HomeMy WebLinkAbout050 - 05/19/2009 - AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OF CERTAIN LANDS NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT PU ORDINANCE NO. 050, 2009 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS OF CERTAIN LANDS NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS RELATED TO THE NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE AND EAST WILLOX LANE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the North College Avenue and East Willox Lane Improvement Project (the "Project") is scheduled to begin construction in the spring of 2010; and WHEREAS, the Project includes widening portions of North College Avenue, the construction of a roundabout east of the intersection of North College Avenue and East Willox Lane, concrete paving, auxiliary left and right turn lanes, sidewalks, curb and gutter, landscaped medians, and pedestrian crossings; and WHEREAS, the Project will improve the current intersection and provide for safer movement of the increased traffic that is anticipated to occur due to new developments planned in the area; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City to acquire certain property rights (the "Property") hereinafter described on Exhibits "A" through "N", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Exhibits"), for the purpose of constructing the Project; and WHEREAS, the City will continue to negotiate in good faith with the landowners for the acquisition of the Property; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of the Property is desirable and necessary for the construction of the Project and is in the City's best interest in order to promote public health, safety, and welfare; and .WHEREAS, the acquisition of such property rights may, by law, be accomplished through eminent domain. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby finds and determines that is necessary in the public interest to acquire the Property described on the Exhibits for the purpose of the Project. Section 2. That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Attorney and other appropriate officials of the City to acquire the Property for the City by eminent domain. Section 3. The City Council finds, in the event that acquisition of the Property described in this Ordinance is commenced by eminent domain, that immediate possession is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 5th day of May, A.D. 2009, and to be presented for final passage on the t9fnay of May, A.D. 2009 Mayo ATTEST: �LaA City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading on the 19th day of May, A.D. 2009. May ATTEST: City Clerk&%f Exhibit"A" Page 1 of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Right of Way Acquisition for North College Avenue A parcel of land being a portion of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision,recorded October 1,1992 as Reception No.92060475 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in the Southwest Quarter ; (SW 114)of Section Thirty-six(36),Township Eight North(17.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West (R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(6th P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Latimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows; The Westerly Twelve and Fifty-Hundreds(12.50)feet of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision,the Easterly line of said Westerly 12.50 feet feet being a fine parallel with and 52.50 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 35. Said parcel contains 875 sq.ft.,more or less W,and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state,that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to[he best of my knowledge and belief. OoREG�>oQ,l".. i 345 5 n-2-coo S l " Stev ehalf of King Surveyors,Inc. Cobra Professional Land Surveyor:34995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 HAZ00E160WROP n25C k QDSURESdM 1 PeREZ COLLEGE ROW TAKEAW Page 1 of 2 Exhibit "A" Page 2 of 2 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FOR SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2 of 2 WITNESS POINT (P.O.L.) 10 IHE WEST LINE OF SWI/4 SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4- ALUMINUM CAP ON d6 REBAR• LS 34995 L1 52s RIGHT OF WAY a L _ ACQLRSITIOAT a o 875 sq.ff. of r n n > 2.5' — LOTI N W 3 1'FRF7 ALlINOR SUBDIVISION Q z Rec.A9.92GU'0075 a I + 10-1-19V w w m I Z N 1601 Nosh allege Avenue a ° C) �) v < - m L2 Y1 2� 0 z IAA2F7 f,4AS 60' 40' 98363-6a029 RIGHT OF WAY —RIGHT O= WAY Rea No.200800230S1 / 1X00A'ar1h College A tvnoe II I SOUTHWEST CORNER I • SECTION 36. T.814., R.69W. 30' RIGHT OF WAY FOUND 3" BRASS CAP I GRANT DEED IN CONCRETE STAMPED BOOK 1684. PAGE 920 "STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' S89'34'58"E 1321.73' (CENTERLINE OF EAST WILLOX LANE) to EAST 94LLOX LA1VF_. 30 15 0 30 1"= 30, LINE TABLE OR[ S LINE BEARING LENGTH i �P,.•EN•- 1' LI S89'34'37"E 12.50' `� •'' .f1 L2 N89'34'37"A 12.50' U:y P: c� 34g NOTE This exhibit drawing is not intended to be o Smonumented fond survey. It's sole purpose is as a grophlc representation to aid in the visualization of Steven ti olf of King Surveyors. Inc. the written property description which it accompanies. Coloreds Regist Prefessiorral The written property description supersedes the Land Survoyor 134995 exhibit drawing. KING SURVEYORS INC. PROJECT N0:2GO8160 DATE:3/10/09 6501 GardmDrive ; Windsor,Colorado80550 CLIENT•INTERWEST phone:(970)686-5011 I fax:(970)6865821 DWG•2008160EXH w .kiagw veyomr.om DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit"B" Pagel of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Temporary Construction Easement A parcel of land for easement purposes being a portion of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision,recorded October 1,1992 as Reception No.92060475 of the Records of Latimer County,situate in the Southwest Quarter (SWUM)of Section Thirty-six(36),Township Eight North(UN.).Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(0 P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Latimer,State of Colorado,being more - particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest Comer of said Section 36.as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the West line of the S W I/4 of said Section 36,as monumented by a 46 Rebar with a 3-1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped"W.P,"and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southwest Corner of Section 36,to bear North 00041'23"East,being a grid hearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North 7one,North American Datum 1983/92,with all bearings herein relative thereto; THENCE South 89°34'58"East along the South line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 40-00 feet to the West line of that parcel of land described in a Grant.Deed recorded February 9,1976 io Book 1684,Page 920 of the Records of Latimer County; THENCE North 00'41'23"East along said West line,said West line being parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 36,a distance of 30.00 feet to the North line of that parcel described in said Book 1684,Page 920; THENCE North 00041'23"East along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 82.00 feet to the South tine of Lot 1, Perez Minor Subdivision; THENCE South 89034'37"East along the South line of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision a distance of 12.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 011°41'23"Fast along n line parallel with and 52.50 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 70.00 feet to the North tine of said Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision; THENCE South 89034'37"Fast along the North line of said Lot I a distance of 18.00 feet; THENCE South 00'41'23"West along a line parallel with and 70.50 feet easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 20.00 feet; THENCE North 89*18*37"West along a line perpendicular to the West line of tha SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 4.00 feet; - THENCE South 00'41'23"West along a line parallel with and 66.50 feet easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 12.00 feet THENCE South 89'18'37"East along a line perpendicular to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 4.00 fee4 THENCE South 00"41'23"West along a line parallel with and 70.50 feet easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 38.00 feet to the South line of said Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision; THENCE North 89034'37"West along the South line of said Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision a distance of 18.00 feet to die POINT OF BEGINNING; Said parcel contains 1,212 sq.ft.,more or less(f),and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATF. 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the - best of my knowledge and belief- 00 REG{5, 34995" t Stev nd—ur of King Surveyors,Inc. Color �El sional Land Solve: - LUNG SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 H:VAOJUWa ROP DESC A CLOS SLOT I PERe2TCE:IAac Page 1 of 2 Exhibit rr13a Page 2 of 2 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SOUTHWEST QUARTER EASEMENT SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W. - Page 2 of 2 WITNESS POINT (P-01.) TEMPORARY TO IRE WEST DINE OF SWl/4 SECTION 36. T.8N., R.69W. CONSTRUCTION FOUND 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP EASEMENT ON jib REOAR. LS 34995 /2l2 5q ft L2 70.5' I-52.5'— In I of �I� a n 1 L4 N 66.5' LOTI rL6 PL•RF.ZA.LWOR SUBDIVISION Rea.Na.92060075 W z "i I 10-1-1992 I /807Nar/A College Avmve [� 0yy0,1 OI IJ p rEIr 4 N 70.5w INT OF GINNINGlANBT TIAA.5' so' _ au' 98363-Gb-029 PopiT OF WAY RICH t OF WAY WRec.No.2008002_?OSI /6GtJNaRh Col/eBcAronuc I y. r I 8 Z 1 SOUTHWEST CORNER wi SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3" BRASS CAP --cMi�o 30' RIGHT OF WAY IN CONCRETE STAMPED �/^ — arp — — GRANT DLTO "STATE HIGHWAY DEPARIUENT' oo�ro BOOK 1684, PAGE 920 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT of 40.00' v S89'34'58"E 1321.73' (CENTERUNE OF EAST NILLOX LANE) 1O. EAST WILLOX LANE 0 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGT11 L7 S89'34'37"E 12.50' L'< S89'34'37"E 18.00' p L3 SOD'41'23"W 20.00' 11 L4 1489'18' 7*W 0' LS SOO'41'23*W 12.00' Op RE(, v1 16 S89'18'37"E 4.00' ..' -•--^ T L7 S00-41'23"W 38.00, ........... L8 N89'34'37'W 18.00' Q. o r 34 9 7 � Z�' t���� NOTE: This exhibit drawing is not intended to be o -� monumcnted land survey. It's sole purpose is os a _ g ophic repr esentotiun to old in the vlsuolizoilnn of Steven It of King Surveyors, Inc. the written property description which it accompanies. Coiorodo rofessional The written property description supersedes the Lord Surveyor #34995 exhibit drowing. KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 G SO E.Garden Drive I Windsor,Colorado 80550 DATE:3/10/09CLIENT:INTERWEST phone:(970)686-5011 1 fu:(970)686-5821 DWG:2008160EXF4 xvmv.kiagsurvcyors.com DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit"C" Page 1 of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Temporary Construction Easement A parcel of land for easement purposes being a portion of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision, recorded October 1,1992 as Reception No.92060475 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in the Southwest Quarter(SWl/4)of Section Thirty-six(36),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(61h P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Larimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: The Easterly Ten(10.00)feet of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision. Said parcel contains 700 sq.ft.,more or less(t),and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTl7-'ICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state 018t this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. o FIE(�r � A Qis i 995 -Z, Zook l Stev alf of King Surveyors,Inc. Colorado Professional Land Surveyor#34995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 11 M0816MROP DESC&CLOSUMMOT 1 PEREZ TCE r2.doc Page I of 2 WITNESS POINT (P.O.L.) TO THE WEST LINE OF SWI/4 f�r SECTION 36, T.SN., R.69W. m FOUND 3 1j4" ALUMINUM CAP p , ON p6 REBAR, LS 34995 A m?A•C p 1 z P. ~ ( TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION o ❑ a C7 RIGHT OF WAY LOTJ EASEMENT o a• PZU_7 AfJNOR SU VVfStON 700 sy.}t. z o " z Rec.No.92060475 a A%I-J992 /8Q2Nmf/J Co//ep Avenue ) 10, x 0 B q o > ` J N ran Dc� I+ a lANE7 XAAS N 98?V 00-029 m toi Rea Nv.200SO023081 /SppNory Co//epert venue _ 0 RiEG4pT _ m vv� vv DNA, II ON Z—I n z ! 34995 i ac�o`j U:E cr, rn 0 p SOUTHWEST CORNER S ZCA n O O N SECTION 36, T.BN., R.69W, 30' RIGHT OF WAY Stev ehalf of King Surveyors, Inc. Y w p X FOUND 3" BRASS CAP m O IN CONCR"c TE STAMPED GRANT GEED Colors rofesslonal O ?CD BOOK 168 PAGE 920 Lend Surveyor' #34995 �;0 R Co "STA7E HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT" NOTE: This exhibit drawing Is not Intended to be c monumented land survey. It's sole purpose A /�.5� WTLLOX LANE Is as a graphic representation to aid in the visualization of the written property description which It accompanies. The written property description supersedes the exhibit drawing. r— Esbibit"D" Page 1 of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Right of Way Acquisition for North College Avenue A portion of that parcel of land described in a Warranty Deed recorded December 12,1999 as Reception No.0099105924 of the Records of Latimer County,situate in the Southwest Quarter(SWI/4)of Section Thirty-six(36),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian (6'P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Latimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest Comer of said Section 36,as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the West line of the SWI/4 of said Section 36,as monumented by a#J6 Reber with a 3-1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped"W.P."and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southwest Comer of Section 36,to bear North 00'41'23"East,being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983192,with all bearings herein relative thereto; THENCE South 89"34'58"East along the South line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 36 a distance of 40.00 feet to the West line of that parcel of land described in a Grant Deed recorded February 9,1976 in Book 1684,Page 920 of the Records of Latimer County; THENCE North 00041'23"East along said West line,said West line being parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 36,a distance of 30.00 feet to the North line of that parcel described in said Book 1684,Page 920 and the POINT OF BEGBYNtNG; THENCE North 00°41'23"East along a tine parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 36 a distance of 8400 feet to the South line of Lot 1, Perez Minor Subdivision,recorded October 1,1992 as Reception No.92060475 of the Records of Latimer County; THENCE South 8934'37"East along the South line of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision a distance of 12.50 feet; THENCE South 00041'23"West along a line parallel with and 52.50 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SW I14 of said Section 36 a distance of 67.43 feet; THENCE South 09'00'36"East a distance of 4.89 feet; THENCE South 89018'37"East along a line perpendicular to the West line of the SW 114 of said Section 36 a distance of 8.00 feel THENCE South 00'41'23"West along a line parallel with the West line of the SW 114 of said Section 36 a distance of 8.53 feet; THENCE South 77"56'12"East a distance of 5.85 feet to the North line of that parcel of land described in a Grant Deed recorded February 9,1976 in Book 1684,Page 920 of the Records of Latimer County; THENCE North 89034'58"West along the North line of that parcel of land described in said Book 1684, Page 920 a distance of 27.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains LI16 sq.ft.,more or less W,and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of Ianr1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is Ime and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. �p0 gEG'�r EN A.�'• Ste Lundy' If of Ring Surveyors,Inc. Colora rbfessional Land Surveyor#34995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)696-5011 rMAN16WROP nESC d C10SURESWAAS_COLLEGE ROW ACQUISfr10NAw Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"D" Page 2 of 2 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FOR SOUTHWEST QUARTER "NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2 of 2 WITNESS POINT (P.O.L) TO BE ri'EST LINE OF SWI/4 SECTION 31. T.BN., R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP ON #6 REBAR, IS 34995 I 60' (I� 40- LOTI RIGHT OF 1YAY I RIGHT OF WAY BO?Z0 pf1NOR SL/BDIVISION Rec No.92006W7S 10-1-1992 LL1 e,I JAW Noah CaA;re A venue a of N N z <L 52.5" L4 m i 12.5' a a I RIGHT OF 6VAY p o ACQUISITION �l 1,116sq.R. w " IANBT HAAS IZ � ;,, v 98363.OD-029 Q < N o Re..No.07991OS924 o I 'oa N 78lX)NnrtGCo/Iqg�-Avenue zl o z N L3 61.33' SOUTHWEST CORNER L6 SECTION 36. T.W. R.69W. I WI FOUND 3' BRASS CAP id, POINT OF 30' RIGHT OF WAY IN CONCRETE STAMPED i aIo BEGINNING GRANT DEED "STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT- all BOOK 1664, PAGE 920 ' POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 40.00" _— ZI V — To- EAST S8934'S8"E 132L73' (CENTERLINE OF EAST WILLOX LANE) WILLOX LANE 30 15 0 30 1"= 30' LINE TABLE LINEF BEARING LENGTH LI 58934'37"E _ 12.50' L2 S09'00'36"E 4.89' �O REG{S L3 S8918'37"E 8.00' F. -••-., j L4 S00-41'23-W 8.53- �• `�EN A-(Gy L5 S77-5612"E 5.85' Ls r18934'58-W 27.08' 1 3�5 I ZOO NOTE: This exhibit droning is not intended to be a �+2".>:""• nonumentcd load survey. Its sole purpose is as a graphic representation to aid in the visualization of _ Steven elicit of King Surveyors, Inc. the written property description which it accompanies. Colorado Re gu cre Professional The written properly description supersedes the Lard Surveyor #34995 exhibit drawing. KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 650 L.Cncdm Windsor, Drive � Colorado DATE:3/10/09 80550 CLIENT:INTERWEST phone:(970)686-5011 1 fay(970)686-S82I DWG:2008160EXH wcvw.kiny;mveyors.cum DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit"E" Page 1 of 3 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Temporary Construction Easement A parcel of land far easement purposes being a portion of that parcel of land described in a Warranty Deed recorded December 12, 1999 as Reception No.0099105924 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in the Southwest Quarter(SWIM)of Section Thirty-six(36),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(6`s P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Latimer,State of Colorado,being more partichdady described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest Comer of said Section 36,as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36,as mommmented by a#6 Rebar with a 3-1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped "W.P."and"Lund,LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southwest Comer of Section 36,to bear North 00°41'23"East,being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983192,with all bearings herein relative thereto; THENCE South 89034'58"Fast along the South line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 40.00 feet to the West line of that parcel of land described in a Grant Deed recorded February 9, 1976 in Book 1684,Page 920 of the Records of Larimer County; TT-]MNCE North 00041'23"East along said West line,said West Iine being parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West fine of the SWIM of said Secliun 36,a distance of 30.00 feet to the North line of that parcel described in said Book 1684,Page 920; THENCE North 00"41'23"East along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWUM of said Section 36 a distance of 82.00 feet to the South Line of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision; THENCE South 89°34'37"East along the South line of 1,ot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision a distance Of 12.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 89'34'3T'East continuing along the South line of said Lot I a distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE South 00"41'23"West along a line parallel with and 62.50 feet easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 36 a distance of 58.00 feet; THENCE South 44"27'00"East a distance of 19.74 feet to a line parallel with and 10.00 feet northerly of,as measured at a right angle to the North line of that parcel described in said Book 1684,Page 920; THENCE South 89"34'58"East along a line parallel with and 10.00 feet northerly of,as measured at a right angle to the North line of that parcel described in said Book 1684,Page 920 a distance of 188.51 feet; THENCE North 00"41'23"East along a line parallel with and 10.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East fine of that parcel described in said Reception No.0099105924 a distance of 71.97 feet to the South line of Lot 1,Perez Minor Subdivision; THENCE South 89°34'37"East along the South line of said Lot 1 a distance of 10.00 feet to die Fast lime of that parcel described in said Reception No.0099105924; THENCE South 00°41'23"West along the East line of that parcel described in said Reception No. 0099105924 a distance of 81.97 feet to(he North line of that parcel described in said Book 1684, Page 920; THENCE North 89"34'58"West along the North line of that parcel described in said Book 1684, Page 920 a distance of 207.94 feet; THENCE North 77056'12"West a distance of 5.85 feet; THENCE North 00041'23"East along a Due a Line parallel with the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 8.53 feet; THENCE North 89"18'37"West along a fine perpendicular to the West line of the SWIM of said Section 36 a distance of 8.00 feel; Qv0EN A � ti A. . m 1__ 995 ttilaoa)tglPROP DESr:&CLOSURaSH.4AS_rC£.dx Page 1 of 3 Ces -4 o-p �+• LAPfl Exhibit"E" Page 2 of 3 THENCE North 09R00'36"West adistance of 4.89 feet to a line parallel with and 52-50 feel easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWIA of said Section 36; THENCE North 00R41'23"East along a line parallel with and 52.50 feet easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the SWUM of said Section 36 a distance of 67.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said parcel contains 3,671 sq.ft.,more or less U,and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal Supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. �p0 REG45,, �.;`�EN A. Q. 95 0• oo� Z 'Z Ste alf of King Surveyors,Inc- Colora ed Professional Land Surveyor#34995 IQNG SURVEYORS,INC- 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)696-5011 H:VAa116"ROP DESC&CLOSIIRFS 4AAS TCG LR Page 2 of 3 Exhibit"E" Page 3 of 3 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SOUIHWEST QUARTER EASEMENT SECTION 36. T.8N., R.69W. Page 3 of 3 30 15 0 30 1"= 30' SOO'41'23'W 81.97' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH Lt S89'34'37"E 12.50' N00'41'23'E 71.97' —I L2 9'34'37'E 10.00' L3 S44'27'00'E 19.74' L4 S8934'37E 10.00' L5 N7T56'12"W 5.85' L6 NOD-41'23"E 8.53' L7 N89'18'37"Yf 8.00' LS N09-00'36"{Y 4.89' 2 I >qo O �71 b I O C a y O W 1 y n 1 q m nv SL �� yLn g Q m Y E u 3WU I bo �o� ( oE'2 o�y N n I o i o � a U':•yU �� 'y n m m 0 I z O o y O o C O 2 n CO V InU� O rno-� u v Soo'41'23"W 58.00' h LLy 33 Zr� am _ _ -- J4�zm J Jf26 I x_ n O m � " N041'23E 6143vW -J LB w Jz QJ W 'VET FEE NOO_41'23_- Z 2 < o 0 o �¢ NOO'41'23'E 82.00' - 30.00' o m w< w o °o a k'n�W Y n¢ Q F n m'= w Z n_ nWz 3 u�Jt , _ w FOCI of 3O,zw ow �� O _ — vI NN 4znuDu —NORTHCOLLEGE AVENUE N O'41' E (BASIS OF QEARING2350.49- vi KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 650 E.Cre[dcu Drivc I Wi"d:oc,Calondo 80550 DATE;3/10/09CLIENT:IN7ER phone:(970)686-5011 I £u:(970)686-532 WE5T 1 DWG:TINTER EST w -Idngso cyofssom DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit"IT" Page l of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Temporary Construction Easement A parcel of land for easement purposes,being a portion of the Mini Mart P.U.D.,recorded July 8,1995 as Reception No.85032749 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in the Southeast Quarter(SE114)of Section Thirty-five(35),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(P P.M.),City of Pori Collins,County of Latimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Comer of said Section 35,as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the East line of the SE114 of said Section 35,as monumented by a N6 Rebar with a 3-114"Aluminum Cap stamped"W.P."and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southeast Comer of Section 35,to bear North 00°41'23"East,being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983192,with all bearings herein relative thereto; TIM.NCE North 00041'23"East along East line of the SETA of said Section 35,a distance of 240.00 feet; THENCE North 89°32'30"West a distance of 60.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGRiNING,said point being at the intersection of the North line of the Mini Mart P.U.A.and a line parallel with and 60.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SEl/4 of said Section 35; THENCE South 00"41'23"West along a line parallel with and 60.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SEl/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 170.08 feet to a Point of Curvature; THENCE along the are of a curve concave to the Northwest a distance of 22.08 feet,said curve has a Radius of 20.00 feel,a Delta of 63015'23"and is subtended by a Chord bearing South 32"19'04"West a distance of 20.98 feet to the end point of said curve; _ THENCE North 00°41'23"East along a line noo-tangent to the aforesaid curve and along a line parallel with and 71.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SEl/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 99.65 feet; THENCE North 89"18'37"West along a line perpendicular to the East line of the SE114 of said Section 35 a distance of 40.00 feet; THENCE North 00"4l'23"East along a line parallel with and I11.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SEl/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 25.00 feet; THENCE North 89"18'37"West along a line perpendicular to the East line of the SE1/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 20.00 feet; THENCE North 00"41'23"East along a line parallel with and 131.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SEI/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 63.00 feet to the North line of the Mini Mart P.U.D.; TITENCE South 89032'30"East along the North tine of the Mini Mart P.U.D-a distance of 71.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 6.798 sq.ft_,more or less(,,and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 00 aEC/S 34495 siev tend qu. of King Surveyors,Inc. Colors [yp� essional Land Surve 5 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)696-5011 ' 11:12009160WROP DPSC A CIASURPSNM MART_TUE.dw Page 1 of 2 Exhibit nrn Page 2 of 2 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SOUTHEAST QUARTER EASEMENT SECTION 35, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2 of 2 WITNESS POINT (P.O-L.) TO THE WEST LINE OF SWI/4 SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP ON 96 REBAR, LS 34995 S7RA T80R0L19HLW6STORS,LYC. I PARCEL 98354-OD-032 Rec.20080047413 POINT OF 1$027A0rtb C07lr,c,4uwW BEGINNING S89'32'30"E 71.00' '� ,89'32'30"W __60_00__� ' + of n 131' m` l9 Z 3 1'i=MPORARY C01\FSTRUCT70N = o� FASEIv1E:N'T so' U h z) 6,7985q.1t. RIGHT OF WAY O 0 m LN89'18'37"W = 20.00'—I J NIO O O ~ 0 Y OZL_N89_18'37"W_ r- o > 40.00' in Z < o A4LVJ MART P.U..Q o (' I a Rec.Na.83032749 rn W o m J/rJy09,J983 � ;A � as a o Wo ISO/AWth al%eeA onew U I- 71' m ' Z I I SOUTHEAST CORNER SECTION 35. T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3" BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE STAMPED I 'STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' EAST WILLLOX LANE POINT OF COMMENCEMENT l .D0 REGyd,T 349 5 5"` �• NOTE: This exhibit drawing Is not intended to be a monurnented land survey. It's sole purpose is as a ..Z.-'• _Z graphic representation to old In the visualization of Steven p1f'b alf of King Surveyors, Inc. the written property descrpton which it occomponies. Colorado a stern Professional The written property description supersedes the Land Surveyor #34995 exhibit drawing. KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 650 G.Garden Drive ) Windsor,Colorado 80550 UATE:3/10/09CLIENT'INTERWEST phony.(970)686-5011 1 far(970)68fr5821 DWG:2008160EXH waa':yngsurvcy°¢.c°f° DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit"G" Page I of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Right of Way Acquisition for . North College Avenue A parcel of land being a portion of that parcel of land described in a Quit Claim Deed recorded December 31,Z008 as Reception No.20090000445 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in the Southeast Quarter (SEI/4)of Section Thirty-five(35),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(6"'P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Latimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly desenbed as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Comer of said Section 35,as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35,as monumented by a S6 Rebar with a 3-1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped"W.P."and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2.350.49 feet Northerly of said Southeast Comer of Section 35,to bear North 00"41'23"East,being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983/92,with all bearings herein relative thereto; THENCE North 00"41'23"East along East line of the SE1/4 of said Section 35,a distance of 240.00 feel; THENCE North 89"32'30"West a distance of 40.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,said point being at the intersection of the Easterly prolongation of the North line of the Mini Mart P.U.D.and a line parallel with and 40.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SEI/4 of said Section 35; THENCE North 89032'30"West along the Easterly prolongation of the North line of the Mini Mari P.U.D. and the North line thereof a distance of Z5.00 feet; THENCE North 00"4l'23"East along a line parallel with and 65,00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SE114 of said Section 35 a distance of 37.40 feet; THENCE North 03"4634"East a distance of 124.62 feet to a Point of Curvature; THENCE along the ate of a curve concave to the West a distance of 10.77 feet,said curve has a Radius of 200.00 feet,a Delta of 03"05'I1"and is subtended by a Chord beating North 02"13'59"East a distance of 10.77 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 00`41'23"East along a line parallel with and 58.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East litre of the SEI/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 10.43 feel to the South line of the Hal Addition First Piling; THENCE South 89"31'37"East along the South line of said Hall Addition and the Easterly prolongation thereof a distance of 18.00 feet to a line parallel with and 40.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SEI/4 of said Section 35; THENCE South 00041'23"West along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the Fast line of the SEI/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 183.00 feet to the POINT OP BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 4,011 sq.ft.,more or less W,and is subject to any rights of way Or Other easements Of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal-supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. O�..O REG.ST .G 5 Steven f of King Surveyors,Inc. Colorado rofessionat Land Surveyor#34995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 ll;eDDBIMPROP MC 8 QDSURESUAMPLIOHTER COLLEGE ROW ACQUISITION Am Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"G'r Page 2 of 2 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FOR SOUTHEAST QUARTER NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE SECTION 35, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2 of 2 WTNESS POINT (P.O.L.) TO THE EAST ONE OF SE1/4 SECTION 35. T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4- ALUMINUM CAP ON 0 REBAR, LS 34995 . WALL ADDITrom I I FOlSTfILGYG L2 58' U I 40' 40' C, RIGHT OF WAY RIGHTOF WAY 0 "I I II t u] L4AWL1615T RLODGING,JNC PARCEL 983S4-0Y1-032 as r7 /809Akvfi CopcgeA�ue h 0 O I� ty QUII'CLAlMDEED Fr „0� o m Rea 100906I0044SCY 3 iu U c is W I W h O < m e N a = � ut O O a � - U as o W = o U I� w Oho m a 25•— o F w o u 65' Fr l N O a n POINT OF Ir : o o ~' BEGINNING I U Q a z N89'32'30"W OC _ N_89_'3_2'30"W i OC 25.00' 40.00_— _7 r\ MINI MART P.UD. sU' f U Rea No. Ci 8S012749 RIGH1 OF WAY RIGHT OF WAY J Auly 08,198- /avi�uwreCWI,,,A�x o K ) 0 U � U N SOUTHEAST CORNER SECTION 35, TON., R.69W. FOUND 3' BRASS CAP LINE TABLE O HE T IN CONCRETE STAtdPED "STATE HIGHWAY DEPgRTMENY' LINE REARING LENGTH D:ySN A,�` POINT OF COMMENCEMENT L1 NOO'41'23"E 10.43- v'r4 ^ L2 t 9'31'37"E 1 18.00' i �gSC� NOTE: This exhibit drawing Is not intended 10 be a — » monumented land survey. It's sole purpose is as a graphic representation to old in the visualization of Steven half of King Surveyors, Inc. the written property description which it aecomponles. Colorado.Reg; red Professional The written property description supersedes the Land Surveyor 134995 exhibit drawing. KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 DATE:3/10/09 650 F-Garden Drive I Windsor,Colorado 80550 CLIENT-,INTERWEST phony.(97(J)686-5011 I Ear.(970)686-5821 DWG:200f3160EXH wv Jdngsurvcyorssom DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit"H" Page 1 of 2 . PROPERTY DESCRIPTfON Temporary Construction Easement A parcel of land for easement purposes,being a portion of that parcel of land described in a Quit Claim Deed recorded December 31,2008 as Reception No.20090000445 of the Records of Larhner County, situate in the Southeast Quarter(SE1/4)of Section Thirty-five(35),Township Eight North(T.11N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(e P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Larimer, Slate of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Comer of said Section 35,as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35,as monumented by a$6 Rebar with a 3-1/4"Alundnurn Cap stamped"WT."and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southeast Comer of Section 35,to bear North 00041123"East,being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983/92,with all bearings herein relative thereto; THENCE North 00"41'23"Fast along East line of the SEl/4 of said Section 35,a distance of 240.00 feet; THENCE North 89'32'30"West a distance of 65.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,said point being at the intersection of the North line of the Mini Mart P.U.D.and a line parallel with and 65.00 feet Westerly of the East Pule of the SE1/4 of said Section 35; THENCE North 89032'30"West along the North line of the Mini Mart P.U.D.a distance of 66.00 feet; THENCE North 00"41'23"East along a line parallel with and 131.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SEI/4 of said Section 35-a distance of 56.13 feet; THENCE South 89*18'37"Fast a distance of 25.00 feet; THENCE North 00"41'23"East along a fine parallel with and 106.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SPIM of said Section 35 a distance of 127.00 feet to the South line of the Hall Addition First Filing; THENCE South 89031'37'East along the South line of the Hall Addition First Filing a distance of 48.00 feet; THENCE South 00"41'23"West along a line parallel with and 58.00 feel westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SEl/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 10.43 feet to a Point of Curvature; THENCE along the arc of a curve concave to the West a distance of 10-77 feet,said curve has a Radius of 200.00 feet,a Della of 03005'11"and is subtended by a Chord hearing South 02°13'59"West a distance of 10.77 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 03"46'34"West a distance of 124.62 feet•, THENCE South 00041'23"West along a One parallel with and 65.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the Fast line of the SEl/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 37.40 feet to the POINT OF , BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 9.471 sq.ft.,more or less(±),and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATF, 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Laud Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 4p Do RE%> 34995 ?-CDo7 S Steven i alf of King Surveyors,Inc. Colorado Reg a Professional Land Surveyor 634995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 H:XM01601MOP DESC b.CLOSURESUAMPIAGHTan TCE.dx Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"IF' Page 2 of 2 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SOUTHEAST QUARTER EASEMENT SECTION 35, T.8N., R-69W. Page 2 of 2 z YdTNESS POINT (P.O.L.) F m TO THE EAST LINE Of SEt/4 Q:n SECTION 35, T.8N.. R.69W. W "2 FOUND 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP En m ' IIALL ADD/770N ON g6 REHAB, LS 34995 3: M F1RS7'F/LOpC I S89'31'37"E 48.00' 1 56 'U I L''1 I U 40' F— o II I RIGHT OF WAYS LLI J i 106" + � < p sl TEMPORARY I "I CONSTR UCTION EASEMENT +. WU n MI 9,471 sq. Z ci �N LAtt'fPI.IGlJT&RI.0Dr7NQ Ih'C o ) > _ PARCEL 9S354-0P-032 u I80C2Naih lbUcee A v er I !M a QU77-CLAIMDEED Rea 2Q99615190445 10 123I-2A78 I I o a Lj z o I I U m r 25 o I E w I olo DO , nl DOZ E Q + ni W 131'— Z to w1 3 65 _ MI J NI NIO ? POINT OF cln Z 01 BEGINNING� OIL J z1 tJ89'32'30'W 66.00' url N89'32'30_W _ 65.00'___j MAT MAR TRU.D.- 60 " Rec.Ara.85032749 RIGHT OF WAY fa/y 08,,/98S /80/Nand 6.11gga A.. g N SOUTI1EAST CORNER SECTION 35, T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3" BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE STAMPED pS7,., "STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' ti'-____Ul- POINT OF COMMENCEMENT O::BEN A � v7 OS NOTE This exhibit drrnving Is not Intended to be a :,1ZJ f• monumented land survey. It's sole purpose is as o graphic representation to aid in the visualization of Steven A olf of King Surveyors, Inc: the written property description which it accompanies. Colorado Reg rofesional - The v;rttten property description supersedes the Land Surveyor )34995 exhibit drawing. KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT DATE:3/10/09/09 slso 650 E.Carden Drivc I W1nds0r,Colorado 80350 CLIENT:INTERWEST phone:(970)686-5611 1 &s(970)686-5821 DWG•2008160EXH WWW.kingsurvcyor&com DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit "I" Page 1 of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Right of Way Acquisition for North College Avenue A parcel of land being a portion of Hall Addition First Filing,recorded July 16,1969 as Book 1413,Page 610,Reception No.967244 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in the Southeast Quarter(SEl/4)of Section Thirty-five(35),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West (R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(61°P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Larimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: The East Eight(8)feet of said Hall Addition First Filing,the Westerly line of said East 8 feet being a line parallel with and 58.00 feet Westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SE1/4 of said Section 35. Said parcel contains 1,600 sq.It.,more or less(i),and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 00�teG�T r 34 5 ` l Steven a1f of King Surveyors,Inc. Colorado ro[essional land Surveyor#34995 ICING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 102WO16GWR➢P DRSC&CLOSURIMIALL A➢DrrION—001FFG ROW ACQUISMON-Copy.&& Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"I" Page 2 of 2 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FOR SOUTHEAST. QUARTER NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE SECTION 35, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2of2 WITNESS POINT (P.O.L.) TO THE EAST LINE OF SEl/4 SECTION 35. T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4 ALUMINUM CAP ON N6 REBAR, LS 34995 L2 I 58' -i a' 50' aD' �RtGHT OF WAY��RIGHT OF WAY 30 15 0 30 o i b N 1 30' 0 2 0 Y d 0 0 0 2 N W y & HA7.1 ADD1770N FIJZSl'FD-NG U p � 4 BOOR'1413 B,PA G610 � ydr � a LLo Rea 96774t Q' 7-16'1969 W O l m C) Er h :n Q � 2 � UNE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH Ll B931'3TW 8.00' L'L 589'37'37" 8.00' L1 —NB9'31'37"W 50.00''� ---------- I. 0 0 ri N C 1 _ _ SOUTHEAST CORNER SECTION 35. T.8N_, R.69W. - FOUND 3" BRASS CAP �pflEQ/pT IN CONCRETE STAMPED p•"�ENA "STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTM,ENl v; i34995 1• NOTE. This exhibit drawing is not intended to be a monumented land survey. It's sole purpose is as a .... graphic representation to old In the visualization of Steven eholf of King Surveyors. Inc. the written property description which it occompanies. Colorado ReQiii ied'Professional The written properly description supersedes the Land Surveyor 13499,5 exhibit drawing. KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 DATE:3/10/09 650E Garden Drive I Windsor Colorado 80550 CLIENT:INTERWEST phone(970)6W5011 1 fax:(970)686-5821 DWG;2008160EXH a .kingsurvcyors.com DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit"J" Page I of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Temporary Construction Easement A parcel of land for easement purposes,being a portion of the Hall Addition First Piling,recorded July 16, 1969 as Book 1413,Page 610,Reception No.967244 of the Records of Latimer County,situate in the Southeast Quarter(SEIM)of Section Thirty-five(35),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(66 P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Larimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Corner of said Section 35,as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35,as monumented by a a#6 Rebar with a 3-1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped"W.P."and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southeast Comer of Section 35,to bear North 00*4I'23"East,being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983192,with all bearings herein relative thereto; THENCE North 00041'23"East along East line of the SEIM of said Section 35,a distance of 423.00 feet; THENCE North 89°31'37"West a distance of 58.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,said point being at the intersection of the Easterly prolongation of the South line of the Hall Addition First Filing and a line parallel with and 58.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35; THENCE North 89031'37"West along the South line of said Hall Addition First Filing a distance of 60.00 feet; THENCE North 00041'23"East along a line parallel with and 118.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35 a distance of 71.05 feet; - THENCE North 89118'37"West along a line perpendicular to the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35 a distance of 9.00 feet; , THENCE North 00041'23"East along a line parallel with and 126.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the Fast line of the SEIM of said Section 35 a distance of 40.00 feet; THENCE South 89'18'37"East along a line perpendicular to the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35 a distance of 20.00 feet; THENCE North 00°41'23"East along a line parallel with and 106.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35 a distance of 89.00 feet to the North line of Hall Addition First Filing; THENCE South 89*31'37'East along the North has of Hall Addition First Filing a distance of 48.00 feet; THENCE South 00°41'23"West along a line parallel with and 58.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SEIM of said Section 35 a distance of 200.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 11,2-52 sq.ft.,more or less(±),and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or asnow existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and thatit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 4S A IMP- S \ Steve alf of King Surveyors,Inc. Colorado m Professional Land Surveyor 434995 ICING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 H:1100816NPROA DESC&CLOSURF_SIBAIA.ADDM TCEM Page I of 2 Exhibit"J" - Page 2 of-2 - - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SOUTHEAST QUARTER EASEMENT SECTION 35, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2 of 2 INTNESS POINT (P.O.L.) r TO THE EAST LINE OF SEt/4 - SECTION 35, T.W., R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4" AIUMINUM CAP ON #6 REBAR, LS 34995 0"' II Ma�IIIlIII --S-89'31'-371 o"E 4800• 00 s se5 0• 40 of I RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT OF \YAY+ 0 zl I W V) I I I< I I c� Io e 5f918.37•J Ig o O v$a I zo.00 TEMPORARY W I q a MI_ CONSTRUCTYON 11m q Q b Qlo EASEMENT I^ a o 11,2.52sq.,t. fo I < L, 726' m N8918'37"W 8.00' of I $ ^I I i 118, WI I OI I i zl I I I I N89.31'37"W 60.00' M89'31'37"1Y 58.00_ i POINT OF I ----- — — ( BEGINNING 0 0 ri N t SOUTHEAST CORNER SECTION 35. TBN., R.69W. FOUND 3" DRASS CAP IN CONCRETE STAMPED p0 R�^u,(1T ..STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' p tiNA�G POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 1 349 Zook I NOTE: Th(s exhibit drawing is not intended to be a —� monumented fond survey. It's sole purpose Is os a grnphl-- representotlan to old in the visualization of Siev140reholf of Kirg Surveyors, Inc. the written property description which it accompanies. Colom rofessionol The written property description supersedes the Land Surveyor 34995 exhibit drawing. IaNG SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 650 H Garxim Drive I Windsor,Colorado 80550 DATE:3/10/09 pbonx(970)686-5011 1 f2::070)68G5821 CLIENYANTERWEST DWG:2008160EXH DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit "K" Page 1 of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Right of Way Acquisition for North College Avenue A portion of that parcel of land described in a Warranty Deed recorded May 25,2007 as Reception No. 20070039396 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in dre Southeast Quarter(SE1/4)of Section Thirty- five(35),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(6" P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Lorimer,State of Colorado,being more particulirly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Comer of said Section 35,as momunented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department'and assuming the East Pure of the SE114 of said Section 35,as monumented by a R6 Rebir with a 3-1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped"W.P."and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southeast Comer of Section 35,to bear North 00"41'23"East,being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983/92,with all hearings herein relative thereto; T11ENCE North 00"41'23"East along the East line of the SE114 of said Section 35 a distance of 623.00 feet; THENCE North 89031'37"West a distance of 40.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,said point being at the intersection of the Easterly prolongation of the North line of the Hall Addition First Filing and a line parallel with and 40-00 feet Westerly of the East Line of the SEIM of said Section 35; THENCE North 89"31'37"West along the Easterly prolongation of the North line of said Ilall Addition First Filing and the North line thereof a distance of 18.00 feet; THENCE North 00°41'23"East along a line parallel with and 58.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of file SEIM of said Section 35 a distance of 267.99 feel to the Northerly line of that parcel of land described in said Reception No.20070039396; THENCE North 68"50'Z3"East along said Northerly line a distance of 19.39 feet to a line parallel with and 40.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SE1/4 of said Section 35; THENCE South 00041'23"West along a line parallel with artd 40.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SEI/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 275.14 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 4,888 sq.ft.,more or less(±),and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby stale that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is tine and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. p0 RF v ,AIEN h 34 5 k,CI o1 L Steven = of King Surveyors,Inc. Colorado fessional Land Surveyor934995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 H,M081601PROP DESC F CLOSURESLEGENDS 11OtDNGS COLLEGE ROW ACQUISrrtONAM Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"K" Page 2 of 2 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FOR SOUTHEAST QUARTER NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE SECTION 35, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2of2 N4TNESS POINT(P.O.L.) TO THE EAST LINE OF SE1/4 SECTION 35, T.lIN., R.69W. MINUM �iG At, ON #6 REBAR. LS034995 CAP t�E G.KAPE STREET I 30 15 0 30 40" _ 40' RIGHT DF WAYS RIGHT OF WAY I1"= 30. LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH �p L7 N89'31'3'/"W .00' lyj Q I L2 N685D'23"E 19.39' C) w NOTE: This exhibit droning Is not intended ry C N to be a monumented land survey. It's (['Vt sole purposo 1s as a graphic representation W D N to aid in the visualization of the written r property description which it occompanles. N Z The erillen property descrlptlon supersedes the exhibit drawing. w '0 m h 1.-4 m n ao 0 a v o o ul 4 O C) U vi � Z m O V c I " a` I � 2 Q a m Q v 1 c N Y o a POINT OF lu;clr N BEGINNING ¢: _ N_89'3P37'W �0;1 o LI 40.00'— — ... ' 2 HA7/ADD7T/ON f d o SOUTHEAST CORNER v m 17Kf7'FZ4§VO SECTION 35, T.BN., R.69W. ca ° g FOUND 3' BRASS CAP o-D rn IN CONCRETE STAMPED .� 'STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' 1 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 DATE:3/10/09 6540 E.Ci rdm Drive I Wmdsor,Colorado 80550 CLIENT:INTERWEST phone:(970)686-501 t 1 Fax:(970)686-5821 DWG.2CO8160EXH w .kiogswveyors.com DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit nLrr Page 1 of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Temporary Construction Easement A parcel of land for easement purposes,being a portion of Thal parcel of land described in a Warranty Deed recorded May 25,2DO7 as Reception No.20070039396 of the Records of Larimer County,situate in the Southeast Quarter(SEI/4)of Section Thirty-five(35),Township Eight North(T.8N.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.),Sixth Principal Meridian(6"P.M.),City of Fort Collins,County of Larimer,State of Colorado,being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Comer of said Section 35.as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"Stale Highway Department"and assuming the East one of the SEI/4 of said Section 35,as monumented by a 46 Rebar with a 3-1/4"Aluminurn Cap stamped"W.P."and"Lund, LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feet Northerly of said Southeast Comer of Section 35,to bear North W41'23"East.being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1983192,with all bearings herein relative thereto; THENCE North 00'41'23'East along East Gne of the SEI/4 of said Section 35,a distance of 623.00 feet; THENCE North 89'31'37"West a distance of 58.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,said point being at the intersection of the North line of the Hall Addition First Filing and a line parallel with and 58.00 feet Westerly of the East line of the SE1/4 of said Section 35; THENCE North 89'31'37'West along the North line of said Hall Addition First Filing a distance of 56.06 feet; THENCE North 00"41'23"East along a line parallel with and 114.06 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SHIM of said Section 35 a distance of 95.12 feet; THENCE North 45'41'23"East a distance of 5L00 feet; THENCE North 00941'23"East along a line parallel with and 78.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SE1/4 of said Section 35 a distance of 129.00 feet the Northerly line of that parcel of land described in said Reception No.20070039396; THENCE North 68'50'23"East along said Northerly line a distance of 21.55 feel; THENCE South 00'41'Z3"West along a line parallel with and 58.00 feet westerly of,as measured at a right angle to the East line of the SE114 of said Section 35 a distance of 267.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. _ Said parcel contains 9,359 sq.ft.,more or less(i_),and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. - SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking,and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. �.po REG, S O' o 00� 34995 l Steven ,no of King Surveyors,Inc. Colorado essional Land Surveyor. 995 KING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 H:12008160TROP DESC&CIASURESIUGENDS HOLDINGS TCUm Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"L" Page 2 of 2 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SOUTHEAST QUARTER EASEMENT SECTION 35, T.8N., R.69W. Page 2 of 2 WITNESS POINT (P,O.L.) TO TIIE EAST LINE OF SE1/4 SECTION 35, T.8N.. R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4' ALUMINUM CAP ON 66 REBAR. LS 34995 . �g10E�AL 585 6 I I � I I I I I ( I I I 40" 30 15 0 30 g hh '�--20 i RIGHT OF WAY---I 30, u 58' :ol I NOTE This exhibit drawing is not c' I intended to be a monumented land .I I survey. Its solo purpose Is as a V o) graphic representation to aid in the h zl I I visu olizotfon of the Written property description which It-accompanies. �j,ryt I I The written property description 3 y I o supersedes the exhibit drawing Zq i l� N Ih ` C1 y t� i IN WY4 w j3 Lq la o '^ tit IN m whj I E`+I I I 20 0 I TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION - I EASEMENT I I Y ml 9-359 sq.Jt. I i v NI• 114.Ofi I O���V`"• •"• �m I •' Z o I do,l __. i• POINT OF � 0 z BEGINNING J y o c N89'31'37'W 56.06" N89'31.37"W 58.00" ��J ZZALLADDDA01V 1 SOUTHEAST CORNER FLC'S7"FILI11'G o SECTION 35, 18N., R.69W. o FOUND 3' BRASS CAP N IN CONCRETE STAMPED m "STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT- I PUNT OF COMMENCEMENT KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT N0:2008160 GSO E.Garden Drive I Windsor,Colorado DATE:3/10/09 80550 CLIENT:INTERWEST phoor.(970)G86-5011 I fax:(970)G8G-5821 DWG:2008160EXH vnv Aingsarveyon:.com DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit "M" Page 1 of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Rlgbt of Way Acquisition A portion of that parcel of land conveyed in Reception No.2003018068 and initially described in Book 800, Page A.excepting therefrom those portions as described in Reception No.89030932 and Book 991,Page 31 and Book I417,Page 225,and also excepting therefrom any portion within that parcel of land described in Book 92Z Page 268,211 of the Records of Lerimer County,said parcels all being situate in the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4)of Section Thirty-six(36),Township Eight North CUM).Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.)of the Sixth Principal Meridian(61h P.M.),County of Larimer,State of Colorado,and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest Comer of said Section 36.as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and sunhped"State Highway Department"and assuming the West line of the SW I14 of said Section 36,as manumented by a 96 Reber with a 3.1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped"1V.P."and"Lund,LS34995"as a Point on Line 2350.49 feel Northerly of said Southwest Comer of Section 36.to bear North 00'41'23"East, being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North-Lone,North American Datum - 1983/92,with all bearings herein relative thereto: THENCE North 00'41'23"East along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 a distance of 894.00 feet to the Northerly line of that parcel of land conveyed to the City of Fort Collins in a Quit Claim Deed recorded June 12,1961 in Book 1143,Page 185 of the Records of Lorimer County,said parcel of land being referred to as"Grape Street"; THENCE South W 23'30'Fast along said Northerly line of a distance of 40.00 feet to a line parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at aright angle to the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 and to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 00'41'23"Fast along a line parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at aright angle to the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 a distance of 15.54 feet to flit South line of thatparcel of laird granted to the Department of Highways in a deed recorded April 9,1955 in Book 991,Page 31 of the Records of Larimer County; THENCE South 89'18'37"Fast along said South fine a distance of 15.00 feet to the East line of that parcel of laird granted to the Department of Highways in a deed recorded April 9,1955 in Book 991,Page 31; THENCE North 00041'23"East along said East line a distance of 27.48 feel to the Northerly line of that parcel of land described in said Book 800,Page 4; THENCE South 89*23*30"Fast along said Northerly line a distance of 3.00 feet to a line parallel with and 59.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West fine of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36; THENCE South W'41'23"West along a line parallel with and 58.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West fine of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 a distance of 43,00 feet to the Northerly tine of that parcel of land conveyed to the City of Fort Collins in a Quit Claim Deed recorded June 12,1961 in Book H43,Page 185 of the Records of Larimer County,said parcel of[arid being referred to as"Grape Street"; THENCE North 89'23'30"West along said Northerly line a distance of I8.00 feet to[he POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 362 sq.fL,more or less,and is subject to any rights of way or other easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I,Steven A.hind,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do bereby stare that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 0 REG/S,, - 04 N Aq 349 5 t SSttev \ a[f of King Surveyors,Inc. Colon rofessional Land Surveyor 934995 ICING SURVEYORS,hYC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"Al" Page 2 of 2 i I RIGHT OF WAY.ACQUISITION FOR SOUTHWEST QUARTER 1 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W- Page 2 of 2 �] WIINESS POINT(P.O.L) r-fl TO THE IO WEST LINE R. 9111. `,(\—SECTION 36, T AL INUM. 1 FOUNO 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP ON 16 RESAR, LS 34995 I 4B2�egc 168 tW d, caI of�41� �RGBZ-r BRECdavR1OGE'PARCEL 9836J-DD-D/S Rea 200301SOM_8 _k eat 'rge Of WAYSMONS89-23-30'_ 2,g.ft.W& !/II'C7ALT1POINT OF /143, Fagc/8S GR"E SIRM' BEGINNING I lane 12 196/ a J �RIGHT OF WAY I to o m SOUTHWEST CORNER SECAON 36. TOM. R.69W- FOUND 3' BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE STAMPED "STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT" I POINT OF COMMENCEMENT - 30 15 0 30 1 30' LINE TABLE TINE DEAMNG LENGTH L1 NOO.41.23-E t5.54' L2 S89'18'37'E 15.00' PQO flEG1,9 L3 NO ' 1'23"E 27.48' T L4 589'23'30'E 3.00' yFNA�'• L5 S00'41'23'1V 43.00' Q_ L6 N89-23730"VI 18.00' 34 5 NOTE This exhibit drawing Is not Intended to be a monumentad land survey. It's sole pvrposa is as o sr' graphic representation to old In the visualization of Steven UA eholf of King Surveyor, Inc. the written property desctiption which it accompanies. Colorado Professionol Are Written "arty description supersedes the Land Surveyor J34995 exhibit drawing KING SURVEYORS, INC. PROJECT NO:2008160 DATE:3/26/09 65D I1 Gacdcn Drive I VVVmdsor,Colorado 80550 CLIENT:INTERWEST phone(970)686-5011 1 Tax:(970)680-5821 DWG-2008150EXH x"" -kingsut eyorsa'm DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL Exhibit "N" Page L of 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Temporary Construction Easement A portion of that parcel of land conveyed in Reception No.2003018069 and initially described in Book 800, Page 4,excepting therefrom those portions as described in Reception No.99030932 and Book 991,Page 31 and Book 1417.Page 225,and also excepting therefrom any portion within that parcel of land described in Book 922,Page 2,68,all of the Records of Larimer County,said parcels all being situate in the Southwest Quarter (SW U4)of Section Thirty-six(36),Township Eight North(T.SN.),Range Sixty-nine West(R.69W.)of the Sixth Principal Meridian(6th P.M.),County of Larimer.Slate of Colorado,and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest Comer of said Section 36,as monumented by a 3"Brass Cap embedded in concrete and stamped"State Highway Department"and assuming the West line of the SW I/4 of said Section 36,as monumented by a 96 Rebar with a 3-1/4"Aluminum Cap stamped"W.P"and"Lund,LS34995"as a Point on Lbre 2350.49 feel Northerly of said Southwest Comer of Section 36,to bear North 00°41'23"East, being a grid bearing of the Colorado State Plane Coordinate System,North Zone,North American Datum 1993/97,with all bearings herein relative thereto; TI-UNCE North 00'41'23"East along the.West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 a distance of 894.00 feel to the Northerly line of that parcel of land conveyed to the City of Fort Collins in a Quit Claim Deed recorded June 12,1961 in Book 1143,Page 185 of the Records of Larimer County,said parcel of land being referred to as"Grape Street"; THENCE South 89'23'30"East along said Northerly line of a distance of 58.00 feel to a line parallel with and . 58-00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 and to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 00'41'23"Fast along a line parallel with and 58.110 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the Wes[line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 a distance of 4100 feet to the Northerly line of that parcel of land described in said Book 800.Page 4; THENCE South 89123130"East along said Northerly line a distance of 10.00 feet to a line parallel with and 68.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle to the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36; THENCE South 00'41'23"West along a line parallel with and 68.00 feet Easterly of,as measured at a right angle Rothe West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 36 a distance of 43.00 feet to the Northerly line of that parcel of lard conveyed to the City of Fort Collins in a Quit claim Deed recorded June 12,1961 in Book 1143,Page 185 of the Records of Larimer County,said parcel of land being referred to as"Grape Street'; THENCE.North 89023'30"West along said Northerly line a distance of 10-00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 430 sq.ft..more or less,and is subject to any rights of way or otter easements of record or as now existing on said described parcel of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1,Steven A.Lund,a Colorado Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby state that this Property Description was prepared under my personal supervision and checking and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. p0 REGi o �y�y rn Sae 5 Ste �•I,'��tr�d—on� of King Surveyors,Inc. Color "�l!!(" Mional Land SLry 5 ICING SURVEYORS,INC. 650 Garden Drive Windsor,Colorado 80550 (970)686-5011 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit"N" Page 2 of 2 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SOUTHWEST QUARTER I EASEMENT - SECTION 36,_T.8N., R.69W. Page 2 of 2 VATNESS POINT(P.O.L) TO THE WEST UNE OF SWI/4 SECTION 36, T.8N., R.69W. FOUND 3 1/4" ALUMINUM CAP ON J6 REBAR LS 34995 AA izz lv a, Book- Pgee 268 dlffi tF� h I I P q M tl 1 C7 a 3 q f �¢rA� 'a o a 4 ROB.P.RT BRE10tW RMGE U aI ^ $ PWRCBL PSW- 0-015 A4 e m I I Rec.2X501A06B Z n 3 I BoafgOOA4_-e4 Eli TEMPORARY 2 z I N—CONSTRUCTION I I EASEMENT I SHO23.30"F SB 00' L4 1 430 s. POINT OF P!/ITCIArM BEGIN, Boo-1143,Pac/8S GRAPE ,STREET lame 12,1961 40' —I RIGHT OF WAY t to m w SOUTH\LEST CORNIER SECTION 36. TSN., R.69W. FOUND 3" BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE STAMPED "STATE HIGHWAY OLPARIMFNT" I POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 30 15 0 30 —1 1'= 30' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING ILENGTH Ll N00' 1'23' 43.00' L2 S89.23'30'E 10.00' p0 Rc[;/ S00'41'23"W 43.00' L4 N89'23'30"V,' 10.00* - os 1 34 S NOTE: This 6xhihil drawing Is not Intended to be a 2, monumenled land survey. It's sole purpose is as a graphic representation to aid in the visualization of St d•' ehalf of King Surveyors, Inc. the written properly description which It accompanies. Colom mfassional The written property description supersedes the Lond Survey 34995 exhibit dmrng. KING SURVEYORS, TNC. PROJECT NO:2008160 G50Lr CnrdenDriae 1 Windsor,foloodo30550 DATE:3/26/09 CLIENT.INTERWEST phone:(970)686-5011 1 fax:(970)696-5921 DWG:2008160EXH %ve ur.kingsurveyors.com DRAWN:CSK CHECKED:SAL