HomeMy WebLinkAbout055 - 10/08/1970 - ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 62 J ORDINANCE NO. 55, 1970, BEING AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONSOLIDATED STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 62 AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS, heretofore by appropriate ordinances and resolutions duly adopted by the Council of the City of Fort Collins, there was established Consolidated Street Improvement District No. 62 for the purpose of installing curb, gutter, sidewalks, and all asphalt paving on certain streets and alleys in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, all pursuant to Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordi- nances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinances and resolutions, said improvements have been installed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins; and i WHEREAS, upon accepting said improvements, the City Council adopted the report of the City Engineer respecting the cost of such improvements and the schedule of assessments prepared by the City Engineer and ordered notice to be published as provided in Section 15-65 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, which said notice was duly published as therein provided; and WHEREAS, Thursday, September 17, 1970, is the date set for the hearing of complaints and objections and the determination of the same and for acting upon an ordinance assessing the cost of such improvements; and WHEREAS, all complaints and objections in writing filed by property owners within the District have been considered by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That the total cost of the improvements in Consolidated Street Improvement District No. 62, including the cost of engineering, legal, publication, interest during construction and collection, to-wit: $25,322.65, less the portion of said cost to be paid by the City of Fort Collins, to-wit: $ 1,483.15 ; is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said District in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and the proportion of said costs assessed upon each lot or tract of land in said District shall be as follows: G%ANT STREET - IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 62 ASSESSMENT RAL i CUL2B AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR TNTE'REST TO N[aa:�T,, AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT EN_'_ RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Hadley, C.J. & D.L. Lot 1 Block 293, West Side 130.00 5.171 $ 261,42 3.433 $173.58 $. 435.00; $ 2. 91. $ 437. 91 Route 7 Addition to. the City of - 1036 Greenfield Ct. Fort Collins. Fort Collins , Colorado Collamer, Frank Lot 5 less the west 40 feet 280.00 5.171 1447.82 3.433 961.37 240Y 19 16.14 2,425.33 c/o Arthur Collamer and all of lots 6, 7, 8, 9, Route 3 Boa 418-A 10, 11, and 12 in Block 293, Fort Collins, Colorado West Side Addition to the . City of Fort Collins. j Serrano, Sergio G. & The west 70' of lots 15 & 16, 70.00 5.171 361.96 3.433 240.34 602.30 4.04 606. 34 Gloria E. Block 283 in the West Side 324 North Grant Addition to the City of I Fort Collins, Colorado Fort Collins. j jSerrano,' G.S. and G.E. The west 83' of Lots 17 and 70.00 5.171 361.96 3.433 240:34 602.30 4.04 606.�14 324 North Grant all of lot 18, Block 283 in i Fort Collins , Colorado the West Side Addition to the City of Fort Collins. 120.17 94. 71 cr. Cordova, M. and L. Lot 19, Block 283 in the 35.00 5.171 180.98 3.433 2.5.46 206.44 1.38 207. 8? c/o Visente and Yalanda . West Side Addition to the Valdez City of Fort Collins. 320 North Grant j Port Collins , Colorado 240. 34 189.42 cr. lagher, D.J. & L.V.K. Lots 20 and 21 in Block 283 70.00 5.171 361.96 3.433 50.92 412. H 2. 77 415.65: 720 South Overland Trail in the West Side Addition to Fort Collins , Colorado the City of Fort Collins. 120.17 94. 71 cr. . Padilla, L.G. Lot 22, Block 283 in the West 35.00 5.171 180.98 3.433 25 .46 206.44 1.38 207 :82 312 North Grant Side Addition to -the City of Fort Collins, Colorado Fort Collins. x j E�\N'f STREET (coat. ) CURB AND AMOUNT I'RONTAGE PAVEMENT AHOUNT GUTTER FOR INTE,,REST TO TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT PATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Fintzley, F.G. & M.M. Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26, 140.00 5.171 723.91 3.433 480.68 1204.59 8.07 1,212.66 728 Maple Block 283 in the West Side Fort Collins, Colorado Addition to the City of Fort Collins. k CITY OF FORT COLLINS 37.00 5.171 60Z.IQ 272.77 874. 87 5. 86 880. 73 TOTAL 867.00 $4483.09 $2470.92 , $6954.01 -- —$46. 59 � /,000. 60 1 _ j i 1 F; 1 SYCAI4ORE STREET CURB AND AMOUNT ---.�------ FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTEREST TO TO'CAL, , NAi,E AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR 'ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSF,SSHENT Y;• . RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER j Cordova, L.V. & J.A. Lots 15 and 16, Block 294 140.00 4.860 680. 38 3.586 501.99 1182.37 7.92 1 ,190.29 424 Wood in the West Side Addition Fort Collins, Colorado to the City of Fort Collins. 'Cox, William L. & G:A. Lots 13 and 14, Block 294 in 70.00 4. 860 _ 340.19 3.586 250.99 591. 18 3.96 595..14 422 Wood the West Side Addition to Fort Collins , Colorado the City of Fort Collins. Martinez, Carlos L. & Lot 12, Block 294, in the 140.00 4. 860 680.38 3.586 501.99 1182. 37 7. 92 1.,190.29 i �!yta, Jenny R. West Side Addition to the s North Grant City of 'Fort Collins. Fort Collins , Colorado Godinez, A. & R.U. The south 50' of Lots 1 & 2, 88.00 4.860 427.67 3.586 315.54 743.21 4.98 748.19 500 Wood Block 295 in the West Side Fort Collins, Colorado Addition to the City of Fort Collins. i Michael, Faye The south one=half of lot 3, 44.00 4.860 213.83 3.586 157. 77 371.60 2.49 374.09 510 Wood Block 295 in the [-lest Side Fort Collins, Colorado Addition to the City of Fort Collins. s Suniga, Alex Lots 4 & 5, Block 295 in the 88.00 4. 860 427.67 3.586 315.54 743.21. 4.98 748.19 818 Sycamore West Side Addition to the n^rt Collins , Colorado City of Fort Collins Rutledge, H.R. & R.R. Lot 6, Block 295, in the West 140.00 4.860 680.38 3.586 501.99 1182.37 7.92 1,190.29 c/o Charlie & Tomasita Side Addition .to the City :? Martinez of Fort Collins. - 1609. Leesdale Court Fort Collins , Colorado CITY OF FORT COLLINS 51.00 4.860 247.85 247. 85 1. 66 249.51 TOTAL 761.00 $3698.35 $2545.81 $6244.16 $ 41. 83 $ 6,235.99 i LLrl STRLLr CUPP, AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTEIvEST. TO. TOTAL. 9 NA?4-PE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSESS,IIENT . RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Collamer, James Lots 14, 15, and 16, in 155.65 5.391 839.06 3.546 551.94 1391.00 9.32 1,400. 32 604 North Shields Block 326, Capital Hill Fort Collins, Colorado Addition to the City of Fort Collins. l Lass, B.R. Lot 1, Block 326, Capital 143.12 5.391 771.52 3.546 507.50 1279.02 8. 57 1,287.59 1112 Elm Hill Addition to the City Fort Collins, Colorado of Fort Collins less ditch right-of-way. 1 ;htbody, G.L. & A.C. Lot 10, Block 325, Capital 155.65 5.391 839.06 3.546 551.94 1391.00 9. 32 1.,400.32 4 North Shields Hill Addition to the City Fort Collins; Colorado of Fort Collins.. i j Colwell, R.L. & J.E. West 50' of LoLs 7, 8, and 50.00 5,391 269.54 3.546 177.30 446.84 2.99 449. 83 1111 Elm 9, Block 325, Capital Hill Fort Collins, Colorado Addition to the City of Fort Collins. a 5 } Barela, F.A.. and All that part of lots 7 , 65.65 5.391 353.90 3.546 232.79 586.69 3.93 590.62 rt + Aragon, L. 8, . and 9, Block 325, 1107 Elm Capital Hill Addition Fort Collins, Colorado .lying west of Arthur Ditch ? except the west 50' . Beers , L.A. & C.E. Lot 29, Griffin Resubdi- 22.50 5.391 121.29 3.546 79.79 201.08 1. 35 202. 43 1 1105 Elm Street vision to the City of :t Collins, Colorado Fort Collins. CITY OF FORT COLLINS 40.00 5.391 215.63 215.63 1.44 21.7. 07 TOTAL 632.57 $3410.00 $2101.26 $5511.26 $36. 92 $5,548. 18 I LAST STUART STRELT CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTEREST TO TOTAL NAME, AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CL'.RTIFICATION ASS L'SSirlENT RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Smith The west one-half of the 311.50 4.441 1383.26 3.298 1027.42 2410.68 16.15 24`-6. 83 808 Stuart Southeast one quarter of the Fort Collins, Colorado northwest one quarter of the northeast one quarter of Section 24, Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. , less par sold & rec bk 1139 p 6 — TOTAL 311.50 $1383.26 , $1027.42 $2410.68 $16.15 $2426. 83 t : i i 6 1 , i •RIVERSIDE AVENUE ------ --_--- . CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT CUTTER. FOR IN':L'ISII;ST TO TO`.i.'AL ' NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CIEI�TIFICATION ASSESSidr T RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. CUTTER - Morthole, G.K. & J.L. Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1, 255. 76 4.705 1203.45 1203.45 8.06. 1211.51 { 1200 Newsom Sitzmans Addition to the Fort Collins, Colorado City of Fort Collins together with the North 1/2 of the vacated alley and a triangle of land adjacent on the east, bounded on the south by the centerline of the vacated alley extended to Riverside Avenue, on the northeast by Riverside Avenue and on the L west by Lot 2. Allison, Austin 1d.. & Commencing at a point on the 145.00 4. 705 682. 28 682.28 4.57 686. 85 Rhoda G. east line of Block 1, Sitzman's P. 0. Box 79 Addition 141.8' east and 1055' Fort Collins, Colorado north of the southwest corner of the northeast 1/4 of the I northeast 1/4 13-7-69, thence „ south 230' more or less to the north line of Myrtle Street, thence east along the north line of Myrtle Street 262.9' , thence northwesterly to point ' of beginning except Book 1327, Page 598, and excepting any of the above property now in Riverside Avenue or Myrtle Street, if any. TOTAL 400.76 $T885.73 -- $1885.73 $:L2.63 $1898.36 I C'RAFT'S ' RESUBDIVISION--ALLEY, BLOCK 6 _ - CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTTPi3ES'T TO TOTAL, j NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB.AND TOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSESSiIIi•!T RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER 17T. GUTTER Kaiser, Mary Lot 1 and 4, Block 6, Craft's 100.00 3.620 362.00 362.00 2.43 364.43 832 Sante Fe Avenue Resubdivision to the City Stanford, California of Fort Collins. Moore, R.W. Lot 5, Block 6, Craft's 50.00 3. 620 181.00 181.00 1.21 182.21 1011 Remington Resubdivision to the City Fort Collins, Colorado of Fort Collins. Miller, M.W. Lot 7, Block 6, Craft's 50.00 3.620 181.00 181.00 .1.21 1.82.21 1019 Remington P.esubdivision to the City `t Collins , Co.'Lorado of Fort Collins. Holsinger, Edith West 73' of Lots 8 & 9, 100.00 3.620 362.00 362.00 ' .2.43 364.43 238 1/2 Linden Craft's Resubdivision to Fort Collins, Colorado the City of Fort Collins. Benedict, E. Lots 2 and 3, Block 6, • . 100.00 3.620 362.00 362.00 2.43. 364.43 1002 South College Craft's Resubdivision to Fort Collins, Colorado the City of Fort Collins. Melnick, Larry Lot 6, Block 6, Craft's 100.00 3.620 362.00 362.00 2.43 364. 43 2789 West Alameda Ave.' Resubdivision and north Denver, Colorado 80219 501 .of SW 1/4 of Block 6, Lake Park Addition to the . City of Fort Collins. -ido, P.P. North 1/2 of South 100° of 50. 00 3.620 181.00 181.00 1.21 . 182. 21 .."_3 South Whitcomb SW 1/4 of Block 6, Lake .7 Fort Collins, Colorado Park Addition +-o the x City of Fort Collins. 1 M ° j CRAFT'S RESUBDIVISION--ALLEY, BLOCK 6 (cont.) CURB AND AMOUNT FRONTAGE PAVEMENT AMOUNT GUTTER FOR INTEREST TO TOTAL NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION IN FEET ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT CURB AND TOTAL CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT RATE PAVEMENT RATE PER FT. GUTTER Bahm, John Commencing 92' east of SW" 50.00 3.620 181.00 181.00 1.21 182.21 1027 West Lake corner of Block 6, Craft's Fort Collins , Colorado Resubdivision, thence North 50' , thence East 48' , thence South 50' , thence West 48` " to point of beginning. CITY OF FORT COLLINS 40.00 3.620 144.80 :144.-80 .97 145. 77 - TOTAL 640.00 2316.80 $ 20 16.80 15.53 2332.33 GRAND TOTAL $25,322.64 $169.65 $25,492.29 CITY'S SHARE $ 1;483.15 $ 9.93 $ 1,493.08 n Section 2. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the final pub- lication of this ordinance, without demand, provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owners of the property as be paid in ten (10) equal installments, the first installment being due on the first day of November, 1970, and on the first day of November of each year thereafter until the full amount thereof has been paid, together with interest on the unpaid principal at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, said interest to be .payable at the time of the principal payments. Failure to pay the whole of such assessment within thirty (30) days as aforesaid shall be conclusively considered and held as an election on the part of the persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments. Section 3. In the case of election of any person to pay in installments as aforesaid, the failure to pay any installment when due, whether on principal or interest, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately .and the whole amount of .unpaid principal and accrued interest shall therafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent (1%) per month until the date of sale as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that at any time prior to the date of sale, the owner of the property assessed may pay the amount of all unpaid and due installments, together with all interest that has accrued as aforesaid, and all penalties accrued, and upon such payment shall be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if the default had not occurred. The owners of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the entire unpaid balance of principal, together with interest accrued thereon, to the first day of the month following such payment. Section 4. Payments may be made to the Director of Finance at any time within thirty (30) days after the final publica- tion of this ordinance and in such event an allowance of five per cent (5%) as a discount shall be made on all payments during such period only. Section 5. In case of the default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, all property con- cerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the entire unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effect as provided by law for the sale of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes, all as provided by Section 15-76 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended. Section 6. The Director of Finance shall .prepare the foregoing assessment roll in proper form as provided in Section 15- 72 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended, and shallkeep a record of all payments made during the thirty-day period after the final publication 'of this ordinance and upon the expiration of said thirty-day period he shall deliver said assessment roll to the County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for collection of the same, all as provided in Section 15-75 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, 1958, as amended. Section 7. All collections made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the Director of Finance on the first day of each and every month with separate statements for all such collections for each month in the same manner as general taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section 8. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interests satisfactory to the officers having the roll in their charge. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 17th day of September, A. D. 1970, and to be presented for final passage on the 8th day of October, A. D. 1970. ATTEST: Ma r City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 8th day of October, A. D. 1970. ATTEST: �Ss rf�n� Mayor City Cher J