HomeMy WebLinkAbout033 - 03/03/1981 - REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTION 83 OF CHAPTER 118 OF THE CITY CODE BEING A PART OF THE ZONING CODE ORDINANCE NO 33 , 1981 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTION 83 OF CHAPTER 118 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS BEING A PART OF THE ZONING CODE INSOFAR AS IT RELATES TO UNIT DEVELOPMENTS WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Colorado and the Charter of the City of Fort Collins provide for regulation of land use development, and WHEREAS, the City has adopted a Land Use Policies Plan which contains provisions calling for the development of a Point Assessment System for the evaluation of development, and WHEREAS, the City has adopted an Energy Conservation Plan which calls for development in a manner that conserves energy and maximizes the use of renewable energy resources, and WHEREAS, the Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments provides flexibility for land use in a manner consistent with the Land Use Policies Plan and the Energy Conservation Plan as adopted, and WHEREAS, the System allows for a mixed land use pattern provided adverse impacts of land uses are minimized, and WHEREAS, the System contains criteria for the evaluation of develop- ment which provides for a clear and consistent understanding of the de- velopment review process, and WHEREAS, the System provides for appropriate development of infill areas and new developing areas, and WHEREAS, the System sets forth absolute and variable criteria which are used to evaluate a development to determine whether approval would be in the public interest, and WHEREAS, the System is designed to provide for the development of compatible land uses, and WHEREAS, the System has been publicized throughout the community and the public has had numerous opportunities to comment, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board reviewed and unanimously recommended approval of the Systen to the City Council, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the adoption of the Land De- velopment Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AS FOLLOWS Section 1 That Section 118-83 (Unit Developments) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be, and the same hereby is, repealed in its entirety and reenacted as the Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments to read as follows II §118-83 LAND DEVELOPMENT GUIDANCE SYSTEM FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP- MENTS A Title This Ordinance shall be known, cited, and referred to as the Land Development Guidance Systen for Planned Unit Developments 8 Purpose The purpose of this Section is to improve and protect the public health, safety and welfare by pursuing the following objectives (1) To ensure that future growth and development which occurs is in accord with the adopted elements of the Comprehensive Plan and all the planning policies of the City (2) To encourage innovations in land development and renewal (3) To foster the safe, efficient, and economic use of the land, transportation, public facilities and services (4) To facilitate the provision of adequate public services such as transportation, water, sewage, storm drainage, electri- city, open space, and public parks (5) To avoid the inappropriate development of lands and provide for adequate drainage and reduction of flood damage (6) To encourage patterns of land use which decrease trip length of automobile travel and encourage trip consolidation (7) To increase public access to mass transit, bicycle routes and other alternative modes of transportation (8) To reduce energy consumption and demand (9) To minimize adverse environmental impacts of development I (10) To improve the design, quality and character of new develop- ment (11) To foster a more rational pattern of relationship bet% een residential , business, and industrial uses for the mutual benefit of all (12) To encourage development of vacant properties within esta- blished areas -1- C Process (1) General The criteria that must be addressed in the planned unit development plan are contained in the following sections The specific criteria which a development proposal must satisfy are dependent upon the type of land use being pro- posed The Land Development Guidance System divides all land uses into the following ACTIVITY categories A All Development B Neighborhood Service Center C Community/Regional Shopping Center D Auto-Related and Roadside Commercial Uses E Business Service Uses F Industrial Uses G Extraction, Salvage and Junk Yard Uses H Residential Uses In single or mixed land use developments, each use must satisfy all applicable criteria of the appropriate ACTIVITY category of which it is a part In addition, every land use must satisfy the criteria in the A -- ALL DEVELOPMENT cate- gory The City may determine that a criterion is irrelevant and does not apply to the proposed development A variance from the strict application of any of the criteria may be granted in accordance with this section (2) Types of Criteria Each ACTIVITY category contains numbered and lettered cri- teria Numbered criteria are absolute requirements each development must satisfy before approval can be granted These include assuring neighborhood compatability and compli- ance with adopted official plans, minimum engineering and public service requirements, and environmental standards Each of the applicable numbered criteria must be answered YES before approval can be granted Lettered criteria are the "points" or variable criteria of the system Each development must achieve a specified minimum percentage of these criteria A score above the minimum percentage specified on POINT CHART A, may be used to receive additional residential units as proviaed on the DENSITY CHART The numbered criteria are designed to address public service requirenents and reduce negative external impacts of development and the lettered or "points" -2- criteria focus on the actual design of a project and include, but are not limited to street and building layout, open space, landscaping, pedestrian and bicycle circulation, architectural design, and, some general location factors The design of a site plan is evaluated against the lettered criteria and scored on a POINT CHART that follows each of the ACTIVITY categories The DENSITY CHART calculates the maximum number of dwelling units that will be permitted on a particular site The applicant follows the chart step-by- step to calculate the number of units that will be permitted (3) Evaluation The performance of a particular development plan shall be evaluated as follows (a) Numbered Criteria Each of the numbered criteria is answered YES, NO, or NOT APPLICABLE A NO answer to any of the applicable numbered criteria will automatically exclude the development from further consideration (b) Lettered Criteria The development plan is evaluated against each of the applicable lettered criteria and assigned a score The numerical score is assigned based upon the following YES (+1) = for an adequate job of implementing the criterion VERY WELL (+2) = for an excellent job of implementing the criterion or for doing the best job possible, given the constraints and opportunities of the site NO (0) = for no effort or failure to implement the criterion Each lettered criterion has been preassigned a MULTI- PLIER which determines the relative importance of that criterion to the other criteria The meaning of each MULTIPLIER is as follows 5 - indicates that the criterion is of exceptional importance 4 - indicates that the criterion is very important 3 - indicates that the criterion is important 2 - indicates a criterion of normal importance 1 - indicates a minor criterion -3- The points earned for each criterion are the product of multiplying the SCORE times the MULTIPLIER The MAXIMUM POINTS POSSIBLE in each chart are added together and the POINTS EARNED are added together to get TOTALS By dividing the TOTAL POINTS EARNED by the TOTAL MAXIMUM POINTS POSSIBLE, the PERCENTAGE EARNED is determined The PERCENTAGE EARNED must be at least the minimum percentage specified for that ACTIVITY category The POINTS EARNED and the TOTAL MAXIMUM POINTS POSSIBLE from charts B through F must be added and calculated on POINT CHART A -- ALL DEVELOPMENT Thus, POINT CHART A is a summary evaluation of the performance of both single and mixed land use projects (c) Residential Density The maximum number of residential units that will be permitted on a particular site is calculated on the DENSITY CHART The DENSITY CHART also allows for optional earned bonuses for residential development Using the applicable measurements, the BASE UNITS would be calculated and multiplied by the BONUS FACTOR to get the maximum TOTAL UNITS All residential development must fall within three dwelling units per acre and the TOTAL UNITS as calculated on the DENSITY CHART D Design Standards and Criteria -4- ACTIVITY All Development JAI .' DEFINITION All land uses must be reviewed against the criteria in this section CRITERIAEach of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan Neighborhood Impact & Quality ANY NEGATIVE OR ADVERSE IMPACTS OF ANY PROPOSED USE UPON ANY NEIGHBORING USE SHALL BE MITIGATED IN THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN THE CONFLICTS THAT ARE PRESUMED TO EXIST BETWEEN LAND USES AND METHODS BY WHICH THOSE CONFLICTS CAN BE RESOLVED ARE EXAMINED IN ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES PERTAINING TO LAND USE CONFLICTS WHEN TWO ADJACENT PARCELS ARE DEVELOPED SIMULTANEOUSLY, THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MITIGATING CONFLICTS IS UPON THE MORE INTENSE USE WHEN A USE IS THE FIRST TO DEVELOP ON TWO ADJACENT VACANT PARCELS, THE FIRST USE SHALL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY BUFFER TO ANY REASONABLE FUTURE USE AS DETER14INED BY THE CITY THE SECOND USE TO DEVELOP SHALL, AT THE TIME IT DEVELOPS, TAKE ALL ADDITIONAL STEPS NECESSARY TO MITIGATE CON- FLICTS THE CITY WILL DETERMINE COMPATABILITY OF A PROJECT BASED UPON THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED IN RESPONSE TO THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA DESCRIBED IN 111" THROUGH "4" BELOW I Does the development eliminate any potential conl inued -5- continuec Yes No NA nuisances including, but not limited to blowing ❑ ❑ dirt and litter, noise, odor, and glare 2 Is the development compatible with the adjacent properties and neighborhood including, but not limited to scale and identity, bulk, materials, ❑ ❑ and disposition of buildings on the lot? 3 Is the development in accordance with the adopted elements of the Comprehensive Plan? 4 Is the project designed so that traffic generated by nonresidential uses does not have an adverse El El El on residential development? Plans and Policies 5 Is the proposed street system in compliance with ❑❑ ❑ the Master Street Plan or other adopted street policies? 6 Is the project in conformance with the adopted Open ❑ ❑ ❑ Space Plan or other adopted open space policies? Public Facilities, Services & Safety 7 Does the project comply with any design standards, ❑ ❑ requirements and specifications for the following services? -- water supply -- irrigation companies -- sanitary sewer -- mass transit -- electricity -- fire protection -- natural gas -- cable television -- storm drainage -- streets/pedestrian -- flood hazard areas -- walks/bikeways -- telephone 8 Is the development served by utilities with adequate capacity or have arrangements been made ❑ ❑ for extension and augmentation for the following services? -- water supply -- sanitary sewer -- electricity -- natural gas continued -6- continuec' Yes INN -- storm drainage -- streets/pedestrian walls/bikevays 9 Will the project ' s completion not generate a traffic volume which exceeds the existing and ❑future capacity of the external street system asdefined by the City? 10 Does the street system, including parking lotsEl and public streets, clearly define vehicular movement on the site? 11 Does the project provide safe and convenient ❑ ❑ pedestrian and bicycle access to every building regularly used for human occupancy? 12 If the development is adjacent to a designated public open space area, has provision been made ❑❑ ❑ to avoid interfering with public access to that area? 13 If the project includes an irrigation canal, water body, or other water channel , have necessary precautions been taken to minimize any hazard to ❑ El❑ life and property? 14 If the project contains known areas of geological hazard or soil conditions unfavorable to urban development, will special engineering precautions ❑ ❑❑ be taken to overcome these limitations or have these areas been set aside from development? 15 Does the development meet the parking capacity and ❑ El standards and the off-street loading area requirements of the City? 16 Are all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building(s) located within 150' of an access roadway in which emergency fire equipment can be maneuvered, or will the build- ing(s) be provided with an approved automatic fire El ❑ extinguishing system? Resource Protection & Urban Design 17 Are all trash containers and outside storage areas ❑ ❑ ❑ of goods, materials and products screened in an aesthetic manner from public viev ? L,M� confinued -7- continuec-' �.-�. Yes No NA 18 If the site contains an area which serves as a habitat, natural food source, nesting place, wintering area, or source of water for wildlife identified by the Colorado Division of Wildlife as significant and in particular need of attention, have special precautions been implemented in the plan to prevent the creation of environmental influences adverse to the preservation of these El ❑ ❑ areas? 19 Ecologically sensitive areas (reserved) 20 Lands of agricultural importance (reserved) 21 If the proposed project is located within a locally designated Historical District or includes a locally designated landmark structure, is the ❑ 11 El in conformance with the City's Landmark Ordinance 22 If any building is to be greater than forty feet in height above grade, does the project comply ❑ ❑ ❑i with the building height review criteria? 23 Does the project include a well-designed landscape treatment of exterior spaces which improves the overall quality of the project? For all nonresi- dential uses, the landscaped area shall constitute a minimum of 12% - 17% of the site, depending upon ❑ ❑ design objectives and intensity and quantity of planting materials 24 Does the project utilize and preserve significant ❑ ❑ existing vegetation to the extent practical 25 If the project includes an area known to contain a commercial mineral deposit for which extraction El ❑❑� is or will be commercially feasible, has the project been designed not to preclude extraction? 26 Are all signs in the project in compliance with ❑ ❑ ❑ the provisions of this chapter? Environmental Standards 27 Will the project not emit or cause to be enitted into the atmosphere from any air contamination source of emission whatsoever, any air contaminant which is of such a shade or density as to obscure an observer' s vision to a degree in excess of ❑ Litwenty percent (201.) opacity continued -8- continues Emma Yes No NA The following situations shall be exempt from this criterion (a) Pilot Plants and Experimental Operations No pilot plant or experimental operations shall emit or cause to be emitted into the atmos- phere any air contaminant for a period or periods aggregating more than three (3) minutes in any sixty (60) consecutive minutes which is of such a shade or density as to obscure an observer's vision to a degree in excess of forty percent (40%) opacity This emission standard for pilot plants and experimental operations shall be in effect for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) operating days, cumulative total , from the date such operations com- mence, thereafter, the twenty percent (20%) opacity limitations shall apply to emissions from pilot plants and experimental opera- tions (b) Fireplaces or Stoves Emissions used for non-commercial or recreation purposes (c) Temporary Conditions This criterion shall not apply to emissions during the building of a new fire, cleaning of fires, soot blowing, start-up, any process modification or adjust- ment or occasional cleaning of control equipment, the shade or appearance of which is not darker than an equivalent opacity so as to obscure an observer's view to a degree not greater than forty percent (40%) for a period or periods aggregating no more than three (3) minutes in any one (1) hour (d) Fugitive Dust 28 Will the project not emit or cause to be emitted any solid or liquid particles at any one point in concentrations exceeding two-tenths (0 2) grain per cubic foot of conveying air or gas? For measurement of the amount of particles in gases resulting from combustion, standard corrections shall be applied to a stack tenperature of five hundred degrees Fahrenheit (500°F) and fifty percent (50%) excess air Detailed plans for the ❑ elimination of airborne particles may be required El before the issuance of a building permit continued -9- continue( .. Yes No NA 9 Will the project not emit or cause to be emitted odorous air contaminants from any single source such as to result in detectable odors at the 2 e property line? Detailed plans for the prevention of odors crossing property lines may be required El ❑ before the issuance of a building permit 30 Will the project not emit or cause to be emitted fumes or gases at any point in concentrations or amounts that are noxious, toxic, or corrosive in excess of established City standards for the determination of permissible concentration or amounts Detailed plans for the elimination of fumes or gases may be required before the issuance ❑ ❑ of a building permit 1 31 Will the project conform to applicable local , ❑ El and federal air quality standards 32 Will the project conform to applicable local , ❑ ❑ state and federal water quality standards? 33 Can the proposed land uses and activities be conducted so that noise generated is controlled at its source or so attenuated by the structure from which it is emitted that when measured from the property line it shall not exceed the follow- ingFIE] minimum performance levels? Adjacent Land Uses Max Noise (dBA)* Residential uses (6 00 am - 600pm ) 60 (6 00 p m - 6 00 a m ) 50 Business, Commercial and Industrial Uses 65 General Industrial Uses 70 (*Measured at property boundaries with a sound meter which meets the specifications established by the American National Standards Institute, S1 4 1971 ) Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements, noise levels may be increased in special situ- ations as set forth below continued -10- continuec' Yes No NA Noise Level Corrections Permitted for Special Situations* Type of Operation or Correction Character of Noise (in dBA) Noise source operates less than 15 minutes of any one-hour period + 5 Noise source operates less than 5 minutes of any one-hour period +10 Noise source operates less than 1 minute of any one-hour period +15 Noise of repetitive, impulsive character (hammering, etc ) - 5 Noise of periodic or cyclically varying nature - 5 (*Note Apply one correction only ) Detailed plans for the elimination of objectionable noises may be required before the issuance of a building permit 34 If the proposed activity produces intense glare or heat, whether direct or reflected, is the opera- tion conducted within an enclosed building or with other effective screening in such a manner as to make such glare or heat completely imperceptible from any point along the property line? Detailed plans for the elimination of intense glare or heat ❑El be required before issuance of a building permit 35 Will the project cause no inherent or recurring generated vibration perceptible without instru- ❑ El at any point along the property line? Temporary construction is excluded from this criterion 36 Is the exterior lighting, except for overhead street lighting and warning emergency or traffic signals, installed in such a manner that the light source will be sufficiently obscured to prevent continued -11- continue( Yes No NA excessive glare on public streets and walkways or into any residential area? The installation or erection of any lighting � may be confused ❑ ❑ ❑ with darning signals, emergency signals or traffic signals shall not be permitted 37 Will all sewage and industrial wastes be treated and disposed of in such a manner as to comply with applicable federal , state, and local standards? ❑ ❑ ❑ Detailed plans for waste disposal may be required before issuance of a building permit VARIABLE CRITERIA 38 THE LETTERED CRITERIA ARE APPLIED TO ALL LAND USES AND SCORED ON "POINT CHART A" BASED UPON THE DEVELOPER'S PERFORMANCE THE DEVELOPER HAS THE FLEXIBILITY TO CHOOSE AMONG THE APPLICABLE CRI- TERIA TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ❑ El THE PROJECT COMPLY WITH THE SCORE REQUIREMENT OF "POINT CHART A"? Phasing a Is the project located with at least 1/6 of its property boundary contiguous to existing urban development? Urban Design b If the project contains four or more new buildings, does it include a variety of dwelling and building types? c If the project contains four or more new buildings, are the buildings clustered into clearly definable groups around areas of pedestrian activity (common open space, courtyards, outdoor living spaces, terraces or plazas)? d Are the buildings designed and oriented for passive solar energy use during the winter months or are the buildings equipped with active solar energy collection systems? e Does the project maximize dwelling unit access to solar energy by placing higher residential densities on south- facing slopes and lower residential densities and open space areas on north-facing slopes? continued -12- continue( f Are new buildings in the project located and designed to 7. minimize the casting of shadois from one structure onto any other existing or planned building, existing or planned active or passive solar energy collection system, and vacant land lying 20 feet or more from the exterior boundary of the parcel on %�hich the structure is situated? g Does the residential project provide for private outdoor areas (which includes private yards, patios and balconies) for use by the residents of the project which have adequate light, sun, ventilation, privacy and convenient access to the household units? h Is each active recreational area conveniently located and accessible to the residential units it is intended to serve, and is adequate screening provided to insure privacy and quiet for neighboring residential uses? i Are the open space areas between residential buildings de- signed to clearly differentiate their use and to maximize the opportunity for privacy by residents? j Are the entrances to new buildings oriented more than 450 off prevailing northwest winter winds, or are these entrances protected from cold winter winds by architectural screening, landscape screening or any combination thereof? ARE THE MAIN ENTRANCES TO NEW MULTIPLE FAMILY OR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS LOCATED SO THAT THEY ARE NOT SEPARATED BY PARKING OR BY SERVICE ACCESS BUT RATHER OPEN DIRECTLY ONTO FACILITIES DESCRIBED IN "K" THROUGH "N" BELOW? k A major pedestrian path or sidewalk? 1 The major pedestrian street crossing adjacent to the non- residential building site? m Areas of pedestrian activity (courtyards, plazas, or gardens) created by the clustering of buildings? n Public open space? o Does the project include two-dimensional or three-dimensional works of art that promote neighborhood quality and are promi- nently displayed for public view? p Does the architectural design of the buildings meet the following criteria compatible in design with the immediate environment of the site, appropriate to the site and function r of the project, compatible in an area having a unified design continued -13- continue' or neighborhood character, promoting harmonious transitions in scale and character in areas between different land uses, compatible with future construction both on and off the site, and contributing to a well-balanced mix of styles in the community as a whole? Circulation q Does the street system, including parking lots and public streets, contribute to the order and aesthetic quality of the site configuration? r Does the project incorporate sharing of common driveways leading from public streets or alleyways to off-street parking or vehicular use areas serving more than one use or parcel as appropriate? PEDESTRIAN ACCESS MUST BE PROVIDED TO EVERY BUILDING IN THE PROJECT AND MAY BE ACHIEVED IN TWO WAYS "PUBLIC", AS NORMALLY REQUIRED AND SPECIFIED IN THE ENGINEERING STANDARDS OF THE CITY, AND/OR, "PRIVATE", A SYSTEM OF PEDESTRIAN PATHS AND SIDEWALKS WHICH DEMONSTRATES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY, EQUAL TO OR BETTER PERFORMANCE THAN THE "PUBLIC" SYSTEM FOR THE SYSTEM OF PRIVATE PATHS AND/OR PUBLIC SIDEWALKS CHOSEN FOR THIS DEVELOP- MENT, PLEASE ANSWER CRITERIA "S" THROUGH "Z" s Are all new public sidewalks along collector and arterial streets separated from the street curb by at least six feet of parkway? t Are all new public sidewalks along local streets separated from street curb by at least six feet of parkway? u Do the private paths and/or public sidewalks include connec- tions to shopping, public transportation stops, schools, and recreation opportunities for the residents of the project and/or appropriate surrounding residential neighborhoods? v Do the private paths and/or public sidewalks provide for direct access and circulation between buildings? w Do the private paths and/or public sidewalks incorporate paving patterns, dimensions, landscaping, grade differences or other design features to enhance convenience, safety and amenity across parking lots and streets? x Is the project designed so that the existing and proposed private paths and public sidewalks avoid areas of low pedes- tri an interest including pdrking lots, blank walls, and continued continuec. fences if possible? If not possible, does the plan utilize landscaping or other design elements to minimize adverse views and noises and maximize amenity? y Do the private path, public sidewalk and bikeway systems incorporate a system of landscape shading from unwanted summer sun, but allowing warming winter sun, to further enhance their amenity and user comfort? z Does the private path and public sidewalk system provide for adequate security lighting with the amount dependent on the intensity of pedestrian use and the relative need for person- al safety? as Is there a system of tree planting and other lardscaping along streets and parking lots? bb Does the project include a system of off-street recrea- tional paths for bicycles that fulfill the following cri- teria (i) provides for a link-up with the City's bikeway system, ( ii) meets the design standards of the City, and (iii) does not duplicate the City's bikeway system Resource Protection IF THE SITE OR ADJACENT PROPERTY CONTAINS A BUILDING OR PLACE IN WHICH AN HISTORIC EVENT OCCURRED, WHICH HAS SPECIAL PUBLIC VALUE BECAUSE OF NOTABLE ARCHITECTURE OR IS OF CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE, DOES THE PROJECT FULFILL CRITERIA "CC" THROUGH "EE" BELOW? CC Does the project prevent creation of influences (including environmental, land use, aesthetic, economic, and social) adverse to its preservation? dd Does the project assure that new structures and uses will be in keeping with the character of the building or place? Imitation of period styles should be avoided ee Does the project propose adaptive use of the building or place that will lead to its continuance, conservation and improvement in an appropriate manner while respecting the integrity of the neighborhood? ff Does the landscape plan reduce the demand for heating and cooling through the selection and placement of landscape '- continued -15- continuec, materials, including vegetation, earth forms, walls, fences, and paving, etc? gg Does the landscape plan minimize potential obstruction of solar access to existing or planned buildings both on and off the site, existing or planned active or passive solar energy collections systems, and, vacant land lying twenty (20) feet or more from the exterior boundary of the parcel on which the structure is located? hh Does the residential project reserve a portion of the site (either through private yards or restricted common areas) and provide for the necessary elements (water, sun, proper soils and slope) required for vegetable gardening by the residents of the project? ii Is the multiple family and/or nonresidential project planned to minimize the amount of land devoted to surface vehicular parking by utilizing either shared parking, multi-level, underground and/or elevated parking structures as an acces- sory use to the primary structure The project will be evaluated on the percentage of total parking spaces that fulfills the above requirement, and scored as follows 40% or more = Very Well Done 10 - 39% = Yes less than 10% = No ji Does the project minimize the disruption of steep slopes, important natural drainage systems or other existing land forms through the selection of building and street locations? kk Are existing natural water courses or water bodies incor- porated into the project as amenities, and are these areas accessible to the general public? 11 Can the developer demonstrate that through the use of im- proved technology or any additional features of the structure or site development that the project will contribute to the preservation or enhancement of water quality beyond that required by local , state or federal water quality standards? mm Can the developer demonstrate that through the use of im- proved technology or any additional features of the structure or site development, that the project will reduce the demand for water usage (including, but not limited to, water conser- vation products, recycling systems, aquifer recharge, non- potable water as an irrigation resource and drought-resistant landscaping) beyond that normally required by City Code? nn Can the developer demonstrate that through the use of im- conhnued -16- continue, proved technology or any additional features of the structure or site development, that the project will contribute to the preservation or enhancement of air quality beyond that re- quired by local , state or federal air quality standards? Public Fac i l i hes, Sery ices & Safety 00 Are fire prevention and control measures (including, but not limited to, fire resistant roofs, fire separation walls, space separation, automatic fire extinguishing systems, and fire hydrant spacing) being provided within the project, beyond those normally required by City Code? pp Are police protection and security measures (including, but not limited to, building identification, security landscap- ing, solid exterior doors and jams, sturdy security locks on windows and patio doors) being provided beyond that normally required by City Code? qq Does the project significantly exceed the minimum storm drainage requirements of the City for minor storms? 1 -17- All DEVELOPMENT POIN ( CHART A Al n for lo Aoo cc)oe Criers Or)y Cr?1_7O\ SC ORE u X 2 10 1 5 c 1 2 0 2 .er^ 1 2 0 3 � — AddhE yjb sG fO'n fir' C,lr.nt' _ 1 2 0 4 O)orrA Ip Me>005 'om 'JrV i-_ /So cc 1 2 0 3---- CrorsBtracg -ofc-,o/ r 1 2 0 4 �o S 1 2 0 3 Tle proect mis eo n 65-1 1 2 0 3 ot•_nnnrrunoc'ccbe -_ - can,, ae o CPc^r _ 1 2 0 2 t ro^^es '4 m 1 2 0 2 1 2_ 0 2 -bnis Nos mum corned Apo cWc rt :"ie Crc,)r.� _ 1 2 0 1 RYn'sn'S Er ce "'Co-s 1 2 0 2 _r oe-.e .kP_r SC0.e 1 2 D _2 (Col mu (cc,N J �r SoA r r e' P--- 1 2 0 3 A .. j re� Sis ern D; o 1 2 0 2 B r Dmo S �cJ• _ 1 _2 0 _3 s o^ 0 4/n. , cc-- X 2 0 2 C c c n occ r X 2 0 1 'e.r s on Cm a^enJe 1 2 0 2 D s &,argCorretion 1 2 01 1 _,ea--o ,Or/Au J 1 _2 0 1_ E - ere>Argos 1 12 0 2 v - onc6cor r 1 1 2 0 1 F L r phi nl 1 2 0 1 — _Z. S r iond,co.�r a 1 2 0 4 co B. ooihs 1 2 0 3 fi c i ' %7D[CTCN [VI v CC F ':' C/E'i crm_ _ 1 2 0 2 of H+= b/C.rcro- 1 _2 0 2 v/v,= v,, I :r C/,moo ^ �x _ 1 2 0 2 \\V .,/Oordv -/ r,� 1 2 0 3 — ea=c ae rJ 5_.. Cora c�r 1 2 0 3 eorrid of _ _ morimum _ 5 _¢y t + _r 1 2 0 1 r S.x 1 2 0 2 mr,,s t5 -- - - 2 _0 _ 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 _ _ 1 2 0 _ 2 _ 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 — - - nrt — - - _TV_ ACTIVITY Neighborhood R Service Center U DEFINITION A shopping and service center, approximately 15 acres in size, de- signed to meet consumer demands from an adjacent neignborhood The primary functional offering is usually a supermarket grocery store with an approximately equivalent amount of associated mixed retail and service-oriented gross square footage Other functional offerings may include employment uses, such as offices, and/or commercial develop- ment traditionally located along major arterial streets CRITERIAEach of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan Yes No NA 1 Does the project gain its primary vehicular access ❑ ❑ from a street other than College Avenue? 2 Are all exterior portions of buildings provided 1-1 El El security lighting? 3 Are all repair, painting and body work activities, ❑ ❑E] including the storage of refuse and vehicle parts, planned to take place within an enclosed structure? 4 DOES THE PROJECT EARN AT LEAST 507' OF THE MAXIMUM POINTS AS CALCULATED ON "POINT CHART B" FOR THE ❑ ❑ FOLLOWING CRITERIA? a Is the project contiguous to an existing transit route? b Is the project located at the intersection of a collector and arterial street? c Is the project located within "north" Fort Collins? d Is the project located more than 3/4 mile fron an existing or approved comminity/regional shopping center ? continued -19- continuec., e Is the project located more than 1 5 miles from an existing or approved neighborhood shopping center? f Is the project located outside the "South College Avenue" corridor? g Does the project gain its primary vehicular access from a non-arterial street? h Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent off-site parking areas which contain more than ten (10) spaces? i Does the project include a supermarket/grocery store? j Does the project reduce non-renewable energy usage, either through the application of alternative energy systems, through committed energy conservation neasures beyond that normally required by City Code, and/or use of existing buildings? a _20- NEIGHBORHOOD POINT CHART B SERVICE CENTER For All Criteria Applicable Criteria Only n III Iv Is the Grcte try NtoxrrLm = Criterion Cntcnon Correct MiftipWr points AWccae Apphcobe Score Earned Fonts Yes No Yes VW No I x 11 Transit route 1XI 2 101 2 b At collector/arterial X1 2 1 ° 3 "North" Fort Collins X 2 1 ° 2 I d From regional center X 2 ° e From neighbor center X 2 ° 2 f S College corridor X 2 ° 4 g Non - arterial access X 2 ° 3 F h Joint parking 1 1 2 ° 3 1 Grocery store X 2 ° 3 i Energy conservation 1 20 4 r k 1 2 0 I 1 2 0 VW-\.try WeI1 Dore Totals r Transfer Totals to Fbint Cnort A V V 1 —� Percentage Earned of Maximum Applicable Fbints V/VI=VII % ; vn t -21- A Community/Regionol CTIVITY Shopping Center icp �c DEFINITION A cluster of retail and service establishments designed to serve consumer demands from the community as a whole or a larger area The primary functional offering is at least one full-line department store The center also includes associated support shops which provide a variety of shopping goods including general merchandise, apparel, home furnishings, as well as a variety of services, and perhaps enter- tainment and recreational facilities , CRITERIA Each of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan Yes Nb NA 1 Does the project gain its primary vehicular access ❑ from a street other than College Avenue? Ll 2 Are all exterior portions of buildings provided ❑❑❑ with security lighting? 3 Are all repair, painting and body work activities, including the storage of refuse and vehicle parts, planned to take place within an enclosed structure? 4 DOES THE PROJECT EARN AT LEAST 50% OF THE MAXIMUM ❑❑ POINTS AS CALCULATED ON "POINT CHART C" FOR THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA a Is the project located within "north" Fort Collins? b Is the project contiguous to an arterial street? c Is the project contiguous to an existing transit route? d Is the project adjacent to and functionally a part of an existing community/regional shopping center? continued -22- continued e Does the project gain its primary vehicular access from a non-arterial street? f Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent off-site parking areas which contain mote than ten (10) spaces? g Does the project reduce non-renewable energy usage, either through the application of alternative energy systems, through committed energy conservation measures beyond that normally required by City Code, and/or use of existing build- ings? t -23- COMMUNITY/ REGIONAL POINT CHART C SHOPPING CENTER � For All Criteria Applicable Criteria Only e II nl IV ` Is the Circle the Ivbuntn Criterion Criterion Correct Wipl er points Appc¢ce Applicaoe Spore Earned points c t Yes No Yes VW No I ; II "North" Fort Collins X 2 ° 1 b Arterial street X 2 ° 2 Transit route X 2 ° 2 d Part of regional center X 2 ° 3 . e Non-arterial access X 2 ° 2 f Joint parking 1 2 °t2 g Energy conservation 1 2 0 4 h 1 2 0 I F 1 1 j 2 j 0 1 2 0 k 1 2 0 1 2 0 F ` VW-%ery Well Done Totals Transfer Totals to Font Chat A V VI M Percentage Earned of Maximum Applicable Fbints VNI=ml % ; v�I -24- ACTIVITY Auto- Related and Roadside D �oads de G DEFINITION Those retail and wholesale commercial activities which are generally considered and typically found along highways and arterial streets Uses include free standing department stores, auction rooms, auto- mobile service stations, repair facilities, car washes, boat, car, trailer, motorcycle showrooms, sales and repair, fuel and ice sales, greenhouses and nurseries, warehouses and storage, repair or rental of any article, exterminating shops, drive-in restaurants, adult bookstores, eating places with adult amusement or entertainment, adult photo studios, adult theatres, any uses intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment, and, other uses which are of the same general character CRITERIAEach of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan Yes NbNA' 1 Does the project gain its primary access from a ❑❑ street other than College Avenue? 2 Are all exterior portions of buildings provided ❑D❑ with security lighting? 3 Are all repair, painting and body work activities, including storage of refuse and vehicle parts, ❑❑❑ planned to take place within an enclosed structure? 4 If the project contains any uses intended to provide adult amusement or entertainment, does it meet the following requirements a Is the use established, operated or maintained no less than 500 feet from a residential neighborhood, church and/or school meeting all the requirements of the compulsory education ❑❑❑ laws of the State of Colorado? b Is the use established, operated or maintained Elnoless than 1,000 feet from another similar use? ❑ ❑ conhnued -25- continues - Yes f� NA ' 5 DOES THE PROJECT EARN AT LEAST 50% OF THE MAXIMUi1 ❑ ❑ POINTS AS CALCULATFO ON "POINT CHART D" FOR THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA a Is the project located other than at the intersection of two arterial streets? b Is the project contiguous to and functionally a part of an existing neighborhood or comnunity/regional shopping center, office or industrial park? c Is the primary access to the site from a non-arterial street? d Is the project on at least two acres of land? e Does the project contain two or more principal uses? f Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent off-site parking areas which contain more than ten (10) spaces? g Does the project reduce non-renewable energy usage, either through the application of alternative energy systems, through committed energy conservation measures beyond that normally required by City Code, and/or use of existing build- ing? f -26- AUTO- RELATED AND POINT CHART D ROADSIDE COMMERCIAL For All Criteria Applicable Criteria Only I II III IV ` Cr terMe Greie the Mak KQrn e Criterion A crion Correct Mittipier Pbints Appccre r PP Score Earned Porn s Yes hb e�VW No I x l l a Not at two arterials X1 2 10 2 E b Part of planned center X 2 01 3 On a non -arterial X 2 ° 4 , d Two acres or more X 2 0 3 e Multiple use X 2 ° 3 t Joint parking 1 2 0 3 Energy conservation , 2 ° a h 1 2 0 I 1 2 0 1 2 0 p k 1 2 0 L—,-,1 1 2 0 r VW-V/eryVvell ooze Totals ` Transfer T ois to Port Chart A V I �� Percentage Earned of Maximum Applicable Points V/VI=VII % , �11 � -27 ACTIVITY Business Service Uses E DEFINITION Those activities which are predominantly retail, office, and service uses which would not qualify as or be a part of a neighborhood or community/regional shopping center Uses include retail shops, offices, personal service shops, financial institutions, hotels/ motels, medical clinics, health clubs, membership clubs, standard and fast-food restaurants, hospitals, mortuaries, indoor theatres, retail laundry and dry cleaning outlets, limited indoor recreation uses, small animal veterinary clinics, printing and newspaper offices, neighborhood convenience center, and, other uses which are of the same general character CRITERIAEach of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan Yes fib NA 1 Does the project gain its primary vehicular access ❑ ❑ from a street other than College Avenue? 2 Are all exterior portions of buildings provided ❑ El El security lighting? 3 DOES THE PROJECT EARN AT LEAST 50% OF THE MAXIMUM ❑ ❑ POINTS AS CALCULATED ON "POINT CHART Ell FOR THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA a Is the project contiguous to an existing transit route (not applicable for uses of less than 25,000 sq ft GLA or with less than 25 employees) or located in the Central Business District? b Is the project located outside of the "South College Avenue Corridor"? c Is the project contiguous to and functionally a part of a neighborhood or community/regional shopping center, an office or industrial park, or located in the Central Business Dis- trict? 1 d Is the project on at least two acres of land or located in the Central Business District? conhnued -28- continues e Does the project contain two or more principal uses? f Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent off-site parking areas which contain more than ten (10) spaces? g Does the project reduce non-renexable energy usage, either through the application of alternative energy systems, through committed energy conservation measures beyond that normally required by City Code, and/or use of existing buildings? -29- BUSINESS SERVICE USES POINT CHART E f For All Criteria Applicable Criteria Only A I II III IV Nloxrun Criterion Care on Ca ec're Kaithpler Points A occ=e Applicable Soore Earned Points Yes No Yes vw No I x 11 a Transit route X 2 0 12 b S College corridor X 2 0 4 t Part of center X 2 0 3 v d Two acres or more I X 2 0 3 e Multiple use X 2 ro 3 f Joint parking 1 2 0 3 g Energy conservation 1 2 0 4 4 h 1 2 0 ' 1 2 0 ` 1 2 0 k 1 2 0 I 1 2 0 I VW-Mery Yore Totals r Transfer Totols to Fbint Chort A V V I r Percentage Earned of Maximum Appllcabe Fbints V/VI-VII % c Ell l -30- ACTIVITY Industrial Uses F � z DEFINITION All industrial and manufacturing uses, and other uses which are of the same general character CRITERIAEach of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan Yes NO NA 1 Does the project gain its primary vehicular access Elfrom a street other than College Avenue? 2 Are all exterior portions of buildings provided ❑ ❑ ❑� with security lighting? 3 Have all necessary precautions been taken to prevent all lubricants and fuel oil substances, which are stored on the site, from leaking or ❑ El El into the groundwater system, streams , creeks, or other water bodies? 4 Are all repair, painting and body work activities, ❑ ❑ ❑ including the storage of refuse and vehicle parts, planned to take place within an enclosed structure? 5 DOES THE PROJECT EARN AT LEAST 50% OF THE MAXIMUM ❑❑ POINTS AS CALCULATED ON "POINT CHART F" FOR THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA a Is the project located within "north" Fort Collins, but not between Alta Vista, Andersonville and/or Buckingham Subdivi- sions? continued -31- conhnueu b Is the project contiguous to or functionally a part of an existing office or industrial park c Is the project located within 1000 feet of an existing transit route? d Is the project located adjacent to an arterial street (not applicable for uses with fewer than 25 employees or less than 50,000 square feet GLA)? e Is the project located adjacent to a railway line or spur track? f Does the project have reasonable access to Highway 14 (east of Riverside Drive), Timberline Road, the proposed Fort Collins Expressway, Harmony Road, or other major truck routes? g Is there direct vehicular and pedestrian access between on-site parking areas and adjacent off-site parking areas which contain more than ten (10) spaces? h Does the project reduce non-renewable energy usage, either through the application of alternative energy systems, through committed energy conservation measures beyond that normally required by City Code, and/or use of existing buildings? i -32- INDUSTRIAL USES POINT CHART F � r For All Criteria Applicable Criteria Only } I II III IV Cfstl on Circle fne NknrrLQ Criterion Appi cable �et NLh,pIEr Earned APoin 5 e Yes w Yos vw No I ■ 11 ° r North" Fort Collins X 2 ° b Industrial center X 2 ° 2 Transit route X 2 ° 2 d On arterial street X 2 ° , e Ra i I access X 2 101 1 f Access to truck route 2 ° I , r g Joint parking 1 2 ° 3 h Energy conservation 1 2 ° 4 I 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 k 1 2 0 r 4 I 1 2 101 e F VW-fiery\bell Con' Totals Transfer Totals to Point Chat A V Percentage Earned of Maximum Applicable Points V/V1=MlE `n -33- ACTIVITY Extraction, Salvage and Junk Yard Uses DEFINITION Junk, scrap or salvage yards and all extraction uses These are uses which create major disruptions to the area's environment, even when carefully regulated Dust, dirt, noise, and unsightly conditions can be anticipated CRITERIA Each of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan Yes No NA 1 Is the outdoor display and storage of vehicles at ❑ ❑ least 40 feet from any street R 0 W 2 Have all necessary precautions been taken to prevent all lubricant and fuel oil substances which are stored on the site, from leaking or ❑ El❑ draining into the groundwater system, streams, creeks, or other water bodies 3 Are all hazardous materials to be stored in a safe ❑ ❑ ❑ manner? 4 Are all exterior portions of buildings provided ❑ ❑ ❑ with security lighting? i 1-� conhnjed===-m-z -34- ACTIVITY Residential Uses H � r DEFINITION All residential uses Uses would include single family attached dwellings, townhomes, duplexes, mobile homes, and multiple family dwellings, boarding and rooming houses, fraternity and sorority houses, nursing homes, public and private schools, public and non- profit quasi-public recreational uses as a principal use, and uses providing meeting places and places for public assembly with inciden- tal office space CRITERIA Each of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan YeS No NA 1 On a gross acreage basis, is the average resi- dential density in the project at least three (3) ❑ ❑El units per acre (calculated for residential portion of the site only)? 2 IS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF DUELLING UNITS PROPOSED FOR DEVELOPMENT NO MORE THAN THAT CALCULATED IN THE ❑ ❑ ❑ "DENSITY CHART" THAT FOLLOWS? continued -35- Density Chart Bosee II III Criterion Multiplier WeosulerTa-N Unds IXII (� 75 The mmrisi number of dwellings required under Criterion t2 of this section L.-� THE NUMBER OF PRO^OSED DWELLING UNITS THAT WILL Br 61THIN E b2 200D feet of an existing or approved neighborhood shopping center ��lw C 1 650 feet of an existing transit stop 2 4000 feet of an existing or approved regional shopping center P. 2 3500 feet of an existing or reserved neighborhood park without having /�\ to cross an arterial street W f 2 4000 feet of an existing or reserved cormunity pars or cainunity facility 9 2 3000 feet of a =jar employmcnt center 1 000 feet of a child care center or school meeting all the requirements h2 of the coTpulsory education laws of the State of Colorado 1 North Fort Collins 1 The Central Su iness District B kCalculate the Quality Bonus an Point Chart A and multiply times 2 Factor 1 9Iculate a 1' bonus for every 50 acre included in the project m Calculate the percentage of the total acres in the project that are devoted to recreational use enter 1/2 of that percentage as a bonus If the applicant cowl s to preserving p rnanent offsite open space that meets the n City s mininun requirerents calculate the percentage of this open space acreage to the total development acreage enter this percentage as a bonus IF A PART OF THE TOTAL D VELOPESYI BUO„ET IS TO BE SPENT ON NEICHBOMOOD FACILITIES WHICH ARE %OT OTIIER6ISE REQUIRED BY CITY CODE CALCULATE THE AVERnGE It VESTEENT Q PER DIELLING U IT OVEP THE TOTAL PROJECT AAA Z Enter Enter a 2Y bonus for every 5100 per dwelling unit invested in public transit t^7 a I' bonus for every SIOD per dwelling unit invested in other approved P O facilities and services If a eommltm nt is being made to develop a specified percentage of the total number („� of dwelling units for low incense facilleS enter that percentage as a bonus up to M a maximum of 30 I 1 I If a eommitrent is being made to develop a specified percentage of the total number of dwelling units for Type A and Type B handicapped housing as defined by the City of Fort Collins calculate the bonus as follows e Type A S [toes 7ypL A units-Tote units Type B 1 0 times ly Tote units e B units In n0 Case shall the coat lned bonus be greater than 70' If it can be demonstrated that the project will reduce non renewable energy useane S either through the application of alternative energy sy tans or through corritted energy conservation nea ures beyond that normally rrqui ed by City Code a 5s bo us ray be earned for every 5% reduction in energy use f Up IV X III SubtotalS OXO TOTAL UNITS IV f -36- E Special Requirements The following special require,nents shall apply to any planned unit development (1) The tract or parcel of land involved shall be either in one (1) ownership or the subject of an application filed jointly by the owners of all the property to be included (2) The approved final plan shall specify the manner of holding title to areas and facilities of joint use Normally such areas and facilities shall be retained in title by the developers of the development or deeded to an organization composed of all o,aners in the development (3) Residential Planned Unit Developments The maximum density shall be based on the calculations as determined in the DENSITY CHART of this section The maximum density permitted shall not be allowed as a matter of course, and the actual density shall be as determined in the final plan approved in accordance with the provisions of this section (4) The City shall have the right to establish general design standards guidelines and policies, for the purpose of imple- menting and interpreting the provisions of this Section (5) All signs must conform to the provisions of this chapter The Planning Director has the power to approve signs conform- ing to this chapter but, where extensive signage is proposed or the signage would have an adverse impact on surrounding neighborhoods, the Planning Director may sub-nit the proposed signs for approval by the Planning and Zoning Board F Procedures A planned unit development shall be processed in three stages conceptual review, preliminary plan, and final plan If the applicant desires to phase the preliminary plan, a master plan will be required Each stage shall be processed in the order indicated in the following diagram entitled "Review Process" (1) Conceptual Review (a) This is an opportunity for applicants to discuss re- quirements, standards, and policies that apply to development proposals Major problems can be identified and solved before a formal application is made -37- MWEM MANDATORY WRITTEN COMMENTS CONCEPTUAL REVIEW TO APPLICANT IPAE [.F:.I-L:EI:APPLICATION FILING DEADLINE 5th OF MONTH ROUTE TO DEPARTMENTS 3 WEEKS, INTER P DEPT DEPT REVIEW 1 %, REVIEW WRITTEN COMMENTS TO APPLICANT AP. WEEM MEETING REVISION TO P DEPT BASED ON COMMENTS ? FINAL STAFF WEEKS REPORT WORK SESSION ^ (FRIDAY PRIOR TO MEETING) P&Z PUBLIC HEARING �4th MON OF MONTH -38- Representatives of the Planning Division, Engineering Division, Fire Authority, Police Division, Water & Seier Division, Light & Power Division, Building Inspection, and Traffic Engineering Division regularly attend conceptual review meetings (b) The general outline of the proposal , evidenced schema- tically by sketch plans, shall be submitted by the applicant and reviewed by the City Thereafter, the Planning Director shall furnish the applicant with written comments regarding such conference, including appropriate recommendations to inform and assist the applicant prior to preparing the components of the planned unit development application A CONCEPTUAL REVIEW IS MANDATORY FOR ALL PLANNED UNIT DE- VELOPMENT PROPOSALS (2) Master Plan (a) A master plan shall be required for any planned unit development which is intended to be developed in phases The proposed master plan, together with the proposed preliminary plans for the first phase of development, shall be submitted to the Planning Division and pro- cessed as preliminary plans The master plan and preliminary plan for the first phase of development shall then be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board Once approved, the decision of the Planning and Zoning Board shall be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk and the master plan shall be filed with the City Clerk (b) The master plan will not be reviewed on the basis of the specific design standards and criteria contained to this section, but rather on the basis of conformance with the City' s Comprehensive Plan (c) This Section allows for minor changes to a master plan to be approved administratively by the Planning Direc- tor If required by the City or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the Master Plan is approved, such changes may be approved without additional public hearings The Planning Director shall not approve any of the following changes [1] A change in the use or character of the develop- ment, -39- [2] An increase in the problems of traffic circulation and public utilities, [3] An increase of greater than two percent in the approved gross leasable floor areas of commercial buildings, or [4] An increase by greater than one percent in the approved residential density of the proposed development (d) Any changes other than minor changes, may be made only by the Planning and Zoning Board, and must follow the same review and public hearing process required for approval of preliminary plans Any changes approved in the master plan shall be recorded as amendments to the master plan in accordance with the procedures esta- blished for the filing of the initially approved plan documents (3) Preliminary Plan (a) Upon completion of the conceptual review meeting and after the recommendation of the Planning Director has been made, an application for preliminary plan review may be filed with the Planning Division If the project is to be developed in phases, a proposed master plan shall also be submitted Materials pertaining to the preliminary plan must be submitted to the Planning Division by the fifth day of the month prior to the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board (For example submittals for the February meeting shall be made by January 5th ) The application shall contain such information as may be required After the Planning Director has reviewed the application, the matter will be placed on the agenda for the appropriate meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board (b) The Planning and Zoning Board shall give written notice to the owners of record of all real property within 500 feet, exclusive of public R 0 W , of the property lines of the parcel of land for which the planned unit de- velopment is proposed The written notices may be delivered personally or may be sent by mail at least 7 days prior to the hearing date Failure to deliver such notice shall not affect the valioity of any hearing or determination by the Planning and Zoning Board -4A- (c) The Planning and Zoning Board may approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions the proposed planned unit development Approval of a preliminary plan shall not constitute final approval of the final plan, rather it shall be deened an expression of approval of the layout submitted on the preliminary plan as a guide to the preparation of the final plan (4) Final Plan (a) Application for a final plan may be made either concur- rently with the preliminary plan or after approval by the Planning and Zoning Board of a preliminary plan Materials pertaining to the final plan must be submitted to the Planning Division by the fifth day of the month prior to the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board (for example, submittals for the February meeting, shall be made by January 5th) The application shall contain such information as may be required (b) The final plan shall be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plan The final plan shall be deemed in substantial compliance with the preliminary plan, provided tnat the final plan does not [1] Change the general use or character of the develop- ment, [2] Cause change(s) in the development that would alter the minimum or maximum number of residential dwelling units earned in the DENSITY CHART by more than 3%, [3] Cause a reduction of greater than 5% of the total points earned in POINT CHART A, and [4] Contain changes which would normally cause the development to be disqualified under the applicable criteria For preliminary planned unit development plans submitted prior to the final plan shall be deemed in substantiT conformance with the preliminary plan, provided that the final plan does not [1] Involve a reduction of mole than five percent (5%) of the area reserved foi common open space and/ot usable open space, -41- [2] Increase the floor area proposed for nonresidential use by more than five percent (5%) , [3] Increase residential densities by more than one percent (1%) , and [4] Increase the total ground area covered by buildings by more than five percent (5%) (c) If the final plan is not in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plan, the revisions shall require the same review and public hearing process required for approval of preliminary plans (d) After the Planning Director has reviewed the applica- tion, the matter will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board The Planning and Zoning Board may approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions, the proposed planned unit development If the Planning and Zoning Board approves the proposed planned unit development, the decision shall be filed witn the Office of the County Clerk and the final plan shall be filed with the City Clerk (5) Amendment to Final Development Plan The final plan is the document on which building permits and other City development approvals are issued Since these plans are approved by the Planning and Zoning Board, the Building Inspection Division is unable to issue permits for improvements which are not indicated on the approved plan This Section allows for minor changes to a plan to be ap- proved administratively by the Planning Director whereupon a permit may be issued If required by the City or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved, such changes may be authorized without additional public hearings (a) The Planning Director shall not approve any of the following changes [1] A change in the character of the development [2] Any change(s) in the development that would alter the minimum or maximum number of residential dwelling units earned in the DENSITY CHART by more than 3% -42- [3] Any reduction of greater than 5% of the total points earned in POINT CHART A [4] Any change in the development that Mould normally cause the project to be disqualified under the applicable criteria. (b) For planned unit developments submitted prior to , the Planning Director shall not approve any off' the following changes [1] A change in the character of the development [2] An increase in the problems of traffic circulation and public utilities [3] A reduction by greater than three percent (3%) of the approved open space [4] An increase of greater than two percent (2%) in the improved gross leasable floor areas of commercial buildings in either residential or commercial planned unit developments [5] An increase by greater than one percent (1%) in the approved residential density of the proposed development (c) Any changes other than listed above may be made only by the Planning and Zoning Board, and must follow the same review and public hearing process required for approval of preliminary plans Any changes approved in the final plan shall be recorded as amendments to the final plan in accordance with the procedures established for the filing of the initially approved plan documents (d) This provision shall not prohibit the Planning Director from requesting a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Board G Content of Development Submittals For each stage of the review process, the following information and data shall be submitted unless the Planning Director deter- mines that the information is unnecessary for the proper evalua- tion of the development (1) Concept Plan Submittal The following information and data is require -43- (a) Data regarding site conditions, land characteristics, available community facilities and utilities, and other related general information about uses of land within one-half mile of the subject parcel of land (b) Sketch drawing showing the proposed location of the uses of land, major streets, and other features (2) Master Plan Submittal The following information and data is require (a) A master plan shall be submitted containing the follow- ing information [1] Parcel size [2] Existing topographical character of the land at a contour appropriate with the scale of the project, all water courses, floodplains, unique natural features, significant wildlife areas, and, vegeta- tive cover, including all trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than two and one-half inches by species [3] Existing zoning [4] Maximum height of all structures [5] Approximate acreage and density (both gross and net) of each area, number, height and type of residential units, and, floor area, height and types of business, commercial and industrial uses [6] Location and general nature of each land use [7] Total land area, and approximate location and amount of open space included in the residential , business, commercial, and industrial areas [8] Conceptual drainage plan [9] Approximate location of proposed and existing major streets and major pedestrian and bicycle routes, including major points of access [10] Approximate location and size in acres of any public use proposed such as parks, school sites, and similar public or semi-public uses -44- [11] Owner' s certification of acceptance of conditions and restrictions as set forth on the master plan [12] Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Board certifi- cation of approval of site plan (b) The Master Plan shall be accompanied by [1] A vicinity map of the area surrounding the site within a distance of at least one (1) mile showing at least the following [a] Zoning districts [b] Traffic circulation system [c] Major public facilities [d] Location of existing municipal boundary lines [2] At the same scale as the master plan, the area surrounding the site within one hundred fifty (150) feet showing, in appropriate detail, the follow- ing [a] Land uses, location of principal structures and major existing landscape features [b] Densities of residential uses [c] Traffic circulation system [d] Natural features of the landscape [e] General topographical mapping at same scale as master plan [3] The name and address of each owner of property in the master plan area [4] A list of the names and addresses of all ovners of record of real property within five hundred (500) feet of the property lines of the parcel of land for which the master plan is proposed, exclusive of public right-of-way [5] A statement of planning objectives, including -45- [a] Statement of appropriate City Land Use Poli- cies achieved by proposed master plan [b] Statement of standards of open space, buffer- ing landscaping and circulation [c] Estimate of number of employees for commercial and industrial uses [d] Description of rationale behind the assump- tions and choices made by the applicant, including the specific advantages the master plan offers as opposed to a preliminary plan or conventional subdivision [6] A legal description of the site [7] A statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas [8] A development phasing schedule including the sequence for each phase, approximate size in areas of each phase, and, proposed phasing of construc- tion of public improvements, recreation and common open space areas [9] Other documentation as determined by special circumstances (3) Preliminary Plan Submittal The following information and data is require (a) Written documents [1] Application forms and filing fee [2] Legal description of the site [3] A list of the names and addresses of all o%ners of record of real property within 500 feet of the property lines of the parcel of land for which the planned unit development is proposed, exclusive of public right-of- iay [4] A staterent of planning objectives, including [a] Statement of appropriate City Land Use Poli- cies achieved by proposed plan -46- [b] Statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas Applicants inten- tions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the planned unit development [c] Estirrate of number of employees for business, commercial and industrial uses [d] Description of rationale behind the assump- tions and choices made by the applicant [e] The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable criteria, the completed documents pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use The Planning Director may require, or the appli- cant may choose to submit evidence that is beyond what is required in that section Any variance from the criterion shall be described [f] Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated [g] Statement of design methods to reduce energy consumption including expected savings [5] A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the planned unit develop- ment, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be completed, including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space areas [6] Listing of specific land uses being proposed [7] Traffic impact analysis (b) Preliminary architectural elevations of all buildings sufficient to convey the basic architectural intent of the proposed improvements (c) Site plan a drawing of the development, at a scale of either one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet, or one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet, composed of one or more sheets with an outer dimension of trtienty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36) inches, showing the following information -47- [1] Title by which the proposed development is to be referred [2] Scale, north point and date of preparation [3] Location of municipal boundaries at or near the development [4] Parcel size in gross and net acres and square feet [5] Total number, type, and density per type of dwell- ing units [6] Total bedrooms per each 6ielling unit type [7] Residential density (gross & net) [8] Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size, with a breakdown by land use [9] Proposed coverage of buildings and structures, including the following [a] Percentage and square footage of building coverage [b] Percentage and square footage of driveway and parking [c] Percentage and square footage of public street right-of-way [d] Percentage and square footage of open space or landscaped area [e] Percentage and square footage of "active recreational use" area [10] Number and location of off-street parking, includ- ing guest, handicapped, bicycle, and motorcycle parking, including typical dimensions of each [11] Topographic contours at t% o-foot intervals [12] Watercourses, water bodies and irrigation ditches -48- [13] floodplain [14] Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs, having a diameter greater than two and one-half (2 112) inches by species [15] Tentative location, floor area and three-dimensional envelopes of existing and proposed buildings [16] Proposed lot lines and dimensions [17] Boundary and square footage of each area designated as active recreational use [18] Location and acreage of comnon open areas and all public and semi-public land uses, including public parks, recreation areas, school sites, and similar uses [19] Location of existing and proposed pedestrian circulation system, including its interrelation- ships with the vehicular circulation system indi- cating the proposed treatment of points of con- flict [20] Maximum building height of all structures [21] The existing and proposed circulation system of arterial, collector and local streets, including off street parking areas, service areas, loading zones, and major points of access to public rights-of-way, including major points of ingress and egress to the development Notations of proposed ownership, public or private, should be included where appropriate Width of rights-of-way and paved surface for each street shall be shown [22] Existing zoning [23] The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the planned unit development, including materials and techniques used, such as screens, fcnces, walls and other landscaping [24] Proposed signage [25] Area shown on the site plan shall extend beyond the -49- property lines of the proposal to include a survey of the area and uses within 150 feet of the propo- sal at the sane scale as the proposal and including the following [a] Land uses and location of principal struc- tures [b] Densities of residential uses [c] Existing trees and major features of landscape [d] Topographic contours at two-foot intervals [e] Traffic circulation system (d) Vicinity map of the area surrounding the site within a distance of at least one (1) mile showing [1] Zoning Districts [2] Location of existing municipal boundary lines [3] Traffic circulation systems [4] Major public facilities (schools, parks, etc ) (e) A general landscaping plan indicating the treatment of materials used for private and common open spaces, including all existing vegetation with identification of trees by sizes of species, and specific proposals to protect and preserve existing trees during and after construction The details of site and species for intended plannings of vegetation will be required at the final plan phase (f) The existing and proposed utility systems, including sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water, electric, gas and telephone lines, fire hydrants and trash collection areas (g) Street cross sections schematics snall be submitted for each general category of street, including the proposed width, treatment of curbs and gutters, sidewalk systems and bikegay systems (h) Physiog-aphic data, including the following -50- [1] A description of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping [2] A map sho�Ning all permanent and temporary streams and a sketch showing the 100-year floodplain for each period [3] A description of the hydrologic conditions of the site with analysis of water table fluctuation and a statement of site suitability for the intenoed construction and proposed landscaping ( i) Preliminary drainage report and calculations and/or plan, including [1] All watercourses on the property or which are located within 150 feet of the property must be shown In addition, the floodways and/or flood fringe areas of these watercourses must be delinea- ted [2] All drainageaays, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc , which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated [3] All irrigation ditches, laterals, and structures shall be shown [4] All required on-site detention areas, including notes indicating the approximate area and volume of the facility [5] All plans shall indicate the proposed outlet for the storm drainage from the property, including the name of the drainagexay (where appropriate), the downstream conditions (developed, available drain- ageways, etc ) , and any do mstream restrictions [6] Existing and/or proposed gracing plan (j) Location of temporary model homes, sales office, and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking lots (k) One rendered set (unfolded) each of architectural , site plan and landscape drawings -51- (1) 8" x 11" reduction of all plans and architectural drawings (m) Owner certification of acceptance of conditions and restrictions as set forth on the site plan (n) Impact studies and other studies as the Planning and Zoning Board may require for the full and complete con- sideration of the planned unit development (4) Final Plan Submittal The following information and data is required (a) Final site plan shall be submitted on 24" x 36" sheets at a scale 1" = 50 feet or 1" = 100 feet showing the following information [1] Land use data (same information as required on the preliminary site plan) [2] Lot lines, easements, public rights-of-way as per subdivision plat [3] Exact location of all buildings and structures and three-dimensional building envelopes dimensioned on at least two sides to a platted property line [4] Existing and proposed streets with names Designa- tion of street to be public or private Limits of those private accessways to be dedicated as public utility easements and/or as other types of easements [5] Owner certification of acceptance of conditions and restrictions as set forth on the site plan [6] Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Board certifi- cation of approval of the site plan (b) Final landscape plan, including the following [1] A landscape plan indicating the treatment of exterior spaces The design objective of the plan must be clear and supported by a written statement The plan must provide an ample quantity and variety of ornamental plant species which are regarded as suitable for this climate Landscape treatment must be balanced with both evergreen and deciduous plant material with sufficient use of upright -52- species for vertical control Plant material selection will be reviewed for adaptability to physical conditions indicated by site plan loca- tions The landscape plan shall include the follo%nng [a] Extent and location of all plant materials and other landscape features Plant material must be identified by direct labeling on the plant or by a clearly understandable legend [b] Flower and shrub bed definition must be clear and drawn to scale with dimensions [c] Proposed plant material should be indicated at mature sizes and in appropriate relation to scale [d] Species and size of existing plant materials [e] Proposed treatment of all ground surfaces must be clearly indicated (paving, turf, gravel, grading, etc ) [f] Location of water outlets If areas of planting are extensive, plans for an under- ground sprinkler system will be required [g] Plant material schedule with common and botanical names, sizes, quantities, and method of transplant Plants must be sized according to the following table Type Size Standard deciduous trees 1-3/4" to 2" caliper Small ornamental & flower- ing trees 1-1/2" to 1-3/4" caliper Evergreen trees 5' to 6' in height Shrubs Adequate size to be con- sistent with design intent [h] Security lighting [2] All plant material must meet specifications of the American Association of Nurserymen (AAN) for number one grade All trees must be balled and burlaped, or equivalent -53- [31 No building permit shall be issued for construction of any building on any portion of a planned unit development until the landscaping required by the final landscape plan is in place or a bond, cash deposit, or equivalent, is deposited with the City conditioned on and guaranteeing the installation of all landscaping shown on the approved landscape plan Such bond, cash deposit, or equivalent, shall be in the amount of 125% of the estimated cost of the landscaping improvements determined by an executed contract to install such landscaping or by adequate appraisals of such cost Such bond, cash deposit, or equivalent, shall further guaran- tee the continued maintenance and replacement of the landscaping for a period of two (2) years after installation, but the amount of the same shall be reduced after installation is completed to twenty- five percent (25%) of the actual cost of such landscaping If the required landscaping is already installed prior to application for a building permit, a bond in the amount of twenty- five percent (25%) of the actual cost of the landscaping guaranteeing continued maintenance and replacement of the same for a period of two (2) years shall be required as a condition of issuance of the building permit Any bond, cash deposit, or equivalent, deposited pursuant to this requirement shall be released upon certification by the Build- ing Inspector that the required landscaping program has been completed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the bond If any land- scaping required pursuant to this section is not maintained in accordance with the requirements of the final plan, such failure to maintain the landscaping shall be a violation of this chapter and enforceable as provided by law (c) Subdivision plat An official subdivision plat of the site must accompany the final planned unit development plan This plat must conform to the subdivision re- quirements of the City, except as % aived by the approved preliminary plan for the planned unit development The subdivision shall contain proper dedications for public streets, utility easements, and all other public rights required by the preliminary plan Approval by the Planning and Zoning Board of the final plan and subdivi- sion plat shall be required before filing of the subdi- vision plat or issuance of building permits -54- (d) Final utility plans Final detailed engineering for sewer, water, electrical , street improvements and other public improvements must be submitted to and approved by the City, and the developer shall execute an agreement in proper form providing for the installation of such improvements prior to submission of the final plan to the Planning and Zoning Board (e) 8" x 11" reduction of all site plans and plans (f) Other information and data as the Planning and Zoning Board may require for full and complete consideration of the development H Effective Period of a Planned Unit Development Plan The development shall be constructed in a timely manner The development shall be subject to revocation under the following conditions (1) Time limit for action upon a master plan There is no time limit for action on a master plan (2) Time limit for action upon a preliminary plan Within a maximum of twelve (12) months following the approval of a preliminary plat, the application shall proceed by filing with the Planning Division a final plan in detailed form covering all or a part of the development Upon application and for good cause, the Planning Director may extend the period for filing a final plan for successive six-month periods If no final plan is filed within such time, the right to proceed under the preliminary plan shall expire (3) Time limit for validity of the final plan The applicant must begin and substantially complete the development of an approved final plan within two (2) years from the time of final approval Extensions for successive periods of six (6) months may be granted by the Planning Director If the final plan is to be developed in phases, the approved plan shall contain a development schedule and the applicant must begin and substantially complete the development of eacn stage within two (2) years of the time provided for the start of construction of each stage in the development schedule Extensions may be granted by the Planning Director on the same basis as for nonptiased developments Failure to develop within the specified time limit shall cause a forfeiture of the right to proceed under the final plan and require resub- mission of all materials and reapproval of the same -55- I Project Phasing (1) Preliminary plans If a project is to be developed in phases, a master plan for the entire development site must be approved and a preliminary plan must be concurrently submitted for Phase I Subsequent applications may be made for the next phase of the approved master plan, provided such phase is consistent with the approved master plan and the provisions of this section (2) Final plans Final plans for a preliminary planned unit development may be submitted in phases The final plan shall conform substantially to the preliminary plan of planned unit development as approved J Special Conditions for Developments All developments shall meet the requirements herein set forth and no final plan shall be approved that does not meet these require- ments (1) The developer shall submit a legal instrument setting forth a plan providing for the permanent care and maintenance of open spaces, recreational areas and communally owned facilities and parking lots The same shall be submitted to the City Attorney and shall not be accepted until approved as to legal form and effect If the common open space is deeded to a homeowners' association, the applicant shall file the pro- posed documents governing the association Such documents shall meet the following requirements (a) The homeowners' association must be established before any residences are sold (b) Membership in the association must be mandatory for each residence owner (c) Open space restrictions must be permanent and not for a period of years (d) The honeo m ers' association must be made responsible for liability insurance, taxes and maintenance of recreational and other facilities (e) The association must have the power to levy assessments which can become a lien on individual premises for the purpose of paying the cost of operating and maintaining common facilities -J6- (f) The governing board of any such association shall consist of at least five (5) members who shall be owners of property in the planned unit development (2) Open space maintenance guarantee In the event the organiza- tion established to own and maintain common open spaces, recreational areas, communally owned facilities and private streets, or any successor organization, shall at any time fail to maintain the common facilities in reasonable order and condition in accordance with the approved plan, the City Council may cause written notice to be served upon such organization or upon the o m ers of property in the develop- ment setting forth the manner in which the common facilities have failed to be maintained in reasonable condition, which notice shall include the demand that the deficiencies noted be cured within thirty (30) days thereafter and shall state the date and place of a hearing to be held within fourteen (14) days of the notice At the time of hearing, the City Council may modify the terms of the original notice as to deficiencies and may extend the time within which the same may be cured If the deficiencies set forth in the original notice or modifications are not cured within the time set, the City Council , in order to preserve the taxable values of properties within the development and to prevent the common facilities from becoming a public nuisance, may enter upon such common facilities and maintain the same for a period of one (1) year Such entry and maintenance shall not vest in the public any right to use the common facilities not dedi- cated to public use Before expiration of such year, the City Council shall , upon its own initiative or upon the written request of the organization theretofore responsible for maintenance, call a public hearing and give notice of such hearing to the organization responsible for maintenance or the property owners of the planned unit development At such hearing, the organization responsible for maintenance and/or the residents of the development may shoo cause why maintenance by the City should not be continued for a suc- ceeding year If the City Council determines that it is not necessary for the City to continue such maintenance, the City shall cease such maintenance at the time established by the City Council Otherwise the City shall continue maintenance for the next succeeding year subject to a similar hearing and determination at the end of each year thereafter The cost of maintenance by the City shall be a lien against the common facilities of the planned unit development and the private prope-ties within the development The City Council shall have the right to make assessments against properties in the development on the sane basis that the organization respon- -57- sible for maintenance of the facilities could make such assessments Any unpdio assessment shall be a lien against the property responsible for the same, enforceable the sane as a mortgage against such property The City may further foreclose its lien on the common facility by certifying the same to the County Treasurer for collection as in the case of collection of general property taxes (3) Guarantees for open space preservation Open space shown on the approved final plan shall not be used for the construc- tion of any structures not shown on the final plan (4) Housing for Low-Income Families (a) To qualify for a residential density bonus, a project which includes dwelling units for low-income families shall be accompanied by covenant documents or other adequate documents to be recorded with the Office of the County Clerk, guaranteeing the use of those dwelling units for low-income families The documents shall not be accepted until approved by the City as to legal form and effect, providing that the use restriction be for at least twenty-fi,.e (25) years (b) The above requirement may be waived if the dwelling units for low-income families are being provided under a contract with a governmental housing authority which provides adequate assurance that the units will be made available to low-income families (c) No final plan shall be approved for any portion of a planned unit development, approved with a residential density bonus for providing dwelling units for low- income families, until the necessary legal documents have been submitted and approved (5) Off-Site Open Space (a) To qualify for a residential density bonus, a project which includes off-site open space shall convey such real property to the City in fee simple or be accompa- nied by other adequate documents to be recorded with the Office of the County Clerk, guaranteeing the perma- nent use of the property as open space The documents shall not be accepted until approved by the City as to legal form and effect (b) Property qudlifyrng as off-site open space shall be -58- • � J approved for adequacy by the City for its intenoed use (c) A residential density bonus for off-site open space areas snall not be denied solely on the basis of that area being devoted to water channels, water bodies, areas devoted to improved flood channels and areas encumbered by a flowage, floodway, or drainage easement (d) No final plan shall be approved for any portion of a planned unit development approved with a residential density bonus for providing off-site open space until the necessary legal documents have been submitted and approved (6) Neighborhood Public Facilities (a) To qualify for a residential bonus, a project which includes neighborhood public facilities beyond those otherwise required by the City, shall be accompanied by an agreement to be recorded with the Office of the County Clerk, guaranteeing the construction of those facilities in a timely manner acceptable to the City The documents shall not be accepted until approved by the City as to legal form and effect (b) The types of neighborhood public facilities that would qualify a project for a residential density bonus include, but are not limited to [1] Dedication of public park land, [2] Expansion of Transfort service, [3] Extension or augmentation to City utilities, including water, sewer, electricity, storm drain- age, pedestrian walks/bikeways/streets, and [4] Dedication of land for public use, including library, fire station, police station or other City facilities (c) Neighborhood public facilities qualifying for a resi- dential density oonus shall meet the following require- ments [1] Must be for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the project and/or surrounding neighborhood, and -59- [2] Must be approved by the City (d) No final plan shall be approved for any portion of a planned unit development, approved with a residential density bonus for providing neighborhood public facili- ties until the necessary legal documents have been submitted and approved K Variance Procedures The Planning and Zoning Board is empowered to grant variances to the provisions of this section under the follodnng circumstances (1) The applicant demonstrates that the plan as submitted is equal to or better than such plan incorporating the provision for which a variance is requested, or (2) The strict application of any provision would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties to, or exceptional and undue hardship upon, the owner of such property, provided that the variance may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without sub- stantially impairing the purpose of this section -5u- Section 2 That the Land Development Guidance System shall be reviewed by the City Council approximately one year after the effective date thereof and that the City Council shall thereafter make any changes to such System that it deems necessary and proper after reviewing recommenda- tions, if any, of the City Planning Staff, the City Planning and Zoning Board, and the public Introduced, considered favorably on first reading and ordered pub- lished this 17th day of February, A D 41981, and to Lesented for final passage on the 3rd day of March, A D iay.b:!' 9 1 P �ATTEST 'S7V City Clerk Passed and adopted on second reading this 3rd day of March , 1981 aT�yor ATTEST City Clerk