HomeMy WebLinkAbout011 - 03/07/1968 - ANNEXING THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE PIERCE SECOND ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NO 11 1968 bT\G 4N ORDI\ANCE ANNEXING CL MI1 TEPRITOtY 10 THE CITY Or IORT COTLI\S COLORAA WHEREAS heretofore a w—i ten pets ion together with four prints of an annexation -nap was sled with the City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins requesting the annexat on or certain territory rare particularly described below to the City or Fort Collins Colorado and WHEREAS the C ty Council has found and determined and noes hereby tend and determ ne that said petit on is in subs an ial compliance with the provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes 1963 s 137 21 6 as amended and WHEREAS the owners of one hundred per cent of the property to be annexed have pe itioned for said annexation and WHEREAS not less t-an one sixth of the perimeter of the area to be i annt-xed is contiguous with the City of Fort Collins and a community of interest exists between the terr ory to be annexed and the City of Fort Collins and the territory to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future and such territory s integrated or is capable of be ng integrated with the City of Fort Coll ns and [ihEREAS none or the provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes 1963 139 21 4 as amended are violated by the annexation of this territory to the City of Fort Collins and WHEREAS no elect on is required under the provision of Colorado Revised Statu es 1963 § 139 21 6 ( 2) and no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed in connection with to s annexation and WHEREAS the territory is eligible for annexation and the City Councii desires to arnex the same o the City or Fort Collins NOW ThEREFORE BE IT ORDAINLD BY THE CObNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COT LI\S Section 1 That all of the territory more particularly deScribed as situate in the County of Lorimer State of Colorado to wit r Considering the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NE-1-4) of Section 10 Township 7 North Range 69 West of the 6h P M in the County of Larimer State of Colorado as bearing North 90 00 00 West and with all bearings con tained herein relative thereto Commencing at the Northeast Corner (NE Cor ) of said Section 10 thence North 90 00 00 West along the North line of said Section 10 a distance of 1 331 50 feet to the Northeast Corner of the NW4 of the NE4 thence South 00 30 00 East along the East line of said NW4 of the NE4 and the West Line The Hanna Subdivision as platted and recorded in the records of Larimer County Colorado a distance of 766 00 feet to the True Point of Beginning thence continuing South 00 30 00 East 234 00 feet thence South 89 55 15 West 340 00 feet thence South 00 30 00 East 327 63 feet thence South 89 55 15 West 20 00 feet thence North 00 30 00 West 561 63 feet thence North 89 55 15 East 360 00 feet to the True Point of Beginning be and ll hereby is annexed to the City of Fort Collins ana mace a part of said Ca.'-,j to be known as '-re Pierce Second Annexation to -he City of `orl Collins Sec`lon 2 That in annexirg said 'e=tory to the Cit,j of Fort Collins -ae City of For' Collins does not assume any obliges' on respectirg the constrac'ion of water mairs, sewer lines gas mairs electric service lines streets or any otner services or u'illtles in connection wi+h 'he territory nereb,j anne.ced excevt as may be provided by the ordinances of t'lie Ci`y of For' Collins In-roauced considerec favorably on first' reaa.ing and orderea publis-ied 'nis 15h day of February A D 1968 , and to be presentea for final passage on the 7h day of March A D 1968 Mayor ATTEST City C1 rc -2- Passea and adopted on final reaaing tnis 7 " day of March A D 1968 Mayor ATTEST Cily Cle XI -3-