00 Alpert Subdivision 'RttjBox 324 Lot 15 & the W 201 C. & M. Winn 65.0 4.70 305.50 - - - - - 305.50 of Lot 16,B1k.2 334...Stuart Street Alpert Subdivision The E 25' of Lot 16 E. & K. Socolofsky 65.0 4.70 305.50 65.o 1.97 128.05 - - 433.55 & the W 40'of..Lot 17, 338._Stuart Street Blk.21 Alpert Subd. Lot 18 & E 101 "Af Merlin K.Potts 60.0 4.70 282.00 - - - - - 282.00 Lot 17,B1k.2,Alpert % Mami Thompson Subdivision 340 Stuart Street City of Fort Collins for one-half ( ) of intersections plus extra design on W. Prospect & Shields ..(arterial sts.) 7,667.09 $: 62,570.88 ._ $ 4,871.63. $9Q5.91- $1,013.97 $77,029.48 i Section 4. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days from the final passage and publication of this Ordinance, without demand, provided that all assessments may, at the election of the owners of the property to be assessed, be paid in ten (10) equal installments, beginning April 1, 1962, and payable annually on said last mentioned date thereafter, until the full amount thereof has been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually at the rate of siX. per cent (6%) per annum. Section 5. Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said period of thirty (30) days shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments. Section 6. Failure to pay any installment, whether of principal or interest, when due, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent (1%) per month, or fraction of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter provided, but at any time prior to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments, with interest at one per cent (1%) per month, or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered. The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal with interest accrued to the maturity of the next installment of interest or principal. Section 7. Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty (30) days of the final passage and publication of this Ordinance and an allowance of five per cent (5,) discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only. Section 8. In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal and interest when due, any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions .and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in .default of the payment of general taxes. Section 9. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Consolidated Improvement District No. 56 in proper form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed, the total amount of the assessment, the amount of each installment of principal and interest, and the date when each installment will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty, and deliver the same to the Director of Finance and thereafter payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty (30) days after the passage and publication of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect thereof. Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days, the Director of Finance shall return to .the City Clerk the assessment roll, showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each payment, and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a permanent local assessment roll in book .form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment unpaid, the date to which the same is computed, the amount of each installment of principal and interest, together with two per cent (2p) additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and the date when the same will become due, with suitable column for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City and by him delivered to the County Treasurer of Larimer County, with his warrant for the collection of the same. Section 10. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted Tor and paid over to the Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month, in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. -5- Section 11: The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest saiisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this llth day of January, A.D. 1962, and to be presented for final .passage on the 1st day of February, A.D. 1962. c Mayor Attest: City C erc Passed and adopted on final reading this lst day of February, A.D. 1962.. / e May Attest:_. City Clerk -6-