HomeMy WebLinkAbout066 - 10/19/1972 - VACATING A TRACT OF LAND ACQUIRED BY THE CITY FOR STREET PURPOSES ORDMANCE NO 66, 1972 BLIIIG Jud ORDIM110MCL VACATING A TRACT OF IMM ACQUIRED BY TTIL CITY OF FORT COLLINS FOR STREET PURPOSES MOT-AS, heretofore, the City of Fort Collins acquired the property hereinafter described for use as a public street, and I14IMPAS, such property is not open as a public street and is not. neeaed for swricinal nsrposes, nor will the same be needed for nwnicil)al purposes, in the future, and IJI PIAS, the owner of the adjoining property has petitioned tr e City Council to vacate such tract of land, and IdL '� , said tract of land abutts uj�on ri'ugh Street as dcd>.cated and improved in t're City, and tie ogler of the adjoining tract of land has agreed to pay certain assessre-its w iich tiere incurred in connection i.it'3 tie urprovement of c,-T,sgh Street, if said tract is vacated, and MT..REAS, it appears tnat the rights of tqe residents of t'1e City of Fort Collins ia3ll in no nay be Trejudiced by t1,e vacation of said tract of land 'ICIV, TI 2ZEI0"vr, BE I1 0R'.1%LZJ BY TIIL C01jNCIL OP IH- CITY Ci _O`�f COLLINS ttnat tare follcw�ng dcscrk .d tract of laru row owrned by tT,e City, to-'pit A tract of land situated in the 01 1/4 of Section 18, Tolmship 7 %rtl , Range 68 1;est of tic Cth P 14 , City of Fert Collins, C=Lty of Lary^cr, State of Colorado, which considering th-, West 1L-ne of said SIT 1/4 as LN--arirng 'Torte and with all be^rLigs contat;ed herein relat3.vc. thereto, is contained within the bou idary wnnic.1 at a point itiaich bears N 89e15'00" L 1243 22 fe.,t fror the W 1/4 corner of said Section 18, and run tierce S 96r3J2'30" E 122 91 feat, thence along tree arc of a 23 88 foot radius carve to t1_ rignt a distance of 8 89 feet, t, (,- toig enord of is`iica bc,rs `I 53�29107" W 8 80 feet, thence N 42048154" h 33 20 £cot, Vie-ice alonb tae arc of a -J3 75 foot radius curve to the rzR>>t a distrrce of 26 81 feet, the long chord of viiic'i bears A 34037116" IV 26 72 feet, thelice N 26025'37" 4 13 33 feet, ta,; ize ale ,n tIw arc of a 77 66 foot radius curve to tie rigrt, a dista. Ce of 63 C1 root, thle 1COZ C110- l of willcTi bear, 4 93010116" +, Sn 70 feet, t.if ,ce ,J 0)15100 ' i 53 82 feet to t,i:! point of LeC-nni` ry, tre and the same I ereby is abolislicd, vacated and abatted, and the o ,iership of said tract shall revert to the owner of the lards adjoining said tract on Vic Last Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pl.blis')ed this 28th day of September, A D 1972, and to be presented for final rasSuge o-1 the 19ta day of October, A D 1972 n Mayor ATTEST City Clerk r " 7 5F Passel and adopted on final reading this 19th day of October A D 1972 M yor AMST city Clerk r e G i f� a p - 2