HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - 03/07/1968 - ANNEXING THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE PAT GRIFFIN SECOND ANNEXATION 4 � ORDINANCE NO 10 19 68, BEING AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CLRTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF rOl T COI LTNS, COT ORADO WHEREAS n�retofore a written petition together with four prints of an annexation nap was filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins requesting the arnexation of certain territory more particularly described below to the Ci y o Fort Collins Colorado and WHEREAS the City Council has found and determined and does hereby find and determine that said petition is in substantial compliance wi h the provisions of Coloraao Revised Statutes 1963 s 137-21 o as anenoea and WHEREAS the owners of one hundred per cent of the property to be annexed have petitioned ror said annexation and VHEREAS no less than one s xth of the perimeter of the area to be annexed is cont guous with the City or Fort Col ins and a community of interest exists between the territory to be annexed and the City of Fort Collins and the territory to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future and such e-ritory is Integra ed or is capable or being integrated with the City of Fort Collins and WHEREAS none o' the provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes 1963 139 21 4 as amended are violated by the annexation of this territory to the City or Fort Coll ns and WHEREAS no election is requireo under the provision of Colorado Revised Statutes 1963 b 139 21 6 (2) and no additional terms and conditions are o be imposed in connection with th s annexation and WHEREAS the territory is eligible for annexation and the City Council desires to annex the same to the City of Fort Collins NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or FORT COLLINS Section 1 That all of the tern Cory more particularly described as situate in the County of Larimer State of Colorado to wit c_ Considering the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NEk) of Section 23 Township 7 North Range 69 West of the 6h P M as bearing due East and West and with all bearings herein relative thereto Beginning at a point which bears East 1779 35 feet from the North one quarter corner of said Section 23 thence S 00 20 E 708 30 feet to the center of Spring Creek thence N 61 55 E 48 20 feet along the center line of said Spring Creek thence S 64 31 E 200 80 feet along the center line of Spring Creek thence S 13 07 E 97 28 feet to the intersection of the center line of Spring Creek and the West line of the right of way of the Colorado and Southern Railroad said point being 50 00 feet Westerly from the center line of the main track of said railroad thence N 01 03 E 376 90 feet along the West line of the right of way of said railroad thence N 00 22 30 W 489 30 feet along the West line of the right of way of said railroad to the North line of the NEk of said Section thence West 253 10 feet to the point of beginning be and it nereby is anrexea to the Ci'y of For'- Collins and made a par'- of said City to oe xcnown as -re Second Pat Griffin Annexation to the C1td of Fort Collins Section 2 Tna` in annexing saia `erri'orj -o the City of Fort Collins the City of Fort Collins does not assune any obligation respecting the construction of water mains sewer lines gas mairs elecyrlc service lines streets or any other services or utilities in connection with the territory hereby anrexea except as may be provided by the ordinances of the City of Fort Collins Introaacea considered "avoraoly on firs- reading and oraered publisred this 151 day of February A D 1968 and to oe presented for feral passage on the 7 ° aay of March A D 1968 Mayor ATTEST Ci-j C erk -2- Passed and adopted on fi-al reading this 7 day of March A D 1968 (iLJ 1 ajor ATTEST City C Yerk