HomeMy WebLinkAbout150 - 10/20/1981 - RELATING T0 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1982 AND ENDING DECEM ORDIN1"'CF NO 190, 193 BEING FHE ANNUAL API °JPRIATION OROMAICE MATING FO THE AWYAL APPROPOIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL IEAI MIi'NING JANDAPh 1 102 AND EVDING DECEt18LP il , 102, AdD WNING THE NIL LLVI FOO SAID FISCAJ YFf R BF IT CROWNED BY THE COW IL OF TPE CST( OF FU 'T COLLINS Suctioi 1 That there be, and Hereby is, appropriated out of the rcvenu-s of the City of Furt Collins for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1982 and ending Decenber 31, 1982, the sum of ONE HUNDRED FIVE MILL100 Oi,F I Ui'DDED FIFTY-OdE THOUSAND THPEE HUNDRE; FIFTY-T"O DOLLAPS ($105 191,352 00) to be rar�ed by taxation and otherwise, which sum is hereby divi icd and appropriated for the following purpuse,, to- pit Disbur �emrnts by Appropriations TOTAL GFNERAL FUND $22,301,799 Capital Improvement Funds PROJECT PHAS'_ A OW Facilities Block 31 Parkinq Lot Design S 18,000 Construction _391 460 Total $ 409 560 Transfort Bus FacilrL], Design $ 340 000 POA/Land Acq 100 030 Construction 50 030 lots, $ 490,000 PROJECT PHASE MOUNT City Par ! Renovation Construction 4 341 000 Total S 343 000 iOTAL FACILITIES S1,242,56n PROJECT PHASE AMOUNT Parks Medians/Streetscapes Construction $ 25,000 Total $ 25,000 Open Space & Trails Completion Construction $ 240,000 Total $ 240,000 TOTAL PARKS $ 265,000 Sewer Sludge Disposal Construction $ 4,614,000 Total $ 4,614,000 Nitrification-WTP #1 Design $ 130,000 Total $ 130,000 WWTP #2 Expansion Design $ 110,000 Total $ 110,000 Northwest Trunk Sewer Design $ 92,000 ROW/Land Acq 150,000 Construction 3,000 Total $ 245 000 Drake Trunk Sewer Extension Design $ 24,000 ROW/Land Acq 9,000 Construction 137,000 Total $ 170,000 Inflow-Infiltration Reduction Design $ 25,000 Total $ 25,000 Oveisizing Construction $ 100,000 Total $ 100,000 -2- PROJECT PHASE WOUNT TOTAL SEWER $ 5,394,000 Storm Drainage McClellands & Mail Creek Basin Improvements Design $ 29,394 Total $ 29,394 Foothills & Fox Meadows Basin Improvements Design $ 16,733 ROW/Land Acq 54,914 Total $ 71,647 Contingency $ 9,852 Total $ 9,852 TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE $ 110,893 Streets Minor Capital Projects $ 100,000 Total $ 100,000 Advanced Planning Design $ 15,000 Total $ 15,000 Horsetooth Road-College Avenue to Shields Street Design $ 149,400 Construction 959,500 Total $ 1,108,900 Swallow Road Grade Crossing Construction $ 410,500 Total $ 410,500 Bryan Street Bridge Design $ 10,500 Construction 81,300 Total $ 91,800 -3- PROJECT PHASE AMOUNT Streets Contingency Contingency $ 408,830 Total $ 408,830 TOTAL STREETS $ 2,135,030 Traffic Computerized Signal Control System Interconnect Design $ 45,000 Construction 108,000 Total $ 153,000 Bikeway Program Design $ 11,560 ROW/Land Acq 35,000 Construction 103,440 Total $ 150,000 Traffic Signal Modernization Design $ 15,000 Construction 125,000 Total $ 140,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC $ 443,000 Water Bingham Hill Reservoir Design $ 150,000 Total $ 150,000 Modifications to WTP No 1 Design $ 300,000 Total $ 300,000 Foothills System Improvements Design $ 230,850 Total $ 230,850 -4- PROJECT PHASE AMOUNT Raw 'Water Storage Design $ 50,000 Total $ 50,000 WfP No 2 Improvements Design $ 50,000 Construction 145,000 Total $ 195,000 Raw Water Acquisition ROW/land Acq $ 100,000 Total $ 100,000 Oversizing Construction $ 200,000 Total $ 200,000 TOTAL WATER $ 1,225,850 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $10,816,333 Parkland Fund Landings Park Design $ 10,000 Total $ 10,000 Leisure Park Construction $ 30,000 Total $ 30,000 Trilby Site Area ROW/land Acq $ 130,000 Total $ 130,000 Troutman Park Design $ 10,000 Parkland Administration $ 35,550 Total $ 35,550 -5- PROJECT PHASE AMOUNT Parkland Contingency $ 70,000 Total $ 70,000 Transfer to Debt Service $ 62,790 Total $ 62,790 TOTAL PARKLAND FUND $ 348,340 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS $11,164,673 Enterprise Funds Cemeteries Fund $ 317,254 Golf Fund 420,567 Light and Power Fund 30,966,761 Lincoln Center Fund 4?1,101 Performing Arts Fund 105,459 Sewer Fund 10,236,108 Storm Drainage Fund 1,095,489 Transfort Fund 622,138 Water Fund 71743,364 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS $51,928,241 Internal Service Funds Energy Fund $ 411,017 Equipment Fund 1,718,609 Self-Insurance Fund 605,821 Telephone Fund 245,022 Warehouse Fund 310,798 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS $ 3,291,267 Special Revenue & Debt Service Funds Community Services Fund $ 259,365 Debt Service Fund 1,873,164 Economic Development Act Fund 7,941 Parking Fund 103,748 Perpetual Care Fund 30,150 Revenue Sharing Fund 886,746 Sales and Use Tax Fund 12,411,668 Street Oversizing Fund 892,590 -6- TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE & DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $16,465,372 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1052151,352 Section 2 That for the purpose of providing necessary funds for meeting the appropriations set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance, a levy of 10 7 mills upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins is hereby made and assessed Such levy represents the amount of taxes for City purposes necessary to provide for payment during the ensuing budget year of all properly authorized demands against the City, taking into account all of the revenues and funds to be received by the City Said mill levy of 10 7 mills shall be certified to the County Assessor and the Board of County Commissioners of Larimer County, Colorado, by the City Clerk as provided by the Charter of the City of Fort Collins Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered pub- lished this 6th day of October, 1981, and to be presented for final passage on the 20th day of October, 1981 1�,Z & Mayor �A�Ti'TESTn' p City Clerk 1 �3 — Passed and adopted on final reading this 20th day of October, 1981 alf4f*� Mayor ATTEST City Clerk -7-