HomeMy WebLinkAbout060 - 10/15/1970 - ANNEXING THE OVERLAND TRAIL ANNEXATION ORDINANCE N0. 60 1970 , BEING A.N ORDINANCE. ANNEXING CERTAIN 1'F:RRITOItY TO THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO WHEREAS, The City of Fort Collins desires to annex the property more particularly described below; and WHEREAS, .a resolution setting forth the intent of the City Council to annex said area has heretofore been adopted; and WHEREAS, after notice and hearing as provided for in Sections 139-21-7 and 139-21-8, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1963, as amended, the City Council has entered its findings and determinations that the proposed annexation complies with the provisions of Section 139- 21-4, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1963, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1 . That all .of the territory more particularly described as situate in the County of Larimer, State of Colorado, to-wit: ue.^Ir lno at the South-aest cQ%n^.xl— of Section 16, ToN nship 7 North, rango 69 Vlost of th 6--h P. H., r:;iicil is :a corner of the West PXf3sjPCt Second Annoxa- tior. to :ho City of For- Collins, Colorado, thence S. 890411 E. along the South lin-2 o-Z szi id ,Section 16 &;,,J said Annexation, S233.50 fcc,t, none or ' 'loss, thence i,. 0GocvpS2" W along said Annox,_tion, 574.73 t"CCt, wore orw. less: the7'c:o N. 89v5G1 iJ'1 W. aIor;i,� $i�ld Anin'm _:tiOn, Jl9.li6 feet, i Cjr3 or 1USS, thur,co N. 001103106" W. along s:.id A' no:=Ion, 743.83 fern, r2ore or Icss, to a point on tilc `.Ivin �i11 Z S£'COT:ci FOJthillS i,nn`;:;CttLciltO tiici City of Fart Collins; thence IN.. 171351S511 ii. along said Annexl¢ioa, 71.82 foot,.. mo,rc` Or loss, 20 a point on th.`,' Alvin i;i ler Third Annexation to Vita City Or e o r 1; 1 t a . t• n foot !(� r Fort Collins;l thence X. aQi.) �il ,2 {i. i 10:,;; 5?ld tin%*i:.ii�2f3n 3;,.{1v 1•rv{r, F03'E3 o L�ss, to a poi:at on t,: Ildvin N21cr Feu-&-t1 Foothills t-.nnex t'ion to tile City OF FO„£ Collii;s; th..-nco c0:itinuin,•- N. S'9`4'1 152" 11. talon- SF;4Cl FS ricJ anon, 265.36 fv€:t, rr:ssu o less, the-i1cE .11. 00109146" 11. alang said AlinG:.-ation, 1250.80 ft'-t, i..U:C or lc .s, to the celitCr �, corner of -aid Section 16; hanc;o S. E9c :140'' F. .^161n� s id :t c C3tioin, 44.74 fzot, (,lore Or less, to a 'poin- on tho dallrry-Hi Second Anncxatscn to tale City of Fort Collins; thev-0 IN. 00"3011911 I in \itiC , 130.CG Ce�, more O 1\ JS t OL.1G t e3 :. : l r 0F lhit a:ulty:try Fars£ Are: :alien to the City of Fort Collins; 'tI?011co N. 89141106" 11. r:lOr•,� said Aan at:ion 393.59 feet, Moro or loss, to a point on the R%iDdes First Yost Eliz,ll; tIl ,11neYu'tio-1 to the City Of Fort Collins; L1101ice S. 00G i31 c'8" E. a11CP,q,' Eaicl AnneNaticn, a2 8.00 fct'�, tore or 10-5, i0 a point Oil the i?Odes SC.r..o d We.St Eliz.ba::h Anev atiaa to tho City of Fur: Collins; thc=e centinuing S. vJ .,3 23 E. l..ia� 52ld ,.r:..rx..tio;,, 792.47 fft c, .ore or lc-s, tI/-..,..,o N. 89' to I t " W. ] s -nrZX •^ v -,r. , X. O 3'3 S" <3 SO I;. aloe+I, �:a_d loll'. ♦a443C:?, 2<i�1.00 fc• t, :,,ore ux ic::s; tilt, icy �;. GG 3:, .,� V. slcrg szid P.nnc .aticn, 1l '0.93 foot, yor- or lesa, to. a point on that Rl:odes _ - First teat EIiz-_.both A ncx. ticr; l',. 00*53155" 111% a Gn;r, sais ;ll;lxtion,. 200.00 fist, yore u: is ems, to d f:Uillt *11 tll. 13 3£ ii i11if iay First ?57;1t) 'n; thcncs N. 00 ,1 c,6 :+i. 41•J ;; said 724.8:; al,� t, is:os� or le-is, to a po .rt on the Lccust Gro,�s Fi.s; :11 r: xatl.oin to the City o; Fo' £ Collins; tilerle eJ 1. 89047155" W. aloai3"sa it Arnia-,a,.ion 1221.44 feet, dare or loss; thonce co'.- or„- a age,*5'SS" 1i. s0.0v fact ::C or ter^ to tI 1i3 V 4 , S I, !v f•c: i--O S 1 Sectica 9" E. nlcrg said ;;es2 lint: 1 ,1^.S6 fec£, raax a .-o 16; thertc-3 S. 0012510 lers, to tho 04 COrncr.o_ said Scctio l 16; tIlCnce S. 0v1i8 13'J'1 Ei. along t1lo 'riost limo of Said Section :.u, 2635.75 feat, to ta— point u beginning. be and it hereby is annexed to the City of Fort Collins and made a part of said City, to be known as the Overland .Trail Annexation. Section. 2. That in annexing said territory to the City of Fort Collins, the City of Fort Collins does not assume any obligation respecting the construction of water mains, sewer lines, gas mains, electric service lines, streets or any other services or utilities in connection with territory hereby annexed except as may be.provided by the ordinances of the City of Fort Collins . i r Section 3 . Within ninety (90) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective, no building permit shall be issued for any of the lands herein described unless said lands have been zoned under the zoning ordinances of the City. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 24th day of September A. D. 1970, and to be presented for final passage on the 1Sth day of October A. D. 19 70. Assistant Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 15th layf October A. D. 1970 . MdYow :ATTEST: City Clerk • a i 0 i i