HomeMy WebLinkAbout079 - 06/02/1981 - ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE ORDINANCE NO 79 , 1981 OF THE COUNCIL OF TIIF CITY OF FORT COLLINS BEING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVEi%TION CODE, NMFLY, THE UNIFORM FIRL CODE PROiiULGATED BY ThE WESTFRN FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION AND THE IP' fEPNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUIIOING OFFICIALS, 1919 EDITION, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE, SAFETY AND PPOPERTY, ESTABLISHING A FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU, AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF THE FIRF DEPARTMENT TO MAKE AND ENFORCE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF FIRES AND FIRE HAZARDS, ESTABLIS9ING A BOARD OF APPEALS AND REPEALING AND RLENACTING CHAPTER 50 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF fORT COLLINS BE If ORDAINFD BY THI COUNCIL OF THE CIT" OF FOPT COLLINS Section 1 Adoption of the Uniform Fire Code, 1979 Edition Pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 7, Article II of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins and the taws of the State of Colorado, there is hereby adopted by the City of Fort Collins for the purpose of providing for the protection of the public health and satety from the hazards of fire and explosion, that certain Coae known as the Uniform Fire Code promulgated by the Western Fire Chief's Association and the lntcrna- tional Conference of Building Officials, being particularly the 1979 Edition thereof, and the wriole thereof, including Articles 1 throuyh 84, inclusive, and appendices, save and except as any portion of said Code or appendices is hereinafter deleted, modified or amended in Section 2 of this ordinance Furthermore, not less than thiee copies of said code and appendicies have been dna now are on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, and may be inspected at regular business hours or purchased at a price not to exceed $16 00 per copy, dnd the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling witn the limits of the City of Fort Collins Section 2 FmiendmentS and Additions to Code The following articles, sections, divisions, subsections, appendices or parts thereof of the Uniform Fire Code are hereby amended, except as noted, to read as follows Section 2 302 Board of Appeals In order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and type of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this Code there shell be and hereby is created a Board of Appeals to be knoin as the Fire Board of Appeals The members of the City of Fort Collins Building Board of Appeals, as appointed from time to time, shall consti- tute the Fire Board of Appeals The Fire Chief, or his designated representative, shall attend the meetings of such Board The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the Fire Chief, with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend to the executive body such new legisla- tion as is consistent tnereaith Section 2 303 Standards (B) Recognized Standards (ADDITION) NFPA Standards 101 Life Safety Code, 1981 Section 10 302 Mairitcnancc ( a) All sprinkler systems, fire hyorant systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguis`iers and other fire-protective or extinguish- ing systems or appliances shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times grid shall be replaceo or repaired where defective Fire-protective or extinguishing systems coverage, spacing and specifica- tions shall be maintained in accordance with recognized standards at all times and shall be extended, altered or augmented as necessary to maintain and continue protection whenever any builaing so equipped is al- tered, remodeled or added to All additions, repairs, alterations and servicing shall be made in accordance with recognized standards Inverting types of soda-acid and foam fire extin- guishers shall not be recharged or placed in service for fire protection use (b) The builaing o� ner shall be responsible for assuring that the fire and life-safety systems required by Sections 1807 and 1907 of the Uniform Building Code shall be maintained in an operable condition at all times Unless otherwise required by the Chief, semi- annual tests of such systems shall be conducted by qualified persons approved by the Chief A written -2- record shall be maintainr.d and be made. dvailable to the inspection authority Section 10 306 Fire Ertinquishers in Auto and Trailer Camps DEl ETE Section 10 307 Fire Alarm Systtin (c) Installation, inspection and indintenance of the fire alarm system shall be according to the stan- dards set forth in the Uniform Fire Code Standard No 10-2 and the Code of the City of Fort Collins Section 10 309 Automatic Sprinkler Systems (a) GEnc.r al Automatic spr inkler systems snalI be provided in accordance rtiith the provisions of this section for remodeling or Shen a change is made in the use of a building Which would place the building in a different division of thL sane group of occupdncy, or in a different group of occupancies or in the opinion of the Fire Marshdl and Chief Building Official , %,hen the new use is more hazardous based on life and fire risk than the existing use Section 11 101 Bonfires and Outdoor Rubbish Fires (a) Permit Required No person shall kindle or maintain any open fire other than for cooking purposes, without having obtained a permit from the Health Department in coriformance with Stdte laws This permit is required to be signed by the Chief or his authorized representative before any such fire is ignited Section 11 105 Types and Construction of Incinerators (c) Residental incinerators shall not be permit- ted Section 11 106 Location (a) ResidEntial incinerators shall not be permit- ted -3- Section 25 101 Permit DLI FfE Section 25 116 UsE of _Candles and Open Flames , Permits (a) DELETE Section 25 117 Detailed Requirements for Use of Cand cs (b) Candles used in connection with religious or ritualistic ceremonies 4 Candles Held in Hands Candles held in persons' hands are especially dangerous and such use is prohibited except in connection with religious or ritualistic cereronies And such use in connection with religious or ritualistic ceremonies shall tale into consideration the danger presented and such use shall only be permitted if adequate ushers or other attendants are present and if adequate fire extinguish- ers and other fire fighting materials are on hand and readily accessible Section 26 102 Permit Required DELETE Section 29 102 Permits DELETE Section 30 101 Permits DELETE Section 31 102 Permits DELETE -4- Section 32 101 Permits DELETE Section 45 202 Location of Spray Finishing Operations (b) In other occupancies, all spraying operations performed inside of a building shall be conducted in an approved spray booth or in spraying areas approved for such use EXCEPTION Small ,lobs no larger than 10 square feet may be painted outside the booth, if it is not a continuous operation and in compliance with the following conditions 1 The area must be a mrnnnuni of twenty (20) feet from any open tlame, such as a heat torch, pilot light, or any ignition sources 2 The area to be used is provided r ith riechdnical ventilation to the outside of the buildinq, in accorddnce with the Uniform ilechanical Code 3 All electrical wiring within the 20 ' area is maintained in proper and safe conaition in accor- dance with the National Electrical Code 4 "No Smoking" signs are posted in dccordance with the Uniform Fire Code, Section 45 103, within 20' of the area Section 63 101 Permits DELETE Section 75 108 Dispensing Areas (a) Dispensing of flammable cryogenic fluids, liquified oxygen or liquid oxidizers shall be only at approved locations (b) An adequate water line and hose shall be provided for cleaning and melting ice in the area -5- Section 75 202 Container pressure-Relief Deviccs (e) Outer containers shall be equipped with pressure-relief devices, vacuum-relief devices or rupture discs to adequately protect the container Section 75 206 Filling Limits A positive alarm or other approved device shall be provided to warn against overfilling Section 75 303 Location of Above Ground Containers with Respect to Exposure (c) 1 Containers and equipment used in the storage of liquid oxygen shall be in- stalled and maintained in accordance with Uniform Fire Code Standard No 75-1 2 Containers and equipment used in the storage of liquid hydrogen shall bE installed and raintained in accordance with Uniform Firc Cude Standard No 75-2 3 Containers and equipment used in the storage of other cryogenic gases shall be installed and maintained in accordance with nationally recognl7ed standards approved by the Chief or with specidl instructions of the Chief (e) A flanmable cryogenic fluid container with a capacity of 30,000 gallons or less shall be located in accordance with Uniform Fire Code Standard No 75-2 Section 75 501 Loading and Unloading Ared (d) Adequate water or steam lines shall be provided for use in thawing piping and equipment Section 76 102 permits DELETE -6- Section 77 106 General Requirements (b) The storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited within the City of Fort Collins, except in areas zoned I-G, General Industrial , except for temporary storage for use in connection with approved blasting operations, prodded, however, this prohibi- tion shall not apply to vMlesale and retail stocks of sriall arms ammunition, explosive bolts, explosive rivets or cartridyes for explosive-actuated porer tools in quantities involving less than 500 pounds of explo- sive material Section 79 103 Permits Required DELETE Section 79 J01 Restricted Locations and Fire Protec- tion - ( a) The storage of Classes 1 and II liquids in above ground tanks outside of buildings is prohibited within the lmits of the City of Fort Collins, except areas zoned for commercial or industrial use EXCEPTION Such storage may be allowed on construction sites for tfre fueling of construction equipment, provided a permit has been issued by the Building Department for the duration of the construction time only and said storage is in accordance with the Code of the City of Fort Collins Section 79 404 Design and Construction of Inside Storage and Hand inng Rooms ( i ) Where other portions of the building or properties are exposed windows shall be protected to an approved manner (j) Wood of at least 1 inch nominal thickness or approved metal is to be used for shelving , racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay and similar instal- lations -7- Section 79 703 Dispension Services (c) Location 1 Dispensing deices at automobile service stations shall be located at least twenty-five (25) feet from any adjoining street line (measured at the curb) and at least forty (40) feet from other property lin(s 2 Dispensing devices at automobile service stations shall be located not less than twenty (20) feet from any building which is not of fire-resistive construction Such dispensing devices shall also be located so that the nozzle, when hose is fully extended, shall not reach within five (5) feet of any building opening 3 All dispensing devices Shdll be protected against physical damage from vehicles by mounting on a concrete island a minimum of six (6) inches in height Alternate riethods of providing cquivdlent protec- tion may be permitted when approved by the Chief 4 The site of all automobile service stations shall be so graded that all orainage is away from any building on the site and adjoining buildings or into a private storm serer 5 Except for pump islands which are in direct line with each other, there shall be a minimum distance between pump islands of fifteen (15) feet Section 79 1001 Permits DELFTE Section 79 1101 Permits DELETE -II- Section 79 1104 Operation of Tank Vehicles ( h) Delivery to underground tanks of service stations shall be mane by means of mechanically tight connections between the hose ana the fill pipe Section 79 1201 Permits DELETE Section 19 1302 Permits DLLFTE Section 80 102 Permit Required ( a) A periait shall be required for the storage, transportation or handling of nore than 55 gallons of corrosive liquids, or more than 500 Founds of oxidizing materials, or more than 10 pounds of organic peroxides, or more than 500 pounds of nitromcthane, or 1000 pounus or more of a�r.nonium nitrate , ammonium nitrate fertili- zers and fertilizer mixtures covered in Section 80 106(d) of the Uniform Fire Code, or any amount of highly toxic materials, pyrophoric materials, hypergolic materials, cryogenic materials or poisonous gases (b) A peririt shall be required for the storage or handling at any installation of more than one in cro- curie of radium not contained in a sealed source, or more than one millicurie of radium or other radioactive mterial in a sealed source or sources, or any amount of radioactive material for which a specific license from the United States Energy Resource ana Development Administration, State Health Department or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is required Section 81 111 Rack Storage For provisions and requirements pertaining to rack storage refer to Uniform Fire Code Standard No &1-1 Section 82 102 Permits and Reports of Installations DELETE -9- Section 82 107 Prohibited Use of Liquefied Petroleum GdS (a) Liquefied petroleum gas shall not be used for the purpose of operating any device or equipment unless such equipment or device is approved for use with a liquefied petroleuli gas EXCEPTION Automotive equipment Section 83 101 Permits DELETE Section 83 104 Match Bins Required Where shipping containers containiny matches are opened, the contents of such broken containers shall be removed and stored in metal or metal-lined bins equip- ped with self-closiny 6letdl or metal- lined covers This provision shall not apply to safety matches Section 83 105 Storage b3 Retailers Where matches are sold at retail , original sealed packages may be stored on the shelves When such packages are broken, individual boxes shall be stored in metal or metal-lined bins as described in Section 83 104 Tnrs provision shall not apply to safety matches Appendix D Standards and Publications Representing NdtlOrially Recognized Good Practice DFLETE Appendix J Model Ordinance DELETE Section 3 Violations and Penalties Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Code, or who shall fail to comply with any of said provisions, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any orders made hereunder, or who shall act in any oay in violation of any permits issued hereunder shall severally and for -10- each and every violation in noncompliance respectively, be quilty of a nsdr,rmeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $300 or by imprisonment rot to exceed 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, as provided in the Code of the City of For t Collins The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue, and all persons shall be required to correct or remedy the violations or defects witnin a reasonable time, and when not otherwise specified, each ten days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense The application of any penalty pursuant hereto shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions nor the suspension or removal of a permit or license issued hereunder Section 4 Appeals Whenever the Chief shall disapprove any application made pursuant to this Code or refuse to grant a periait applied for hereunder , or when it is claimed that the provisions of this Code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of this Code have been misconstrued or wrongly inter- preted, or when any person requests a variance from the literal terms of this Code, the applicant or person affected may appeal the decision of the Chief to the Board of Appeals established pursuant to Section 2 302 of this Code Such Board shall have the poat-r to vary or modify any requirement made by the Chief hereunder , provided that an appeal to the Board is made within thirty (30) days of the date of the actioi complained of Witnin fifteen (15) days after the date of final action of the Boaro of Appeals, either the Chief or the person affected may appeal to the City Council by filinq a notice of such appeal with the City Clerk Section 5 Severability The City Council hereby declares that shoula any section, paragraph, sentence, word or other portion of this ordinance or the Code hereby adopted be declared invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect any other portion of this ordinance or said Codc., and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed all other portions of this ordinance and adopted all other portions of said Code, independent of the elimination herefrom of any such portion which nay be declared invalid Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered pub- lished this 19th day of May, A 0 1981, and to be presented for final passage on the 2nd day of June, A 0 1981 6 Mayor -- - ATTEST City C1e1 -11- Passed and adopted on final reading this 2nd day of June, A D 19181 riayo ATTEST r Lity C erk `� -12-